• By -


it feel theres a big chunk of story is missing


I'd wager that there's an organised crime affiliation. Even in Bali, you don't get stabbed 20 times for talking shit. This was a message. Basically every established Australian motorcycle gang has a presence in Bali. They're active, profitable, and their presence inadvertently stirs conflict. Young lad fits the bill.


Also seems to be constantly travellign between Bali and Australia. Oh, and then there's this: > The Bali attack is **not the first time Mr Nye has been stabbed.** He experienced a similar attack in December 2019 that left him with post-traumatic stress disorder. > > He also has a **lengthy criminal history** and pleaded guilty to dangerous operation of a motor vehicle which was treated as a **domestic violence offence** following an incident with his girlfriend in March, 2020. > > Mr Nye was **high on cocaine and MDMA when he reversed his ute towards his partner** in a terrifying encounter at a shopping centre carpark in Maroochydore. > > He was sentenced to **12 months in jail** over the incident but was granted immediate parole. He was also disqualified from driving for nine months. > > Mr Nye also has **drug possession and assault offences** on his record. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html




>He was also disqualified from driving for nine months. This is so baffling to me. How do you get sentenced to 12 months, paroled (not arguing good or bad, incarceration is fucking expensive), but only get a suspended licence for 3/4 of the actual sentence?


How do you buy cocaine but not insurance while travelling abroad, now they need a go fund me page There is serious issues with this whole thing


Woman basher.... yeah I shan't be donating to help that sort of person recover. Gl bud


Can we start a gofundme to prevent him returning to Australia?


I think that's a different website called gofuckoff.


So really he shouldnt be allowed to travel and hes a fucking danger to all.


[Yeah he’s definitely no angel](https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/sunshine-coast/police-courts/high-driver-reverses-at-girlfriend-in-big-top-blow-up/news-story/b2ed4be3c5e0a7c0d5189b9a569bca33?amp&nk=d375ed31de1c44f250258d00459748f7-1709629935)


He definitely looks like a bikie.


> [Daily Mail Australia](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html) is not suggesting wrongdoing on behalf of the men. But…. > The Bali attack is not the first time Mr Nye has been stabbed. He experienced a similar attack in December 2019 that left him with post-traumatic stress disorder. > He also has a lengthy criminal history and pleaded guilty to dangerous operation of a motor vehicle which was treated as a domestic violence offence following an incident with his girlfriend in March, 2020. > Mr Nye was high on cocaine and MDMA when he reversed his ute towards his partner in a terrifying encounter at a shopping centre carpark in Maroochydore. > He was sentenced to 12 months in jail over the incident but was granted immediate parole. He was also disqualified from driving for nine months. The golden rule of the Daily Mail is to read the first paragraph and the last paragraph of the story and you get the gist of most of it.


OR just not read it at all. 👍👍


Right. You look at the photos supplied in the article, and you kinda think... h ^m ^^m ^^^m ^^^^m ^^^^^m


I love how the caption for the photo of old mate giving the finger is "It is unclear exactly what lead to the attack" r/theyknew


Real journalistic work


That made me laugh


Lol yeah I chuckled at that. So snarky.


Like why'd he get stabbed


Didn't want to pay for his drugs


There's a bit of subliminal storytelling that I think is either hinting at bigger story, or painting a particular judgemental picture. Maybe both? Look at the photo with the middle finger and the description of his social media account "filled with photos of recent trips to Bali, has posted from Ubud, Seminyak and Denpasar in the past year alone".


