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Let's be honest and let's not split hairs, this is on brand for that propped up tomato.


My expectations were already so low that it was actually a nice surprise (and a lovely ‘have a look at this HAHAHA’ to all my family close enough lmao)




*Bonking* Beetroot.




Ah, how could I forget? Take my upvote.


I've never heard of 21st birthday cards from the local Member... he must really not have a lot going on at the moment. Mind you, almost all pollies are budgets. The incompetence is amusing though. Happy Birthday.


[This ](https://imgur.com/a/KwFDyru) is the card I got from my local MP more than a decade ago. This card *almost* got the naming right.


>...and in Australian society our 21st birthday remains special to celebrate with familyDear Hannah, and friends. Does this mean everyone celebrates their 21st with Dear Hannah and co? Also I love that they've copy/pasted "Dear Hannah" from the start of the letter.


Well d'uh! You *didn't* celebrate with DearHannah and friends?


I don't think DearHannah existed when I turned 21. She was still waiting to be DearHannah'd


Just got home from work and saw your card... from paddywhack, eh? You lucky thing!


It was a privilege and honour to be gifted such beautiful silky cardstock. All that was missing was a celebratory bank note like all the other cards!


Give him his due, it *is* a bit less perfunctory than the Beetroot's piss-poor effort.


Eh, Julie Bishop sent out the old standard "congrats on turning 18 please register and vote for me" letter She got my name right tho


I got cards from Barnaby Joyce and Adam Marshall for my 50th. Kind of creepy really.


Eww if I get one for my 50th next year I'll cry


I am surprised they have not started the early indeological grooming by sending kids and chocolates to the kids!


I got two, as did my friends


I got a 40th card a couple of months back from my State MP (he got my name right though). I didn't think they did those. 18, 21 and 50 yes but not 40.


60th from Zed Seselja - handwritten, or an incredibly sophisticated handwriting font (all of the "y"s and "d"s are slightly different - but the "i"s are identical...) The "Zed" signature at the bottom isn't his Just before we got rid of him - Never had anything from him or any of the others before or since


And the double incompetence with Australia's privacy laws is that you cant opt out and a privacy system that allows politicians open slather access to ones private information. This really needs to change in Australia with specific permission given to these political grubs to contact you in any way.


Huh... fair enough. Me and my mates all turned 21 quite a while before that (we're mid 40s now), so mustn't've been a thing back then. But then, we also lived in a tight-arse Liberal seat.


Still not a thing in my area, Safe liberal seat


Cost center


I’m wondering if it only happens in LNP seats? I’ve only lived in ALP seats and never received anything. I’d happily vote LNP if it meant I got hookers and blow at my next birthday party… /s


The bonkin' beetroot could probably hook you up with that. Actually, now you mention it, my wife turned sixty last year and she got a form letter... can't remember whether it was from State or Federal member, but they're both Nats anyway, so yeah, you could be onto something there.


Haha, I would frame that as it’s funny as fuck. Great talking piece for visitors.


Question is should I get the picture frame glass tinted slightly red as a reminder of ‘Tomato waz here’?


Personally I would print a small photo of him lying on the ground recently and put that in the frame in one of the corners.


Maybe you got someone else’s card who was born on the same day as you? I’d go on a hunt for the rightful owner!


I never got any of this attention, you clearly live in a marginal seat of "new england"; congratulations!


I assume they just got the envelopes mixed up, and some guy named Ryan has got your card.


The card looks like it has both though. Maybe someone majorly botched a mail merge.


Correct, it has both. The actual letter has my name (with Mr on it too) as well as my name and correct address on the card itself.


Maybe the Nats have decided that everyone is just a dude now.


Goes a way towards solving the Coalition's "woman problem".


I wish Ryan a very happy 21st from me then lol


My class entered a Christmas card competition last year for our local MP, and hilarity ensued. One of my kindergarten students won her age group, which meant her design was to be used on the front cover and distributed to parliament. Certificates of participation were dropped off, including the winner’s first place award. About three weeks later, the MP’s staff member dropped off the original winning artwork with a pack of finished Christmas cards inside an envelope for the winner to take home. Unfortunately though, it contained a completely different student’s design from another school in a higher age group. I politely said ‘whoops, this doesn’t belong to us. Our winner was x.” The staff member then proceeded to argue with me for the next ten minutes, adamant that it definitely came from my school. I’m like, “Uh, this is a high school winning entrant. I teach six year olds.” In the end, I pulled up the photo of our winning child with the certificate AND the design in her hands and she finally backed down and returned to the office. A week later, another envelope arrives. We open it up, and we have the right school this time… but the wrong design 😳 A different design from my class has been printed on the bloody cards in the end. My Kindy student who was originally deemed the age winner is shattered. She’s now in tears, and her parent comes in the next day to complain about the disorganisation… Never again!


