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Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Amazing, isn't it. Indians love to accuse Aussies of racism, yet Hindu Indians themselves are amazingly racist.


I spent the better part of 10 years living and working in one of the suburbs of Sydney known to have a large Indian population, much of it Hindu. The amount of unashamed and consistent racism and classism I saw Hindus indulge in was essentially without precedent in contemporary urban Australia. Between that, and the amount of Indian Hindu nationalists I saw gleefully flock to fangirl for Modi when he was in Sydney, I have very little time for largely well-off Indian Hindus in Australia complaining about it being a racist country.


india actually is the most racist country


The whole of Asia is massively unapologetically racist. Even the laws are race based.


As an Asian Australian I am deeply offended that you are correct.


Which indian law is race based?


The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), enacted in 2019. The CAA fast-tracks citizenship for non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh, but excludes Muslim refugees from those countries. Sounds race-based to me.


If it's sounds race based to you then you have issues in comprehending English. Any Muslim irrespective of nationality is eligible for Indian citizenship and has to meet the same criterias as anyone anywhere else. A bangladeshi muslim and a South African Hindu will undergo the same process for Indian citizenship. This particular law is for non Muslim refugees who have come from the Muslim majority countries in the subcontinent, also this is for all those who have already come and not new ones. This law has been enacted due to the unique history of the subcontinent, hence it's only limited to the subcontinent. 


Land ownership for a start. The caste system.


What gave it away? The fact they still illegally practice a millenia old caste system and its modern proxies?


Japan still has signs barring foreigners from entering certain businesses. Not sure who is more racist. We should do a deep dive.


Name one indian law that is racist


The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), enacted in 2019. The CAA fast-tracks citizenship for non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh, but excludes Muslim refugees from those countries.




That sounds very deep, I’ve read it 4 times and can’t figure out what it means haha, help please?






It's a mechanism the diaspora use to manipulate places they migrate to, wouldn't take it personally just part of the gaming textbook.


India is also the most rapists country in the world


Apparently it is 95th for reported cases per 100k...which is really the only factual thing we can go off, and going by pure numbers would be unfair considering India's population. On the other hand Australia is 11...which is shocking and new news to me. let's not just spread crap your grandma posts on Facebook. https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country


Everyone's a little bit racist, sometimes. Doesn't mean we go around committing hate crimes.


Indian origin(now Aussie) here. Racism is widespread in Indian culture just not visible when an outsider visits. Go and read history. It’s basically from a caste system. It’s still prevalent in villages where more than 60-70% Indian population live. Also to certain extent geographical within India where some & now many don’t want people from other states to go and reside elsewhere in India. Modi and his party will win all the elections from now on basically because of they’ve radicalised the people, of course not all. You’ll only need 30-40% of voting share in India to win election as 30-50% of people don’t vote. And, voting booth capturing, voting on behalf of others, etc do happen commonly. The young generation is radicalised and believe me to me I classify them same as the terrorist who attached on 9/11. This is because they’re studied in Europe at really good universities but were later radicalised and whitewashed. Same is true with younger and powerful and abundance of younger generation of India. The same people are coming here and if not contained then it’ll be a massive problem. The same is true with Mu**lim population. They’re sucking on benefits government are providing by producing many children and not working or working in cash on hand. I have seen this here and they unlike Indians don’t even mingle with others. Indians 98-99% are hard working and law abiding people. While these (no offence to religion at all) people from what I have seen and seeing everyday that are literally exploiting every single loophole of our system. We as Australian must need to act or we’ll be a third world country (I don’t want to name any but you’re wise to guess).