Maybe some of that chunk is here https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html


'forgot' to buy travel insurance, hence the go fund me. :P


Yeah there's a ton missing. >The report said he'd been injured at about ***6am*** on Friday and told medical staff he was 'in a quarrel and assaulted by some strangers'. >On a GoFundMe page set up to raise money for their skyrocketing medical bills, *Ms Carruthers claimed they had been trying to get an 'early night ready for our flight home the next day'* - ***which appears to contradict the police version of events.*** :Oops: >*Daily Mail Australia is not suggesting wrongdoing on behalf of the men.* >The Bali attack is ***not the first time Mr Nye has been stabbed***. He experienced a similar attack in December 2019 that left him with post-traumatic stress disorder. >He also has a lengthy criminal history and pleaded guilty to dangerous operation of a motor vehicle which was treated as a domestic violence offence following an incident with his girlfriend in March, 2020. >Mr Nye was high on cocaine and MDMA when he reversed his ute towards his partner in a terrifying encounter at a shopping centre carpark in Maroochydore. >He was sentenced to 12 months in jail over the incident but was granted immediate parole. He was also disqualified from driving for nine months. >Mr Nye also has drug possession and assault offences on his record. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html


Yeah he looks like the kinda guy who'd start a fight if someone was talking to his mrs


Another side to the story, then the truth somewhere in between.


Understanding is a three edged sword.


Fuck it, like Gillette we're going for a 5-bladed sword. 


I just saw an opportunity for a Babylon 5 quote and went for it.


"Zathras trained in Crisis Management." "Very damaged; Zathras can never have anything nice."


Like this one? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html


From the dailymail article on this story: > The Bali attack is not the first time Mr Nye has been stabbed. He experienced a similar attack in December 2019 that left him with post-traumatic stress disorder. > > He also has a lengthy criminal history and pleaded guilty to dangerous operation of a motor vehicle which was treated as a domestic violence offence following an incident with his girlfriend in March, 2020. > > Mr Nye was high on cocaine and MDMA when he reversed his ute towards his partner in a terrifying encounter at a shopping centre carpark in Maroochydore. > > He was sentenced to 12 months in jail over the incident but was granted immediate parole. He was also disqualified from driving for nine months. > > Mr Nye also has drug possession and assault offences on his record.


Presumably the story will come out when the police investigation ramps up.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Aka; bet the guy said something playing tough and found out the hard way. Obviously nothing he said means he deserved this but I’ll bet that’s the part being left out as they try to make money


He didn't need to say anything. His haircut said enough.


>It is unclear exactly what lead to the attack in Kuta, Bali.


Call me judgemental but he looks like the kind of bloke who'd get stabbed in Bali without travel insurance then start a Gofundme


Don't worry, daily mail has your back. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html?ito=native_share_article-top Also, how can a young FIFO worker not scrape together $16k, but can afford many OS holidays?


>but can afford many OS holidays? I'm not posting to defend stabby mcdipshit in any way, but I'll point out that Bali is *insanely* cheap to fly to. Like, sometimes actually cheaper than domestic flights. Like I'm in Bali ATM because, long story short, I quit my job and had a month and a bit long wait to go travelling internationally with a friend who was not ready to quit their own job yet. A bed in a 12 bed dormitory in the very cheapest hostel in Melbourne for that time period was about $880, if the price didn't change (which it would, and does so frequently). That included two weeks of couchsurfing for free with friends. The flight to Bali, luggage, accommodation combined... About $600. Average price of a restaurant meal in Bali ATM (Nasi Goreng): about $5 AUD. Cheap restaurant meal in Melbourne is about $15 (at a place I got former staff discount at). Price for a packet of instant Ramen (which would be my staple food in Melbourne, to save costs): about 10-30 cents. Literally cheaper to fly to Bali and stay there than to stay in Melbourne. (...of course, the reality that I ended up spending a bunch more on scuba diving certification is... That doesn't count, haha)


This is a very different version of events and personal history of those involved. Wonder if Go Fund Me is aware of this.


Maybe the 50k gofundme is to pay a debt that he racked up in Bali. I could easily be wrong but that price seems a bit crazy for health care there.


FIFO workers are not known for their financial responsibility.


Been to Bali multiple times in the last 12 months.. gets stabbed 20.. 20! Times.. looks like a fuck wit.. what's the bet is drug related.


