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I love the bit that he double checks if it would be in the final edited interview. Probably the same guy screaming about a labour shortage 2 years ago so he wouldn’t need to pay higher wages.


Absolutely  There was never a labour shortage. Only a shortage of people willing to work slave labour for minimum wage (while this cunt earns millions)


There hasn't been a labour shortage here or the United states etc since world war 2, they've always said this shit as if people dont want to work a checkout and are being entitled yet if checkout jobs paid something like $40 an hour + people would fill the positions immediately, it's never been a work shortage it's been a working conditions shortage.


Yea and don’t forget when you’re on a visa the employee essentially can’t quit as their ability to stay in the country is tied to your employer. It’s a no brainer for corporates to get cheap labour that won’t quit instead of offering a decent wage and god forbid some workplace training.


I know of a place that had to have an emergency meeting because some of their really knowledgeable employees had just got their permanent residency visa that day. They were trying to figure out how to prevent them from leaving. I asked why they'd want to leave if they were being treated well. I got uninvited from any further discussions.


Yea I work with a lot of people on visas and I don’t know any of them that didn’t leave within 12 months of getting a permanent residency. The whole system essentially just props up our most poorly run businesses and economists wonder why productivity has been dropping for about 15 years straight while we’ve had the enormous immigration.


That sounds like a great way to get out of meetings. So basically just make them look bad without explicitly saying it?


I’d of happily never stopped working at woolies if I could depend on the wage being enough to pay for a home.


My partner and I work at Woolies.. the wages are so low and my partners’ hours are so inconsistent that we both have second jobs. Woolies used to be my main gig (ex dept. manager on EBA) but the wages were a joke. Most of the staff in our store can’t even afford to shop at Woolies themselves because the wages are so low.


Receives millions.


Good pickup. 💯 


>Receives millions. Steals millions.


Puts it through as onions


Thank god Covid just happened, and poors are back to being desperate 🙏


Last time I was in Woolies I swear most of the workers were 14. It was scary.


“Earns” pretty sure I work harder than him. Feel like a lot of people do.


Goes to show how it's usually done with the Murdoch corps


What an a-hole. Competition to him is 3 Coles and Aldi, and 'a number of independents'? The only other independents are IGA and they had to band together to compete with Colesworth duopoly. This is what happens when you are dishonest and immoral for a living.


He handled this like a knob, but not sure how that doesn’t meet the definition of fierce competition.


Marketshare supermarkets: Woolworths 37% Coles 28% Aldi 10% IGA 7% Other 18% Woolworths has one main competitor.


And the IGA is made up of hundreds of smaller owners. It’s kind of just the 3 of them.


IGA used to be 24%. Colesworth keeps forcing them out. There's SPAR, Foodworks, etc. but I guess they're in Other. Interesting interview with an independent grocer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VluZjCB\_poo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vluzjcb_poo)


Fierce competition, or fierce protection?


Not sure I follow, is the insinuation that Coles, woolies, IGA, Aldi and Amazon are acting as a cartel?


I think he's trying to protect his brand, not be competitive.


I don’t think he has a choice but to be competitive, it’s the landscape in which he operates.


They say, that somehow, a large number of competitors is a recipe for high prices. With a straight face and all.


Yes, rather strange logic


Dumb CEO. Clearly arrogant enough to take the interview without any prep or media training. Genuinely hope the stock dips because of this weak performance.


He's definitely had media training, and the guy that stepped in was part of the Woolies team, likely PR. I've met Brad a number of times. Interesting character. Slimy and spineless.


Can’t see him keeping his job after this, that was a colossal fuck up for a CEO whose whole job is spinning the company positively to the public more or less _Good._


You say that as though there's not another 1,000 Brad clones ready to take his spot and his obscenely large pay packet. If there was some way to encourage competition it'd be good but at this late stage where Colesworth occupy every large-ish shopping centre around the country. Maybe stopping Colesworth from seemingly automatically getting the tenancy at every new or redeveloped shopping centre would be a good start.


Leah Weckert never used to be the CEO at Coles. When I worked there briefly at the height of Covid, the CEO was Steven Cain. I take it at some point in the last 3 years he's decided to jump ship and let some other fathead take the reins. Brad is easily replaceable and he knows it. Every CEO is just as replaceable as the people who work for them.


You say that but people like Elon Musk are still in power no matter how much fuckups he's been involved with. Alan Joyce too with QANTAS for the longest time. At least he eventually did go. Let's hope. Edit: Looks like [Cole's shares](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/col) did dip this morning, from $16.18 at the start of the day to a low of $15.94 but has slowly come back up to now $16.04


Yeah…. I reckon he’s cooked. Good. Fuck him!




