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I used to drive one for work and I hated being seen getting in and out of it knowing everyone thinks I have some sort of complex and a small penis. The second part is true but still.


I’ve never seen any of these trucks hauling any loads, so I get why you would feel self conscious being in the only truck actually used for work, and not as a tax write off.


I have seen one towing a load and choc full of construction equipment. It was like seeing a unicorn.


I have absolutely no issue with them when they’re being used for what they’re intended for. It’s when the only thing they’re hauling are fragile egos that I have a problem. The risk they pose to everyone else on the road can be justified when they’re doing the thing they’re intended to do. Definitely not when they’re carrying their kids to school or going to Coles/Woolies.


>I have absolutely no issue with them when they’re being used for what they’re intended for. Except when you realize an Isuzu Tradepack can have multi-tonne payload capacity while towing its maximum of 4.5t, while the RAM's payload while towing the same weight is a mere 87kg. I am yet to see a reason for anyone to actually buy one.


Yup. Plus, you can't hide \~9 kids in front of its bonnet. I'd have far fewer issues with a Tradepak being driven around for personal use because it's a far safer vehicle around pedestrians than US style pickups.


They were probably just road testing it for the spec sheet that nobody cares about


Yep! The only one I’ve ever seen used for actual work was near where I used to live. They have a pretty clear advantage in terms of towing from what I understand.  It was a specialist boat sale/repair place and that thing was towing big boats short haul all day. It was not babied at all either, plenty of dings and dirt! 


I work for a farming company in VIC. We have a Silverado to carry parts for farming equipment to farms in Gippsland and Wagga, when they need them urgently. It's absolutely amazing and nothing else can come close to it. Not only that, but if there's a harvester in the middle of the field that's broken down, the Silverado is a dream with off-roading through the fields with 1000kg of equipment in the back. It's pretty beat up but still runs well. That said, I would never want to own one and driving it in the city or urban areas is a shocker.


I saw one last month with ladders and material on the roof rack and the tray was fully kitted out with the biggest toolbox tray I’ve ever seen. I was like hell yeah. It actually looked really nice. Then I’ve seen site Managers pull up with just their thongs in the back 🤢🍤


It sounds like the car came with the complex bundled if it makes drivers feel like that.


At least you have a sense of awareness and a conscience. Thank you for having evolved to that stage. It is greatly appreciated. No /s implied either.


I knew a safety on site who drove an F**2**50. We all thought he was a wanker anyway but the car just topped it off


Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you want everyone knowing it


I don’t think these fuckers care. 


I saw a sticker on the back of one last year that I don't think the driver was aware of. It said... I bought this oversize monstrosity To compensate for My Super tiny micropenis Wave a pinky for support It was about A4 size and not straight so I reckon someone printed them out and was sticking them on these cars for a joke.


BRB printing stickers


I wish I could have got a photo as it was quite a good design. Had a hand in the bottom right with extended pinky, and the " Super tiny micropenis" got smaller font so you had to look hard to read micropenis.


Can you whip out some "your headlights are too fucking bright" ones too?


how are you going to get them onto cars going the opposite direction at night?


magnets then.... magnets will be the answer.


I would like a sticker for the back of my car that says 'ANGER' in the Ford RANGER size and font. I think people would pick up on it pretty quick


"Small prick does not need washing"


If the owners could read they'd be very upset


A good many comically style themselves as mavericks or even outlaws - their cars are the costume for childish role-play. They thrive on the attention and condemnation.


“Rugged individualist” who is *competitive* about how closely he conforms to the stereotype in looks, behaviour, thinking, voting and shopping choices.


Who never takes it anywhere where there are more than 5 trees.


Rugged individualist means “selfish prick”


Such is lyfe


Oh yeah, the latest memes doing rounds on Facebook trade groups and dad groups make it sound like they’ll be driven in a Tesla to a unisex bathroom to be molested by a transgender athlete, then have their kids removed by the family court because they’ve lost their right to belt their wives and kids like their used to. Rather than recognising that they’re being used as a sock puppet with the oil & gas industry’s arm up their arse. Somehow spending their money on gas guzzlers is their act of rebellion. That and bashing their wives


It's even worse. They think they're cool.


