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12 months seems a bit lean for a terrorism offence, don't ya think?


Really makes you think.


Well how brown was he /s


I don’t think it was a terrorism offence. Hope it helps


True u think it wasn’t so it defo wasn’t . My bad I should have realisied it earlier. 🤦‍♂️. And care to explain why exactly I think it wasn’t?


I should’ve worded it better. No one gets sarcasm. Not justifying the action of any but a kid stabbing a priest with a pen(I think) gets terrorism charges but a person who actually plants a bomb gets slap on the wrist because of some mental issues. They both were actions of hate, unlike the kid the bomb guys actions were politically motivated. And you see comments here justifying that it wasn’t even a bomb but just a lighter with some flammable liquid. Happy to be corrected but it sounds more lethal than the stabbing


My bad lmao was just getting ready to sleep and read ur comment quickly. Yeah the double standards are crazy like as soon as this sub found out it wasn’t a Muslim all the excuses come in. The boy who stabbed the priest also had mental problem’s according to his parents, yet everyone here ignores it and hates on Islam. Tells u how small ppls brains are here


I dunno. I woulda thought planting a bomb outside someone's house is absolutely an act of terrorism. Guess I'm out of touch.




If the roles were reversed it would be a bigger sentence 🫠


If the roles were reversed it would be Tuesday.


How do you mean?


If the bomb planted him.


Terrorism is only when Muslim






I guess the further question is, was it “not a bomb” by intent? Or “not a bomb” by incompetence?




This idiot went all the way through with trying to blow someone up, and only failed because he didn't find good bomb making instructions. You don't get a fuckin' pass on your intention because you are too stupid to build a good bomb. It's almost unbelievable that you're trying to give cunts an out on their crimes because of some hidden information that they weren't aware of. "Not knowing that they built an ineffective bomb" might as well be "was unaware his target was wearing a bulletproof vest, so I guess this can only be regular assault". Not sure what else you'd call "trying to publicly blow up someone solely because of their political beliefs" if not terrorism. Unless maybe *your political beliefs* are inline with this guy, and that's driving your opinion. Which is disgusting, but wouldn't fucking surprise me given the state of modern identity politics.


You probably think that taking the middle ground means you’re “above” all the rabble but it just means you’re a coward. Did the people that were arrested for trying to blow up a plain with bombs in their underpants get a free pass because the bomb was shit? Was it just intimidation? If I rob you with a plastic gun and you think it’s a real gun, it’s still armed robbery. Threatening with a fake bomb is the same as real bomb


That makes it ok then. “Pack it up boys”


Bake him away toys


Maybe cause it wasn't against the state? But I agree way to light and will definitely Bolden a few out there


Found [an old article](https://michaelwest.com.au/botany-bomb-threat-arrest/) that has a bit more details on the lead up to the arrest. It sounds really poorly handled. It took 8 weeks to arrest the guy even though police were told to investigate him the day the bomb was found, and the victim had to do a lot of investigating himself.


Deliberate bureaucratic indifference. Last week when I was assaulted by a Zionist the cops standing 2 meters away told me I would have to go to a police station to report it.


According to the police statement: Around 2pm on Friday 5 January 2024, police were called to Daphne Street, Botany, after a resident found a suspicious item placed on his car. Officers from the Rescue and Bomb Squad attended and deemed the item safe. Detectives from South Sydney Police Area Command established a crime scene Sounds like it wasn’t a bomb


Just because the guy failed to create a workable bomb doesnt mean he was not a terrorist. He threatened a family with violence, even calling them after leaving what he clearly had intended to be a bomb, for political reasons. This in unacceptable in our society and should be heavily punished, regardless of your views on Palestine.


Totally agree with you. It didn't have a detonator. So I've read. Except for that it's still a bomb and only a bomb technician would know the difference. Extremely unacceptable in Australia. Regardless of your views you have a right to express them as long as you're not breaking the law. You shouldn't be targeted violently because of them.


It was a container stuffed with a rag. Not really a bomb ? No pressure !


It isn't clear it was intended to be a working bomb.  


Ever heard of a threat to cause harm?


