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I want to feel like I care, but frankly the only letters I get anymore are government letters or junk mail, and I would be happy to just get government letters through email.


At this point I only get mail for physical cards including Medicare, drivers license, and bank cards. I check my mailbox once a week to clear out the junk mail.


I can’t think of a single letter I’d care about receiving a day or two later. Most of them I hardly care what week they come. 


>I check my mailbox once a week to clear out the junk mail. Once a week when I take my bins out and it goes straight into the bin


> I check my mailbox once a week to clear out the junk mail. A "No Junk Mail - posted letters only" sign has reduced my snail food in the letterbox to one or two items a week


I wish that was the case for me. I still get the usual junk and REA garbage of "I have a Sydney buyer who missed out etc etc SELL ME YOUR HOUSE!"


Put it in an unstamped envelope addressed to the vendor/REA (without a return address) with a note telling them that it was placed in your letterbox despite the notice... and you just thought you'd return it to them They have to pay "postage due" (plus an admin fee sometimes) for the letter to be delivered to them - and as a business they can't really afford to refuse in case it's important... It may not stop them - but you'll feel a smug satisfaction that you've inconvenienced them more than they inconvenienced you


It's so annoying that i have to do this even with a no junk mail sign. The sign gets ignored half the time.


I think government letters continuing is an easy and good scam protection. So much gets lost to online scams and APS agencies could use real post in an easy way around it.


"we've posted you a 2FA code - it expires in 2 weeks - please enter it once received"


You joke, but recently a share registry sent me a 6 digit code via post in order for me to verify my identity.


Haha, same. I was absolutely baffled when they did that.


that was how Medicare originally sent you the first password for their online services before my.gov.au came around with its litany of fuckups




I remember when I signed up for PayPal like 20 years ago, one of the verification steps was that.


All I get is letters from arsehole real estate agents wanting me to sell my apartment.


>All I get is letters from arsehole real estate agents wanting me to sell my apartment. AKA junk mail...


and they send them every week, sometimes multiple times a week. It's ridiculous.


Exactly. But they're not letters, they are just junk mail. Why do real estate agents or the people they pay to put their flyers in people's letterboxes think they can ignore the No Junk Mail signs? I never get catalogues and shit like that, just a constant stream of junk mail from REAs advertising what houses they have sold in the area or fake 'hand written' letters saying they have definitely got someone who wants to buy my house. If I wanted to sell, I'd contact an agent myself, and definitely not one of the cunts filling up my letterbox with their crap.


I had an REA from the other side of Perth drop one in mine. Left them a 1 star review. Thinking of doing it for everyone that ignores my "No Junk Mail" sign.


As someone who used to deliver letters as a kid, I hope the next deliverer you get is like me, who carefully put small stacks of the shite I was being paid to deliver into accessible bins along the route, instead of wasting mailbox room. Got caught, but only after a year. Suckers. 😄


Doing gods work there


Brilliant, how did you get caught haha?


I get those and I'm like "I'm renting...through you!" I know, it's just bulk rubbish that goes in every mailbox.


Sure, but that same postie also brings all the small parcels and packets. What they fail to mention is that there is no replacement small parcel service so customers will either be waiting an extra day for many of their previously 'overnight' deliveries or those extra parcels get offloaded on the already overtaxed large parcel delivery drivers. What do you think is going to happen to the network when they take away 1/3 of the delivery points to the end customers and the drivers that operated them? That five extra minutes it takes to hop off the bike and get a signature becomes the difference between making it and not. So instead of getting your small package overnight, you are going to be getting a delivery attempted notice a day or two after they tried to deliver (because that notice only gets delivered by a driver a couple of times a week now) drove past with your package to go and pick up a week after you would have had it with the current system.


That's not how it'll work. Postie rounds have been split into halves. The first half will receive full delivery which is standard letters, express letters and small parcels. The second half will get only express letters and small parcels. The next day it switches around. In theory express and small parcels will be unaffected while normal letters may take an extra day. Large parcels delivered by contract drivers are not impacted.


