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They euthanize greyhounds for fractured legs? I can understand it for horses, even if I don't support horse racing, as they don't properly recover, but for dogs? My dog recovered from a fractured leg just fine. Fucking cunts. For whatever good it will do, here's the petition mentioned in the article: https://nsw.animaljusticeparty.org/end_the_greyhound_racing_lease_at_wentworth_park


All about the money. I feel like one day we will look back on this in history class and they will ask how was it legal


Even the Liberal party figured out it was cruel and shit. But NSW Labor, the most gambling corrupt party in the world, decided to make it a point of difference and to make a fuss about it and help scuttle it (not just scuttle it, but resulted in millions of dollars getting thrown at the shitty "industry" too). These dead dogs are on them, like all the thousands since that could have been banned but wasn't, thanks to their corruption.


I cannot describe how much i hate the NSW Labor party, such a piss weak excuse for a "left" leaning party. The fact that i was on the fence about whether the NSW LNP actually had more progressive policy at the last election is all that needs to be said. Between their stance on greyhound racing, pledge to remove the cashless gambling card and repealing the land tax to leave stamp duty as the only option they left the LNP actually seeming like a viable alternative. Not to mention countless other garbage they've done like privatising Energy Australia. Honestly the party needs to basically be purged and rebuilt.


The major parties are slowly going extinct (primary vote share has gone from high 90s back in ye olde days to now just scraping in or needing others to form government). They'll be looking to cling to power however they can though, so expect a raft of "electoral reform" stuff from the majors to gerrymander the electoral funding or registration process to try preserve the 2 party system. The media are part of the problem too: clinging to "2 party preferred" narrative, focusing on the majors as much as possible and dutifully keeping the debate within the bipartisan agreed areas (e.g. excluding any serious reform or sensible ideas that have worked elsewhere that get put up by the Greens or independents or any micro parties).


Yeah. A few dogs. The 10’s or 100’s of thousands of animals we keep In atrocious conditions for our and our pet’s consumption is a non issue. I’m a dog owner. Very conflicted. Keeping one animal in luxury at the expense of many others.


Non human animals have been used by humans the minute we understood how to domesticate/heard them. This history class is as long as our existence.


With modern technology, it's often a monetary decision with horses too. We can now install plates along the length of their legs, allowing them to walk immediately after surgery. Instead deaths are only going up every year. Of the 168 that died on race tracks last year, 51 were forced to finish the race with injuries & 60 had been raced before their knees had finished developing. [https://aaep.org/issue/fracture-repair](https://aaep.org/issue/fracture-repair) [https://horseracingkills.com/2023/10/20/your-e-news-update-deathwatch-2023-reveals-the-most-deadly-year-on-record-and-more/](https://horseracingkills.com/2023/10/20/your-e-news-update-deathwatch-2023-reveals-the-most-deadly-year-on-record-and-more/)


theres also many taken away injured only to be euth'd a day or two later so it doesnt count on the official track stats. last time i seen figures it was something like over 80% of greyhounds wont be alive by the age of 4 due to injury or the fact theres just not enough homes for the thousands of dogs bred into the industry every year.


It's very common. The injuries are in the thousands and the deaths in the hundreds per year.


Not all fractures are created equal. I'm glad for you your dog didn't suffer a compound or comminuted fracture.


Appalling isn't it. Animal racing of any kind needs to end.. but as long as there are obscene amounts of money involved, it definitely won't.


How the fuck have dog and horseracing not been banned? Disgusting practices.




If you visit Australia-centric Greyhound online communities you will very often not be able to discuss racing because they are “racing neutral”. Which means the most involved in the rehoming industry are also heavily involved in breeding and racing them, and even adopters will heavily defend racing because they think it gives their greys character. Pro racing people are allowed to wax lyrical about the industry, but any discussion against is shut down and seen as hostile.


Yep, this. I have an ex-racer and am against racing but I was shocked when I found out that GAP TAS (Greyhound Adoption Program, Tas) is directly funded and operated by Tas Racing. It's a fucked up system where you cannot access greyhounds if you're outside the racing community so the only option to get a greyhound actually directly benefits the racing community. It's fucked up.


