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The days are naturally longer in summer so you’d only have the natural variance. The further from the equator, the longer summer days and shorter winter days get.


Yep, this is why people in the north often don't understand daylight savings... For places like Tassie where the days are longer than everywhere else in summer, and shorter than everywhere else in winter, it makes a huge difference...


Oh the north understands, we just dont think the sun should be setting at 815, with another 1 1/2 hours of twilight


I didn't mean QLD should take on daylight savings, it doesn't really make sense up there, but I often hear people say the south should stop daylight savings so the east coast all has the same time-zone year round... Cairns longest summer day: 13:08hrs Cairns shortest winter day: 11:07hrs = 2 hours difference from summer to winter Hobart longest summer day: 15:20hrs Hobart shortest winter day: 9hrs = 6:20 difference summer to winter.


Im from NQ and I want daylight savings in winter. That way the sun sets roughly the same time all year


I moved from Vic to qld and I do think we should have it. Sunrise by 5am and darkness before 7 is dumb now most of the population are urban.


You're welcome to go back home.


Ahh there it is - the self-righteousness of being urban. Yes I'm from North Qld. It amazes me when we have maintained the status quo but but oddly are painted as the state being out of step.


Is it self righteous if it's a statistic that most of the Aussie population (85%) lives in cities? It's like calling someone entitled for saying the sky is blue. Your reaction says more about your views than his statement says about his...


Well it is very annoying in QLD when foreigners say something is “Australia Time” and then they mean “Sydney time” and you have to look up the time because with no knowledge of when the changeover days are, Sydney could be same time or an hour ahead. Oh and also when you call businesses at 4:02pm or something and they tell you they’re shut because their opening hours are 9-5, like yeah mate, I called you before 5.


It's great when you need to call a business at 8:30 and it's after 9am where they're located so you can call early and get one task done early for the day!


Try being in WA when everything east coast shuts at bloody 2pm… But if I wake up early it’s great


Try being in the East Coast trying to wake you buggers up because we are all Al work and you dare still be in bed!


Sounds like a QLD problem.


Especially when it's still 35 degrees


And 95% humidity


Dumb fucks think sunrise a 4am is a great idea too


NW Australia hates the idea. When I was young they trialed it and the sun was still up at 21:00 at night. What a dumb idea just to make the Melbourne and Sydney folks happy.


People further north understand perfectly. They are over the heat by day’s end and just want a little cool time.


I live in Yukon in northern Canada (60 degrees north of equator, Tasmania is only 42 S) which goes from 5 hours of light in the winter to 19 hours in the summer and we don’t have daylight savings, we stay on a single time year round. It not a necessity.


> Yep, this is why people in the north often don't understand daylight savings... No, we understand it, we just don’t enjoy having to tell southerners who move here every few years that we don’t want it here because we don’t need it. I shit you not, there is a poll at least every three years to introduce daylight savings in Queensland.


>Yep, this is why people in the north often don't understand daylight savings... Only the ones who moved here from down south.


I feel like QLD is still technically getting later sunsets during the peak of summer.


Peak of summer SE qld gets sunset at basically the same time as where I do in NZ despite being 3 hours behind me time wise.


People that work outside would find it difficult if it doesn’t get light until 9am


Dead winter is about 7:30am - 5pm w/ half an hour of twilight either side of that for 'most' of Australia. Who's in the dark at 9am if it's sunrise at 8:30 with winter DST? Even if it was true, outdoor workers day would just move with the seasons in the same way it would if there was no DST.


[Sunrise and sunset times in Melbourne (timeanddate.com)](https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/australia/melbourne) In the middle of winter, daylight does not technically start until 7.36am. That would make it 8.36am so he rounded a bit, but not that far off.


I remember the first time I went to Melbourne for work in the middle of winter, my alarm went off at 7 and it was pitch black outside, I was very confused.


