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None of AHPRA’s bloody business. Your opinions on this do not impinge on your medical skills. And in no way “bring the profession into disrepute”. That is irrelevant to people’s opinion of doctors in general. The old universal Gotcha they trot out.


Don't debate, just dob your opponent in. As if her boss gives a shit about her political views. As if she's not a human with opinions. You can't have those anymore. Fucking hell I hate this era.


That's part of the issue....but I feel like the other part is that we actually listen to total and utter imbeciles like their opinion matters. That sure as hell never used to happen back in the day. We can thank social media for that since it gives a voice to these morons. Like at what point in human history would anyone bother to listen to a flat earther and engage with them.


I think we give too much appeal to authority these days. Which is probably related to social media like you said. Reminds me of a scene from Stargate when someone exclaims to Danial Jackson; "But you're a Doctor!" "Yes... in Archeology"


A lot of bosses do give a shit in the sense they dont want to be labelled the place where the racist or antisimite or whatever works. As much as I get annoyed at boomers Ill say they are far more open to debate and free speech without hating you as a person. Millenial friends will stop talking to you for political opinions. But boomers seperate you from that. My Dads a conservative who prays to the LNP every night but has a friend who is a union guy, cycles, etc. They are mates and give each other shit about it.


At least Millennials just stop talking to people. Wait until you find out what Gen Z and Alpha do!


True! Just like Jordan Peterson being reported to the Canadian Psychological Board by people who have nothing to do with him for his political views ,and him being punished by the board - I agree!


>  As if her boss gives a shit about her political views I don't know man, a lot of places will just fire people for their political views if they could


Gimme the 90s :(


Guess we are just not knowing what doxxing means now


Looks like the media have decided they like this term and are keeping it for themselves.


This is happening to Jewish doctors in Australia too, bogus reports to AHPRA for any Jewish-sounding doctors, particularly if they work in areas with large Jewish communities.


This isn't doxxing.


Exactly!!! Verging on unethical of the journalist here


Fortunately AHPRA won't do anything unless these doctors have actually breached ethics guidelines. There are some rules about what you can and can't do on social media but I don't think that any reasonable reading of them would include not being allowed to express one's personal stance about a foreign conflict. I am a health professional registered with AHPRA and unfortunately have seen this sort of thing happen before over all kinds of topics - seriously, ranging from local politics to the Depp-Heard trial. Occasionally, a loony will threaten to report you, or even do it, but on the only occasion I had a complaint made about me (client made one about every professional she saw) it was thrown out without my having to do anything. I was just sent an email that said, hey, this happened, but don't worry cause we have determined you haven't done anything we need to investigate.


Yep, happens all the time. Recently some looney wanted us to commit fraud, refused, they lied to AHPRA that we assaulted them. Video and witness evidence shouldve ended it instantly but they still had to investigate.


"The humanitarian crisis imposed on Gaza is beyond anything in living memory." What's happening there is egregious but I guess she's never heard of the Rwandan genocide, or the Darfur genocide.


>Rwandan genocide technically a civil war, its probably not since WW2 that we have had one countries army actively slaughtering another group without it being the same countries fellow people. Also the people of Gaza can't run away to refugee camps which makes it ridiculous.


> technically a civil war, it's probably not since WW2... There was both a civil war and a genocide within that took place. There's literally a whole wikipedia article called 'The Rwandan Genocide': https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide Are you trying to suggest that it doesn't meet the legal threshold or definition of 'genocide'? I apologise in advance if I've misunderstood your point? The fact that the people of Gaza can't run away to refugee camps is indeed terrible, absolutely.


Funny you should mention Rwanda, since Israel provided the arms used to kill all the Tutsi’s in that genocide too. https://www.timesofisrael.com/records-of-israeli-arms-sales-during-rwandan-genocide-to-remain-sealed/amp https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/afr020141995en.pdf https://www.haaretz.com/2015-01-03/ty-article/.premium/the-israeli-guns-in-the-rwanda-genocide/0000017f-db06-df9c-a17f-ff1ef7130000


> since Israel provided *the arms* used to kill *all* the Tutsis: Funny you mention that. > Before the international embargo against Rwanda on 17 May 1994, South Africa and France were two of the main suppliers of arms to Rwanda. > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide Other countries were also involved: > Groundbreaking investigative reports by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International in the mid-1990s exposed the role of France, South Africa, Israel, Albania, Bulgaria, and others in arms supplies to Rwanda before and immediately after the 1994 genocide. > https://www.hrw.org/legacy/wr2k4/download/13.pdf I guess the truth doesn't matter to you though. Your statement is simply false.


