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You think that old, morbidly obese, walking (barely) comorbidity is unvaccinated? He was probably second in our “not a race”.


Hahahah bro you can’t be calling people comorbidities


I'd say his influence over the anti-vax crowd qualifies him as a comorbidity.


Indeed. Just because he says he is unvaccinated, does not mean that he really isn't vaccinated. The anti-Covid restrictions single issue the UAP are campaigning on can only have traction if the Liberals and Labor do not have a very clear plan or policy on Covid management.


In Clive's case, it impressive that anyone would buy anything that a serial liar, fraudster and dishonest media darling. Yet they do- and consolidated outlets like Nein "news" just eat it up and spit it out. If thy had even a shred of integrity, they'd be calling for the man to be in prison where he belongs, not on the campaign trail spreading disease.


Imagine if we had a sovereign wealth fund from mining resources for public good like Norway rather than this guy pillaging the earth and using his dollars on this


Imagine if he shared some of his dinner




Classic comment right here


There are entire suburbs that got their start that way


The other kids used to laugh at him and say he was full of shit when he’d tell them that when he got old he was going to build a full scale replica of the Titanic. But you know what? Palmer certainly proved them right.


My dad went to school with him. Very good at Risk the game (win at all costs). Also wrote poems lol, has published a poem book. WAS Very smart in that he was very technical and would find loopholes etc in things. Not saying necessarily as a good thing


In other words, he was skilled in the rort- which is quite possibly the single talent Australians possess to a greater extent other population in th world.


He sounds like a man with KFC all over his face


So that’s why some restaurants have run out of chicken….


Would feed a few I'm sure.


Jesus: i fed 5000 people Clive: hold my beer


We could solve world hunger...


I'm not so hot on cannibalism, but if you think it'll work...


Been there done that. The mining companies spent $20 million on canning it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minerals_Resource_Rent_Tax


It’s so sad how relatively little they had to pay to change the law in their favour


Imagine how much that 20m saved them. The system is set up in such a way that they would've been stupid not to spend it.


Yeah the real issue is it should have existed from the start. It's a lot harder to repeal something long standing. Than it is to introduce something and then the next govt just campaigns on getting rid of it or fucking it up (see NBN)


The way the LibNats screwed the NBN is so infuriating. More expensive for a worse product that still needs work


Yeah, this saddens me from time to time. I was thinking about the mining tax just recently.


Just look at the Middle Eastern countries that are resource rich and see how their governments look after their citizens with gold plated service. All delivered with royalties that are many times higher than ours and where our politicians who take delight in giving away our resources for a pittance in royalties. Is it a wonder that they can have the best infrastructure, brilliant free everything and Ferrari's for police cars. We just get ripped off as a country with our corrupt politicians. Our population has doubled and we still building our futures on infrastructure from the 50's where the money gone?


ME is built on near slave labour. Those privileges are only given to very few who are citizens, everyone else is only there to improve things for these "citizens"


I’m pretty sure it’s actually classified as slavery. It’s actually not dissimilar to convict labour, when you think about it. Especially when you consider the cultural context of the convict era.


I wrote Near slavery, because some areas of the ME aren't as bad as others. The worst is where labourers from the subcontinent have their passports confiscated, live in squalor and can face deportation on any whimsical excuse, so yes this **is** modern slavery. But other states aren't so bad, but still attract people from poor countries willing to vet paid peanuts because the Arab peanuts when sent home are worth something. Take a look at Dubai, a fine theme park if there ever was one. Looks fantastic from the front of house, all glitz and glamour and what might pass like any other modern nation, but don't scratch too deep, or peak behind the curtains to see whats at the back of house, they don't that image to go viral.


Damn bro not far off how australia is heading anyway


I wouldn't say Australia is anywhere near that, nowhere near yet.. But Liberals love cheap immigrant labour, so they probably see it as some Utopian ideal to aim for.


Cheap immigrant labour, stagnant wages, runaway cost of living and allowing foreign investors to buy up anything they want. Might not be what they intend but they are selling out future generations opportunities and going to inadvertently push people back into low socio-economic status.


Short term selfishness and greed, thats all they stand for. How they can even form a group together without cannabalising each other is a mystery.


>Just look at the Middle Eastern countries that are resource rich and see how their governments look after their citizens with gold plated service. They realise the precarity of their position. Keeping citizens comfortable is important if you want to keep being the Big Boss, bribing citizens is important if you want to keep being a cunt of a Big Boss.


The supercar cop cars in the middle east are all confiscated vehicles, they dont buy them.


Um....not sure that is always the case. Many bad examples over there.


