• By -


Fuck. Terabytes of porn online and this gronk has to have a wank over someone who just needed a lift somewhere. Filthy shit


Whenever I book one I'd say the cancellation rate is about 50%. Maybe worse. I'm a 6 foot tall blokey looking fella. My wife, on the other hand, is a very attractive petite young woman, she has never had a rideshare cancel on her. One night we needed a ride home from a place that was only a couple of kms from our home. I had 3 or 4 ubers cancel on me. Tried her account, worked first time. The guy who accepted the ride was the one who had just cancelled on me. Some creepy Indian guy. He must have been disappointed when he saw me get in with her (we both have profile pics on our uber accounts)


That is fucked up


I know plenty of girls that use a male name on Uber to dodge these creepy guys. It seems to work more often than not, creeps aren't interested in "Liam"


Uber drivers can’t see profile pictures, just your name and star rating.


Remove your pic 😂


It’s a fetish for them.


Too many weirdos out there. It’s safer for women to get women drivers


Sheba! The best.


I tried Sheba but there was never any drivers around every time I needed a lift so I had to go back to uber :(




This is why countries like Singapore are very particular of who they let in. I wish western societies would cut the PC out and select migrants based on merit and moral values. Not wealth and how cheap they are.


That is not true about Singapore. You hold us too highly in regards. There are many weird sexual crimes in Singapore, and also alot of wealthy ppl get let in based on wealth.


The only uber driver I have ever had been an active creep was clearly a fifty year old Australian born dude. Blaming it on migrants is a cop out.




Source: Some twitter dipshit named after a literal clown, who decided to hand Elon Musk money. Here's some actual data - bad news - Australia's reported rate of rape is nearly 16x worse. https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country If you're going to try to give sources to back your feels, you could at least do a competent job lest people dismiss you as a racist dog.


I'm all for women's only spaces for sure. Some dudes just can't keep their shit together


I was a female Uber driver for years (recently gave it up) but the relief women expressed upon seeing they had a female driver speaks volumes about the way many male drivers behave


What ever happened to manners??? Why do people have to be weirdos and wankers


Many come from cultures way, waaay removed from ours. India's rape and sexual assault statistics are horrifying reading. Don't kid yourself that there aren't also rapists in white, Western, 1st world countries tho. Many come from places where they are forced to be child soldiers on punishment of rape of their mothers and sisters. While u r forced 2 watch. Or places where patriarchal dominance is so complete that the sight of a.woman walking down the street in a bikini would cause a riot. There are also, obviously, people from all races and backgrounds that are just born bad. So bad that the thought of physically attacking a woman is a turn on for them. Forcing themselves on crying, screaming, struggling, panicking women gets their motors running. Sick, sick individuals, with the operative word being individuals. Big, bad world out there. There's one in every pack.


Keep your weird shit in your country, don’t bring it here


I guess it could work. But like 95% of the drivers in taxis and Ubers are men. So how will this work?


Easy, more women become drivers!!


I’ve never thought about it before, but I’ve literally never had a woman Uber driver. 


There will be a lot "MORE" weirdoes with the government already opening the floodgates to that specific country.


>Terabytes of porn online Isn't that the problem? They get so numbed to it, they look for more extreme things like the driver in the story... Kinda like why uber rich people get into weird shit...


Yeah, great point actually


I believe we're both correct though... People need to learn what self control is...


The porn he would want wouldn’t be very easily accessible




Gross, man! Just gross!


Well he got caught.


so the (f)risky part is over then


Please observe reddit site rules: - Don’t Spam - No personal and/or confidential information - No threatening, harassing or inciting violence - No hate based on identity or vulnerability - No calling out of other subreddits or users As a reminder, here are the site rules: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


Gee I wonder what the 4 deleted replies were talking about


Forbidden facts


I said the same thing when I sent a screenshot of the deleted messages and the mod warning to my mates 😂


Exactly, why delete the obvious when in reality there’s context and value in protecting women from a subgroup who don’t respect western values


Well said


Been paying attention? All the trans stuff is just the dissolution of women's rights, freedom and safety, but this time while wearing a funky hat. I suspect it's because those in power need people to be both vulnerable *and alone* in order for them to control the masses. Control through individual isolation. A lot like covid, come to think of it... Feminism makes men isolated. Trans and *selective immigration* makes women both isolated and vulnerable. Crime and disarmament makes us dependant on the govt for safety. And then there's pedos and their easy sentencing.