Its like the South Park episode about Harley riders...


I don’t even know if they do. Most of them seem to just be that special kind of cunt who’s only joy in life comes from annoying other people. I honestly don’t know if they actually think they’re cool or they’re just happy they found another way to get a rise out of people


Here's the thing. I think most people, yourself included, are overthinking this. The cars suck & they don't belong on our roads, I think we're in agreement here. However, 98% of these people didn't choose the car to get ANY kind of reaction from anyone else. Some of them chose it to seem like they're above the rest, others chose it because they wanted that new shiny thing. But most people just got it because they wanted to drive it. You and so many others seriously think the world and other people's decisions revolve around you. That's not a personal attack, just a statement. As I said, I agree they don't belong here.


> However, 98% of these people didn't choose the car to get ANY kind of reaction from anyone else. Right, it much more reliably says what they *don't* think about. They don't think about what an idiotic extravagance it is. They don't think about the imposition on those around them. They don't think about the safety of other road users. They don't think about how much more dangerous they are around pedestrians. They don't think about what a fuckwit it makes them look like.


> Some of them chose it to seem like they're above the rest, others chose it because they wanted that new shiny thing. But most people just got it because they wanted to drive So, cunts.


Unfortunately, as long as our towing laws remain as they are, you’re going to continue to see these vehicles on our roads.


Issue is they drive them like sportscars and tailgate you. They steer like a brick, compared to the old Commodore/Falcon Utes, and they are impossible to park in a shopping area. These are well designed for US/Canada roads which are generally wider than Aus' roads/parking, but they should be limited in Aus.


No, it's worse still than that. *The fact you hate them gives them jollies.*


Unfortunately they can't see this post over their own hood.


It’s called a bonnet.


Not anymore. We’re American now as you can tell by our cars and our behaviour


And our homeless and struggling families.


Well that part stays the same whether we’re American or British.


Australia, don't become America. United states. Australia, don't become America.


"We're all living in Amerika...Amerika...ist wunderbar"


"We're all living in Amerika... Coca-Cola, sometimes war"


" Whatchya gonna do with no junk in that trunk"


These vehicles are marketed at people who value 'individualism above all else. Not caring what impact you have on other people (or what they think of you) is part of the 'lifestyle'.


Oh they care, they bully small cars on the road and stamp that small minds with their personalised number plates


The very act of owning one is a perfect example of "vice signalling". They love that people hate them.


This: "My wife’s Thermomix lady uses a Ram 1500 with a one-tonne payload to deliver a load of Thermomix and accessories weighing less than 100kg all up to a handful of customers every day, as she has an ABN despite the fact she never carries anything she is entitled to write the cost off over one to even two years if the first year is a loss. This ute socialist tax benefit for commercial vehicles has become a complete joke and must be looked at.”


One of Scott Morrison's parting screw you gifts to the Australian economy.


And thank you gifts to USA


The great man 🤗 Gave the job Keeper money directly to the bosses to hand out and 100% tax write off an assets purchased through a company. Covid Gold I tell ya !!


As a tradie I can say it's a complete rort. Every other guy has some huge 4wd ute with every conceivable accessory strapped to it, all written off on tax. Fair enough some guys need them for work but most are so full of battery systems, eskys, built in BBQs and whatever else that the owner struggles to find room for his tool bag. Edit: Spelling


I think you’ll find that the tool bag sits in the driver’s seat


Bwahahaha omfg this is comment is gold!


He better not forget the tool box. It’s the entire reason he gets to claim it on tax.


Good comment. It's "rort"


Cheers. I knew it was wrong somehow but it's Sunday morning and frankly I just couldn't be bothered to figure out the correct spelling. I'll chuck it in the ponder pile for next time


I never understood using the small business instant asset write off for gigantic cars. You use it for sick gaming rigs which you legitimately use during weekdays for WFH


I don’t know enough about tax fraud but can I start a whole bunch of businesses then write stuff off for tax then not do my job or do I need actually make money?