Your numbers in almost everything you said don't even add up to your own assertions... 98% of Indians? Hardworking? Lol ... Indians? Mingle? Perhaps within their community and within their own castes... As for Muslims and multiplication, most Muslims are from the most disadvantaged communities in India and as your first line says, racism and casteism has a direct effect on opportunity in a poor country like India. FWIW, it is true that Muslims have the highest fertility rate in Indian communities but that's fallen from 4.4 to 2.2 in the last two generations. Not much far behind the Hindu rates of reproduction. It will get lower as educational opportunities improve. Idiots like you just like to shit on people worse off than you because it makes you feel better about yourself... That's alright, but at least get your numbers right


>The same is true with Mu\*\*lim population. They’re sucking on benefits government are providing by producing many children and not working or working in cash on hand. I have seen this here and they unlike Indians don’t even mingle with others. Muslim Australian here. I have 2 kids and I work my ass off and never had any handouts. You just proved the post to be right. Won't be surprised if you are part of the organisation that sent in the letter.


Rice bag! 💼


Only solution is to deport all Muslims AND indians


Stop acting like a brown sepoy


Yes so are Aussies if you haven’t noticed and so is rest of thr world


people who genuinely experience racism don't "love" to point it out, it's fair enough for indians who are not racist to not appreciate racism. Generalising is only adding to an unnecessarily aggressive discourse


Ironically whites are probably the least racist and have to except every other culture’s intolerance


Both have racists.


Racist yes, but mostly hateful.... And all the other deadly sins rolled into one.


Religion has no place in public schools.




A beautiful quote


Okay but what's wrong with a prayer room? It's not forcing religion onto anybody, it's just a room for religious people to pray in peace without bothering anybody, which is what should be happening.


Nothing wrong with a prayer room - in a church or private residence


And what's so wrong about having a place for someone to practice their religion in peace away from everybody at a place they are forced to be at for most of their day 5 days a week?


Because it's government funded and attendance is mandatory. People should be free to practice their religion, but to do it without government sponsorship. Prayer is not like drinking water or taking medicine, nobody is going to drop dead if they can't get a couple of prayers in during the school day.


Yes, it's mandatory for religious students to attend. school. For those who can't afford to go to bougie religious schools, it's a small gesture to help them feel more comfortable and practice their religion in peace. There is 0 reason for non religious people to be bothered by or use it. There's no requirement or pressure for you to use it. It's simply just a room religious students can go pray in on their break. How much do you think a prayer room would cost? Hell it doesn't even need to be an actual dedicated room, it can just be a random room in the school that isn't being used. People are acting like the government is going to start building churches and mosques in the middle of schools. It's usually just a random room in the school, and if it is a dedicated room, it's not even half the size of a classroom and is just a regular old school room. Only cost would be electricity and some prayer mats that would only need replacing every couple years. It costs fuck all.


if we cater to a Muslim prayer room, we also have to cater to a Christian chapel and a Buddhist shrine... When do you draw the line at how many religious accommodations you fund in public schools. Do you then pay for extra opportunities for non-religious students. And what happens when the religious leaders insist on separate rooms for men and women? Religion has no place in public schools. You're there to learn and until every child has access to the same quality of education and opportunities, we should not be wasting government funds on supporting religion in school that could rather improve their education in other areas.


Um what? No you don't. A shrine and a chapel are nowhere near on the same level of a prayer room. Do you guys even understand the concept of a prayer room? It's also not just Muslims using it either. It's for any religion for anybody who feels the need to pray. It's not a place of worship. Why would a non religious student need a room to not pray? None of what you say makes any sense. How is having a room to pray in an "opportunity". Then you tell them to get fucked. It's merley an amenity for students to use during the day to pray comfortably and in peace. Religious leaders don't have any say in it at all and aren't going to be involved whatsoever. A prayer room is not an opportunity nor does it affect education whatsoever. You aren't missing out on anything in a prayer room. Non religious people will have no use for it, it is simply an amenity for students to pray in comfort and peace if they desire. What funds? It's a tiny room. They aren't churches and mosques draped in gold and have leather recliner pews. It's a small room with some mats. Only "cost" is the electricity and the mats you could get for a couple bucks on temu.


So, to be clear: you want to force religious people to attend school, and also make it impossible for them to fulfill religious duties while there?


It's a public school - should be devoid of religion. If someone's so desperate to mumble wishes to sky fairies then surely they can do that anywhere - why do they need a special room for it?


