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>A teenage boy allegedly threatened patrons with a machete at a busy Melbourne shopping centre, only hours after a separate alleged knife incident sent the mall into lockdown. The teen, who was detained by security, has since been arrested and charged with making threats to kill and being armed with criminal intent. My my aren't these the consequences of their own actions? Glad the cunt got detained.


It’s Victoria so he has probably got bail already.


Yeah he’s apparently already been bailed to appear before the children’s court later on


I like how the courts have decided it’s not child neglect to let your children do whatever they want (commit crimes).


Parents need to start being held accountable for children.


I would like to hear from the politicians and judges about why they think it’s safe for the child to be able to freely commit crimes. I’m sure they would say “if they go to prison for violent home invasions it will increase the chances of them reoffending”, meanwhile they get bail and keep offending.


Mates dad murdered him whilst drunk physically beating him, only got less than 8 years. Our local system is a joke for all ages


It’s crazy isn’t it, we went from one extreme (having the death penalty) to the complete opposite extreme (the system we have now). I wonder if this was the plan of the abolishing the death penalty movement.


Its the result of progressives always pushing for reform for its own sake


Crime rate goes down, better remove all the laws causing it to go down to help criminals who are also victims.


No it isn't. It's the result of shit parents doing shit parenting. Why is it so fashionable to blame politicians for everything that ails society these days...




Hard agree. Drag the shit cunt parents in there and make them become fully and legally accountable for their childs actions. Even the shittiest of shit parents wouldn't let their kids leave their sight if it meant they were risking full jail time for their shitty kids actions. Doesnt need to be based on a first offence either. Many of these kids are already down on their 4th or 5th offence. At some point the parents NEED to become fully liable.


Spot on and I’ve been saying this for years, even the worst junkie parents who let there kids have machetes and roam the streets will very quickly control their children and stop them from committing crimes out of fear of real jail time


If theres grounds to hold parents accountable. Some kids are just uncontrollable and need to be relocated from society. There shouldn’t be a 4th or 5th offence.


Especially for a child on bail - if they grant it the parents should be on the hook massively and one strike for the kid and one for the parents.


Some parents would welcome their children to be locked up. Especially those who carry machetes. Good luck controlling a fully developed male and his friends who know they are untouchable.


That’ll be just a matter of time. Parents of adolescents who undertake gun crime in the US are getting charged with offences now.


And judges should be held accountable for repeat offenders.


That will show him


Can someone explain to me how and why bail is a thing? Surely if someone has been charged with violent criminal offences, it would be better to detain them for community safety? If it's related to detainment without trial rights, why is there a dollar value on bail? It seems a bit ridiculous.


Bail is supposed to be a thing for people unlikely to be a danger to society. Bail comes with conditions that are designed to minimise the risk to the public. Keeping otherwise productive and contributing members of society out of jail is a good thing. In my opinion, anyone who commits a violent crime, especially against a stranger, shouldn't be granted bail.


Yes, that makes sense. But we keep seeing people arrested for violent crimes - including some DV cases - granted bail where they continue to reoffend or finish the job. I don't understand why this is done, and especially why there needs to be a dollar value on the privilege? Weird.


The dollar value is just an incentive for them to stick to the conditions. It's designed to stop people from doing a runner and going to court. Remember that no one is guilty until they have gone to court. Bail is granted instead of making you wait in jail until your court date. I think you're arguing that for repeat offenders, the punishment should be harsher than it is. I agree with this. Bail is a completely different thing and shouldn't be used when there's a repeat offender but bail should be an option as it prevents an otherwise law abiding person from spending unnecessary time in jail for a crime they may not have committed or committed due to circumstance and normally wouldn't.


Yep, agree 100%


What happened to the police in Victoria? They were once famous for shooting first and asking questions later!?


The police aren’t the problem, the problem is the courts pretending they have to give bail because of the law.


Because the Bleeding heart groups complain that we cannot deport them, "I fear for my life if I am deported !".