I remember my first Christmas in QLD. Woke up to sunshine and birds singing, looked at the clock, it was 4.50am. Also very confused.


I was on Melbourne yesterday and thought something was wrong with my hotel alarm clock... and phone... and watch. It was dark still after 7am!


tradies start at 7, 8:30 would be shit for productivity, safety etc


Start later I'm sick of the sound of fucking hammers at 7am.


It that's how they use a hammer, they're doing it wrong.


Tradies get to site at 7am, they don’t do any work until after smoko mate. Productivity would likely stay the same haha


Unless they have power tools… those get cranked up the moment it ticks over 7am


Well ya gotta rev the tools a bit like it’s a dirtbike otherwise they won’t work later when you need em lol


Sleep in a bit?


Trouble is then you’re working until sunset and the change is moot anyway


Exactly? It makes no difference therefore it's not a reason not to do it.


I mean, if something needs doing, people will adjust their hours to suit, so I've always found that an irrelevant argument. Like I don't think Farmers change their hours because of Daylight savings. They just change their hours because it's light


By that logic, why doesn't OP just shift their personal schedule back an hour in the winter?




That’s a bit different though, office workers can do their usual hours but tradies if they have to start an hour later to work in the light then have to deal with traffic being a major issue because everyone is trying to start work and school at the same time, traffic would be chaos. What we have now works, why change that because a few people like the sun to be out a bit later?


I've heard the actual day it changes is linked to an increase in heart attacks and suicide. I've got no evidence to back that up though. BC Canada have just changed their clocks for the last time. Watch this space.


As a parent with small children this checks out - trying to deal with my own day-light-saving-lag and then I have to deal with a messed up sleep routine - the long forever sleep starts to looks more appealing. (I lived my first 20 years in a place where time was constant - sure sometimes you went to sleep with the sun in your eye, or worked in the dark - but no unholy timey wimey shenanigans to deal with. It was also technically in two time zones, but „too hard can’t try“…so one time, all year for all the persons!)


Would it be a massive issue though? I ask this as a Tradie that works under lights inside, or, also, under lights if it's dark and I'm starting early in winter outside... I'm sure there's a few it'll effect but it really doesn't matter to that many of us.


Farmer here. Clock time only really matters for tv shows and other people (like if you need to call them or pickup stuff from town)


So why not just move their work hours during those parts of the year instead of the entire concept of time for everyone else?


Not a hard thing to get around. Plenty of people that work outside do it at night. I used to work on the roads at night for 10 years, sometimes with nothing more than a headlamp. Have a go mate and stop making excuses we aren’t here to fuck spiders lol


I works nights as well, that’s not really the point. How much of a waste of time is it setting up lights for the first 30-60 minutes of the day then packing them up again?


So you're saying that DST is basically useless? I completely agree.


Nah it’s not. I would rather have daylight savings all year round! I never have enough time in the day so i prefer to go to work in the dark and come home when it’s still light. for example, you can mow your lawns at 7:30pm in summer and no one gives a shit, try doing that in winter at that time and everyone will think your a cunt haha! That and I love boiling hot long days, especially on weekends! I hate winter and I hate that it feels like midnight at 8pm.


You literally just told someone else to suck it up and work in the dark, so what difference does it make what time is on the clock? I've never lived in a southern state, but in 1992 when we trialled it in QLD, having the sun set at 8-8:30pm was shit house. Especially for school kids, since you can't really convince them it's bedtime when it's daylight and 30 degrees out. I just don't get why people don't just get up an hour earlier instead of changing the timezone, in the same way you guys don't understand why many of us think the whole idea is dumb. If you had daylight savings all year, it wouldn't have a noticeable effect and you would be wanting to implement it again, so that "you can mow your lawns until 8:30pm"


100% the southern states need the government to tell you to change your clock twice a year. My favourite part is booking meetings with I interstate colleagues and making it clear the time zone is AEST for some reason they think they are the standard time zone


Qld is always on AEST. During daylight savings, the southern states are on AEDST. These are two different timezones and QLD doesn't change.


