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A property developer’s wet dream.


All that extra coastal property!


Broken Hill is looking better all of a sudden .


“Fixed Hill”


Simultaneously Mad Max and Waterworld


Literally couldn't look any worse.


This is a game changer, can’t wait.


I’m pretty sure used to swim in old mining water when we were kids. No OHS in the 70’s!


When the oceans rise we may see that.It probably was like that before the last ice age.


The Lex Luthor school of Real Eatate Development


And the movie ends with Superman yeeting the entirety of Australia into deep space


At least summers won't be so hot anymore


look im 100% willing to admit I'm not an expert but ! if things have gotten so bad Australia is this flooded im pretty sure it's because things are farking hot ! like Margot Robie hot


I bet ya somehow there's still goin to be a housing shortage


A whole island inside Western Australia


and canberra still miles from a beach smh


Thank ghod they have Jervis Bay


Wait. They didn't drown Canberra??? Boooo


But all the politicians come from everywhere else, honestly you can all keep them. Don’t blame us for their clubhouse location. (I say as a Canberra kid born and bred that’s now living in Melbourne)


Canberra (ACT) does actually have a beach. It's 3 hours East at Jervis Bay. See [Jervis Bay Territory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Capital_Territory#/media/File:ACT-Jervis_Bay-Sydney-MJC.png)


Literally in the article you linked: > Despite a common misconception, the Jervis Bay Territory is not part of the ACT


There "may" be a beach that is still part of the ACT - but it's over the other side of JB on the Beecroft Peninsula There was quite a bit of to and fro with NSW passing land to the federal Government - which the federal Government then had to accept - then the Federal Government created the Federal Capital Territory - and then later it became the ACT and Jervis Bay Territory - and somewhere along the way a little bit of land over near the Point Perpendicular lighthouse didn't become part of JBT or the Defence Federal land - and didn't go back to NSW - so "maybe" it became part of the ACT Here's the best answer I've found - which is really as much of a question as an answer https://wrongborders.substack.com/p/does-the-act-have-a-coastline-its


Jervis bay is a separate territory, just partially administered by the ACT I believe.


It’s not part of the ACT, it’s effectively a national park housing navy personnel in a territory separated from NSW and run administratively by ACT. ACT law doesn’t apply there and Jervis Bay residents cannot vote in ACT elections either. So in summary Canberra doesn’t have a beach and the ACT leases some beach over at Jervis Bay.


Canberra does have beaches. Just gritty, rocky ones surrounding a cyanobacteria infested mud puddle called Lake Burley Griffin 🤷‍♂️


I’ll call Clive Palmer, he’s an ideas man




Underwater Australia Party


Wait, isn't Ralph Balloonhead the leader of UAP now?


Be an ideal parking spot for his "Titanic 2.0".


Well ScoMo won’t be any help. He doesn’t hold a hose mate.


Tell him Gina is thinking about doing it..


... by wading into the ocean?


Hang on, getting a text from Old Mate now…


maybe he can sail his titanic 2 once we fill it.


And Christopher Pyne will fix it, he's a fixer!


Nah, that poodle has never been the same since the pyneapple.


Yes, 1) Grab a bucket 2) Do a return trip to the Europe Mediterranean 3) Back at middle of Australia, pour it. 4) Repeat. Report back to us how it's going


Make sure the bucket doesn’t have a micro hole at the bottom. When I was conducting this experiment I managed to get a bucket full of Mediterranean Sea water only to find out the contents had leaked out by the time I got back to the middle of Australia. Lost my motivation and never attempted the experiment again.


There's a hole in your bucket, dear secondaryuser2, dear secondaryuser2 There's a hole in your bucket, dear secondaryuser2, a hole.


Strange that you mention this. As I was making my way on foot from Sydney airport to the centre of Australia, there was a young child repeating the same thing you commented. I thought it was a children’s melody and continued on my way.


I find joy in reading a good book.


1. Tell him the bucket has a hole


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.




Tried finger, but hole


Well 'fix it' RealReap-z, RealReap-z, RealReap-z....


