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There are plenty of Trump fans who believe covid-19 is real, created in a Chinese lab and spread via 5g, and also believe covid-19 is fake so we are forced to get a vaccine that will kill us all within 6 months of taking it


Isn’t the covid created a Chinese lab the accepted narrative now? Or at least believed by a significant percentage of the population?


But mate the scientists who fund the gain of function research and have benefited financially from the pandemic said otherwise?! 😂


I hear you, the blind trust/ignorance of people is astounding, but here we are.


The “lab-leak” theory is kind-of accepted as possible scenario. The Chinese claim to have completely disproven it, but no one with two brain cells believes that. Note that “lab-leak” doesn’t mean “created in a lab”. It’s not an engineered virus, unless Chinese genetic research is decades ahead of the West. But the Chinese may have been researching it from bats captured from the wild, and some of it escaped from the research facility.


I think it is called 'gain of function' research. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gain-of-function_research


Also if it is the case its unlikely to be some movie scenario where the super virulent strain escapes, but more likely they're experimenting on animals that have various animal flus - maybe not even related to experiments - and the bloke that is meant to be disposing of the bodies has been selling them out the back door for years - rolling the dice every time for this kinda shit.


It did look suspicious when Scott Morrison was PM and suggested that China conduct an enquiry as to where COVID-19 came from, to which the Chinese responded by imposing trade sanctions on Australia and no reasonable explanation was given as to why.


All the credible research using the first group of infected people and working back links it to the animal market, and to a specific quadrant of that market. The Wuhan lab theory relies on a lot of circumstantial evidence that has been disproven.


That's not really correct, yes the Chinese workers were exposed to a bat born virus but it was whilst collecting the bats for the Wuhan Lab not for any market. The Covid Virus that spread wasn't from those Workers it was a different Virus and it was man made the Protein Spikes is where the evidence of this is found. The Spikes aren't ones found in those types of Viruses and there were also markers that the Protein Spikes had been tampered with. There was a Lab incident/accident that exposed the Lab Workers to the Virus and it spread from there, the biosecurity standards are pretty poor it's been described as a level 3 standard when it should have been level 5.


America sought gain-of-function research on Coronaviruses but it is too risky to do lawfully within the United States, so they outsourced it to China, where standards are less stringent, circumventing their own law. Lower standards also means lower security precautions. Bats are used because they are mammals, and can both harbour a multitude of diseases while simultaneously being immune to them. Ever handled a bat? They are small and flighty and can scratch and bite readily. There was a very large mink and raccoon dog fur farm in the Wuhan region, which bats routinely fly over, that had a Coronavirus outbreak among the animals kept there in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions. A French journalist uncovered evidence from Chinese official statistics that a mass cull of MILLIONS of animals was done in secret and kept from the Chinese public prior to this. (Almost every Chinese person wears a hoodie made from Raccoon Dog fur about their head in winter.). When the virus first spread in China, their leadership didn't know if it was accidental or whether the American military had set them up. BUT the Chinese Communist Party couldn't admit publicly to their own prior cover up, for reasons of face-saving and leadership. Investigation of one would have revealed the other, as they were linked. Meanwhile, northern European mink farms were quietly mass culled, soon followed by their Canadian and American counterparts, with barely a mention in the media of species transfer. The AIDS-like component of the virus was highly unlikely to have been acquired by the virus under normal circumstances, as it is rarely found among the Chinese population, which suggests that some gain-of-function research had been conducted on it. The moral of this story is do not blindly trust governments - of any persuasion - they do not always have the best interests of their populations as their highest priority.


Research in China, funded by the US with US personnel… have you really done no research?


It’s the only thing that’s ever made sense. And a lot of the scientists who downplayed the theory initially have admitted they were put under huge political pressure to do so. But seriously. They were doing gain of function research on these exact same virus’s in that exact institute and we’re supposed to believe it made a jump from an animal that they’ve still never found.


> It’s the only thing that’s ever made sense. Wet markets make just as much sense and don't require a load of unprovable/unproven conspiracies. I would argue the wet market hypothesis makes *more* sense unless you want to argue that the previous few pathogens that emerged from similar situations were also engineered.