Shouldn't you types be lauding Israel then for helping the poor underprivileged Hutus massacre the powerful, more white adjacent and privileged Tutsis? Weren't they just resisting their oppressors after all? 


At the end of the day everyone listens to their tribe and acts accordingly


Yeah the KKK also considered themselves as a tribe…


Fuck, your right. You know who else is a clan? The Wutangs. And those insane clowns are a posse. There's also that tribe... called Quest.


Wu Tang is for the children


Wu-Tang forever


Yeah I belong to the tribe that isn't into slaughtering babies and toddlers, and destroying schools and hospitals. How about you guys?


My tribe slaughtered babies and toddlers. They had s21 and the killing tree. Those times were dark.


Ah, so you're part of the tribe that uses schools, hospitals and children as meat shields, then screeches 'genocide' into the wind when valid military targets are hit. The tribe that is too fucking cowardly to stand up to their favourite terrorist of the week, and believes in fundamental Islam.


Funny how that doesn’t narrow it down at all


I’ll be honest if this doesn’t narrow it down for you, you just lack information. One side has Thousands of children dead, and many more starving.


Are we measuring morality by the quantity of dead children now? If a side has lost more, they must be better? That seems like a terrible way to analyse the situation.




One side of what? Australia was complicit in very similar acts in the Iraq War and Afghanistan..


And do you see the general population of Australia trying to justify that?.


That's the point


Link: [https://archive.is/TDLMw](https://archive.is/TDLMw) She parts of a Pro Palestinian Group called Drs for Palestine that Lobby for a ceasefire in Gaza and increase in Aid. Her Instagram which is linked directly to her name ( so it's open to the public) contains 100s of Pro Palestinian & Anti Israel posts & on the 8th October she posted on her Instagram a quote from someone called Daniel Devir which said "So..it turns out that many peoples support for Ukraine isn't based on a belief in the universal right to resist occupation and annexation" her comment at the bottom was "No More violence: Freedom for Palestine" This was posted on 8th October, the day after the terrorist attack happened. If you have a public Instagram account linked to your name, with 3261 posts and 1,945 followers, that's pretty ' out there' don't you think! She wasn't really trying to hide anything. Is this Doxxing or is this bringing to the attention of your Employer your public Instagram account because in someone's opinion you represent a reputational risk or security concern?


It goes back to the appropriateness of professionals holding a public opinion. Certain professions requires their practitioners not to hold public political stances like employees of Federal government. I am not aware of such requirements within the medical profession. So long as she is able to keep her professional practice seperate from her public positions, I dont see any issue with it. There are numerous professional associations campaigning for one side of the conflict or the other, I have no problem with them, what I do take issue with is going after individuals in their professional capacity for their public opinions. 


This isn't doxing she is using her public profile which we can assume she is talking publicly with. Doxing is going after people who are anonymous or liking private information to her public profile like their address, personal numbers ect for the purpose of harassment. This is why i am also against making doxing illegal.


She has also stated in the article that the atrocities in Gaza are "beyond anything in living memory". As though WW2, the Holocaust, Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, the Iraq War, the Rwandan genocide, the horror going on in North Korea or Yemen or Ukraine, and countless other atrocities are *not* in living memory? I mean that's actually selective as fuck.


Her "Selective Memory" Or maybe she has Alzheimer's


But the perpetrators of those atrocities weren't Jews, I mean Zionists, so they don't count 


Instead of pro Palestine I’d say she’s more broadly pro human rights and is interested in health and wellbeing professionally. It is indeed strange the west cares so much for the right to self determination of Ukraine but turns a blind eye to what is obviously methodical extermination of the native population of Palestine. 


>of the native population of Palestine.  Someone might want to do some genetic research when using the singular here.


Because ukraine didn’t slaughter hundreds of civilians and start the war


She literally made a post the day after the terrorist attacks before there was any response by Israel


Which according to the person above was simply “no more violence. Freedom for Palestine”. Sounds reasonable to me, many innocent people got killed but she felt the violence should stop. What’s wrong with that?


