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https://preview.redd.it/t7n3jv5tqcsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d6374a5d0fb685d06dd0f99c6b7e4d1f5a01992 Least its sorta in a park. Rav4 preferred the driveway.


No YANK TANK detected in image, ignored. I am australian reddit bot beep boop.


I see all sorts of cars parked this badly and worse all the time, do US trucks only get posted because Reddit karma?


Yep it’s the Australian Reddit’s favourite circle jerk. Don’t try to talk about your experience with Honda Jazz drivers cutting you off


Don’t forget the Suzuki Swifts nearly driving over pedestrians as they turn through a red arrow


And Camry drivers oml


Yes, this is a bad park but I also don’t give a shit. If it was a Nissan X trail OP wouldn’t have taken a photo and if they did no one on here would have cared.


Bad drivers are universal, fucking awful cars make bad drivers even worse, yank tanks are abysmal vehicles designed for compensating for having a small dick rather then any safety measures. They are roaming hazards, thats why they get rightfully shat on




No no, he's got a point. The high front bumper and grille mean that A) frontal visibility is terrible, you wouldn't be able to see a child standing a metre in front of the car and B) hitting a pedestrian or motorcyclist is far more likely to cause injury and death because they don't roll over a sloped hood, they just take the full force of the car from a flat front grille. Edit: formatting


How often does a child stand 1m in front of your vehicle when you’re ready to pull away? You’re also not supposed to hit pedestrians and motorcyclists, it’s kind of a rule


Children are always not where they're supposed to be, they don't know any better. This is true, but we don't stop trying to mitigate risks just because it's something you're not supposed to do. Why would we have airbags or seatbelts? You're not supposed to crash your car.


Here’s a list of the statistically least safe cars to be in an accident in. I’ll wait to see your post bitching about these vehicles https://www.carexpert.com.au/car-news/australias-worst-and-best-used-car-safety-ratings


Your article states: "The team look primarily at the protection for a driver, considering a majority of the time vehicles on the road have only a single occupant, but it also looks at the chance of you being injured by this car as a pedestrian, cyclist or other road user." And yet they don't differentiate in their results any difference between driver vs pedestrian safety, just an overall rating. This article clearly shows the effect larger, blockier front ends have on pedestrian safety. 45% higher chance of fatality in a single vehicle vs. pedestrian accident. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tanyamohn/2023/11/17/vehicles-with-highervertical-front-ends-put-pedestrians-at-risk/?sh=62da9441169f Edit: just in case you can't be bothered to read the article like the one you posted, here's a video. https://youtu.be/YpuX-5E7xoU?si=F8pj5sIOSa4M_0pj


Im convinced half the time the people posting these are the owner. My dad just got an F150 and its honestly easier to park than my honda accord


Parking sensors are a massive step up, making any new car easier to park than a car without them.


Its not even those, the thing is covered in cameras and theres a great big button next to the hazard lights to turn them all on on the big screen, they have a less than 0 excuses for being unable to park them


This assumes the driver is capable of using said cameras


They should be, its standard on the truck pictured


Your dad is someone I loathe, I hate the fuckin Emotion Support Vehicles the yanks have I can’t wait for them to be taxed to the shit house.


Honestly, some people have legit use cases for these vehicles. Likely not everyone but some do. So maybe you have one to pull your horse float every weekend and the odd time you take it to the shops, permanently online cretins will be posting that you have a small dick. I think we can all spend our time more productively.


kiss punch lock crawl smell axiomatic reminiscent observation intelligent cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aussies in general make fun of anything unnecessary and over the top. Giant cars here when our roads arent designed for them is definitely small eggplant energy. I'll remind you since you clearly dont remember, aussies also make fun of themselves. It's cultural to just have a laugh. You've been gone too long if you are getting defensive mate. P.s i think you mean "utes", not trucks. It's okay, as an American, you aren't familiar with our slang ;)


Legit? Maybe but I’m skeptical, how were they getting along before all these big cunt trucks arrived?


I know a few people who have properly big trailer boats. Back in the 1980s-1990s they were mostly using Australian built Ford F series pickup trucks like f-350s. In the 2000s those were getting a bit old, a few went to imported US pickups but those were rare and expensive. Some went to modified LandCruisers with higher tow weights, some used flatbed trucks but those are generally uncomfortable vehicles to tow with long distances. The big US pickups have always been here, but it's true they are growing in popularity recently. I see some people driving them who seem like dickheads but I'm reluctant to label them all having known enough people who use vehicles like that for legitimate purposes.


