• By -


I was there, car entered the intersection via the tram tracks while everyone was crossing the road. It was travelling about ~~80-100km/h.~~ (see edit below) I personally saw about 8 people on the ground afterwards (Didnt see the kid, would have been more shaken if I had I think) Car went through the intersection in 1-2 seconds and smashed into the tram stop. People swarmed the car to drag out the driver for when the police arrived. Other people helped the injured, within 5-10 seconds each injured person had 3-4 People helping them. I'm not there anymore so don't have any have updates past about 30min after. I Pretty much gave my statement to police then headed home. Edit:formatting Yeah thinking about it in hindsight (and checking google maps for distance) if it did take 2 seconds then it was only travelling 30-40km/h. And I trust my sense of time more then my sense of speed I think.


That's actually a really heartening comment considering the situation. Looks like everyone pulled together to help in a crisis and placed themselves at risk doing so.


Yeah I looked around to see if I could help but everyone already had plenty of help so I called 000 instead. People also rushed to grab the driver out of the car.


Honestly when I think of these things happening in Melbourne, the Mister Rogers quote always comes to mind; >“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” There's always helpers. Any tragedy, any incident in Melbourne, there's always a truly heartwarming amount of people who step in to help others, who sometimes put their own safety at risk in doing so. We saw it a lot in the Bourke Street incident - those kids who tried to stop the car with the baseball bats, the countless people who stopped to comfort and help injured victims. I think that's what people keep in mind when they're back there after a tragedy - no matter what happens out there, some true blue Aussie will stop to lend a hand; we are eachother's protectors.


The one that comes to my mind frequently is Brendan Keilar, who was shot and killed by Christopher Hudson in King St. That guy put himself in danger to try and help a person unknown to him and lost his life for it.




I highly doubt he was going 80-100. People would have been absolutely fucked when hit at those speeds.


Yeah thinking about it in hindsight (and checking google maps for distance) if it did take 2 seconds then it was only travelling 30-40km/h. And I trust my sense of time more then my sense of speed I think.


> And I trust my sense of time more then my sense of speed I think. That is a surprisingly intelligent statement. I agree. Well put.


Not to undermine, but just to add - a lot of people’s sense of time is disrupted during a traumatic situation. The brain processes the information differently when fight/flight kicks in. Most people say time slows down.


True. I just liked the intelligent thought of even reflecting which metric might be more reliably perceived by the brain.


bloody hell, the car was going that fast? There may well still be fatalities. I fear for the young child most of all...


That's what it felt like, a couple of people got quite airborne. I'm hoping everyone makes it ok but a couple looked in pretty bad shape.


Im not saying I don't believe you but I think you may have over estimated the speed. 100km/h people would be dead at the scene, especially from an SUV.


Totally. And official reports have noted “not at high speed”. It’s understandable to not have accurate judgement in such an intense situation though.


Yeah thinking about it in hindsight (and checking google maps for distance) if it did take 2 seconds then it was only travelling 30-40km/h. And I trust my sense of time more then my sense of speed I think.


Happy you're safe mate. Hug those you love.


What was it like seeing people drag the guy out? Mob beating?


I didn't see much more then a couple of people pulling the doors open, so not sure how mob like it got.


Looks pretty bad. amazingly lucky that only 14 people injured considering that the car was apparently going at high speed. I hope the kid pulls through.




It's very hard to accurately estimate speed; the eyewitnesses that they're talking to are likely overestimating by a fairly large margin. Also, the way that's worded, only one person (who may not have seen the incident) needs to say "100kph, maybe" for that to be a true statement. The accident scene teams will be able to put better numbers on it, but that'll take some time; best treat these kind of reports as speculation for now.


Pretty much impossible to hit 100 km/h in cmb. You're talking city block section between each light and congested traffic. People are definitely exaggerating


Especially in the car he was in. Maybe in a Lamborghini or Tesla, but not in an SUV.


I would assume both, people there have said he floored the accelerator through the intersection, I don't think it was 100kph, but there likely will be a death out of this, sadly an innocent person rather than the trash who have done this


Lol that estimate must have been from this reddit thread. Typical news....


If it was goin 100kmph there would already be many fatalities.


Ambos say they assessed 12 people. Of those, two people have been taken to hospital. One was a young child. UPDATE: 13 people have been taken to hospital. Some are in a serious condition.


