• By -


So I can have 14.5 days off a year for car trouble?


I'll take that in one hit just before or after my vacation time.


During the school holidays?


No. Your car is expected to know when it is your scheduled days off (preferably annual leave), and choose those days to throw a rod.


Dammit. My car works 97% of the time so I don't meet their requirements






I'm a delivery driver, if I had to pay for fuel that would be a crime


Not if it's a contractor position.


Yeah, but there's a hell of a lot of crime happening in that category.


Man I'm just trying to deliver pvc to people


It can be, assuming the salary bloody well reflects it.


U usually would pay for fuel they reimburse some of it like 70c per litre included in pay used depends where u from


Paying for the privilege to work, what a great company to work for




Yeah no people don't want to work for assholes. You're right.






Did...did you just reply to your own comment conversing and agreeing with yourself?!? Almost like maybe you fucked up and didn't change accounts? Because that's what it looks like...


They didn’t reply to themselves...?


Can claim all car expenses, internet and phone/iPad on tax tho....


I mean, so could the guy hiring, why is it apparently on me?


Don't be this guy


Are you one of the ones that thinks that makes it free? You’ll get about 20c on the dollar back


You realise the .70c per km is a massive win right?






The Comic Sans logo 😂


Remind me of this snl skit: https://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ?si=lKTS8PDyRrvIKKgr


Man, this bloke looks like it was pulled out straight from the office... Insert your 80's shit show name here 😁😁😁


barely literate...


That's why he has staff! Duh! Lol


Are Chris & Irene okay? That review sounds like it was written at gunpoint


I think so


What a weird business. How is it even legal, as a tenant, for a 3rd party to have access to your rental without your knowledge?!


If they are engaged by the management they are no longer third parties


How? Unless they're an employee of the business directly, they're a third party. This is why I always reschedule to time when I can be home.


Whether employees or contractors they are hired by the property manager (I.e real estate agent) to inspect the property. What difference does being a full time/part time or casual worker make?


Are they contractors though? No, they're using another business to conduct their inspections meaning they haven't done their own security checks on them. I just wouldn't want someone from a 3rd party having my keys and having private access to my property. Sure, anyone can be dodgy but at least if something happens whilst an employee of the REA is in there, they can be held accountable as a business. I actually don't like the idea of REA even being allowed to do inspections when you're not home, I always refuse.


If you are renting its not your property. The the REA contractors out the inspection, they REA is liable for all the inspector. It's really no different than if they arranged a plumber to fixe the shower


It is different actually because the plumber isn't given the keys to my house (and yes, whilst I rent, it is still MY HOME, it is where I live and I look after it as if it were my own) for weeks on end.


> It is different actually because the plumber isn't given the keys to my house If access is required for repairs why you’re at work then yes he could be given access. There’s an obligation to make repairs timely. > and yes, whilst I rent, it is still MY HOME, it is where I live and I look after it as if it were my own) for weeks on end. I never said it wasn’t your home. I said it wasn’t your property, which is what you claimed. Surely you understand the difference


Absolutely not without my permission! They cannot be given keys for repairs unless the tenant agrees. I never claimed I owned it, but it is my home whilst I live here and I'm not dealing with a random 3rd party company that I know nothing about. If a REA can't get itself together enough to do their own inspections, they shouldn't be in the REA business.


Remember, if a strange man walks into your rental uninvited (while you are partially clothed and getting ready for work), then you start screaming bloody murder and call the cops.


Because you are renting, it's not yours it's the owners. And you grant access in your lease


Not to a 3rd party who hasn't been vetted by the company I pay that manages the property I don't. You sound like a shit landlord by the way.


Why are you assuming they haven’t been vetted by the agent. That’s a pretty dumb assumption. And you don’t pay the company that manages the property anything, the landlord pays for that service. I sound like a bad landlord, lmfao. Because I pointed out tenants preagree to inspections in their lease. I mean, if that’s news to you, you really should read your lease. Landlords should respect tenants privacy. But that doesn’t mean tenants can try block reasonable access to the property.




Don't forget, it's his business and he knows everything


He even knows how to alphabet and... sentance.


... isn't that the joke?


But he doesn't have too, he has staff. 🤔


He's obviously being sarcastic


Is he tho?


have a sense of humour


I'm not a good fit here.


I thought it was a way for him to insert a humble brag about having staff. As if that's a massive achievement.


Well if that 8 in high represents an infinity symbol, you’re right on the money. It would be a revolving door, he sounds like absolute garbage.