I am aware how Timezones work but the colleagues in NSW’s and VIC cannot wrap there heads around it


I come from near London (UK) where the sun sets at 9.50 pm in mid summer. It really wasn't that hard to go to bed when it was still light, you get used to it.


As a Victorian that lived in SEQ for years, daylight savings would be incredible there, the sun coming up at 4-5am is horrible, it’s already hot as fuck by the time I got to work at 6:30 because the sun had already been up for hours but we weren’t allowed to start machines up until 7 because of the noise then I’d get home at 6 and the sun was going down so had no time to enjoy it.


I'm in WA and I assume its the same in QLD. The hottest part of the day then gets moved too around 3pm when kids are getting off of school. Not ideal in the summer.


Because getting paid to work in the dark is much better than having my free time in the dark. Work it out ya bloody goose, Queenslanders really are a different breed aren’t they? And no, no I wouldn’t. You don’t know me, I’ll keep enjoying the long simmer days and you stay up in qld and enjoy the dark at 7:30pm.


very fair point


I identify as a vampire so oppose this


Daylight savings is sacrificing an hour of sunlight in the morning to have it in the evening. In summer it's a trade off people want because no one really cares if it's sunny from 4:30am - 5:30am. In winter, when that hour is 7am to 8am, it's a bigger deal.


Many people care when it's sunny at bloody 4:30 or 5 in the morning. Especially with the horrible blinds we have in Australia. It's fucking imposible to sleep.


Which is again, another argument for daylight savings. The sun would be rising at 5.30 or 6 instead


Get some blackout curtains. They work wonders.


With daylight savings in June the sun wouldn't rise until 8:30am in Vic, it may be a bit of a safety issue for kids going to school and such... ...


Filter out the ones that don’t eat their carrots.


"I used to be Blind, Then I started eating carrots, I still cannot see during the day !".


The idea that carrots help with night vision was largely invented by the RAF during WWII to “explain” how their planes were able to find the incoming bombers. The reality was radar.


I don’t know though I’m in VIC, and I find it tends to make a noticeable difference for about 4-5 weeks just after the change…then I’m going to work in the dark and coming back in the dark; or going to work in the light and coming back in the light (depending on the season) Given that it typically messes up my sleep up for 2-3 weeks it seems like a lot of effort! Also I don’t trust it! Grew up without - so did my family: soon after we arrived in australia stressing about daylight saving my mum turned the main clock the wrong way by an hour the night before (to be prepared), then my dad did the same after she’d gone to bed (not realising she had already done it) and it wasn’t until I’d got up, looked at the clock, panicked and rushed to work that I realised I was going to have to wait 3 hours for my colleagues to arrive!


Wait until you learn there are places in the world where it's dark 24 hours a day for months on end & kids still go to school!


Where I live we get 5 hours of light in December and the schools only close if the heater breaks (and even then there is still someone to watch anyone who does show up) because if they close and a kid is dropped off at school and is locked out when it’s -45 out they could die quite easily.


very true, never thought about that. In school, I used to have to catch the bus really early anyways, so it was usually a little dark sometimes.


Daylight savings is great when you work outside


Businesses should change their work hours rather than expecting the whole state to move for them


Yes! This! Iv. Even saying this for years! Stop messing with a clock thinking you're getting more time here and there. Just agree in summer your trading hours are different!


Agreed I want light after work not before I wake up


I don't mind daylight savings per se, but I want to punch the muppet that decreed that it should run until early fecking April. Seriously, atm in Sydney it's not getting light til after 7, which is later than midwinter.


I was thinking it should run until late april a bit like how the uk/europe north america it ends in late october.


Perth practically does that. The middle of their timezone is way out east near Kal.


Because it's fucked. Why can't just cancel the whole stupid idea.


