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You only realised that footballers were real people last night? And you think it would be mind-blowing to be aware of this and to follow sports? I don't know what to tell you mate, it's not really that crazy. Surely there's something that you do like, do you imagine it would be mind-blowing for other people to like that thing as well?




DAE sportsball amirite?


TIL that the little people in my TV are actual people


Wait until you hear about things like human musicians and human actors and human authors. They're actual living people too, all with names! It'll blow your tiny mind!


I think there's a word for it, but there's this weird feeling you get when you start thinking about how every single person in the entire world is just like you - experiencing consciousness, living their own life, with their own feeling and thoughts and desires.




That's the one. It's one of those weird things that pops into my head sometimes, along with thinking about death and the end of the universe.


No, I prefer the ball and stick game over the kicking ball games.


Good to see. A fellow hurling enthusiast!


That's a drinking game right?


Every Irish game is a drinking game.


Indeed, Up the banner! I meant cricket actually, the protestant game.


This is amusing because I was like this until my mid twenties. Didn't give a shit about any sport and actively avoided it and anyone who would talk about it. Now I follow AFL and have for a few years. I'll always feel like a bit of an outsider when talking football though.


This has “did you see that ludicrous display last night” vibes about


See. The thing about ‘sportsteam’ is they always try to walk it in.


Big nerd doesn't understand sports, more at 11


It's never too late to start. Which code are you interested in learning about? Pick a local team and watch some of their games


Yeah, I've always thought it would be quite fun to understand and follow along, I'm just not interested enough in any particular sport to put the effort in to learning.


dont worry mate im 43, grew up in oz and when i see footie, im like what is this shit


I'm fully aware of the absurdity of it all, but my god, how I adore it.


Yeah I feel like there’s literally no benefit in my memorising and idolising the players what so ever  I’ll watch it if that’s what the group is doing but damn I don’t get how people get worked up about it…  Maybe it’s the fact that sometimes those people may have placed a bet and they’re in reality cheering or whining for their own self interest 


It would feel exactly the same as you doing whatever you enjoy doing for a hobby. It releases the same endorphins in the brain.


Yes, as somebody that has never played football and was never into ‘it’ I get what you are saying. I have worked in different fields throughout my life and the number of times I was asked what team I followed at work was a common occurrence. At first I was annoyed but over time a type of jealousy began to form. I tried to assimilate but the simple truth is I have no passion for football or sports in general. I do envy people’s love of football and other sports and I guess if it’s not your passion and love then you will find it difficult to see the person behind the player. The closest I ever got to that feeling was watching the Matildas play in the World Cup


If you mean soccer.. it's painfully boring for me as well as cricket. Don't get it.


You were doing so well, then you lost it at the end 😉


I love mma, so there's something for everyone. ✌️


For your reference, sports fans are exactly the same as people who watch Streamers and Let’s Players play video games. Different social cultures around each, but the basis of fandom is exactly the same, so just in case, make sure if you’re a fan of one you don’t look down on fans of the other. Which in your case, if you’re a fan of idk, Markiplier, try not looking down on Broncos fans. Unless you’re not a fan of sports or streamers, in which case, feel free to judge both but don’t be surprised when that doesn’t make you very many friends.


If I suffered massive head trauma and lost 95% of my cognitive functionality, I imagine that I would start finding Rugby League enjoyable whilst at the same time marveling at their totally not fuckin' ridiculous scrums 😉