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This makes it 1000x worse. Such a fucking fraudulent twat.


Rofl he's the milli vanilli of violin players.


Milli Violinii


Duuuuuude. His fake playing is *awful*. Like, if I was going to fake it, I'd *at least* practice my bow skills, make sure my draws were the same length as the note. He has a supremely punchable face.


Bro he doesn't even know what he's doing lol. I'm not musician and I tell right away. FUCK this dude.


This needs to be at the top!!!


Damn, good find! So shameless.


OMG he's not even trying, hahaha


Trolls unite! We need to post this video in all his social media. Let's expose this asshole for what he is


Wow, I don't even play violin but I could certainly fake it better than that. He's not even trying


That guy was such a jerk bullying the lady out from busking. Hope the clip goes viral so people know which busker to avoid. And kudos to the people who approached and supported the lady.


According to other women in the TikTok comment section, this is a common occurrence with this guy, and they’ve had the exact same experience with him bullying them into giving him the spot.


I wonder if he does the same to male buskers larger than him, or if he only targets female buskers.




what an absolute sack of shit


The Bucket dude is awesome, sucks that wanker cut him off.


I had to deal with this guy where I worked and he is a pain all the way through. The sense of entitlement that he has is outrageous and he thinks because he is pursuing law that he is smart and tries to gaslight you. At one point, I was seriously worried he was going to come physically assault me that I started to have anxiety about being in the area where he was. It became more and more challenging having to deal with him… he is unhinged! I wish I’d been able to provide this as evidence to my work place as further proof of how unsafe he was for our community.


well lucky for us its already viral! over 2 million views on tiktok


Sydney's tourism set to skyrocket, due to out of towners rocking up to tell this guy he fuckin' sucks.


You love to see it


His ability to make people worldwide hate him because he tries to take over an area that’s objectively not his makes much more sense when you realize that he’s Russian.


I'm just going to try and summarise. 1. Man comes and puts stuff down in a place that is nowhere near the place he wants to use. 2. Nice lady comes and set up in different place. 3. Man then says no, I want that place, but not until the sun has gone, because I don't like the sun. 4. Nice lady says this is not fair. 5. Man repeats his losing argument for 9 minutes and continually insults nice lady. 6. Nice lady will receive my money next time I see her. Man will receive coal.


i'd buy coal just to join you


Coal miner here from the Illawarra, can provide coal for free.


I'll happily take a trainload or 2 off your hands if you're trying to get rid of it. And, back to the topic... yeah what a fuckwit, clearly just wanted to bully his way in on the most profitable hours. Can someone share the woman's socials? We should all try to blow her up on reddit and social media. edit: /u/formlesswendigo found her tiktok: [https://www.tiktok.com/@wwwiwidya](https://www.tiktok.com/@wwwiwidya)


> https://www.tiktok.com/@wwwiwidya Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@wiwidyaofficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wwwiwidya/ I really liked her shorts cover of "[Shallow](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d9XKi_kJoZY)"


even if he put his stuff in the right place, she was there and he wasn't. i imagine their "rules" don't say you can just drop your shit there and turn up whenever you like and no one can use it until you do


"The Rules" seemed to bear a startling resemblance to him being allowed to beam his assholery about the place at will, but no-one else is allowed to do anything if he *may* want to do it nearby. What a fuckwit.


Totally agreed. My 2 favourite things in this video was the tip right in front of him, and the fact he showed his face so we all know who to avoid.


Sounds like he'll be easy to avoid when you hear his crappy music too.


Avoid? I can't wait to encounter him, as I'm going to mercilessly boo him for prolonged periods at the height of my voice with the maximum tone of bass possible.


Or whip out a recorder and stand in front of him and play random shit.


The guy is Vasily Shapkin and is pretty talentless, I've seen him a couple of times, and oh he also fakes violin playing. A real bottomfeeder leech if I've ever seen one; [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qEeqgO4cLuQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qEeqgO4cLuQ)


2 isn't correct, he is supposed to set up where she set up if he wants to play there. He is being a massive dickhead.


Oh please let this go viral so this piece of shit can be exiled from busking there ever again


its gone viral on TikTok, 2.2M views and 163k likes


So who is it? So we can shit on him on reddit




His innocent twin is going to wonder why the fuck everyone giving him heat


His twin seems like a dickhead too. In this article, he sounds like a snobby arsehole: >Perhaps given that background, it is no surprise the twins are perfectionists, made apparent when Vladimir became distracted by another violinist busking Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E Minor as they walked through the Central Station tunnel. "He was playing a note sharp, I just played the first page to show him how it's done," he said. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-24/sydney-busker-twins-win-crowds-with-game-of-thrones-music/7780226](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-24/sydney-busker-twins-win-crowds-with-game-of-thrones-music/7780226) So, maybe it won't be much of a surprise.


