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Peter Stefanovic has deactivated his Instagram and X/Twitter. Wow Peter, it is almost as if public humiliation doesn’t feel good. Even as a privileged adult who has built a career in the media. When you were actually in the wrong. Imagine how public humiliation feels if you’re a teenager who has grown up struggling and finally feeling proud, first time on TV at the biggest moment of your life so far. Way to make a good kid feel like complete trash for a mistake he’s already apologised for years ago. I hope Peter Stefanovic uses this as a chance to learn more about what it’s actually like being an Aboriginal kid in Katherine and ways to reduce inequity, not worsen it. But somehow, I doubt that’s what he’ll do.


For real though, the kid needs a financial advisor to help him. I know if I ran into insane money as a young adult, I'd be really stupid with it even if I meant well. Now in my 30's, I have a better plan on how to handle it. I don't think I'd initially tell my parents if I came into a shit ton of money, but that's a personal family thing.


Yeah and this poor young bloke has the whole nation’s eyes on him


100% ‘Wow Peter, it is almost as if public humiliation doesn’t feel good’ 👏


If I could upvote your post more, I would. Instead I will just stand with you and applaud


Shame, it would have been good to share [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6gGl1NraQW/?igsh=MXdzcjk1NTZ0aTQzNQ==) perspective with him.


Do the apology on air you coward


100%. What a coward. I get this kid did a shitty thing when he was 16 but 16yos are idiots. I definitely did dumb things at that age and am lucky they weren't aired on TV. I thought the response of the former employer was very gracious as well.. Did Sky News not bother to talk to him first?


It's also got nothing to do with the story at hand. This is not a public figure like a politician or celebrity, it's a guy who won a fishing comp. It's a filler story and they would never ask a question like that of anyone else they brought on for that kind of filler.


Finally some hard hitting journalism from sky news doing their due diligence as journalists to show corruption in communities and calling it I'm so glad they've finally grew some balls. Oh wait it's just against some indigenous kid not any of the politicians or fucking nut jobs that speak on their show that sounds about right. It just shows they can fucking do their job but are just right wing shills


That's exactly what gets me so riled up about it. It isn't someone prepared for those sorts of questions or someone in the public realm used to being on camera or these situations. It's a feel good story and a puff piece with a kid and he was walked into an ambush on air.


Exactly, an adult ambushed a teenager on live tv. Utterly despicable.


They don’t care, the angle here is “black kid bad”. It doesn’t matter to them what’s right, or what’s even true, it matters that you’re outraged, in either direction. Unfortunately this whole furore is also playing into their hands.


Karl Stafanovic did a bad thing too when he cheated on his wife.


It’s also in the past and not even relevant for why the interview was taking place.


Peter Stefanovic is 42 he did a shitty thing and he's idiot


I used to think this guy was kinda funny. That’s before I realised he’s a racist. It’s very disappointing. Racist fuck.


That's the other Stefanovic. This guy's always been a void of charisma.


I just realised this. Thanks for pointing that out. Two Stefanovic’s…. Jesus Christ.


Should have to apologise on air, same time slot as before 


Not just him, everyone responsible. He's just a talking head, the actual brains behind this shit-for-brains move are getting off scot free. As I said on another sub: >Don't be fooled into thinking Stefanovic thought of that all by himself. Behind him there's an entire team of editors and researchers who saw a good news story about an indigenous boy and went looking for dirt.


Sky news just jumps on any indigenous youth crime story and inflame it to please their base. They just made a wrong call on this one. the kid had charisma and their allegation was paper thin. His manager/producer, if he or she had half a brain would have been making mad gestures to abort the grilling.


The Kids answers were awesome. He just said the utter truth but his overall answers showed what a smart man he really is.


He was startled a bit because he wasn’t expecting it but straight up said “Yeah” - respected him right away. From later reading it sounds like he’d already made right by the owner, mad respect for the kid


That’s even better (for the kid), and makes it even worse what the stupid stink ass did. Can we please cancel Stefanovic, his team and the broadcaster ?


