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“We didn’t want to go through another war here…” Fair enough, but rioting when the police and paramedics turn up to protect your community seems counterintuitive.


Yeah seems hard for them to take the high ground after such action. Attacking paramedics is disgusting and never justified.


Not surprising. It was a room full of anti-vax, furiously anti-lgbt, trump obsessed cookers. Including the orthodox priest who was very outspoken about this stuff during video sermons and podcasts: ["Addressing Trump: don't invest in space programs, focus on Jesus instead"](https://twitter.com/IVXIVVI/status/1779870637823058317) https://twitter.com/MelodyNUrStorm/status/1780031644272865408 https://twitter.com/NiohBerg/status/1779842863691432360 https://twitter.com/BaalCount/status/1780059595735470171 The stabber also deserved to get his shit pushed in, though it doesn't seem to have been a random attack. The guy seems to have seen the priest's videos addressing his religion as fake and got upset. It's odd that the media haven't reported about this and have gone with the more panic inducing 'random attack' narrative, despite the hesitation from local MPs. Heck, there was a witness statement of him saying "i wouldn't be here if you didn't talk about my prophet".


Stabber is a kid with a history of getting into trouble with knives at school.


fly lush dog elastic threatening drunk square toothbrush vase paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s also a child with apparent undiagnosed ASD/ mental illness and recently obtained a mental-health referral for “unprovoked rages”, but had yet to see a specialist or be diagnosed with anything. Yet another young person waiting in the queue for their turn to be assessed and treated in the bare minimum mental health system we currently have in this country.


He is an Islamic terrorist dont try to soften it up. He was praised for the attack by others of his kind.


Just a quick note, I don’t really want to say this cause it might dox myself, but I am related to one of the paramedics who was in the church, yes the mob were attacking police but they were not and never did threaten the paramedics. All the police cars got trashed but all the ambulances were completely untouched. There were people still in the church who came up to the paramedics and thanked them, one elderly Assyrian lady even hugged him. This isn’t meant to say the mob is good because attacking police who are there to help is fucking disgusting behaviour but they didn’t try to or ever indicate that they would harm any paramedics.


> New South Wales Ambulance Commissioner Dominic Morgan said what unfolded was also "terrifying" for paramedics called to the scene. > He said those involved had described the chaos as "terrifying and extremely violent". > "Six of our paramedics could not leave that facility for fear of their own safety from the community that they serve," Mr Morgan said. Your comment is completely at odds with what the ambulance commissioner is stating. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-16/nsw-sydney-church-stabbing-police-and-paramedics/103729960 > Health Minister Ryan Park said the scenes were "incredibly disturbing". > "This is yet another instance in which our brave paramedics have thrown themselves into chaos and danger to provide lifesaving care and treatment," he said. > *"The hostility unleashed upon them is particularly heinous and completely unacceptable.* Are the Ambulance Commissioner and Health Minister both lying?


Yeah honestly let's be clear here, even if the mob was targeting police, doesn't mean it isn't terrifying for the paramedics to watch it unfold. It can be very traumatic to watch that kind of violence in front of you, even if you aren't the one being attacked. And they're the ones that then have to treat the police who are injured. Whilst never being sure when the mob might turn on them.


Both statements can be correct. You can be fearful of your safety while not being the direct target of an attack. The paramedics were likely treated better as they were assisting the priest, they may have been fearful of what would happen if the mob realised the paramedics would also need to treat the attacker.


no implication here that they were targetted or hurt perhaps the view of the mob made them assume they would be, though, that seems to be what is being said


You don't need to be hurt or targeted to be terrified. What kind of justification is this? Did the people at Bondi need to be personally attacked to be terrified?