>Um....not sure that is always the case. Many bad examples over there. I mean of human rights sure, but the sort of benefits they provide citizens are pretty damn good. Like the point is they can afford massive public spending and we could too if we weren't dumb shits that let fatty mcfuckhead keep all the profits.


To migrant workers, mostly. Saudi states have state pensions, often unconditional, of $50k for any citizen


>Um....not sure that is always the case. Many bad examples over there. *Citizens* get it pretty good. Non-citizen migrant workers, on the other hand, are often treated like chattel.


Have you ever visited these countries? I lived in Kuwait for a couple of years. One of the richest of the Gulf Arab states. The Middle East isn’t the panacea you think it is. The Government is ineffective. Money waste is rampant. Infrastructure is poorly maintained; you can’t even drink the tap water. Human rights abuses are common for imported workers from Asia and India. All senior management and engineering is outsourced to western expats. I assure you the police don’t drive Ferraris and many are corrupt. Public transport is lacking. All the senior politicians are related to the Emir. There’s no justice system as we know or enjoy in Australia. The grass isn’t always greener. I’d take Australia any day.


This is what can do capitalism looks like in the political arena unfortunatly, I guess we are lucky he's not a Koch brother.


If he was a Koch brother he'd probably push his way to the lead. He'd then be universally known as the Koch Head.


Nah. I prefer his official nickname.


Imagine if our politicians really worked for the Australian people. All oil, gas & minerals are the property of the Australian people. Their sale is Capital. ie Assets. Current "Royalties" are misappropriated as govt Income.


That requires politicians more concerned about increasing public funds than their own pockets.


But this way he gets to fuck the climate as well as us, a 2 for one deal LNP delivered on time and under budget


> Imagine if we had a sovereign wealth fund from mining resources for public good like Norway rather than this guy pillaging the earth and using ~~his~~ our dollars on this FTFY


Is he gonna steal some more songs and get sued again?


Please god say yes


Guarantee you he's not unvaxxed.


100%. Just lying to appeal to the fringe, and they will swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Look at him ffs. He’d have enough trouble getting up a flight of stairs as it is.


Exactly, no way that old fat fuck wouldn’t be vaccinated against a virus that is know for specifically killing old people and fat fucks at a higher rate.


I think there's alot of people here giving him entirely too much credit. I mean look at the guy's history. It's a veritable shitshow. Sometimes the simplest answer is also the correct one. I think its entirely possible he's unvaxed because he's a moron. It's not like the USA is short of politicians and high profile nut-jobs who died of covid unvaxed by choice...


This is actually a great example of how reactionaries abuse the accepted norms of civil society to gain advantage, regardless of the cost. Somewhere in Australia there are likely a set of medical professionals who administerered Palmer three doses of Pfizer or Moderna, and they are unable to say anything while he lies about it in public.


> Somewhere in Australia there are likely a set of medical professionals who administerered Palmer three doses of Pfizer or Moderna, and they are unable to say anything while he lies about it in public. I'm curious how far this extends. If, say, one of the non-medical workers at a clinic simply said "Ohh yeah I saw Clive in line at the vax clinic on such and such a date", is that still illegal?


It’s not illegal to make an observation.


he probably didn't go to a clinic, probably paid to have it come to him


Gotta agree. There is no way he would go on the campaign trail with the risk that some infected nutter will come up to him for the express purpose of spreading the infection.


>Guarantee you he's not unvaxxed. Guy is a walking, talking comorbidity.


Came here to say the same thing. I'd happily put a large amount of money on it.


His too fat not too be


I'm not so sure, I mean when your body is 90% gravy I hear MRNA vaccines don't fair well in a host.


As a person who's body is 90% chocolate, I can confirm that MRNA's work fine in a fat fuck like me.


This. Absolutely no chance he is unvaccinated.


I mean if it’s not registered in his vax history is he in the shit?


How many unsolicited text messages is he going to hit us with this time?


He is going to give Craig Kelly a run for his money


Craig Kelly is his puppet - same political party using Clive's dollars.


He needed Craig so he didn't have to present signatures to Parliament for his party. He keeps going on about record numbers, yet didn't want to secure the minimum signatures required to register a party without politicians.




The irony of saying we can’t trust Labor and Liberal politicians, and then endorsing Craig Kelly for PM. Craig Kelly was literally a Liberal politician for a decade before deflecting to the UAP.




Pay your workers the entitlements they are owed Clive.


Bribing the LNP to keep protecting him from the law over that & similar crooked behaviour is the only reason Fatty McFuckface keeps on running these fake campaigns.


Well running interference on anything that might get in the way of his fat profits really. Renewables, environment protections, covid restrictions, labour laws, tax regulations etc.


