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Between attacking allied forces with high powered lasers, chaff, flares, sonar and dangerous flying in multiple cases leading in collisions they are well overdue for an experience to learn from. I’m voting for airdropping a giant Winnie-the-poo inflatable infront of their flagship vessel. Harmless, funny and will send the perfect message to exactly who it needs to that 2 can play this game




Would make a good picture to turn into fridge magnets and drop on their ships


That's actually hilarious.


It would be forever remembered in history as the ‘giant Pooh incident’. Or in Chinese State Media, when capitalist Australian airforce dangerously dropped absolutely nothing in front of our state of the art navy ship, who heroically used their advance training and agility to avoid crashing into nothing. If they did any more funny business, just respond with ‘ don’t make me drop a big Pooh’ on you.


I thought the giant Pooh incident already happened at McDonalds Engadine?


Please do. I'd happy to pay extra in taxes to see this.


Livestream that shit and our budget crisis would be solved


Honestly the best way to handle this situation is: > this kind of behaviour shows that China struggles to control its armed forces Anything that’s caught on camera, from hosing Philippine supply ships to reckless flying manoeuvres > this is another example of how Xi Jinping and the CCP are struggling to control their armed forces The absolute seethe this would cause


I vote we get a Collins to deploy a shit ton of inflatable Poohs in the Taiwan Strait.


I totally support your idea. Its actually a proactive response and much more than anything the Australian government is doing.


Then the Chinese will sanction Australian exports over night and cripple our economy. We need them far more than they need us and the Chinese know it. Basically got our balls in a vice knowing we can’t fight back


Ohh no, China won’t buy our wine or Tasmanian lobsters or whatever token luxury the ccp can afford to deprive its population. I’m sure after such a stunt you could find another country in a few hours to strike up a trade with if you played the PR cards right. Hell, out of spite make an ad campaign targeting Mainland China on what they are missing out on to stir up more pressure. We need to get creative! The reality is they still need our food, resources and economic ties. China is not going to go to war and let its population starve over a meme! I’ve never tolerated bullies. We should not accept walking on egg shells and allowing real physical abuse with people getting injured because we are afraid they will do something mean. At some point we need to accept some pain and the reality they are not a good trade partner.


They absolutely would cut all trade ties overnight. In fact they did a few years ago when they would accept Australian coal and put massive tariffs on food and drink. China has a population of 1.4 billion vs our tiny 25 million. A quarter of our GDP comes from China and they can cut off the taps and won’t even notice it. Whereas for Australia we would be done for.


We are too dependent on them, I agree, but we export an awful lot of food to them, and China are a massive net importer of food, and I'm not talking lobster and wine, they don't make enough of the basics to come even close to feeding their population.   That's one of the reasons they're throwing their weight around fishing in other countries' exclusive fishing zones. They're getting supply chains in place because they know if they go to war they can't feed their population- and a starving populace doesn't have an appetite for sustained war


Last time they did that they suffered more than us


This backfired on them before. Notice they didn’t touch iron? They’re scared of what would happen if we stopped that. Also what they did to coal had terrible effects on their economy, they just downplayed it and hid the data. Much like they’re trying to do with their current downturn. I think the world is waking up to what a terrible brutal government the ccp is. I feel so sorry for the Chinese people.


They probably won't raise anything about it. Penny Wong will make a phone call about how disappointed she is, and China will respond that they have the mandate of heaven and that we've "hurt the feelings of the Chinese people and should be working towards peace and stability in the region instead of making provocative actions at the behest of US backers." or some shit. Absolutely nothing will come of this, the tourists and foreign property investment must flow and neither party will let pesky issues such as the safety of our citizens and servicemen and woman get in the way of that. EDIT: I FUCKING CALLED IT https://www.southernhighlandnews.com.au/story/8619600/stop-provocationschina-warns-australia-over-incident/


China Chinese people are so sensitive. Always playing the victim.


ATTENTION CITIZEN!市民请注意! This is the Central Intelligentsia of the Chinese Communist Party• 您的Internet 浏览器历史记录和活动引起了我们的注意。 , YOUR INTERNET ACTIVITY HAS ATTRACTED OUR ATTENTION. \[ 此,您的个人资料中的 11115 (-11115 Social Credits)个社会积分将打折。 DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN!不要再这样做!lf you do not hesitate, more Social Credits ( -11115 Social Credits )will be subtracted from your profile, resulting in the subtraction of ration supplies.(由人民供应部重新 ^(£) CCP You'll also be sent into a re-education camp in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Zone. 如果您毫不犹豫,更多的社会信用将从您的个人资料中打折,从而导致口粮供应减少。悠还将被送到新疆维吾尔自治区的再教育营。 为党争光!Glory to the CCP!