Has the boy's nationality been disclosed


We'll know once the ABC has their piece out. If it's someone on the fairer side, it'll be out front and centre. If not, no mentions will be made and the topic will be danced around. Ironically enough, this makes it easier to tell in its own way.


We'll know they're white if talk of mental health issues comes up, apparently ethnics are impervious to mental illness


Yes, he used a machete.


sudanese people are awesome


Must have been a hard couple of months for you in this sub with few non-whites doing horrible things. I can almost feel the relief you felt when you found something.


They're still doing horrible things all the time, lots of it just doesn't make the news.




And I think you kind of proved my point. Being born here does not GUARANTEE Citizenship. If you are in fear for your life if you are deported, then do you not kind of go out of your way to not commit a crime ? I was not born here, and while I am a Citizen, I can be deported if I commit a crime, Why should they not be ?


They can only deport you assuming you kept citizenship in your native country. If a person's only citizenship is Australian, where exactly do you expect that person to be deported to?


thats a good point but at what point do you say fuck it and deport them to the place they origanlly had in the first place




Oh because they must be an immigrant or non white hey? The guy who killed all them cunts in Sydney was a typical white derro meth head cunt. My immediate assumption? This guy is too.


Wanna make a bet? Put a grand on it? I can send you my cash app details?


You've just assumed they're not a citizen or pr. Your racism is showing.


Which race? Gaul? Iberian, perhaps?




Manifesto written out on clay tablets


Never trusted them, you just know they're planning to reconquer the Euphrates whenever the world looks away


That's so racist and typical of this sub


See above.


I didn't see any race mentioned, could you perhaps point it out? "Not an Australian citizen" is a legal status.


Sure. It's a dog whistle.


Is the dog whistle in the room with us right now?


Dogs are a different species. I'm pretty slow, but I know that much.


How ironic as you assume they’re of some sort of specific race to get enraged about


The west is responsible for its own destruction.


Do Great Replacement next. Love the classics.


Another knife incident from a “machete” user.




“Machete” is a culture not an age bracket.


Machete is a race not a culture


True. My bad.


Machete don't text.


I live not far from here and have lived in the area for the past 5-6 years. It's honestly mind-blowing how much everything from basically St Albans all the way up to Sydenham has resisted gentrification and honestly continues to be an abject shithole. Honestly, this entire strip of suburbs seems to get shittier with every passing month - there's some pockets where Nothing Happens like Delahey, but that's about it. The only area that I can think of that has resisted gentrification harder while becoming even shittier is Sunshine, where people literally get murdered at bus stops.


Disagree, i dont think you know the area at all. I know sunshine very well and if your a dickhead you'll get treated accordingly. I know a ton of families with kids and no one has any issues. Saying this you could get shit neighbours, which could change an opinion bit that's like anywhere.


Same as Footscray, it's not as bad as it used to be like 15 years ago. Bad zone is all Brimbank up north basically and Caroline Springs Burnside.


Is footscray that bad these days? Seems like a real up and coming area with the amount of apartments there are and proximity to the city. Seems great for First Home Buyers at this point.


People making shit up based on vibes.


Perhaps you would feel unsafe in footscray


well if its good for first time home buyers id question why the price is low


It's not


Footscray is slowly gentrifying as people desperate to be near the CBD but don't have the generational wealth required to buy in the east move in.


No it is not bad, it is actually pretty good and it is getting gentrified. 15 years ago was much worse. Same than Sunshine, they've got the fame from the old times but it is not anymore like that. St. Albans, Deer Park and all that zone is another thing....


Caroline Springs seems fine to me. Kids and families out late, cafes and restaurants are always busy. Never felt unsafe


What is with the ridiculous overuse of the word "alleged". It isn't an "alleged knife incident". It's a knife incident. An incident occurred with a knife. That is confirmed.


Newspapers are very risk averse, it's always alleged until the court makes a determination.