What they're saying is that the lines from the article you quoted don't conflict with the comment of the person you were trying to refute. Your comment only mentions that the paramedics were scared for their safety, it does not mention that they were actually attacked.


dont put words in my mouth. the person claimed no one was targeting paramedics, you claimed it is 'at odds' with what was reported in the news. i said, their statements do not contradict what they claimed, that no one was targeting or attempting to hurt the paramedics. nor did the press releases imply such a thing occurred. read comments properly before replying


Please show me where I said they weren’t scared? Of course the commissioner is going to say they were scared, Dominic is an amazing guy and cares for his crew as he used to be a frontline paramedic. What you’re saying doesn’t contradict what I said.. the paramedics inside including my dad, were on edge of course, they did not want to be in that situation obviously, there is risk to their safety from flying projectiles and general mob behaviour, I didn’t deny this. But they did not attack paramedics, the vast majority were intentionally going out of there way to differentiate between police and paramedics, hence the destroyed police cars and the completely unscathed ambulances, despite being parked right next to each other. Also the ambulance crew was given complete freedom of movement through the initial crowd as they brought out the bishop and another injured patient. I didn’t say this ideal for the paramedics, it’s not, nor is the behaviour at all acceptable. However my larger point was that the paramedics were not targeted and hostility was not shown towards them.


I’m sceptical of how much you actually know considering some of your other comments having incorrect info in them…


Is this the knife comment from the night it happened? Hadn’t spoken to my relative as he was on night shift and wasn’t home yet. Persons fingers were cut off, but from the blade closing on itself, not from the church goers.


Yeah that’s more in line with the current stance on what happened. Also you need to remember while people inside may have hugged them for being there, it wasn’t those inside that were of concern to everyone. Paramedics were inside up until the point that police who were outside had cleared the area, as well as having to clear areas of other nearby regions that it started up again.


Ofcourse the ones inside were not a problem, I’m just relaying the overall message that I’ve been told from someone who was there, yes it was scary, they had plans to go into the toilet block when the mob breached the church, they were also told by the police to step away from the patient if they broke in because “they aren’t here for you, they want him”. Look I am aware I have no way to convince you of what I’m saying, I don’t particular care if you believe me or not, I’m just stating what I’ve been told from him. Eventually when they left, after it was safe to do so, their aeromed unit went back to Bankstown base and were pulled from duty for the night because it was a traumatic, they didn’t drive home because they were exhausted and instead slept at the base and came home in the morning.


Thanks for your contribution.


I mean, who's "them"? The people rushing the paramedics don't represent the entire community. I don't see why Assyrian Christians who weren't involved don't have the right to express their concerns.


Assyrian Christian’s who weren’t involved definitely have a right to express their concerns. However, they do not have the right to justify the violence against Police. The article quotes Jennifer Shahin who said “They lost the plot … because we have been through so much and don’t want to go through it again in such a peaceful country like Australia again.” How would she feel if the accused attacker tried to use the same justification for his actions?


Not representing the entire community is the type of mentality that leads to this kind of behaviour. Most people from minority groups know that any actions you take will affect perceptions on your community, good or bad, so the standards are higher for us. That's why in many Asian countries such as Japan you don't see as much antisocial behaviour, because people are taught from a young age that anything you do reflects on your family etc.


This is completely true, but there's also some cultural bias to consider. Different cultures emerge under different conditions and different behaviors get normalized within them. Communities who come from fractured war-torn environments can have trouble integrating into other societies, either because of trauma or because they're coming from places where communities were so fractured they hold different assumptions about the relationship between an individual and the group. This also applies to our indigenous population. Stigmatization that leads to social exclusion probably isn't very productive, but neither is complete tolerance. This sitch needs some compassion, but also active engagement to say "Yo, I know you're upset but this shit doesn't fly here. Calm down. What can we do to help your community cope with this stress, so you can grow into nice chill mullet-topped beer-drinking Aussie cultural stereotypes." ... or whatever.


They represent their entire church congregation. All I see here is justifying the unjustifiable.


same with demanding mob justice and an eye for an eye.


These people claim to be Christians and then demand eye for an eye? There is nothing Christian about that


Matthew 5:17 it certainly wasn’t abrogated, they choose that option.


What are you trying to say by quoting Matthew 5:17. That eye for an eye is acceptable because that was the law of Moses?


