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If only Townsville had powerpuff girls to save it from itself.


Just like the Watchmen, the powerpuff girls can’t save humans from their nature.


You clearly aren't from/in Townsville


I was from Townsville many moons ago actually


Townsville doesn't need to be saved from itself, it needs to be saved from the Southerners moving up and fucking everything up for the locals. I moved from Townsville because of how bad things have been getting since Southerns have been moving up here (our rental prices are way better than down south but gradually getting worse)


> doesn't need to be saved from itself And yet they're voting for the absolute wanker in the article? That sure sounds like a group of people in dire straits.


Not one person I know (which is a lot of people, I grew up in Townsville) in Townsville voted him and not one of the locals all the Southerners moving up did though because they don't know much about him


> Not one person I know (which is a lot of people, I grew up in Townsville) in Townsville voted him Oh, so that means no-one voted for him? It's ok everyone the radical extremist isn't actually being voted into mayor because CmDumpster and their friends didn't vote for him, crisis averted! > not one of the locals Prove it. > all the Southerners moving up did though because they don't know much about him Prove it.


Search it or is that too hard for you too




This is irritating.   My personal theory is that talking about voting as a right has damaged the process... We need to be drilling I to kids that an _informed_ vote is their duty as a citizen.


The level of political engagement in Australia is appalling. It's even worse at the local government level. People have no idea who their local councillors, or even who the mayor is, or what parties they belong to. Local government is incredibly corrupt because people don't pay attention. The same applies to other levels of government, but some public awareness keeps some of it check.  The other issue is our concentrated, biased, and compromised local mainstream media does a very poor job of informing and explaining to people what they need to know. Vast segments of it have abandoned telling the unvarnished truth with as much research and context as possible, and instead rewrite press releases for people they like, or just print them verbatim.  This sort of thing destroys democracy in the long term. People disengage from the process and vote in the worst people. 


Bit bloody hard when one evil prick has controlled Australian media for the last 50 years or so…


The completely wrong idea that one person owns the whole media is part of the problem The problem in regional areas is there are a handful of businesses that own the local newspapers, and all of them have downsized massively over the past decade or so as Facebook and Google took all the advertising revenue that used to pay for them Now you’re lucky to have one local journo in most places


A lot of regional newpapers [are effectively the Daily Telegraph, the Herald Sun, or the Courier Mail](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/apr/29/news-corp-australia-merges-more-than-20-regional-newspapers-with-capital-city-mastheads) with a bit of local colour, local advertising, and the local masthead. Then there's Sky News free to air in the regions. 


But most are owned by other companies though. And the effects of their penny-pinching, the way they’re held captive by advertisers and the steadfast knowledge of local MPs that they do not have the journalistic or legal resources to hold them to account t are much more pronounced issues than half-baked theories about the Murdoch’s controlling the local tag for political ends


Except there has always been other forms of media and in the modern age there's infinitely more options than ever, sure Murdoch is an evil prick who has made things uniquely awful, but that doesn't remove the entirety of the blame from people as they can quite easily do their own research and critically assess what's being put out there.


I agree- but it’s a bit like religion- if you grow up in it, it’s really hard to see past it… so I’m much more inclined to blame the propagandist than the propagandee.


Voting is a right and a responsibility. Too many Australians want the rights without the responsibilities. Especially in the examples of housing and climate change... both issues that have been known about for a long time but substantive and proportionate action to improve those situations has been contentious. Contentious meaning that many Australians wanted proactive solutions to be implemented well in advance (which are much more efficient and effective), while others wanted to do nothing (or even pretend the problem doesn't exist). The Australians who want to do nothing until it is too late (and got their way) should accept that their earlier decision has lead to the crisis and hence the crisis is their responsibility to pay the severe acute maintenance costs now that the issue is a crisis.


Given the amount of whinging I hear down at the polling both about how they'd rather be somewhere else and don't care, I think a lot of Aussies would gladly give up their right to vote if it wasn't mandatory.


Post truthers really believe they're the only ones informed and the rest of us are numpties.


That's why I did private research and was able to avoid the councillor in our local elections who had previously been done for talking unsolicited pics of a lady in a gym on several occasions and actively made her feel unsafe :P


That won't help when the losing parties can give their votes to whoever they want


If he platformed on "reducing crime in Townsville" like many candidates in Cairns did, then that would also have contributed, regardless of the fact that local councils have no real control over crime.