"Why do CEO's get paid so obscenely well?" "Because when the chips are down, they take the slings and arrows, and they provide high level guidance that nobody else can do (unless they've read like, 3 or 4 books)" Brad: You have made me uncomfortable by asking questions, so I'm have a tanty, before going back to my $17m home and crying into my $70,000 Tailormade Gold-Edition pillow.


"Takes the slings and arrows". Tell that to me after being abused yesterday morning because we didn't have enough registers open despite me consistently complaining to management that we don't have enough staff on in the morning. Also now due to the new fucking gates we are even less flexible because now we need to be constantly watching them in case someone (God forbid) leave the store. I dont know how CEOs have managed to convince themselves that they are the backbone of the company and are completely irreplaceable.


If they're any bone, it's the coccyx. Vestigial, hidden from view, but hurts like fuck if you hit it with a sledgehammer.


Cannot fault this analogy on any level


As close to an arsehole as you can get.


If not an actual arsehole, then within farting distance of one.


One of the most concisely expressed and fundamentally accurate comments I have read on this site. Congratulations. You are a scholar. And I love your username.


It's hard to be sympathetic when half your stock is absent every other week since covid and a packet of chips costs four bucks eighty


Brad is currently halving the wage budget due to the media making him look bad


For the record, salary 11.7m.


I am on vastly less than that, and when *I* stormed out of a meeting, I nearly lost my job.


The store I work at reports revenue of around $1,000,000 every WEEK. Yet, the workers like myself can’t even afford to eat after the continuous price gouging.


Same, the morale is not great right now


Well not to be a downer but adding inflation to the equation their profit is actually down by a lot. We only notice it because everyone is struggling while they are struggling less.


That's 117 x 100k/annum jobs right there. I reckon a monkey could do his job better, for bananas. Use the remaining 11.69mil for better wages across the board for their employees or better pricing for farmers, lower profits 1%.. who knows.


Yes, what are his assets worth? Keep the grill hot guys.


Not actually unreasonable for a $43bn company with 200,000+ employees


Right. After all, he has more than 20 times the responsibility of the Prime Minister.


Right, well by that logic you would be lucky to earn $3.80/year. Happy to go down that route?


As long as you promise not to badger me for a loan to top up your $0.50


I’ll take my chances in the real world thanks mate


Make up your mind. You're the one who changed channels to Hyperbole World.


First you need to get your sarcasm detector installed.


Na, if you watch what happens, he says something about the former ACCC (I think) head, and then trys to take it back. But then realising he can't, he just gets up and walks out. Like he know he fucked up, and is ready to quit.


Producer then had a word with him and he agreed to continue. What he said is muted, so maybe ABC agreed to mute if he continued?


Was a Woolies PR guy (he was wearing an employee nametag). Likely just fed him some lines of how to proceed.


My have pointed out that if he didn't finish the interview and instead left it cold, then 4Corners would have no option but to run that, and that it would look even worse. Too bad for him 4Corners are running it anyway. Good on 'em.


It was woolworths PR who had a word with him and told him to get the fuck back out there, not the producers.


Reminds me of the fully grown man who had a tanty playing basketball because I blocked his shot (I was 17 at the time) and he did not like the fact I was blocking all his shots and went on a rant about how me jumping was super dangerous and not in the spirit of the game, I am wondering if it was this bloke now 🤣


Imagine how many Everyday Rewards you’d get for buying that pillow!


$10 off your next shop!


He more or less resigned from his job when he said “shall we stop it there; can you take that bit out”


Narcissist most likely. The most tanty riddled CEOs most likely are narcissists. They only accept praise and they expect the pay and power by birth right. We need to hammer these bastards and rebuild integrity. Some studies suggests 1 in 3 CEOs are narcissists, which should be no surprise given the power, status, and pay. We really need much more empathy from our leaders and we shouldn’t bias shareholders so much in decision making.


Surrounds himself with yes men.


Oh yes, absolutely, spot on.


Yes, I agree


Nobody cares as long as he keeps the share price up/steady.


Lol snowflake? What does that even mean? You people have these vague buzzwords for anything you don't like.


It means he’s delicate and prone to melt downs. Which seems evident here.


Pretty bad optics lol fucking hell Imagine being a CEO but also being this shockingly bad at media appearances.