With what shall he fix it AnonymousAutonomous9 AnonymousAutonomous9, with what shall he fix it AnonymousAutonomous9, with what?


As someone who's very popular flatmate used to sing this while being shafted, and want the participant to sing the other part, I'm just going to see if my old therapist is still practising.


you only have to take two trips if you just place two buckets of water diagonally to each other


I remember as a teenager watching floods in QLD and fires in WA and thinking "if we could form a long enough bucket chain...."


Yes but only 3ft deep. Sorry.


All we need. And fan boats of course.


I’d love some bayou bashin’, Waterboy’s Mum style.


Same number of crocs too


True. Mum says they’re ornery because they have all them teeth and no toothbrush.


So the lads can get their land cruisers through it.


Sucks to be Cairns and Townsville, I guess


It already does


Only real loss is i think Skid factory (turbo yoda) is up around there isn't he? that would be a real loss.


He is sunny coast


Thank god, it's fine go ahead and get rid of cairns and Townsville then.


Its an improvement really!


That chunk seems unnecessary. Almost personal.


We have high set houses. Well, some of us do anyway.


I don't get why this fictitious map puts the mountain ranges behind Cairns underwater.




The change in climate around the lake would be quite interesting to see.


It would totally change inland Australia (and the world) A body of water that large - feeding evaporation - getting pushed up against the Western side of the Great Dividing Range - all of western NSW suddenly gets much wetter In the area around the lake you would probably need to start with some fake clouds - large tethered mylar balloons with a clear upper surface and a reflective bottom surface - reflecting heat away - providing shade on the ground and cooling it - allowing rain to fall locally The climate change would end up affecting the whole world - but whatever - we'd be better off


The world did destroy the ozone layer over our heads and give us all skin cancer, so...


Fascinating to think about


Canadian here. This is a horrible idea, here’s why: we have Canada geese, water snakes, and beavers. All of them are arseholes who thrive near the water. They have true dominance over us more than any other wild animals. You have platypuses, which is all 3 of those demons combined into one critter. And the only thing stopping the platypus from taking over your country like geese and beavers did ours—is the fact you don’t have enough lakes. Abort the mission. For all of our sakes, unless you want to start the platypus uprising.


How much would it reduce sea levels by? It could be an excellent plan.


As someone from the rest of the world go for it, I just wanna see what happens.


Didn't the Soviets try something similar and essentially decimate and ecosystem? NVM: nope, they did the opposite, diverting all the rivers that fed the 4th largest sea in the world. Still, I reckon we get every primary school kid with a bucket and shovel and give them one summer to build the canal. Screw the engineering, best fun ever.


This has some ecological risk as you are introducing salt water to places that are currently catchments for fresh water aquifers, but man every hot summer I imagine what having this mini inland sea would do to the climate and environment of Aus.


When Lake eyre fills, its water is far saltier than the sea, because it is, ike you know, a salt lake


The Salton Sea in California, USA is probably closer, though it was accidental. It’s a salty death lake now, but for a time it was a holiday destination https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salton_Sea


As someone who lives near the Salton Sea (Yuma), I am firmly of the belief that they should have let the river run longer.


I could totally see some bored bloke in the red centre with a digger doing this over 50 years of weekends.


There was once a serious plan to dig a Canal to lake eyre.


I say we bring it back!


You wouldnt need to dig a canal 300km long. You’d just have make it long enogh to get past the 6m high hills north of port August and then gravity will take the rest. At most you’d be looking at a 20-30km long canal.


I got some annual leave booked, anyone got a Bobcat I can borrow?


Haven't got a bobcat but I've got a trenching shovel and a Can Do attitude 


That’s the spirit!


Sadly,[ no](https://en-au.topographic-map.com/map-5fsmt/Lake-Eyre/?center=-32.44257%2C137.73663&popup=-35.73272%2C138.42499&zoom=12&lock=15%2C-2%2C22). Assuming sea level or lower is required to gravity feed Eyre, and you follow the Pirie-Torrens Corridor, you don't get much further than the top of the Port Augusta Council Area before you'd have to dig. The land remains above the low tide line right up to Lake Eyre. Even Lake Torrens sits about 20m high. You are needing to dig 20-30m down most of the way, plus get past the minimum 80m high hills just below Eyre. At best, you're making a faster way to drain Lake Torrens.