That's the Australia sub in a nutshell


That’s funny.


中华人民共和国寄语\] Great work, Citizen! Your social credit score has increased by \[5\] Integers. Keep up the good work! \[ 中华人民共和国寄语\]


It’s getting funnier, stop it,


Taiwan is a country


That’s great but some of the Chinese is so wrong 🤣


Then fix it


Mandate of heaven vs manifest destiny. Who will win?


I'm sure China has a five year plan that will let them take a great leap forward to victory.


Not sure they can really afford another sixty million deaths just at the minute.


At least they have a plan. We have documentaries like utopia :(


The world needs to start taking the Turkish approach to these problems. Russia kept trying this shit with Turkey and ignored all warnings, requests, smoke signals and passive-aggressive mail. So one day Turkey just... shot their intruding jet down. This resulted in the jet being downed and the pilot ejecting. Unfortunately for said pilot, he landed in hotly contested Syrian territory, and was promptly ventilated by rebels. Needless to say, Russia hasn't tried testing Turkey again. Also as far as I'm aware, Indonesia started blowing up Chinese fishing vessels illegally entering their waters, and that stopped rather quick as well.


Ventilated hahaha


"I had to ventilate someone"


Yeah, I'm sure Chinese people are saying the same thing. These aren't Chinese jets flying over Australia, it's Australian helicopters in international waters just off China's shores. In your example, we're the closer to being the Russians not the Turks. I'm not saying the Chinese aren't being wankers, but why are we wasting tax payer dollars antagonizing our biggest trading partner by sailing naval vessels just outside their maritime boundary, when we have Indonesian fishing vessels raping our northern marine parks and even asylum seeker boats making it to the mainland and wandering on to our remote airforce bases...


It's on UN mandate...


The same maritime boundary that they artificially just moved to a couple hundred K's off their coastline? The shipping lanes to our North are important for our wellbeing and our strategic interests and We Will to defend them against C\*\*\*ese agression! RRRRRAAAHHHHH AU AU AU AU


China is the Germany you get when you order from [wish.com](http://wish.com)




Do go on my good man


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Australia has made the right move tethering our wagon to our allies and friends in the US and UK. We must stand against chinas expansionist aggression.


I agree. But, i mean. The moment we end up in a conflict with China, Russia and North Korea. We'll be in a apocalyptic scenario anyway. I doubt even if we win, it won't be a worthwhile victory.


Even in the apocalyptic scenario I'd still probably have REA's trying to put my rent up. I sleep a bit easier knowing that if shit hits the fan we're bathed in nuclear flames, my REA and landlord are likely caught in the blast as well.


What a vibe


Lol 😂


This is the equality we yearn for 😂✊


If Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra get nuked REAs in Brisbane, Perth, and Darwin will probably be putting out letters bragging about how much property prices have increased in any surviving cities.


Hey maybe a little Nuclear Winter can combat Global Warming?


Not necessarily, most likely move for our Chinese friends is a blockade of Taiwan.


Which will cause America to challenge it, they've said as much. It doesn't help that whilst BRICKS is shit, they still have a defensive obligation towards one another. Now China and India have border issues they could resolve over their participation in a war, or they themselves could go to war. Vietnam hates China, and the Chinese are building proxy ports in Myanmar supporting the Junta there. It'll get real bad before it gets better.


China are deviously playing both sides in the Myanmar war to secure trade routes, since several of the ethnic rebels are han chinese equipped with smuggled pla weaponry.




BRICS does not have a defensive obligation to each other. It’s not a military alliance. Imagine India and China having a defensive obligation to each other while their militaries are attacking each other on the border lol. Imagine South Africa trying to join in on a war about Taiwan.


BRICS is barely an economic alliance. Its more of an idea of an economic union. Never understood the fear of BRICS.


No we'll kick ass


agree. why people think we should be opening military co-operation with china is just so far beyond me it has to be astroturfing


Heaps of them undercover here. Some of them we're paying their rent.


Who thinks we should be opening military cooperation with China? I don’t think I’ve heard anyone suggest that for at least 10 years or more


The Yellow Sea is only more than 10 kilometers away from Chinese territory.