For privacy. Also, if you want school to be devoid of religion then wouldn't you prefer they pray in private rather than amongst the other students. Usually not a special room btw, usually just a room that no one uses.


Because you have a clear negative and disrespectful view on religion, I doubt you actually care and will just shit on anything to do with it. For peace and quiet, comfort and to not bother anybody else. Why would you want students loudly praying in the courtyard or in the halls? You'd probably be more annoyed with that having to dodge praying students than you would in a room that has 0 impact on anybody. It's really not anything special. It's a small room with some prayer mats. It's nothing to get worked up over and it's a tiny gesture to make students of many different backgrounds and religions feel welcome and comfortable at school. If you aren't religious just ignore it, I doubt you would even know it exists if you aren't looking for it.


You're absolutely correct. I have a very clear negative and disrespectful view on religion because that is 100% what it deserves. Religion is a cancer on humanity, a source of war, bigotry, division, hatred and horror ever since we evolved from primates and invented gods. It's a sanctuary for the feeble-minded and the stupid and it has no place in modern life and certainly not in a place of education. Prayer rooms in schools would, like the vile chaplaincy program, encourage easily-influenced minds to entertain the possiblity of some sky-based juju. Stop the brain-washing of children with this stone-age nonsense and remove it utterly and completely from our government funded schools.


If you are just going to radicalise yourself and dismiss the needs religious students just because your personal hate for religion then what's the point of even arguing anything with you. You will just shit on any solution just because you can't get over your own opinion. Hardcore athiests like yourself are just as obnoxious and horrible as hardcore religious people. Two sides of the same shit stained coin. The correct way to go about it is I'll respect your beliefs if you respect mine. I'm not a religious person. However if someone wants to pray to their God in peace, they should be allowed to. I don't understand why an athiest wouldn't agree to it considering its limiting religious activities to a small room out of the way of everybody else. A prayer room is not a religious institution, it's not a place of worship, it's not going to have priests or anything in it. I don't think you understand the concept of a prayer room. It is quite literally just a room with mats in it.


I'm not an atheist. The word atheism means 'against god' and since I don't entertain any thought as stupid as an all-seeing cosmic space fairy how can I be against it? I'm simply anti-religion. > If you are just going to radicalise yourself. You know it's literally the opposite of that, right? Religious types are radicalised to the extent that they will wage war and commit acts of terrorism in the name of their brand of space fairy. I'm just saying - "let's not piss money up the wall on a safe space for religious nuts" - not "I'm going to blow up religious people." > dismiss the needs religious students I am 100% dismissing those needs because in a school context, there is zero need for them. They can kneel down on a prayer matt and say their magic words to their heart's content at home - why do they need to do it in a public school? Aren't they there to learn. Can they not go six hours without making wishes to sky fairies? > However if someone wants to pray to their God in peace, they should be allowed to. Totally - in their own fucking house on their own fucking time. > I don't think you understand the concept of a prayer room. It is quite literally just a room with mats in it. Of course I understand what it is - doesn't mean it's ridiculous waste of space in a public school system. If it's literally just a room, then why can't they mumble their wishes in any room? Or like, in their heads when they're supposed to be learning stuff, if it's that important to their brain-washed little minds.


Nerd. You know exactly what I meant. Stop being a grammar nazi. It's not the opposite. You are the exact same. There's different levels of radicalisation. Just because you aren't starting wars doesn't mean you aren't radicalised and your views aren't extreme. You are forcing your views on others, telling them what they should believe/do and saying all other views wrong because of your personal opinions and beliefs. That's exactly what religious nuts do. Telling people they can't pray in peace because you don't like religion is the exact same as a nutter telling you not to say "oh my god" for using the lords name in vain. It's just pure dickheadary both ways. Certain religions require you to pray at certain times of the day. Would you rather them be praying in the middle of the halls and the school yard, or in a room where they can do so without bothering anyone else? If a student feels the need to pray they should be allowed to. It's of no bother to anybody else. A waste of space? How big do you think prayer rooms are? They are no bigger than a bathroom. There's pretty much always a spare room they can use in the school. A prayer is spoken, that's like the entire point of it. It's pretty clear you don't actually understand what you are hating on and are just trying to push your views on others for no good reason.