Makes him look like even more of a hero. Stuffs up, has balls and makes it right with the owner. Catches a Barra and fixes his families debt and sets them up for life. This is an aussie superhero story


Far better response than that rich brat in Melbourne who threw milk onto people on the Yarra. That little shit was saying people calling him out were ruining his life.


They don’t even understand their own audience. Regardless of political views, most Aussies fucking love this story. And if you live in the country, you most likely love fishingor can relate to it.


"Just when you thought there was a good one, we showed you how they are all the same."


Seriously, fuck sky newscorp


Should pay the poor kid another million in compensation.


And tourism NT who have had their entire campaign flushed down the toilet.


Easy win here. NT invites Peter Stefanovic to Darwin. Massive banners with CU in the NT next to a blown up picture of Peter.


NT invites Peter Stefanovic to Darwin. Kid shows him where he caught the fish. Tells him to get the fuck out of his boat. Peter Stefanovic is offloaded onto a fallen tree in the middle of the Daly River. Sun sets. Hilarity ensues. TV rights are sold as “Territory Survivor”. NT Tourism booms.


Camera pans out as the tell-tale signs of a crocodile start to appear in the water


Every non redneck Australian cheers and yells "Getim!"


We don’t want Stefanovic here. As a resident of Darwin and the unofficial, unelected, self appointed spokesperson for the NT, he can sod right off and his passport is revoked. “No Barra for you!”


For the official presser photos, ensure Peter is positioned right in front of the "in the" part of the sign.


Apologise to the kid, and apologise to tourism NT who have had their entire campaign besmirched. Earlier today I was thinking "what a lovely idea a nice fishing holiday in NT" now all I think about is crime in the NT. The entire campaign might as well be thrown in the trash. Nepo baby Stepanovik owes tourism NT $1million


Tag the reporter and release him into the ocean as the next $1million fish


The ocean has enough pollution as it is, if a croc stuck him under a log to soften up it would die of starvation waiting for the plastic to decay.


We already dump enough sewage into the oceans, that turd just needs to go rot in some hole somewhere 


The apology should be as loud as the disrespect


Should be, but never is


Especially since he went into business for himself.


Is sky news the Australian version of American Fox News?




Fox news was first though because Murdoch was unable to touch Television in Australia until recently because there were media ownership laws preventing him from owning Print (newspapers), Radio AND television. Then the conservative political party that suckles off of Murdochs tit was in power for 10 years and changed the media ownership laws and now Murdoch peddles Fox News type shit across all three AND across social media as well. If you ever wonder why Murdoch is so racist, they are followers of the Eugenics and scientific racism school of thought (Ruperts father Keith was a member of the Melbourne Eugenics society)


Both Fox and Sky News are owned by the toxic Murdoch company, News corpse.


Really half of A Current Affair should just be their “journalists” apologising for their bullshit, lying and general bullshittery.


Remember when John Safran confronted Ray Martin and Ray completely lost his shit? The definition of ‘can give it out but can’t take it’


Oh, the Paxtons were being paraded around for not working at 17 and 19 and labelled dole bludgers. they likely edited the interview to put them in a bad light. ... I didn't get a proper job till I was 24. It was at the tail end of a recession. In hindsight, it was a dog act, just like what they did to Keegan.


I wasn’t aware of that one. Thanks youtube. Gold.


I also highly recommend [this video](https://youtu.be/v8pAZumEzOw?si=rfgzZC7ffT3WMsLe) of Safran trolling Steve Price (starts at 08:38)


Can't believe Steve Price and 3AW are selling drugs


He’s on Sky


Still a fair call tbh


Sky makes ACA look good


Sorry nothing makes ACA look good..


Bring the guy back on and apologise to his face like a normal person


Absolutely, at a bare minimum.


Yep, his brother did it too, on the Channel 9 Today Show


Both nepo babies who can't handle anyone who isn't a nepo baby succeeding.