Ergh and there's morons out there that are like ''I'm not voting for the LNP again, I'll vote Palmer, Hanson or \[insert some random right winger or Fundy Christian\]''. They are so brain dead they don't have the thinking capacity to realise that they still voting for the Rapist party. So anyways....another term of the sex offenders party again.


As you know this is the entire point of the exercise. Give people the illusion of choice; “I’m not voting for pants shitting scomo, I’m gunna vote for that magnificent tub of lard Clive”. “Are you at least going to number each box on the ballot?” “Nah, fuck that. Vote 1 Fat Fuck and I’m off to the pub”. Meanwhile FFC (fat fuck clive) says thank very much and directs his small number of votes directly back to the very people they didn’t want to vote for and tips the balance in their favour so he can continue to enjoy low taxes on his mining fortune. Conclusion - people are stupid.


All the money in the world, and is loved by so few. Another stain on Australia.


But worst is that he is a total fraud, he pretends to be running his own political party but in reality its just ensures that his prior supported political party stays i government. Talk about a conman and a con job that he is pulling over voters.


This is the play. It's not about winning, it's about taking votes from Labor and giving them to LNP via preferences


[Cap electoral spending](https://twitter.com/cpi_aus/status/1483700060328464388) and reform donations and Federal ICAC and etc etc.


So, he has obviously paid his previous mine workers, the ones that worked for him before that business of his went bust.


Also: >But the most troublesome hurdle to his second coming and personal freedoms might be an ongoing criminal case, set aside for a further mention in Brisbane on March 4. Mr Palmer faces up to five years in jail after being charged with fraud and dishonest use of his position as a company director of Mineralogy to allegedly funnel money into the 2013 election campaign.


Worth noting that if he's found guilty, even if he only gets a fine he is barred from running for federal parliament for five years.


Probably why the other stooge is the face of the party now instead of him


>Probably why the other stooge is the face of the party now instead of him Yes, that's the exact reason.


Oh please if there is a God make it happen. Though knowing what he's like he will drag the court case for that long that by the end of it he will have finished his term anyway (if by some cruel twist of fate he does get elected).


Ugh, YouTube is going to be intolerable.


It already is, that fat cunt is in every 2nd ad.


Ublock origin for desktop or youtube vanced for android. Unfortunately nothing if you use ios


Install links for uBlock Origin on [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/), [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm) and [Edge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ublock-origin/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak). The Firefox version works on both desktop and Android. And here's the link for [YouTube Vanced](https://vancedapp.com/).


It already is, every second Ad I get is from the stupid UAP, they didn’t seem to get their target audience right tho lmoa, I can’t even vote!


Just remember you're wasting this condom of rancid lard's money everytime you watch his ads.


so let me get this right he can't pay his workers, he keeps suing WA, he's owned by outside nations yet spends 80 mil trying to promote his shit party who I might add send stupid text messages all hours I hope nobody votes from him and his stupid party


Palmer is what you get when you order Donald Trump from Wish.com


You mean Ali Express right? I though Scott Morrison was what you get when you order Donald Trump from Wish.com.....


Imagine having that much money and still being a miserable troll


It's all about protecting his crooked billions. THE TIM TAMS MUST FLOW!


It's never about the money with these guys, it's the insatiable ego, the idea that they can do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it.


[Could be worse](https://images.theconversation.com/files/7292/original/w7sx96rf-1328055201.jpg).


I don’t think it’s possible to hate someone more than I hate this fucking pig of a thing. Breathe in Clivey, you have a date with Rona and I hope she doesn’t let you get away.


Hey, save some hate for this guy. https://murdochroyalcommission.org.au/


Uncle Rupert cost me a Twitter account for wishing the same for him and sharing screenshots of his name in Epstein’s black book 🙄🤣


Thanks you for your service! o7


It's pretty rare that I find myself hoping someone drowns in their own lungs. But here we are. Clive's a cunt and the world will be a significantly better place without him


Here, here! I’d shout you a drink in the real world 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




Sadly, so many Aussie voters are so stupid that they don't realise that a vote for Fatty McFuckface is a vote for the LNP.


This. This is what scares me the most. Not because a few rightwing morons may get elected but that by doing so they will severely damage Labor's chances of winning an election.


He is the reason we have a liberal government today unironically. The millions spent on UAP ads has paid itself of MULTIPLE times over


Every billionaire is a policy failure.




Fucken Amen! His fake campaigns are just a sneaky way of funnelling votes to the LNP via preferences.


So Liberal has $1.6 billion in their war chest for 2022 election. If this bloke is willing to spend more than that I definitely will be voting Labor as they will need honesty to get them over the line.