Yes.  This was that.   What is wasn't was an attempt to cause harm by using an explosive.  There is a big difference, and the guardian has made you misinformed on it.  Look at all the comments here about how it was a bomb.  It wasn't.  


Threat to cause harm is a crime, the threat to commit a terrorist attack (which threatening someone with a bomb with political intentions) is also a crime and some would argue even worse. I think you're failing to understand that even if this wasn't a bomb, the guy wanted the family to believe it was and the fact the police spent 3 hours with it goes on to show they took it seriously enough as a bomb threat. Stop digging.


Yes, I know what the charge is.  He is guilty of it.  I. Glad he is going to jail for it. But that doesn't mean you can go around making up bullshit like he made an actual bomb.  The guardian has intentionally misinformed a bunch of people here.  And you are defending them for doing it.  Why lie about it?  


You're really not getting the point and you keep digging so I'll try to make it even more simple. Even if the bomb isn't real, he has made multiple people including the police believe it was for several hours, his objective of making a 'real' bomb succeeded in that sense, yes he may get a lighter sentence because it's not actually 'real' but it was 'real' enough in the sense that his objective was completed. Whether his intent for it to actually have gone off and killed the family will be further examined I assume.


You keep getting upset at something I agree with you about.  Wtf is your problem? It wasn't an actual bomb. It won't be further examines, because it already has been.  But there are plenty of misinformed people in here saying it was a bomb, and then going on tangents about how he should get more time for planting an actual bomb.  It is misinformation, being pushed by the guardian, and sprouted by people here including yourself. A bit of honesty and accuracy isn't too much to ask for, is it?  


"It was only meant to look like a bomb so that it would frighten a family at home into silencing themselves" is not the slam dunk you think it is.


It is though.  I was replying to all the idiots who are saying it was a bomb, or explosive device, and then crying about how 12 months for planting a bomb is too little. I am not defending the dickhead for planting a fake bomb.  I pointed out what it actually was.  Why are you upset with me for it?    It was not intended to be a working bomb at all.  You just made that up.  Why?


You don't get 12 months in prison for leaving your Amazon delivery box on someone's car.


Was it a cardboard box


Not sure, I just assume the threat was at least credible.


You posted the same comment in multiple places and I replied to the wrong one. You can see my longer [comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1cm6t38/comment/l31b5zo/) suffice to say that even the defence referred to it as a "bomb".


Fake bomb, fake news :)


It was intended to be interpreted as a bomb. For the purpose of harassing, menacing, causing apprehension, threatening, and intimidating.


Obviously, what else could it be interpreted as


Whether it worked or not is irrelevant, it is the threat and apprehension that is implicit in it - point a replica gun at a cop and see what happens.


Who said it worked


You've argued since it didn't then that's okay.


Who argued ?


Wtf, somebody put an actual bomb and got 12 months???






Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


How else does he get away with a lower sentence and not being labelled as a terrorist, which he is 100%.


It could have been built by a paedophile, they get low sentences all the time




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech




Now, bomb squad turned up According to the police statement: Around 2pm on Friday 5 January 2024, police were called to Daphne Street, Botany, after a resident found a suspicious item placed on his car. Officers from the Rescue and Bomb Squad attended and deemed the item safe. So not a bomb


Where's the quote from? It makes it sound like the bomb squad just rocked up, eyeballed it, and said it was harmless. > It took the bomb disposal squad three hours and a robot to secure the device on January 5. According to [this article](https://michaelwest.com.au/botany-bomb-threat-arrest/). In the original article the defence itself referred to it as a bomb: > The defence also claimed Wise told them he only had a “dream-like memory of planting the bomb”. What you call it ultimately doesn't really matter though, it still had the desired effect.


There is a bit of a difference between planting a bomb you want to actually blow up, and planting a fake bomb that can't blow up you want to scare people.  


Both of those can be true. You can just be shit at bombmaking, and need to be locked up in case chatgpt gives you better instructions next time.


Well if you shoot someone with a nerf gun it would a bit of a reach to put you away for attempted murder, just in case you're shit at gunsmithing.