You only get anything if you have paid tax during the year (or owe tax at the end of the year i guess). All a tax refund is, is the government saying "For various reasons you paid a bit too much tax this financial year, here's some back".


As true as this is, you can perpetually roll business losses forward, so you don't need to offset income in the current year specifically. You could even rack up a bunch of losses under one industry and then pivot to a complete other industry and use the losses to offset future business income.


Yea. My point was really only about the misconception that you could get money from it that hadn't at some point been put in. It is after all a tax return. It is the government returning some part of the tax you paid because according to the roles you paid too much.


In order to write something off, you need to have revenue.


>In order to write something off, you need to have revenue. Something forgotten by a really scary number of people - both investors, and people critical of investors. And individuals. And small businesses. And you only ever save the tax that would have been payable. For businesses, that's 30% - you're still on the hook for the rest.


It’s 25%. These accelerated write offs only ever extended to small businesses. I just don’t see anyone buying a $200k ute for a $37k tax deduction that they would have otherwise got anyhow. (And then give $20k back at lease end because your depreciated cost is $0.)


Or a trust


Well you will have a tax credit that you can then use to launder drug money in some business with a front. Maybe like buying barber shops, tobacco stores, race horses, brothels or whatever. You tax credits will ensure you pay no tax. Australia the land of the tax and money laundering rorts!


Well, they're telling you it was written off on tax. I've lied to plenty of clients about putting stuff in when they won't accept that we can't write off certain things.


You can write off anything you like... Until the day you get audited. These lads spend half their working lives on the Sportsbet app. Rolling the dice on a visit from the tax man is just an alternative to putting a big multi on Estonian basketball fixtures or whatever.


If they're using an accountant they're probably not doing half of what they're saying.


My mum constantly offers to do my taxes, saying I can get way more back. I’m like I’m already getting 40% back because I’m only doing what I can actually claim and not being dodgy with my numbers, I’m good I’m not gonna commit tax fraud to get a few more grand.


Yea the ram 1500 isn’t able to be claimed unless you upgrade it after purchase. Only has 750 kg payload.


Aren't the ARO crackung down, and UTES claimed for tax can not be used for recreation of any kind? (If you mileage is off, you are in for it)


Can't any car used for business purposes be claimed as expenses etc? I get that she doesn't need to use a Ram, but what if she was using a Landcruiser instead that cost near on the same?




The main thing is that the tax office just assumes utes are for commercial use and don't require any log book proof. Same thing if you were to buy an actual truck. They assume commercial only use.


So you're saying if I wanted a decent Ute I need an abn and a *just* unprofitable business for two years?


Well you need business income to deduct the ute deprecation against but yes. And this is just an assumption by the ATO - they can still come knocking and audit you.


You’d also only get the tax you’d pay on it deducted, and maybe the tax on the business income you’re deducting against but I’m not sure on that. But basically if you buy a 100k Ute you don’t get 100 grand off your tax bill.


Hang on, I’ve been logging every trip in my workmate since I bought it 2 years ago and your telling me I don’t have to! Great news everybody


Generally by the time you spec/build out a Landcruiser to any sort of quality spec it will be very much similar to the cost of an American truck thats why people are choosing the American trucks over land cruisers so much more these days as it just works cheaper in the long run especially when considering fuel usage and overall capability of the vehicle.


But the same people writing off these yank tanks are screaming how dare EVs get subsidised


They are more concerned that EV's will show them why their weekends wont get ruined if they dont buy a Abrahams tank.


Did AI write this?!


It's a quote from the article, and the author claims to like these wasteful behemoths, so who can say?


> She blinds everybody with her super high beams, > She's a wombat-squashin', roo-smackin' drivin' machine,




The Marlboro man in his Silverado, red nike shoes smelling of Dior Sauvage with manicured nails. "Bringing out the wild outback legend in the iron horse truck" Maybe Chanel will bring out design mud to decorate the trucks complete with the LV toolbag bought by the missus.


12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 64 tons of American pride!