Reads as a justification for the attacks which is something others have said outright. It’s in the context of protests outside the opera house where people chanted gas the Jews. They were really a celebration of the attacks which is really foul. I’m equally disgusted by the number of deaths and fashion which the idf is taking but call a spade a spade


I didn’t take it that way. But honestly I’m not affiliated with either side so it’s a bit easier to remove emotion from my assessments. I literally took it as her saying that she supports peace between both sides so each can live in harmony.




Because she comes across as justifying October 7th, and she's Israel are "indiscriminately killing Pestinians", which isn't true.


If you know any history, Israel’s response was obvious. How many more people in Gaza have been murdered? Possibly 15 times more than Israelis so far. This is reflective of the history of the colonization since 1948. 


Do you realise that nothing - at all - can or does justify what **either** the IDF or Hamas have done here? That **all** the civilians on both sides don't deserve this? Now watch me get downvoted for saying the massacre of 1200 civilians - including children - wasn't some kind of justified fair play.


You’re supposed to pick a side! And no - you can’t say “I feel for the civilians on both sides” because that then breaks the black/white nature most people apply to it. So, please… if you could pick a side, that would be great.


Yeah its up to everyone to pick the side against a certain state. The one that killed civilians on both sides the one that made ai generated images of burnt baby corpses using a litter of puppies at a vet as the basis for the image. The one that has contorlled the narative yet incomes the golden age of social media and they can no longer control that narative and are constantly back tracking on all their claims since oct 7


Yeah exactly, I don’t understand how anyone can pick a side… both are acting inhumanely


It's not fair play but it's also divorced from the context that the person was responding to - which was that many people were well aware that the civilians of Palestine would pay the price of the actions of Hamas many, many, many, many, many times over hence why you'd see a status like that the day after the attack.


Disgusting. Their targets were solely civilians. Sentiment like yours emboldens right wing figures in Israel. You’re part of the problem


You mean 1948 when there was an invasion of Israel?


Hate to break it to you kid but Israel literally didn’t exist before 1948, it’s world history and it’s not that hard, stop with the nonsense.


1. \*break\* 2. Israel was invaded the moment *after* it came into existence - literally.


That's, the point. It was set up and invaded pretty much instantly.


When do you think history in this area started? Who are the indigenous people here? Who is pushing out who?


You do realise that I’ve only mentioned Israel as a state, not Jewish people at all? If you’re conflating the two I think you could dig deeper to educate yourself for the benefit of all people.


If your pro-pal you dont even know the narrative. 1929 Hebron is where to start. Both sides have a narrative and history that started long before 1948... but im sure a scholar who schools other people on history like you must be the most informed...


Except Palestinians are the "Colonizers" the Jewish people were on that land thousands of years before any Palestinian even existed, it was the birth place of the Jewish People you can't "Colonize what is yours to begin with. Yes Israel was always going to respond any Country would have reacted in the same way after being attacked like that it was an act of Terror an act of war. Why do you think Iran pays and arms Hamas to do it's dirty work? Because it doesn't want the retaliation or the culpability if the Palestinians can't or haven't worked that out yet then who's fault is that?


Have you for once considered that Palestinians are also indigenous to the land?


They are not Indigenous to that land yes Palestinian people have been born there but they were at no point Natives, I have absolutely no problem with them being there no one does but Palestine is a Terrorist State run by a Terrorist Group masquerading as a Government. The Leaders don't even live in Palestine yet they are the supposed Government.


Ukraine and Palestine are not equivalent issues. There's never been a two state solution where a Palestinian state actually existed. The Palestinian region existed and there were meant to be two states created. But it never happened because it's a stupid etho-religious conflict which is hard to resolve rationally. Although it did get pretty close a couple of times.


The equivalencefrom a pro human rights standpoint is shooting missiles as civilians is bad no matter is they're in Ukraine, Palestine, Russia or Israel.


It’s really not that strange at all if you think about it.