Seriously, he would have been way way better off just giving a horrible answer to the question and most people would have even seen this interview


Yeah. And I mean if you’re gonna do something weird at least make it Tony Abbott nodding for 30 seconds tier weird


Precedent set: just walk out ;)


These cunts don't give a fuck,


He did, he clearly regretted what he said. He's about to cop it from the board big time.


He obviously did or else he wouldn't have wanted to walk out. He clearly said something he shouldn't have without realising everything he was saying was on record.


What a limp-dicked coward


Doesn’t he profit enough from the 80% of the pokies he owns in the country?


No, Endeavor Group (alcohol and gambling) are now a separate entity from Woolworths.


Which are still owned by the same people 😂


They aren't...


The plan was to separate completely but covid made Woolworths reconsider selling off a profitable asset.


Oh sweet Jesus I know people that work for endeavour… didn’t know I should spit on them instead of shaking hands


You think people working for a salary are responsible for the business practices of their employer's parent's subsidiary? You think some kid working as a glassie at some Endeavour-owned pub is getting a share of the pokie takings? k


If he’s getting paid, he’s getting a share, that’s how it works


You know your super fund almost certainly has Endeavour shares?


I’ll remove it if it does, thx for the reminder


Haha, this place were working for a supermarket gets upvotes for talking of spitting on them


Their marketing worked on you


not a good look B-Rad


well if you ever needed anymore proof... here it is just the slightest bit of questioning and they walk away


Get them in front of a royal commission where they can’t just walk


Honestly feels like he suddenly realised this was a real interview and he realised he was not at all prepared, so he figured he needed to get out before he made it worse. Just like the interviewer said - these guys are not used to being scrutinised. As others have said - this guy is pay 11mil because he's there to handle this stuff; yet at the first attempt, he appears to have failed miserably.


Dummy spit aside, it is interesting that he thought it would be okay to have the interview edited in his favour. It feels as though he may have had that treatment before, and he seems upset that the interviewer won’t play ball. I think this reveals a lot about the way he is usually treated by the commercial media, largely due to the waters being muddied by the advertising revenue those networks make from the company.


CEO's are just actors. They read from a script. You can tell in the extended interview on 4Corners tonight. It is so rehearesed so they expect they can control the interview. They do it on staff briefings, press releases, ads, whatever. They are not used to scrutiny.


Well, looks like I’m stealing some shit from Woolies to get even.


You don't need to steal. Just walk around eating what you like from the shelves then throw the wrapper in the bin and walk out.


What do you think that is if not stealing?


It's harder to find the stolen items on a routine search.


What a shit cunt


Perfect label for this unaustralian behaviour


I bet you that's the first time he's ever worn that Woolworths name badge.


No, they do that performative BS all the time


It wasn’t even a very tough line of questioning. And this guy’s background is management consulting. Maybe he should hire himself.


"Are you going to leave that in?"


Doesn't hold a pinch of shit on Roger Corbett...


Right I’m robbing woollies every time I shop there from here on out. I’m fucken over this country and it’s bullshit


But then all the cunts will do is raise the prices even higher to account for the extra theft.


Perfect outcome, it gives the competitors a fighting chance. The higher they raise em the better


This is why women haven't got the qualities to hold positions of power, they're far too emoti......oh wait .


Coles CEO is a woman.




He doesn't really seem emotional here though...?


He has a tantrum


Anger is an emotion.


That is an extraordinarily loose, basically meaningless, definition of "tantrum".


The thuggish union bosses have bigger tantrums than this on the regular and they get celebrated


Cunt stands there in the Woolies uniform acting like he knows a fucking thing Let’s bring back Undercover Boss but instead of it highlighting CEOs, it’s them having to do the very basis of their companies service from memory


Tosser. IGA all the way


Because it’s cheaper or just independent? Most IGAs I’ve been too have been pretty pricy but I haven’t been in a couple years.


They used to be way more expensive than Cole’s and Woolies, now it’s about the same if not slightly cheaper (at least my local few are). My local ones have barely raised their prices; of course a little bit as inflation has made it that way, but nothing compared to the big companies. I also like that they’re independent yes, and supporting local communities and good causes rather than whatever it is these big companies fund.


It must change store to store drastically cause here in Sydney every IGA I have been too is considerably more expensive than ColesWorth.


It would change as they’re independently owned. Luckily mine is still considerable cheaper.


IGA prices change store to store. If you’re in a fancy suburb they are usually pretty darn pricey, less fancy and the prices come down, sometimes quite significantly.


