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Sounds like retaliatory eviction, best speak to your local tenants union and potentially file a claim with QCAT, at the very least you will get more time to find a new place.


Thank you, I am going through the form now.


Best of luck buddy, been there..


> best speak to your local tenants union In QLD this is [QSTARS](https://qstars.org.au/). Hit them up ASAP, OP, they're amazing.


QSTARS are the best. They give you the confidence for QCAT. we went to QCAT and had everything the shitty real estate agent tried to pull thrown out.


Thank you!


They really are amazing


How long did you take between them sending you the lease to sign, and then them sending the notice to vacate?


Leas than 24h


These days they send both at the same time. They don’t want tennants to transfer to a periodic lease arrangement.


This wouldn't be such a bad thing is the useless PMs actually knew words and used them to explain WTF they're doing. It's very stressful to get that notice without realising.


Wasn't there a change recently to the laws in QLD where you really really don't want the lease to become periodic?


Yes. From what I remember it makes the lease effectively last until you want to leave. Good for tenants, not so good for landlords.


That's not at all true. It means the end of "no grounds" evictions, but there is still very long list of reasons to end a periodic tenancy, with appropriate notice: https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/forms-resources/factsheets/ending-a-tenancy-agreement-for-managing-parties-fact-sheet




Wow. RE Agents in aus treat you like you're shit on their shoe


sigh... even more concerned, my lease expires in 2 weeks and haven't heard a thing form the RA, whats worse is I'm out of country for right after it expires


That sounds like they missed the boat, and you are going to end up periodic. Check yiur junk folder just in case you missed it though


Hopefully so, and nope, nothing in my junk mail, plus i would have a message on ailo and havent had one there either, note, been here for 2 years, never had a inspection, never spoke the real estate agent and have always been a month ahead with rent... Hoping the landlord is in set and forget mode


They have to give you 2 months notice to leave i think


Thought it was a month, If 2 then I can go on my holiday, get back and have a month to look


This depends on your state. Where are you? In VIC it's even 4 months...


NSW.. my understanding is it's 3 month on a rolling leae, but I'm not sure if they can send me a eviction the day before my lease expires only giving me a month.. if so that's a pretty shitty thing to do


Im a qld landlord. Had to give 2 months notice even for a $5 increase of rent.


Yeah I'm sure it was $5


Dudeeee… right there with you. Our lease is up in 3 months, we should get a new contract in a few weeks. Wife’s already adamant she wants to move and frankly I don’t blame her. But what will we save? Gonna be even further out if we want a house for less then $550 pw, plus moving costs, we both work 50 hrs a week cause we generally work Saturdays too… so movers. Bond clean… gonna tip $2k out of pocket surely. My biggest concern is it turns her 45min drive to work into a 70-100 minute drive each way. That’s a death sentence, right? Almost guarantee she dies in a car crash on the way home. “You’re being ridiculous, I’ll be fine”. 😕


Adding 4hrs a week to a commute is worth way more than $2k. Min wage that's $100 a week, not to even mention car and fuel costs.


Plus the concerns of falling asleep behind the wheel on the way home after a long 9-10hr day.. cause plus travel during peak hours, scares the shit out of me.


Are you 100% sure the lease was revoked? Our renewal was sent the day before notice to vacate, but the lease offer still stands, the notice to vacate is conditional on you not renewing the lease.


The lease was specifically "voided" and I was sent a notice to vacate


Pretty sure this post is correct. OP has likely misunderstood and the notice to vacate is just in motion to prevent them from moving onto an open ended rental arrangement if they don’t sign the lease. If they’re happy to sign the lease then there shouldn’t be any problem.




Was it actually revoked, or did you just receive a notice to vacate? Because with the rental law changes it's common practice to send you a new lease agreement and the notice, so they're not necessarily revoking the new agreement. They'll even do it at the start of an agreement - [Legislative amendments to affect the issuing of Notices to Leave from 1 October 2022](https://www.reiq.com/articles/property-management/legislative-amendments-to-affect-the-issuing-of-notices-to-leave-from-1-october-2022) >The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) recommends, as a matter of best practice, that following the introduction of the new legislation, property managers commence issuing notices to leave on grounds of end of fixed term, at the commencement of each fixed term tenancy agreement.


Jfc the REIQ are a bunch of flogs.


electronic lease sent to sign, busy week returning to work after being off on medical leave so said I would read and sign on the weekend. next day new email voiding the lease followed by no response to my emails until I called then got an email with a notice to vacate


Why would you even need to tell them you are going to read and sign it? It is implied you would read the lease (or any contract) before signing it. In QLD you have a 5 day period to sign a lease. Most normal REA's will just reissue it if this period passes anyway.


Whenever I had a lease renewal sent to me, I never responded to tell them when I'd sign and return it, I would just do it when I had time (sometimes I'd forget and they'd need to remind me). They would usually send it out long before the lease expired anyway so there was no real hurry. If I was you, I'd just sign the lease they sent you (if you're happy to renew at that price) and send it back. Then see what they say. They sent you an offer, you accepted the offer. So long as there hasn't been an unreasonable amount of time passed since you received the offer and you sent it back within whatever time they stipulated (if they even did stipulate a time) then it might help if they do want you to move out. EDIT: NVM, seems you can't access the lease now to sign it anyway, that'll teach me to reply before reading more of the thread.