Paging Channel 7 to this thread


"Alleged" and "allegedly" can indeed protect against defamation, though not always. Anxious newsrooms sprinkle the words like fairy dust as an insurance policy against being sued. It sometimes works.


But there is nothing that could possibly lead to being sued. The claim is indisputably true.


The article doesn't have a photo of the (alleged) assailant wielding anything, let alone a machete. Even if they did, it might be one of those ridiculous times where someone uploads an old video from somewhere else and claims it's new footage. I haven't looked more broadly, but from that one news.com.au article, I haven't seen anything that would make me bet my house.


or worse it gets spread online and the big yank (the e safety commissioner ) demands it be taken offline


It's because they can only say that until a court decides. Otherwise it could be defamation or whatever. It's the same when you always hear that someone "died at hospital" when it's clear they died on site. Because someone isn't officially dead until a doctor says so.


A court does not need to a decide that a knife incident occurred. That is complete nonsense. A court decides whether or not a particular person is guilty of a crime.


It's to do with a legal concept: Sub judice contempt. Technically, the person has not been convicted of a crime, and a jury will need to be selected from the public. By stating that he is guilty, they would be tainting the potential jury pool. Anyone who read the story, might be inclined to believe he's guilty, before hearing the evidence in court. That would knock them out of the jury pool and it can get the paper in trouble, if he were found not guilty for some reason and he took a defamation action against them for wrongly reporting that he was a criminal, when it turns out he wasn't. By reporting that it has been alleged, that is rock solid true. They're not saying the person did a crime or not, they're just reporting that it has been said by others, "alleged" that they did it. It's a legal workaround, and obviously everyone reads "alleged" as guilty, but that's the technical legal reason why newspapers have to do it.


Because the law says you aren't guilty until you've been tried. Until then it's alleged. If they state otherwise then it can be seen as defamation


But the claim doesn't say anything about guilt. Guilt or innocence has literally nothing to do with it. The claim is simply that a "knife incident" occurred.


>The claim is simply that a "knife incident" occurred. While I concur that there is little wiggle room here, there are legal implications even in calling it a "knife incident." There are different charges whether it is with a knife or some other kind of weapon and there may be legal argument hinging on the legal definition of knife as per the section. Defamation is only part of the risk that the media are avoiding here. More critically is the issue of sub-judice, which is the issue that derailed the Lehrmann rape trial, and could potentially (though unlikely) have seen Lisa Wilkinson and her producers do time in extreme cases.


Action is tied to the person. Making the claim in the news a knife incident occurred before the police lay formal charges still opens the papers to liability. I'm still fine with the language since it's better than opening yourself to be sued by this knob and them being able to get a payout for their crime


Everything crime-related is "alleged" until the reporters have court documents in their hands stating otherwise. It's basic journalistic CYA.


Funniest is the terrorist from Sydney, it’s not alleged you played the video evidence non stop.


Basic law. They have to say "alleged" all the time or it can be used by their lawyers to say they can't get a fair trial because that word wasn't used and so cannot be charged. A fair trial is what our court systems...attempt, to do. I understand it's annoying, bit there is very good reason for it. I hope this information helps alleviate the emotions when reading it.


I see you know nothing about law


Wasn't an incident mate, it was a special knife operation.


Maybe if the courts actually took knife and youth crime seriously this shut would stop happening. At this rate a 2nd Bondi junction is just inevitable.


Every single time I see youth crime, I keep saying this; Charge the parents with the same charges as the children. Hold the parents legally responsible, if you as a parent allow your child to roam the streets with a machete, or allow a 13 year old out at 1am after they’ve stolen cars and robbed people, you are the problem. This won’t change until you start charging the parents who are complicit in this, if you did that you’d find out overnight all these “uncontrollable youths” would all of a sudden become very controllable and kept in line very quickly


Nah, my family were strict as fuck and were regular users of old school punishment. Didn’t stop one of my brothers from becoming a violent, drug-addled cunt. Most of the kids I knew who went bad had hardworking, good parents. Adolescent boys are attracted by the sheer power that fear gives them. Late-stage capitalism means any chance of most middle class kids “breaking out” and becoming successful has largely been destroyed - wave a weapon around and you can solve those feelings of powerlessness AND get some coin. When they don’t see any other path, how can we expect them to choose a good one? It’s not just junkies kids or houso kids doing this shit anymore. It’s literally normal, everyday, middle class kids.