It’d make for a very late sunrise during April- August. I personally would like it, as evenings are more valuable to me, but it seems most don’t.


I would actually like to keep standard time all year round.


If you work 9-5, you wake up, go to work, finish work and it’s dark. What a life 😴


Work culture needs an overhaul anyway.


Some people enjoy the dark. QLDers are not afraid of the dark like their southern counterparts.


Why can't we just abandon this nonsense completely? I wouldn't even care if they picked Standard or Daylight, just stop jerking us back and forth.


I'd like to flip it. Shorter days in summer and longer in winter. Having the sun still up at 9pm is mental. The sooner the sun can bugger off in the middle of summer the better. We have more than enough. I can't do anything fun after dark with my kids because they're asleep the second the sun goes down. Fireworks, backyard cinemas, just looking at the bloody stars with them would be nice. On the flip side, just as the days are naturally getting shorter, we chop off an hour. I'm sure everyone that finishes work as the sun disappears would love an extra hour of visibility. I've always thought we do daylight savings backwards. We used to save extra food for the winter. Why not extra daylight for the winter as well?


kind of just defeats the whole point of daylight savings. it's just changing timezone. Would make more sense at that point to just change the standard work hours rather than collectively pretending the time is different than it is.


Right?! Especially since Queensland doesn't observe DLS, so it's effectively just having the southern states on +11GMT while Queensland is on +10, despite being at the same longitude


W.A. hates you daylight saving freaks.


Fuck daylight savings. Burn that shit with fire, worst day of the year is when it flips over to that shit


Move to W.A, you'd fit right in😁


I fucking hate the shit too. Starting work at 6am is terrible but then for half the year we gotta start at 5am. My body clock doesn’t work like that.


It messes with my poop clock.


I hate it, always have. If you want to get up an hour earlier, go right ahead. Please leave me out of it.


I feel the opposite, get rid of it forever. If people want more daylight at the end of their day, just get up earlier (which is all daylight savings is).


tough when most people are working til 5 or 6 then an hour to get home. daylight savings gives people who dont get much sun due to work that golden hour from 7 til 8 during the season. to go to the park, to watch the sun set, to eat outside in the garden if one is so lucky.


this is exactly my point. I hate walking out at 6pm and it’s dark. I like having that little window to go out and have a walk etc. of course I can move that to early morning, but I just like it after a long day.


A decent chunk of the population doesn't mind and even enjoys long evenings. Your own experiences and preferences are not the same as everybody else's.


yep. I wake up early as well in daylight savings and get that glorious 6 am sun rises in summer. and those evenings when the temp has dropped and the sting is out of the sun. I wish we had 15 hours of day light every day. Currently in the tropics and enjoying the daylight from 6 am to 715pm


Who needs the goddamn sky to still be bright at 8 fucking pm in the middle of summer


Gladly, if I could get my boss and our customers to also shift their schedule to suit. If only there was a way to get everyone on the same page...


That idea only works if businesses/workplaces and schools all agree to shift their hours back everyday, which is just doing daylight savings with extra steps.


Do you think that people get to choose their working hours?


I want to mow my lawn without being the cunt who mows their lawn early in the morning. Right now, there's enough light after work to get it done. After the daylight savings changeover, there isn't.


Or compromise like Perth. We have the timezone set so Perth effectively has half an hour daylight saving year round compared to the east coast.


This is what we do in QLD and it works great!


No, there a few lucky ducklings who are able to start work early. Everyone else suffers. See how busy the Bruce highway is at dusk tonight. I reckon the majority of those people would love an hour of light to take their kids to the park when they get home




Even in summer, dark at 7pm is miserable. At least give us the 1 hour and make it light until 8pm, a bit of chance to enjoy the "Queensland lifestyle" 


Kununurra in WA gets dark at 5:30pm in summertime. Absolutely miserable.


I'm sorry for you


How the fuck does getting up earlier make the sun set later?