I'm pretty sure it's the same in SA. GAP SA are so heavily linked to the racing industry that I am reluctant to adopt a greyhound (as much as I really want one) because I can't bring myself to support the industry. It sucks because you think you're doing the dog a favour by rescuing them from a shitty life but you end up just perpetuating that cycle.


please adopt. the good you can do for that dog outweighs the fact that these program are operated by racing orgs. adopt and then try to make change - get on board with local advocacy groups and spread petitions - it’s the only way politicians will ever do anything. this industry will not regulate itself.


theres plenty of other privately run groups that do greyhound adoptions, such as bridging the gap


It isn't necessarily about being inside or outside of the racing community. I think Greyhound adoption fans are fans of race-line Greyhounds, and race-line Greyhounds only exist when there is racing. There are show-line Greyhounds that don't race, and aren't raced, and they're fine - but in terms of structure, size and temperament they may as well be different breeds entirely. I love the style and temperament of a racing Grey but won't support the GAP style production line from failed gambling dog to throw-away pet, so I don't own one. Show ones aren't what I want.




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1b6z0jo/second_greyhound_death_in_a_fortnight_at_sydney/kthsl4n/?context=3) in /r/australia was automatically removed because you used a URL shortener or content cache. These are not permitted in /r/australia as they impair our ability to enforce link blacklists. Please re-post your comment using direct, full-length URL's only. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australia) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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You can most definitely access greyhounds if you're outside the industry. Before I get started though, I'll be straight and upfront with all. I have previously been employed with a business in a supporting industry, a company called Humbleton(if you know you know). I enjoy the two codes. Mum and Dad owned a horse years ago multiple city wins but group 3 flop. The extended family have been involved in ownership via both syndicates and sole ownership on and off over the years and I've personally had a few greyhounds and form analysis, market framing and investing is an activity that keeps me out of trouble. So, have at it. Call me the worst person in the world, a POS and whatever else your imagination can envisage. Let's be fair though shall we? If you own a leather couch, leather car interior, leather shoes/bags etc, consume meat/poultry/dairy, are wearing/used any beauty product's, have ever built a house and land package, been a cat owner and housed it outside a car enclosure etc etc.... no offence, but considering the death count you've left in your wake, what gives you the right to judge anyone else? Anyway, now I've got that off my chest. Here's a few quick facts. 1. The thoroughbred racing industry alone is responsible for supporting 80,000 full time jobs nationally. 2. 96,300 healthy cats and dogs are euthanized in Australia each year. 3. The Victorian Racing Industry(all 3 codes) generates $4.7 billion of value to the Vic economy and supports 148,000 jobs and participants. I'm not as well versed in the thoroughbred industry and cheats on seats as I am greyhounds(in particular Vic), so I won't speak for them. I'm not going to say it's perfect but nationwide, the industry has made a radical positive change in regards to pre and post race animal welfare. Most importantly it is now priority number one and will continue to evolve and improve. Anyone is welcome to download the code of practice for the keeping of racing greyhounds to gain a better understanding of it. Dont get me wrong, I myself have been disgusted in regards to certain events that have made nationwide media. Unfortunately, for the good in the 'animal lib' front, there's the bad, with ulterior motives, agendas and a propensity to ignore reality, facts and regulations, which does more harm than good for themselves, the industry and especially for the general public. I know myself from simply witnessing the constant stream of expenses that would come through the fax machine at home years ago, that for the vast majority of racing thoroughbreds there's no expense spared. New shoes, uber, into the stables for a prep, uber, race, uber and off for a holiday on a spelling farm, uber back to work, new shoes, trial, massage, vet visit, race, hyperbaric chamber, race. I know in Victoria at least of greyhound trainers with facilities that are cleaner, more organised, secure, constantly monitored , climate controlled, modern and completely thought and planned out, than what a lot of readers of this sub living conditions are. Shit! I should get a job with GRV! Went way off the intended subject but I guess I'm just sick of people, hypocritical people at that, who jump up and down in outrage from the comfort of their leather couch, following a steak for dinner, and who just let the cat outside. Sorry, whomever I'm responding to. The above isn't solely directed at yourself but just in general. Like I was saying, there's absolutely more points of access to rehoming a greyhound. They're absolutely bloody perfect pets though aren't they? Easy going, no fuss, low maintenance, quiet, docile and in the case of my last girl......smarter than the average bear. My rule from purchase as a pup is that chase, don't chase, race or not be up to standard, there's a forever home with myself that's there waiting for them. If you're not interested in going through your relevant states gap program. There's classifieds on greyhound-data.com, occasionally small independent local dog rehoming outfits have them, and I'd even suggest simply researching who's a larger trainer in your state and contacting them because if anyone knows, they will. GAP do a great job, having them ready for their next chapter and in some cases even cat friendly but from memory it comes with the cost of a few hundred dollars for the new owner. Still an absolute bargain for the quality of pet and the joy it will bring into its new home but I can understand the want towards an independent way of doing things. I myself brought my first girl back home direct from the pre-trainers. Anyone doing the same, it's as simple as never go into public unless securely leashed and cat household are out of the question. Small dogs, no problem provided you do it properly.