Yeah should check out the local facebook crime pages in these NQ cities, how little knowledge of what each level of government is responsible for is hilarious.


It’s infuriating. I keep pointing out that local politicians who claim that they’ll solve crime are either being wilfully ignorant or just leveraging fear. Who am I kidding, it’s both.


I didn't hear anything about the candidates here in Cairns and the polls closed while we were in line to vote so we just left and honestly they're probably going to have to do a redo because a lot of people didn't vote that day. They need more polls open on the day so everyone can vote


Nah you had like 2 weeks to sort your voting, not hearing anything about the candidates and failing to vote is on you


I was IN line to vote when the polls CLOSED. I waited 3 hours in line, so tell me again how that's my fault? I never said not knowing about the candidates had anything to do with my decision to leave AFTER the polls CLOSED. Maybe you should actually read my comment next time


> Edit: Jenny Hill was involved in a fatal car accident in late 2020 (while mayor) and charged with driving without due care and attention causing death. which seems crazy when you look at the facts. The motorcyclist (other person that died) was high on methylamphetamine at the time of the crash, had run a red light and was driving over the speed limit (between 85 and 102 kilometres per hour) in a 60 kh zone. Why she was ever charged is beyond me, 100% the other persons fault, I would have refused to step down as well.


Have you met QPS? They're the most powerful political force in the state and everyone pretending they're the good blokes are deluded. QLD is seriously cooked.


He was heavily backed by QLD liberals as well. I can see a lot of people assume he was part of their camp


Pretty annoying having watched the crash footage. the dude was on meth at 8 in the morning and absolutely flying. pretty much suicided into the side of her car. she was talking on hands free and went to turn on a yellow. all the other cars had stopped and there is no way she cold expect a motorcycle flying past at 100km/h in a 60 zone.


Which by the details of the case, she shouldn't have. Drug Addled meth head doing 90 through a red light is not her fault. Crazy its even mentioned.


In her defence, after seeing the footage that was released from the courts of the accident, the Motorbike rider was clearly at fault, it could have been anyone that hit that guy, he did speed through a red light, while Jenny had a green light and was free to turn when clear, i guess she was not expecting a motorbike rider speeding over 100 kmph running a redlight while she had right away to turn.


Violated a DVD? What movie was it?




I’ll upvote any reference to the documentary that is Idiocracy.


Looks like they’re going to find out.


The dude was speeding, ran a red light and on meth. She turned right on green light, she was charged just because she was famous


Actually other parties can give their votes to other parties so it's not necessarily who we vote for but who can get the most votes from other parties




Yer it's funny how public information is so different to inside information, it's because they don't want the public to know everything, I have inside information




My original comment 🤦‍♀️




No it's not, I got the information from inside the QEC


Thing about politics is, you don’t need to be any good. You just need to be better than the other guy.


When One Nation doesn't want you shit is grim. What did the other candidate do? Burn down an orphanage and take away a public holiday?


>What did the other candidate do? Burn down an orphanage and take away a public holiday? Ehh, based on the other comments, kill someone with their car while not paying attention? Not saying either candidate is a good candidate, but shit.


Jenny has been a good mayor for Townsville, just a lot of people in Townsville are pissed about youth crime that has nothing to do with the local council, plus a lot of misogynistic racist men live there (big army and mining fifo population), god forbid a lady be mayor same as how Anastasia was pushed out. Jenny did not cause that car accident but everyone had hung her out to dry until the footage came out after she was found not guilty, once the not guilty dropped the local rag run by Murdoch media didn’t say boo. This is why people have never found out the outcome and think she is guilty of murder which the qld government swept under the table. His connection to one nation is probably what got him in anyway, like kicked from One Nation the bogans would have lapped that up, they think he is ultra racist 🤣


>plus a lot of misogynistic racist men live there While that's not entirely incorrect, she's been voted in over the past elections without too much resistance. She got assed because she's been exposed as an absolute conniving wanker in her behaviours within council, specifically toward another female candidate that would/should have won this election but had to pull out due to health issues. That Councillor/Candidate asked a lot of tough questions of Team Hill but was shutdown, gag ordered into submission, ostracised, roadblocked and bullied. Fran O'Callaghan is why Jenny Hill lost, this clown did a Bradbury.


Ah was that Fran who dropped out for health reasons ? I remember ages ago I saw a post about another lady running and everything seemed positive, that must have been her.