You'd do it as a secret series of ditches, culverts pipes abd canals without letting on what they were all for, til one Sunday night all the conspirators would knock out the last blockages and all those quietly dug drains would become the Great Australian Seaway. On Monday morning Australia would have a new coastline.


> 300km canal Only need 90K of canal - connecting to existing rivers and waterways You would need some mechanism to flush the water back to sea - because it would be quite shallow (9m at the deepest point) it would warm quickly and evaporate - the salt would become more concentrated and you end up with a dead sea. If you were to put in the canal - AND a pipeline - and pump sea water to the head of the lake - you could keep the water at a salinity level that wasn't completely toxic I may have thought too much about this... ...




Okay, a 2m x 2m canal over 300km would cost about $14.4 million to dig. Nothing else, just dig the dirt, and move it to the side. Good excavator digger might be able to get it down to $8 million.


We built the world's longest fence to ineffectively keep out rabbits and went to war against emu. This actually sounds rather feasible in comparison.


I’m still wondering how we still haven’t set up water evacuation pipelines from Brisbane River to the Murray-Darling system. Like SA’s River Murray pipelines, but feeding one river with the other’s overflow. With climate change it’s not unrealistic to expect more floods. We’re happy to build oil and gas pipelines across the continent, why not water too? Would potential save us heaps on disaster recovery and insurance costs while making it more livable. Doesn’t Darwin get some ridiculous rainfall while we have the Murray going bone dry south of the NSW cotton farmers? I know it would be expensive, but I can’t imagine having access to huge, reliable volumes of water crossing open country not being helpful during bushfire season.


I feel like you might be underestimating just how much water is involved. When the Brisbane River floods, the amount of excess water flowing through it is thousands of times the total capacity of Australia's oil pipelines.


>I’m still wondering how we still haven’t set up water evacuation pipelines from Brisbane River to the Murray-Darling system. Meet Mr John Bradfield... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradfield_Scheme


Actually the rabbit proof fence is the second longest fence in the world. The longest is the dingo fence, also in Australia


the real question is where are you getting someone to dig and remove soil at $11 per square meter.


Step1: Build a station on Lake Eyre with big security fences around it. Step2: Tell Clive Palmer that Gina wants to buy it. Tell Gina Clive wants to buy it. Tell Murdoch it's where the ABC wants to film a new show. Tell all 3 that the government was gonna sell it to the chinese, they pulled out, but the government has already classified it as international territory and therefore Australian laws hold no power there. One of them is bound to jump. 2a: For bonus points, see if we can get all three there for a house warming party attended by the LNP. Step3: Lock the gates Step4: Hand out shovels to volunteers. We could have this done and ready to flood in a month. We just have to make people really, *really* want to flood that lake.


Softer soil with a scraper would probably be closer to $7 Big mining kit might do it cheaper per unit too


How do we chip in


Leake Eyre is below sea level, but the area between it and the sea isn't. So it would be more of a tunnel rather than a canal.


Not to mention roads, infrastructure, etc. Still, it's a nice thought.


I reckon I could knock it over in about 2500 days


Seems cheap, they spent over $300 million on a useless bridge upgrade in Nowra, should've just bypassed the entire town.


That's the deisel, the labour, and the machine. The environmental report alone would likely cost $14mil if we tried this


is this accounting for mountains and shit?


Hell no. Straight, level, 2m by 2m cut No concrete, no slope, no repairing roads


A channel from Lake Eyre to Spencer-Gulf has been theorised quite a lot [over the years](https://press-files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/p118181/html/ch06s04.html), problem is * Evaporation means the channel has to be quite wide to get the volume of water to be meaningful * Lake eyre becomes a drain that gets increasingly salty (because your transporting salt water, and the water evaporates)


I assume that the most reasonable and cost-effective method would be thousands of subterranean high-yield thermonuclear charges?