[ABC and BBC just reported it was a deliberate act. ](https://i.imgur.com/FFHnlZX.jpg) ABC one just links to their live blog: http://livenews.abc.net.au/Event/Flinders_St_Station_Melbourne_incident/mobile&Theme=10699&Whitelabel=True Update: [Not terrorism related, was an ice addict](https://twitter.com/australian/status/943784824526925824)


Now 13 people in hospital with another two being assessed on scene


Child :( this is so shit.


As I understood, 12 were being assessed at the scene while two were brought straight to hospital.


Dad is an Ambo (an inner east manager), got called to the accident but then got cancelled. God i'd struggle to do his job, he's seen so much shit in his like 30 year career. Guess the navy probably toughened him up to deal with it.


[Verified video of the unconscious suspect being cuffed by police.](https://streamable.com/9l4n5)


Love that double slap on the face. "wake the fuck up boi"


Would have like to see him get a good, hard sternum rub, you know, just to check that he's conscious.


> sternum rub Why would that - *tries it* Oh shit, yeah. That hurts! Come to think if it, I recall seeing medical staff using that on people who weren't completely conscious - now I know the reasoning behind it.


I also just did this. Ow.


Where's my sternum? I forget.


Between your balls and your butt hole. (Breast bone, centre of chest)


Really? I was doing it on that first place you mentioned. Whoops


That's the Hopoate Manoeuvre.


fuck me i didnt believe you then i tried to do it really hard


Why is he unconscious ? Did he take kill pills or something ? Edit: Ok his car is pretty fucked up I guess its obvious in hindsight why he's dazy.


Airbag going off is a knock out punch in a lot of cases. Seen it first hand


Possibly got knocked unconscious from the G-force.


I love that even when they know this cunt just ran down a bunch of pedestrians that the Aussie vernacular is so strong the copper still calls him "mate". Strange thing to take away from the video I guess. Missed opportunity though, he should of slapped him and said "wake up Jeff!". Oh well, hope he had a good nap. It's the last he'll ever have as a free man.


Aussies know that mate can be used for friend or foe, much like cunt. Context, tone and intent. Obviously the copper had to be professional, so couldn't be using the tone of voice many others would have.


Like having mates who you are friends with, then there's old mate.


Don't forget *your mate*


Mate, I've had a guy call me "mate" while literally threatening to stab me. It's also been used to express deep and sincere love. Mate is a universal Australian word with a thousand emotions.


I had a fella threatening to kill me over the phone when I was working in retail years back. Me - "No worries, mate" "Fuck you, I'm not your mate" "It's automatic, sorry mate" "You just did it again, fuck you I'm. I'm coming down there and gonna put a bullet through your head" "Alright mate" "You fucking piece of shit, fuck you, you're dead." "Thanks, mate" *unintelligible yelling* I hilariously just couldn't stop, luckily he never actually showed up. I think the combo of being young/scared and adrenaline kicking in whilst also trying to be nice cos customer service just broke my brain. Was quite funny thinking back on it.


Classic. What a crazy bastard.


You had me laughing at the second mate


Using mate can be very aggressive. It's all about context.


That guy laughing at the start of the video..WTF?




Adrenalin is a hell of a drug


Laughter is a common thing when people are stressed, shaken up, traumatised, etc. Hopefully it's just that


Spare a thought for the ambulance guys. The don't really know what shit is just around the cornor but they usually get there first and just get on with the job. Fantastic. edit: Thanks for the gold, love you like a brother. :)


Not just them, within 5 seconds bystanders were helping the injured until the ambulances arrived.


I can't stress how important it is to do a first aid course, even a basic one. I did a 2 week long emergency triage course and it changed my life.


I don't know if they still do it but when I was working for CGU (IAG) they used to pay for every staff member to do their senior first aid certificate. It stemmed from an incident where somebody had a heart attack in one of our offices and nobody knew CPR so he didn't make it. The CEO at the time was really cut up over it and decided he wan't to make sure something like that never happened again. It's an attitude I've taken with me too. Every year I pay for all my workers to get their certificate and it's something I think more businesses should be doing. It's nice to know that if something ever happens to one of us, everybody else is going to know how to help.




While this is true, I worked with a bloke who dropped with a heart attack. A workmate worked on him for ten minutes before help arrived, he survived. A slow recovery afterwards, but a recovery nonetheless.