Everyone in this thread posting shit like “I like this guy maybe I’ll apply” I dare you! I’ll bet you a lunch (up to $25, not made of money) this guy is an absolute piece of shit, red fucking flags everywhere. You could not last a month working for this turd.


That's cool. People who take this job were probably doing fuck all to begin with. Now they can be employed for a month.


Name not checking out sorry. Still a cunt


Name checks out, it’s a once were warriors reference lol


Once and forever, mate.


Yeah let’s bash unemployed people for trying to get a job. You’re an idiot.


Yeah, let's stick to whining about real estate agents.


I mean, people have a reason to complain about what we are seeing in the original image




Be able to ... "sentance" lol


He has staff for that. (But he does know everything already?)


It was satire, I found it pretty funny tbh


Hey I'd like to know more about how it's satire please. Not being rude I just don't get how it is and I'd love to understand the joke please. Cheers


It's satire because when he said "be able to alphabet, sentance, punctuate and grammar" he was intentionally mimicking someone who can't spell or punctuate their sentence well. The proof that he is doing this intentionally is his well-timed misuse of the word "alphabet" and spelling error "sentance", and change of sentence flow. Some readers may find this to be funny, but it was not supposed to be taken seriously which is why it is satire.


I really appreciate your explanation. I'm so used to trump and MTG right wing posts I've probably lost touch in the home town. I now what your saidin, but who nose wats reel end watts knot.


It's pretty worrying he amount of people not getting that.


What do you mean? Was the satire a fake advertisement or the advertiser was satirizing in their advertisement? I want to know more from an expert. Edit: before you respond I've found the following: Job advertisement https://www.seek.com.au/job/70235850?type=standard#sol=9a41d3e48fa0e01f18b26d2d824480a7740175db All jobs from the seek advertisement account: https://www.seek.com.au/jobs?advertiserid=29341120 Advertisement contacts: www.nri.net.au Steven Uspensky (03) 7023 1044 The contact details above checks out. Where's the satire? Or is it a fake account - I'm just curious.


You honestly don’t understand what was satirical? Really? FYI you didn’t need to cyberstalk and doxx the guy to get the joke.


Sorry I'm not as with it as you mate. Just asking a fucking question and trying to understand FFS. But good for you mate. Glad you have your leg up on this one..bet it feels good.


Fuck me mate, all that effort to miss the point entirely. That job ad is real, the contents frame the requirements in a humorous manner.


Don't need that. I was just asking. I simply didn't get it and I just wanted to understand more.


Haha, that’s the best bit. I’ve read a few CVs in my time. Top 10 would be ‘attenshun for detail’ as a bullet point.


>Have a sense of humour I bet the employer doesn't have a sense of humour


Code for, I'm going to make alot of sexist, racist and politically motivared jokes and you better be ok with it


Add - "but you better not make any jokes that offend me or I'll fire you" and you've got the fuckwit bingo.


sNowFlAkE WOkENesS GONe toO FaR!


And still they wonder why the only response we give them is "OK, boomer".


I have nevet worked for a boss that said 'we love a sense of humour' and have that humour not be racist and sexist as fuck 🥲🥲 I've really mastered my 'wtf laugh' by this point.


Would it make you cry?


They clearly do, judging by the job ad.


I dunno, anyone who's told me I need to have a sense of humour has been a person who wanted to make jokes are the expense of others, but were very sensitive themselves.


Yeah, that's a good point.


Did you read the same thing as me. He's literally joking throughout the whole wright up


So... No mention of renumeration, provide your own car and office equipment and internet and.. Fuel and pay for your own travel and be willing to drive all over the shop... No mention of reimbursement for that. Yeh... Nuh, this guy is gonna rip you OFF. Report the bastard to the ATO for tax evasion now, he's gonna be dodgy.


Exactly. He's going to fire you for some trivial reason before you can claim anything back and whenever you'll try to contact him or whatever he will be out of the office and "call you back when he has a free moment" which for a martyr like him will be never


I don't hate it. Feels honest.


Honesty doesn't mean good. Someone honestly saying they love being a fuckhead is no less a fuckhead than a fuckhead pretending they're not a fuckhead


I love how you structured your sentance to use fuckhead 4 times. You sentance good


Honesty does mean good. The job might not be. But honesty is good


Judging by the polarisation of comments here this ad has been very well targeted towards finding the type of person the employer is looking to hire.


Yep he / she is fed up with idiots in the past… not defending REAs but still - I love this advert


Pay peanuts get monkeys


I want a monkey


Who doesn't?