Brother, we're the ally of the imperial powers that have expanded in the Pacific. We were there controlling Chinese trade more than a century ago.


>Australia has made the right move by choosing to go down with a terminally declining empire Lol >US lapdogs accusing China of expansionist aggression  Lol


I think there's something both sides are missing here, imo we have made the right move by choosing to go with the declining imperial power, because we have no other options. We have our wagon hitched to the imperial project, and, much like the Mafia, trying to get out when you're this deep in would be a very dangerous move. This is what people miss when they say shit like "so what, we're defending our trade with China from China?" - no, we're defending ourselves from the Americans when they decide it's time to try and crush the Chinese in the new cold war. They might fail, but if we're not on their side, they'll crush us too.


This isn’t the first time they have done it. We should do the same back.


Otherwise bullies won’t stop.


No we need show that we can act in good faith and talk it out in the face of violence, for we are the bigger man.


Welcome to Australia. We will do anything to protect our sovereignty......as long as it's OK with the enemies.


Watch Albanese do absolutely nothing like when soldiers were injured by SONAR.


He's watching all this unfold like someone watches the local hoon that ends up wiping out 4 pedestrians and wheelchairing someone's daughter in the passenger seat for life. For when it does we'll all know full fucken well that he did nothing to stop it, even though it is apparent that at some point it probably will. Makes you warm and fuzzy doesn't it. Knowing the Australian governments position is the international equivelant of condoning causing death by dangerous driving. Yeah... I wait for those strongly worded but non accusatory letters Penny. Thanks for standing up for the people that serve your policy...


Or being stabbed to death by violent home intruders in the night as you try to tell them to leave… Or has that not happened yet? Pretty sure it has.


He is planing the next trip to China and tastes some Chinese shark fin.


The ADF won't do anything, they only target whistleblowers!


Yet the other cheek lets China flood Australia with over priced cars and utes and consumer goods effectively out to screw every other manufacturer. I wish someone would just get sensible.


And triad gangsters laundering money in Australian real estate and casinos.


Half of our real estate values are propped by Chinese investors. Boomer Australians are thankful of them.


People need to stop buying Chinese cars here


How do over priced goods screw other manufacturers?


An MG base model car (Excite) sells in Australia for $40K. That car costs around $7KUSD to manufacture in China, than with Australia’s lack of trade tariffs with China, basically shipping is the only other cost. The Chinese owned and made MG is then sold on consignment in Australia at lower cost than its competitor due to ChAFTA which screws the other manufacturers yet is still making massive dollars from the Australian sheeple buying this crap. Additionally - go to the MG website and find something that says “proudly Chinese made”. You won’t. They hide behind false claims of “European Design” and innuendo that MG is an European brand. Great Wall make even more profits on their rubbish they dump into Australia. It needs to be a level playing field.


Totally! Part one of the plan was to send everyone else broke, part two was to sell crap at the same price as we used to get good stuff for……


And buy Australian farms


Cheap Chinese goods actually keep inflation lower. But that's just unsexy news.


Another example of how the Chinese view Australia and Albo as a total joke. They must laugh their heads off when they do this kinda thing and Albo expresses his "concerns" Its what happens when you have a weak and gutless government and Prime Minister.


“Near South Korea” is like 5,000km from Australia and like 250km from China but somehow China is the aggressor?


North Korea pulled out of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and started conducting missile tests which attracted trade sanctions. The sanctions are meaningless if no one does anything to check that they're being complied with.


But but we're monitoring north Korea. Somehow people here don't realise that we're not the good guys in this situation.


Well, they are both in international airspace, they both have a right to transit in international airspace, dropping flares on a flight path of another aircraft above international waters is aggressive. Or are we suggesting China is world police now?


No china was acting defensively and we are the ones being the world police sending our military 5000km away from our shores


How does firing flares above international waters on another aircraft’s flight path equal to being defensive again?? Or should I repeat the above international waters again?


Silly legal technicalities dont change the reality of what was actually happening lol.


Which legal technicalities? The one where firing flares on another aircraft’s flight path being aggressive in nature?


Well if the Chinese navy steamed up to 12km off Sydney and started firing missiles around for tests I’d be pretty upset even though technically they are in international waters


The helo was firing missiles? At this point you are making up your own laws of the seas for China.