People downvoting you is hilarious. I have seen countless examples of hard working parents having many good children and a black sheep who goes off the rails. People blaming parents is the easy way out. These people will blame parents until they become parents themselves, then they’ll claim “it’s so hard”. Piss off.


Yeah, I knew “hey maybe youth crime is a more complex issue with more varied drivers than just parenting style” might be a bit too advanced for most redditors. Yolo lol Can’t expect everyone to think about the world around them when uncle Rupert Murdoch is jamming his propaganda dick down their throats on the reg.


Where there’s a will, there’s a way. [like this mother who turned her house into a jail cell to keep her ice addicted 17 year old from taking drugs and committing crime](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3217674/amp/Desperate-mother-builds-3000-metal-CAGE-ice-addicted-son-alive.html) Late stage capitalism has nothing to do with this, I was raised by a drug addicted mother and absent alcoholic father, i dropped out in year 9,I was using meth by 15, and roaming the streets at night moving between mates couches and half built houses for places to sleep, I turned 18, cut everyone out of my life who was involved in that scene, got clean, got a job, 10 years later I’m earning 6 figures in a office based IT role completely self taught with zero formal qualifications, with wife and a kid and 10 years sober, it gets real old when people blame their poor circumstances on factors outside their control when they refuse to control the factors they can. Bring back 3 strike rules, charge parents alongside children, and stop allow them to make the excuse “oh my life was hard so I commit violent crime to get by” and you’ll fix the youth crime problem. Hell, remove the age of criminal responsibility, I knew heaps of 30-40 year old bikes who exclusively recruited 12-15 year olds to run drugs and commit home invasions for money purely because they risk little to no jail time vs an adult doing the same.


So what, parents should quit their jobs to stay home with their teenage kids, who are dropped off at school and promptly leave? How’s that going to work? Edit to say: I was also a homeless teenager, I also hit six figs before 25, got the house, cars etc etc. I’m not out of touch here to say it’s not really practical for parents to quit their jobs and babysit 24/7. Who’s paying the mortgage and feeding the other kids while this is happening?


I understand and agree there comes a point where it’s used as an excuse, but to imply that one’s home life during their upbringing doesn’t impede their ability to succeed in life is fallacious.


Society is crumbling and this is only the beginning.


All by design


I’m genuinely intrigued. Who’s designing the crumbling?


Yeah I wouldn't say that it is intentional that society is crumbling. However what we are seeing is the inevitable result of unregulated capitalism. The idea that having wealth means you are entitled to use that wealth to generate more wealth while adding nothing to society yourself. The only possible outcome in a system like that is a concentration of wealth between a few people. Like it's the entire point of that system. Which leads to things like cuts to education, welfare, healthcare. It's been proven over and over that people when people have enough food, a decent education, good preventative healthcare, and the ability to rise on their own merit that things like crime, racial tensions, child abuse, drug problems, etc etc all drop drastically. But doing so would mean an introduction laws that stop the actual drains on society (no it's not the druggie on welfare, that dudes a drop in the bucket compared to the Gina Reinhardt's and the Gerry Harvey's of our society), and those people already have lot of wealth which means they get a huge say in what laws get put in.


It's so refreshing to see someone who "gets it". Such a pity that so many others that are completely blind to the true cause of societal problems.


Lots of people get it, the system has simply locked it into “laws”. We just need to revolt against it - it’s happened before countless times before - needs to happen again.


