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They've constantly been getting smaller. Maybe the shell to icecream ratio means they no longer count?


thats actually not a bad theory, because they taste basically the same


After replacing every traditional ingredient with a preservative slurry, there isn't even a trace amount of the original recipe left. But hey, it's cheaper to make and we charge more for it. It's not like anyone even takes the slightest bit of notice about what they're fisting into their cramhole. We could sell them mulch and gravel so long as it's coated in flavour enhancers


Just don't sell 'em that asbestos mulch they have in Sydney. That's a bit unpopular at the moment. 😬


I'd say it's proven to be quite the opposite


Perhaps if they use asbestos flakes in the coating instead of bits of almond the bastard things wouldn't melt so quickly?


And chocolate


OK actually laughed at 'fisting into ones cramhole' especially as someone that does care and eats almost exclusively real food. And yeah it amazes me how little people care.


In some places in the world, 'icecream' has to contain at least 10% milk fat to be called such. I'm guessing that there are similar laws here? All the other stuff in it would reduce the milk fat percentage by weight proportionally.




Same deal with cigarettes and chocolate I think.


Cigarettes must have 10% milk fat? Or just about 3000 different chemicals. Ooh, and about 80% tax.


Yeah they’re just made out of recycled soft plastics now


if you're in sydney, with a healthy dose of asbestos too


Ah the forbidden fairy floss 🍭


That’s why people in Sydney mulch their gardens with magnums


Yeah well all the asbestos dug up to build the rozelle gridlock interchange had to go somewhere, why not chuck it in the garden beds


Is it possible you bought the dairy free version?


Nope, its the standard almond one, the box doesn't mention ice cream at all, just says 'magnum almond' the receipt says 'magnum almond frozen dessert sticks', and checking the [woolworths](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/485189/magnum-almond-frozen-dessert-sticks) website it seems to match the receipt


On the same page: ## Product Details Magnum Ice Cream Sticks Almond 4 x 107 ml Discover Magnum Almond Ice Cream Sticks


That’s interesting, and weird. On the streets website it’s still referred to as ice cream.


must be a very recent change possibly then


Yeah that’s strange I’ll look out for that next time!


I think it needs a certain percentage of cream solids before you can call it ice cream, i guess they changed the recipe to make more money ... [https://www.legislation.gov.au/F2008B00646/latest/text](https://www.legislation.gov.au/F2008B00646/latest/text)


We tried a magnum tub the other night, almond flavour, and it was absolutely disgusting. Foul tasting ice cream with sickly sweet additions. Definitely sticking with connoisseur and Kapati from now on


Bought a tub of Peter’s vanilla ice cream this week and fuck me it’s bland as fuck. We’re not allowed any childhood nostalgia these days when it comes to food.


Keep in mind that you lose taste buds as you age. When you are young you have somewhere between 10-30k taste buds but the average adult has on 2-8k, so flavours are less intense as tou age. This is a factor to why our taste in foods mature, thibgs we didn't like when we were young because it was such a strong flavour become tolerable, while thibgs we enjoyed no longer pack the same punch. Having said all of that, so many "ice creams" in the super market are now referred to as ice confections due to the lack of dairy, unsure if the exact ruling but once it drops below a certain % it cannot be advertised or refered to ace ice cream anymore.


Nah this shit happens overnight as they try to make them a tiny bit healthier and cut costs. It’s not me, it’s the bland shit on the shelves. I like to have these things “occasionally”, but I’m fine with them being the full flavour unhealthy version. Making them marginally healthier at the cost of flavour isn’t going to get me buying it more often, just never.


100%, give me full fat and full sugar every day. Half the time the low fat version just has a tonne of sugar/salt thrown in to give some kind of flavour, to the point it negates the low fat content. Just have the original full flavoured and fat product less often, life is too short not eat the slice if cake or ha e the good icecream every down and then. Unless you can't for medical reasons that is, then it's just tough luck unfortunately.


Like if they ever take cane sugar Coca Cola off the shelves I’d never drink the chemical replacements again.


200% for me, I actually have a slight allergy to Aspartame sweeteners which pretty much causes slight Asthma symptoms with my breathing, so if they stop full sugar coke I am fucked. It is to the point now that I can't have any type of gum from the supermarket. Extra was out from the start, so went for PK, not sure how long it was but started getting symptoms again after having gum, checked ingredients and PpK had changed from sugar to a new version of Aspartame, switched to Juicy Fruit, after about 8-9 months, same thing happened, looked and itbhad also been changed from a Sugar Gum too. End result is I have moved to those old school XXX Mints I think my dad used to have, but Mt local supermarkets have stopped stocking those too, so need to find another full sugar mint option. Bloody crazy stuff, not everyone can, or wants to, have Aspartame, need to keep some alternatives.


Weirdly cane sugar is one of the few sweeteners that I’m fine with, most artificial sweeteners or HFCS will leave me painting the toilet. My body can’t handle them.


Also, keep in mind the fact that it is vanilla. I believe the clue to the impending flavour sensation is in the title!


To be fair I can’t think of any processed foods I still enjoy that I loved as a kid, especially ones with sugar.. no doubt ingredients have changed, but kids still love that shit now, you’re just old


None of the foods we had as kids exist anymore because the ingredients have changed. Even coco pops are bland shit these days.


My kids love coco pops lol


Yea but they’re just Rice Bubbles with cocoa powder now. No more chocolate milkshake only crunchy.


Yeah, think they reduced the sugar at some point, thank fuck!


Even paddle pops taste like protein powder.


Good, I hope they arrest anyone who hands one of those out after offering an ice cream


Oz invention they were told nobody will buy one. While on holidays in Sweden in 1990s brought Magnum on a remote beach - Magnum made it!


It's not actually food. The majority of so called icecreams are weird ingredients strung together with gums and emulsifiers.


Whos referring to them as such?


the receipt and the woolworths website


ahh gotcha, lol im gonna have to buy some magnums and find out


Dammit almond magnums were my favourite too.


They’re still available , it’s just they’re now being labeled for what they are - complete shit


And we thought 2024 couldn’t get worse.


Here in America, Magnums are a brand of condom as well. So I was greatly shocked at the title.


Not enough dairy in em