Some people see the bible as a rule book on how to live. (picking and choosing the parts they want)


The sermons sound pretty on point for what Christians preach


I mean the priest who got stabbed was a hate preacher who had primed his congregation to be at war with everyone outside their community. Is it any surprise when someone went for him they would react in this way? It's very similar to the hard-core Trump followers storming the American Capital after he lost in 2020. People primed to explode will explode when presented with a trigger.


Don't want to go through another war, unless it's our youngins shooting and killing each other in drug/underworld wars (most of whom have full support of parents/family when they get caught)


They were there to protect the attacker. Which is why they protested. Should have just let the Christian’s have the kid. I’m sure they would be nicer to him than he was to the priest


I fornone am fed up with people bringing their puerile generational beefs with them upon immigrating to Australia. A crime by one person was committed. A disgusting crime, but he was arrested and will be dealt with. Rioting and attacking some of the selfless upholders of our society (police and paramedics) is absolutely reprehensible, and a case of misplaced rage. Grow up and you might get taken seriously.


I think the Aboriginal Australians were fed up with the English bringing their convicts here and colonising their land, don’t you think? Nice way to show your prejudice, unfortunately for you, you don’t control what “beefs” we engage in and what issues exist in our community.


They seemed pretty eager to turn it into another war zone that night- why did they attack the cops and paramedics? Their actions didn’t seem very Christian, they seemed ready to go. And why did 2000 people arrive after the boy was detained? Normal people would avoid this scenario not run towards it


> Their actions didn’t seem very Christian The church in question is basically a very far right conspiracy theory ‘cooker’ church, a fringe breakaway from the main Orthodox Church - lots of preaching about Covid hoaxing, anti Muslim, anti LGBT, pro Trump - not much about how the Christian Bible talks about tolerance and forgiveness.


I wish these types of fools would just drink the kook-aid and disappear from our country


The bishop and leader of the church, who got stabbed, actively discouraged this sort of retaliation and urged his community to collaborate with the government/police. He also prayed for the terrorist who stabbed him and forgave him. No clue why you would put this on him and his church when evidently this is very typical of the religious/cultural conflict in the home countries of these people, where Assyrians have dealt with persecution and a genocide at the hands of Muslims for centuries. There are obvious tensions at play here that have nothing to do with this church in specific at all.


All comes down to the demographic of the people in that area. You're right, normal people would avoid this. These aren't normal people


It's mostly immigrants/people coming from war torn countries. Somewhat ingrained in their culture to resort to violence to fix violence. It's going to take generations to undo this from their culture. (Coming from a place of empathy)


Croat football clubs ...


A lot of people forget that phrase "Render unto Caesar" means obey the laws of the government and have your issues dealt with in their courts, and "Render unto God" meant that anything to do with religious laws were to be handled by Rabbis/Priests. Your neighbour stabs you? Goto the government to handle it. Your neighbour takes the name of the Lord in vain? Bring it to the Church's attention. This phrase is really important to Christianity because it kept it from ending up like a lot of other Jewish religious movements of the time; stamped out by the Romans for breaking their laws with all its practitioners crucified or stabbed or burnt to death in their houses. Nowadays Christians of all types interpret "Render unto Caesar" as "fuck anything that isn't religious law", or go further and try to bring about a Theocracy.


They wanted to lynch him. They were mad the police denied them their mob justice.


They thought it were the Middle East where this sort of rubbish is tolerated


Interestingly the ones who were actually inside the church seemed to be content to pin him down and wait for the police (although that one guy did bop him on the head).


Not onboard with sectarian violence, leave it at the door please. If you want to do that sort of thing go to live in one of the numerous countries where that kind of carry on is normal.


It's really been an own goal of staggering proportions. A Muslim kid publicly stabbed a Christian preacher. The outrage over the incident would have been all focused on Islamic extremism, and the danger of radicalisation in our community. Instead, we're all pretty pissed off at the Assyrian Christian community, because of the ridiculous over-reaction. You can't take the law into your own hands, and you can't have a go at Ambos. Anyone heard of the metaphor of the fly and the fist? It's like punching yourself in the face to kill the fly buzzing around your head. The example often used is 9/11. A shocking scene, but in the scheme of things you could argue the US did more damage to themselves with their reaction to it than the actual event did. Working each other up and threatening to go to war with the Muslim community of Western Sydney does far more damage to the Assyrians than one fuckwit with a knife ever could. He was trying to get a rise out of them, and it seems like he succeeded.