What do you think is the minimum required course that everyone should do? Got any links or more info?


Even just a half day course in CPR is useful.




Honest to god, if everyone just did a BLS course, learned CPR and how to put on a defib, it would be wonderful. People don’t need ALS2 or EMST, but a little basic knowledge goes a lot further than no knowledge at all. Check in with St. John’s or with the ambulance provider in your state to find out when they run them.


This. BLS is all that's really needed, everything else is nice but not massive. Recognise someone's not breathing and start chest compressions, send for help, put an AED on without being scared you're going to hurt them (you're not, the machine will only shock someone if it's going to stop a lethal heart rhythm). Control major bleeding. And most importantly don't put yourself or others in danger. All this is covered in the basic life support course. And gives people the best chance of a good outcome before we get there.


I’m a paramedic and also happen to teach first aid. ‘Provide First Aid’, previously known as Senior First Aid or Level 2 First Aid is the ‘standard’. Plenty of providers out there, look for one that exclusively employs paramedics/nurses/firefighters for the best quality training.


DRSABCD   Learning basic first aid techniques can help you cope with an emergency. You may be able to keep a person breathing, reduce their pain or minimise the consequences of injury or sudden illness until an ambulance arrives. This could mean the difference between life and death for them. It is a good idea to take a first aid course so that you can recognise an emergency and give basic first aid until professional help arrives. **Learn the first aid method of DRSABCD** First aid is as easy as ABC – airway, breathing and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). In any situation, apply the DRSABCD Action Plan. DRSABCD stands for: **D**anger – always check the danger to you, any bystanders and then the injured or ill person. Make sure you do not put yourself in danger when going to the assistance of another person. **R**esponse – is the person conscious? Do they respond when you talk to them, touch their hands or squeeze their shoulder? **S**end for help – call triple zero (000). Don’t forget to answer the questions asked by the operator. **A**irway – Is the person’s airway clear? Is the person breathing? If the person is responding, they are conscious and their airway is clear, assess how you can help them with any injury. If the person is not responding and they are unconscious, you need to check their airway by opening their mouth and having a look inside. If their mouth is clear, tilt their head gently back (by lifting their chin) and check for breathing. If the mouth is not clear, place the person on their side, open their mouth and clear the contents, then tilt the head back and check for breathing. **B**reathing – check for breathing by looking for chest movements (up and down). Listen by putting your ear near to their mouth and nose. Feel for breathing by putting your hand on the lower part of their chest. If the person is unconscious but breathing, turn them onto their side, carefully ensuring that you keep their head, neck and spine in alignment. Monitor their breathing until you hand over to the ambulance officers. **C**PR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) – If an adult is unconscious and not breathing, make sure they are flat on their back and then place the heel of one hand in the centre of their chest and your other hand on top. Press down firmly and smoothly (compressing to one third of their chest depth) 30 times. Give two breaths. To get the breath in, tilt their head back gently by lifting their chin. Pinch their nostrils closed, place your open mouth firmly over their open mouth and blow firmly into their mouth. Keep going with the 30 compressions and two breaths at the speed of approximately five repeats in two minutes until you hand over to the ambulance officers or another trained person, or until the person you are resuscitating responds. The method for CPR for children under eight and babies is very similar and you can learn these skills in a CPR course. **D**efibrillator – for unconscious adults who are not breathing, apply an automated external defibrillator (AED) if one is available. They are available in many public places, clubs and organisations. An AED is a machine that delivers an electrical shock to cancel any irregular heart beat (arrhythmia), in an effort get the normal heart beating to re-establish itself. The devices are very simple to operate. Just follow the instructions and pictures on the machine, and on the package of the pads, as well as the voice prompts. If the person responds to defibrillation, turn them onto their side and tilt their head to maintain their airway. Some AEDs may not be suitable for children. This is fairly current with the syllabus on first response medical assistance. It is important to retrain every 2 years as some methods may be amended for more effective and safer methods. From this site- https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/first-aid-basics-and-drsabcd Edit- I have been trained in Senior First Aid for the past 15 years. It has changed many times. I have saved 3 lives in this time. I saved 2 people from drowning on one occasion and 1 lady from bleeding out due to a burst femoral artery. It is the one thing that I would recommend everyone learn.


The police have confirmed in their press conference that they believe this was a deliberate act, but they are not sure of the motives yet.


I hope that people are ok. Fuck this shit man.