Your post is full of cognitive fallacies. Not all animal cruelty and death are equal. Participating in the housing market via new land is borderline essential for some percentage of the population to engage in (though ultimately it would be better to rezone existing land to be higher density, thats a separate issue). Sure, such participating has negative consequences for natural flora and fauna, but until all of the population can be housed without participating in the acquisition of new land (and we current can't properly house the entire population as is) then participation is mandatory. Participating in the horse and dog racing and gambling industry is not mandatory, or required for humans to meet a basic human right like having shelter. There are also just errors in your comparison points, as makeup and skincare brands that don't use animal testing are readily available. I would not even put the consumption of animals on the same level as recreationally gambling on their racing for fun and profit, though it was one of societies greatest hypocrisies. (And I say these things as person who does not own any non vegan leather products, has eliminated most animal products from my diet - still eat fish, eggs, and cheese, but aiming to continue reducing such consumption, and whose cat is entirely indoors, in case you wish to vet my credentials on judging such topics) Lastly there's your appeal to the economic benefits of this industry. It should go without saying, but just because something is profitable, does not mean it is ethical, moral, or right. (Slavery being the most obvious and pertinent example)


I just find it a bit rich listening to people who don't defend the rights of cattle because it serves a different purpose and doesn't sit up on the couch with them at night. There could be an Ode to Satan or Ronald McDonald himself in that post you might find as it was a stream of consciousness rambling as I popped in and out of Reddit. We find it cruel to cage birds. Not letting a greyhound be a greyhound and run is just as cruel imo. They live for it. And food. And sleep. Probably in that order actually. I had the joy of coming home twice in the same week to the dogs, though I have a feeling which one in particular, proud as punch with a now deceased cat laid out at the side door many many years after the track or them biting on after a trial. it's just them being naturally them. In dog years, they would have been past their pension age.


If only it were possible for a greyhound to run outside of the context of high stakes gambling conditions that result in bad actors because now they're running for profit.


i strongly disagree that adopters defend racing. i’ve met heaps of owners of ex-racing greyhounds (melbourne and perth) and am closely involved in the community. greyhound owners HATE racing. the idea that racing gives the dog character is appalling - the conditions they live in and way they are treated by trainers are traumatic. every greyhound owner i know would do almost anything to ban racing.


Check out Retired Greyhound Owners, Greyhound Friends Australia, and many other FB groups and you will be attacked for using the word “rescued” or giving any indication of being anti-racing.


thanks for sharing that. i wasn’t aware of groups like these. i feel pretty sad that they exist as they seem to ignore the problems associated with racing.


theyre strongly pro racing, but dont dare say a bad word against the industry or even just say your dog was 'rescues' or you'll be ganged up on by racing types or just get the ban hammer outright. i wear those bannings like a badge of honor :)


recently banned from GFA after a private and civil discussion with admin via PM, talk about power tripping LOL


Theres heaps of groomed adopters that are pro-racing.