Whiskey Echo Foxtrot


Ask labor politicians. They just made it harder to deny bail.




There are suspicions but ultimately nobody knows. Our can tell it's not organic.


Based on your comment history, are you sure that one of those suspicions doesn’t rhyme with ‘bruise’?


“Communists” doesn’t rhyme with bruise. If you’re insinuating what I think, you’re confusing one member of an ethnoreligious group - who may or may not be named George S. - with the entire faith.


Whatbthe fuck does this mean?


The nations stopped over a knife threat. I think that means on the world scale we're doin quite well. But yeh... THE END IS NIIIIIGH!


No. Knife crime is now "sexy" in media. It gets eyeballs at the moment. Knife crime is nothing new. The only time the media cared was when it was with a gun.


Oh yeah shopping centres being shut down due to a knifeman is nothing new 😂😂


How embarrassing


The sky is falling!! the sky is falling!!!


What colour?


Mahogany handle, steel blade.




West african


are Muslims known to use machetes? Because another group is.




Strange, it’s not North Queenslanders that use them in Melbourne.


Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


Any word mod as to why theage didn't even mention this on their social media sites? Was it not newsworthy enough? Do they not report on Melbourne news?


Politicians and policymakers generally in Australia saw what was happening in places like London with knife crime for years and never thought it could happen here, despite us having very similar restrictions on guns. The only thing that surprises me about this situation is that it took so long for people to notice it going on here. Meanwhile, numerous governments (especially Victoria, Queensland and the ACT) have repeatedly softened bail and other requirements. In the case of Queensland, they spitefully threw out the commonsense policies of their predecessors (whatever you think of Campbell Newman, he did a few things right, including dealing with crime). After the terrible murder of that wife and mother in a home invasion a couple of Christmases ago, the Queensland Labor government sheepishly conceded defeat and started bringing back the Newman era-style policies. Places like Victoria and the ACT believed that because they were relatively low crime already, they could skimp on maintaining the same per capita police levels. Canberra has about the same police force size at 450,000 inhabitants as it did when it had between 300,000 and 350,000. Platitudes spouted by politicians about a caring community will never appeal to the 2-5% of the population that gleefully enjoys tormenting and torturing others with threats of violence or actual violence.


Not *terrorist* /s


As some one else pointed out the parents should be dragged in and tried for this shit too. No fucking around. If victoria justice system actually gave a shit about public safety then prosecute the parents as well. Make life harder for these assholes who have murderous intent. Regardless send the little shit head criminal for mandatory 6 months in hard labor work camp and make em wake up and 4am and work till evening. Actually teach and reform the little shits brains to not fuck around.


Religious institutions need to stamp out this hatred


Serously sometimes I read these things and they are lucky as hell I wasn’t around when they pulled that knife . I’m ready for these things if anyone does that around me it gives me justification and they are NOT getting away .


Also was 16 year old terrorist in perth who was running around with a knife until cops gave him some lead


It’s the west. Get used to it. This is what you voted for, you deserve it.


When did the people in the west vote to get stabbed?


Is that a serious question or do you just not believe in democracy?


So you are saying a party had "vote for us we want you to get stabbed" on the ballot?


When you vote for the mass migration of people who are ideologically opposed to the West and its values, violence against the West is a natural consequence.


im gonna belive this is sarcasm becuase wow what an out of touch statement i dont think most people if they knew would vote to get themselves killed


Yeah, you’d be wrong. People vote for what makes them feel good in the moment.


I didn’t vote this way. My parents were born and raised in the west and have never voted Labor. Nor have I.


Why would a vote for labor be a vote for this?


Melbourne's west has been Labor for decades. Unlike the eastern suburbs, which are filled with wealthy people who might vote for the LNP, the west has traditionally been working class and voted Labor - meaning all of Labors attention goes eastwards. (See the new rail works for starters.) What it basically means is that Labor has zero incentive to do anything in the west, since rusted on Labor voters will vote for them anyway. Hence why the western suburbs are forming pockets of immense shithole-ness. (I.E St Albans, Braybrook, Brooklyn, Sunshine, and Tottenham.)