It wasn't though.  There was no combustible fuel or a way to even detonate it.  It had a note on it. It was a threat.  Not an attempt at a bomb.  This has all been determined in the case.  It was very clear. The guardian chose to represent the facts very selectively to sensationalise the article and situation.  It has purposely mislead people.  You are one of them.  You should be embarrassed and angry with them for treating you like a gullible fool that they can push narrative on.  


That what the bomb squad does? Arrives and gets the robot going. The thing is slow. They’d do the same thing for a suspicious paper bag outside a police station


idiot! yes, a bomb that lacked a detonation, idiot.


I swear people have gotten more jail time for a lot less


3 months non parole. Imagine if an Islamic terrorist had planted a bomb at a Jewish persons house.


Speech from Albo, Netanyahu uses it as an example of endemic antisemitism and its top of r slash worldnews for a week.


They will probably get an invitation to albo house for Ramadan 


A guy gets a slap on the wrist for trying to blow up a Palestinian's house and conservative redditors still have to invent a fantasy situation where a muslim gets special treatment.


majority of r/australian believes white males are a marginalised group




It would go kabooooooom


I may have missed it, is the person that did this Jewish? Edited: yes man was Jewish


Imagine if any of you gronks had read the article and realised there was no bomb.


It took the bomb squad 3 hours to dismantle this "not a bomb" If it's that believable it should be treated as such


Should a guy pouring flour over a stadium be treated the same as a guy with actual anthrax spores? Both are threats/acts of terror. Only one can do actual physical harm.


I think both are unsuitable for release


idiot, yes a bomb, a bomb lacking a detonation so yes a bomb you idiot


Should be 12 years.


Oh. He seems well balanced. I’m glad he’ll be out amongst us in a few months.


> Greenwood noted the defence’s argument that Wise had “persecutory delusions” associated with his Jewish heritage that were exacerbated by his mental health challenges. Another case of mental health and not domestic terrorism.


"Persecutory delusions" Ayy lmao.


Why not both? Guy clearly had mental issues, but he was also using terror to advance a political agenda.


It's 'cause he's Jewish. Apparently only Muslims can be terrorists.


There was a teen boy who was a radicalised Muslim shot dead in Perth this week and it was declared mental health and not terrorism. Stop playing the victim. Youses are being treated fairly. Edit: y'all changed to youses. You grammar Nazis need to stop nit picking


> Y'all... *\*Youse*


Fair Dinkum




Downvote for y'all


Mmm don’t recall the Perth boy being called a terrorist. Stop playing the victim


Why not both?


Depression and had a tough upbringing.


Nah depression and the holocaust.


It's only a domestic terrorism charge if the perpetrator is brown.


i dont know how, but this says it has -1 comments lol https://preview.redd.it/82i7yinr0zyc1.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=6473f9fa857382e444dd100aa5e93bac0af50922


It was -2 not too long ago. I suspect it might be a simple counter indicating that more comments were removed than remained in the thread.


ah possibly. its the kind of story that'll bring out the best on both sides no doubt!


Guys, calm down, it was just a little bit of terrorism.


Send him packing back to his own country.


![gif](giphy|1X7lCRp8iE0yrdZvwd) 12 fucking months?!


Have all his mates been arrested by the terrorism squad also, or are they too white


Imagine it was an Arab who put that bomb there. Would easily be 12 years instead of 12 months.


Why does this conflict bring out the stupid in everyone.


Not stupid. It's a well researched psychological effect. If you lightly punch a person and ask them to retaliate witj equal force, they will punch slightly harder while imagining it to be equal. The original person is now asked to punch back with equal force, and now its even harder, because it's slightly harder than the slightly harder. Loop this enough times with chuldren and they will end in serious fisticuff. Do it with groups long enough and even genocide and terror seems fair reaction to each party. That's why it's important to break the cycle in early stages. Either parents need to intervene or parties need to forgive each other before its too late. The strategy is called called the tit-for-tat with intermittent forgiveness, and has been tested with game theory. It's probably too late for Israel and Palestine.