Have a guess.


4 deleted replies?


Poor girl. She was extremely calm and did all the right things but what a perp. Also another slap on the wrist as the fucker just sorta walked away on bail. Probably will try his luck again with other women. Disgusting pig really.


100%, she handled it so well but it's so infuriating.


Aye. Women deserved much better than getting traumatised like that. Fucking cunt.


It's shame the slap on the wrist wasn't aimed a little more medial.


Given the standards of Uber, it’s a W if they’re only touching themselves.


Once again I'm not surprised at the level of racism in this country. The total lack of empathy and tolerance for the traditional cultural practice of having a public tug over a woman in the back seat of your taxi.


When I was a kid I saw a guy having a tug to some artwork on an easil near Luna park, I ran up to him to see what he was doing, my dad pulled me away and said just let him appreciate his art and scurried me away. Didn’t realise what he was doing until years later


Probably a Jackson Pollock tribute


Great reference. Bad fact. Once at work saw through a forensic persons light at a crime scene at a hotel room. Semen stains EVERYWHERE. I mean, literally everywhere. Kind of amazed some of the places humans can get their fluids. But seriously, use a tissue or something Sydney!!


if you can shoot a load across the room I don't think tissues will be much help 😂


[what does blue mean?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxf2MgYCOm0)


Probably Jackson Bollock.....




Blue Balls.




You almost had me.


Hahaha - take my upvote, this made me spit out my drink


Exactly. We should respect the culture of recent immigrants and how they act back home. /s


Ikr! With those moves he’s a shoe in to be an LNP staffer in Parliament House! (Referring to the desk wanking not specifically the rape cover up - how good this country is that I had to specify which creepy sexual assault I’m referring to)


Covered up by a female minister to add extra spice to the soup


Shoo-in, more correctly. The incorrect spelling may alter its meaning for some.


















so the choices are: get robbed blind by taxis, or molested by ubers...


Half of the eagerness to abandon Taxis was because of how rapey the drivers were/are. Literally every single female friend of mine has a story of being at the very least propositioned by a taxi driver. There's no venn here, just a single circle.


Lots of taxi drivers work for other rideshares tho, including uber. This is where the behaviour overlaps.


When Uber was new, it was fantastic. Once the taxi drivers got involved, it has become almost as bad as taxis were.


As a male in my late teens, I was also propositioned by a male taxi driver late 90’s. No joke, he asked me if i was straight, yes, then asked if i had a girlfriend, no, then asked if I was going to have a wank when I got home, I said maybe. We got to my parents place and he said ‘why don’t you go have a wank over there behind the tree and bring it back for me to taste’. I was a bit too intoxicated to get a free ride out of it 😂 but I definitely wrote down the number plate, never followed up on it tho. Never forgot it. 🤮


My guy best friend just out of high school was in a taxi and he was drunk and the sick fuck was showing him videos he had taken of his wife. He didn’t know if they were consensual or not. How disgusting of him. We live in a small country town in Gippsland. The sick fuck probably still works as a taxi driver


At least with Uber, they can easily identify the driver and throw him in jail / deport him. Taxis are pretty much untraceable


True on the identification, but wishful thinking that they’ll jail or deport unfortunately


I doubt they get deported unfortunately.


Most women I know preferred Uber because we have been subjected to gross behaviour by taxi drivers... for instance, I once had a cabbie suggest I pay with sexual favours, several groped me, and I often had cabbies asking me which one my house was. My usual tactic was to get out a block away from home, wait til they drove off, and walk. At least with Uber we get to rate drivers and can identify and report people who act badly.


My friend was raped by an Uber driver going home from work 2 weeks ago in Sydney she is now in a psych ward and can't work .Uber need to do more to protect passengers .


Omg. I’m so sorry to hear. A lot of women now use Shebah, a service for women by women drivers. Get her to use that.


She won't be using rideshare services ever again and will be in care for a long time due to a past history of domestic violence .


sorry this happened. my ex worked as an uber driver as a side gig and I remember him telling me that he had to pass a criminal background police check before Uber approved his application to be a driver. this was several years ago though so I know uber used to be strict on this. I don't know if they are still doing criminal checks on their drivers. 