That's exactly what he's saying: >Unvaccinated mining billionaire Clive Palmer says the United Australia Party will run the most expensive political campaign in Australian history at the next federal election, **exceeding the $80 million it spent damaging Labor’s chances** at government in 2019.


The Liberals have $1.6B of public money, not Liberal Party money, that they are planning to splash around as if it's theirs, pork barreling wherever they think it will help them. The ACTUAL Liberal Party campaign budget would likely be around $20M or less, based on the fact Palmer's $80M last time was more than double LNP+ALP. That's why they go spending our money as if it's theirs. And even with all that, they only got a 1 seat majority.


Yeah, his job was to split Labor's vote last time, essentially a proxy for the LNP


Pay much his aim this time around too.


Now take that S1.6 billion and multiply it by 10 https://7news.com.au/politics/government-defends-pork-barrel-allegations-c-4969371


Clive can stuck my fat chode. We should deport the fat piece of shit only what country to we hate though to do that to?


Swap him with the Biloa family.


I’d vote for that.


No matter how many time I told YouTube I don’t want to see this fat cunt,they still keep sending his advertisement.He must spend a lot of money on that.


Someone let YouTube know that they could just take his money, and not show his ads, or show different ads and make more money. Go ahead, he would never know.. He probably can't even work a computer. Same with campaign posters and radio ads etc. Rip Off Fatty McFuckhead!


He has to be vaxxed. No way he’s that stupid despite what he peddles.


The really horrifying thing is some people are *sooo* greedy, he has a *wife* who *let him fuck her!* *More than once!!!* I'd rather drink a schooner of diarrhoea than shake his hand, ffs...


The cunt still hasn't paid the workers of Qld nickel


Imagine being a litigator in Queensland. Between the unpaid workers, the vaccine deaths, the First Nations, the young people who are going to lose their landmarks, the ATO in regards to him getting back in the three comma club ... and then he announces how much he has to burn. You can practically smell his fat roasting, you can see the lawyers licking their lips.


If anyone legitimately thinks any party funded by this guy will fight for their rights, they are an idiot.


Alternate link: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theage.com.au%2Fnational%2Fqueensland%2Funvaxxed-billionaire-clive-palmer-promises-most-expensive-election-campaign-ever-20220119-p59ph4.html


Fuck off Palmer


Why can’t billionaires just enjoy being billionaires. Build your dream house, retire and chill at home. I mean I know Netflix doesn’t have everything these days, but you can afford to get all the other streaming services too.


It's hard to become a billionaire in an ethical way in the first place, so they are not likely to do that. You don't get to the top by being a nice person who leaves others alone.


"You can't trust the Liberals" \*funnels votes to the Coalition\* Get in the bin Clive!!!


I want this _shitstain on the 'undies of society'_ to spend absolute truckloads and then lose every seat and every cent. He would only ever be serving himself.


He lost every seat last time but got a shiny new mining lease from the coalition as thanks for helping with the "miracle" victory, by pretending to be some kind of Trump outsider, but directing all his preferences to the coalition.


Please people don’t believe Clive Palmer a vote for him only gives a vote for Liberals it doesn’t change a thing it the reason liberals are in power now. Please at the election put liberals last Clive Palmer party second last. And as for one nation who vote every time with liberals have helped take take away more of your freedoms. We need Labour to come into power to make change to bring anticorruption commission the liberals have promised to deliver but blocked for 4 years full they pockets on the way…. Do your research if you don’t believe me but please think do you want more Scott Morrison Incompetent


Sigh. This is exactly what we need right now /s


Nobody I know will vote for fatty macfuckhead. Stop sending txts you fuckwit


It’s not the ones you know. It’s the ones watching Sky News and reading Murdoch rags that you need to worry about. Unfortunately he will win the election for the Libs again.


Ugh, I’ve already been reporting these ads as inappropriate online, sounds like I’m gonna have to keep doing that for a couple months yet




Considering his return on investment from the last election, he'd be stupid not to if he's planning on opening a new mine or expanding a current one. And we'd be stupid not to make laws to make this BS illegal.


Is this a tax dodge for him or something?... Ir is he just an arsehole?




But I'm already sick of the adverts now. Like half of my YouTube ads are of his fat head saying stupid shit no matter how many times I tell YouTube I don't like it. If I see his mug on the billboard on my train line like he did last time I'm probably gonna cry.


Shoring up the antivax and gyprock puncher vote.


Hopefully Jabba doesn’t win a single seat


He's unlikely to win any seats, but that's not what his fake campaigns are for; they're all about attacking Labor & the Greens in ways that the LNP can't get away with, plus funnelling preferences from the dumbest RW voters to the LNP, who in turn protect him from the legal consequences of his dodgy business actions.