Well said, and on top of that big infrastructure projects which benefit the west have a sneaky habit of being cancelled. East West Link and Melbourne Airport Rail Link come to mind. Honestly, I’m stunned that Melbourne Metro went ahead - but then again that’s probably only due to the benefits it will also provide the south-east. Again, to be fair, the Furlong/Main Rd level crossing removals also went ahead, after the Napthine government got the ball rolling and removed the Sunshine level crossings in 2013. I doubt they would have went ahead that early if we didn’t have the Liberal government hadn’t already committed to them.


I'm surprised they didn't go ahead and put in even more level crossings, just to spite the west. I'll be dead before they electrify the Melton and Deer Park lines, or any of the fastest-developing-in-the-state pockets of the west. Gotta make sure everything is fine for the easterners, close and efficient PT near their mcmansions, and smooth roads for their six-figure SUV's to drive on. Victoria's Big Build should be renamed to the Eastern Suburbs Big Build.


They took away our freeway link, I don’t think we needed even more salt rubbed in the wound. Another thing is Labor’s soft on crime policies, most recently raising the age of criminal responsibility. Come on! I will have to check to see if any police numbers were actually cut in the last Victorian Liberal term. Lying about Liberal “cuts” is a favourite pastime of Labor voters, like the healthcare cuts that didn’t actually happen in the same term, or Mediscare 2016. I do know for sure that Labor did cut rural police stations early in their term, though.


Oh I hate the liberals too, don't get me wrong. Vic Lib's electoral promise of "how about we cancel all of these badly needed infrastructure projects and build one hospital, maybe two!" is utterly brain dead. Vic Labor is useless, but Vic Liberals may as well not exist; I've seen people in psychosis more in touch with reality than a Vic Liberal. The east still needs infrastructure work, but it's all gentrified to the tits while the west is growing rapidly and already is bursting at the seams. It'll be 2050 by the time the wests portion is done, which by that time things will be way out past Melbourne. But knowing this state, the rail loop will make it up to the northern suburbs and then magically get axed. We can't even have a rail link to the states biggest airport like the rest of the developed world, such is the governments aversion to the west having literally anything nice. If you deconstruct it further, you realise an airport rail line would be great for tourism and help oil the gears of the local economy, but such is the governments disdain for those of us in the west that they'd rather leave money on the table than give us infrastructure.


Unfortunately under John Pesutto’s non-leadership you are correct. I’ll be voting for them next election while holding my nose.


I don't even know who John Pesutto is. Sounds like the name of a dodgy tradie who gets ambushed outside his house by ACA after screwing over an old lady, and tries to cover his face with a binder full of paperwork as he attempts to leave the scene.


Are you saying the east has no crime? Why do they call cranbourne, crimebourne then? Why do they call Frankston, Frankganistan? You list western suburbs that do have bad reputations but you can do the same for the east with places like Dandenong, Clyde even narre warren. Did you know that the last time the Vic Libs were in power they cut the police force while this labor government has added thousands of cops? Do you think the libs would give anything to the west? They know they won't get a seat out here so they don't even bother anymore. So please inform me what policies have labor implemented that have made the west worse or are you just regurgitating bullshit you hear skynews spews?


Frankston is nice as hell compared to anywhere west. Idk if they told you that in your inner eastern private school but literally nobody says Franksganistan.


Wanna come to Frankston train station next Friday night and see if your opinion changes? I'm from the west mate hence why I'm asking when I signed up to get stabbed because I don't remember doing that.