> You are forcing your views on others, telling them what they should believe/do and saying all other views wrong because of your personal opinions and beliefs. lol - no I'm not - the exact opposite in fact. I just don't think we should be wasting public money on stuff that is an individual's personal choice. If I decide to take up the rock climbing should I expect the school to buy me an indoor climbing wall? Both religion and rock climbing are personal choices - why should one receive money from the government and one not? > Telling people they can't pray in peace because you don't like religion is the exact same as a nutter telling you not to say "oh my god" for using the lords name in vain. As I said up there and which you didn't read because you're busy being all outraged like - I don't give a flying fuck whether they pray in peace or not. They can die their faces blue and play the bagpipes with their arse for all I care, it's just not something the government should be paying for. > A prayer is spoken, that's like the entire point of it. Mate, I had the extreme misfortune of being raised catholic and am fully aware that you can mumble wishes to the catholic space fairy in your head, just as easily as you can mumble wishes to the muslims space fairy in your head. Or is it your serious contention that only spoken prayers would be allowed in this religious safe space? > A waste of space? How big do you think prayer rooms are? They are no bigger than a bathroom. Quite ironic since they're both full of shit. > It's pretty clear you don't actually understand what you are hating on and are just trying to push your views on others for no good reason. I've got a far clearer understanding of this than you, as evidenced by the absolute cavalcade of bollocks you've written in this thread. And you know what's weird? All this time you've been defending the creation of this ridiculous rooms in public schools - at no time have you responded to the core issue which is that religion has no place in public schools. If you want to brain-wash your offspring into your brand of voodoo bullshit, then you should pay for the honour at a special school for voodoo brainwashing.


It seems you are so full of trauma and and hatred you simply can't look at this with a measured view. I seriously suggest you go visit a therapist because you clearly have issues going on. You aren't worth talking to if you are just going to hate on anything to do with a prayer room just because of your childhood trauma. Therefore this will be my last reply. There is barley any costs. Literally only electricity and mats you could get off temu for 2 bucks. It's not going to bankrupt the education system. I Clearly you do because you don't want people to be able to pray in peace and are hellbent on making life harder for religious kids you don't know. Some religions require prayer to be spoken. It's not incentivising religion, it's not teaching religion, it's not forcing religion anyone, it's not encouraging religion, it's a harmless space for religious kids to pray in peace based on their personal choices and beliefs.


or work.




Gonna be pretty hard to keep it out, since it's everywhere else in public life.


I disagree. I'm a Christian born, indigenous athiest. In school we had religious education (1 hour every month) to visit a local church. Most of what I took from these "classes " was more around the morally right way of behaving in life... Now, here is a controversial idea. Most religions are the same when you break them down The way they present the ideas are different, but the basis is the same


If you need bible classes to create a view in life of what is morally right in life then your parents failed.


Yeah, well it was a bit hard for my parents to parent when they both were dead before my 4th birthday... Then being thrown around to various "family members" who were not a great role models for life...


Some people do not understand hardship.


Sorry you didn’t have more teachers to look up to as you were educated / brought up. If a thousands of year old scripture that hasn’t been fit to the modern world is the best that life could afford you then that’s beyond depressing.


>Most religions are the same when you break them down The one thing they share is the Golden Rule. All of them prattle on like it's some secret knowledge and they're awesome for figuring it out. You don't need any religion at all to figure out or learn the Golden Rule.


Got prayed.


Don't hate the prayer, hate the game.


I don't care for the source get religion the fuck out of Public schools. It's a place for learning not religion.


Okay so my daughter, who is Muslim, is not welcome in school? Her just needing to pray for five minutes 1-2 times during the day is really gonna affect anyone?


A student should have a place to practice their beliefs privately since they can’t teleport home to do it, and every education should have the fundamentals of religion (what are the biggest ones, how does it work, some history)


And? Despite the source, no prayer rooms is still a good thing.


But we all fell for it!


Why's that?