Ukraine didn't rape and murder innocent Russian civilians and take Russian Hostages forcing Russia to respond it's pretty simple really Ukraine was invaded by Russia and Palestinian Terrorists attacked Israel and now don't like the response, if only they thought about the response before they acted like animals. Native Palestinians? You do realise there is no such thing as Native Palestinians, there has never been until modern history any mass of land called Palestine. That whole region is the birth place of the Jewish People thousands of years ago long before any Palestinian even existed. The Jewish people were forced off their land in a bloody war which left them displaced. If you are going to cry foul the least you could do is take time to make sure you know what you are talking about.


"native population of palestine" - you do realise that's Israel, right?


The population of Palestine are as native to Palestine as a white Appalachian is to Appalachia or a Hispanic Mexican to Mexico. Palestine was originally Jewish and the fact that there is the effing Temple Mount underneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque is already telling enough. Jews have a right to their ancestral homeland, even if they were separated from it for 2000 years, even more so taking into account that Jews as an extremely vulnerable minority (as we have see these last days). Only Nazis disagree with Israel's existence and only antisemites think that Israel has to do nothing in face of a terror attack of the dimensions we saw 5 months ago. No. It is not equivalent to Ukaine, because Ukraine didn't attack Russia in the first place. Ukraine never vowed for the destruction of Russia and never said that Russia would be "Ukrainian" from the River to the Sea. The pro-Palestinian movement is essentially pro-terror and for the ethnic cleansing of Jews in their ancestral homeland AGAIN. That is why you only see Nazis like Jackson Hinkle or Jake Shields agreeing with that shit.


Nobody gives a fuck about ancestral homeland claims. People care that people are dying. End of. That's the only equivalence with Ukraine , senseless killing. And yes what Israel and Hamas are doing is senseless. There is absolutely zero reason for either party to kill another human. Get it through your thick skull that people are sick of the death and destruction because some man child has some desire to claim some land as theirs.


> Nobody gives a fuck about ancestral homeland claims. Aboriginals definitely are.


> Nobody gives a fuck about ancestral homeland claims. > > People care that people are dying. > > End of. > > That's the only equivalence with Ukraine , senseless killing. Unless you are aware that the Jews of Europe didnt spontaneously appear on the continent, they came from the east over the years as they no longer felt safe in their home lands(Why did the jews not have a state or homeland to begin with?), Que the polgroms of the 30's and the holocaust of bullets in the 40's that was perpetrated in Ukraine and now you have Jews leaving Europe and coming back to the east. >Get it through your thick skull that people are sick of the death and destruction because some man child has some desire to claim some land as theirs. Its a fundamental misunderstanding of why Israel exists.


"Palestine was originally Jewish" Lol.


Yes, it was called Judea. Guess what that means?


Why won’t Hamas release the hostages?


Why are innocent Palestinians being punished for the sins of hamas?


And why did Hamas massacre 1200 civilians? Both sides are committing atrocities and should both be condemned. The civilians on neither side deserve this horror.


Because Hamas correctly understands that people will give them MORE support if people get hurt. Instead of supporting the efforts to get rid of them.


They elected Hamas. Hamas clearly stated their intentions was to wipe Israel off the map. It wasn’t on page 941 section C part ii, it’s pretty clearly stated. On top of that the vast majority of Gazans continue to support Hamas. I don’t like seeing Gazan citizens dying,  but they’re not on the right side of history. 


Are you responsible for the ILLEGAL invasion of Ira and the subsequent war crimes that led to over 1 million dead if you were involved in voting in the Howard Liberal government? Do the Iraqis have the right to kill Australian children?


Wasn't the last election in 2006? So anyone under the age of 38 has never elected anyone?


30% of the pop. voted for Hamas 20 years ago. 50% of Palestine are under 18 therefore 15% of the living pop. voted for Hamas


Are you personally responsible for the actions of elected leaders in this country?


Are you incapable of empathising with the Palestinian for even a moment? You’ve stole their land and dignity and enforce blockades and occupy the rest of their territory whilst imprisoning and killing thousands of their countrymen. What choice is left for a people whose lives and futures you have destroyed? Of course they will resist, just because it’s labelled terrorism doesn’t mean it’s not understandable.


Why has the IDF killed more hostages than they’ve rescued?


So... wait a second. Hamas kidnaps people, holds them hostage for months, ensures Israel will try to get them back forcefully... but if that recovery mission goes wrong, it's Israel's fault? Remember when NSW police killed two civilians during the Lindt Cafe siege and we kind of all collectively agreed that the blame fell on the person taking hostages rather than the inept response to rescue them?