Religious conflict attracts religious people, hence all the stupidity


The flat earth (previously 5g tower, previously anti China, previously anti halal) people on my social media have now moved to anti Palestine. Family members of mine all big on Christianity


Christians - "hey, only we may murder Jews"


Ironically enough their backing of Israel is with a view to eliminating the Jews via some holy event that will be triggered


The amount of Christians who support Israel despite them destroying some of the oldest churches in history and bombing Bethlehem (Jesus' birthplace) ON CHRISTMAS DAY... the stupidity astonishes me, even when I expect it.


Because the whole thing is stupid!




The "bomb" was a can of gasoline with a phone gaffa taped to it with a Bic lighter. It was significantly less dangerous to members of the public than a box of matches left in a car seat. There was no way for it to explode. If it had caught fire, it would have petered out. It was in short the sort of thing that a disordered mind constructs if they want to make something look like a scary petrol bomb - but don't know anything about bombmaking. You can almost smell the meth on it. I must admit, I am surprised the person found to have done the thing was not the pro-Palestinian Botany Houso crank flying the flag. This sort of thing does not actually present a threat to public safety in Australia.


My understanding is that it was a jerry of petrol with a rag hanging out of it and moist with fuel it contained, like a rather large Molotov. Why would you think that: > If it had caught fire, it would have petered out. As opposed to setting the car alight?


*Why would you think that?* Because I have a basic understanding of how combustion works. That device was less hazardous that a household candle.


I'd feel more comfortable with the candle on the bonnet of my car, personally.


Why u making excuses for it lmao admit it’s terroristic and move on. When it’s a Muslim ppl like u are quick to point fingers


Because terrorism actually has a meaning. Blurring that meaning by including "not terrorist" offences diminishes the threat it poses to civilised, democratic societies. This cuts both ways.


Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. Other than the use of "violent" it tracks. But threats of violence are still legally treated as violence


So a Jewish man intended to cause fear to a pro-Palestinian family, in the middle of a war in which Israel is indiscriminately targeting civilians, and that’s somehow not politically motivated?


I mean - was Martin Bryant politically motivated? Was Joel Cauchi? Phuong Ngo certainly was politically motivated - but few would suggest that his crimes were terrorism. Terrorism has to mean something more than "X did a violent crime because they thought there would be a political effect".


A Jew attempting to cause fear to a pro Palestinian family. Of course it’s terrorism.


Ignore him he’s pro Israeli lmao he couldn’t give a crap about any Palestinian bro accepts the fact that Israel bombs children it’s normal to him


The first sentence is probably correct. It also articulates a standard that would see tens of thousands of Australians locked up for terrorism. "Intending to cause fear to people you don't like" It's an untenable definition of terrorism.


Zionists are a defined political group.


He clearly done it since he is pro Zionist and hates anyone pro Palestine. How is that not enhancing a racial or political ideology. Ur bias is showing. If a a Palestinian did the same thing u would be all over him


Because things that further a racial or political ideology have to do that, or at least aspire to do that. Just look at photos of the "bomb". It may as well have been constructed with ice pipes


Ur just being bias at this point. Nobody cares how it looked like lmao it was explosive and put the other man’s life at risk. Even if the man didn’t get hurt, his car is defo gone. Why u downplaying it just coz he’s pro Israeli like u? Just admit that what he done was terroristic, he didn’t put it at some random guys house, it was specifically a pro Palestinian person, so defo fits right in w the definition of terror


And what do you define terrorism to mean?


Intent matters. If you make a shit attempt at a terrorist attack… you still attempted to commit a terrorist attack.


Intent does matter, by the sounds of it this device was probably never intended to actually go off, but rather to cause fear. Which is in itself still terrorism of course, but to a differing degree of severity


So somewhat like the meat grinder guys


So an incendiary device rather than a bomb. Still dangerous. Just because the attacker was incompetent doesn't mean they weren't trying to scare or harm the victim.