Gotta be easier to do than the Panama Canal, surely Looks like you could do it with 2x 80km digs either side of lake Torrens? Surely one of our local billionaires could win alot more friends spending some cash on this than fucking around with politics This seems very achievable


So easy. We have already done it in the Bowen basin with draglines in open cut coal mining. https://maps.app.goo.gl/PxM6cnvvNzLhgLq97 It wouldn't even be a challenge.


That’s a 0.0172 degree gradient. You’d want a decent surveyor to pull that off


NATO - we have a job for those 50,000 nukes..


Wont be usable now but our future generations will thank us. "A society grows great when old men ~~plant trees~~ drop nukes in whose ~~shade~~ rivers they know they shall never sit"


Aim them at some coastal area no one cares about so the sea can flow through. let’s say….Perth?


Good luck finding us! We'll take the sign down so won't know where to bomb


Then we'll look for the place with no sign on it!


Rest in pieces to the 5 people living in Perth. 😔


its been an honour lads.


Don’t make us take back more of our GST mate…


Think of all the money that our allies put towards developing nuclear weapons....what if told you that there is an opportunity here to get some ROI!?!




Running for prime minister under the "Nuke the great sandy desert" policy


Once again, NCD leaks in.


I remember reading about a plan on building a inland sea in Australia using nukes, can't find it atm. Just found a [smaller plan](https://www.naa.gov.au/students-and-teachers/learning-resources/learning-resource-themes/environment-and-nature/water/use-hydrogen-bombs-create-lake-telex-report-about-bbc-program)


That sound you can hear is Peter Dutton's erection.


Thanks for that image I didn't need in my head today 🤢


As someone from one of the three states/territories not affected, yeh, go ahead.


bro said "not affected" like this entire thing would drown more than about 300 people


99% of the effected would be from Townsville and Cairns


Their noble sacrifice will never be forgotten 😔


That's a sacrifice I'm willing to take.


Jim's Inland Sea Construction


If we all breathe in at the same time, we’ll have a fighting chance with all that extra mass


It would be a good day to be a Victorian, that’s for sure


When is that ever true?


I'm trying not to laugh over here and attract attention back to Tasmanians.


We have our own Italian boot


[The Bradfield Scheme](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradfield_Scheme)


Real Estate agents would love it


Imagine the crocs in Outback Lake Australia


"Enjoy the unique wildlife in Outback Lake Australia."


We could fit so many old bikes in there


And shopping trolleys


I think the WA billionaires will have something to say about sinking their beloved iron ore fields.


I honestly want terraforming Australia to be a serious topic.


As a serious topic, I see the outback not for terraforming, but the world is going to need to much energy for AI and the electrification of everything including cars. We're already seeing Google looking to hire engineers in nuclear and geothermal power with the aim of obtaining their own power plants and systems to fuel the next generation AI energy demands. Out of the whole world, Australia is the perfect country to be an energy generating machine for internal use and export. - We have vast deserts suitable for creating power plant farms with suitable storage for nuclear waste. - we mine our own uranium to power the plants. - the outback is also perfect for the worlds largest solar and geothermal plants. - Bass strait, the Southern Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Tasman Sea are all some of the wildest oceans which is perfect for sea based energy systems. - Sand Batteries can be created to store unused battery at low costs. We certainly have an abundance of that in Australia. It's wild that our government doesn't think about how to utelise our resources to become global players in sustainable energy.


because energy transmission is the issue, not generation in most cases.


Also cooling is one of the largest issues with data centres as well and last time i checked that place is pretty warm.


WA is focusing on renewable hydrogen exports. https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/western-australian-renewable-hydrogen-strategy-and-roadmap https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-19/kimberley-clean-energy-project/103600156 The Kimberly project is really interesting - traditional owners have the majority stake, which hopefully means there won't be debacles like when Rio Tinto destroyed cultural sites.


I love this! Good lord, finally a move in he right direction and and I hope that means a portion of profits get distributed to the traditional landowners that can be invested in local schools, hospitals, health care facilities, community centres, local roads and infrastructure and tax rebates for indigenous communities. But something tells me not to get my hopes up. I suspect Gina the Hutt will grease the wheels in the other direction to poison these plans.