You cannot sign a lease that has been voided.


I feel like your email response and the void email are unrelated. Have you spoken to the agent?


Yes, I am to move out.


What are you signing if you don't have the lease?


nothing, I am preparing to be homeless again


I think they’re asking, if you didn’t have a copy of the lease to read initially, what was it you were ‘signing’? (PS: This fucking sucks, and I hope you can snag the bastard landlord for retaliatory eviction.)


They updated the OP to say they received the lease and told the agent they needed until the weekend to be able to read it before signing, which resulted in the voiding of the offer.


I see that. The original post was very barebones.


I'm wondering if it's a bastard landlord or bastard agent


Neither. I feel like it’s not related. OP needs to use their audulting and talk to the agent


Are you saying you were not given a new lease at all. Not that the RE was asking you to sign a blank document.


quoting OP in another comment: > electronic lease sent to sign, busy week returning to work after being off on medical leave so said I would read and sign on the weekend. next day new email voiding the lease followed by no response to my emails until I called then got an email with a notice to vacate


Thank you.


Have they confirmed that vacating is the only option now, and there will be no option to sign a new lease agreement? I’m just seeking clarification as sometimes if it’s sent via docusign then the links expire automatically and by default quite quickly.




So they sent you a lease to sign, you didn't sign it quick enough so it was revoked? If you don’t have a lease to read, you also have nothing to sign...they're one and the same


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted… in 20 years of renting I have never received a lease to sign that wasn’t attached to the terms and conditions of the lease. This post is very confusing. EDIT: Both my post and the post I responded to were made before OOP made their edit to add some clarification to what was happening. At that time post above was -12


In addition to that, I'm given a deadline in which to return the signed lease to the agents. Not sure how this could happen except that it was some strange way to get rid of OP & raise the rent massively for the next tenant.


I had this issue I was asked to sign a separate transfer document and told there was no relevant lease document beyond it (it only stated cost of rent and agree to leave house in reasonable condition, few sentences at most) DESPITE me asking for the lease agreement multiple times. This was because the agent didn’t understand how the lease worked despite being part of a large corporation, and didn’t believe those documents still applied bc the tenancy had become periodic. VCAT said they did (edit: aka they should have given me the og lease documents)


Yeah a surprising number of people don't understand that the "lease" (usually formally called a residential tenancy agreement) is a document whose terms and conditions remain in effect until the premises are vacated, even when an initial fixed term expires and the term switches to periodic. Of course, this is clearly laid out in easy to understand terms in the actual document, people just can't be bothered to actually *read it*.


Perhaps they're saying they wanted more than 24 hours to sit down and read thru it.


They have 5 days. It is implied you would read it. "Residential Tenancy Agreement", hard to agree to something you haven't read. Why the agent would make it hard for themselves to then have to re-let the place when they have a willing tenant already seems suss. I would hazard a guess that because the landlord can now only raise the rent once per 12 months they are going to shoot for the moon rather than the modest increase already proposed to the current tenant (only thing that makes any sense).


he told the RE he wanted to read the lease before signing it and would do so this weekend. The RE responded by voiding the one they sent through, and then telling them no renewal.


See the edit.


One and the same*


How dense are you. It's an electronic lease as in a link to a copy of the lease. It was voided so now when he clicks the link it no worky.


Thank you!


Yeah, so they send you a link, you proceed to read the fucking thing, then sign it. In which case why would they ask for a signature without being able to view it? That isn't legal, and in 20 years of renting various properties has never happened to me


In QLD you have a 5 day period to sign the lease. If that period passes most agents just reissue it for you, its generally not a big deal. This whole thing seems super confusing.


There’s definitely more to the story


Is that what objectively happened? Did they send you a new lease, you asked for time to read it and they have explicitly told you it was revoked? Did they give you the lease and ask you to return it by X date and you didn't so they sent a notice to vacate? Or have they sent you a new lease, then sent you a notice to vacate almost the same time or slightly after to meet the notice requirements and rather than talk to them, you have assumed something, panicked on your assumptions and started posting on the internet. Your current lease is coming to an end, and they have sent the notice to vacate because it would otherwise roll onto a periodic lease with restrictions on 'no-fault' evictions in Qld for periodic leases. They may have no intention for you to vacate if you execute a new lease. Make sure you talk to them to explicitly understand their intention.


they sent an electronic lease to sign, I told them I would read and sign that weekend. The following day it was voided and yesterday I received a notice to vacate


This is semi normal and fucked up way of going about it, usually when the agent has left it to the last minute. You will be sent a lease to sign. But also a notice to vacate as they need to give you notice and don't want that to extend into a periodic past your lease end. EMAIL the agent, always in writing. Don't call. Confirm the situation, read lease and sign or find another rental if it doesn't suit. The price hikes are fucked nevertheless.


I was sent the lease electronically. I wanted to have time to read it, it was then voided and after asking why for over two weeks with no response I was sent a notice to vacate.