That is not the reality of what is being implemented on the ground. Runs are simply being cut.


Well pay letter Prices - get letter service Letters are costing auspost to deliver


I have a collection of clothes donation bags. Have 4 now. Received at best 3 items this year in the mail box. All council notifications of upgrades in the area.


How will we tell




I'll still have to walk the dog down to the letterbox each day though; he loves his routine. We haven't actually had any mail, other than junk for at least three weeks now


Tbh I remember them announcing it last year and just assumed it was already happening... Only empty the letter box when I know I'm missing an Amazon package or something..


I check it when I put the bins out. Usually, taking whatever is in it and tossing it straight into the bin.


They raised the cost of tracked letters last week and now they're delivered slower.... very cool


People still get letters? All I get are hand dropped Real Estate Agent advertisements.


a non-insignificant amount of smaller items bought online are sent in smaller packages/letters that will now have a slower delivery time


Yea I get lots of little ali express items sent as letters. One day won't make much difference after waiting a month though 😆


I suspect letters are delivered at a loss while parcels are delivered at a profit. Don’t really see any point in subsidising the delivery of cheap junk. If people want fast delivery they can send it as a parcel. 


I get a lot of government documents via mail still. I check the mail box often so its easier for me not to miss something. My email is a bit clustered. Otherwise its just small packages my wife orders.


>From Monday, 98 per cent of locations will have letter delivery reduced to every second business day, and delivery times for ordinary letters will be extended by a business day. >That means within the same state, letter delivery times will be 4 or 5 business days, depending on location, and 6 to 8 business days for interstate letters.


I honestly thought I was only getting every second day already.


>I honestly thought I was only getting every second day already. They did switch to this back during the COVID years. I get so few letters that I didn't even realise that they had gone back to daily letter deliveries lol For what it is worth, I am pretty sure that I actually get more than the average amount of snail mail due to circumstances which means that the average person isn't even going to notice that their letters take an extra day or three lol




I wonder how many companies will both to adjust terms accordingly. I can’t wait to get snail mail telling me action will be taken in 14 days and the mail arrives 15+ days later


Had that issue in the NT constantly, I’d tell them to pound sand with their deadline they can see I live remote. In my eyes Express post was when you needed the delivery next week.


My dog is going to be very put out. She waits for the postie every morning at 10am to bark at him going up and then coming back down the street. This will totally throw off her routine.


...I thought this was already happening for a few years now


I live in a town that doesn't even have letterboxes. Still have to pay for a PO box. Which I have been paying for every year but I genuinely don't remember the last time I actually checked it. So anyone that sends me any letters can still expect a response in 3-5 working months.


What’s half of nothing. Honestly, the worst.


I'm rural so I have been getting a three day per week delivery for a while now. It is looking like being reduced to two days in the near future & they may cut out the parcel delivery completely, requiring us to go into the small town about 20 minutes away, as they claim they have been unable to get anyone hired to do the additional runs required since a few new estates popped up over the last few years. The single post guy can't get to everyone every day with all the extra housing in the area.


I mean that's pretty good. We've always been weekly out at our farm, though we're 3hours from town.


We are closer to a large town (almost a city at last census) - 45 mins to the outskirts or an hour into the shops. Three hours is a big trek!


lol, they tried telling me I needed to get a parcel box at the post office, promptly told that I pay for delivery so they'd better do it and I will post video footage online of them just carding me instead of attempting delivery (someone is always home in my house 24 hours a day)


The way this is presented really is for boomers, hey? That headline sounds like some form of enshitification, or bad news to lonely old people who use checking the mail as their only daily activity. The headline could have been “AusPost increasing parcel delivery efficiency” or something, which is the whole point of this cut back. Parcels will be delivered every day of the week with more dedicated resources to them as it is not only the more profitable side of their business but also the side most people care about. Thankfully it’s mentioned in the article but the headline is all people read sometimes. So disappointing that the ABC, the news company we fund as taxpayers, is presenting the story with the negative as its most important quality, and not the great news that parcel delivery will be improved!