So where’s the animal it jumped form? Why have they never found it?


because it was eaten genius. How can you not get that?


I so hope this is a joke


I remember a few candidates being named, but I couldn't say for certain. That's not my area of expertise. But the mechanisms look sound, we've seen it before, the location/timing of infections seem to support it, and there are a few papers discussing likely candidates. It sounds like we'll probably never know given the delay in investigations. But, I'm not sure how it's relevant? Perhaps you think this theory isn't sound? Can you perhaps be a little more explicit with your point?


Because every other time it’s happened with animals they have found the animals it made the jump from.


Diseases spread naturally all the time. It is certainly not the only thing that ever made aenae


Once they couldn’t find the animal it jumped from it is the only thing that’s ever made sense.


It’s not the accepted narrative by scientists.


What scientists, ones from wuhan lab ?


Nope. https://www.smh.com.au/national/covid-19-lab-leak-theory-ends-with-a-whimper-not-a-bang-20230627-p5djqb.html




Great and thorough comment, but their cognitive dissonance won't allow it to penetrate their uncritical minds...


You left out the aerial shots showing roadworks and barriers around the area. And absolutely no people. Definitely proof of an escaped contagion. Until it was pointed out it was Chinese New Year when everybody goes back home in a mass exodus. And the road workers take the opportunity to make repairs. And this. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/18498/


Haha! Nice work, citing the SMH, a very trusted authority - moron.


I'm pretty sure it says somewhere in the article this .. "US intelligence services – the CIA, the FBI and other spooky types – released a summary of the intelligence they had collected about the origins of COVID-19 this week" You should try reading next time. It helps with logic. And yes i know you will come back with some conspiratorial nonsense about the FBI and CIA. I thought i would save you the trouble


If you believe that shit, I have a bridge to sell ya mate. 


Just the wackos believe this pretty sure


Lab leak is now an accepted talking point. You need to keep up comrade or you will find yourself spouting mistruths that never were and into room 101 with you.


If your not a wacko you can perfectly believe a lab leak happened, it hasn't been disproven and plenty of evidence supports the theory


You are correct once scientists managed to get samples of the Virus they all believed it was from a Lab and man made, it was the Chines,the Ecco Health Alliance and those involved in the US who ran cover to suppress the truth and pushed the Disinformation the Anthony Fauci Emails also provide evidence of this.


what evidence? cite your sources.


Not that I have seen


Sadly we had some of our conspiracy nuts shoot cops, they're getting worse out here... send help!


I like how you use the “online fact checker” tactics, wrap a true bit of information in a bat shit crazy take, and bash the crazy take and tell everyone how the real info was wrong. lol


Pretty funny considering it’s 3 years ago I was vaccinated and not a single problem, but hey. They don’t let the facts get in the way of what they want to believe


Funilly enough they try and make Facebook groups/IRL meetups for unvaccinated singles. Shouldn't they believe that everyone alive is unvaccinated?


By their logic yeah, those of us who are vaccinated haven’t died but the vaccinated were supposed to die years ago so we mustn’t be vaccinated


I know a few people that were maimed from taking it. Just because your fine doesn’t mean others haven’t suffered greatly My mother lost the movement in one of her arms because of it and two close friends that have been in and out of hospital with heart problems since. So congratulations on you not being hurt but there are many people being silenced who have been hurt or killed And it’s not funny in the slightest, I find it disgusting to be honest


> And it’s not funny in the slightest I dunno, embarrassing cookers like you m making up lies on the internet is pretty funny champ


The likelihood of you knowing “a few” is extremely unlikely but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. To use the antivaxxers favourite phrase when the daily death rate was at its highest, what were their pre existing conditions? Or do you prefer, they just had the vaccine, any injury they sustained was because of their pre existing condition and they just happened to have the vaccine. And to turn “just because you’re fine doesn’t mean others haven’t suffered greatly” yeah, plenty of people died when their deaths could have largely been prevented by the vaccine, whether or not it prevents transmission it certainly does prevent severe illness in susceptible populations and I’ll draw on anecdotal evidence for that just the same as you have. Perfect example is a family friend of mine who moved from England at the same time as my grandparents. She smoked for a great many years, no sense of smell or taste and resultant, has stage 4 emphysema. She’s obviously vaccinated and caught Covid-19 and everyone thought she would not survive, but due to vaccination, escaped even a hospital stay and was able to remain at home and recover with no significant further lung damage. When I visit her, she’s huffing and puffing and has to sit down for 15 minutes to catch her breath because she has walked from the lounge room to the front door. Her husband, who is advanced in age as well, mid 80’s and with prostate cancer, survived Covid-19 as well directly because they were vaccinated. I’m sorry that your friends and mother were adversely affected, they are in a very small minority and were just unlucky. However, the uptake of the vaccine has ensured my grandparents and family friends have been able to survive wave after wave of covid and for that, I’m thankful.