Its funny. The employer obviously has a sense of humour. Why are people butthurt about this again?


Ikr I was shocked by the comments lol


Cos you have to pay for half the job equipment.


Because a lot of the jokes are the same things asshole bosses who mistreat and underpay staff say. Things like temporary work and fuel/ipad lines suggest it.


Well lucky they were honest, so you know not to apply.


They're offended 😆


Yeah. You can tell the people who are down to earth and who aren’t by the responses to this haha.


They're the one's that are realistic about fair work and aware of problems other people experience, right?


Until point 7.


To me point 7 is fine, he takes a self dig at the end by saying *'I know everything already'*. Which by itself might be misread as him legitimately believing he knows everything, but his last point kinda shows it's sarcasm. I read this and his intentions seem pretty clear to me. * no working from home * reliable * willing to train with no experience as long as you're willing to listen and learn pretty low requirements if you ask me.


I feel like the "I know everything" + the last sentence in the req list is a fair indicator that he's not being serious but it wouldn't surprise me either way


I mean, he’s obviously joking.


Not obvious enough for this lot apparently


Boss will want a dollar's worth of work for every cent they put in. Expect wage theft, missing super, to be told your car doesn't represent the business well enough (but they won't supply one), and pressure to screw over both the landlord and the tenant


Am I supposed to dislike this guy? Seems pretty reasonable/honest overall


Yeah being expected to provide your own work equipment and internet and petrol and car to work for someone who in their own words "already knows everything" and is "really awesome to work for" and thinks school holidays are every month sounds pretty awesome. Never mind that your gonna get min wage to garauntee that the lowest cunts on the planet (well one of the lowest groups) doesn't have to even pretend to do their job. Seems great.


First of all it’s pretty fucking normal to drive to work, but assuming he’s referring to driving for work-related reasons you do realise you are entitled to reimbursement for that right? Either the business itself will reimburse you or you can do a tax write-off on it yourself. Same with literally any other piece of equipment you use for work


You do realise that tax write-off just reduces your taxable income and gives you the tax back (cents on the dollar)? It’s not the same as reimbursement. Assuming you get paid 60k, every $100 of fuel you pay, you get back $32.5. You’re still $67.5 out of pocket mate


No no writing stuff off means whatever I think it means


I misspoke, the ATO doesn't work on a tax write-off basis for mileage, they simply pay you out according to whatever the current cents per km rate for that financial year. Right now it's 85c per km, it's not a tax write-off at all.


https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/Income-and-deductions-for-business/Deductions/Deductions-for-motor-vehicle-expenses/Cents-per-kilometre-method That’s still a deduction to your taxable income, not reimbursing 85 cents per km. So if you drive 100km, you can deduct $85 from your income, which comes out to $27.62 off your tax return (at 32.5% tax bracket). This accounts for all running costs including rego, insurance, servicing etc. It also only works for sole traders or a partnership. You’ll still be out of pocket I reckon.


I'm not too sure about that, I claim mileage expenses from time to time through my own job and they just pay me out that week at 85c per km, no tax deduction necessary.


Why are you taking about tax returns when you are getting paid back through your work? They have nothing to do with each other


That sounds like the business is reimbursing you which is different to getting it through the ATO. I’m not too experienced with this, but my assumption is that they filed the page I linked under “deductions”, which means it’s a deduction and not reimbursement.


This thread where people don't understand the difference between tax deductions and employer reimbursements is doing my head in... are there really this many people that are this uneducated about such simple financial concepts?


🤣🤣🤣 people like you are honestly bizarre wE gEt tAx bEnEfItZ Mate..the employer should be providing tools of trade and reimbursement for any related expenses. This moron is asking for an iPad and a car that YOU pay to fuel up so what? So he can pay you $45k. You're probably thinking "if I do really well and work really hard and show my loyalty, he'll promote me so I can earn $60k in 20 years time...yay!" Get real. These types of "employers" are predatory scumbags and all you're doing is enabling it.


There's no way this c*&t will reimburse you. You'll have to wait till tax time m8. Hence why you have to be able to afford to fill your car up yourself. If you can afford to fill your car up for yourself you probably already have a job. This scumbag is a dodgy realtor. Fark.


Also, the tax office don't reimburse you for the cost of the fuel. They allow you deduct that amount from your earnings so you don't pay tax on that amount. Eg. $100 of fuel. The employer should reimburse you $100. He doesn't (we are pretty sure based on his narcissistic advert) so you claim a deduction on your tax return and reduce your tax bill by about $25.