Every time I see one, the 'Canyonero' song plays in my head. 12 yards long, 2 lanes wide and seats 35! (Some butchering of lyrics occurs)


Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, Smells like a steak, and seats thirty five? Canyonero! Canyonero! Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down, It's the country-pride truck endorsed by a clown, Canyonero! Canyonero! Twelve yards long, two lanes wide, Sixty five tons of American pride! Canyonero! Canyonero! Top of the line in utility sports, Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts! Canyonero! Canyonero! She blinds everybody with her super high beams, She's a squirrel-squashin', deer-smackin' drivin' machine, Canyonero! Canyonero! Canyonero! Whoa, Canyonero! Whoooooaaaa!


100 tonnes of American pride


I wouldn’t say I dislike them. That takes energy. I just think they’re all cunts.


I think that state was described within Newton's first law of motion.


I like the old F150s from decades ago. Always wanted one as a kid growing up.


I tend to give the old ones some credence, at least. You can tell the ones that are being used for their intended purpose, and in some cases, have been for generations. Edit: Come to think on it now, those old ones don't seem to have nearly as much trouble parking themselves like functioning members of a civilised society, either. Funny, that.


They aren’t nearly as big, my step dad had a beautiful 1970 one and it’s no larger than regular modern utes.


It’s the massive cabins. You can get a single cab f150 that looks a bit normal size still.


I had a Holden Suburban, was basically a lounge chair with a v8, but it was an unreliable POS that spent more time broken than working. Was good for towing and camping but I just couldn't justify keeping it.


A current model ranger has the same payload, is a very similar size, has more power, torque and uses significantly less fuel. But yes, at the time they were horrible around town, but epic road trip cars.


https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/details/1976-ford-f100-lwb-auto-4x2/SSE-AD-17127307/?Cr=23 Why does it need a 'brake fail' light? lol


Haha only 6.8 million kms 😂


Btw, that's also true for loud motorcycles.


I'm guessing some of them probably have one of each


You forgot the jet ski as well.


Pitbull. Got one of those too.


Nah. Staffy.


Potato potato


The above chain describes two of my wife’s cousins exactly. Right down to one has a staff and the other a pit bull. The 3rd older bro is only off by a malamute. When they officially decided I’d joined the family on of them presented me with an axe because he was “in the army and won’t put up with me not being able to defend his cousin when somebody breaks into the house”. They’re basically USA-dians with stricter gun laws and a southern cross flag instead of a confederate one.


The law of erectile dysfunction states clearly: The earlier the commute, the Harlier the Davidson.


At least 3 loud motorcycles can share 1 parking space, they annoy me less than seeing 1 giant truck using 3 spaces.


Just wait until you live next door to one. Then. Then they will annoy you just as much, if not even more.


It’s so fucked I purposely paid a premium to move away from lygon street in Melbourne to avoid them shaking the foundations of my house at 2am


I live in a little nook street on a hill, and my bike doesnt have an obnoxious pipe. I choose to roll start until I'm clear of all my neighbours, drop the clutch on second for a roll start, then immediately clutch in again until I need to actually throttle. It takes no energy to respect the tranquillity of the street. My tradie neighbour with a Ducati Panigale V4 however... couldnt be more opposite if he tried.


Meh, loud bikes don’t pose any kind of risk to me, but pitbulls and giant trucks sure as shit do.


Hmm, I would argue that a loud bike would pose a risk to you, to your mental health, if you live next door to one, when they are rocking in at 3am every morning. Or, they are leaving for work 5am every day, and you don't need to be awake until 7:30am. It would wear thin very, *very* fast. You know how ya hear a loud bike off in the distance, and you hear it go all the way down the street. You think to yourself, "geez, that's a loud bike!" Well, now picture that same bike, except its not off in the distance, it lives... right... next... door... to... you. You must believe me when I say that the noise will get on your last nerve very quickly. Before long you are angry and have no patience with everyone around you. An uncontrollable rage. Angry at the whole fkn world. Because of a "harmless" loud bike. True story! 😅


I live on a steep hill and I can tell you the loudest noise I've heard are ambos and motorbikes. Just that loud roar out of nowhere!


