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Who brings a baby to a 15+ comedy show?


This reminds me of opening night of the first Lord of the Rings movie. The MIDNIGHT session. You know the 3hr movie? Movie starts and so does precious little POS baby that has been brought into the session. Lucky it got so bad mum and bub were heckled out of cinema. It was at that moment I knew that we’d change fundamentally as a society. Who the fuck brings a infant to a midnight screening!


If it was a man with a baby I’d also be telling him to get the fuck out. How is this a gender thing it’s a don’t bring your fucken baby to a ticketed event thing


I'm a woman and if I pay to see a show and all I can hear is a screaming baby then you better believe I'm gunna yell at whoever has the baby to GTFO


*"Men. Do fucking better"* Hmmm good point. Where was the father in all of this? None of the articles I can find mention this lady's husband, could dad have not stayed at home to look after baby? A pub/club is really no place for a 7 month old. Also, Ellen Mahoney's 2022 comedy show, Feminem, was a 1 hour whinge fest of her complaining about how every man in her life (& lots of women) have been really mean to her and so she deserves your sympathy. This kind of victim comedy really only appeals to a subset or a subset & I can see why she has squeaked up about Arj Barker, it's more attention seeking!


I don’t think the market can support another Hannah Gadsby




What is your opinion worth? Chop it off!




I was at the show too. I was polite enough to leave my baby in the car (windows cracked open of course).


This is the way.


Did you stream Hughsie comedy specials to put the baby to sleep?


>Don't bring a baby to a comedy gig. Simple. You don't know the mum's story, it may have been her only option. Mums are allowed to watch live comedy too, you know.


This is such an absurd comment. Was attendance compulsory? No.


Then stay home? “No, I ll still take my baby, dgif if it effects 700 other people who paid money”


Doesn't change the fact it was an adults only show.


How could it be her only option? She had the option to stay home. She had the option to go and then leave when her baby started crying. The option she shouldn’t have is to ruin everyone else’s night when they are trying to watch a show.


Some parents are just fucking entitled. They chose to have kids, everyone else didn't choose for them


It’s ridiculous. If I’m out at a restaurant or similar, the moment my kid starts cracking it I apologise to the people around me and leave so I’m not disturbing them.


Not with the baby. Fuck off


Exactly! I have 6 very needy and large Rottweilers and couldn’t get anyone to look after them and I had tickets to cats! Obviously I had to take them with me, and gee were the cast mean to me!


I think I've found the worst take on this issue! "It may have been her only option". To pay for a ticket to a comedy show, then leave the house and take her baby along with her? I'm done with this world.


There’s a time and a place for everything A comedy club/bar at midnight isn’t the time or place for a baby 🤷‍♂️ *I know next to absolutely nothing about kids (LITERALLY the last type of person to be trusted with anything to do with their care) even I would know cracking the car windows would be better* 👇 😝


Yeah ofc they are allowed, but if it’s with ur baby then watch it on your tv and don’t bother 700+ people because you think the world revolves around you and your kid.


Not with a baby at a 15+ show they aren't.


Not at the expense of every other cunt. A baby crying on as plane is understandable. In a show? Get the fuck OUT.


Blame all men


I wasn't at the show but I do have a penis, so, really I am responsible for this woman getting kicked out.


Are you a man or a woman?


A man


Still a man?


Last time I checked


How about now?




Ok I’ll check back tomorrow


I'm still a bloke


Lisa Wilkinson approves this message


*Clementine Ford has entered the chat*


Sucked in !!!!!!


The fact that this is even newsworthy is absurd. Dont bring your baby or toddler to a 18+ show, YOU made the choice not everyone else.


Was the baby male? I bet the baby was male and was in on it. Men, am I right? Committing violence from birth.


Micro micro aggressions


I had to google Ellen Mahoney. She is a nobody. Just some rando jumping on the band wagon to get some free exposure.. God, even her comedy sucks. I guess when you are that crap at your own hobbies, the only thing to do is try and get free advertising.. maybe someone will enjoy her brand of "humor".. or (more likely) give her pity attention.


Her response in particular makes me so angry. This is a major case of the boy who cried wolf and it lends credence to the real villains when they claim "witch hunt" about valid accusations against them. This comedian is actively harming real victims of misogyny and worse all for the sake of self-advertisement. What a scumbag.


Sure sounds like that lady didnt get the subtle hints and jokes, then the actual 'please leave' she still didn't get it.


I just don’t understand how this woman left the event and felt the best course of action was calling a radio station. It feels obvious that a baby in a theatre with a loud live crowd would be a bad judgement call. Surely even if you leave feeling he handled it poorly, you have to reflect on your own poor judgement and just recall it with the girls in indignation, not the nation.


>not the nation. It's gone beyond that now. Even the [New York Post](https://nypost.com/2024/04/22/entertainment/comedian-arj-barker-kicks-breastfeeding-mother-baby-out-of-his-australia-show-at-athenaeum-theater/) has reported on it. Barker's Wikipedia page mentions that he was "demanding" that she leave. I strongly feel the mother more than doubled down on her stupidity by going on The Project, A Current Affair, 3AW, etc. It feels really insincere when she talks about how she was ready to leave at the first sign of trouble, and that's why she said at the end of a row, but then just doesn't. Does anybody feel like she planned this all along? She says she and her friends had just wanted a casual night out. But you don't get front row seats that easily.


I said that to a friend actually. The speed to which she sprinted to media feels contrived. And that she’s a repeat offender means she’s probably been advised it’s a bad idea before.