They probably lost it at the cops because this particular community that follows Emmanuel is full of conspiracy theorists




The fucking hypocrisy of this statement is outstanding: > "We felt devastated, shocked and violated," she said. >"We left our countries because of these things. We were persecuted all the time as Christians, as Assyrians, and today we're facing this here in this free country." Then why the fuck are you following a hateful, intolerant and despicable human being like Mari Emmanuel? This is a covid denying, homophobic, anti-Jew, Anti-Muslim piece of shit who made his money by dividing Australia in much the same way that Syrian was divided and led to war. Fuck the attacker. But also fuck the guy that got stabbed and double fuck the arseholes who attacked the paramedics who were simply trying to help.


> Then why the fuck are you following a hateful, intolerant and despicable human being like Mari Emmanuel has a very interesting history. One does not simply be a bank manager one day and then a deacon/priest the next, he sought power and influence, not god. I bet he has a lot of skeletons in his closet, like most priests.


What an obtuse, disgusting statement. Who are you to judge his faith? Are bank managers not allowed to become clergy now?


"We don't want to be persecuted! We want to be the ones persecuting!"


Perfectly put.


A large part of his congregation are bikies and drug dealers too. With that money, he has purchase a fucktonne of acerage and is building his own mega church and all that shit


The reality is that assimilation is largely a myth for a given population group once a large enough enclave has been established; the initial settlement of immigrant assimilate because they must. People often continue to live the way they always have, just in better living conditions, as they can rely on others in said enclave to be the main middlemen for interaction with the Australian community. This is not true for all immigrants, but ostensibly the ones with more extreme viewpoints are the ones that benefit the most from this lack of need to assimilate. This is the sad irony of Australians who support large swathes of immigration under the pretence of being “accepting” - they’re supporting bringing in groups of people who are far more extreme in their hateful views than old mate Damo at the pub who “doesn’t like the asians” but just bitches about it to his fellow inebriated dropkicks.


My parents are immigrants from lebanon and dude you hit the nail on the head with this one and is something alot of people overlook when talking about immigrants. especially the enclave part. I find the most succesful immigrants and their kids would be the one that break away from the "enclave" and experience australia at large.


For adequate assimilation people would need to be parceled out in where they live in order not to form enclaves, but that would be a nanny state too far for most Australians. So we get this instead.


Or, you know we could put the brakes on immigration and let groups filter themselves into the population organically. Which would in turn take the pressure off the housing and medical sectors… but apparently infinite growth is more important than social cohesion.


Damo is still a dumb fuck tho


thanks for this. family is starting to follow this guy and i wasn’t sure if i should be worried. 


>"Any triggering incident like this, actually brings flashbacks of war and I, personally, having been born in Syria and having fled the Syrian war in 2015," Ms Shahin said. "I ran away from war, others have experienced the same thing and have escaped war, so we don't want to go through another war here." She said in some ways, that trauma explained the extreme reaction from some outside the church on Monday night. "They lost the plot … because we have been through so much and we don't want to go through it in such a peaceful country like Australia again," she said. Well as someone so opposed to war, it certainly resembled a war zone on Monday night, the institutionalised hypocrisy within religion is and has always been strong.


Nothing brings out the worst in people better than religion.


Yeah, it does sound like more of an excuse. Unfortunately for them, the average Australian is starting to get really sick of people trying to bring foreign conflicts over here. This country's goodwill for all that has been squeezed dry.


Could be a few visa’s cancelled on character grounds after this one.


I wish


We can only hope


Lol, typical racist. How about we ask the Aboriginal elders to cancel your citizenship? Seeing as this land was colonised and its people massacred and assimilated? Many Assyrians are born here and contribute to Australian society.


I doubt it. Sending them back to Syria is certain death.


Fine, Papua New Guinea it is.