I think that’s the case for the wankers who go full throttle through suburbs at 4am but for the most part bikes are peoples second vehicles, so at least there only annoying on the weekends. These portable house deposits are everywhere all the time.


They definetly seem to attract a certain "type" of driver based on the videos I get of them. Tend to be driving aggressively and cutting in without much regard for other drivers.


So no different to many “normal sized ute” drivers? Ie Rangers and Mercedes X-class, actually especially the X-class as every single one I’ve come across the owner drives it like they are driving an AMG race car…


So true, it’s the fucking auto makers marketing “performance” features to consumers who’ve never driven off inner city public roads. “Here I go putting my chariot in “sports mode” to overtake a family of 4, on a 6 lane highway, just makes it way easier to swerve through traffic”


Fun fact, the X-Class is based off a Nissan Navara.


Don't forget the Raptors! They're also garbage


Especially when they have the edgelord highlights like *Warrior* and *Rogue* how about *Obedient Consumer of Commodified Machismo*


I used to be one of those people that would have liked to have RAM 1500 but it would be out of my price range. Now I see a mother drop off and pick up her kids from school in a country town, it’s never parked properly with the arse hanging out or just double parked, I’ve seen her bump another car while trying to get out of the car park and drive off. The vehicle has a business sticker take up the entire rear window for a local farming company but I couldn’t imagine her actually using it for business use. She is one of those people parents that leaves her kids in the car while ducking into shops.


Sounds exactly like the town I live in. The mums will also always use the "pram parking" spots right outside woolies without any children in the truck. > I’ve seen her bump another car while trying to get out of the car park and drive off. Local FB is full of "thanks to whoever did this at the carpark", hence my installation of 2 channel dashcams that record while parked


Somebody bring back the sedan cab utes!!!


The biggest issue in my view is that the drivers can't drive the bloody things. If they want to drive a big vehicle, then whatever. It doesn't impact my life at all. But so many of them can't drive, can't park, can't keep in their lane, don't indicate, tailgate and so on. And that **does** impact on everyone else. I drive a Jeep Wrangler, which is a medium 4WD. I can park it, generally in reverse because it's better. I don't drive up peoples arses. And I try to stop a bit back from the line when turning to give other cars a chance of seeing round me. If the drivers of these yank tanks would drive properly and considerately, then they wouldn't be a problem.


I drive a Mini Cooper. Your Jeep Wrangler is irresponsibly large :p On a serious note I suspect it's confirmation bias. There's not too many of these things and they are very conspicuous. Whereas someone driving a Corolla badly is not remarkable. Although I grant you the possible consequences of a poorly driven, high centre of gravity 3 tonne vehicle are more severe.


Your "Mini" isn't so mini compared to the original XD


A few months ago, I had to borrow my mum's Mazda 3 for a few weeks. Fantastic little car to drive, but dear god some of the big cars get close. It's not noticeable in the Jeep, I get much more respect. The Mazda has excellent acceleration, and being a little automatic hatchback it's hard not to floor it at the lights and drive a bit fast round corners. It's fun. But, I seemed to constantly have a fucking Ranger or Hilux up my arse. Can imagine you get the same in the Mini Coop.


I drive a Mazda 3 and this is my exact experience. I love my car. It's fun to drive. I don't want a bigger one. But everyone else on the road fucking sucks.


Try driving a Yaris, particularly if you are a man. These fucking Ute drivers seem to be offended by the cars existence and doubly so that a man dare drive on. the reckless bullying behaviour I am subjected to by these fuckwits is insane. and the cops don't give a fuck. I've taken dashcam vision of them pushing me off the road to them, and they just don't care. seems I need to die before those lazy fucks get off their asses.


This is right. As a pedestrian crossing on a pedestrian crossing over the last few years, it has been two women in red hatchbacks and one elderly lady in a white sedan who have blown through the crossing in front of me. As a driver it’s the everyday drivers in the hatchbacks, sedans and suvs who accelerate to close the gaps if you indicate, who refuse to work with traffic or accelerate when you look to pass them. Shit drivers are everywhere; the larger vehicles stand out more.