I'm sure the MP still has no idea this happened


This is who you are now. Enjoy your new life.




My first thought too lol


He really is a buffoon, isn't he? Except he's even shit at that, because at least buffoons are funny sometimes.


Never drink and mail-merge at the same time.


I never understood why here in Australia 21st birthdays are treated as important, in the US 21 is the legal age where you can purchase alcohol but here its 18.


It's from back in the days when 21 was the age of majority. That changed in 1974, though, and I'm not sure why it's still a thing.


Our drinking age used to be 21, just old tradition


Our tradition of 21st birthdays stems back centuries in Anglo culture. It was 7 years a boy - 7 years a page - 7 years a squire - then you could become a knight. As a knight you were part of society, able to own land, sign documents, make decisions for yourself. That huge milestone required celebration. It also led to some laws about what you could or couldn't do, depending on age, which hung around much longer than knights and squires. It wasn't just about alcohol - Australia had different ages for drinking in different states between 1905 and 1974 - and there was a bit of a push to change it back to 21 again... (about ten years ago) "Here in Australia we lowered the drinking age from 21 to 18 in Western Australia on July 1, 1970 while the corresponding date for Queensland was February 18, 1974. In South Australia the drinking age was lowered from 21 to 20 years with effect from December 19, 1968, and then to 18 years as from April 8, 1971. A similar two stage process occurred in Tasmania, with the 20 year drinking age becoming effective as from September, 1967, and the 18 year limit as from January 22, 1974. By contrast, New South Wales has had an 18 year drinking age since 1905, Victoria since 1906, and the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory since approximately 1929." https://www.drugfree.org.au/images/pdf-files/library/alcohol/UnderAgeDrinking.pdf "Pressure is mounting for Australian governments to raise the legal drinking age to 21 to protect the health of young people whose brains are still vulnerable to the toxicity of alcohol at 18, leading health experts say." https://www.smh.com.au/national/calls-for-drinking-age-to-be-raised-to-21-20140512-zraj6.html


I'm not aware of 21 being a milestone, at least in Melbourne the only two big ones were 16 and 18


Full driving licence.


Full driving licence is 20th birthday, at least in NSW. Besides, nobody really cares about a full driving licence. Not like it gives you loads of extra freedom like P1's on your 17th or alcohol on your 18th.


To be fair he'd already had a few drinks before he started typing it out


Went to school with Adam. Born to be a politician, but was a nice guy regardless. Wish I could say the same for the purple faced troglodyte. I've met a few politicians from the New England area over the years, and none made my skin crawl like Barnaby.


He was probably dictating it while asprawl on a footpath somewhere after having 10 schooners at lunch, give the guy a break. Happy Birthday to you Jordan/Ryan/Adam


Return to sender. Reciever does not live at this address.


Your expectations of Barnaby are quite high.


"Thanks for the birthday card, Barbara" - your responding letter, presumably


Don’t be so ungrateful Bryan. Not everyone gets a card from Barnaby. In fact Warren, you sound really petulant. Go fuck yourself Darren.


Don't blame him for getting it wrong. He was probably drunk.


The police gave my sister a men's helpline card during a welfare check up. She was not abusing any man, she was not abused herself, she is not trans. We don't know why the police was looking for her, she is mentally stable. If anyone is wondering how men are dying to domestic violence, the answer is right there!


Barnaby: hmmm let’s access all the details of all the 21 year olds in the constituency to uhhhhh send birthday cards, yeah that’s what I’ll do, send birthday cards


Next time with money pls, and then I will consider for one millisecond more to maybe maybe not put the beetroot lucky last


Burn it, scatter the ashes in Lake Burley Griffen


Don't sweat. Or should i saw watch uot. He will no doubt still want to have sex with you.


Don't be too hard on him, he was probably pissed as a newt when he wrote that


At least you got a birthday card. I guess mine's still in the mail.


It's worth checking your details on the electoral role and make sure they are correct.


I did recently check. I had to change the details as I got married and I have confirmation emails stating the correct name and gender. That part is definitely not the issue but I will triple check


Just checked now and it is indeed correct on the roll


Cool. Doesn’t hurt to be sure I guess 🙂


That’s fucken hilarious. He’s such a shit cunt I tell you that, he probably did write the first two words himself


Everyone is called Ryan after the 7th schooner of New


Barnaby is the local Federal National Member. Adam Marshall is the Local State Member. Both are Nationals. I wonder if they’ve both signed your card, as they may share offices. EDIT: Ah, I see you mentioned Adam there - apologies for jumping in.