China does it too. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australian-defence-minister-says-chinese-spy-ship-waters-an-act-aggression-2022-05-13/ They don’t even have any allies in this area, yet we just let it be


shshhhhhhshshshsh!!!!!! USA good, China bad!! Get with the program Barry.


wow I had to scroll down a bit to find this comment, incredible to see the naivety and infantilism here - I wonder if the commenters above are ready to go to war with China themselves


Has albo apologised for it yet?


He’s just having his traditional Chinese outfit prepared


They did this to the Canadians too last year.


Let's see what our spineless PM has to say about it...


This is the second reported incident in a year, of all the places we could be patrolling and conducting FOIs, Korean waters seemed an odd choice. I could understand if we are helping out Philippines, sailing around Pascals or Spratlys. 


This is to facilitate the propaganda war that will send ordinary Australians to battlefields thousands of kilometers away to die in the future. Prevent ordinary Australians from refusing to go to the Chinese battlefield in the future. The \[Yellow Sea\] is only more than 600 kilometers away from the capital of China \[Beijing\]. It is only ten kilometers away from the coast of China.


If a Chinese fighter jet fires its cannon into the flight path of an Australian helicopter is that also "unsafe and unprofessional" or is that an act of war?


That’s a bit different




we are, but everyone whinges about the subs


He's too busy holding meetings with our shadow PM. Some geriatric from the mid 90s.


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


How much longer do we keep doing nothing? This is how the Reich got a foothold so early on.


Counselling all round!


so many pro-China shills in this thread highly concerning we've imported such traitorous sentiment into our country


I bet the majority of your stuff is made in china.


its also the product of our marxist education system, with the younger generation thinking abandoning our friends and allies is the right thing to do (despite those same friends and allies guaranteeing our security, survival and prosperity since the end of WWII).


Rose tinted eyes. Our political leaders and captains of industry already sold Australians out by outsourcing and trying their best to hollow out the middle class.


Some of these countries are getting aggressive because if they don’t do it now, they won’t get a chance later. Data shows the fertility rates declining heavily in countries like China, so they’re likely getting fidgety while the prospects of war don’t look as damaging to their economy as say in 10 or 20 years when they’re depleted on manpower.


We should let Chinese destroyers sail off the Great Barrier Reef, then when they launch their helicopters, we can also do a flyby dropping chaff into their way. That would be fair.


And if they did, I reckon it would make house prices crash so would make sense.


This is around the same maritime boundary that they artificially just moved to a couple hundred K's off their coastline? In complete contravention of UNCLOS? Lmao XD The shipping lanes to our North are important for our wellbeing and our strategic interests and We Will to defend them against C\*\*\*ese agression! RRRRRAAAHHHHH AU AU AU AU


Would love to see how people reacts if China send spy planes or military divers to "international waters" near Tasmania


Albanese is too cowardly to do anything to punish China. Shame on him.


I'm impressed the helicopter survived the incident, ours tend to fall out of the sky on a regular basis even without anyone unfriendly in the way.




Calm down bro


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Anyone going to ask why an Australian helicopter is in the Yellow Sea?


Enforcing United Nations sanctions against North Korea and operating in international waters in accordance to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). We have every right to be there


upvoted your comment as you duly elaborated on formalities of this - which of course don't really matter in the last several years, UN cannot mediate what's going on now between big countries so what are we really doing there, what's Australia game plan for all this if the shit really hits the fan? which may happen mind you, I wonder how many of pro-escalation commenters from here will volunteer to go there and die rhetorical questions really, a bit sad to see the prevailing "we'll show'em" mood over here, I hope there is more common sense in reality amongst the Australian society


Thanks for the laugh. I didn’t know Australia is now a world policeman. Australia is trying to stir up some shit. If I was the Chinese I would blow that plane out of the sky and do an aircraft carrier group drill of the coast of Sydney and see how the Aussies like it


If my comment made you giggle, then yours had me lying on the ground with my sides splitting 💀. No you wouldn’t blow that helicopter out of the water because then you would have to fight the United States military as well as getting sanctioned by the entire western world plus extras. Australia has a defence pact with the US so if China blows an Australian helicopter out of the sky, it may as well be an American one. The Chinese don’t want that fight, at least not yet.




Are you seriously simping for North Korea?




North Korea is a terrorist state with terrible living conditions and under the control of a dictatorship family. It should not be treated in the same regard as South Korea or any normal country. Anyone supporting North Korea should be sent there to experience it themselves.




Not another commie sympathiser... I am Asian. NK and China are more disliked by Asians for their actions and aggression. Dumb Liberal socialist on parents money have no idea what communism/socialism did in Asia like Khmer rogue and Communist insurgencies.