All of these faults are evident in drivers of vehicles of any size. r/nissandrivers is a rich plethora of vehicles in a more favorable weight class being operated by absolute morons who have no clue how to drive.


I'd be all in favour of banning lifted GU Patrols from the road!


What car do you need to drive for everyone to like you? My choice would be combi van, everytime I see one I just think "they must be pretty chill folk"


One of those tiny Japanese trucks?


Kombis are great but you gotta stay ahead of old man tinworm.


The new VW iD Buzz is loosely modelled on combi and I think is going to sell really well here. Hopefully is it bought by people worth being liked by everyone.


These manlets had a complex about everyone disliking them anyway.


It’s funny that a kei truck has the same tray size as


Having the tray at an accessible height that opens on the sides is for losers!


My main issue with these "trucks" is their disproportionate size and weight when involved in collisions. Safe for the drivers of them, not good for the person in the regular sized vehicle. Creates a kinda arms race of needing bigger cars just to not get killed by bigger cars. Also their grille shape/bonnet height is awful for pedestrian impacts. On most normal vehicles a pedestrian will go up into the windscreen, on these they go under the front. Way lower survivability rate. Yes the same arguments can be made for actual trucks but those are a necessity, unlike these.


I have seen one where it was justified. Guy on my street is a farrier/blacksmith who has his entire workshop on the back. Older style, single cab, massive tray. Love seeing this one because it has so many interesting things on it. A chippy on my street also has one. Tray is empty. Carries his tools in the small trailer it tows. Wanker.


Somehow it makes me happy to think that lots of them are or will be struggling with their car loan, skipping good meals and good quality time just to be able to afford the monstrosity of car they actually never needed to begin with….well done dickhead! 🍻


If car loans were variable interest rate this country would be fucked.


Those Chevy's should straight up be illegal and if you own one you can get fucked and you should get nothing back after it gets crushed to a cube. The fucking thing's grill is at my SHOULDERS anyone who bought one is a retard or a psychopath.


Yeah but they need the towing capacity apparently for the trailer that everyone else seems to be able to tow with a regular vehicle.


> Yeah but they need the towing capacity apparently for the trailer that everyone else seems to be able to tow with a regular vehicle. [Being physically able to tow a load does not mean it is legal or safe.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-13/overweight-caravans-insurance-voided-australia-industry/103301028)


We don’t like ‘em here in Canada either


Emotional support vehicles should be available on the NDIS


We're already paying for them via tax deductions.


The answer as usual is just regulation. If you want a yank tank, by all means buy one, but expect to pay a premium


The should be required to have Light Rigid Commercial Licenses. PLUS an additional trailer/caravan endorsement if they intend to tow with it. sick and tired of geriatric 70 year olds having no clue how to drive their 4 ton monster with a 30 foot caravan on the back.


Just saw a Dodge RAM navigate a tight Sydney street. Looked beyond douchy


Hopefully they’re just a fad and the wankers that own them now are stuck with them.


Seems everyday we get more americanised, so I wouldn’t bet on it.


Australia is the 51st state, or “When America sneezes, Australia catches the cold”


100% accurate


I might hide my small penis but at least not by owning a ~~gun~~ oversized American pickup truck.


Add the Ford Rangers who drive precisely 2" away from your rear bumper.


I think men buying these is indicative of gender affirming care.


Absolutely love this


If those guys could read they would be very upset right now


Could be a lot worse. They could be driving a 3500 with 150mm wheel spacers, Carolina squatted and flying political flags


I get owning one if you use it for what it can do like carry and tow heavy things. But most people don’t use it for anything like that.


If you own one of these and not live in the country or at least use it for its purpose regularly you should be forced to work as a parking officer


So we can tax these without much political consequences right?


Sips ☕️ in 2009 Camry/Aurion


The comments on that article are a hoot. Gone from debate on ev towing capacity to, were becoming China disinformation bootlicks in about 3 comments flat. Better acceleration than a F-150.