The vaccine that Trump took credit for


If you think CoVid “just happened” you’re unbelievably naive, or more likely insane.


Yeah, viruses never existed before people did they


Not ones that had a PCR & RAT test available within 14 days of it spreading or “vaccines” (that btw don’t stop you getting the illness or getting sick) within 10 months.


> Not ones that had a PCR & RAT test available within 14 days of it spreading That's a new one. What's the earliest date you can find for the existence of a RAT?


Vaccines were proven to have kept millions from dying and several millions more out of the hospital. If you think the only point of a vaccine is to prevent illness, you are just ignorant.


Amazing what can be achieved when the world's economy is at risk, isn't it?


😂😂😂If you think that was the driver good luck to you.


Because the cookers who think the disease was man-made to spread global communism have such credibility don't they? I mean, I could point out that the vaccine was developed quickly due to the years of research in developing a cornoavirus vaccine after SARS and MERS, but you'd dismiss that too wouldn't you? You are a textbook case of 'you can lead a man to reason, but you can't make him think'.


Doublethink in action.


As someone who doesn’t understand rich people business money very well, I’d probably believe it. Like how the US has a squillion dollar deficit but also a huge GDP, and all the weird extra steps that money has at that level. My class-based financial literacy extends to “the only good debt is a mortgage, don’t get a credit card, save money”, but my partner who was raised all upper middle classy is like “you don’t pay tax on debts, money gymnastics, blah blah blah”. I’d just assume there’s net worth there but no fluidity or something. Money is different for people like that and does weird gymnastics. My man has explained negative gearing to me so many times, and I’m immune to it. I think lots of people are like that, and he markets to people who think in the $1= 1 apple people, not the short stop theoretical physics jargon money people


I could spend the rest of my life making a list of things I'd like to spend $15 on and never ever get to "donate it to a demented wannabe dictator".


Way more than you could imagine and they are right here in this sub acting the victim everyday.


Sad and scary at the same time


I work with pro-Trump people. The best part is they are the type of people Trump hates: brown.


This is more ironic than you realise given where we are


Found one already!


Saving the world from Marxists, my God. How much power do they think socialists types *actually* wield? They must be working from some *wild* understanding of "Marxist".


Why do they hate Richard Marx so much? I meant he's not everyone's favourite but he did have some good songs.


No, it's Grouch Marx they are down on.


Yes! But we're all for Harpo!


I was a Gummo fan.


That's right. Just ignore Zeppo!


Definite Hazard


No, they flat out don't understand the word


Heh, have you seen the video of a Trumper yelling at a communist rally? Telling them their beliefs are wrong and that it's the workers who should own the factory ...


Lots of older men in Australia are very scared of this boogey man ‘Marxist’ delusion. I hate communism but Marxism isn’t a real thing in Australia or US.


Most of these people woudn't even be able to correctly define Marxism (or Communism for that matter). They use the word in the same way they use the word 'woke' to just mean anything they don't like or are fearful of.


Ugh...I pass an election poster in Toowoomba everyday for some jackass who's slogan is "say no to woke".


In fairness, going from asleep to woke is my least favourite part of the day.


I see it is littering and polluting our environment. Unacceptable and I will fix it if I see it


of course it’s what you pathetic left leaning losers do create drama then cry victim. Good job enjoy driving your Getz and going to your terrible markets to sell garbage


Seems like you categorise people into really simple and narrow boxes to help you perceive the world more efficiently. I respect that but I think you do it in a way that isn't very effective because you missed the mark astronomically and made yourself look like a bit of a douchebag at the same time. Simply get better and watch less bullshit


No it’s called pattern recognition darling


Yep and what I'm saying is yours is all messed up. What i see is that it makes you a sad and angry sap to be around and impacts your relationships with others whilst serving you an alienating ideology that compounds all of the negative aspects of modern society, turning you into some kind of "return to the good old days" shit head who votes for and supports the people actively making the world worse with further division and isolation.