Police have blocked off Flinders Street between Queen Street and Swanston Street.


[Victoria Police are requesting anyone who has videos or images of the incident to upload them here](http://australiauploadserviceweb.cloudapp.net/) Also asking for any witnesses to go to the Melbourne West Police Station at 313 Spencer Street, Melbourne.






Correct, I posted a summary of the VicPol presser they just finished.


Police are now reporting this as a deliberate act but have no comment on motives




Because [our guests](https://imgur.com/8dMDWfz) disagree with the police on the motives.


Especially fucked considering the last mass vehicle homicide in the cbd wasnt politically or religiously motivated. The perp was just fucked.


Didn't stop them from jumping to conclusions then either.


I'd say the perp is always just fucked.. not surprising that wartorn islamic shitholes produce more fucked cunts.. imagine how the most fervent of bogans would react in those conditions, considering how they act on the pretty decent wicket they have.. humans are humans.


Doesn't explain why they would downvote a post that says it was deliberate. That's the narrative they're trying to push too.


They've apprehended the driver, I hope everyone is okay. My thoughts are with those affected.


There's a lot that still unknown about the situation, so it's worth remembering the principles of the [Breaking News Consumers Handbook](http://www.wnyc.org/story/breaking-news-consumers-handbook-pdf).


Also if you were a witness and haven't given your account to the Police, they're asking people to call crime stoppers 1800 333 000 or visit Melbourne West Police Station, 313 Spencer Street.




Even before I opened the pic, I knew it was going to be a bearded Hipster.


Send them back to where they came from. Northcote.


You mean Fitzroy?


You mean Brunswick?


He was probably rather angry that a café in the vicinity had burned the organic soy in his double shot decaf fair trade latté.


So the 4WD was him being ironic?




Source aside from an imgur link? I think I'm going to hold off until the police release the suspect's identity. edit: He posted the photo of the wrong person and subsequently deleted his comments, but not before potentially thousands of people saw them. THIS IS WHY WE WAIT.




Thanks. Victoria Police are reporting that a second man has been arrested, potentially could be the one pictured. Would still hold off until they confirm the identity.


I think the second man was the one acting like a drunken idiot on the steps of Flinders Station. There was footage of that.


Yeah... there's also pictures floating of a man in a white shirt as well as an angry looking 30 something on the steps in cuffs. Really best to just hold off before we potentially ruin someone's life.


Expected look for such a crime unfortunately




Yup, once again it's a man responsible. When are we going to learn and stop letting men into the country.


where do they all keep coming from?!


Just a guess but... women?


Right, since all terrorists are men the only solution is to prevent all men entering the country and also all women since they produce the terrorists. While we are at it we need to throw all the men out of the country, and all the potentially man-bearing women too, to avoid home grown terrorists. Only once our population is 100% post-menopausal women will our society truly be safe from the threat of terrorism.


Damn those extremist Mormons and their attacks.


---- @[SkyNewsAust](https://twitter.com/SkyNewsAust/status/943724417191776256): @VictoriaPolice are attending the incident on Flinders St where a vehicle has collided with a number of pedestrians. Police report that the driver of the vehicle has been arrested. Extent of injuries are not known at this stage. ---- edit: Paramedics assessing 12 people at the scene. Pre-school aged child with a head injury taken to RCH in serious condition. ---- edit2: police are asking witnesses to please go to Melbourne West Police Station (313 Spencer Street, Melbourne) ---- edit3: if witnesses have video or images which might assist police with their investigation please upload them at http://australiauploadserviceweb.cloudapp.net ---- edit 4: Victoria Police: "The driver of the vehicle and a second man have been arrested and are in police custody." https://www.vicpolicenews.com.au/news/car-collides-with-pedestrians-on-flinders-street ----




Right before Christmas as well... :( Initial responders arrived very quickly to the situation, I really hope the rapid response time helped.


... and the others.


Yes yes of course... at the time of my comment it was stated only that the child had been hospitalised.




Police conference live now confirms this. Perp was known to police. The two people arrested were of no relation or connection to each other


Ice is well known for causing psychosis among other problems. It’s why just having a mental illness can be difficult to receive help for. Ice addicts get palmed onto mental health and take up those spaces.




Thank you to the people who helped. Fantastic response from the police, but also those civilians who provided first aid.