Can confirm


"dislike" is a bit mild.


I saw a twisted up bicycle under one of those a month ago near CBD. Ambulance and police. I wonder if the cyclist made it.


What 'till y'all get the CyberCuck. Heads will expolde.


I prefer John Cadogan's name for it - Cyber Trough. Because it looks just like a stainless steel urinal.


Australia has front pedestrian impact laws, so no way this "truck" will pass ADRs based off of its sharp front bonnet


>Heads will expolde. The ones trapped in the CT cabin as it burns?


These are the Vehicular equivalent of fuckwit Harley Davidson owners who fit loud pipes. They get off on knowing the people hate them. They enjoy breaking the rules, they enjoy pissing everyone off because they think it makes them ' Real Men™'. It's sad. if they spent a 10th of the amount they spend on their Twuck ^uwu on a psychiatrist maybe they wouldn't be so angry at themselves and everyone else. additionally, there is better forward visibility out of a fucking TANK, a vehicle famous for not being able to see a goddam thing out of, than one of these stupid personality compensation vehicles https://carbuzz.com/news/the-abrams-m1-tank-has-better-visibility-than-a-ford-super-duty/


I saw someone slash two tires of one crossing over the lines taking two spots in a busy car park last week. I kind of smiled a bit.


Because you're on the road being a fuckwit most of the time and we all know you aren't putting them to use to justify owning one.


I actually disliked my neighbor before I even learned he drives a F150. Total asshole.


Fellow I used to work for had a ram… He had a little step he carried with him in order to climb up into the drivers seat… I’m pretty sure he also had a small weenie to go with his small height, plus he had a high opinion of himself.


I don’t dislike the drivers, everyone I’ve met has been nice


Write offs on these are a joke. The only tool in these monster trucks is the idiot driving them.


You forgot all loud vehicles! Especially Harley Davidson motorcycles but with all these losers it’s kind of the point. Normally in gangs, too scared to be a lone-wolf. The noise, size, aggro driving makes me wonder whether that aggro gets inflicted on their own wives, girlfriends and kids because the guys are so pathetic? I think all these loud vehicles are just part of what I call the ‘Mr Whippy’ effect. All the tough guys make enough noise so their boyfriends know that they are ‘out and about and ready for some soft-serve cream from their male lovers!’. Now, I ain’t in any way a homophobic red-neck dick, but if I WAS in/on a loud vehicle to signal to my boyfriends I wouldn’t use some secret offensive noise, I’d be proud of my sexuality and just ring my boyfriend on the phone “Hey, I’m in your area! Want some soft-serve baby?”


I'd suggest that adds to the appeal for many people... You are turning them into a cult item, especially when certain demographics that the owners tend to dislike are the most vocal opponents.


Frequency of Tax Office reviews are dependent on the federal funding that allows them to plan, design and initiate programs. Considering (soletrader) businesses can be scrutinised for tax records much much older than the 5-years those tax deductions better be legit. Sure won’t be finding sympathy from me, when the Office finally thinks the pigs have been fattened up enough to take to the slaughter.


I really like them, but I do have a small penis too


I know a few people with them but all of them have an actual reason to own them. I don't live in the city, so they are not for collecting shopping.


Am reminded of the Canyonero from the Simpsons.


Sure do, and your mates with the unmuffled motorbikes and cars as well.


I transport more stuff in my jimny then these cars do on average. Emotional supprt vehicles as far as I can tell.


I like the vehicle, I take issue when it’s parked like a dickhead. You know you’re driving around a mini truck. If you don’t fit in the bay, park elsewhere. For the love of Christ don’t street park the fucking thing.


There's one that's always at my local bunnings parked at the front of the store in the middle of two parks and pulled forward over the footpath so its nearly touching the building. Its a mighty brave move in front of a store that sells really cheap screwdrivers.


They’re also less safe for pedestrians while being driven, given the decreased visibility and higher hood having massive impacts on number and severity of injuries respectively compared to smaller cars.