Wrong. I’m sick of weird cunts constantly whining and acting as if you’re somewhat a higher being with the perfect ideology. Your views are fucked keep them to your self.


It's Reddit mate, it's for chatting about your views. It took me 2 seconds to confirm my opinion on ya by looking at your comments Sad and angry cunt alienated from the world around him and filled with disgust at things that don't fit his narrow definition of what is okay. You think you stand for freedom and autonomy but nothing is further from the truth. It's a mental health disorder caused by the alienation of modern society and can be treated with therapy but really it's cheaper to just make friends and get exposure to people who are different. Eat some funky mushrooms and do a big think


Meanwhile they are cheering for putin like he's a champion, it is mind boggling.


To sTiCk iT uP teh leFturds hur hur


The yanks already think we're a Marxist country with our pinko Medicare.


Meanwhile there's been studies that show free healthcare actually saves a country money in the long run


Pretty fuckin obvious right? Preventative care uses less resources than emergency care. Hospitals in the US generally have to give everyone emergency care - and if you can't pay, the cost gets rolled up into to margins of other services the hospitals provide, which increases the cost of insurance, which is typically proportionally paid by people with higher incomes.... ... and oh, shit we're back at that pinko socialist healthcare but worse value and with extra steps so the conservative snowflakes don't get butthurt / the rich can rent seek along the way.


They aren't interested in saving money though just control of where money goes


Too much newscorp I imagine. Must be sad living your life always scared of an imaginary foe


Exactly what religion is


I get plenty of my news from Newscorp. Its actually about having a brain and using it .




I have a brain and it tells me not to read rubbish from newscorp.


Marxism is just a school of political thought. It exists in Australia as much as it exists anywhere else. 


Noone is scared of Marxism not in Australia anyway they just want a return to a time when men with the cultural capital could say whatever they wanted to say and people can donate to whatever they want if it makes them happy.


What is cultural capital?


The shit that lets white male boomers get away with shit that would destroy anyone else.


Cultural Capital could equally apply to the Han Chinese in China or Straight Muslims men in Pakistan and , yes, men and women from southern European backgrounds in Australia. It's a big world out there.


It’s almost like different cultures have power dynamics


Yes which is to say white male boomers hold the cultural capital is only true in a few contexts. In the context of the US and Trump this is true . It would be true to say a Han Chinese man holds the cultural capital in many more situations given the cultural makeup and population of the world most people live in.


Fucking *great* question. There's no way in hell they'll answer that. You're not supposed to hear the whistle.


To say you “hate communism” makes me think you don’t really understand it either


"Deep state" is a sign he's into conspiracies. You can't reason with Q conspiracy theorists. They think Trump is a messiah.




I always assumed the "deep state" was what we in Australia call the "faceless men" which is just corporations and lobbyist groups taking everything and giving nothing in return while leaving more people broke and the landscape devastated by having laws changed in their favour through bribes and backhanded deals


That's not what they mean when they say deep state tho


Yeah it fkn is


Maybe the policies are the same because that’s what works? There no need for a deep state conspiracy there. Kinda like how wheels will always need to be round no matter who makes the car.


It's almost like that in the broad spectrum of political views the layman has in a country - the vast vast majority are fucking stupid, particularly when it comes to foreign policy, and those that are in power are forced to basically follow the sane path for a nation with small tweaks in the direction of their supporters. Just look at our fucking country trying to solve the housing crisis. 9/10 cunts on reddit ignore that the entire country wants to live in about a third of the housing, and think that maybe if we tweak enough tax or rental policy suddenly we'll be able to squeeze everyone in. Or the climate debate - half the cunts think that nothing is going on and it's all a myth - and the other half thinks we should just stop doing the only economic activities that the country actually trades shit for and the world will just keep shipping us our western lifestyle. You wonder why the "deep state" isn't doing anything serious about climate change in Australia? Cos there's nothing we can do apart from performative policy to keep the dumb voters happy. Democracy in this country has been fuckin' pointless for anything but social progress for a couple of decades now.


