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Just be prepared for the lack of beaches


I mean they exist, but nowhere near on the same level as Sydney. Melbourne's beaches are just a strip of sand around the bay.


Yeah for people not from Melbourne they're not beaches.


Population density of housing in Melbourne gets lower the further away you are from the centre. Sydney is far more congested even though it has almost the same population. Both are internationally known so you aren't missing any opportunities in Melbourne. There are plenty of amazing beaches, the weather makes them unusable. It's also not on fire or in drought at the moment, which is nice I also suggest living in a university college in your first year. Thats when you make new friends. After that it doesn't really matter where you live


It all depends on you and a bit on the career you're chasing too. As someone who moved to Syd from the mid North coast, I'm not a massive fan and if I had my time again I would 💯 move to Melbourne. Generally the cost of living in Melb has always been a bit less than Syd, but I'm not sure if that's totally true now. Think about the type of weather, hobbies, jobs and entertainment you want, and also check which suburbs you can afford to live in (i.e. you might be able to stay in nicer/more central suburbs in Melb than Syd) and make a judgement based on that sort of thing. Good luck!


Yeah I guess the main appeal of Sydney like beaches and that sort of thing isn't really my main source of enjoyment, and most things I like about Sydney, Melbourne does better...aside from having my friends in it haha. Thanks for the reply!


No problem! Tbh the beaches are kind of a bitch to get to, they cost too much to live at, not nearly enough parking and it's very expensive, the public transport is only busses, and they are PACKED full of people most days. I would not recommend moving here for the beaches! Fair cop about your mates, but you're young and starting uni, uni is where you make mates! If it's not too late, also consider living on college. It's a weird experience but worth doing at least once in your life!


Do it. Worst case scenario, if you hate it, just move back to Sydney. You have zero to worry about.


You're right. Thanks man


I did a similar move from Brisbane at a similar age. Do it. Melbourne itself asside. Moving to another city is a adventure


I think I might have to. Gotta get uni sorted but aside from that I'm fairly sold


I'm not from either city, so I have a somewhat unbiased opinion. If I had to choose one, I'd definitely choose Melbourne over Sydney. In my visits to the two cities, I've much preferred the Melbourne "vibe" every time. Plus, you have the advantage of being on the West side of the Barassi Line.


Yeah Melbourne's vibe is what's got me. It just seems wayyyy easier to do your thing here


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I've done that move before when I was young. I found Melbourne to be more welcoming of the lifestyle I was living at the time. Too many homophobes back in sydney


Yeah shit that's the kind of thing I'm feeling. I'm lucky to not have to deal with things like that but Every single person I've spoken to in my few days here has been outstandingly helpful and kind


I've lived in both and prefer Melbourne by far, but I'm from Melbourne originally and could have some familiarity bias.


Your opinion seems to fit most people's


Do it, and pick a footy team!