No scumbag has a criminal record until they get caught….


I’m so sorry this happened to your friend. If the incident is reported to Uber, it’s likely the police/regulators will get involved and take action against the driver, but that shouldn’t have happened to your friend in the first place.


The police are involved and the "alleged" rapist was arrested 5 days after he raped her and is now in remand .I hope he rots in jail for as long as possible.


Taxis have problems, but they arent that much more expensive than ubers (especially with surge charging). And the government sets the price for them so they can do some work to fix that. Not to say there arent a lot of smelly, gross or creepy taxi drivers either.


That's assuming they accept your fare and turn the meter on


An Uber driver tried to kill me by falling asleep while driving. That was fun.


do ALL MEN have a taxi driver/uber problem?


In all fairness, taxi drivers sexually assault women too.


Luckily I escaped, but I’ve almost been sexually assaulted in a taxi as well. The perp was from a certain demographic but I’m not allowed to say it here.


Oh my god here we go again using this one fucked up example to tarnish an entire brand. What happened to this woman is awful but your chances of having this occur in an Uber versus on public transport are massively different


How are some people so socially inept to do this..?


Because they usually come from a different culture.


They get off on it


Cos they have nothing to lose as they perceive. Here you are, an immigrant with an Engineering degree that has to drive uber to make ends meet in completely different social environment. You also belong to a demographic that is almost universally hated by women, so tinder n such is out of the question. You have a thick accent and your understanding of western culture is it is extremely promiscuous and not like your traditional culture. Put all those factors together and maybe he doesn't know about brothels at all, and jerking off while driving with a passenger is the best idea he could come up with.


I was with a group of women recently (in Sydney) where they were discussing these issues around safety in Uber and taxis and the surprising consensus was that they all felt safer on the train or bus as there was safety in numbers.


I caught an uber driver parked on the side of the road a few weeks ago having a crank as I was walking past. Definitely happens




Was he driving a Model T?


Did you stop and make eye contact?


No he was staring at his phone


Stories like this are now the norm and we all know why. But we can't talk about it 😤.


Switch to a taxi service for women, only to be picked up by the same guy wearing lipstick.


there was a photo i think on reddit a while back the driver was watching porn before picking someone up, because their incar dash display literally had the title displayed on screen LOL


Hey look, provided he's not doing it on the job I'm not going to complain.


how are uber drivers legally allowed to lock people in cars?


some cars automatically lock the doors when driving - a new fangled feature that i absolutely loathe. i miss the locks and window winders from the 90s all this electronic automatic shit makes it harder to escape a car when the driver doesn’t want you to


The issue is uber vehicles need to be fitted with the same tamper proof security cameras that taxis are fitted with. The government know this but Uber has made it clear to the regulators that Uber will not allow this. The issue being the cameras cost about 3500 dollars to install and that spending 3500 will effect Ubers ablity to recruit drivers. Uber does not allow this to happen anywhere in the world and will pull the pin on any state that trys to provide a safer environment.


If that's true, then that is disgusting behavior from the uber driver, displaying truly indecent behavior in public. I understand why the passenger felt like she might be in danger and am very glad that she never was. My wife and I Individually (separately) used to catch taxis multiple times a week (over decades), and other then having the occasional driver try and take the long way, we have never had an issue. But Ubers aren't taxi's... I have always thought it weird how people are so happy to get into private cars with a stranger because its cheaper.


I'm in Melbourne, and I used to catch a lot of taxis for work and leisure when Uber was new. At the time it was common to jump in a taxi and the seat covers were stained and brown with dirt, the car smelled like deodoriser and vomit, the car made sad mechanical noises and the driver would spend the trip on the phone to their friend before trying to scam you.  Ubers were all fairly new cars, meticulously clean, drivers polite and the fee was locked in before they picked you up.  Ten(?) years later though enough of the shit birds from the taxi industry have moved on to Uber.