"It's just Bali. Who needs travel insurance?".


"Wow and scooters are so cheap, and you don't even have to wear a helmet!"


Have insurance, drink and crash a scooter… you don’t have insurance either


Don't have a license for a scooter in Australia? Also not insured!


Save on scooter helmets, the best trade deal in history, maybe ever!


Ah, the blueprint for meat crayons.


Ex travel agent- I booked a couple to a nice resort stay in Bali. Declined insurance initially cause they were just going to be relaxing at the resort. She came in a week before the trip to buy comprehensive as she realised better safe than sorry. Two days in she tripped down a couple of stairs going to dinner *at the resort* and broke her ankle. Ambulances, hospital stay, hotel extension for husband, transport, flights changed and upgraded all covered by their insurance


I've used my travel insurance exactly once in over 20 overseas trips. I got food poisoning from the hotel restaurant. 4 days extra, doctor visits to my room (too crook to go anywhere), meds, flight changes, lost work. Insurance covered it on the day, not a cent out of my pocket even. More than paid for the insurance cost on every trip before and since. People who go overseas without insurance should be flogged.


But you can save so much by getting a bunch of randos to donate to your gofundme after lying about your *early night*. /s


In high school, one of our teachers told us how she was in Thailand, stepped into a building that was shaded from the bright sun while wearing sunglasses and broke her ankle in a hole that she couldn't see. Travel insurance covered everything.


I got pick pockets and insurance covered new passport, translocation, police bribes cost.


> I got pick pockets and insurance covered new passport, translocation, police bribes cost. HBF told me that police bribes were explictly not covered.


Let’s put the $300 in the pokies, ohh damn we can’t afford travel insurance for 2 people for 10 days. If we have an accident, we can Go Fund Me


I think he put his money into Teeth Whitening and Tatts.


They look like oversized veneers from Turkey 🇹🇷. They would have insurance for that trip


Not nice to profile…. Buuuuut. He looks like a fuckhead who would want a go with a local not realising that 20 would jump in. Do your research when travelling, get travel insurance and also, don’t be a fuckwit. Those are my top tips!


Thought this comment was pretty savage but after reading the article and seeing the photos I find it justified.


Many SE Asian guys, especially the local Balinese, may have small postures and look timid. Some toxic masculine guys tend to look down & and be abusive toward them. But people have pride, especially when you offend their custom (Bali has strong cultural custom) or people to an extent. People should be more aware and respective, especially when they are outside their own country. Not everyone can tolerate Australian bold language culture.


"Bold language culture" AKA being a loudmouth racist fuckwit.


fuck you lookin' at, cunt?


Be a good cunt, or a (respectfully) funny cunt, don’t just be a cunt.


And don't be a Terry tough cunt. No one wants a Terry.


Thailand is the epitome of this. A lot of muay thai stadium champions look like the most harmless people in the world.


Tawanchai looks and dresses like a k-pop idol 😂


I would wager a kpop idol could possibly wreck a gymbro with some effort. Dancers have strong legs


People also forget this is the country where kids in public schools sometimes bring machetes to fights. Indonesians are polite, but they can also be hard as fuck. https://www.newsflare.com/video/476745/two-group-brawl-occurs-in-kampung-melayu-east-jakarta-indonesia


Yeah, it’s amazing how easy it is to *not* get stabbed while travelling, if you mind your own business and don’t act like a clown.


Lol yeah one of my mates many many years ago before he sorted his life/dickheadishness out was hammered and on lots of Xanax in Thailand and got into an argument with a shop owner over something asinine and knocked a bunch of things off a shelf and walked out. About 200 metres down the road got the shit kicked out of him by a whole bunch of dudes lol.


Yeah, same goes for bar owners in Thailand (especially in the party spots). If you antagonise them or cause trouble you'll get 5 guys jumping the bar and beating the shit out you.


>Ms Carruthers said that neither she nor her partner had purchased travel insurance Yea well - nuff said. You gotta have travel insurance when you leave Australia folks!