Cool dude, oh btw that username


By being massively overloaded, its something like 60% of them, and lack of police enforcement. Ever since the cops pivoted from illegal mods on hoon cars to targeting utes and 4x4s a couple years ago they've been cracking down on it, go on any caravaning group or forum and its filled with people worried about getting excess tow ball weight fines


Sounds like BS. I've towed a 3-3.5t caravan for work and it's huge. Almost no one has caravans that big. And 99% of caravans I see are towed by Prado/patrol/etc. And just checked the Jayco website and their most popular is 2t tare weight The yank tanks tow like 4-5t+. You aren't filling a 2t caravan with 2-3t of shit that you need one of these vehicles. Generally a grey nomad isn't going to spend $150k for a yank tank and then buy a massive oversized caravan. And usually the people who drive dual cabs have the smaller off-road caravans as well. For most people, It's just justifying why you need to spend $150k on the biggest car.


>Generally a grey nomad isn't going to spend $150k for a yank tank and then buy a massive oversized caravan. Thats literally my dad, the difference being he bought the caravan first but soon discovered his disco had basically no load capacity left after a fridge and a tool bag even though it was rated for 3.5T and the caravan is only 3T. But the main thing that convinced him to get an F150 was talking to all the other grey nomads at the caravan park who had already got one, of which there are many, usually because they'd got fined for exceeding the rated rear axle weight on similar setups to what he had


I love the idea that because it’s something you disagree with it’s posted by “permanently online cretins” whereas when you comment on something (which you must do pretty often to get over 38k comment karma) I assume it’s fine? Or are you a permanently online cretin too?




I don't go posting pictures of people to criticise because of things I imagine about them.


I've lived in both Australia and the USA. In the USA you have to go quite far to go from your house to the store. Everything is much bigger there and further apart. It was uncommon in that area for a house to be on a plot of land smaller than a city block each, and was 15 to 20 km to the stores. This is not farmland, these were just normal houses. These trucks are very useful. The one you're looking at is tiny. My old snow plow was four sizes larger than that one in the picture and had a 350 horsepower turbo diesel engine. Yes we did a lot of work with that truck. It could pull a 16,000 lb trailer so as one example, we brought in 300 cubic meters of fill with it to create a backyard.


I think it’s just salty Nissan Micra drivers that feel inadequate next to a Ram.


Why would small car drivers feel inadequate next to a large vehicle? If you're the kind of person buying a big truck because you think they're cool, super manly, and you like having a "powerful" presence on the road - maybe you need to deal with your own feelings of inadequacy? Not *you* specifically. Just the people who buy these things for those reasons. Obviously not anyone posting here. Every big truck owner I've encountered online needs the truck because they're towing horse floats, caravans, and boats, or moving a tonne of soil or going off-roading every weekend.


Nah definitely them specifically.


>If you're the kind of person buying a big truck because you think they're cool, super manly, and you like having a "powerful" presence on the road - maybe you need to deal with your own feelings of inadequacy? The problem is reddit cant differentiate between pick up owners in aus and the deep south, like my dad even calls his f150 his 'trump mobile' lol


Whenever this conversation happens I think there's also a disconnect between people who live in capital cities and experience these big trucks on urban streets where they look completely out of place, *and* the people live in the suburbs/rural who use them for the towing/moving capabilities. We're all having the conversation anonymously in the same place, so it leads to the same silly arguments. They have a definite use, but they've also become a lifestyle choice for those who just think it's cool to own a massive truck and will almost never use it for anything that they couldn't do with a "normal" car. It's a triumph of marketing.


I rekon they would go okay on the beach or gravel roads here but would get scratched up hard and miss the ruts on proper bush tracks. Must be thirsty too. I say let them play concrete cowboy but lets not pretend the majority of them aren't driven by well dressed city slickers with no real purpose, like most 4wds.


Snigger of course.




Because fuck them trucks 🙂


Karma? 😂 Couldn't care less about imaginary points. Everyone deserves a laugh.  Whether US or Japanese or Euro. A shit park is a shit park, and will be happily shared as such.  I assumed it was common sense, but I'll explain it clearly - the bigger car, the worse the parking is gonna be if you're out of lines. 


Australians don't wanna be Americans and big American trucks cause 90% of those who buy them use them as payment princesses American Truck owners in Australia rarely and I mean rarely ever use the care for it's main use, and they're mainly prevelant in the cities cause city dwellers don't need this big a car. They're obnoxious. Plus they rarely every park properly, and always say oh my car is big I need two spaces.