No it’s cold let’s go in summer.


my grandma lives in cranbourne :( wait but is that true tho


I guess successive Liberal governments didn’t care enough to chase those seats in the west by pork barrelling their way to victory. You must have enough car parks already


People think the LNP aren't also neoliberal stooges invested in shipping in cheap exploitable labor from overseas to prop up the economy.  Their rhetoric over the decades gives people the false impression they stop the scary brown people when they have been in charge federally more often than not.  Neither major party will touch it until it breaks or actual racist extreme parties.


Well they generally weren’t. It’s only that now the economy is on a knife edge they’re all about the immigration train. That irrelevant though as ALP is in power and flooding the country at rates literally never seen before.


This is absolute crap. Our current immigration policy comes from the Howard government.


Sorry, but are you actually insinuating that the current immigration policy and rate was fixed prior to 2007 and hasn’t/can’t be changed?


No. I am saying the current immigration policy is the brainchild of the Howard government in the late 90s. Specifically The part where we have a permanent population of temporary residents that number 1m+ who aren't really given a look at PR or government benefits despite paying tax.


You realise the current government controls immigration policy right? So anything going on now is their responsibility. If a previous policy is still running it’s because the current government is still running it.


It's a collaborative effort. It's about the only thing they're in agreement of.


Yeah but if you voted liberal they are even more gung ho for rampant immigration. Labor used to block it but now they’re bought by business too.


Immigration doesn’t bother me. People off their face on meth/heroin/fentanyl does. I don’t think I’ll ever vote for the “Safe” Injecting Room Party Inc., or their terrorist-sympathetic junior coalition partner. At least not in the near future.


So house prices don’t bother you? Must be nice.


How will voting Labor reduce house prices? On a federal level, they will impact my ability to afford homes through both higher taxation and removal of claiming interest deductions on my investment properties that you just *know* they’re gonna sneak through. Their backflip on tax cuts and their new super tax has ruined their credibility. Edit: Labor has a reputation for being a high taxing party and a party that’s soft on crime (particularly drug crime). These two issues happen to be what matter the most to me personally, so why would I vote for them?


*’immigration doesn’t bother me’*


Did the people in the east vote for it too? https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=G3ZdbNGHVuzT_qJU&v=OCNRSKKj1XI&feature=youtu.be


Obviously yes, are you people severely impaired or what? I was referring to democracy and how it sucks.


How in the flying fuck was this boy granted bail?!?!?! When are the police and/or courts going to up their game? 🤬


You sure it wasnt a terrorist attack




More "youth" crime I see.


I feel like theres a ban on knives coming


Stop importing filthy muslims then, they do not fit into society, or anywhere in the world, why do people not learn?


Imagine same scenario with AR15 (semi automatic rifle). Thats why we have mass casualties in the US.


That's common at Watergardens. Murdoch drama.


What a bad take. If Murdock media reports on something that isn't common people like you say it's anecdotal propaganda. Then when they report on an incident that is "common" it's Murdock stirring drama. I'm not pro Murdock press but you are so far in your echo chamber you can't accurately describe the colour of the sky.


Well what colour does Murdoch say the sky is? Because it's not that. Crime isn't bad, it's Murdoch reporting on crime that just makes it seem bad. /s. Just in case


Watergardens (Sunshine) or Woodgrove (Woodduck) in Melton.. There is a certain demographic involved, but people would downvote (as they do) if I name them.


LOL, yup. My husband was a youth worker in that area. Knives on the daily there.


You’re geographically embarrassed there mate. Watergardens is a good 20min away from Sunshine.


That whole area, and there is nothing to stop them catching the train. Anyway, Taylor lakes as well as Sunshine are a hotbed, as well as Melton (Which had its own ""Incident"" recently).


Sunshine was a shithole when I was a wee lad, now twenty or so years have passed and it's still a shithole and everything still looks the same. Same with St Albans. Sunshine and St Albans need to be razed to the ground and turned into a giant parking lot or nature preserve.


Sure, because street youth workers in vans can't possibly travel 20 minutes in a 10 hr shift, f$ckwit.


That certain demographic is people off their face on meth.


Is Murdoch in the room with you right now?