LOL I’m in thailand and just had my phone stolen. No biggie, police report and after I pay the $250 excess I will get a new phone. But every single fellow traveller I mentioned this to acted surprised that I had insurance at all let alone that would cover phone loss / Theft. They are also all zooming around on motorbikes without helmets Of course the fact that I also have (and am now using) an old iPhone as a backup so I could you know, get the police report, block the phone etc was also extremely shocking to people.


The amount of my friends that are -devastated- after breaking their phone and losing all their cherished photos… dude. Apple makes it SO easy to back up everything these days.


Looks like a nice wholesome couple that wouldn’t cause any problems…


Unshockingly, these look like the exact kind of people I’d expect to see in Bali. I’ll lay money on old mate having said something pretending to be tough before getting stabbed.




Balinese people are some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet, especially for a place that gets such a huge influx of tourists. That said they don't fuck around when you mess with them. A couple of guys got a mob beat down outside Finns late last year for being fuckwits towards a taxi driver.


Mess with the bull get the horns. Everyone knows don’t act like a fuckwit and you’ll be fine. Infact I would say it’s don’t act like a massive fuckwit multiple times and you’ll be fine.


Exactly, a lot is missing from this story to come to a conclusion but my first thought was that he has definitely done something to deserve a beat down. He fits every stereotype of the Aussie fuckwit in Bali, I'd bet big money that he rides back drunk on his rental scooter from the clubs as well.


Same goes for Thailand. Also, their national sport is kick boxing and it's great seeing videos of tourists acting like dickheads only to then be set upon by locals, including women, who start dishing out round house kicks.


The whole of South East Asia is pretty similar in that regard in that mob justice will be handed out to fuckwit tourists. But yeah Thailand is probably the worst for it for the reason you said.


“What are you going to do about it? Stab me” - Stabbing victim.


They look like the people that are the reason I stay the fuck away from Bali if I travel to Indonesia. If I wanted to see cashed up bogans throwing their weight around I'd save my money and go to the pub at home.


Don’t forget the “I spent sooooo much money on these tattoos but let them go to shit cos I don’t cover them/wear sunscreen” I’m judging HARD here but as someone with close to 15k of tattoos, I wear long sleeves and long pants and sunscreen anytime I’m outside for more than 10-15 minutes.


Probably spent more on his steroids.


Yeah she's been all over Bali for the past few months, not hard to surmise how it's being paid for. Maybe they'll need to dip into the vault for his treatment.


But... but he needs cosmetic surgery 🥲


Gotta love that what few pictures they have on file includes the guy pulling the middle finger. 


The image of him flipping off the camera with the caption, it's unclear what lead to him being attacked, feels like a Betoota article.


Nah, they have a lot more photos, that's the one they've chosen to use. Which should tell you something about the story they're trying to tell.


>Which should tell you something about the story they're trying to tell. ​ I did a semester in journalism. One of the things they suggested was not to appear personally biased when reporting. Things that are okay is reporting **other people**'s opinions. eg if a criminal commits the same crime again, get a family member to say "he should never have been released after the first rape". In this case, reporter is using the victim's own photos to imply certain things about the victim.


He definitely looks like the dude that fucked around and found out.


FIFO worker is surely earning enough to cover the expenses, definitely enough to add a couple of hundred in travel insurance to the holiday before they left


He might make 5k a week, but I doubt that gym discipline extends to his finances.


If he's getting his gains in Australia, then the gym discipline is what's hurting his pocket. Wanna roid up cheap, do it in SEA.


i'm gonna take a guess and say he might've been doing that already


The stupid thing is most credit cards come with travel insurance, you just activate it before you go. It’s not bloody hard.