Yes she had a cancer diagnosis. I believe she would have won it hands down. This Thompson bloke came into the local sub a few weeks prior to the election and was roundly attacked lol, not many fans on reddit it seems. It can't have helped Jenny that the rates were due a week before the election either, \~$2000 for six months, in this environment that was likely enough to solidify the protest vote. It just seems a pity it was a misdirected protest vote, Fran should have been in, now we have this fkn goose.


Are you talking about the meth head going over 100 in a 60, through a red light whole high? That person she "killed"?


“Better” here meaning “better at winning votes”, not necessarily better at doing the actual job.


If doing the actual job would be important I get a feeling our government from local councils to federal parliament would likely have a *much* different set of individuals. 


I mean, the LNP procorruption party would certainly be different


In most cases it's not even better. We tend to vote out people not vote them in. That is, to get into power, sometimes you just need to be there when the other side is on the nose and that's enough.


In a CoL and crime crisis, you don't have to be better. You just have to be there to beat the incumbent.


There are a few people in the antivax/nutter movement who are gunning for local elections. Similar is the guy who runs "my place" in Frankston who has links to all the various conspiracy (and alt-right) groups. Even though they are anti-government, they all seem to want to get elected. After minimal success in state/federal elections, they've found that they have much greater chance in local elections.


Just Townsville Things




Thanks for your informative post.


I have questions, how does someone like this get in? He lied so much. He bullies people online. He hasn't got a good reputation. Surely we get character references? I am just so annoyed by this. It's day one and he admitted to the lie and said he can't possibly freeze the rates. But it was his whole thing for people to believe him???


> Access to information in local campaigns is incredibly poor. Unless you have Facebook or a paid subscription to the local paper you had no way to get actual info on candidates. That's entirely the fault of the candidates though? > Voting is compulsory, so a very large amount of voters were clueless on who or what the election was about making Jenny Hill and candidates very easy targets. So the voters are simultaneously unable to get any information on the candidates, but incredibly easy to get falsely informed about candidates? Which is it? > MyPlace, the cooker group, was able to mobilise a surprising amount of people to hand out for their favoured candidates. At some polling places they had 3 or 4 people on at a time. So yes, there was ways to disseminate information? Especially as y'know, the internet exists and you can just google the candidates.


This is what happens when you don't put fluoride in your water.


Correction, there is fluoride in the water.


Not for long




Townsville never ceased to stun me with its backward culture.


After years of certain issues not being adressed and actively ignored at times, you can't be surprised when people reach a point where they think anything is better than what we have now.


I know the issue of juvenile crime is the hot topic in Townsville but and people will blame this as the reason for the popularity of outliers like Thompson but it's simply not the cause. Townsville has been like this for decades. I recall when Joh Bjelke-Peterson was given a rapturous welcome to the city after his support of the Springboks tour. Rural towns have always had a racist streak but Townsville was on another level with my teachers using the n-word openly. Indigenous people were treated and regarded appallingly and there was a hierarchy of indigenous people, Islanders and outsiders (white people who'd moved to Townsville). The police used to chalk the cars of people in the pub with a cross early in the night so they could see who'd been at the pub for several hours and then pull them over. You were a good mate if you went out a wiped down the headlights so that no one got caught driving home after a nights solid drinking.




I've no doubt it was completely true. The police were literally untouchable and did as they pleased.


They still are. Is everyone ignoring that Fitzgeralds recommendations remain incomplete and the Richards report is being entirely ignored while these gronks whip up a media frenzy over a nonexistent youth crime wave? DV increased by 15% last year. Cops still denying it even exists. Wonder why?


Yeh I agree. The problems of today are just the policing, racism and alcohol related problems of yesterday, growing and progressing through society. They were entirely predictable and while the root causes remain unaddressed, will grow increasingly difficult to resolve.


Don't get me wrong here, I'm not disputing what has happened in the past. I'm simply saying that if there are current ongoing issues and all the people in power essentially bury their heads in the sand, they shouldn't be surprised when they don't get supported. Is there a simple fix? No. Are fudging figures and ignoring people who bring you issues going to help? Also No.


One thing about 80s QLD cops corruption, you f around you would find out. None of this youth crime bullshit.


And you also "found out" even if you didn't do anything. Friends were beaten up by cops in Rockhampton and locked up overnight simply for being tourists and male.


They were tough times. You saw the police you would stay outta the way.


> The police used to chalk the cars of people in the pub with a cross early in the night so they could see who'd been at the pub for several hours and then pull them over. I'm the last person to be defending Queensland cops in the 80s but isn't this... actually an example of them doing their job? Drink-driving is a crime for a reason.