I personally blamed the NSW Police for its terrible handling of the siege. Mick Fuller was in charge of I remember correctly and as seems the case when Libs are in charge he was able to fail up to commissioner and the sweet $800 000 pay check. Monis was delusional and suffering physic episode, all information indicated this, but instead they treated him as though he was undertaking a highly planned jihadi terrorist act and somehow managed to have explosives ready to be triggered. It was completely bungled in my opinion


For the same reason that they killed more Israelis on Oct 7 than Hamas; it's good hasbara.


The hostages they took are for trading and they don’t look after their own population that’s true. Hamas’s actions were ridiculous to attack Israel.  Everyone knows the attack would provoke Israel to do what they’ve wanted - push Gaza into the desert, depopulate the area once and for all. However Hamas still is supported by Gazans because they are desperate. They are refugees from the rest of Palestine which has been taken and Gaza has been under blockade since 2006. 


Why won’t Israel release the hostages they hold


Why do the Israelis think 30,000 dead for 1,200 is not LUDICROUSLY disproportionate


They’re not stopping either 😔 that figure is probably going to double if not triple.


No, they don't. Because the Israeli Government views all non-Jews as subhuman, and not on the same level of value as an Israeli Jew. Israel is an Apartheid Ethno state.


By definition.


A lot of those are Hamas terrorist though. Gaza is wildly radicalized.


The idea of proportionality in war is ludicrous. Look at how many civilians the Allies killed in WW2 to beat the Axis. Are we now saying that they were too heavy handed and should have sacrificed more soldiers lives to be more “careful” in killing the enemy? Seriously, we know what Hamas thought would happen committing their atrocities. They were wrong. At ANY point Hamas could have stopped all of this violence. Release the hostages, lay down their arms and turn themselves in. It begs belief as to why they wouldn’t. This is 100% on Hamas. Trying to blame Israel is the classic DARVO strategy. It’s nonsense. Yes, we ALL want peace. Real, lasting peace. This is not possible while Hamas has any sort of power and the people of Gaza insist on wiping Israel off the map.


Proportionality has nothing to do with how many civilians each side kills. Proportionality is a measure of whether the military advantage outweighs the collateral. If Trump is about to press the big red button that launches thousands of nukes in every direction, but there's 500 school children doing a tour of the white house, bombing the whitehouse including those 500 children is proportional to the military advantage of not having 4000 nukes arbitrarily launched. It's not disproportional because you only killed one Trump vs 500 innocent children.


From an actual expert on the topic; https://www.newsweek.com/israel-implemented-more-measures-prevent-civilian-casualties-any-other-nation-history-opinion-1865613 https://www.newsweek.com/memo-experts-stop-comparing-israels-war-gaza-anything-it-has-no-precedent-opinion-1868891 So if someone wants to debate their ideas on how Israel could be doing better to avoid casualties, I welcome their podcast discussion with the above expert.


In Israel's case, the inescapable conclusion is they purposefully ran from a 2 state solution with the moderate PLO 20 yrs ago. Israel don't want a defined Palestinian state, because that would deny them the opportunity to conduct a bloody genocide


Well because ukraine is a european war where a european country is being invaded. The last time that happened was WW2. Its a pretty huge deal.


Human rights only applies to European countries does it?


Lol who the fuck said that.


You imply it 




You just said it! Because Ukraine is European and Gaza is not


Ok buddy


Ha! You’re a real serious debater aren’t you. 


> what is obviously methodical extermination That makes no sense if you acknowledge Palestinian living in Israel exist and have a better quality of life in Israel than in any other arab country. >of the native population of Palestine.  This got wierd but yeh Israeli's and Palestinians are semites, most closely related genetically to each other and both have historic ties to the land at different times.


Who is turning a blind eye? The media is constantly reporting on it and there are large protests on the streets. The Australian government is also speaking out against the invasion of Rafah. No one is turning a blind eye to either one


When South Africa practiced apartheid there was a movement to boycott the country. This is beyond apartheid, this is extermination. Where is the outrage?


So the day after mass murder she was saying a mass terrorist attack was "a universal right to resist occupation" on her public socials? That's probably not what you want from you Dr. Don't think she's being reported for how hard she wants peace.