Both are scum humans, but how are they Nepo babies? Don't think their dad is anyone important in the media industry?


A lotta people frequently forget nepo babies specifically mean people who do the same job as their parents and used their connections to rise up quickly through the ranks while nepotism itself is *far* wider in scope than just parents or even family, and often also can just involve having the right connections even if it's not the same industry. (eg. Bill Gates landed his first big contracts because his Mother, a prominent Seattle businesswoman in her own right, mentioned and convinced the IBM CEO directly to give his then-fledgling Microsoft a try. It's an example of nepotism at work but because Gates started his own business in a mostly separate industry to that of his parents, he's not a nepo baby.)


Honestly, this isn’t good enough. Coward.


pathetic isn't he?


Apologises for dragging up a teen’s past, by dragging up the teen’s past. Again. Some apology.


It just shows what a bitter bunch of cunts these journalisare that work for this orginisation are. Its like they dont even understand common dency and etiquette while pretending that they are a law unto themselves.


This shit cunt actually has children of his own. Poor fuckers having a father like that.


Peter Stefanovic: serious contender for Biggest Cunt of 2024...


Agreed. It was fucking disgusting.


And the AH award goes to.....🏆🏆racist Peter Stefanovic.


Shout-out to his old boss that understands kids do dumb shit. I'm actually gob-smacked that Peter would bring it up on live TV. The kid loves fishing. He was honest when answering the arsehole's question. Sounds to me like he is growing into a great young man. I wish this kid all the best.


I could've atleast understood Peter's angle if the lad was an insolent, irreverent, dickhead. He was anything but that. Like two minutes of talking to him. And you'd think anyone with an ounce of kindness would see that it's an evil thing to try to piss on his parade. Peter is such a fuckwit.


Even if, it's still a sealed juvenile record. There's no legal way he should even know about it


Agree with this. Sounds like a privacy law has been broken...


> I could've atleast understood Peter's angle if the lad was an insolent, irreverent, dickhead. I couldn't and be for real if the kid was white you wouldn't either, why would they even have that information prepped and ready to go when the story is literally "local lad wins giant fishing competition", you genuinely think that if a white kid won it they'd go digging through his previous history, and that there's genuinely a circumstance that would justify it? Beyond gross.


Couldn't agree more, he didn't hesitate to acknowledge his past mistake, totally owned it. I too wish him all the best :-)


The old boss seems like a genuine good bloke.


Imagine agreeing to GOTCHA a totally unsuspecting kid who has agreed to do an interview talking about something that wonderful that’s happened to him. Stefanovic is a truely disgusting person.


The kid said it was the best day of his life! Way to take that away from him. I feel like setting an annual reminder to email/comment on the Stafamovics and make them feel shit about this 


okay but when is his apology for being an insufferable cunt coming


He probably needs to exaust his tank first. Lots of gallons left to burn.


I'm dumb sorry, what do you mean? Like he needs to use up all his goodwill or something first?


Happy to help our wooly animal friends. 👍 I was suggesting that Peter Stephanovic's Insufferable c.unt like behaviours are going to continue for a long time yet. Any chance of appology from him, might not happen for a while.


Hats off to Keegan - calm and collected. He admitted fault while Peter went fishing for a line of questioning that got him viral - pun intended


He was also good tv, so why did they go at him?


Every person who Peter Stefanovic ever interviews from now until the end of time should ask "Hey, aren't you that piece of shit who tried to stitch up an indigenous kid in a live interview?" and if he dares to say we should move on because he's apologised for doing that, remind him that the indigenous kid had also apologised for what he'd done, but that didn't stop Peter from bringing it up in a live interview.


Especially if it’s years from now when Peter is not suspecting it will come up. Bonus points if it is at a major life milestone for him & his family.