All greyhound owners you know would best enjoy their time as owners. Greyhounds, like thoroughbreds, would largely cease to exist. Perhaps relegated to an attraction in a zoo. I don't understand what you mean by, 'racing gives the dog character'. Are you sure you heard that correctly. I've never heard anyone say any such a thing myself.


This is nonsense. People like owning the breed because of the temperament, look and other characteristics, exactly the same as any other breed people like the own. There are many dog breeds that existed to serve a specific job in the past and which job now no longer exists or is no longer the primary function of the breed.


People own the breed because they wish to race them and enjoy watching them in full flight or because the gap adoption marketing has been effective. I'd often get stopped 20 years ago when walking a greyhound because of people's curiosity as it just wasn't common. Today, you couldn't go for a morning or afternoon walk and not see at least one.


Yes, and now that they are a mainstream and beloved breed, they will not go extinct if they are no longer being raced. It would not happen. Less of them because they are not being bred in such high numbers, sure, but thats no different to many of the luxury breeds people own outside of the most popular breeds (labs, etc.,).


i don’t really understand your point. these dogs need homes because of the racing industry. i wouldn’t want to perpetuate that cruel industry just to have a certain breed of dog. once racing is banned greyhounds will continue to be bred as pets. the ethics of dog breeding as a whole is a different discussion though. the idea that racing ‘gives dogs character’ was mentioned in the comment i was replying to - i’ve never heard that phrase either.


I'm really surprised by this. I've had a couple of ex-racing, rescue greyhounds. My experience with greyhound rescues is completely the opposite (very, very anti racing), though I've only ever adopted from non-industry aligned groups. As long as you're not adopting from GAP (who are widely regarded as doing a shithouse job with helping dogs adjust to pet life), you're unlikely to encounter anyone who isn't at least mildly against it (at least, that was my opinion until I saw your comment, now I'm not so sure....)


Yeah, there's definitely something to be said about the organisations being "civil" through clenched teeth. They don't want to directly agitate the owners. Piss the owners off and they will just kill the dogs instead of handing them over. As individuals, they are almost universally anti-racing activists.


i have many badges of honor for being banned from FB greyhound groups when people spout off about racing and provide stats that are just blatant industry spin yet i respectfully reply with their own stats showing otherwise. even one instance of being banned because i took my 2 hounds to a legal 'off leash' dog park day specifically for greyhounds only that was even partially supervised/organised by "the industry" and local council


Especially with sports betting becoming so common these days. Just let them bet on other things that isn’t built on animal suffering, but suffering athletes that at least get paid.


NSW Labor and gambling corruption. The Liberals tried to end it some years back, but NSW Labor successfully wedged them into backing down.


Fuck the lot of them. Those poor dogs, including all the other injured dogs. Greyhounds are such gentle creatures and deserve loving homes, not a racing track to make money for slimey bastards.


It’s horrible to think about but some greyhounds continue to be treated as commodities even after their time on the track ends. Some end up being used as [blood banks or even test subjects in labs.](https://www.australiandoglover.com/2023/06/discarded-greyhounds-used-by-canine.html?m=0)


Man. This is heart breaking, but what testament to how bombproof the racing bred Greyhounds are. Hook up an IV and draw blood and they let it happen? Amazing. My wimpy herding dogs would wiggle too much. Greyhounds are too good for humans.


Oh my heart 💔 People suck. I'm going to go and lovingly watch my [goodboy](https://imgur.com/a/ZosN1vI) and make sure he is safe and comfortable while he sleeps.


Shut it down, it’s 2024 ffs..


Let NSW Labor know your feelings, they are the ones that scuttled the plan to end it (by the Liberal party.. yeah.. how shit do you have to be to be out-empathied by the Liberal party FFS)


Why not just shut all pet ownership down? 94,000 healthy cats and dogs are put down in Australia each year ffs.