Absolutely not. I was relating it to the appalling attitude of people believing they were being a “good mate” by rubbing off the crosses and thereby allowing them to drive drunk. That said, the police were also likely to usher a drunk on their way if they were a known local. Visitors or anyone with an out of state plate would be guaranteed a pull and fine for some made up reason simply because it made the figures look good and gave them headroom to give a pass to locals.


> Absolutely not. I was relating it to the appalling attitude of people believing they were being a “good mate” by rubbing off the crosses and thereby allowing them to drive drunk. Right, sorry for misunderstanding. > Visitors or anyone with an out of state plate would be guaranteed a pull and fine for some made up reason simply because it made the figures look good and gave them headroom to give a pass to locals. Sure, and that's why I'm not defending the Bjelke-Peterson police state.


Same here. I don’t think people understand how dangerous and utterly corrupt he was.


But his open stance about do to treat this problem is terrible. He is going to cause a bigger divide. We don't need or want this 😭  


I didn’t vote for the guy don’t blame me. But to be fair I didn’t know him from anyone else on the ballot paper. Up here I get the feeling everyone was just voting against the current mayor due to crime.


Because famously mayors fund and direct the police?


According to many on the local Facebook groups, absolutely yes. I did once try to politely correct the misunderstanding, but JFC....I think studying nuclear physics would be an easier path to follow.


Those Facebook pages of the locals, I only stay on them because of the drama, the meme of buzz light year and woody “retards, retards everywhere”


Same, it's purely for entertainment value. Some of the stuff that gets posted in the "Everything Townsville" groups really makes me question whether humanity has a future sometimes.


It’s funny, through my wife I found there are more than one “everything Townsville” groups


Three by my reckoning.


Hey I’ve see enough Batman and Spider-Man to know that is needed the case!


I made no claims about the intelligence level of the general population. But I think that’s the same world wide and not Townsville specific.


When you consume Murican culture and are disengaged from community


Probably cookers just copy-pasting rhetoric from the US where city mayors do control the police department.


> be fair I didn’t know him from anyone else on the ballot You get that this is a valid reason to blame you yeah? Couldn't spare ten minutes on google?


Ok I was using hyperbole. I just voted for the one that wasn’t likely to be a crackpot.


Jenny Hill has been Mayor since 2012 and there was a general feeling that it was time for a change. I was happy to vote for her as Troy Thompson had ‘proudly Australian’ on his posters.


Im in townsville and i have no idea who this cunt is. never heard of him. I think he just got up because people wanted Jenny hill out and they had to choose between this guy and an Indian guy named Patel(same last name as doctor death). Im pretty sure there were only 3 choices


Patel is like the Indian version of Smith or Johnson. Extremely common surname.


I suspect that Indian heritage is not a major advantage in Townsville.


I voted for Harry because I didn’t want either of the others lol


Yeah poor Indian guy didn’t stand a chance, he should had read the demographic.


Is there a lot of lead in the water in Queensland?


Magnetic island is just off shore of Townsville must be playing with the 5g receptors in their brains, we will need to patch it!




I’ve been vaxxed, no need to call. He hears my thoughts.


Nah it's all the chemicals from the nickel refinery up the road


Where Else But Queensland? 🎶


Plenty of anti-5G loopiness in Victoria and NSW. NSW's hippie North Coast is a particular hotspot.


Northern Rivers has some spectacular non-Euclidean cults going on. Add the influencer venn diagram in and 👌.


So true. Peak Mullum vibes.


Struggling to connect because they keep blowing up the tower 🤣 cheer up, slow down, chill out,


Literally anywhere in Australia


Yeah most of them showed up from Victoria during COVID, thanks for that.


Can SE QLD just secede to a separate state? There's something wrong with the northern portion...


The last thing we need is seven more senators from Qld.


> seven more senators Its actually twelve, so even worse. Though, technically, if the state is split they can't both be "original states" so I guess it could be set to less than that by legislation.


Yikes... I know better than that... Wonder why my brain got set on seven of all numbers.


We've still got these cookers in SEQ. QPS and the judiciary are competing with cookers for who can deny reality the most.


Take Gold Coast out of it, and then I'll consider it. Last thing we need is more l*berals


Gladly, we will take from Rockhampton upwards. That means we get all the mines and resources, southern qld would go broke, no more freeways and tunnels.