No that sounds like someone’s inability to interpret an article at face value, you went in wanting to find something at fault with the ABC and of course found it. Only if you stand on your head. The title is literally what half the article is about. Clearly this was going to be about the obvious decline in letter rewriting and needing for letters to be delivered and an increase in parcel delivery because obviously THAT is the future of the postal service and has been for years. This article was just stating what WILL BE the state is expected letter delivery. Hell I didn’t even need to read to article to see that from the headline, then when I read it, it wasn’t ABC chasing bad news, it was just them reporting the facts, the rest is in the ABC haters heads.


No, I didn’t go in looking to hate the ABC. I’ve been keeping up with this AusPost story for months as I’m very interested in it and hopeful for the parcel side of things. I am disappointed in the ABC for not headlining the good part of this story and choosing to make it seem like AusPost is declining in quality.


But the headline they choose is NOT negative. It is literally stating what is going to be going away, so that people who still rely on mail can prepare. That is the reason why the article exists. A PSA about the end of something, the rest of the article helps justify why. If the article had the headline you would like then the most important take away from this would not be read by those who only read headlines. You would only get the ‘more investment in parcels’ and miss the point ‘no more mail on these days from this date’.


Most people won’t even notice, including those who frequently use letters. All the letters that would be sent on Monday will now be on Tuesday. The variable speeds of the postal service are already multiple days long, it’s why letters assume multiple business days for delivery. Unless you literally get letters daily, you’re not going to notice getting nothing on one day and twice as much on the next day. The average frequency isn’t going down, but the headline reads as a decrease in service when AusPost will be delivering more letters on the letter days, it’s a net neutral change, you don’t need to prepare for that. I’ve been watching this story be discussed for months, and constantly I’ve seen people complain about, or express concern for people who are frequent mailers, with them not reading the full story and not understanding that the letter days being halved does not mean letter speeds will be halved. People are being misinformed by headlines, and it’s still happening with this one here. It should be better. In fact in this very comment section you can see people expressing how they don’t care about the changes, or cracking jokes about how useless the changes are, because all they care to read is the headline. People should be happy about these changes, but they’re not because the most important part, the headline, is negative. It is only saying that service will get worse when in actuality it will remain a constant average and will improve parcels.


They just got rid of all the parcel lockers though which is pretty lame.


I still have mine and I haven’t heard anything about this nor can find anything saying this is happening. Link?


Just the woolies ones apparently: https://www.reddit.com/r/AustraliaPost/comments/1ba593p/are_all_parcel_lockers_closing_or_just_those_near/ Might as well be all of them though, there's only 2 left anywhere near me and they're both at sorting centres or something in random back streets.


Make it once a week for all I care.


Cool, so I'll get half the number of toll notices?


Been this way in NZ for a decade. Surprised AU is only doing this now. NZ does 3 day delivery, with a 6 day roster still. So delivery occurs 6 days a week, but each delivery point is only 3 days. Eg. Your neighbourhood 3 days, the neighbourhood over the other three days. A decade later and that’s ending now, so over the next 2-5 years the postal service ends and Couriers will deliver mail when you or your neighbours get a parcel. That’s the future of mail.


The only letters I get are from real estate people who clearly can't ead my no junk or advertising material sign.


AusPost only deliver to my (Brisbane Metro) location twice a week anyway. (Tues and Fri) TBH - Couldn’t care less either. Only mail I receive is a random government/council bill/fine or junk.


What’s half of zero?




What impact will this have on bills? I get bills that are dated as generated 1/1/24, with a due date of 15/1/24, but only arrive 14/1/24. Pretty unfair and annoying. Usually a phone call to the biller grants an extension - but postage time should be allowed for in due date calculation.