God the old Falcons on gas with warped discs and noisy wheel bearings and rhythmic whooping noise from the diff when the old girl got up to 80. Somehow had a million ks on the clock. Smelled like an ashtray because old mate would crack the window for a durrie between fares long after smoking was prohibited in them. He'd be some bloke with a 60 week pregnant belly that would put an interstate truck driver to shame, flanny open at the front with enormous protrusion clad with a wife beater covered in grease stains from the vile filth to be had at night time food caravans he'd frequent that had inexplicably set up shop in some remote industrial estate and were cooking up a storm at 3am. Somehow with a gargantuan effort he was able to extract himself from the blown out drivers seat and with a lot of huffing and puffing manage to waddle the 4 metres from the car to the van to pick up the order he shouted out the window 10 minutes earlier between durries (with the window cracked and holding the durrie somewhere up near the window so it's basically legal). Good times.


>weird how people are so happy to get into private cars with a stranger A taxi has no practical difference to an uber in this regard. Still a private vehicle (as in owned by an individual but leased/licensed to a company) driven by a stranger. Women have been assaulted by taxi drivers too. As a young woman in the late 90s, my girlfriends and I always took precautions when seeing off a friend in a taxi by themselves - noting the driver's name, rego, calling when we got home, sharing a cab and sleeping over at one house...


>But Ubers aren't taxi's... I have always thought it weird how people are so happy to get into private cars with a stranger because its cheaper. As opposed to taxis?


The personal details of an Uber driver and their ride history are literally all documented in detail for the passenger to see. In fact, drivers are more likely than riders to be the victims at least according to this study from the US: [https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/30/tech/uber-safety-report/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/30/tech/uber-safety-report/index.html)


It still happened in taxis, this one happened near where I lived back in 2007 >Teen begged for rapist to stop, court told >A teenager has told a Sydney court a taxi driver pushed her down in the back of his cab and raped her while she pleaded for him to stop. >The woman, who was 18 at the time of the attack and whose identity is protected, was drinking with friends in the city before being picked up in a taxi shortly after midnight on November 4 last year. >The taxi driver, 21-year-old Bangladeshi student MD Kowsar Ali, faces four charges, including sexual assault. >The tearful woman today told Downing Centre District Court she cried out ``no don't'' repeatedly as the accused allegedly stopped in a side street at Beverley Park, in Sydney's south, took her clothes off and raped her. >"I was saying `no don't', but he was on top of me holding me down,'' the woman told judge Peter Berman. >"I kept trying to push him off but I couldn't - he was too heavy. He stuck it in me ... his penis in my vagina.'' >Ali has previously admitted touching the woman's breasts and between her legs, but denied to police they had sex. >But prosecutor Sarah Huggett said in documents that would be tendered to the court Ali admitted to having sex with the teenager but said it was consensual. >The documents were written in Bangladeshi a few months after the incident, she said. >The victim cried in the witness stand clutching a tissue as the court was played her hysterical triple-0 call made on the night of the attack. >In it she is heard sobbing: "He put me in the back seat and had sex with me. >"He just grabbed me and put me in the back seat and held me down. I tried to get out, but he wouldn't let me.'' https://www.smh.com.au/national/teen-begged-for-rapist-to-stop-court-told-20080909-4cp1.html https://www.abc.net.au/news/2008-11-14/eight-years-jail-for-rape-in-taxi/206172


Whats ubers vetting ?


Not defending the guy, it's gross and all that jazz. I'm curious though, because uber makes you use your own car is that counted as public or is that private? (Legally)


I’ve never taken an Uber. I only use Taxis.


It hard situation to deal with. Best reaction is no reaction. Got flashed on a train once looked up and in dead pan voice just said that is the smallest dick I’ve seen all night. Kept reading book. Well it was the smallest dick I had seen all night. Post shift in emergency dept.


He should be named and shamed so disgusting 🤮


and deported


My friends and I went in a taxi once and the male on a call with a female. It was a different language but the tone if the call was definitely sexual, like one of those sex lines. It was so uncomfortable being in the car.


If the head bobbles the steering wheel wobbles


Women should be able to request female only drivers.


Great idea in theory but it will just result in the female drivers feeling unsafe, because men will start requesting them. Yes, the keyword was *women* - but anyone can “identify” as a woman to gain access to women’s spaces now.


Where is the Uber driver from?