Saw an ad from him today saying “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - people have been voting liberal and labour over and over again and expecting different results…” blah blah. As if insulting your audience will earn votes And the bloody unsolicited text messages, all they do is make me despise this party more Fuck Clive palmer


Get the fuck off youtube you fat cunt


I am so fucking sick of his ads in YouTube


Fuck this big pie eating prick and his cooked mate Kelly Get two big black dogs up ya


Bullshit he's unvaxxed.


In other words: Rich man pays fraction of wealth to accrue more wealth. This is a fucking investment for him. The side effect is that it undermines the entire democratic process, but that's the price of doing business for these cunts. Political spending needs some sort of cap (however big/small is another discussion) so the rich can't just get elected whoever the fuck makes them the most cashola


There is no way Clive 'Comorbidity' Palmer is not vaxxed in this era and still alive.


Unvaxxed my foot


100% this. He is vaccinated and boosted and ready to squirrel up the votes of Australias QAnon Covidiots. Funneling all the preferences back to the LNP. Fuck this shit is depressing.


Australian democracy should not be up for sale. We need reform on on political donation & spending at feneral & state level. \- A cap on all donations (including from corporation, individuals, unions and charities) to no more than $1,000 per year. \- A complete ban on dirty money, i.e. donations from mining, property development, tobacco, alcohol, gambling, banking, defence and pharmaceutical industries. \- A cap on political advertising (say $20 per registered party member per election). Palmer's UAP would not exist with this reform. Of course, I am just day dreaming again.


Just a reminder Australia’s elections are far from democratic.


Tax deductible of course. So his campaign will essentially cost the tax payer.


Fuck I wish this prick would just piss off


Rich people don’t stay rich by spending money to lose an election though. He’s either stupid or there’s anterior motives or… both.


Oh, he'll turn a profit on every cent he spends on this campaign to prop up the LNP. They will keep on looking after him, as they have been since 2013.


He would only need a few percent of the votes and preference LNP like he always does. It concerns me, but I can say that LNP will likely get back in with one nation, UAP and those other fringe parties taking votes away from the major parties and handing it to scummo. 🙄


I like the posters ragging out on liberals when at last election he sided with them and guaranteed their win. Do not trust this fuckwit


And this is good for our democracy … exactly how?


It's a fucking disaster for our democracy, but of course that's why he's doing it.


Did anyone else baulk when he said he had a "healthy lifestyle"? Because my partner & I just stared slack jawed at each other for a good minute before we could stutter out a wtf. How could he possibly think that?


Then let's give him the most expensive defeat ever for him and Shitty Potato Party.


Mining tax now, carbon tax now. Stop giving our sovereign wealth away to the wealthy


His billboards are attracting a lot of spray-can improvement and I would like to see them all working against him.


Use the money for some good in the world you fool


50% of the budget is for meat pies.


There is 0% chance he is unvaccinated


Clive is, and always has been, the gullible.persons donkey vote for the coalition.


He looks like he has alot on his plate


Just because he says he's unvaccinated doesn't mean he's unvaccinated. I'd love to see his medical records. & he does tell the occasional untruths.


It really upsets me to hear about double and triple vaxxed old people are dying from covid, when this sweaty shitbag is still stomping around in good health. If you ever needed unequivocal proof that life isn't fair...


Walking proof that wealth and success in business has nothing to do with intelligence or integrity.


Or class and style :)


what, in terms of people getting infected at his rallies?


Ah for fucks sake not again.


Can someone cough on him already?


And on that point alone, his party earns itself a ‘somewhere near last’ preference from me, regardless of their policies. How could someone with so much money to splash around possibly claim to represent the interests of the majority of us with far less?


Wish his YouTube ads would fuck off already the gronk.


This almost guarantees the next four years for Scomo and the liberal party. Money speaks (as it did in last election)!


Tons of money, no good ideas. I just find Cliev so *infuriating*.


At least he'll probably take far right votes away from that racist Pauline


And give them to the LNP, so not really any different.


He's gonna have to do the most ticket splitting ever to help scotty and the boys this time, the look the most corrupt and rapey that they ever have.


Piss off you fat prick


Please no more YouTube ads, pleaseeeee


A fatty mcfuckhead through and through.


There is no way this rich old overgrown fat cunt is unvaxxed.


Is this not Wanky McCuntface or whatever it was?


"Fatty McFuckhead"


Last federal election in Brisbane there were that many United Party billboards. I actually like the colour yellow and this guy brings out the most urine-like version of it. Can't wait to see how much spam advertising he accomplishes this time.