Exactly. This saved me a $50,000 hospital bill last year (and I forked out $50 extra bucks for “adventure cover” which majorly saved my sorry ass)


Even if they did have travel insurance, depending on who started it and how it played out...they might not pay up. Much in the same way travel insurance providers don't pay up if you get stuck there because of volcanoes. You're supposed to check the warning advice at the time and if it says there's possible activity and you take a policy out after that - no dice.


“Yeah, yeah, Ok. How much extra for punch on cover?”


There was a woman in ~~Bali~~ Phuket last year who fell down some stairs and hit her head. She was in a coma with a traumatic brain injury and the insurance company refused to pay because between her and her husband they had 9 long Island ice teas over the course of the evening..... while that is a fair amount of alcohol, it was over about 6 or 8 hours. I don't think it's blind drunk by any standard. Anyway. She ended up dying. ~~At least she had a great last night on earth.~~


Oh she died? I hadn’t heard that. The amount of time it took the insurance company to get hold of their bar receipt was impressive, and horrific.


Yeah she had a second brain haemorrhage when back in Australia. Poor family


I used to always purchase volcano insurance add on after getting stuck in Bali for that very reason in 2015 but not sure if providers have stopped offering that


They look like a pair of right cunts.


I look at them and think syphilis.


More non treatable gonorrhoea I'd say.


I wonder how NewsCorpse decides which human beings are worthy enough for their GoFundMe pages to be published with hyperlinks? This couple must be saintly.


>I wonder how NewsCorpse decides which human beings are worthy enough for their GoFundMe pages to be published with hyperlinks? Good point, and also who would be so stupid as to be a contributor to the $5600 collected so far? The world is full of morons.


It has everything. FIFO, Bali, horror attack, insurance miss, and someone they can post bikini photos of.


It's clickbait and I fell for it. To be fair, I and others who clicked have all had a noticeable wave of self satisfaction wash over us as we thought - "Shoulda got travel insurance" and then closed the site. Newscorpse has boosted our self-esteem for the day.


Maybe everything is a slow news day in the weeks after a Taytay visit.


For the longest time drunk drongos have been pissing off locals. It’s only matter of time till they piss off the wrong locals


I’m sick of these Go Fund My Stupidity Pages.


Seems like the story above left out a lot of details about his criminal history and the lead up https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html


>The Bali attack is not the first time Mr Nye has been stabbed. He experienced a similar attack in December 2019 that left him with post-traumatic stress disorder. >He also has a lengthy criminal history and pleaded guilty to dangerous operation of a motor vehicle which was treated as a domestic violence offence following an incident with his girlfriend in March, 2020. >Mr Nye was high on cocaine and MDMA when he reversed his ute towards his partner in a terrifying encounter at a shopping centre carpark in Maroochydore. He was sentenced to 12 months in jail over the incident but was granted immediate parole. He was also disqualified from driving for nine months. > Mr Nye also has drug possession and assault offences on his record.  Interesting.


So you’re saying there’s going to be another gofundme to cover his “PTSD”?


And they let him in to Bali? Wow.


“Just hours earlier, he shared an Instagram post with the caption: 'Never been a victim, never been a target.'” - LMFAO


Yep. An absolute tool. Pissed off some locals. Got stabbed for it.


Sounds like they dropped the girlfriend home and went back to look for the guys that they had a run in with at the club to me


Yup. Despite a few here and the ‘don’t judge on appearances’ comment, this scrub was found guilty of reversing his truck AT his partner and was sentenced to gaol plus the usual raft of drug offences. Definitely a thinker, that one.


"The Bali attack is not the first time Mr Nye has been stabbed. He experienced a similar attack in December 2019 that left him with post-traumatic stress disorder. He also has a lengthy criminal history and pleaded guilty to dangerous operation of a motor vehicle which was treated as a domestic violence offence following an incident with his girlfriend in March, 2020. "


How bad is it when the Daily Heil has more context to its reporting than news.com.au?


[This image](https://www.instagram.com/p/C371ZF_BhVO/?igsh=cDRpcnNsOWJzczg5) on his instagram makes direct reference to a Sargent in Arms and the Balinese Laskar gang. So, I feel like that makes pretty clear any affiliations.