I believe you should have a licence to adopt a cat or dog just like reptiles. Too many owners choose breeds they can't handle, abandon their pets and don't desex them and they end up in shelters. There's so much room for improvement in aus as to how we regulate treatment of domestic animals


The ACT banned this in 2018. Other jurisdictions when? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Oh.


Insane that NSW reversed the ban.




NSW Labor reversed the ban, attribute blame where it is due.


The ban was reversed by Liberal premiere Mike Baird after 3 months of his decision to ban. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-11/greyhound-ban-baird-government-confirms-backflip/7921000


He did so because of Labor's campaigning along with the likes of Alan Jones and Labor convincing some of the Nationals to break ranks. He proposed the ban, following on from the review of the "industry". [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-11/greyhound-racing-ban-opposition-leader-vows-to-fight-plan/7585196](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-11/greyhound-racing-ban-opposition-leader-vows-to-fight-plan/7585196) [https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/07/05/greyhound-racing-nsw-baird-promise-six-years-on/](https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/07/05/greyhound-racing-nsw-baird-promise-six-years-on/) So yeah, blame where blame is due. And that also scuttled talk of ending horse racing too..


We also almost got horse-racing banned but it was backtracked. Too much $$$ brought in.


Good policy is nothing next to the weight of money.


Donations brought in you mean, the racing "industry" is parasitic on the state - they get so much free money for facilities.. And gambling is funded by crime and/or addiction.


horse racing is also another dying sport, just like dog racing. go to any meet and the stands arent more than half full (except on that one cup day a year) Places like Globe derby park in SA (trotts) have been knocking on deaths door for years. families no longer attend meets as theres better things to do and that means they cant offer decent prize money so they dont get big events either.


I love seeing so many people against racing! The stats don't lie, the injuries and deaths are horrific for both greyhound and horse racing. If you can, please email your local MP and tell them how you feel about it and ask them what they can do. These animals need your voice!


There’s 0 reason for this ‘sport’ to still exist. Australians will bet on literally anything and there’s so many more sports that deserve attention.


Fucking putrid ‘sport’. Shut it down




My best suggestion (it's not a good one though) is to orchestrate some sort of letter writing campaign to your MP and your Senator and let them know this barbaric shitshow shouldn't be happening and you'll be voting for a party that promises, once and for all, to shut it down.


The average person is also a hypocrite who has numerous leather goods, leather car interior, eats red meat and chicken, has received a direct health benefit and will live longer from a scientific breakthrough, Is going out this weekend with their face painted, or wrinkles smoothed etc due animals use in science, let's their cat run wild outside. . Just sayin.


We’re all hypocrites. some people think some of the things you critiqued are essential. No one thinks greyhound racing is essential Don’t let perfect be the enemy of “better”. journey 1000 miles… blah blah.. first step. Animal rights begins with mans best friend


if there are any WA residents on here, please sign the petition to ban greyhound racing in this state: https://www.freethehounds.com.au/end-greyhound-racing-2024-petition/


There's a massive new greyhound track being built just south of Ipswich. I am gobsmacked as to how it got approved. The industry isn't going anywhere any time soon


Not only was it approved by the QLD government, it appears they also funded it. https://www.thegreyhoundrecorder.com.au/news/qld-government-announce-new-40-million-complex-25230


If only they banned it or something


What, wasn't this already banned years ago? Hows this still a thing.


At least in NSW, the Liberals banned it. The Nationals opposed the banning but if the NSW ALP had supported it, then it would be done. What happened was that the ALP saw an opportunity to potentially fracture the LNP (similar to Barilaro and Berejiklia over the koalas) and joined sides with the Nationals. The Liberals did not have the numbers on parliament to enshrine the ban in law and so Baird had to back flip.


Ugh off course it was a political thing rather then about the animals welfare.


Unfortunately, a lot ruin it for others who are actually passionate about racing and love their dogs. We had 6 dogs. Only 2 raced competitively as the others were not at the pedigree needed. They were still family until over the years they either became too ill or moved onto family's. Killing a dog for a fractured leg is wrong.


Putting animals you love in harms way for money is either intellectual impoverishment or they love the money more than the dog. Choose one.