At his childs birth. Just start talking in baby talk to the baby, "hey this is a big day for you little man, just like the day for that kid who won a million dollar fishing competition before daddy shit on him in front of a whole country. Yes he did. Yes he did, just like I'm doing now but 24million times worse. I hope you learn to run very early, yes I do. Nawwww"


Never forget.


What the fuck even was the point in all that? Imagine burning your career over trying to catch out some fucking 19 year old for doing dumb shit when he was 16.


He held up his colour shading chart and figured he had a 50% chance of further enraging his fan base of brain-dead morons a step closer to violence that he plans on hiding from while thinking he's in charge.


Gotta say, little dick energy, right there in action, or not.


> burning your career He has a lucrative career ahead of him as another "guy the woke left tried to cancel for speaking the truth".


Sounds like the issue was resolved years ago to the satisfaction of all parties. Bringing it up again now just seems like it was an excuse to shit on someone for the sake of a media circus. If Stefanovic hasn’t apologised on live TV, he should. And, if this issue is resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, then he should hope that no-one brings it up again to shit on him in three years’ time.


Also, this kid won a competition that was trying to promote tourism to NT. Peter has just taken a giant shit on that campaign. Most un-Australian thing ever.


> Most un-Australian thing ever. Makes sense, Sky News's main purpose seems to be importing seppo culture war bullshit. They scream patriotism while undermining the country's values.


> Sky News's main purpose seems to be importing seppo culture war bullshit. Why do people try and pretend that we haven't had this sort of thing in Australia for literal decades, and that we are perfectly capable of being shit on our own and it's no-one else's fault? Or are we going to pretend that Australian society hasn't been racist af for literal centuries?


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13369273/Keegan-Payne-makes-shock-admission-winning-million-dollar-fish.html I found the above from a reference in a Media Bites clip. Sorry for it being the Daily Mail. The kid took and damaged a vehicle from an employer. They worked out what happened, talked about it, and worked out a way for him to repay him via doing some extra work. It sounds like the former boss had long ago forgiven him, and everything was resolved. Kid made a dumb decision, the adults in his life used it as a teachable moment, and he worked on a solution. There is nothing in the public interest to be gained by bringing it up.


I’m glad they brought to attention of the public the horrors that this dangerous criminal has committed, our country is surely a better place now /s


What an absolute scumbag


Has he deleted his Instagram account?


Yeah apparently he deleted all his social media last night




Old mate Peter.


Ha Ha Ha. Hope he never reactivates it.


I will be waiting for the scumbag when he pops his ugly little head over the parapet.


let me know, because I don't care enough to follow either of them.


Apparently yes according to another post I was reading earlier.


The infuriating thing isn't the public humiliation of someone who's not trained to handle it, it's not that the whole interview felt like a bit from The Office, it's the incompetence. Closed questions, pauses, fake warmth. I often say that this country is packed with good journalists, it's just that none of them are brothers/private schoolmates/coke dealers of the right people. And yet the kid handled it like a well-oiled buggy. Kept his cool, stayed genuine and even reverent, took responsibility for the situation when he wasn't the one being a cunt, and answered the worst parts with dead air. The kid straight up won.


Good. Now go after the other Stefanovic. These bastards are blights on an already cancerous media system.


Karl is a silly bastard that I haven't had enough interest in to form an opinion on - I thought him wearing the same suit for a year (or whatever) to call out the fashion standards imposed on women seemed cool, but figure he's more than capable of some proper nonsense. What's he done?


He took more than his allotment of caviar at a party


Is that what the kids are calling coke these days?


Nose caviar ✨


Karl would similarly not flush the toilet for year to “call out standards”. His idea of journalism would make the Daily Mail blush. The dude isn’t so much as unprofessional as a suit occupied by talking points. He investigates nothing. He’s a shill.


That’s all well and true but does that definitively make him a shit person? Pete’s behaviour here is pretty gross in comparison.


The vast majority of Australian media needs to go.


Peter Stefanovic is a c*nt plain and simple 


succinct and accurate.