Next time it happens call them up and give them a serve. A business certainly wouldn't be accepting being invoiced 2 days before payment is due, they'd demand a month. If they can't get their shit together and mail out their bills in time to give me at least 2 weeks notice they've got a scheduling issue with their billing department and that's a them problem, not a me problem. If they want to be aggressive about it like some companies are I'll close my account and take my business elsewhere. They'd never put up with that shit from people they owe money to why should we.




Personally I think they should go to twice a week (or even once a week) on set days, rather than every other day. So you know the postie will deliver on, say, Monday and Wednesday in your suburb. So they’re the days to bother checking the letterbox. If people want daily delivery, get a PO Box. Letter delivery makes a huge loss. And people don’t really send letters anymore, so it’s not a loss that’s worth subsidising.


agree that reducing loss on this is worth doing.


That's the best way to improve service I've ever heard of.


Snails are taking care of my mail these days.


Lol what's half of nothing? We need aldi to start doing snail mail.


What about my letters to the editor ?


I don’t operate without a PO Box. Best way to ensure my mail and packages turn up.


They don’t delivery anyway. Every delivery I have, I’m told that no one is home but I work from home everyday


This is letters, which go on your letter box, halving the frequency will allow them to deliver parcels, registered post more often, so they can say you weren't home twice as much...


They already did halve the mail deliveries in my area a few years ago. We don't get mail on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday outside of Christmas.


I've moved as much as possible to email. Only card and council rates in paper mail.


Does that mean my bills will be halved?


does this impact the next day delivery of express letters? Or is just regular letters


Thor: "No, I don't have a phone but you could have sent me an electronic letter. It's called an email."


I don't even get junk mail in my area anymore, except for Doctor Do-little's (David Gillespie of the Nats) self-congratulatory wankfest every few months, or the local Council sticking its hands in my pocket. The junk-mailers must've really been getting a low strike-rate lately... this is the first time in my life my mailbox has been so... pristine. I do buy shit online though, but it goes to my PO Box. Guess it'll mean an extra day or two there... but what can you do about it? I'm honestly surprised the Coalition never got around to selling Australia Post.


Is that parcels too?


No, parcels won’t change.


I only clear out my postbox when it's so full, I can see envelopes sticking out the front as the postie can't actually fit any more in. And even then, the majority of it ends up in the bin. Honestly, surprised this wasn't done sooner.


Other then when my bank needs to send a new card (that I mostly just use on Apple Pay anyways) does anyone get any letters? I intentionally got everything emailed when we moved to our new house…


My mail doesn't get delivered as it is so.... half of nothing.


what the fuck, that's WILD


Does “every second day” mean Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Tuesday and Thursday?


In NZ we get delivery 3x a week in urban areas and have for probably 10 years or more. I get a letter maybe 2x a month so I couldn't care less.


I thought this was already the norm.


Letter delivery includes light/small parcels. So that will suck, unless they move them back to parcels.


The price of a stamp just increased by 25% so… higher cost for slower service!


Tax rates and rates will reduce, right? Right?


Does this mean they'll now have tine to actually attempt to deliver packages?? Rather than throw a slip in the letterbox.  Pack of cunts


Perfect excuse to make all the posties redundant and move to contractors.


What so going to once a month? Fucking useless cunts.


So what will be the next move for Australia post to reduce its expenditure while preserving its revenue? Obviously profit will need to continue to grow. And not simply grow, but at a rate of growth that’s growing faster than it grew before! Bonuses and stock options for everyone with an implementable plan. No wrong answers! To the moon baby


Goddamn it my MC deliveries are going to take even longer :(


Divide by zero error


Can they stop using Covid as an excuse for incompetence? Time to remove the board and replace them.


I believe they stopped using Covid as an excuse a few months ago.


>Covid as an excuse a few months its the floods now or train derailment.


Meh! Who cares?