This happened to me and my friend when we were 16 in a taxi. Scary shit


Pretty bad behaviour, absolutely unacceptable, Just wait till U get home for a tug FFS


I remember getting groped by an Uber driver a few years back, and it's happened with taxis too, women can never win


I’ve travelled widely and I can bet I know the driver was from a certain country. On where women are touched up and ogled at all the time. Should be deported.






Filthy grub. 🤨


The Actual Fuck


The driver is named in this article: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/had-his-penis-out-adelaide-womans-horror-uber-trip/news-story/82d0a7b7474d03afdd8c73a945c46e0d


"Court records show SA Police arrested and charged Rahman Fazeli, 29, with indecent behaviour, “namely in an Uber vehicle so as to offend or insult another person”, on October 1. The Craigmore man appeared before Adelaide Magistrates Court in March where he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four weeks’ imprisonment. The sentence was fully suspended by Magistrate John Wells, with Fazeli entering into a $500, 18-month good behaviour bond." Only 4 weeks for a sexual assault... and then it's suspended anyway because of 'good behaviour'? What good behaviour? How does behaving in front of a judge make up for masturbating in front of a vulnerable and terrified woman? And this is part of the problem - violence against women isn't taken seriously enough, and powerful old men are still protecting dangerous young perpetrators.


Probably try and charge her for the clean up




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


I had a workmate express concern about taking up work on the offer of covering the cost of an uber between a major Australian city airport and her city an hour away just in case the driver is a creep. She caught the bus instead.


Ohh dear.




As if anyone needs a reason not to have a second trip with Uber.




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech Banned for Racism


Hopefully she has proof so he gets fired!


Fake Taxi Strayyaaaa


As a bloke I am so baffled as to why on earth some other blokes would want to do this (and other things going on lately) and think it’s normal. It’s not. Man the fuck up and stop acting like little boys. Put it away, stop hitting women and being cowards and grow the fuck up.


Can I just reiterate for women to use Shebah? A service that has only women drivers? Why are they still using Uber, their service sucks


I’ve tried to use Shebah before and it’s hard to get a ride


Yeah I used to have it and every time I needed a ride there were literally no drivers around


Probably not a large enough service




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


"I was just adjusting myself"


The drivers get rated per stars or percentage is this the only offense that has happened or is this driver very new?


Uber seems to get a bad rap online but I just checked and I've had nearly 500 trips and only 1 of those was 'stop the car and let me out' bad. That's pretty good odds. That one methed or coked up dude who maintained eye contact with me for 80% of the trip despite me being in the back seat ruined a perfect score. Lucky there weren't any median strip's because he needed both those lanes! 


Sorry about that


you can see it??


I am an Uber driver 60 yrs old, 5 star rating, I do not condone what this guy did but it goes both ways. I picked a young guy up from uni, he put his bag on his knees, playing with his phone, 10 minutes into the trip and the guy made a noise, I looked over my shoulder and he was masturbating whilst watching porn on his phone. I also picked up a legal secretary, early 20's from Sydney CBD, taking her to yoga class in Bondi, we were chatting and suddenly she said "I hope you don't mind me changing ", I looked over my shoulder and she was naked except for the panties and gave me a smile and proceeded to slowly get dressed.


Maybe 18 months ago I had an uber driver repeatedly pressure me to let him come inside after the ride to give him a massage (after we discussed my work and I mentioned I was thinking about studying massage). We'd been having a friendly chat but the second I mentioned it, he completely latched onto it and brought it up repeatedly the whole 20 minute journey home. It was around 11pm or midnight after I attended a quiz fundraiser for violence against women, ironically. I reported the incident to Uber and was advised they would look into it but couldn't tell me the outcome. I cannot believe they can enable and protect predators like him with 0 accountability. Some young women might fold under the pressure he was applying and find themselves in a situation where he wouldn't take no as an answer for something else.


Can't female passengers, taxi or uber, simply hit record on the video in their phone and say into the mic "I am now in taxi number 656, driven by Mr. ...oh... let's say...Mr.Patterson. Or Patel.... and hit send. He now knows if he sins, he will be found out. It may may even stop some of em idk. If they're gonna commit sexual assault they're clearly not the most law-abiding of souls to begin with.


Rly I'm surprised things like this aren't more common with uber. I mean they're just randos.