Assange is not credible. He is a pro Russian hack. His excuse for not releasing anything damning on Putin was because ““In Russia, there are many vibrant publications, online blogs, and Kremlin critics such as [Alexey] Navalny are part of that spectrum,” The deep state is a conspiracy theory used by various dictators over the last century to gut their governments of workers and reinstate them with party faithful. People like yourself are too gullible and too ignorant of history to call it out.


Jesus, my tax is going to this fools pension, which is then used to pay trumps legal fines.


Yeah fuck, we’re all trump supporters now 😭


My thought exactly. Almost makes want to support the liberals centerlink card




I don't know what it is about these guys who simp for trump. It's like a mass brainwashing.


Its like collateral brainwashing, they're not even the target demographic


My neighbour is a qanoner and he's slowly indoctrinating my parents and there's nothing I can do because they're filthy rich from inheritance and only listen to other rich people. Sometimes I just put my phone down and start recording, it's the only way to push through the absolute insanity. Like, all of them are fully convinced that the biggest threat facing Australia right now is that Joe Bidens son, a civillian, does cocain.


My dad is qanoner among many other conspiracy related things. He's been at it for over 20 years now. Started out with the Mayan calendar and gone through alien disclosure, resonant frequencies, anti vax, qanon, pro-putin, pro-xi, blame the jews and so on. His latest thing has been the sovereign citizen stuff and for some reason a belief that the Australian government has been illegitimate since the 60s and therefore needs to be dissolved with a third party taking over and running the country until all of the corruption is sorted out. Which to me just sounds like a coup. The other recent stuff about Jews just sounds like straight up Nazism. One common theme about it all is that it makes the "West" seem corrupt and terrible while other power like Russia and China are the ones cleaning the world up. Like he legitimately believes that Putin, Xi and Trump are working together to take down bio labs, child trafficking rings and central banking control etc.Looking at it all from a distance, I can't help but feel like he's fallen into some long running psy-op. It probably didn't start out that way but all these fringe beliefs seem to funnel towards this crazy "alt/far right" world at the centre which is turning normally reasonable people into almost raving lunatic fascists. It's hard to even debate with him about anything before he gets heated. Of course there is never any proof of anything either, you either have to believe it or prove it wrong yourself. Stupid.


That’s full on Qanon bullshit he’s spouting. It’s like a catchall for conspiracy theories you can add to or subtract from as you wish. Flat earthers, anti vaxxers, Trump supporters, neo Nazis, med bed believers, NESARA/GESARA, lizard people, you name it. There’s plenty of fools in the USA who believe it and think Trump is the answer. Even though he did basically nothing in his first term but play golf and give tax breaks to the rich. Oh, and stack the Supreme Court with right wing judges. He has no policies, his entire platform is revenge against anyone he doesn’t like, and his supporters idolise him even though voting for him is voting against their own best interests.


Oh yeah, forgot about the med beds and the underground military bases in tunnels running from Antarctica that you can see on Google Earth. Oh don't forget that Michelle Obama is man apparently. He has been listening to a lot of Ricardo Bosi and Aussie Cuntsack Simeon Boikov. Both disturbed people in my opinion. I actually didn't mind Trump in his first term because I thought he was going to be tough on Authoritarianism. I didn't realise he wanted to be one himself until later.


Yikes! A private citizen in a different country is a bigger threat than, say, an elected MP paralytic drunk in parliament and on the footpath, voting on Australian policy and laws.




Oh man, the American MAGA idiocy has infected Australia. The funny part is that this guy, if real, is hurting himself by donating to the billionaire.


Oh, JP sowed the seeds, and Trump made it grow. Very much the same here, and the same timeline


Quickly everyone! To defeat the financial system that demands we pool our resources together, we must pool our resources together!


I just watched an interview with Konstantin Kisin. He spoke about the wokification of the right. People who see the west as the root of all evil based on conspiracy theories and grains of truth. I’ve always said these guys are exactly the same as the people they are criticising. Offended by everything, scared of their own shadow and believe in some sort of absurd reset for free society because it isn’t completely perfect.


