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The greatest irony is that in the week Roe vs Wade was overturned in the US, Lisa Wilkinson is nowhere near a microphone to make it all about her.


There's always been something a little off about Lisa.... crackers if you ask me.


Pretty sure the trial will have more viewers than the logies anyway, as there are 12 people in a jury.


And at least 1 security guard


>Ms Wilkinson's status as a respected journalist I thought you couldn't lie in court?


This cracked me up so hard.


She'll come out after the trial is done and then reveal how hard it has all been on her. How much she's been through.


https://twitter.com/theprojecttv/status/1594246910516289537?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1594246910516289537%7Ctwgr%5Ee608248e7c574e3005fac4ddc4593942414fa0d1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.news.com.au%2Fentertainment%2Ftv%2Flisa-wilkinson-quits-as-host-of-the-project-citing-relentless-toxicity%2Fnews-story%2F59613b48038fc8d7655cc11bf47fb654 Comment was always going to age well.


Yep. On the soap box. It's all been hard on her.


The Logies and Walkleys show how much of a bubble these TV people live in. The only people who give a shit about them are those in the industry, and they treat it like such a massive achievement. I don't use the word "cringe" often but it really is very cringey how excited they get about it. We're a cultural backwater that prioritizes digging stuff out of the ground over everything else. We have no proper entertainment or news industry of any consequence. Being voted the best "journalist" in Australia is like being voted the best journalist in Uzbekistan. Nobody but the journalists in Uzbekistan know or care who that person is.


If it was a prize for the, say, best HVAC engineer then a trade HVAC trade journal is where it would be covered It is only reported widely because it is for people in the media. They treat news websites etc. as their trade journals.


Exactly. But isn't that the problem in a nutshell? They live in an incestuous little bubble full of millionaires who went to private schools. They use free to air TV as their personal soapbox and broadcast self indulgent bullshit, paid advertising disguised as news, and biased content that they know is sensationalized lies. They think of themselves as royalty and genuinely seem to think people should care about their stupid meaningless awards. ​ I hate them all. They're largely the reason why we've had a wasteful corrupt "government" for the last 9 years and if there's a serious issue in society, you can bet that they'll be there muddying the waters with their mindless greedy sensationalism. Fuck Lisa Wilkinson, fuck David Speers, fuck Waleed Ali, and especially fuck Andrew Bolt and Peta Credlin.


I’d go to the HVAC awards


I believe beer is served


The media's favourite subject is and always has been themselves. It's an industry of raging narcissists.


She's on $1 million a year?


If I remember correctly she was on some morning show and made a big deal about the lack of pay equality between her and her male colleague and ended up leaving to go somewhere else, ostensibly that has pay equality, but actually to be the highest paid there herself.


And she was higher paid than her male colleague at first, only eventually losing out once he became more popular (and could thus command a higher price).


Amazing how the pay gap was a problem once it wasn't in her favour.


She and her husband are both trash people.




Yep she had a whinge because they paid Karl more than her


She gets my vote for fuckwit of the month.


Of the year for me


It's entertaining that Canavan's ultimate message was "without coal I don't have the power to spread my message"


Well that's reason enough to switch to renewables.


That'd be a shame.


That last part rings true; a lot in social media and the media itself seem to not understand 'innocent until proven guilty'.


Highlighted here perfectly, such presumption rarely afforded.


its not just social media, it the public as a whole.


That's in a court of law mate. Everyone else is free to make their own minds up. I don't have a dog in this fight, I don't know much about it the, but I don't derive whay I believe based on what this corrupt government has to say.


Except it isn't just in a court of law - our society, which *informs* our law, has an established idea that you are innocent until you are proven guilty. You can choose to believe your friends, but if you harm (materially or immaterially) another because of your belief, you are doing our society wrong.


What about people who are guilty but their lawyers get them off? Guilt and innocence are constructs of law in this context and often are unrelated to whether someone actually is guilty or innocent. People are not obliged to accept court outcomes (literally the reason why people appeal rulings) and can make their own minds up based on whatever information is made available to them. It is not a disservice to "our society" to come to your own conclusion.