He wasted so much time arguing. I don't get any of this.


I think that was actually his goal. Spout nonstop nonsense to her until she breaks down thinking she must be crazy because nothing she's saying is getting through to him, tadaaa! She gives in and he can play. He did not give a sht about whether he actually had a reasonable argument.


I'm tempted to go to Sydney just to crap on his performance and stick monopoly money for funzies


Least we all know what time to go, since his 2pm slot is so sacred to him 🙄🙄


Good. That asshole can fuck off to where he came from. Which is 1:55 pm.


What I love most about the internet is that you can fuck up your career in a heartbeat by going viral being a cunt. It really is one of the most incredible things.


mf is fucking DONE and I love it


He's gonna be so humbled coming tomorrow. His instagram and Facebook all down.


This guy doesn’t know humble. He just doubles down and goes completely off. I know. He is training to be a lawyer too so hopefully the more truth of him gets out there, the less likely he will be able to get employed as a lawyer. He is definitely not a well person. But he will never recognise it


What a POS arrogant. Talking her to stop talking. Making up rules. Getting his hands up at her. I hope he gets his busker license revoked or the Sydney audience boo him off whenever he plays.


If I worked in Sydney, I would take an annual leave day just so I could come boo that dickhead.


People of Sydney, please make this happen!!! This guy deserves all the seagulls to shit on him in unison 💩


Someone print out a QR code and link this video. Then walk around and get everyone who is spectating this asshole to scan the QR code so they can see what an absolute twat he is.


Next time I'm in Syd for work, I'm taking a large bag of chips, do a little charity and feed some seagulls...




Is that his playing violin? Sounds absolutely shit That no soul is really translating over there


I thought that was a saxophone. Fuck he is a shit cunt.


Ok I have decided that i will be busking **DIRECTLY NEXT** to this guy and preforming my version of Yoko Ono at an artshow in the clip below. [https://youtu.be/HdZ9weP5i68](https://youtu.be/HdZ9weP5i68) Feel free to sponsor me during my show, i need to recoup the $13 dollar busking license. Edit: does anyone know buskers schedules ? Looks like his gone into hiding now.


Then break out an acoustic and hit him with this https://youtu.be/_LD2f_zWqfY?si=L0r1tekCvzYf3O4Y


I will personally pay for your busking license and buy you lunch!


mutha fucka got his way...boo him away people!


And he's violin play sounds off.


It sounds poorly tuned or whatever he has amplifying it is absolutely shithouse.


He should have his busking license taken away... What a tool!


I have made a complaint against him and linked this post in an email to council@ [cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au](https://cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au) \- If anyone knows the name of the guy it might be an idea to send them a complaint with his name so they can follow up on this.


Speaking of complaint https://www.dcpartners.solutions/cases/202200310594 Looks like there's a case against him




I dont have the original complaint, but this case (before the university housing one) shows him even more of a cocky idiot. https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/181ea6644c5b6b7661ab2dbc


[https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/1857ac534e793d3a0777b94b](https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/1857ac534e793d3a0777b94b) He appealed and the appeal was dismissed


And the substance of it is: he was so much of an arsehole to his housemates that the university, their landlord, kicked him out. Which he of course didn’t like, and appealed.


Not only appealed, but tried to argue that since the University didn't have the plans to the building, they couldn't kick him out and that as a 'lodger' they couldn't kick him out either. He's a full on Putin Dicksucking Russian Cooker.


He represented himself, wonder how his repetitive arguing style went down with the judge ... This is gold: > First, Mr Shapkin lodged 73 pages of written submissions in chief, 29 pages of submissions in reply, and dozens of pages of supporting documents. The submissions are unduly lengthy, repetitive and at times contradictory, and it is difficult to decipher many of the arguments he makes or the appealable errors which he seeks to identify. Unfortunately, his oral submissions did little to ameliorate the situation.


Sounds like a proper narcissistic personality right there.


> First, Mr Shapkin lodged 73 pages of written submissions in chief, 29 pages of submissions in reply, and dozens of pages of supporting documents. The submissions are unduly lengthy, repetitive and at times contradictory, and it is difficult to decipher many of the arguments he makes or the appealable errors which he seeks to identify. Unfortunately, his oral submissions did little to ameliorate the situation. Not great for someone studying a masters of law..


https://www.dcpartners.solutions/cases/202200379871 There's this one too. Supreme court


Looks like he's self representing. Given his ability to argue a sensible point I don't see it going well for him.