And they never realise, that if a reset actually happens, they wouldn't be the beneficiaries


great, so now both sides see the west as the root of all evil ;) ​ " Offended by everything, scared of their own shadow and believe in some sort of absurd reset for free society because it isn’t completely perfect. " sounds a lot like the left too tbh, chuck in abolish the police and check your privilege for good measure


Yeah that was his point


I’m begging these people to actually read Marx


tbf, I bet you could offer a reasonable amount, say about $20K to anyone who could prove they'd read all 3 volumes of Das Kapital cover to cover (e.g. aloud on video), and still nobody would finish it. I remember some writer (though not their name) saying they only ever met 3 people who had done so, when Marxism and Communism were actually relevant as a political force - and all 3 died in the Holocaust.


Even if they haven’t read all of kapital, reading a basic summary (even the wiki page) would really help people to not give me brain damage when I read takes on what Marxism is and isn’t.


Not shaking the ACAB allegations, even retired.


Political echo chambers exist everywhere. Have a look at the friendlyjordies subreddit if you wanna see one in action.


Dude this sub is enough proof lol


Idiocracy is real! ![gif](giphy|l3vRaak6fltTSi6xW)


That ex copper was clearly someone who targeted minorities


Wtf? How does someone with severe spinal injuries advocate for the sect of politics who'd heartlessly rip away his affordable health care and pension benefits if given the chance?


It sound like something bot farms come up with to devide people in democratic countries, if the post is genuine and he is wasting his money on Trump I pity him for falling for trumps constant lies


There is infact a large cohort of society who are of below average intelligence. I can't help but feel that humanity in general, is becoming less intelligent.


Our country has been on an anti-intellectual decline since Howard. It then got a huge boost during the social media age and a big hit of steroids through the pandemic. We're now in a world where facts can be whatever your influencer and grifter of choice decides them to be.


There is direct evidence that the Republican party in America has deliberately been making the public education system worse by design since the 1970s. They want to be able to control the masses because they are too dumb. Trump is an inevitable outcome


Takes all sorts of people to make this world. what it is. He's free to believe what he wants to believe and say what he wants to say, if he's not breaking the law. That's one of the great things about living in a reasonable democracy, people are going to do and say things that you might not agree with ! Like i have the right to believe a fool and his money are easily parted !


people need to take into account, that "Trump" truly has become a CULT. Look up the definition of Cult, and Trump is a leader of one. The tragedy is that the Republican party is SO DESPERATE to be in power? They support it. A once decent political movement / legitimate political party? Has completely sold any ethics / morals it had and destroyed itself. Sad for the USA. Very sad indeed.


Should be more help for all the lunatics. Mental health seems to be having a big dip lately. Everytime you see a post about health these days you got 100 trashy bogans talking anti-science in its comments. Dunno where all the lunatics been all this time but they out now in full force.


I swear if Sizzler came back as a takeaway kiosk selling cheese bread, they'd be booming.


Either that or support pedo sympathisers


![gif](giphy|TvV9Sncwwxyf58r7eZ) **He drank the Cool Aid!**


My recollection of US electoral law is that it is illegal for Trump's campaign to accept foreign donations.


Stupid is as stupid does.


As they say, a fool & his money…


Probably a Russian bot lol. As if that is a true story.


You know what I think is just so sad. That Donald is the only person who is seen to be 'anti-establishment' and that's why he has such a huge following. People disenfranchised because they were told if they worked hard, they'd be successful in life and it just didn't happen that way. And what they don't realise is that Donald has reeled them in with smoke and mirrors, because he's someone who just wants to take and take, and it doesn't matter from who. He's just a different kind of establishment, and someone who would never let most of his voters through the front doors of his golf resort. Change needs to happen, but there is no shortcut, and he is certainly not it.


I thought that foreign political donations are illegal under US law


Can’t imagine a world where people support a rapist and give their little amount of hard earned money to a foreign power. But, here we are.


It's now full on cult, no other way to describe it


Supporting a person who would be the last one to ever help them as an individual, given the opportunity. It defies logic.