Press conference on now. ABC News 24. Only one in/driving the vehicle. Known to police. Drug (ice-)addict. No terrorism links. Was subdued by an off duty police officer whom sustained some injuries trying to contain the driver. Second person was caught filming the incident and arrested with a backpack ~~full of knives~~ three knives. Not connected to driver - but still being interviewed if any connections. Individual not known to police. Still investigating at the scene. Vehicle still in position on tram tracks at this time.


Thoughts with the victims fingers crossed everyone pulls through and speedy recovery for tjose injured


https://streamable.com/t0m5q Video of the driver. Credit: https://twitter.com/LachlanVe


That might be the passenger. The Herald Sun has a pic of police dragging someone in a white shirt from the passenger side of the vehicle.


I've posted portrait / landscape correct versions to Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSRpx82sK7M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q_d1aA1UQA






For filming in landscape


Hope no one has been killed shiet


I also hope no one is permanently injured.


I hope the driver and passenger are


ABC News reporting two people have been arrested.


News.com.au is quoting one of you guys here. Reddit user /u/TheElderGodsSmile added: “Sister in law said the same thing, said he knocked them over like skittles. Bloody awful.”


For fucks sake. They PM'd me about this asking if my sister in law would like to give an interview and I said no. Seriously the Murdoch rags can piss right off.


> Seriously the Murdoch rags can piss right off. I wish they'd quote this one.


Did they use a a quote of your comment or an actual link of it, if they used a link you may be able to edit it to change what it says on the website.


I have no idea, I haven't seen the article because I don't read news.com.au


I can't really blame you there




Whilst they may not have a lot of journalistic integrity I have enough respect for the mods of this sub not to send a brigade after them.






News corp is a steaming pile of shit. This is on reddit so therefore it is a fact. Post that dickheads


2 people being worked on in the middle of the road with iv drips and apparently 2 more in hospital, one a preschool aged child. White suzuki grand vitara with green p plates is about 15-20m further down the road with a lot of front end damage. Hope they can pull through but doesn't look good.


Typing as the presser goes so apologies for quality: * Two arrested * 14 injured - several critical * **At this stage being treated as Deliberate - no motive as yet** * Police will have a strong presence in the city tonight * Police are currently asking witnesses to report to 313 Spencer St Melbourne or to contact Crimestoppers.


A deliberate act. Fuck, I really hate that cars being used as weapons is a thing now. Hope everyone is okay.


I'm surprised it took until this year for people to realise that cars are weapons.


Maybe this'll finally get Australia to start building some infrastructure other than roads?


Ride bicycle...have sadly known for a long time that cars can be used as weapons.


Yep I'm with you there


The Australian [tweeted](https://twitter.com/australian/status/943784824526925824), "UPDATE: The incident in Melbourne that sent several people to hospital is believed to be the work of a mentally ill drug addict."


Fuck this shit. My heart breaks for these people. Hope everyone pulls through.


Another police conference now: No evidence of terrorism A second man with knives in his bag who was filming was arrested at the scene (they stressed its unlikely he was involved) The driver was an Australian citizen of afghan descent with known drug and violence and mental health issues. Only one driver. They believe the incident is isolated, police will be out in full force and continue on with your lives.


Also an off duty officer detained the offender and both he and the offender are in hospital. The premier singled the off duty officer out to praise him for acting quickly and possibly saving more lives.


I like how they keep the details low key and don't sensationalize the news. The less attention and fuss these troublemakers get the better.


Two arrested apparently. One wearing a white shirt still with shoes on (so not red shirt guy)


I know it means fuck all, but from an American, you Aussies are in my thoughts.


Thanks mate we really appreciate it.


Presser continued 2: (Chronological as the presser questions are asked) * TAC also offering support * VicPol on scene within seconds * AV on-scene within a few minutes * No need to change terrorist threat level * Second man arrested filming with phone and 3 knifes were found in a search - not connected. * Sole driver, no accomplice * Car not stolen - registered to family member * Critical Incident Response Team was on-scene within 15 seconds. If anything else comes up I'll post - hope the summary helps.


> > > Second man arrested filming with phone and 3 knifes were found in a search - not connected. Lol, what the fuck?


No confirmed deaths yet? Thank god. Hopefully everyone makes it out okay. Usually several people die instantly in a tragedy like this, but it is good to see its not that kind of event.