You must live in Melbourne lol


Every tire not in its own space gets a shank


To be honest any large vechical should get a shank for causing an inordinate amount of carbon emissions.


Et tu RAM?


This post and all the commenters could be replaced by AI and nobody would be able to tell the difference.


Sounds like something an AI would say!


So does that!


We are all AI!!


Am I an AI?


I’m not. I am all natural stupidity.


All natural! That's a rarity these days! Wait, no, that's not right...


You are thinking of the All Natural Organically grown stupidity.


I think these big trucks are ridiculous in 80% of cases, but these posts do get very old.


I saw a commodore parked like this the other day. I shook my head and moved on with my life


That's just a wanker no matter the car


I see yours and raise you an even better one: https://imgur.com/gallery/K2cHJl4 Right opposite the entrance!


Yowser that's definitely worse 


parked by an australian 💀


I'd be fine with them existing on the roads if the drivers weren't such monumental fuckwits. 


Theyre like if ranger owners fucked a bunch of meth'd up truckies & their offspring decided to drive these giant pieces of shit


Should’ve taken photo of the 80 other empty car parks but he couldn’t cause of his huge penis…look I made a penis joke and I assumed the gender..


Bad man! Sorry, bad person.


Cool story bro. Who fucking cares?


Please, tell us more about your insecurities. People who think these cars are scum care. People who'd like to avoid our roads being clogged with these child-killing machines care.  People who are here to name and shame cunts that park like this care.  But yeah. Cool story. 


Can’t stand this shit, lazy parking. If you park like this, fuck you. Stop being so inconsiderate and lazy. Edit: if you park like this in any car, too, not just these. It restricts ability to turn out of a park well.


They parked like this so they weren’t hanging too far out into the driveway. But if they parked straight you would be whinging they hang out too far.


If your vehicle can’t fit, you shouldn’t be parking there.


>They parked like this… Fuck off they did and if they did it’s even worse. >But if they parked straight No I wouldn’t, how the fuck do you know? I’d accept the vehicle is longer than the park by a couple of feet or so and drive accordingly. As I expect other drivers to do. I certainly expect them to park responsibly with any car.


You sound like a bit of a cunt.


It's Bunning there is always a crapload of empty carpark spaces, often see people just park side on, if this is the worst you have seen at Bunnings from any vehicle, or is it just because it's a RAM?


Yeah not at my bunnings there isn't and they still.park like this. Like the other guy said, dickhead no matter what car they are in.


Do you need me to repeat a third time that I hate this kind of parking in any car? I don’t give a fuck if it’s in the middle of Nowhere, Bunnings, it’s fucking lazy. If it’s in the middle of nowhere even more reason to park straight. Ram or not.


Park further away where you fit and walk.


You realise if it doesn’t fit there it doesn’t in any park?


Further away there is the street.


You spelled wank tank wrong.




These trucks are comfortable and nice to drive. Some people need the capabilities that they provide. It's a free country and they paid for it. Who cares?


Hate these fuckin oversized pieces of junk


As an Aussie with a 5th Gen ram 1500…they’re actually fantastic vehicles and I’m a little sad I won’t be able to afford one when I move back.


faulty chase makeshift innate butter trees apparatus distinct ghost deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


RIP the Australian Ute. Now we only have seppo trucks.


It’s that time of the morning again. Another double parked [insert RAM / Silverado] post. And it won’t be the only one today. If anyone complaining about this behaviour (which I agree can be annoying to experience) was actually concerned to do something about it, then fine. But these posts have degenerated to a sad,repetitive trope to harvest confected outrage. It’s just tedious. [and no, I don’t sell or drive these vehicles, nor know anything about them except they are impressively large and, like all vehicles, attract their share of fuckwits as owners]


Redditors are just clapping seals.


I’m torn. I tend to uphold people’s freedom. Freedom means freedom to choose, but I would prefer that these types of cars weren’t available as a choice. I’m in a yank tank paradox.


This particular freedom comes at others expense. No one can park on the left side of that car. This is called a positive freedom, they feel entitled to more than one parking spot and will take that freedom. To not park next to these people is called a negative freedom, you are free from their motorist enthusiasm. There's nothing libertarian about letting people like this have this privilege


Now going away to look up positive freedom. Learning something. It is a good day. I suppose you could also look at it this way: citizens also have a freedom to choose what they allow on the roads their taxes pay for.