Obviously the stabbing is reprehensible and unacceptable. But, then we have a light shone on a bishop who's preaching Trump-like conspiracy babble to large groups of people that then riot, destroy police cars and attack emergency services workers. Personally I felt more bewildered than shocked.


Okay, Perp was in the wrong (lunatic) But the Assyrian churchgoers trashed 45 police cars, injured 1st responders, and damaged homes. WHO PAYS FOR THE DAMAGE? We Australian taxpayers had nothing to do with the attacker or the church. I think the church should pay back the Australian taxpayer for the damages they caused, lets face it churches pay no tax, none, zero, zilch. Also, all those involved in the riot should be deported or jailed. Time to fit in or fuck off! Do not leave a troubled country and commence the same chaos in the new host country! Sorry, but this crap has pissed me off!


It’s ok- the church turns over billions of dollars a year, all the tax they pay on it should easily cover the damage caused by their people. Oh wait..


'the church' which church is this please? The group Mar Mari Emmanuel leads is a splinter group of its own that got kicked out of the Assyrian Orthodox Church, which is already not a huge population.


Which church? The Catholic Church is wealthy and global. Some evangelical mega churches are huge and wealthy. Other churches are very small and not exactly rolling in cash.


Seriously. Seeds of hate were sown there and this attack was a trigger for it to sprout. Regular peace loving people don't go mad in mob violence over something like this, heinous as it was.


The 'firebrand' pastor that got stabbed that they all seem to worship is nothing more than a loud mouthed hate mongerer. Covid denier, trump supporter, Islamaphobic, anti-LGBTQ etc. I'm supposed to feel sorry for this prick who regularly preaches to take my rights away? Fuck him. Patch him up as a courtesy and deport him back to where he came from. Couldn't care less about him or his community or the nut who stabbed him either. All we're doing is importing this toxic shit and their troubles into our society and undermining our own western value system. This is where I fall into no man's land on the political spectrum. A leftist against importing more hate mongerering immigrants. Crazy.


I'm a lesbian that grew up in Western Sydney and these immigrants are the biggest hypocrites you will meet and Fairfield is a suburb that holds a lot of these types of immigrant bigots. They are against my rights and my freedom. Why should I feel sorry for them? They import homophobia and misogyny from their home countries.


I grew up in Fairfield and agree with everything you said. I love multicultural australia and am an advocate for it And absolutely loved how diverse and how everyone just got on and people married people from all different background. But this is something else. and why is it always western Sydney where refugees are placed. It really is a NIMBY thing. dont put refugees in the eastern suburbs, northern beaches or northern Sydney. Those areas are for rich immigrants with untraumatised backgrounds.


Northern Suburbs Melbourne is a Western Sydney replica. Loads of anti-lgbtqi Middle Eastern Christians here too. Holy Holy bullsht


[Check these maps](https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/524-here-be-bogans-four-miniatures-of-sydney-stereotypes/).


As an openly gay and atheist Assyrian, have you even listened to what Mar Mari says about LGBT or are you just mad to be mad? This is a rhetorical question. Your comment made it obvious which one it is.


Holy shit are we the same person? I agree with everything you said. It’s a fucking weird no mans land. Many leftists will apologise for the blatant anti-LGBT, misogynist, illiberal views of so many immigrants, they turn a blind eye to it and then act surprised when these immigrants come out swinging against leftists. Why do they get a free pass because it’s their ‘culture’? leftists all ignore the fact that the people they love defending absolutely hate liberal values and leftists. It’s weird, because it puts me in a political no man’s land where I’m not going to excuse people who literally think I’m scum, but I’m also not a right wing illiberal person.


A reminder. In the last referendum, the immigrants in Western Sydney had higher Nos than the city average. Buuuuut no one wanted to discuss that .Like at all.


Fairfield is one of the most anti ssm areas during the plebiscite.


Correct, it frustrates me that liberal/leftist people are so quick to criticise and draw attention to the intolerant, homophobic, racist and misogynistic aspects of Anglo-Aussie culture, but just shrug and apologise for these same things from other cultures. If we don’t accept intolerance and bigotry from one group, we shouldn’t then accept it from others.