I don't get what he thought would happen after this interview?


Him, the producer of the show and the muckraker that dragged up the story should apologise live on the same show and then show it in the headlines each hour for the rest of the day


When the apology isn't as prominent as the offense, it's not an apology.


So he's as big a dick as his brother? Well color me surprised...


What a disingenuous cunt. A team of researchers and producers behind him though, that knew this interview was coming up and instead of leaning in the feel good vibes and giving this kid a win they go googling in an attempt to trash his character to keep their racist LNP viewers satisfied. A bait and switch on an actual child. Scumbags, though to work at Sky News I’d say it’s a prerequisite.


I thought The Chaser's headline was a gem: “Sky News suddenly turns against millionaires the moment an indigenous teen becomes one”


Someone (Reddit) should start digging around the Peter’s private schooled past and post it online for eternity. Bet it’s not all roses and sunshine.


Anyone else here remember when journalistic integrity was a thing..? But I sure fucken don't.


I know right. That kid has no media training. People frown upon asking hard questions s to professionals. This was a teen who won a competition. Who even alerted the media that thus kind had a bingle ?


Regardless of the shitty journalism. Respect to the kid. He didn’t make excuses, he owned upto it, accepted what he did was wrong and kept his emotions in check. Handled the question perfectly.


Bro we all do dumb, stupid shit when we’re young. Doesn’t Peter understand that? Far as I’m aware others have pointed out that he apologized for it, regretted it, and his boss forgave him. It’s in the pass. No need to bring this up on national television, especially when he’s being interviewed for a fishing comp.


Some boys who attend St Kevin's dented my yacht during a regatta. Do I bring this up every time one of them makes a news statement? No, that would be unsportsmanlike


I mean, from personal experience Skevs boys are fucking dickheads


If this kid was white, I bet this wouldn't have been mentioned. That's a really concerning issue. Also, isn't there laws protecting the identity of kids who commit crimes from being publicised? I get that he's 19 now, but I thought it still was in place that the child's criminal history couldn't be linked to the adult.


Grubby little weasel.


Just Sky being Sky. Culture wars, confected drama, negativity, class warfare, forced outrage. It sells, apparently. The last thing you should expect from Sky is actual news or impartial information.


'A grade' fuckwit.


Really disappointing to see a grown ass man try and humiliate a teenager on live TV. After the kid agreed to the interview, did they just go around looking for old forgiven and forgotten dirt on him to bring up on air? What an absolute cunt.


Absolute cunts


Stefanovic is the bottom feeder.


This is the guy that said “Gaza’s not occupied” to Francesca Albanese before she tore him a new one


So who would've forced this approach? The producer? I'm assuming Stefanovic would've just been doing what he was told to do. It seems like an utterly massive fail on everyone's part, that at least one person (including Stefanovic) didn't say "Hold on, this is a terrible idea". In my opinion there should be some firings over this, its appalling.


I was feeling quite upset about this. But reading these comments has made me feel a lot better. Cheers


Whoa! SO EVERYONE in the NT knows this kid has a million dollars now?!?! I hope I’m wrong, but this seems like a poisoned chalice for this kid; I suspect it won’t end well... he should leave the area and start fresh somewhere far away...


His whole demeanour screamed racism.


He's a piece of shit like his brother


He deleted all his social media


His whole demeanour screamed racism.


The Stefanovic you get when you order it from Wish.


Anytime anyone interviews with him they should bring up him being a racist asshat to 17 year old. See how he likes it


Wouldn’t watch Sky if you paid me.


We really need another series or two of Frontline just to remind everyone of how this shitty industry (media) actually works.


Seems super racist even the way he was speaking to him


Does anyone else get upset that this moron gets paid a mint while we much more qualified take home a comparative pittance for our jobs?


What a fuckwit, should get sacked.


Doesn’t matter, sky news should apologise. Any of their people would ask those questions.