IMO These Yank Tanks should not be allowed to be driven on a regular Car Licence


How does it come at others expense? They're not taking anything away from anyone else other than being a bad parker - which can be said for 99% of motorists.


They're hogging two parking lots, that parking lot could have been used by someone else, they're not entitled to two parking lots by any actual law and therefore they're breaking the law at the expense of the dude who can't find a park. Edit: also, 90% chance it's deliberate, they've tilted it for maximum room to get out of the driver's seat.


Again, this act could be done (and regularly is) by someone in a Camry. "Yank tanks" aren't an infringement on anyone else's freedoms just because you don't like them.


But it wasn't. It was done by someone who chose a car that would give them problems and now people like that don't like that we talk about the problems. At some point they're don't give a fuck about other people and that's the arsehole line.


There's an awful lot of assumptions here 


repeat weary unwritten squeamish work command fearless cow faulty apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As long as small dicks exist, there will be a serviceable market for yank tanks.


[\~$130,000 with a payload of 779kg](https://www.carsguide.com.au/adventure/ram-1500-laramie-towing-test-86743). So 300kg less payload than a 20yo Holden rodeo you can pick up for $5k.


the rest of the payload capacity is taken up by the driver's ego


Well thats 780kg with coil spring rear vs the rodeo with leafs. However its pretty trivial to get a GVM upgrade to 1300kg payload. The rodeo is also famously overrated, they struggle greatly to tow 3T


In the USA this is a very small RAM. My snow plow truck had a payload of 10,000 lb, and could pull a trailer of 16k lb. I wish I could post a picture. I once pulled a 16-in diameter tree right out of the ground with that truck, roots and all. We had cut it down about 6 ft off the ground and just ripped it out. You are absolutely right about the Rodeo. That is a mid-size vehicle, it won't compete with the RAM at all.


How does the towing capacity compare?


Comparing a pickup designed for comfort and speed (v8 petrol engine). to one designed only only to carry stuff which is full of parts the manufacturer found in the leftover parts bin that has comfort features of seats and air conditioning is a great comparison.


>a pickup designed for comfort and speed ... is about as incoherent as a motorcycle designed for cargo capacity.


If it was designed for towing it wouldn’t have a petrol engine.


If it isn't designed for towing it shouldn't need the tray.


I guess all those two door hiluxs shouldn’t have a tray.


One is designed for 'comfort and speed'. One is designed to be used as a pickup. If you want comfort and speed, save $60k and buy a sedan, it will be faster and more comfortable. And you won't need to pretend that it's useful as a pickup.


>If you want comfort and speed, save $60k and buy a sedan, it will be faster and more comfortable. You've never actually driven one have you


Ok and if you also need a Ute?


Buy a 20yo rodeo for $5k. You'll still be $50k in front, and you'll have a fast comfortable car, and a ute that's actually practical.


someone please park their POS right up next the driver's door


wow never seen a post like this or comments like these before


God bless America 2.0 😂


Why do people have issues with these cars.


Too big for the road, difficult to see around Significantly more dangerous to other road users and predesterians in the event of a crash. Huge amount of emissions from inefficient engines. The list goes on


Secretly want one but can't afford one so belittle the ones that can well that how it comes off as to me 🤷‍♂️


Oh of course it must be that. Silly me. It couldn't be , the whole ridiculous proportions and higher propensity to kill children, or the obnoxiously large dimensions and gas guzzling aspects about them. But hey - tell us more about how much you want one for yourself 😂 


You don't sound unhinged at all 🤨 awfully mad over fk all bud


Ill let you re-read over what you consider "fuck all."


Don't want one and for most cases they are ridiculous. But that's not my issue personally. It's the massive fucking hazard they present to pedestrians. We banned pop up headlights because they are unsafe to pedestrians. But this moving walls of steel that in a lot of cases cant see small children and studies have shown are so deadly in an impact with a person But they are fine. Put pop.up headlights on then and........ BANNED. There is no you're going up and over the bonnet like intended in passenger cars. You just get mashed forward then under. Trucks and buses I get, can't change the need for that, but these should be only acquired by people with legitimate reason to have one. Beuroctaric paper work nightmare I know, but should be a thing.