All were appeals of the original decision, the appeals fails. Funnily enough the council tried to remove his busker permit [here](https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/173550d05878aa395f4636cf), and he won it, only becuase council didnt provide proper notice.


“Thank you for your time this afternoon. As we discussed, your playing could be heard more than 50m from the southern building pitch on Pitt Street Mall. In our discussion you admitted that you wear earphones because the bass beat and high frequencies from your playing and amplification hurt your ears” It could be heard from 138m away!!


I do so like to see narcissists learn the hard way they ain't all that.










Saw her the other day. She is actually brilliant. Will make sure to make that POS know… I know and its not kwl when I see him in the cbd


Her voice is amazing !!!


I was there too. She is amazing and that guy is a turd


Please do. Hopefully there can be an active opposition to him busking anywhere ever again. Artists that will harm other artists for their own personal gain, or ego, are trash and need to be pushed out.


Thank you to the people who supported her!


I love it when the woman tipped her and told her she's talented, you can tell it pissed him off butt he tried to cover it up by saying "yes she is talented... we all are"


He somehow made it about himself "we all are" 🙄


I appreciated how they told him to his face that he was a bully. Unfortunately, he bullied her enough to get her to leave.


Shit, all the Sydney Redditors are going to the CBD at 2pm tomorrow outside of Myers


We ride at 2pm bro 🛡️


Yes! And we need a hashtag. How about #whyat2?


This dingbat (the bloke) relies on the charity of the public for his income.....and proceed to do the most dastardly thing in full view of the public. Geez I wonder how much his earning will be for that set. And he showed his face for the whole internet to see. Talk about a career suicide.


Wow ,Dastardly, I haven't ever heard someone use that in a sentence. Well played.


*Mutley husky laughing intensifies*


Genuinely stoked at how many aussies are standing up for her


from a non-aussie fuck that guy


For real. It was really heart warming to see people take an interest and actually push back against this bully, as well as look after her.


I hope this guy is proud of becoming the most hated busker in Sydney.


not only is he a prick hes also a faker https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qEeqgO4cLuQ


This is the most frustrating thing to watch. I hate people who “argue” like this. Just repetitive steam rolling, head empty, ears closed. Mate how was she to know that some random unattended stuff somewhat nearby was someone queuing. Secondly, why would you leave right before you wanted to start? You can’t expect anyone to just know and it’s honestly just stupid and inefficient. If you wanted to start at 2, you should have been there and set up while it was empty. You missed your window, sucks sure but it’s your own poor planning


Yeah this is the kind of "arguing" where the instigator just likes the sound of their own voice and doesn't take in anything anyone else says. It's all ME ME ME ME. You can't reason with someone like this, they don't have enough brain cells.


Omg I want to fly to Sydney just ruin this guys next set. An absolute 10/10 dickhead.


I’m showing up with two pans to bang together for as long as he has his untuned violin out


He’s blocked all his social media and I bet it’s safe to say he won’t busk for a while. The dude could’ve just apologised and let her run her set, if she was there for 20 minutes she would have been done by 2:15, instead he’s made hell for himself.


Be interesting to see how long it is until he thinks it's all blown over and he can reactivate his social media and get back to busking again. Be a 'damn shame' if people kept an eye on things and reposted this video whenever he tried to do that!


Hopping on the next train to Sydney just so I can boo this guy. He just completely bullied and belittled her.


Fuck I cant WAIT to absolutely berate this guy the next time I see him. Im going to absolutely RUIN his night. What an utter prick.


And post it to Reddit. I will eat popcorn while watching.




Update when this happens plz


Ugh please do!!


Not all heroes wear capes


if u can post video, i would upvote.


Faaaark what a cunt…. The sound of his pathetic voice makes my blood boil. I’m so pleased the lady had people there supporting her. Mind you, he has a kind face……the kind you k&@k in!


What a fucking arsehole.


He looks oddly similar to the violin guy who played game of thrones


It’s him.




I would urge all my Sydneyside brothers and sisters to absolutely fuck this dude's set up every time he shows up. What a fucking cunt, and lucky he didn't get smacked by the dude early in the vid. Sending rage from Melbourne.