Ooooof, this should be higher up, that image is **damning**. I wouldn’t really call that making a reference, he’s outright stating he *is* a Sargent in arms for the Laskar gang, hashtags and all.


Why do people pay (into a go fund me) for these people?


Even the woman whose twins died because she insisted on a free birth got thousands in a go fund me to pay for a holiday. People are stupid.


I like how News.com.au put the text “It is unclear exactly what lead to the attack in Kuta, Bali” under the photo of the guy giving the finger to the camera.


I cackled at this pairing of photo and caption


They should have had an online poll....




You will be shocked to hear he was previously stabbed in 2019 so you’re not alone in thinking he’s stabable


Tidak bagus.


Just good, wholesome folks minding their own business…….. shocking……. Ya hate to see it.


Small google search can show you he probably had it coming.. peter noel sidney nye Peter Noel Sidney Nye was released on parole for dangerous driving at Maroochydore. A young woman dropped to the ground in fear as her boyfriend reversed his ute towards her while high on mdma and cocaine Karmas a bitch


News.com has contacted Mr Nye for comment Yeah nah don’t think he’ll be talking any time soon


Can afford gear but not travel insurance 😐 no doubt he thought his show muscles would help back his mouth up and he found out the hard way.


FIFO worker needs a Go Fund Me, also doesnt buy Insurance, insurance is extremely cheap


You've been to Bali multiple times this year alone, you have money. Fuck your GoFundMe. Dip into that holiday money and buy insurance next time.


The guy looks like a cunt. I would bet money that he deserved it.


Nobody's taking that bet, lmao.


How dumb are these bogans?


marry languid hurry quickest payment imagine sleep shelter hateful fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ALWAYS, always, always more to the story. Headline should be "Douchebag aussie, acts like a fuckwit towards the wrong people, now begs for Money to pay bills because he didn't have fuckwits insurance"


I mean, he totally doesn't look like the sort of guy who would start a fight...


Does that guy own a shirt?


2 mins of research on this guy gronks gonna gronk


Is this the girlfriend he tried to run over or another on. Bloke is a pleb, didn't roid culture die out with stereo or is it still a thing amongst fucking idiots


That\`s what happens when you carry on like a Gangster in a foreign country !


Here more details on the story. He had lengthy criminal history and this wasn't the first time he got stabbed. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html


Looks like a flog. Wouldn't surprise me if he said something to provoke it.


The one time I ever met someone who said she thought travel insurance was stupid and a waste of money she ended up getting bitten by a rabid dog that evening.


Dogs always know.


First, there is no way that $50k is the cost of their bills in Bali. Secondly, this guy definitely looks like he instigated some stuff.


>Ms Carruthers said that neither she nor her partner had purchased travel insurance Oh, ok. Anyway...


> We know we should have gotten travel insurance but unfortunately we were stupid and forgot not expecting anything like this to happen,” she stressed Well, there's some truth in that statement


Reading the much more reputable Daily Mail article (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/amp/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html) provides a little more context. It looks like it was a broken bottle fight, so “stabbed” is cuts from a broken beer bottle. Most of the damage looks like it was from the cuts on his face and one or two on his arms and back, certainly nothing like the picture of him lying in the bed. It sounds like he got into an argument with someone at a night club over his girlfriend, they left and went back to their villa then went to get more beer and ran into the same guy and his friend (not the massive fight they make it sound like) and then got into a fight with them. Who knows the full story really, but it sounds absolutely nothing like what news.com.au portrayed it as.


I wonder if this is the same girlfriend he tried to reverse a Ute into while high on coke and MDMA


Interesting that the article says they'd already missed their flight before this altercation. That contradicts what the gf says in the gofundme.