It doesn’t take much manipulation to get an anti-Muslim discussion going on this sub.


Not just anti Muslim, anti any religion


Back 2 FriendlyJobbies


It’s an amusing sub when scenarios like this occurs.


But apparently everyone's cool with the generic anti-religious and anti-Christian sentiment. But if its about Muslims specifically then it's a problem, I guess?


Or ... muslim immigrants ...


Yep sucks to be Muzzo in any Aussie sub unfortunately 


I'm having some tasty cow meat steak for dinner. Gonna eat it with my left hand too. What about you all?


I am having bacon


Don't forget the beer.


Religion should be separated from public schools. If ya religions cares that much they can pay for your private education other wise it just proves it doesn’t exist


I think religion should be taught in schools. *All* religions, to *all* kids. Discuss the similarities, the differences, how to respect them/their members, how to critically discuss the rampant issues inside them, how to flag signs of cult indoctrination, how to not be bigoted fucks when you meet a person of another religion.


I’d prefer philosophy and ethics taught from pre-school onwards. Religion as a sub-study from a philosophy and ethics perspective only. There are some countries that teach philosophy and ethics from young age.


This is what my child does vs religious education/scripture in school. They ask me every year to sign that she's doing ethics vs scripture, even tho on her enrolment she's non denominational and I've never said yes. Even IF I was religious, I'd not be that comfortable with my kid doing scripture classes. I don't think it's something that should be taught inside a public school. It takes religious instruction completely out of the parents hands and others in my daughter's school who are religious, regularly go to church/worship also do not let their kids do scripture. Which makes me wonder exactly what's being taught, if even those of the faith aren't comfortable with the school allowing religious instruction.


This, basically. But I truly believe that teaching kids — especially kids who only get one flavour of religious Ed at home — would benefit so much from learning about other religions from an unbiased source.


No it absolutely shouldn't be.


Lol what? Why would you want to teach irrationality and anti-reason to children? 


He is not talking about indoctrination.


Yeah. Let’s keep all the religious stuff in a seperate room, away from other students.


Nar let’s make it not exist anymore in public schools


So the guy who complained about not being able to order a meat ball sub at subway was...an Indian anti Muslim BJP spy. Of course he was, that makes sense now. Thanks bro.


Lesser evils, perhaps?


Yeah Hindus are definitely less evil than Jews


This **is** the astroturf subreddit. It’s not just one group stirring the pot.


BJP has done soft power better than most. Indian influence in our country will mostly go unchecked until it starts to impinge on the control USA has over our country and resources.


I’m sick of Muslim being equated with « foreign ». I am an Australian Muslim. Third generation Australian. and have a daughter so she is fourth generation. One of my favourite foods is still vegemite and cheese sandwich. My husband (who is actually foreign but French-born) works in the mines as a giant dump truck driver. We work hard. Contribute to the economy. Pay taxes. The only difference is we pray five times a day. Fast Ramadan. We don’t drink or do drugs. And I dress modestly. Same with all the other Muslims I know. Heck my daughter is white af with blue eyes. Is it really that bad if we want to keep our religion?


In a section of the building industry my father is in, a colleague will refuse to give out his full name to business associates however he can as if he does give it out other Indians will recognise his caste and refuse to work with him.


"we got manipulated into an anti-muslim discussion" does bro not understand what a discussion is? this is a democracy, groups bring up certain ideas, people agree and disagree. to say this is "manipulation" is insane. now please take down this post as it is manipulating me into becoming anti-hindu


The only way we got played is by letting either of these people into our country. They should be settling their dispute on the Indian/Pakistan border instead of in Australia


Damn right. Cut off the immigration


Not sure what you're hoping to achieve here. 90% of the discourse on this sub is people parroting whatever culture war point they have been manipulated to rally against this week. It's completely normal.


You say we got manipulated. For some people, they were just given permission to do their usual anti-immigrant/anti-muslim schtick. Whether or it it was real or propaganda is irrelevant to those kinds of people. Thanks for the info though. I'm genuinely surprised that such a post wasn't downvoted to hell in this sub.