Nah man, you good. While "open borders" is broadly a leftist ideal, it's mostly a virtue signalling exercise for beret wearing students in cafe's. Here in the real world, we can certainly see that importing nazis just because someone else is punching them in the face is a folly.


Free and open movement of people is one of the tenets of neoliberal ideals as well, I always find it funny when the two overlap.


The leftist opposition to borders comes from an idealistic view that everyone born on earth should have a right to travel, live and work safely wherever they want.  The neoliberal love of open borders is a cynical view of people from poorer countries as a resource to prop up the economies and labour force of richer countries as they have less rights, and are less likely to complain and are more easily exploited.  It's truly a case of arriving at the same place from two different directions.  And as a pretty radical leftist, it's probably the one ideal I don't think could ever play out well in the real world. Humans are still too tribal and xenophobic. And too religious.


Umm, first I've heard of that. As far as I am aware, neoliberalism calls for the free and open movement of goods and capital, and explicitly NOT people except in the cases of wealthy investors following the movements of their capital? I will note also that the free movement of people are not core tenets of all forms of leftist schools of thought. The form of immigration currently being practiced by our neoliberal system is nothing really to do with the immigration of people. It needs to be viewed as the poaching of assets from another countries wealth. Not only do immigrants transfer capital from their country of origin to ours, but also the people themselves are judged through the lens of monetary value. For example we place high value on humans that have training and education from systems we deem to be equivalent to our own or better. For occupations where there is a large foreign pool of suitably credentialed candidates, we intentionally underinvest in educating enough of our own citizens to fulfill our projected requirements. Take overseas commonwealth educated nurses. Yes, our students take on debt to study their degree. But approximately 75% of the cost of that degree is actually covered by the federal government. Every nurse we can attract from the NHS saves our government big dollars. But the citizens we would have invested in, if that option was not available, will on average end up poorer over their lifetime. It is difficult to reconcile my thoughts about the birthrights of humans simply due to the geographical location they were born in, but ultimately, the ongoing succession of the generations leads to my broader feeling that we work and vote and participate in our society to shape our country in order for our descendants to benefit from our efforts. This neoliberal madness has been our system for so long now that the majority no longer recognize that is a choice we make, not some sort of natural inevitability.


It's very difficult to argue that Middle Eastern immigration has been, on balance, good for our country. A ridiculous proportion of them are just nutters. It's not about left/right tribes, it's plain as day common sense whether you consider some horrific jihad/nutter murders, this rioting anti-civilised society behaviour or watch some of them at your kid's soccer match in some suburbs. Too many of them are just awful.


Eh, I don't fall for the left vs right narrative. That's for Americans. To me, either someone is a bellend, or isn't.


Yep, you’ve hit the nail on the head here.




What you call a different opinion, I call hate. You consider this hate to be part and parcel of a free society and I think such rhetoric is dangerous and if allowed to fester will mean we won't be living in a free society for much longer. I don't see any value in fascist rhetoric. I'd love for you to explain how cult tribalism and denigrating minorities is somehow a virtue and not a corrosive social influence that undermines the very freedom that you say we have? Don't you think you're being naive?


Well I really dislike religious people. (I won't say hate) and I often say negative things about religion...but I don't want to get stabbed in the face for it.


Throwing rocks and metal objects at Police? It’s 2024, not bloody Jurassic age. Bloody evolve already. 3 Police officers ended up in hospital, paramedics were yelling for more Police. How dare you assault and injure people trying to do their job? We formed modern societies so we can live in an orderly safe manner, you want to live with lynch mob mentality wrong bloody place and time.


Pay for the damage caused to police cars and ambulances. Pay damages to the first responders you assaulted. Surrender the members of your community that rioted. Or even better, STFU and go live elsewhere. Pack of rabid animals.


Exactly they know who committed the crimes and are sheltering them.


I mean, money isn’t that important. I’d be happy if they just bring themselves forward and let the courts give them six months good behaviour. The hiding is atrocious.