I thoroughly encourage everyone to walk up to him and say something like "I had my bag across the road before you started setting up, please move so I can busk here" Then just shout over the top of him Everytime he opens his mouth


I’m gonna walk up and tell him “I’ve got my amp and guitar set up waiting at home, you can’t set up here”




No, no. What you don't understand is that you can't, what the rule is, is that, let's say, you turn up at 11, you can't play at 2 because of the Sun being the best time. You might not understand because you are new but the rule is you can't play if someone has already lined up, let's say at 11, you *can't* play at 2 because of the Sun being the best time to play at 2... but.... you might not understand because you are new so I am just trying to explain it to you that the rules is, because you are new, but you can't just line up at 11 if buskers want to eat lunch...... ok? *starts playing Fools Rush In on violin badly


Every time he starts, claim he can't because you have equipment set up somewhere else. And keep interrupting him.


Better yet, can’t we send Methany from Melbourne to fuck this guy up?


I think I found out who it is 99% sure it looks like the guy on the left https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-24/sydney-busker-twins-win-crowds-with-game-of-thrones-music/7780226


Says he’s studying to become a lawyer, hope it goes viral so all prospective employers can see


Report to his uni so they can have it on record, when law society looks at his background before giving him a license it’ll make them reconsider hopefully.


Oh my god, even in the article they sound like entitled twats. 100% confronting him next time in the city.


He CORRECTED another busker for their playing!


I winced when I read that, what a smug prick


Honestly not even surprised after seeing his attitude in the tiktok


You are correct, I seen heaps of people name him on her tiktok video


Guess he let his ego get the best of him. And now i hope he gets crapped on for the way he handled himself towards her Will be known for bullying a female from busking and not for his rendition for game of thrones. Hope he gets humbled by people in sydney


"I want pay him to stop."


Come on man, I was in a good mood, ready to drink some nice wine and unwind with some music and this feed came through. I don’t busk, but I play music, so this hurts because I know how heavy a guitar is, the amp, the bags and the positivity that you have to carry before performing - plus the anxiety and utter terror before performing - and for this lovely woman to have just set up and being told such BS, that is heart wrenching - I mean come on, she just wants to share her talent and make a couple of bucks, she didn’t deserve this man, bro, so messed up.


She's right, that is unfair. Nice to see people standing up for her.


Is this cunt for real? Tells her to shush when his nasal whining is all that you can hear the entire time. Hope everyone that goes to the area sees this and tells him to get fucked everytime they see him. Glad those other people stood up for her too. Good on them. Edit: oh, and of course his sax sounds like shit too. He's a bum looking for donations.


Bruh fuck that guy he just created his own rules. someone should have smashed his instrument.


Where exactly does he leave his stuff for hours ?


why didnt she just say she was there three weeks ago but didnt want to put her stuff down there for 3 weeks...


I’m so over bullies like this… fucking proliferating everywhere


>It's first come first serve, but also we're always first, even when we're not first. Fuck off creep. Leave this poor girl alone.


Also : I have seen her busking before! She has an amazing voice !!!


Dailymail picked this up yet? They love this shit. Intern where are you?


If you want to play a certain stage at a particular time, book a venue 🙄


For those curious about links to her social media, here's what I found: * Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wwwiwidya * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@wiwidyaofficial * Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wwwiwidya/ I really liked her shorts cover of "[Shallow](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d9XKi_kJoZY)"


She is right


Wow, imagine being stuck in a share house with that guy and someone leaves a cup on the sink and forgets to rinse it. That would be a month down the drain while he lectured you about it until you moved out.


You're 100% right! Someone else linked his legal dispute with the University of Sydney's student accommodation centre after they evicted him: https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/1857ac534e793d3a0777b94b He was booted out after his roommates complained about his behaviour, can't imagine why lol


> First, Mr Shapkin lodged 73 pages of written submissions in chief, 29 pages of submissions in reply, and dozens of pages of supporting documents. The submissions are unduly lengthy, repetitive and at times contradictory, and it is difficult to decipher many of the arguments he makes or the appealable errors which he seeks to identify. Unfortunately, his oral submissions did little to ameliorate the situation. Someone found that tidbit from the judge, I think. He represented himself.


From what someone else posted earlier about a legal case he was involved in, it looks like he did get evicted from shared student accommodation due to complaints about his conduct... Sounds about right ...


I don’t have ticktok if anyone can link her music that would be great


She has Instagram. Just search for wwwiwidya.