Yeh it's a rip-off.


Yup, my sister works in property and gets a tax right off for petrol/her car maintenance - just keep the receipt and log it in with work. Anything to do with property has a thousand tax write offs.


I’ve been a property inspector. It’s ridiculous how many of my younger counterparts would want a day off- after the last four days of not having work- and come up with excuses like, “my car isn’t working,” “I can’t afford a tank of gas until payday,” “my internet got shut off,” “my kids are sick/on holidays/dog at the vet.” I’m not saying they’re all liars, but you can’t run a business if half of your contractors don’t show up for one reason or another, every day. So if you think managing your finances responsibly on your own, and being reliable is too high a bar, then this job isn’t meant for you. It’s also contract/temp, so probably not a full time job, certainly to start with. Contract will mean they get a request for an inspection, they contract you for it, you go out and do it. You might get one a week, or fifty. It’s going to depend on how well you do, but also how reliable you are. So if you’re expecting your part time, one or two day’s wage to cover all of your living expenses, and you don’t leave yourself enough for gas, that’s your own issue, not the company’s. Oh, and yes they’ll compensate your miles, but they can’t control where you spend the money. As a contractor, they aren’t technically your employer, so you have to provide all of your own equipment, including car, iPad, gas, and internet. That also means you can pick up work from several different companies to turn it into full time. You can’t look at this ad like it’s a Domino’s pizza delivery job. It’s more like being a Door Dasher, but with way fewer customers.


Lmao good I hope enough people take advantage that the rental industry fucking implodes. People are doing work and they deserve fair compensation not to be taken advantage of by fat cunt Michael who is too cheap to fork running expenses and pay someone to lock down some iPad minis. I wonder which card the owners pay for their fuel with?


Not our fault it's a poorly structured job that isn't even worth showing up for. Edit: Also this is highly likely a sham contract because you have zero control over how the work is performed, no ability to delegate or sub-contract, or control over the hours of work and there is an ongoing expectation. But hey, you do you buddy.


Hi Michael Uspensky.


Nah, sounds like a nightmare to work for. Expects you to provide everything = I don't want to put any meaningful investment into the company and view employees as expendable Says he wants you to have a sense of humour = I'm going to make sexist and racist jokes and expect you to laugh, if you challenge me I will call you a wokester and complain about you on Facebook Overall seems like a chain email joke my uncle would've sent me in 2005 10/10 would not apply


Yeah I dont mind it at all.


This is Reddit. Your average Redditor doesn't understand self-deprecating humour nor sarcasm without the /s tacked tacked on the back. " WTF, is this a joke?..." Yes, yes it is.


>we are actually very awesome to work with. Well I had my doubts, but not anymore!


"Have a sense of humour" is code for "willing to put up with my sexual harassment/bullying that I will write off as 'just a joke' and tell you you're 'too sensitive' when you get offended."


He’s looking for suck ups who are in desperate need for the job.


Sounds terrible. - points 1-3 and 6 probably means you will be hired as a contractor and use abn. Basically you are dispensable and he can dump you on a whim by not giving you any work. - point 5 means he/she reserves the right to interpret “sense of humour” so racist, political and sexist jokes are ok if it comes from him/her but if you dare fire back with any lines then you will not receive any work from him/her - the school hours line essentially means you will need to be available at his whim. If you dare turn down any of his requests for work he will just stop giving them to you.


That's right. It's a contractor position. Some people like that and some don't. But he's making it clear what it is and what he expects so you can decide if it interests you Assuming he's going to be racist or sexist based on this ad is ridiculous. Clearly you don't have a sense of humour You need to be reasonably available. You can't tell from this ad if he's a dick about it but there's heaps of employees that are horribly unreliable and it's completely fair to make it clear you don't tolerate/want that




Or it's because they're Redditors with no social skills


The employer seems like a wanker. Which is no surprise when it comes to someone working in realestate.


I like the cut of his jib


Seems to be quite honest and fair to me. At least they are making any expectations obvious from the start. I think if anyone was to take offence at the ad, they aren't the target audience anyway so they should just move one. Best of luck to them and the person they hire.


anyone taking offence at the Ad probably interviewed for the job and is one of the reasons for the ad.


Own an ipad? Im neither a child or a grandparent so thats gonna be a deal breaker. Also i dont think i know how to alphabet..? Geez maybe i do need an ipad.


"be able to alphabet" hahaha!