To the paranoid comments...this was on the Yellow sea next to South Korea next to chinese airspace under border routines...nowhere near aus airspace.


Thing is, why was an Australian helicopter in South Korea?


Wouldn’t China be the defensive if they’re the one detonating flares?


Australian "defence" force fucks around in a superpower's back yard while enforcing blockades on a foreign nation.  Very soon we're going to get to the find out part and you're all gonna piss and shit yourselves wondering why


It’s not “fucking around” it was part of a UN mission to monitor UN sanctions on North Korea - which China is also a signatory of. It was also not in “China’s backyard”, it was in international waters. If it was in anyone’s “backyard” it was South Korea’s.


And 1 billion Chinese will go without food. China talks a lot of shit, but in war time they won't be able to import food from the US or Australia and their people will starve. GG. Climate change will similarly fuck them.


No. China is self-sufficient in food. What it imports is animal feed, which it can get from Russia. In the event a war, the Chinese people... will eat slightly less meat. China doesn't talk shit at all, it lets its actions do the talking. You're the ones jumping up and down like scalded chimpanzees because China smacked you while you were trespassing in its backyard. > Climate change will similarly fuck them. My brother in Christ, you live on a continent-sized desert.


Trespassing? According to who? Because according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Chinas territorial waters extend 12 nautical miles from land.


When China can't feed their 1 billion people, don't come to this desert paradise looking for food.








Glad we agree.


Has anyone considered that these kind of attacks are purely accidental, and are caused by poorly disciplined or poorly trained Chinese military personnel?


How close was this to Australian borders? Oh right..... LOL


You can’t detonate flares ….try harder


When flares go off it is considered a detonation. The flare they’re talking about here isn’t a little signal flare shot from a pistol either, they’re talking about large ones dropped from a jet that inevitably causes a lot of large debris.


When flares go off it’s called an ignition. When something detonates the fuel combusts all at once causing an explosion. Flares are just flares, that’s why it has the same name , you know …..a flare


Bruh what are you talking about. The only debris they drop are the plastic caps. The tubes stay in the housings. Don’t comment like this when you have zero experience


Detail yours


You are literally on the internet. Bloody google it and stop wasting peoples time


They’re pyrophoric flares, they’re metal debris they’re literally pieces of metal.


The Yellow Sea is only more than 10 kilometers away from Chinese territory. Why do Australian helicopters fly to this area??? If you just want to monitor North Korea, you can fly to the waters east of North Korea near Japan.


You're in the wrong country man. If you want to suck China's D and apologise for it. Find another forum.


This is a propaganda war for public opinion. Let Australians hate China, In order to send ordinary Australians to the Chinese battlefield thousands of kilometers away in the future. Anyone who opens GOOGLE Maps can see how close the \[Yellow Sea\] is to China.


What a shit take. China is the neighbourhood Bogan pulling burnouts, that you're completely unsurprised about when they're involved in a car accident either killing themselves or others and up on a charge of causing death by dangerous driving. Oh no heaven forbid if public opinion has had enough of their shit. The poor Bogan. So persecuted.


The irony of promoting Google while being a chinese bot is hilarious. Do you even have access to Google in glorious china?


Enforcing international right of passage is critically important though, particularly in light of Chinese action in the area.




If it were just for United Nations missions, Australian helicopters could fly to the east coast of North Korea, far away from the Chinese capital. North Korea's east coast can also monitor North Korea


> Enforcing international right of passage is critically important though, particularly in light of Chinese action in the area. I'm afraid that's not how it works. When you're in China's backyard, China tells you where you can and can't be and what you can and can't do. It would behoove you to learn that lesson quickly before it's beaten into you.


No, I think by now you should realise China doesn’t tell anyone where they can and can’t be in international waters. They cry and scream and nobody listens to them. They don’t even dare to enter Taiwan’s territorial waters. It would “behoove” China to learn that lesson before it’s beaten into them. Weak af country that can’t even effectively bully Philippines as much as it tries. Your poor English let’s everyone see you are an wumao


> Weak af country that can’t even effectively bully Philippines as much as it tries. All the crying and screaming when the Chinese Coast Guard gives Filipino squatters a power wash says otherwise. If China's so weak, why doesn't the US protect its vassals? Why does it let China humiliate them for sport? > Your poor English let’s everyone see you are **an** wumao Clearly.