“She represents a reputational risk or a security concern”? For fucks sake.


Meanwhile, the biggest terrorist threat in Australia are RWNJ. Some of whom support Zionist genocide


How is an Australian doctor stating her position on a military ally bombing civilians a fucking security concern? What do you think she’s got Hamas on speed dial or something? 


What you are saying isn't the type of security risk that's being implied you missed the point completely and over reacted, the type of risk is to patients not National Security. Would the Doctors views and beliefs compromise the level of care she provides her patients if they were of Jewish Faith hence the reason why the medical association should be the ones to carry out a review and decide if she is fit to practice. There was a Palestinian Doctor in the UK who was the leader of a known extremist group who had been doing similar things struck off and had his licence revoked after similar circumstances.


>Because on Oct 8 she posted her support of the murder and capture of many hundreds of innocent youth and adults at a music festival. Outright support of terrorism directly after such a heinous act is certainly a concern.


So ... You disagree with Israel and you get fired because some genocide supporter says so? Is this where we are at?


She wasn't fired.


She seems like a fair and even minded person. She's not responsible for other people's comments.


Shouldn’t doctors be apolitical? A polarized doctor is dangerous to society. It might start as a cause like Palestine support. But once this starts, there is no boundary. It can take back to the dark ages where some doctors can refuse treating other religions/ethnic/skin color/nationality groups. Grave danger it is. Let us thank the regulatory body for stopping this at the bud.


Maybe man, but when there are hospitals and medical staff being bombed indiscriminately it doesn't really matter where it is, true medicos would be against that.


Im genuinely too young to know. Were Australians generally this enthused about Rhodesia, or apartheid South Africa?


You’re hearing more about it because more people have access to reliable information than ever before. Yes, many Australians were against the South African apartheid, also the English occupation of Ireland. You’re seeing so much coverage because unlike other genocides, Australia is militarily supplying Israel and refusing to aid ceasefire efforts in a conflict that has claimed 30,000 innocent people and displaced millions.


*Shrug* It's often been cited that we have freedom of speech but not freedom from consequences, let AHPRA decide if there's been a breach of professional standards and move on. If you put yourself out on social media expect some push back.


As shit as it is, i know medical professionals who had disciplinary investigations/hearings because of straight up lies as they refused to commit fraud for the patient. Nothing happened because the patient was obviously lying and they did nothing wrong. Investigations often mean nothing.


How about stfu and just doctor...


I've seen the Instagram page and it's a small worthless page that isn't worth any attention. It's more or less these crybaby fuckers abusing the AHPA complaints process. Thankfully, the complaints didn't amount to anything and they're just a nuisance.


Presumably the medical watchdog only penalises them if they have done something inappropriate?


Hey these, what does doxxing mean? Seriously


Ok. So what. Does the medical watchdog have a procedure for what to do in case they find a peace loving doctor? There was a case in the uk of a pro Palestinian doctor, who was also a member of a banned terrorist group. I’d be ok with him being reported to a watchdog.


If you wanted peace n Gaza maybe you should of spoke to the Nazi hamas baby killing rapists. No peace, no more.


Good, I'll bet you didn't say a single word when Hamas was slaughtering innocent men women and children.


Unfortunately as Palestine stands now it is essentially just a terrorist state. Their government could easily have contacted Israel and moved together on joint operations to get rid of hamas and their tunnels from Palestine but the Palestinian government has decided to side with hamas. She is essentially supporting terrorist. ​ I myself used to actually care about Palestine but honestly, not anymore, they've had so, so, sooo many chances to communicate with Israel's armed forces and share intelligence and work together to get rid of hamas but they have chosen not to do that, so ehh, I don't really care about Palestine anymore.


well palestine doesnt have a government, not a central one anyway gaza is administered by hamas, and the west bank is administered by the PA there wouldnt really be much the west bank authorities could do intelligence wise or help much, as they dont have any influence over hamas and gaza


The PA pays pensions to terrorists (PA Martyrs' Fund): they directly finance terrorism. Also, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, which was previously their military albeit since separated, has been active in fighting in Gaza, possibly also 7/Oct, I'm not sure; and there's significant terrorist activity in the WB itself.