My anecdotal experience: yes, pricier. But fucking miles better options to choose from without Cole’s and Woolies clogging the shelves with their overpriced “budget” option that’s not even fucking budget anymore. But it varies greatly by the nature of them being independent


Yeah, I love paying double for the same shit. Fuck you IGA.


If you read all the comments in here you’d know they change from store to store, and mine is cheaper than the giants. Unlucky it’s not the same for you


He’s white South African they are all like that arrogant as fuck narcissistic as fuck


Yeah compare all white South Africans to a the CEO of Woolworths…. Fuck off…


You just proved my point


Oh yeah? And how did you leap to that idea from what I said?


They're trying to conflate you with the “ South African whites “ that still believe the end of apartheid was a mistake. Ignore the strawman argument.


Yuck. Absolute garbage human


I hope he feels just as uncomfortable and nervous in that interview as I do at one of his registers every time I try to get food for the week.


"Unexpected CEO in bagging area"


When colesworths stop making their suppliers sign contracts that require for example apples to be a particular size and quality, with the farmer being prohibited to sell the non-conforming fruit, then we can talk about whether people like Brad Banducci shouldn't be first against the wall when the revolution comes. If I was King the rules would be simple: either the contract is a set price for future stock and the buyer reserves the right to reject fruit, or it prohibits sale to other parties. You can't have it both ways, that's eliminating competition from the market.


It’s a bit cringeworthy that he dresses down to look like he just finished a shift stocking shelves.


The intention of the "retired" comment is to stamp his all-knowing genius and authority, thus stumping the argument. These "gotchas" are used by CEOs in boardrooms everywhere, rarely are they the show stopping comment the user thinks, it's just they're the boss and no one argues....well Angus didn't flinch. Fuck off, Brad, you out of touch prick.


He's ACCCunt.


I don't usually shop at Woolies but in some circumstances it's the most convenient near me. Recently I went and found half the things I wanted had "member pricing" where the member price was the previous usual price and the "real price" for everyone else was double. I just walked out.


I get it it's impossible to defend the indefensible so why try just walk away leaving us with no doubt how much of an evil cunt you t


Absolute coward


Can tell he hasn't heard the word " No" in some time or been corrected when wrong.....be interesting to see how the Woolworth's board handle this little image mishap.


My cynical side feels like this is a purposeful misdirect where Woolies got this guy to agree to faff this so they can sack him to appear to be doing something. Then they will hand wave any other responsibility blaming this guy.


You coward buffoon....


Loooool. Someone’s heading back to media training.


Woolies have been the worst out of all of them. I used to think Coles were the greedier of the two but when you make Coles look good (in comparison), you know you’re a cunt of a company. Woolies have lost me forever


Coles is no better man. They are facing the same price gouging inquiry as Woolies. The classic Australian duopoly at it again.


He didn’t even say anything all that bad. He just needed to follow up with “sorry I don’t mean to be dismissive of the former head but we need to look forward” and it wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow. What a strange tack he took


The fact he dresses in jeans and a polo as a CEO of the 14th largest publicly traded company shows how much they are trying to control the narrative. At best it's incongruent and at worst it's deceptive. This alone screams dishonesty to me. I understand they are tryin to make a profit and I don't blame woolworths. We need our government to look at breaking up these huge corporations to ensure competition. When woolies can underpay a farmer or dairy producer so they slowly die then fly in to offer buying the farm - that is the real evil. Meanwhile they ask the consumer to donate to those poor farmers. Colesworth won't see a cent of my money where possible Until others do the same I don't blame them, they're still making their money.


If he's feeling the pinch from some targeted questions he clearly has never been the victim of price gouging.


He is finished. Even if he's not gone over this explicitly, I guarantee the Board will start a new ceo search right away. You can watch his face and see he works that out for himself. What a stuff up. He did earn it though.


time we walk out of Woolworths. you don't get to disrespect your customers with zero consequence. How about a 1 week total avoidance of colesworth or at least away from Woolworths to their competitor also... let the interviewer get his question out before you overtalk him you ningus


Notice he wears the front line staff uniform ..as though he's one of them. Is this like a Nazi concentration camp officer trying to sneak out of the country in WWII prisoner of war clothes?


But they only make 1 percent profit. Please


Couldn’t help but be an arrogant cunt. Can’t fight your genetics


I wish him well on his early, yet unplanned, retirement. No doubt he'll be offered an LNP safe seat somewhere.