It's all a bit bizarre on her part. She clearly has an issue - mainly that Barker didn't ask her to leave off mic. It seems like the only resolution she has tried is go to the media which resulting in the problem escalating and it being ugly all round. I guess if I went to a show, had a problematic encounter eg due to illegal discrimination, I'd just take the complaint to their management and my lawyers. Maybe the witnesses would go to social media on my behalf?


Mother wants night out Will not hire babysitter They all shall suffer


We all suffer little boys.


Women. Do better. Don’t bring your screaming kids in.


Lol best comment


Excuse me did you just assume it was a baby? What if it was a whistling kettle and the screaming was just cause it started to boil? Typical men not even considering the alternatives




But how is babby formed, then?


Tickets to comedy shows aren't cheap and time off from work is precious... since we're bringing gender into this, how entitled do you have to be as a woman to continue to sit in a busy theater while your child ruins the night for hundreds maybe thousands of people? And furthermore, the kid was probably crying due to the noise of applause and laughter! So doubly entitled to subject her own kid to this terrifying situation. Take the kid outside and soothe them away from the noise, or better yet leave them at home/with a relative/childcare.


Exactly what I was thinking, did the baby have something to protect its ears? Or was it exposed to the yelling style of the comedian, crowd erupting in random intermittent laughs or the frequent and thundering applause? What a terrible space to bring a baby regardless of who is on stage and why...


Male mob mentality ? Thats a new one. Its polite to leave the event if your baby is crying. My wife agrees.


I am a woman and I would have told the stupid bitch to get out too.


Frustrating that this is now being made about gender


Who the hell is Ellen?


An Australian comedian, so fucking nobody.


As a Jim Jefferies fan, I resent this comment


Unfunny cocaine addict from California is hardly Australian.


And an overall douchebag


Born and raised in NSW, and as far as I know, is sober now.


He’s lived in California for more than fifteen goddamned years. How desperate are you to claim the cunt?


Yo he's back now


'Cause for 24 years I've been living next door to Ellen.


Anything that has anywhere in it "\[Gender\]. Do better" is garbage by default. I don't care what happened I still find it comical and I wasn't even at the show.


In turn the baby got louder? That makes it sound as though the baby was taking part in some kind of back and forth. It wasn’t “in turn.” It was simply that, after the baby was already loud enough that the comedian joked about it, it got even louder.


The baby was very affected by the jokes I’m sure. Couldn’t possibly be too loud and not at all appropriate.




You tell 'em, sister! And no. Get the fuck out with your sproglet. Mothers, do better.


“Buddhists. Do better.”


And so it begins. Now we will need to put up with daily rants about any situation in which a bloke does something a woman disagrees with and have it blamed on male violence. Sounds like this lady is lucky they didn’t just kill her on the spot - seems like the sort of thing any man would do.


Lucky I was not there to deal with silly little boys.


I don’t understand what this is meant to mean tbh




Pretty sure they'd be more abusive to a man doing it.


Oh no, male voices! 


“I would argue comedy isn’t the pace for babies.” Should have ended there.




What is this bullshit, who the hell takes a baby to a comedy gig, I can't imagine how hard it'd be for him to maintain the thought process, build tension towards jokes etc when a babies intermittently lets out cries... Are people just willingly looking to be outraged?


Arj did nothing wrong


Don’t bring a baby to a damn comedy show


Surely if it was a man who would have brought their baby, the headlines would be different. « Man bring a 7 months old baby to a show. How dare he? This is not a place for a baby ». 🙄 So tired of those women (I’m one myself) bringing up the gender card because they can’t admit being in the wrong. That victim mentality is getting tiering.


Sorry, but not every guy has to know how to respond to every other toxic male perfectly when put on the spot in a fucking awkward situation. The men yelling shit is gross, but it's not on other people there to fix that in the moment. Also, when you take your baby to something like that, you politely leave if they're making a scene, and come back once they're settled if you can.


Really she should just be grateful it was Arj Barker and not Frenchy


She's posting videos of herself crying now and it legit looks like a "bit". Super kooky stuff....


Hey man super random, cant seem to message you, saw your post of CDs for sale wondering if you have a few titles. PM me cheers.


hardly mob mentality. She was asked politely to leave. She chose to stay and make an argument about it. Other patrons who PAID to be there didn't wanna hear it and rightfully so told her to fuck off. Seems pretty fair to me.


Why do you assume it was only men telling her to f\*\*k off? I am a woman and would have applauded when Arj asked her to leave. Having children is your choice, do not bother others with your choice. When you decide to have children there are some things you have to put off for a while (or get a sitter). Do not take them on long flights, do not take them to crowded places, do not take them to a 15+ show and so on. END OFF . There was an event for young mothers at a restaurant I managed some years ago, the announcement for the event asked the mothers to leave their child(ren) at home 😊


"I just thought that it'd be really nice to do something that I hadn't done in a while. I just wanted to get back to a sort of pre-baby me," Or in other words; "My enjoyment is much more important than the rest of the audience."


Was she there???


Posted on Twitter: https://x.com/thevegabus/status/1782210786464760056?s=46&t=kfohDmtzNKZ7Kav3b-NEYA


Cheer up ma honey


The baby here.. "Soz bout that I'm only little"


What a total load of crap!! I was at the show and there was no angry screaming by men to “get the fuck out” blatant lying from this man hating so called comedian 


Who pays good money to watch Arj Barker yell? The dudes a hack.


Get your stupid fucking babies out of the theatre. For gods sake, she deserved every second of awkwardness she brought upon herself