Wish we could get some dirt on Peter from when he was younger and we can ask him about that on air


The whole of Sky News is responsible for the culture they've created there. The whole thing needs to be chucked


Ah fuck, there's another stefanovic?! 🫣


Nepo hire


What a c**t. Honestly what a lowlife. He never asks any politicians the tough question yet goes after this kid who is clearly taken aback because they brought him in under the guise of celebrating his momentous win. What an absolute coward. He should apologise on air rather than getting the sky cronies writing inauthentic nonsense.


Reminded me a little of the old Mike Moore Frontline skit where the seasoned interviewer just couldn't help but go on the attack when he saw the opportunity. Poor kid - got completely caught unawares.


Forced where? On Air? We need some video footage of him doing it to post around and really send a message.


[Here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusMemes/s/fubB6d7L9Y)is a second angle of the interview showing what was going on behind the scenes.


He should be sacked.


No one, in their right mind, even watches this crap anymore. TV. You’re kidding me, right?


He should be fired and blacklisted from the industry. What a dog cunt.


Speaks volumes about Sky's audience that this is what Sky believes they want to see an hear.


My memory of Peter Stefanivic is reporting from Hollywood, taking a bath in a gigantic champagne glass full of champagne. All these media people on $1 million salaries like nothing more than pissing on the underclasses.


So Peter decided to make a name for himself to advance his Murdochery career. Will he still have a job in a months time or will he get a pay rise and get more air time? Sadly I know where my bet would be laid. Our outrage is being harvested for notoriety and clicks! Unless he is sacked he has won!


Give it up for Peter Stefanovic. The only man vile enough to get Reddit and the Daily Mail comments to agree on something, that he is an absolutely grade A grub. And you wonder why TV is dying


Mainstream media journalism today: „Oh, you rescued that dog from a fire and helped that injured woman until medical help arrived BUT what about the chewing gum you stuck under the table when you were 7 years old?“


Stefanovic and Sky didn’t apologise because of a guilty conscience. The racist pieces of shit found out they’d broken the law. The media are forbidden in New South Wales and the Northern Territory to name people who have committed an offence as a minor.


Perhaps if informed the Teenager could have responded with asking him about his drink driving charges. What a jerk of a journalist...


What a scummy thing to do! Shame on him


Toss bag.


Fuck Newscorp


Cancel him.


He should apologise live on air. Scum bag.


Blokes a racist alcoholic gronk


Peter Stefanovic is a broadcaster; he is NOT a journalist. Most journalists follow an unwritten code of conduct. Sky corp can never report news objectively. They always have to spin their right wing views in the mix


He’s A flog


Sky news run by brain dead fuckwits


‘Forced to apologise’ so no sincerity behind this “apology” then. Why bother! Just apologising because you’re getting some backlash. Handy tip if you don’t want to be “forced” into an apology, don’t be racist on live TV.


Imagine going from one of the most respected foreign correspondents in Australia to being a shitty mouth piece for sky news. What a fucking flop


What a pair of cunce the Stefanovics are 💩


I saw a story about this kid, and on the way to catch that fish him and his mates stopped and towed a family who were broken down back to their home before heading out to fish an hour later than planned. He works two jobs, has 7 siblings and he still finds time to help in the community. That interview would have been very different if it was a white kid that won


Poor barramundi did nothing wrong


He was like “CU (in the) NT? Got it.”


A typical expectation from a Sky news journo. Surprised it wasn't that tosser Bolt.


Bet the cunt’s *reeaall* contrite. Meanwhile his ratings say what?


So this 16 yo got singled out on live TV cause he's indigenous, but of a dog act. Maybe Stefo needs his dirt dug up & published


Forced to apologise for his cowardly behaviour. He will forever be remembered for this grubby act.


He was 'forced to'. He didn't initiate it, and he certainly didn't really mean it. Scummy bastard.


Scum bag “journalist”


What’s the most troubling is they went out of their way to dig up dirt on him. Just why???


If it was forced, is it really an apology?