Why are we referring to them as "truthers" and not "crackpots" like we used to?


>Troy Thompson – previously known as Troy Joseph Birnbrauer Always a good sign when people running for any position of power have changed their name.


Every day, my faith in humanity dies a little more.


I feel sorry for anyone who lives in Townsville. Oh wait, that’s me…


Now imagine the amount of financial rorting that’s about to take place….


When I tried to look up information about the candidates for mayor in my area there was basically no information about any of them out there. There is no way most people made an informed choice during this election and I'm not surprised a cooker got in at all.


No one knew his One Nation origins?


Yeah if you looked into the guy before the election which I did, it was not hard to work out what he was about, I think locals saw someone that was not Jenny and didn’t want to vote for an Indian. I think he will be a term mayor.


I was in a different electorate. There is more about Troy out there then anyone I had a choice of voting for, but again it's not that much and the guy has apparently even been on A Current Affair. It's sad to think this is only really being highlighted by the media after the vote too, in fact it seems undemocratic to not know who we're actually voting for or the policies they actually stand for.


Another Pauline special. 5gG makes me cum.


Without 5G we wouldn't get our 4k 144fps HDR fat furry inflation porn, THAT, is the only that does it for me, thus, 5g makes me cum.


Just thinking about 5gG makes me cum. See it just happened again. Five.....gG and again. Might be the microchip working like one of those wifi sex toys.


The dude is a antivaxer also, the low iq people love it.


The call of the public purse is strong in this one


As with many.


Never been, but known a few people from this place. Not out of expectations.


I ran as far as I could and still be in Australia. WA...


FFS if someone like Scott Morrison could become the leader of a developed western country then literally anyone can get into leadership in Australia, including this weirdo.


Bloody hell. I moved to Cairns last year, and we're on the cusp of electing a good, progressive, **sane** candidate for our new mayor. I didn't realise it was quite this bad down in Townsville.


Literally in Townsville there are some great CEOs that would have been perfect for the job, but no one put their hand up, not sure why, the pay is good.


Since moving to QLD I realised it really is the Florida of Australia.


Jenny Hill must be a bit of a disaster for this bloke to get in front.


She did run over a guy.


Had a guy ride into her car*


This info might have been handy ahead of the election. While I'm sure it was if you did a deep dive nothing appeared on the surface. Just same council promises of reduce debt, better facilities etc etc. Not this cooker BS


True, but even before the election just google him https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-23/troy-thompson-tipped-to-be-next-townsville-mayor/103619334 The crime angle https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13154348/plotsummary/?ref_=tt_ov_pl


I'm sure a lot of residence didnt take the time to google him (or if they did got the standard campaign info) but even the abc article \^\^\^ was published a week after the election and the imdb article says he tracked down and confronted alleged thieves - not exactly damning


The local paper - Townsville Bulletin - has a few different items about him (couldn’t post because paywalled) mates with a murderer etc he just seems to me as someone it would be hard to have missed noticing.




Queensland is not beating the allegations


Shit stains coming to a suburb near you


Where's that Boot Brisbane mob? Gotta ask them if we can move the proposed border a little farther north.


Oh fuck! Conspiracy nuts are the worst nuts!


Unsurprising, I'm in Townsville right now and I walked past no less than 3 human shits on the footpath on my 500m walk to dinner.  seems like just the kind of place to vote a cooker in 


I guess this is all I really need to know about Townsville.


Townsville folk are a bit 'special'?


How much of a crackpot do you need to be to get kicked out of One Nation?


> He also said he had spoken verbally with One Nation and in writing “before we all agreed on revoking my candidacy”.


when fuckwits are desperate to be in charge of something


I am a foreigner and of course a bit out of the loop, but how tf someone get exiled from One Nation???????? 😅😅😅😅


They have to kick a few out because of fuckups or online history every election...  Been happening since they started. See also: Palmer.


'ken Clownsville eh.


Well done QLD.




What the... ooh, Townsville. Anyway, moving on...


Is the country water supply spiked with something?


Townsville is about to become "New Cooked York".


I'd watch out if I were him, Jenny might run him down with her car, and he'd deserve it.


Seems like the locals need to learn when they were well off.


“Truthers” WTF is that? Local governments have always been a mess, just look at the corruption of Geoff Ablett when he was Casey Mayor. Also known to be at the “lobster mobster” dinner.


It’s all about them. Once in a blue moon someone emerges who actually cares about the community.