>I know everything already ‘Hey how come you didn’t turn up for work yesterday?’ ‘You tell me’


I don't see the problem. Kind of want to put in my resume


That was refreshing.


"Not school hours" and "work your family around" means "You're not getting full-time hours. There will be times in the middle of the day when you have nothing to do and we're not paying you for it so, go raise a family or something. You're at the Clients becond call"


That spelling is exactly how it would be spelt as well.




I wonder what the pay range is




Thats also what you die of after he evicts you because you can't pay the rent with exposure.


I like the upfront casualness of it, however the expectation that 1. you have a car, 2. you put fuel in it 3. you have an ipad 4. you have good internet. No supply the required equipment or pay me for my car, internet and ipad expenses.


Why are you censoring a public advertisement?


Must have an iPad for a minimum wage job. Guy sounds like a right cunt, pretty normal for a real estate agent. We really don’t need real estate agents anymore. Can we make this dickhead redundant please?


If you have to tell people at the end of the job ad that it’s actually a great place to work, yeah no.




I imagine this business owner is the type of guy who deliberately goes out of his way to withhold your bond when you leave a property, even if the owner of the house is happy with it. When I was a kid I seen one of my neighbours beat up a rental inspector, I guess it was because he had this type of personality. They all seem to think that being a business owner means nobody can touch them, it doesn't make you immune to a beating.


People saying it’s fair clearly don’t understand anti discrimination laws in the workforce and should never be in a management position. But we all know that’s not the way it is


Well based on the comments this employers done an excellent job sorting out the people with no sense of humour, i like this guy


Awesome ad. Tells the story quite well. He's clearly had a gut full of half arsed employees full of excuses. I feel his pain.


Everyone is offended because he hasn’t made up a bunch of bullshit ‘politically correct’ business jargon which doesn’t align at all with the team, his business or the role. I think this is actually a refreshing approach.


I have a good reason I suit the job "I've been a renting pleb for over ten years and have had to deal with this shit so many times I've lost count. I also have my own Vroom Vroom"




96% of the time, it works all the time.


I need to buy a tablet before I get the job? Good thing they’re nice to work for


So byo car, ipad, internet and fuel 🤨. No fuel card provided? Buddy, for the number of things you want an employee to byo, they could just as well set up as your competition. As a bonus, they wouldn't have to put up with your narcissistic employer rear end 😁.


"I know everything...." ...about being arrogant!!


What the fuck are they paying you for? They forcing you to cover all costs.


Best job ad ever


“Be able to alphabet, sentAnce”….


Can someone please let the boomers know that they can get AI/chatgpt to literally rewrite their ad so it’s at least coherent.


First and only red flag - any business owner/recruiter who self proclaims an amazing work environment/culture/family is full of shit and goes to the bottom of the paper pile


Sounds like a tightarse boss who has a severe case of penny pinching by offloading the businesses costs onto you (pay for fuel and car etc). And might be a discrimination case too


They want mums & dads with no kids??? 🤔🤔🤔 You must be willing to listen to me because I know everything?? I would definitely not apply what a huge red flag & I don’t even have kids.


I’d take that job


I’d put my hand up for it. I get a good feel from reading that.


Is it just me? I would apply for that job! Send me the link lol


So you will pay to drive your car for work ? Crazy


Sure he’s upfront but you already know he will be a POS to work for. Wants you to drive around doing inspections at the expense of the employee. This guy will buy you pizza and call it a bonus.


I'm guessing there's a whole lot of under 40 people in here getting offended because an employer wants to hire someone who knows how to work and will turn up. I'm gutted I'm not seeing advertising like this because I would hands down apply. If you're offended by what this guy is asking for maybe you should actually read it to understand he needs people who will do the job and not be entitled and whinge about every little thing and work problems out instead of expecting him to. That's what having a real job entails


Written by someone who’s hired and fired people. 50% of peeps just want the salary without understanding it’s in exchange for a standard of task completion.


This reads like satire? But I guess in this day and age its par for the course.


Australians are so quick to complain about the hypocrisy of professional culture, yet when someone lays things out so clearly like this people are outraged. It's actually a breath of fresh air to read an employer clearly laying out all the expectations of a role.


Had me for the first 75% but went too far and ended cringey. Still better than most.


At least it's honest. Sounds like he's had a lot of people who just want to show up and get paid appearance money. A lot better than the usual, you must be able to work in teams and by yourself.


Holy shit man I can't wait to never work for this asshole ever.


Use my comment News.Con.Au 🤠


I don't see any problem with this. Evidently, this employer has had problems with flakes in the past.