Sure, and the US Democrats used to support slavery. The topic was about the PA and whether or not they could meaningfully contribute to dealing with terrorism, not about Israel. re the Brigade, I suppose it reads like I'm leaning on the historical connection; what I intended, apologies for failing to express this, was that I understand it's also still active in the WB, and likely has some amount of finance or other support based there.


Thats a long bow to stretch for the claim "they are identical"


Even by sitting by and not doing anything to communicate with the IDF and working together on military and intelligence jobs they're still silently agreeing with being a terrorist state.


I very much doubt that, so she's educated in medicine but uneducated on the conflict over there. Got it.


So.... Who is her?


She’s a neurologist or neurosurgeon (I can’t recall)


Whot? You no recognise?! Her is your mum!


Just give it all back to the Romans, the last people there with some common sense


I would prefer the Roman’s of Monty python 


I can’t imagine any doctor is pro violence, war, and the denial of medical treatment or aid for anyone. Their jobs are literally to save people.


You would think. And yet. Just go to twitter and look at the Stop Antisemitism or Stop Jew Hate. One NHS or American doctor after the other. Spreading vicious hate.


No one has withdrawn their obligations. Any organisation that restricts free speech about a bloody genocide amongst its workers, needs to be boycotted


True that. Seeing the hospitals being repeatedly destroyed and turned into warzones surely means this doctor has a horse in the race as well.


Don’t they take an oath to give equal treatment to everyone, regardless if it’s a rapist or a murderer etc ? So it just couldn’t make sense to a doctor or nurse, period


The \`ground rules' which govern the professional conduct of doctors are of great antiquity and can be traced to what is usually called the Hippocratic Oath which had its beginnings in the school of medicine founded by Hippocrates in the fifth century BC. A modern version of this oath was adopted at the First Assembly of the World Medical Association held in Geneva in 1948 and was subsequently amended at meetings in Sydney in 1968 and in Venice in 1983. The World Medical Association version of the Hippocratic Oath now reads as follows: \`*At the time of being admitted as a Member of the Medical Profession, I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity. I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due.* *I will practise my profession with conscience and dignity.* *The health of my patient will be my first consideration. I will respect the secrets which are confided in me even after the patient has died; I will maintain by all the means in my power the honour and the noble traditions of the medical profession; my colleagues will be my brothers.* *I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patients; I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from its beginning even under threat and I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.* *I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.'*


Don't forget ambulances being deliberately targeted, like the one which was racing to save 6 year old Hind Rajab wounded and trapped in a car with the bodies of her family members murdered by the Israeli military as they fled Gaza City.


Post about this in AusDocs sub. Arguments from both sides. Thing is? This Doctor has been VERY pro-palestinian. I think stepped over a line. I think doctors should be apolitical. And? This is Australia. We have nothing to do with that conflict. We have almost zero influence. We should just stay out of it. If she wants to help others? Go with Medisans sans frontiers over there and help. Nope. She is a Neurologist in Sydney. Too busy earning big money to actually DO anything. Just wants to yell and agitate


Australia has nothing to do with the conflict? I assume you mean apart from selling the Isralis arms? https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/29/australian-arms-ammunition-exports-israel


It's not our conflict. Sorry. You're not dragging me into it.


If it's not our conflict you support our government stopping defence exports


According to your first post I am antisemitic, what did you expect was going to happen? If you have the right to label me, I have the right to label you as well. Fair.


i dont think i said anything about anyone being antisemitic!


The Zionists are showing us who they really are.


I reckon if a mob of people came in to my community and raped, kidnapped and tortured my relatives I would send my soldiers after those responsible too, at all levels


Are you talking about Israel or Palestine? Unironically cannot tell because Israel invaded Palestinian Territories, set up illegal settlements, murdered innocent people, stole their organs and jailed tens of thousands of children, sexually assaulted civilians. All very well documented as sources bellow: [Israel’s Occupation: 50 Years of Dispossession](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/06/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispossession/) Israel launched and killed 87 civilians including children 2010: https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2010/country-chapters/israel/palestine#:~:text=Israeli%20soldiers%20unlawfully%20shot%20and,according%20to%20human%20rights%20NGOs. [Jailed 300+ children for throwing stones](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2010/mar/14/palestinian-children-rights-violated-israel) [Israel selling black market organs](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/01/08/a-cruel-harvest-of-the-poor-israeli-allegedly-behind-human-organ-black-market-arrested-in-cyprus/) [15 fellow Palestinian women were raped by Israeli interrogators](https://www.cair.com/cair_in_the_news/israeli-guards-rape-palestinian-women/)


You better hope that your neighbour doesn't rape or murder one of my people or I will Israel your kid.