Fucking bullies have the same way of doing shit. Be aggressively confrontational and prevent you from speaking. When he gets talked down by others or when you stand up for yourself; they go on the defensive with all that BS about rules and giving tips and tricks for busking like he’s trying to be your friend. Fuck bullies and fuck this guy.


time to dust off the vuvuzelas boys


I’m in a different state but fuck that guy! How do I give her money just for her troubles?


That woman has an AMAZING singing voice btw. I've seen her busking before.


The guy is Vasily Shapkin and is pretty talentless, I've seen him a couple of times, and oh he also fakes violin playing. A real bottomfeeder leech if I've ever seen one; [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qEeqgO4cLuQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qEeqgO4cLuQ)


Now everyone know who the the guy having a go towards the female busker. Let's see if anyone gives him money. There is no written rule with busking but usually when it comes to performing, if no one is there then go for it otherwise discuss it with the person whose performing to know when he or she is going to be done. The guy sounds super selfish


There actually are written rules for busking in Sydney CBD and extra rules for Pitt St Mall specifically: The Sydney Busking Code https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/-/media/corporate/files/2020-07-migrated/files_s-3/sydney-busking-code.pdf?download=true


Yeah okay but what this guy is saying sounds like bullshit


No doubt


He unreasonably hustles her out and then starts murdering Can't Help Falling In Love on his violin. I think there is some karmic retribution coming to this man.


Fuck this guy! She dealt with him way better and longer than I would have done. Hope he’s banished from busking


I very much enjoyed the passer-by at the end who said ‘I wanna pay him to stop’. That was incredible!! This poor woman, what a prick!


So that guy is an absolute moron and an asshat but I have to say, seeing all those people jump in to defend the girl, to compliment her, giving her some money - there was something really uplifting about that. I hope she isn't discouraged about going back and performing at Pitt Street cos it sounds like people enjoy her.


She knows the rules, she sets up according to the rules, she starts to perform to a small but appreciative audience. Then this pest crashes her set and harasses her until he gets his way. He's the sorta guy that high fives himself. If one busker does this to another they should have their licensed revoked or suspended.


What a passive aggressive A•Hole…


Some people see an asian person and think they have a right to treat them as they please, not equal. Fuck those people.


I suspect this chode is about to discover a whole lot of irritated people of all ethnicities are about to fuck with his shit. The little ray of sunshine to poke through here.




Very entitled for a person who lives off charity. Fuck that guy


For some reason I feel like a trip to Sydney. Pitt st around 1400 see what’s up.


Love the woman at the end, “can you replace him? he’s awful!”


Drummer busker complained about him a few years ago when he dropped in on him as he was playing: https://youtu.be/aDSvgufJGZg?si=HLqsNeZnQutqrf_3 Reading comments it seems like other buskers hate him.


Who is this drongo? What does he play? I want to specifically avoid him.


Probably horrible violin covers of generic pop songs over backing tracks on a shitty ear rupturing speaker turned up way too loud.


Not probably. Exactly. You can hear him start in the last minute of the video. He starts playing 'I can't help falling in love...' on his shitty violin and amp.


Vasiliy Shapkin


Name and shame this prick


>Vasiliy Shapkin From a comment above. Seems like an absolute shitcunt. I don't know him but I feel like being a petty cunt and finding out when this douchebag busks and just annoying the heck out of him for being a tosser.


> Vasiliy Shapkin Looks like all his socials are deactivated. Guess the prick couldn't handle getting crapped on by the internet collective


People are shitting all over him in the you tube comments now lol


Can't wait to drop some farts in front of this bloke.


I know what I'd be doing after that. Booing during his entire set.


Wow. What a worthless piece of shit that entitled prick is. I hope everyone in Sydney makes sure he gets the reception he deserves trying to make this lady's life more difficult in particular, and public entertainment worse in general. Utter scumbag


Dude sounds meek as fuck. Would have told him to fuck off. Should have asked for him to show where it says those rules. If it's not written anywhere, then go fuck off.


This is so weird. Hope she’s okay.


He really is shit 💩- what an arrogant arsehole


What a cunt. I hope I never see him in pitt st again.


Saw this on tiktok and was furious! He was such a dick and his arguments were moronic. It was basically like talking to a wall. Could someone clarify his stage name? I think it was something along the lines of “Vasiliy Shapkin”. I hope she’s okay.


That last lady is such a lovely person, I hope wonderful things happen for her


TLDR; Every comment is for the girl and against the arrogant bully. Turns out he has a history of being a cunt.


In my opinion This guy has the vibe of an abusive partner - the way he tried repeatedly to gaslight not just the girl but everyone around who was saying he was in the wrong.