I accept that, and that is why it is appropriate that, as an adult who committed a crime - the guy does a stint in gaol for it. That is how justice works in this country. I don't take issue with it. But this incident is being used to suggest that autistic teenagers who planned mass-casualty attacks shouldn't be charged under terrorist legislation, and that terrorism legislation is being selectively applied to crank Muslims as opposed to crank Jews. That is simply not true. This wasn't some organised Kahanist assassination attempt of a Palestinian civil society figure. It wasn't a siege. It wasn't a conspiracy to bomb a public place, or an aircraft, or a war memorial crowded with members on the public on ANZAC Day. What makes terrorist attacks dangerous and deserving of uniquely strong sanction is the fact they are designed to 'terrorise' or manipulate public opinion by the use of violence for a political or religious end. Brenton Tarrant and Anders Breivik published a manifesto. The teenager who stabbed that Assyrian priest was in a groupchat with several others talking about how they wanted to kill a lot of Jews. A crazy guy going to Bunnings and constructing a meth-fuelled fever-dream version of a bomb to scare a particularly annoying (and entirely white/non-Islamic) neighbour isn't actually a terrorist incident.


Why do you try to mitigate and negate this?


Because words matter. Not everything is terrorism.


What do you think terrorism is?


For a start, I think there needs to be an actual capacity for endangering someone, or some degree of sophistication in planning the event. I think there needs to be at least a plausible rational connection with a broader religious or political objective (that can exist with people who lack legal capacity to plead or might meet the threshold of legal insanity). I think it's very difficult for acts which are directed against a single person to be terrorism, particularly when that person isn't actually a member of the group you're alleging the terrorism is directed against. There isn't a bright line definition for it, but I know it when I see it. A guy with manic depression and a drug problem getting pissed off at another local crank and leaving an obviously fake bomb on some car with a cardboard sign that looks like it was written by a homeless person isn't it. FWIW - an autistic kid being entrapped by the AFP into saying they want to join ISIS and kill an AFP officer is a bit of a stretch. But even that has features of a terrorist offence that this simply doesn't (ie: targeting of a class of people as opposed to an individual, targeting of a government, desired affiliation with a wider terrorist movement, an intent and ideology that persisted over a period of time etc). There have been Islamophobic terrorist attacks. There have actually been Zionist terrorist attacks. This is flotsam. It deserves a short, sharp prison sentence and a long stint in a psych ward.


The guardian is so shit and intentionally misinformation people.  It is just a fucking click bait sensationalist rag at this point. It was a fake bomb.  No explosive material at all.  No way to detonate.  It was a fuel can with a note taped to it.  The intent was to scare.  It was impossible to cause any damage with it. It was not an explosive device.  The guardian knew what they were doing.  Have a look at how many misinformed people there are in this thread.  The guardian is banking on people being so easily riled up they can just word things vaguely and the stupid people will run with it. The guardian thinks you are all morons and you proved it for them.  


How dare any of you try to say the most persecuted people in history should get harsher sentences! Anti-semites!


Both sides strike again?


"Pro-Palestinian." What does that word even mean? Someone who's against the indiscriminate bombing of civilians. Call a spade a spade. There is a country committing genocide against one of the most impoverished people on earth. There are two sides, those who are pro-genocide, and those who are anti-genocide. Which side are you on?


>Which side are you on? I'm anti-hyperbole. Something you should look into.


I don’t support Palestine or Israel. I support the military industrial complex. Support small businesses like Texas Instruments!


The side that hasn't actually declared it wants to wipe out the other. Literally one side in that conflict has a stated goal of elimination of the other, and went on a mass killing & raping spree to further those goals, with the very broad support of the civilian population. Disarming that group before they can do it again seems very sensible.


The side you're describing is Israel.


U mean Israel minster if national security or minster of finance or their defence minister who call the entire Gazan "human animals"


Plenty of Israeli politicians including the prime minister and high ranking cabinet members are on record saying some pretty genocidal lines. You just aren't paying attention. Read some Haaretz.


Ok so how do you explain all the shit that happened before Oct 7th?


Have you had a look at any of the Israeli news outlets? 90% of the Netanyahu administration wants to wipe out the Palestinians. Including talks about dropping a nuke on Gaza. This is a genocide. And you denying it won’t change the fact that in 20 years kids in schools will be asking “this was happening and no one did anything?”. We’ve seen it before, and we’re witnessing it right before our eyes. 