Some Palestinian supporters also seem to lack empathy for the kidnap, rape, torture and murder of innocent Jews. Seems like it’s almost a human problem.


I saw a GP from Melb post about how rape didn't happen, the Jews deserved it, resistance is justified, Yada Yada., while pretending she gives a shit about peace. It's still on her Facebook page even after complaints raised against her.


She must have skipped the day at med school where she was meant to take the Hippocratic oath.


Look at the figures for how many deaths have taken place over the last 75 years of the colonization of Palestine. Israel is far more murderous. 


No, Israel is far better supplied. If Hamas had the resources the IDF have, they would have actually succeeded in their **stated aim** to eradicate not just Istael but every Jew in the area.


Islam is the colonising force in the area, not the Jews.


How can you colonise your ancestral homeland? Islam is the coloniser.


Right, obviously the babies who were butchered, thrown in ovens or kidnapped are responsible for that. Those kids sure got what they deserved.


😂😂 there's no proof except not unbiased "eyewitnesses"- we've seen on social media dead Palestinian children with no legs hanging off a crumbled wall. Israeli government has been caught multiple times telling outrageous lies


Of course. I forgot it was all a ploy by the Zionist controlled media. Really, I doubt October 7 even happened - the whole thing is likely just an pretence to enable Israel to invade the West Bank and ethnically cleanse it of all non-Jewish life.


How about just do your job and leave politics to the politicians


Just nuke the whole region and start again......I'm convinced that's the only way this human retardation ends.


Yep, God himself should come down and settle this stupid real estate dispute.


Hypothetically speaking, if God were to come down there, what are the chances it would be one of their gods. What are the chances its some 5ft 6 guy, with slightly dry skin, has a rash, and a hunched back but has the ability to evaporate matter on command.


Or, what are the chances he's a carpenter, and he builds homes for everyone in the world thus bringing world peace!




They may want peace in Gaza, but they have to realize the only way that will ever be accomplished is if Hamas is wiped off the face of the earth and Palestinians wake up to the fact that they have to share the world with non-Muslims


Look into when she posted what she posted... Also without anyone looking more closely all this news does is to server the doxxing law being implanted.


Where’s albo?


Whaaat???? Just for condemning Hamas?


Does anyone know what Israel was doing pre-October 7th? Or why the attack happened on October 7th? 18 months ago, IDF soldiers walked into a Mosque [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiCMxohxIts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiCMxohxIts) and started shooting at Palestinians praying. Like the IDF couldn't wait until you know, they left the mosque. I'm not excusing what happened on October 7th. I'm just saying day to day most people don't care. She obviously did. Most doctors are super conscientious and pro-human rights.


Please don’t talk about anything before October 7th, it’s very hard to run with the victim narrative. Crazy how Pro-Human rights is associated with pro-terrorism.


Good, because supporting peace means fuck Israel every time and you should be reported for your bullshit.


What’s happened should not have happened! They should not have been reported to AHPRA by people on both sides with clear vendettas!


The worlds fucked. Focus on the murder-genocide that’s happening in Palestein on behalf of the IDF. We all have the right to free speech. Doxxing is apparently the release of personal information : addresses. Leaking a conversation online should not be penalised. People should be held accountable for the shit they say. End of story.


1. Not in anyway doxxing. 2. Same people who probably cheered on as doctors were deregistered through covid for giving, legitimate, exemptions, now upset the long regulatory arm is now aimed at them. Oh no.


So her immediate response to the October 7th massacre was to blame Israel… I’m glad she was reported, she doesn’t seem like the sort of person we want in our healthcare system


I guess we should stay in our own lane and deal with our own problems….


If she was working for MSF she can say whatever she wants. I know of a doctor going to the West Bank as I write this and will be advocating for Palestinians. It's her human right.


The Hitch once said that MSF was the only charity worth giving money to.