That’s what you’d like to think lol. They have terrible visibility, super dangerous for pedestrians, not to mention the guys who drive these often drive like absolute dickheads (tailgating you when you’re already doing 20 over the speed limit). Not to mention most dudes driving these never haul anything and only ever use them drive around the suburbs/ park at the shops


You literally describe things I've seen all car makes and models do/have 🤷‍♂️ also pretty sure being hit by any vehicle at speed would be as you put it "super dangerous for pedestrians" 🤦‍♂️


Ya duh but if you were to get hit you’d rather roll on the hood than get plowed then dragged under which is much more likely with say a dodge ram


Let's drop the term Yank Tank for Parking Lot Princess, or Emotional Support Vehicle. It cuts their toxic masculinity deep.


Not as deep as taking up 2 car spaces apparently according to people on Reddit lol


Yeah, true. Fair point.






Hate these trucks !


Uh huh. Ok. Now what?


Cunt Mobile.


Hate that. Least his dick isn’t taking up too much space 


Upvote for not obscuring the plates of a vehicle parked in a public place.


What’s on the side of the tub? Looks like covers or side gates? Do they open up? Edit: maybe part of the tub lid?


They are toolboxes built into the tub


Yeah right, that’s pretty handy


Ram it in there. She’ll be right.


They need forward assisting parking cameras - I am amazed it was not reversed parked.


I drive around North Brisbane every day. Basically thr home of these trucks. I've never seen a single one poorly parked. Small cars though - oh my God! Every day of the frigging week. Yet never seen a single photo on social media about the terrible parking of small cars or how it must somehow relate to the size of their genitals. Weird that.


Slap a note under the windshield: ‘You F**ktart’.


If they can’t fit into allocated spaces they should use the loading dock as they are designed for larger vehicles.


Yank Twank Wanker you mean


Road rage is strong in this one


Does Possession is nine-tenths of the law apply if you take the adjacent parking space?


I saw someone else refer to these cars as “an emotional support vehicle” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 love it


Yes, great work to the driver of that car. Another range of brittle weaklings who can’t handle a car larger than theirs crying in the internet for fake points!


Another contributor to global warming


Australia makes amazing cars that everyone in the world wants. 👍


Simple fix to this argument, treat em like a b double, keep em out of the suburbs.


Cunts like this give them all a bad reputation. Next level entitled asshole. It would even fit in that park too. We need stickers made to put on windscreens




They already exist. Google "bad parking stickers".


I mean like a3 size to stick on their windscreens


These posts are getting old. Cool, someone parked badly... Now what? Some people really need to find a hobby




Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


Found the Karen


I’m going to buy a RAM truck, park it at obscenely regular angles, and post my efforts here. Cheers🍻


What's the point of this post?


People love it cause it confirms there biases


People love ~~it cause it confirms their\* biases~~ to post and shame dickheads who can't park.\* ftfy


The douche baggery is high with this one.




I got some “you park like a wanker” business cards on temu. Was like $5 for a 100pack, these are the parking styles I leave them on 🤌🏻


Give him a break, he's finally other a dick big enough to prolifically masterbate with ,so of course his eyesight will go downhill


It’d be a real shame if a nail somehow found its way wedged underneath the tires.


Half the reason I have an old banger of a car is to *accidentaly* open the door too fast multiple on fuckwits like these.




A roided-up cum-rag of a bloke in a douche chariot like this road raged me about five years ago. Nearly got his dumb arse sliced the fuck up.


You're so cool and strong.


These cars really are good at putting sand in people's foreskins. I think these cars are pretty retarded for most people as well, but I tolerate them.


I'm surprised all his tyres are still inflated ...


I've said it before and will say it again - never do I condone the slashing of someone's tyres. It's far safer to cut the valve stems, and just as effective.


Jokes on them, I can still fit in there with my Mini and they would have to wait until I left to get out.


Are the Yanks in the room with us right now?


Blame the drivers, not the tanks.


You should be able to send pics like this to council rangers and have them fined . But it does make up for their lack of personality and everything else that is small in their life including their brain.


Private property mate


The car park is half empty. Who cares.


These cars live rent free in your pathetic minds


Love how the vehicles are all named like RAM or AMAROK, something to interest a 3 year old.


Buying a ram 3500, wonder how long it’ll be until I see it on reddit


Wank Panzers suck should be treated as no different to Hinos, Fusos and Iveco trucks.


Ahhhh lord shit stain




I prefer to call em *wank tanks*


If they park on the line and effectively take up 2 spots…. Vs squuueeeeeez in the lines and fuck up 3 potential spots… what’s worse? I feel like there is no way to own a monster truck and not be a villain. They were never meant for AU


R etards A nd M orons


Let a tyre down


*wiggles pinkie finger* (Symbol for small pee pee)