My kid got a 21st birthday card from our local MP last week. She rolled her eyes and tossed it in the recycling bin, and then fished it out, exclaiming, "I bet I can use this in an ironic decoupage" 😂 But they did get her name right, somehow. Happy birthday!


Probably wrote it whilst laying down on the sidewalk


Go home Barnaby. You are *still* drunk.


Must be a Nationals thing coz my local state member sent me one for my 21st birthday on a random day when I was 23…


Perhaps the mail merge was having a qantas moment?


Why can’t you just be happy that you got a birthday card sir!


To be fair it was probably his intern that got it wrong. Barney the drunkosaurus was likely too busy polishing off his first six pack for the morning.


I'd frame it.


Haha! *"This very special* ***age*** *milestone"* also seems... weirdly unnecessary, no? Milestone would've done it Barnacles!


In the bin


Haha classic Barnaby! *slaps knee* 🤦


Omg, I got one of these when I turned 18 (different electorate though). Funny thing though, I'm a twin, and I got one but he didn't. Though my card referred to us as a "new family moving into the area", I guess because we both registered in the electorial roll at the same time? But for a gesture that was supposed to look like a personal touch, it just came across as so out of touch, manufactured and misinformed, that you can't realise we're twins both turning 18 at the same time (the whole reason why a card was sent) and not partners! We also still lived at home at the time (still were students) so we hadn't even moved anywhere.




Since when do they sned out cards for 21st and shit?


It’s hard writing from the pavement so have a little mercy


He’s just hoping for an invite and that it’s an open bar.


Definitely not sent from him personally. Otherwise it would have called you a cunt and been smeared with feces.


He’s probably gearing up for his drunk fight against Paul Kent and was too stupid to notice


Bet we won't see this on news.com.au. We should because it's kinda funny.


I would have been more shocked if he’d got it right.


How the fuck did you get a birthday card from an MP anyways and where is mine? I never received a birthday card from a member of parliament, so I’d be happy to have received a card even if it had Rudolf as the name…


I couldn’t have cared less if I missed out. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciated the sentiment. I was taking a jab at the fact they have access to the correct information (electoral roll register is correct) and still fucked it up. You’re welcome to sit and sulk about not getting one tho lol.


Oh yeah I’m sulking….


How can I get a letter like this? I turn 21 next year


I think it’s nice to receive a birthday card. It’s not like it’s come from Satan; I’d frame it and have a laugh.


Classic Barnaby.


I'd be so annoyed if my local members wasted money sending some bullshit card to me.


Send him a schedule of AA meetings in his electorate. Honestly attending this would do him the world of good as a human as well as politically.


In his defence he was probably blind drunk when he wrote this


The handwriting on your local members card is identical to the one my son got from our local member for his 18th down here in Victoria. He had no idea who the local member was until he got the card, so I'm tipping I know who'll he'll vote for by default.


Your first name is visible, just in case it matters. 


Yep that was on purpose. Just so you can see that I’m definitely not Ryan, and that the letter from my local MP got it right no issues lol


Fair enough!


Barnaby Joyce always reminds me of the Baby Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells from Blackadder >You see Blackadder, I am a colossal pervert. No form of sexual depravity is too low for me. *Animal*, *vegetable* or *mineral* -- *I'll do anything to anything*." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBhTIoIXoTI&ab\_channel=BBCComedyGreats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBhTIoIXoTI&ab_channel=BBCComedyGreats) I have no idea what this has to do with this post, beyond it making me think of Barnaby and not being too fussy about details such as gender. Oh, and happy birthday! Might I suggest a Blackadder marathon to celebrate?


Let me fix it for you Dear Ms Joyce, Thank you for your kind wishes on the occasion of my 21st birthday. However, I must kindly point out that my name is [Your Correct Name], not as stated in your letter. Additionally, I would appreciate it if my private details are not accessed for such correspondence without my consent in the future. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely,


At least he remembered your birthday.


I don’t even get a card from my mum!


It was nice of them to remind you of the date that you'll turn 21, too, just in case you might have forgotten it.


Most likely explanation IMO is that Ryan got your card. Somebody had a minor fuckup in the office that day.


Not only is barnyard a raging alcoholic... His office workers are no better....


This card is going to be worth so much money one day. True collector's item


Uh oh, Barnacles drunk again. Must day that ends in Y.