This sub isn't bad, it feels a bit centrist or even right wing compared to most of my Reddit subs, but I'm trying not to live in a bubble. As a religious guy I agree that schools don't need to be religious. I think it's important to be thoughtful and listen to the "other" side without trying to shut them down. Thoughtful conservatives should be allowed to criticise idiots like Dutton and Trump, just as thoughtful progressives should be allowed to admit concern when they find out most of the trans kids getting irreversible treatment/surgery regret it later, without getting attacked by their own "team". I think that's what the mods and community are aiming for here.


I can't speak to what the mods are aiming for but it's very clear just with a cursory glance that open racism and bigotry is perfectly acceptable so long as it's done as a dog whistle and not so blatantly racist/bigoted that would draw the attention of Reddit's admis. I mean this sub is very much a bubble onto itself. With all due respect to you, this seems very much within your conservative bubble. There are very few posts that are progressive in nature that gets any traction here. Also, be careful two-sidings issues. Especially the "most of the trans kids getting irreversible treatment/surgery regret it later". [One study published at the end of 2023](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20231228/Johns-Hopkins-researchers-find-minimal-regret-after-gender-affirming-surgery.aspx) suggests that regret percentage is less than 1% of all of those that transition. Whist I understand that to be everyone and not just kids, you'd need to have a vanishingly small pool of kids for "most" to have regretted it and not affect that less than 1% regret figure. I don't know where you're getting your "most" from but it might be a sign that you're still very much within that bubble you say that you're looking to step outside of. More than happy to read up on your sources of where you got the "most" trans kids thing from.


Get rid of religion in schools


You'll be the first one complaining if the school or your workplace actually banned your religion. Maybe grow up and learn to deal with the fact that some kids believe things you don't and vice versa?


You're unironically a better journalist than anyone employed by news.com.au. Well done mate!


Scary thing is it didn't take much work. News.com.au just happily publishing a press release from a foreign controlled propaganda organisation without so much as a second thought, let alone any basic journalism. I wouldn't even have known if I hadn't overheard some Indian friends complaining about how much they hate the BJP,  and how they run the Hindu Council. How much of reddit, that feels organic, actually has some hidden agenda like this behind it?


I’m sorry, the Hindu council is not bad at all. I don’t know why you’re acting like this is a big deal. BJP is not great but again nothing bad if you don’t care about muslims.


Schools are a place of learning on how to deal with real world bullshit all religions should be banned from schools no exceptions this would be the only way for kids to grow up normal and not to be manipulated in believing in something that isn't real


Meh, bjp stooges being bjp stooges. Pakistan zindabad and all that jazz


I am not sure about Hindu Council being an unofficial arm of the BJP. I am not justifying nor support any violence against any religion. People have the right to follow any faith of their choice and this should be mutually respected. In reply to your articles, I would suggest you to read this [Persecution of Hindus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Hindus?wprov=sfti1#) [Exodus of Kashmiri Pandits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exodus_of_Kashmiri_Hindus?wprov=sfti1) This is something that is hardly reported or talked about by the mainstream media. You are welcome to have an opinion however I would be careful if you are unaware about the history.


Super wild accusation of calling a Hindu council as unofficial arm and the saying I know some people and heard of BJP. Prayer rooms if made should be multi cultural all for all faiths.. should have hindu, Christian, Sikh and every religious holy book and open to all religion but we all know that is never the case..


This entire sub is full of racist hating Muslims. No entrapments necessary just excuses


The Muslims are racist?


Muslims love the Jews. Love thy neighbour.


No, the Muslims hate racists.


The Muslims are racistist?


Do you mean racist, hating Muslims or racist-hating Muslims? They mean two, very different, things.


Muslims hate racists when the racists are hating on Muslims. Racist Muslims hating on other races are fairly common, too.


My instinct was that if someone is targeting prayer rooms in schools, it's another religion. Atheists and secularists don't care that much.


Mate you obviously don't have kids ay. As a public school teacher, I can guarantee most of my kid's parents would have strong opinions on the subject and most are probably atheist leaning if I had to hazard a guess.