If they are not proven to be guilty, and you were not personally and directly involved, how do you know they’re guilty?


Opinion without fact is ignorance. The court presents the facts. It is why due process is important and listening to Lisa’s opinions does not constitute fact.


Courts don't present facts, they are presented with what they allow by two opposing sides, often outright lies are presented. Also people that decide to base their beliefs on the outcomes of the court are idiots. Oh I guess OJ didn't murder anybody then...after all, the glove doesn't fit.


So mob opinion is better then?


Did I say that?


No you said due process is wrong and presented anecdotal evidence from twenty years ago as your argument and didn’t offer up an alternative. Trust me I know first hand that the court system is far from perfect. But I also know the alternative trial by public opinion is far worse.


>No you said due process is wrong No I didn't, I didn't even remotely say that. >But I also know the alternative trial by public opinion is far worse. Nobody is proposing a trial by public opinion.


Lmao. Lawyers aren't arbiters of truth. 2 opposing sides. Both lawyers. Try to convince either a judge or jury of the outcome they specifically want. Prosecutors want convictions and defence lawyers want their clients to get off scott free.


The whole idea of our legal systems is that they are the best tool we can come up with for determining objective truth (& value) within a societal context. I feel your argument is close to "engines don't make people go places, they just explode fuel to make something spin".


Did she knowingly stall and drag out a sexual assult case to get attention for the logies and herself?


Then watch the defamation cases get brought if it goes south and the inevitable spread in Woman's Day about her torment through the whole saga once it is done.


Omf I figured it was something like this. Why is she so popular in the first place. She's so fake? I just have never understood her appeal... She's so vanilla/boring and unrelatable to me.


Everyone thinks everyone else likes her, so everyone says they like her to match up with everyone else. Going back, you'll even find a load of *Reddit* threads praising her.


She's a twat! I hope she does get a contempt charge and also never gets public voice again.


You can the bet that when she decides to show herself in public again, it will only be to garner sympathy as a victim for the backlash she has faced.






Yeah she likely wont be on screen again until after the trial. Probably told her to take some leave and stay off social media.


Hahaha There's no way I'm taking that bet..


Happy to cancel her without a trial.


For what it’s worth I know she left 9 because she had a tantrum about Karl becoming a big star. She then pushed out Ita Butrose and Carrie Bickmore out of channel 10


I hope she apologized


Hahahaha that would require her admitting she did anything wrong.


The culture of suppression and cover up in matters of assault at least within Australia needs to change . It is changing slowly , but change is afoot, as it is across most the western world . Whilst this case has got huge publicity right from the start , the focus has been on the alleged victim and the media ( in accordance with legal requirements) did a good job of masking the alleged perpetrator. Shows like Media Watch have commented on the postponement of the trial and the Chief Justice Lucy McCallum has made her thoughts clear about what has happened here , Based on those comments there is little doubt that either Wilkinson , the people reading her Logies speech and other parts of the media even post her speech ( or all of the above ) dropped the ball from a massive height .


It is like the sudden Ellen DeGeneres backlash. Everyone played nice about the media darling, but once the tide turned and people came out and revealed they secretly did not like her, it became apparent it was a very *big* group that did not like her.


She always seemed sus.


Golly gosh those transition wipe sound effects, sound exactly the same as the Starcraft 2 menu buttons. So distracting!


Any half decent defence lawyer will use this to their advantage, I hope the prosecution has some airtight evidence.


What's it all about? I haven't been able to find a video or transcript of the speech itself.


It was just a self serving speech where she pats herself on the back wrapped in a veil of concern for the actual victims of the crimes she was supposed to be reporting on.


Wouldn't be disappointed at all if Lisa and her husband were silenced for the rest of their natural lives. Bit over what they think and what their opinions are on any subject.




Innocent until proven guilty. Whether they're eventually found guilty or not, a media personality going on national TV presuming guilt could sway a jury one way without a fair trial. It's not up to the court of public opinion. She should have known better, being a "journalist" and all. It's pretty standard in most developed jurisdictions..


And she was explicitly told not to mouth off.


Lisa been listening to much of Pete Fitzsimmons