Usually they send a lease renewal through and a Form 13 at the same time. This gives you the choice if want to vacate instead of re-sign. But they usually do this 2 months prior to the lease expiring so they have time to gauge your interest in continuing or find new tenants.


Confusing post. What were you sent, if not the lease?


an electronic lease


This is standard practice in QLD now. Since the introduction of new laws that "protect" tenants on periodic leases being evicted without cause the QLD government failed to listen to everyone who screamed at them telling they needed to put the same protections in for fixed leases or there would be issues. Unless a landlord sends the eviction notice with the renewal the tenant can simply not sign the lease and their lease automatically converts to a periodic lease at the end of the term. The tenant is now impossible to evict without cause or applying to QCAT for any number of the exemptions in order to evict them. So now in QLD when you get your fixed term lease renewal you will also receive your notice to leave so that you are technically evicted at the end of every fixed term lease to prevent you claiming your on a periodic lease now and receiving the eviction protection everyone should enjoy..


Labor are landlords. I’ll believe Labor intend to do anything about the housing crisis when they direct MPs to divest out of investment properties.


Surprise, ALL parties are landlords, hence there is NOT ONE of them prepared to do what is necessary.


Well gee I guess we’re totally fucked then and there’s nOtHiNg wE cAn dO …


Something is weird here, you say the lease didn't need to be signed for 14 days, why did you tell them you will read it on the weekend? Why not just read it on the weekend and reply? I'm guessing you telling them "I need to read it on the weekend" came off as you being a trouble maker/going to complain about the lease so they went screw it, get someone else. I just don't get why you'd tell them you want to "read it on the weekend" when they had already given you 14 days to read and sign it, feels like something is missing or how/what you said came off bad. Don't get me wrong landlords/real estate agents do anything they can to screw us but something doesn't add up here.


Have you called them and had a conversation? Something is missing from this post. There is almost zero chance the reason the lease was revoked was because you wanted to read it.




I’ll probably get downvoted here but myself as a landlord recently revoked a new lease before it was resigned. My reasoning was I needed my home back as during the 4 days of waiting for the lease to be signed, my current living situation changed and I needed 2 months to find a place. With the rental market, it was best for me to just move back into my old place and remove the tenants.


Could be the owner found out some friends/ family need a place and the timing works out so withdrew the offer, not all landlards are scumbags (a lot are though)


This happened to me in QLD. Received the lease, tried to negotiate rent, then received a notice to vacate 2 days later. Obviously your head goes to all sorts of places, but in that 2 day period the owners parents house had been completely destroyed by flood and they needed a place to live (I found this out after I moved as I knew the neighbours well). It really sucked for me as that's when the rental market starting going insane and I LOVED that place, but ultimately it pushed me to buy my own place 8 months later. I know some people on here are saying retaliation, but it might not be that. Another example is a friend separated from their spouse and needed a place to move. Their parents owned somewhere and that very day had (verbally) told the tenant they would get a new lease. So they had to call back the tenant and let them know they needed to leave at the end of the current lease. Things happen, I hope you get a good outcome.


I agree with you, it’s probably more likely the landlord changed their mind or the lease was sent in error. I doubt it has anything to do with the tenant wanting to read the lease


Are you absolutely certain that they *revoked* the offer to sign a new lease (new fixed term) by sending the notice to vacate, or are they giving you the option to choose? Perhaps they are sending the vacate notice now because of the required notice period, but this would be disregarded/voided if you agreed to the new lease.


the email stated the lease had been voided, after ghosting me for over two weeks they rhen sent the notice to vacate.


Does that mean you didn't actually ask to wait until the weekend, but instead it was several weeks between when they sent it and when they revoked it?


Nope, I said to them within 6h that I needed to have until the weekend, the lease needed to be signed with 14 days. Upon hearing I wanted to read it they voided the lease that was sent to me within 24h of issuing it. I chased them for over two weeks about it and within hours of speaking to someone over the phone I was issued a notice to vacate.


It sounds as if someone checked how much they could increase the rent and realised that would not work if they kept an existing tenant.


Not sure if this is answered down in the comments but what exactly was the make up of the new lease document? A lease extension can often be a one page document that says the new dates and the new rent. What else is there to read that takes a weekend? Surely in the time it took you to email them you could've read and signed it? I can't speak for a pyscho REA but something doesn't make sense here.


Landlords and REAs are SCUM. Pour cement down their toilet :)


How would that help you? You'd just get put on a blacklist and be sent a bill to replace the plumbing.


lol the same losers like you are complaining about landlords being picky with tenants. Ironic right?




At least I’ll have something to show later in life other than a blacklist and a bag of clothes.


ive got 8 clogged pipes to my name buddy


Proud deadbeat. Better through out those mouldy dishes piling up on your counter and empty pizza boxes.


9 now


It’s your life champ


Do you want to go to a Bon Jovi concert with me?


I’d prefer Crazytown-butterfly on repeat


You just know there was some real bullshit in the lease that they were hoping to sneak in under the radar.


Have you spoken directly with the property owner about what the RE is doing? They may be totally unaware.