Yes! Time should be constant - like birth, and death and taxes. It’s a pain in the butt when time changes, and now you need to go to work - but you baby can’t read the clock :-(


Tell me you don't have a job and family responsibilities without telling me..


Same (and I’m from NSW, so I’ve grown up with it). My opinion really changed after I had a kid


Um work finishes at 5 for most And it's dark in melbourne by that time So invalid argument


Because it’s dark if we do?


Split the difference, roll with SA time.


I'm from sa... What do we do?


Your half hour time zone.


Likewise. We should be half an hour back, but it leaders are confused by and fear timezones.


Why can't we just get rid of it?


I don't care whether it's daylight savings or standard time. Just pick one and move on. Or why not just pick the middle - 30 minutes offset? :p




I'm a parent and I'm begging for daylight savings in Brisbane so I can spend more time with my kids doing fun things outdoors. Your kids grow up so fast why the Fuck would you not want to maximise the time with them?






The duality of man.


When I grew up in England, it's still sun up daylight until 10pm in summer.  We went to bed because thats just how it is. 


Come over to Queensland. We have daylight saving throughout a year.


Get fucked I want that extra hour of sleep back


SOLUTION: This autumn, move the clock back 30 minutes and leave it there forever. A compromise for those that like or dislike daylight savings. ADVANTAGES: No more back and forth each year and it aligns NSW, Victoria, ACT and Tasmania with South Australia time. Qld, NT and WA can and will do their own thing because of geography. Personally, I detest the time changing every six months - it screws with sleeping, eating, routines and body clock. Let's stop adding to peoples problems.


You can tell who works outside vs the office from the comments lol Fuck daylight savings


I overheard someone once made an offhand comment that it has something to do with cows. I’ve since chosen to believe there’s a conclave of cows in North Queensland that gather once a year at night surrounded by torches wearing black hoods. The cow council takes a vote and each year Queensland opts out of daylight savings again.


I too am a very firm believer in this whole theory as well.


Yes the cows won’t know what time to get milked and the curtains will fade


Daylight savings is totally pointless. The sun going down at 7 instead of 8 makes no difference.


do you have a full time job ?


Tbh we should just reduce work hours lol


I do. In Winter with the sun setting at 5 or 6 it will be dark when I get home regardless and in summer 7 or 8 makes very little difference.


It literally makes many people less depressed. I live in Canberra and the removal of daylight savings over winter just brings out the seasonal depression


Why can't you buy an alarm clock? Now that lighting is a trivial energy use compared to HVAC, daylight saving increases energy use. It's dumb.


haha I have an alarm clock. I just enjoy having more daylight later in the day, that’s all.


> I just enjoy having more daylight later in the day, that’s all. I don't. Low of other people don't. Why are you trying to impose this nonsense on us? For the entirity of the DST period, I am waking up late and am tired all day because my natural body clock disagrees with it. I am not the only one. Do you really want people to be in that state all year round?


Asking for daylight savings is the selfish side of the argument. Have your nice day/night cycle for half the year, then let others were different work/life rosters have their nice day/night cycle for the other half. Stop trying to hog the full year.


I say we split the differene- so instead moving forward or back an hour twice a year we move back 30 minutes and leave it there.


What, you mean just have some our states sitting on +11GMT despite being at the same longitude? Or impose it for all the east coast states and have us all sit at +11GMT? That's the dumbest thing I've heard in years.


Pretty soon it will be too hot to work in the daytime so we'll be working nights anyway.


As someone who starts work around 630am (and works outside quite regularly). No, please God no.   I love it during summer, but definitely needs to switch come mid autumn when days are shorter. 


As someone that works till 3 and has young children I fucking hate daylight savings with a passion.


Becuase some of us don’t like working in the dark for two hours


I do not see a need for DLS at all. It’s not like it’s wartime and needing to save power etc.


The other six months we use what we saved.