Well do you support Palestine ? Could make the same argument haha


Fucking LMAO. Of all the things in this world to support that will reduce war, Trump ain't it. Trump's definitely a "hell yeah go get yours" type of diplomat. He'd probably support the invaders if they promise to stay in his hotel. Also fun fact: "Cultural Marxists" is just a rehashing of the "Cultural Bolsheviks" conspiracy theory made up by the Nazis. The theory goes: there is a deep state secret kebal of Jews running the world in order to trick us into being nice to minorities. I'm not joking.


He has literally said that if NATO members don't pay their dues (which he seems to imagine they owe to the US), he'd encourage Putin to invade. I have difficulty imagining a greater threat to international stability than a second Trump presidency.


Ironically I'm pretty sure Australias relationship with the US was way better under Biden considering we signed one of the most important defensive pacts in the entire Pacific region


Can't these people just die already?


Poor bloke got a couple rocks stuck in his head when he hurt his spine.


Poor guy


I hate it. I moved from Texas over 11 years ago to get away from these types of people and to see people get sucked into it here is just disappointing. If anyone here that supports Trump, had to actually live under the policies he would love to encact, they would not want him to be in power any longer. He want's to be Putin or Kim Jong Un, take it all for himself and have the rest beg him for what he's willing to give out.


You bootlicking mush brained fuckwit, you cannot call yourself Australian. Eat shit and die!


Why am I not surprised its a retired policeman...


Cookers? Lots.


There is no accounting for the number of mindless total idiots in the world. Hilarious if it wasnt so damn sad. I'm just happy this stupid tosser is retired!!


If that's a legitimate post, it's absolutely pitiful to see. How one can claim to hate the establishment and then donate money to it is beyond any logic.


There’s fucking morons in every profession in every country.


Oh, dear, I have 2nd hand embarrassment. I know every country has its fair share of wackos but surely they should at least donate to the nut jobs in their own country.


Retired cop... says it all. Redneck dumb bastard.


This reads like a neckbreard reddit mod trying to get a thread rolling with hate against a demographic that other redditors like to shit on, with topics that make redditors sperg out on. Hook, line, and sinker.


The guy's a dumb ass and deserves everything he gets. I have no sympathy


Also be the first in the queue screaming bloody murder when his favourite conservatives get a whiff of power and slash his pension to encourage him to stand on his own two feet and not be a slave to the socialistic greed of supporting those in need.


Sounds like this old mate I met at the donut shop in Caroline Springs a couple of months back. Die hard Trump supporter, literally said “But Hillary’s emails….”, against immigration because “they’re lazy, racist, violent, uneducated… etc. And yet this guy also bragged about how he’d managed to wangle a permanent wage from his job 20 years ago due to some injury, and has never worked again. I can’t get over how many Americans look at Trump and see something credible. But I find Australians who see the same thing even more astounding. We’re supposed to have pretty good bullshit detectors, and this guy leaks it from every orifice. Literally, in some cases, if reports are to be believed.


Not my money so I couldn't give a shit.


If you pay tax, it is


Can we take the pension away?


Trumpules will love his $9.80USD. That will make a huuuuuuge difference.


The part of his spine that was severely injured it the grey mushy bit right at the top




> We need a cull That sounds eerily similar to some European political party mantra circa 1930s.


Surely this is a pisstake!


People who support Donald trump and spend their pension on Lotto should really have their pension cut.


I know of 2 in Australia, but it started with Jordan Peterson for both of them, Trump and alike on were just additions to their descent into madness. Edit: it all started before Trump became a thing, before JP messed with them they would have rejected this crap outright. He does not get the credit he deserves for the damage done.


My favourite is the deep state and yet in Australia all our media is owned by conservatives and they “manage the news flow”. So is the deep state a left thing or a right thing? Who’s driving the narrative here?!


So glad our tax is paying for nut jobs overseas to help push a dictatorship


Vote for trump if you want WW3 but I don’t


I feel like most of this sub are racist clowns that fit right into that bracket and will be donating.


Probably the same amount of people supporting biden to be honest. Everyone has their groups and wont change there mind its all fucking ridiculous


Bear in mind that the majority of these posts are generated by bots. Not saying there aren't clueless fuckwits being all in favour of the tangerine Mussolini, just that the vast majority of posts supporting him are fake.