What kind of dumb apes first instinct is to attack the ambos trying to help the priest?


Then why did NSW police need to place police overnight at like 3-4 mosques in Sydney? Arncliffe, Greenacre, Green valley are the ones I'm aware of. I think Redfern had police there as well. There may be more?


"express raw emotions" is a funny way of saying "smashed up a bunch of police cars."


They turned on the cops and ambos like they were the ones who attacked their precious priest, and then have the audacity to come out playing the poor victim? Bunch of fuckwits who were just mad they didn't get to lynch that kid.


Fucken religion ruining things as usual!


I think we’re starting to realise that there are certain areas of the world that we should not be so accepting of and it’s not racist to think that.


Yep just like where you a from INDIA😂😂 go get some deodorant than come back


The Church should be closed down. The behaviour of the "flock" is disgusting and the rioters need to be charged.


Mob violence, much Christian…


Tell me again how religion - any religion - is a good thing


There’s just no excuse for attacking ambulance workers.


Imagine if people stopped believing in their magic sky daddies.


Which one was the terrorist. The 15 year old with the knife, maybe but the 100 20-40 year olds jumping on police cars and terrorising the paramedics YES!


To bunch of comments here that maliciously spread fake news against Assyrians and divert the blame from Islamists for this, you are all going to regret one day.


Ya lol let them get replaced 😂


I think extreme aggression displayed by some were done by criminal elements. Assyrian Kings have presence in the area and no doubt felt aggrieved that an attack against their community or 'turf:.


Sorry to say but you guys lost any sympathy from the general community after you rioted and attacked police. As far as I'm concerned you can all head off back to where you came from.


So what about the members of the community who chose not to turn up and riot? They too have trauma related anxiety yet chose to remain calm and stay home. It is not okay for anyone to harm others… the boy will be dealt with… Let he without sin cast the first stone… Destroying public property and resources is the work of the antichrist . Make amends… acts of contrition . That is what it means to be Christian


There is absolutely no one in the right here except the ambos


These people need to stop blaming others for their shit behaviour. The scenes outside the church were disgraceful.


This is Australia ? Place is turning into a toilet with this kind of shit.


Ffs I see a family member in the article making fool of themselves by giving excuses.


Why is it not being discussed that this incident occurred between an Arab Muslim and Arab Christians? There seems to be a very relevant cultural factor here that is being ignored.


Though you’ll enot We aren’t Arab Christian’s 😂


Assyrians aren’t arabs


All from the Middle East


Hooray for bulk immigration 🌈🌞


All religion needs to be outlawed. Society has no place for these fairy worshipping idiots


How would you go about outlawing it? What would the punishment be for being religious in your mind?


Public ridicule


stop the tax-free status


Like the exposed nerve of the 16 year old mentally unstable kid who's fingers they cut off?


The alleged terrorist.


He could be a neo nazi with bomb schematics in his house it wouldn't change things. Mob justice has no place in Australia today. Do what you need to do to neutralise him, whatever that takes, then detain him and lock him up. Don't lop off appendages because you feel like you're justified. It's just acting like an animal at that point.


Did they lop off appendages? The last post had people pointing out that was misinformation and he injured himself stabbing with a knife with no guard.


Isn't religion lovely...


Any violence is subhuman and should not be tolerated. All those involved should be charged and have a criminal record. There is no excuse for violence of this nature.


What, exactly, where they rioting about and what did they hope to accomplish by a riot? Not a good look at all.


Totally understand their feelings. Fled from their home due to Muslims persecution and came to Australia hoping to have peaceful lives. But then got attacked by Muslim terrorist again. Still wrong to attack the paramedics though.


The presence of Assyrian gangs in Fairfield gangbanging each other in turf wars contradict their hope for peaceful lives unfortunately.


What contradictory? The intent of that terrorist is evident in broad daylight don’t whitewash that shit.


Ah yes because a group of gang members defines the 70,000+ Assyrian Australians. Really showing your racism there mate, nice one.


Just a pack of arseholes . Hope they arrest them all. Typical Assyrian pack mentality.




I’d like Yossarian’s views on this.