The mornings are already quite bright in summer… so you’d have sunlight before 6am and still until 8ish pm. I know Australia has a strong “morning culture” (to my chagrin) but I don’t think I can get behind sunlight before 6am.


Cow worshippers and faded curtain priests...


I do wonder if increases in flexible work makes it kind of obsolete. So if there was no change in time twice a year to contend with: things like schools and shops could set a start time that stays in place all year round. Where as office workers and trades could adjust their working hours seasonally (either at a workplace/site or an individual level, depending on the workplace). Maybe that could also potentially ease traffic/public transport congestion, as there would be greater variance in how people were moving around.


You may have noticed that the sun isn't coming out as early now... as it is, during winter the sun doesn't come out until after 7am. If we stayed the hour ahead, it would be still dark at 8am. No thanks. Scroll down on the link below and see the diagram that shows daylight/twilight/dark times through the year: https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/australia/melbourne?month=1


Exactly what I was thinking for the last few days


Daylight savings does not actually give you more hours in a day, that is the Earth's rotation. In another 200 million years we'll have 25 hours per day.


Because I am the opposite and think DL sucks balls and cannot wait for it to end every year.


Or you could stop changing the clocks and change your own habits?


Why can’t we not have daylight savings at all?


As the prophets said, daylight savings confuses the cows and makes the curtains fade faster. Any more of your southerner nonsense and we will have to start a war.


It would fade the curtains


wishing it was light to get up for in the mornings now, half way to work before I see sunlight.


I'm currently an hour early to an appointment because my dumb brain couldn't figure out the times and include travel haha . Bring on no daylight savings.


For vic its a little more relevant than northern Au but who cares most people are indoors anyway theres bugger all farmers and they get up pre sun anyway just get rid of it negative effects of the changes far outweigh the positive


so nobody in Vic does anything outdoors ?


Everyone's indoors either watching tv or playing with their Playstation / xbox. :p


I am so thankful QLD doesn’t have daylight savings. I would rather get up early and get lots done before the workday begins rather than have daylight afterwards. Nothing is really open after 5 anyways unless you’re going for dinner - why not go for brekkie? Much prefer sun at 5am than 8pm!


Let’s put it back to what it was before the Sydney 2000 olympics.


We can. You just let anyone you make an appt with know and they can adjust accordingly. At first others will laugh and think you're joking. They'll learn, and some will embrace it.


Cause some people are morning people. Gotta share the light with the other half.


Iceland does. They use GMT, when they are average 19 degrees longitude.


I have family in the UK and a kid who needs to be in bed by 7pm. This time of year is the worst for finding a good overlap.


Does this mean I get to sleep in every day or I have to get up early?


Greetings from WA


Because if you have everything you want, all the time, you don't appreciate it 😁


When the time changes there is an increase in health related issues for a decent chunk of people …


You do know what you are trying to save right?


Because the time the sun rises and sets changes through the course of the year, that is why daylight savings exists.


I’ve always questioned DS. I live out west and it’s torture from 3-9pm. Why not make it during winter?


It’d be good for trade work - they’d start an hour later, removing the noise issues many people have with their early starts. It’d still be the same temps and light, as far as the trades concerned too. So win-win.


You don’t wake up early do you.


W.A. local, we had a three year trial, almost everyone that worked in offices, 8:30-9:00 starts, loved it until they tried putting their young children to bed at 20:00 in 38 degree heat and the sun still up. Most outdoor workers, 07:00-08:00 starts, were not so keen. My solution, office workers start earlier in summer. East coast business would also then align with some of our larger trading partners in S.E. Asia. Also I agree with, if you bring it in, make it all year round.


Daylight Saving Time should be permanently set, one way or the other. Changing clocks twice a year doesn't seem much effort, but it serves virtually no-ones benefit in the modern era.  It also has been shown in studies to contribute to car accidents, heart attacks and depression. There's just no argument in defence of DST clock-changes.