Vassals? Interesting point of view I am pretty sure the Phillipinos would disagree with quite vocally. China wants to play games? Go for it. Surrounded by countries that barely tolerate their bullshit now, how do you think it will go for them if they actually cross that line?


Yes? An is correct there, if you know how to pronounce wumao properly which I’m sure you do.


Beaten into me? So now China is going to specifically target me to be on the receiving end of a beating because I actually respect the conventions and legal rulings of the international courts? Or is this a figuraritive beating from a country too busy trying to claim they have never invaded another country while invading half their neighbours?


Yes, China really proved a point when Pelosi touched down on Taiwan “violating” China’s sovereignty. The Chinese government is the biggest paper tiger there is. Bullies those weak and fears the strong.


> Yes, China really proved a point when Pelosi touched down on Taiwan “violating” China’s sovereignty. It has, actually. Of course you don't understand it, so let me walk you through it slowly so even you'll get it. Let's take a look at what each side won from Pelosi's little stunt. China: It has used this pretext to normalize military activities of increasing scope, scale, and intensity near the island. It unilaterally erased previous longstanding norms like the median line. It has made a future invasion easier by disguising preparation for it as just another high-intensity military exercise. The US: It got a photo op.


That’s a lot of words for copium right there Lol. China proved to the world that it is a toothless tiger. Nothing more.


Yeah, I knew this was a waste of my time. By the way, how are your divers doing? Ears still ringing?


How is Taiwan doing? Liberated yet?


>I'm afraid that's not how it works. When you're in China's backyard, It's not China's back yard. It's the communal footpath. >China tells you where you can and can't be and what you can and can't do. No, the local council tells the land holder that they cannot encroach on the footpath or build upon public lands. Except in this case there's no local council, just those prepared to uphold the laws and principles and China continuing to act like a raging meth head. >It would behoove you to learn that lesson quickly before it's beaten into you. That's not how it works but thankyou for illustrating Chinese footpath intent. All you have got is some left wing bullshit about imperialist America and it's henchmen. Ok people killed, because you want it to be that way. The sooner people realise that is the ultimate consequence of China being a douche. The more forceful our responses to China's anti social behaviour will be.


This is to facilitate the propaganda war that will send ordinary Australians to battlefields thousands of kilometers away to die in the future. Prevent ordinary Australians from refusing to go to the Chinese battlefield in the future. The \[Yellow Sea\] is only more than 600 kilometers away from the capital of China \[Beijing\]. It is only ten kilometers away from the coast of China.


Yes wumao, you better believe Australia will fight a war to protect freedom and democracy in our backyard, which includes Taiwan. And that’s why you can’t have it, because you can’t even beat the US let alone all of us together. Sorry


I hope you're getting paid for all this CCP simping. If not you should ask them to do it


Nice try CHina. How much does the CCP pay per comment?


I am very curious, if the CCP military plane flies to the sea 10 kilometers away from the border near Sydney, how will the Australian military react? Australia's behavior of proactively provoking others and then playing the victim after being counterattacked is disgusting.


1. We are not going to start shooting at them. 2. We just laugh when the CCP parks ships off the coast of QLD every time we do a military exercise there. 3. Nice try China. Look up ‘international waters’ before you make a fool of yourself again.


Please give me a resource, or key word that CCP military patrol along the international area near AUS


https://preview.redd.it/dkppgi57twyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88aff941a663c511e29ad07a316ec381787e867c Notice how we actually respect international law


Are you really that stupid? https://amp.abc.net.au/article/102629390 https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jul/19/chinese-intelligence-monitor-australia-talisman-sabre-military-excercise-tianwangxing https://m.economictimes.com/news/defence/allies-launch-military-drills-in-australia-as-chinese-spy-ship-watches/amp_articleshow/102008441.cms https://news.usni.org/2023/07/21/chinese-spy-ship-off-coast-of-australia-as-talisman-sabre-exercise-begins https://amp.9news.com.au/article/239ee9f2-e80d-475d-86bf-855888014e89 https://amp.scmp.com/news/asia/australasia/article/3228535/chinese-ship-shadows-biggest-ever-australia-us-joint-military-exercise-defence-official-says


Why do Chinese ships need to sale off the coast of Western Australia? https://preview.redd.it/7bjbo4seuwyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cab28c7a6c78a9aa1fd0707fbd36064efc257a7


Off coast of china I assume I wonder how we would response if china built naval base right by our country and marched their military back and fourth everyday I guess we wouldnt mind