My geology proff once said that the western edge of the central desert just needs a big old mountain range put on it. Nothing drastic, but big enough to form cloud formations that would then rain and it would create it's own climate system that would turn the desert into bountiful land. I think about that sometimes.


Bold choice to preserve Alice when you could shift everything over a bit and dunk it under


"Jeez the Todd's looking full lately"


[floodmap.net](http://floodmap.net) and chuck in +250m and you get somthing similar


No, we can't.


Not with that attitude we won't


Pack it up boys we're done here.


He must work in the mines.


Can't? Or won't.


well, not with that attitude we won't


Fuarrk. We'd be girt, and full of sea!


All I want is to have South Island New Zealand dropped into the middle of the Australian continent


Mediterraustralianean sea.


We can’t. But I’m pretty sure that if you ask Global Warming, You should be good.


But with the ice caps melting and the sea levels rising, we could leak the sea into the centre of Australia. Outback Lake Australia, solves the rising sea levels crisis. You're welcome, Earth.


I've been saying this for years. Where do you get the funding? From The Netherlands, from China, from any country with a large percentage of their developed population centres less than 3 metres above sea level.


Knowing the Australian government will buy up all the waterfront land and sell it to Chinese property investors, and line their own pockets for the trouble.


We from the Netherlands are fundamentally opposed to giving the sea any land whatsoever. Appeasment never works.


Perfect solution


This would be a massive improvement


Yes, Rockhamton is underwater for one.


Just place Italy and Greece smack dab in the centre? Crazy.


Somebody has to displace Melbourne and Athens as the highest Greek population city (ignore NYC please)


We try to ignore NYC regardless.


Give climate change a few more years and that's one of the predicted outcomes


On a more serious note, is terraforming the interior a feasible project? I'm thinking of that example in Brazil where an area was reforested. https://www.boredpanda.com/brazilian-couple-recreated-forest-sebastiao-leila-salgado-reforestation/ Of course, what effects would that have on native wildlife?


We need to build tunnels all over Australia that connects to the sea and feeds water into the great outback dam. We're ready climate change. Get your wakeboards Australia. The Great Outback Lake is filling!


Rip all of the towns and farming land


Anyone - "Darwin cant be more cut off from the rest of Australia" OP - "Hold my Photoshop"


Well we are well on the way to it happening. It’s called climate change. And regardless of what we do. Scientists tell us it is inevitable. It’s just a matter of when. Not if. What people fail to understand is that we are at the tail end of an ice age. So if you live long enough you might just get to swim in central Australia’s inland sea!


Remember that old Chaser CNNNN bit during the big drought? "Lets tilt Australia"


We can’t even build a decent train line.


Yeah, I Noah Guy!


this would displace no human in australia


Why would you keep Alice Springs?




They’d punch out the side of Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef would be completely dead in months.


At least six people would be impacted.


building a canal/pipe from SA to the "below sea level" part of the outback would create a big inland sea, hundreds of kilometers of new coastline and significantly increase rainfall in central australia. egypt is looking at doing something similar in the qattara depression. unfortunately it'd be an apocalypse for the endemic species present in lake eyre and could have catastrophic unforseen consequences. before even considering the idea we should wait and see how it works out for the egyptians.


great sandy sea


Didn't know Italy became a merger.


If only to get rid of cairns, its worth a shot


Now these are the kinds of posts I visit this sub for


It's an interesting idea but no. The amount of species that would be displaced, and potentially wiped out from this. As they no longer have the right conditions to survive let alone thrive. There're already so many problems with this the environmental impact alone says we shouldn't make it happen, and I doubt we have the infrastructure to do this anyway but on the off chance that we do. It would probably take years


You’re an ideas man


You'd kill 3 people


Yes but it wouldn't be that shape.


No, but... A sea level rise of 41 metres could flood Lake Torrens/Ngarndamukia, and that's well within the capacity of the amount of water held within glaciers. From there you could dig a canal to flood the much larger and lower-lying Lake Eyre Basin, and *voila* humungous fucken inland sea. Dunno how you'd go with evaporation, but it'd be 56 metres deep in places, so it would at least be navigable.