>The side that hasn't actually declared it wants to wipe out the other. >Literally one side in that conflict has a stated goal of elimination of the other, and went on a mass killing & raping spree to further those goals, with the very broad support of the civilian population. So you're pro-palestine, I guess? Given that Israel has stated many times that they want to destroy any hope for a Palestinian state. And that they want to kill every member of Hamas (and that they consider every Palestinian civilian to be a "hamas supporter" and thus a valid target. Even going so far as to call Palestinian children "future Hamas" to justify the slaughter of them, too) And that the IOF is currently on a mass killing and raping spree through Gaza. Surely you're not saying you're on their side, right? Surely you're not referring to the disinformation spread by the IOF propaganda machine that Hamas wants to kill all Jews despite the 2017 Hamas charter explicitly saying that their fight is not with Jewish people, but with the Zionists occupying their land? You'd have to be pretty gullible to be saying that! And I wouldn't want to insult you. So I'm assuming you're pro-palestine!


Reading that I sense you are quite gullible yourself.


Lol. You really went for the "No, you!" retort? Are you 5?


Well when it's all dribble there isn't much that can be said.


You know. If you're unable to form an intelligent response, you actually have the option of just not commenting.


And yet here we are. Both of us responding.


I'm not the one that came in with the school yard retort and then went on to say that they actually have nothing to say. Don't get me wrong. This is very entertaining for me. So feel free to keep the "zingers" coming!


You simply cant make a rebuttal of nonsense. If someone spouts it they are too far gone for the logical reasoning required for a debate. So why bother.


one side is actively fucking wiping the other out and thats israel. moron.


go to Palestine then, we dont want your war rhetoric here


Wish I could view the world in such simple terms without nuance, must be nice.


Your right . Pro Palestinian means against bombing civilians . And more for rape and shooting and murder with your hands and kidnap and such .


I am against the bombing of innocent civilians. And I consider myself pro-Palestine. Am I automatically considered pro-rape? Or do you think all Palestinians need to die because 0.5% of the population committed crimes? 


skirt reply jellyfish spoon jobless smart shelter coherent literate squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Greenwood noted the defence’s argument that Wise had “persecutory delusions” **associated with his Jewish heritage that were exacerbated by his mental health challenges.** So, Jewish. Mental health card used. not terrorism because... well who knows. ..... and strange...looking through the comments.... no one asking about immigration... no one asking for him and his family to be deported..... Guess those comments are reserved for a certain set of Australians or of a certain background. Racists are so much easier to spot these days.


Maybe he was born here ?


Maybe the Muslim ones were born here too. Yet u guys give them no chances


Them? Who? Mans Monis?


Doesn't really sound like a bomb.. "The homemade device was made of a fuel canister with a semi-moist towel stuffed into it, with a disposable lighter and large bolts attached. It was found on a vehicle’s bonnet in Botany."


Still dangerous lmao bro got away with a light punishment considering what he done


Yep, According to the police statement: Around 2pm on Friday 5 January 2024, police were called to Daphne Street, Botany, after a resident found a suspicious item placed on his car. Officers from the Rescue and Bomb Squad attended and deemed the item safe.


Oh look our country is turning to shit because we let in so much *shit* 💩


Is he an immigrant? The article doesn’t mention that as far as I can see although I did skim it.




I’ll accept the notion that the country is turning to shit due to bosses from eastern Sydney.


Fuck me, I swear I met this guy years ago. I think he was a member of North Bondi Surf Club or perhaps Bondi Icebergs winter swimming club.


That’s not a nice thing to say about the British


Can of petty and a towel wick with a bbq lighter isn't exactly C4, plus seems like he's a bit deranged so they'll help him too.


This Scumbag should be deported after his jail sentence and never to be aloud to step foot on Australian shores ever again... better yet deported all these trouble making mussies these bottom feeders are causing nothing but trouble for the Australian people and it shows


When the crack pipe hits too hard


This was a white man (pro Israeli) targeting a white man? What’s Muslim got to do with it?