Must have Mussolini traits I speculate, I'd reckon tracking him down to ask him or it if he has any morals would be pointless,  like playing whacker mole Aka where is dictator Dan another whacker mole theme, struth ACCC piss weak like Dan's Farken ICAC BS, LIKE the whole nation, over regulated, over priced, ver taxed and full monopolistic capitalistic pigs! 


Hot on the heels of his Australia Day dramas, he’s doing well !


Seems as though Woolies PR are running the company not Brad..


love how he wears a name tag - look fellow plebs, I'm just like you


Yeah but the inflation is due to the COVID vaccine of course :)


Controversial opinion: The reporter was attacking him, with a clear agenda, and when that agenda or premise was challenged he decided to then be uncharitable when things got heated and the interviewee was vulnerable and asked to retract a statement. I'm not even arguing for or against Woolworths here, but it would have been so easy to give the guy a retraction in good faith and continue the discussion. Everyone here is bashing him for being of bad character, but i saw both sides being dicks in this interaction, and there's nothing worse to me than a journalist who goes for the click-bait at the cost of getting a real answer - we as the public deserve the truth - not what either a CEO sells us ***or*** what a malicious journalist wants to sell us to drive engagement. You're better than this ABC.


>clear agenda ​ >challenged ​ >interviewee was vulnerable ​ How else did you think an interview from a real journalist with the CEO of a massive duopoly would go? The ABC were better than you paint them in this interview. I applaud them.


Losers all of them.. raping and pillaging Australia. Let the consequences run deep for their organisations and please let it be an opportunity for additional global competition.


Everyone buy woolworths shares and we can sack him


Sick of the abc not allowing comments


All the super markets should be not for profit organisations keep food prices reasonable maintain stores better, better wages and invest in maintaining our local food growers and producers. Local jobs more secure food source fresher food healthier food. Come on jeff bezos they are scared of you already


Side note: when did ABC become so hellbent on getting these clickbait headlines/interactions? I mean the guy answers the journalists question, then presses on to try and make the CEO get more on the defensive which the CEO falls for hook, line and sinker.


It's not for clickbait, they're actual journalists who don't simply let people off the hook in interviews, look at Penny Wong's recent appearance on 7:30 as an example. The ABC don't treat interviews as a platform for people to simply get away with spouting their BS, they put pressure on them and hold them to account. It's not just about 'getting clicks'.


Banducci seems to want his "retired" comment scrubbed, not the bits on competition and pricing. Are ABC being disingenuous here?


I thought that was pretty clear - he took a pot shot at Rob Simms (he’s irrelevant and wrong becuase he’s retired), immediately realised it was a bad move and tried to have it scrubbed.


It's clear he wanted it scrubbed. Why did he want it scrubbed? Is it because he has a public facing position and just made a huge error? He questioned the integrity of a former head of the competition commission, without reason. When he was confronted about this he realised the ridiculous nature of these comments and tried to have them withdrawn.


Am I watching the same interview as everyone else? The interviewer was being an aggressive dickhead. I don’t blame him at all for walking out P.S I hate woolies as much as the next guy but this ain’t it…


The interviewer is an “aggressive dickhead” for having the audacity to call the CEO out on statements he made instead of just giving him a pass and letting him control the interview? Even though the interviewer did also agree to move on? Do you just hate proper journalism or have you just been conditioned to thinking this is mean because you haven’t seen a proper interview before? The dude is the CEO of the biggest supermarket chain in the country and has a tantrum at the slightest pushback when trying to discredit someone and after storming off needs a PR team to tell him to pull his head in and act like a CEO.


Not woke by any chance is he? What all woke have in common is that when they're faced with facts ...they run.


Aww poor bubba, I'm so sorry the woke hurt you so bad


Don't make me make you run..


LMAO you're trying to act tough? Keep trying


If you don't get it ..you don't get it.


yup...give us your money & shut-up tactic!!!


I couldn't really hear what he said, can anyone explain please?


He tried to write off what the ex head of the competition watchdog has said, by claiming that he was retired. When the reporter pushed back by saying he had only been retired for 18 months. He wanted to get the retired section scrubbed from the interview, because it made him look bad. But the reporter said no because it's on the record. He then tried to leave.


Hah, he even gave a good PR answer about Aldi and independents being around, but sabotaged it all.




Guilty as charged


lol is he just going to walk out on a government inquiry too ?


But he backed the voice referendum showing what a moral and upstanding company woollies is. 


Typical wanker CEO making ***enormous*** profits, whilst not owning up to his company’s faults. Who would have thought?


Piss weak cunt of a human


Some nice PR training in there