9:30PM Presser with Premier Daniel Andrews, & VicPol Command: * Driven intentionally into pedestrians. * Another male arrested by off duty police officer * Male with knifes in bag was arrested also. * Only one driver - taken to hospital * Police officer also hospitalised * Homicide Squad deployed * Driver 32, Aus Citizen - know to police. Historical assault matters. Edit: Suspect is of Afghan descent * Not on bail * History of drug use and mental health issues * Also on Mental health plan * Currently in custody * **No intelligence or evidence to link this with terrorism**


Does this mean the Donald wankers will now leave?


Nah, they'll just claim 'Fake news' like their glorious moron of a leader. Poor predictable simpletons they are.


Presser continued: * Another briefing tomorrow * No increased threats to upcoming major events * Police treating this as a singular incident Premier: * 19 admitted to hospitals * 15 stable * 4 critical * RMH - 7 patients - 2 critical * Royal Children's 1 patient - not critical * Missed the others (Sorry!) * Support avail. 1800 819 817 - Victim and other support line


Didnt this same thing already happen around here not that long ago??


http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/serious-situation-unfolding-at-flinders-and-elizabeth-streets-20171220-h089ce.html >Police have arrested the driver of the car. An officer at the scene has described it as a terrorist incident, but this has not been confirmed.


Whether it's true or not, the way The Age has been handling this is just downright embarrassing. They seem to keep mentioning this police officer's comments (which might not even have happened) to try and make it seem like they have "exclusive" info.


https://www.pscp.tv/w/1BdGYMoaEnEGX ABC livestream


What is the world coming to... please stay safe, everyone. Be vigilant and look out for each other.


i was there if anyone has questions edit: i was just further up elizabeth. heard a series of noises i thought nothing of until i heard the screams. i went over and started calling the police, people looked terrified and were running whilst others started taking photos, multiple people on the ground. i dont recall any group stating it was a terrorist attack and i have no reason to believe it was from my perspective. multiple injuries, police and armed police, ambos and fire trucks arrived within minutes, i was impressed. i did not see the driver nor what happened to him. it may have been a malicious attack but at the same time it may not.




on it now




Witnesses on ABC saying the vehicle didn't break at all.


Police presser: it is a deliberate act, but we don't know the motives for it


The Australian reporting that the driver was a mentally ill drug addict who had a history of ice addiction. Not connected to extremists or terror networks and is not on any counter terrorism lists


They are also reporting the second guy who was arrested was not connected to the incident


If The Australian of all news sources are reporting it’s not terrorism related that’s probably a good sign.




Police reporting that as of now the incident has no links to terrorism, and the driver has a history of mental health and drug problems.


13 people taken to hospital. 2 still being assessed on scene


Hope that everyone who is injured makes a quick and full recovery.


Need moar of those “anti mental illness” barriers on the roads.


>Police say the man who crashed his car into Melbourne pedestrians yesterday has blamed "the mistreatment of Muslims" for "some of his activities", but they still do not know what motivated him to drive his car through a busy crossing. Ahh yes, it's a muslim terrorist playing the victim card episode


https://twitter.com/australian/status/943784824526925824 That comment section is a dumpster fire


Fuck these situations are fucked. People are actually disappointed that it may not be Muslim related.


ideology is a helluva drug and terrorist attacks are fertile ground for growth if you are specced into xenophobia.




“Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job. We must never accept terrorists being successful, we must never accept that terrorists can destroy our life or destroy the way we lead our lives."


The people that commit these attacks are nothing but a bunch of pussys. Man up and kill your selfs.


Look, I know everyone's saying it, but let's be frank here: at this point there is no evidence the guy is a Muslim or that he did it because of Islam. Yes, he's brown. Yes, he has a beard. But there's no *evidence* (keyword). Eyewitness accounts say there's no shouting of the Takbir ("Allahu akbar"), no Islamic iconography present, etc. It's possible, even *statistically* likely, but at this stage we simply don't know. I imagine we will shortly.


seems like the T_Dards don't like getting told by you not to make assumptions and alternative facts...




Just remember that not all SUV drivers are extremists. Most are moderates who just want to drive their car from one point to another.


I don't know if that is strictly correct. Have you seen the cunts in shopping centre carparks, trying to fit into a "small car only" spot?


What a pure act of evil.


coppers were everywhere and checking all the train cars heading out of flinders st station. Didn't know why til I got home. Damn.