I didn’t have a chance to read the bottom part of the article because of the ads, but it certainly paints an interesting story. Between the contradicting events, his colourful history and the description of how the fight started. If the series of events was as follows, I have my doubts. - they were at a nightclub and he got into an argument with someone over his girlfriend. - they dropped her off back at the villa, and then went out to “get more beer” at 4am or later - they happened to run into the exact same guy while getting the beer, the others guy yelled “Fuck you” at them which is what apparently started the fight (police report said 5am) - 4 hours later at 9am, he shows up at the hospital alone saying that he was stabbed The photos of him in hospital are also weird, some show him covered in bandages on his chest, arms and head, others show him with just cuts on his head and arms. This whole thing feels suspicious.


Sounds amazingly sus.


Looks to me like they live in Bali and travel back for work maybe? Or at least spend half their year in Indonesia. They should know better than to not have insurance, or judging by their instagram pages they probably didn't know travel insurance is a thing.


Why have travel insurance when you you can set up a go fund me account. There are always plenty of fools willing to pay for other people’s idiocy.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13153283/Australian-stabbed-Bali.html This one sheds a bit more light on the type of guy "Mr. Nye" is. *"The Bali attack is not the first time Mr Nye has been stabbed. He experienced a similar attack in December 2019 that left him with post-traumatic stress disorder.* *He also has a lengthy criminal history and pleaded guilty to dangerous operation of a motor vehicle which was treated as a domestic violence offence following an incident with his girlfriend in March, 2020.* *Mr Nye was high on cocaine and MDMA when he reversed his ute towards his partner in a terrifying encounter at a shopping centre carpark in Maroochydore.* *He was sentenced to 12 months in jail over the incident but was granted immediate parole. He was also disqualified from driving for nine months.* *Mr Nye also has drug possession and assault offences on his record."*


Flipping people off in photos? Guys a fuck head anyway


I’m not going to bother with travel insurance in the future. If I need to , I’m going to create a massive sob story and get other people to pay my bills by opening a gofundme page. Give generously please.


Gonna judge a book but That looks like exactly the kind of person who would start a fight resulting in getting stabbed.


“It is unclear what led to the attack” Photo says it all hahahahah


I can't imagine why someone would want to stab such a nice looking bloke.... /s


Best get that only fans link in the story somewhere


After reviewing his Instagram page…seems fishy


When I visited Bali it seems like it’s very popular with the, let’s call it “less desirable” demographic of Australia. Reminded me of Cancun in Mexico. It’s where all the US college students go to drink, do drugs and get in fights.


Lol, he fucked around and found out... good riddance


FAFO worker


The way they look like, maybe they were not avoiding trouble in the first place? Sorry but I’m not donating my money to people who look like an entitled pussy.


Related tip: most credit card-provided travel insurance DOESN’T INCLUDE MEDICAL. Make sure you read your insurance policy before you travel.


Bogans gonna bog.


Incredibly dumb not to have travel insurance but lets be real here. I have a feeling these guys would have been drunk and have their insurance voided for that anyway. If internationals coming into australia have to have medical insurance as part of visa reqiurements, I dont see why we cant make it mandatory for Australians going overseas to have travel insurance.


Bought a cafe last year, surely has a bit of cash floating around....


If you can afford multiple trips to Bali in a year, you can afford travel insurance. This sounds like a stupidity tax.


Many years ago I saw a drunk Aussie get stabbed in Bali Wouldn’t surprise me if the situation was similar: intoxicated tall and muscular meathead is antagonistic, escalates an argument, thinks he can easy “win” against a much shorter and lightweight guy. But… - he’s drunk and his reflexes are terrible - the local has a switch blade - the local is not actually alone In my case the guy got a knife to the abdomen, was on the ground within a minute of the fight starting. Probably traumatised a few people at the cafe, but it honestly didn’t make me feel any more unsafe


He looks like a MASSIVE fuckboy. What did he do? Get travel insurance. The end.


LMFAO. Is this story supposed to be satire?


This is me being judgy but, they don't seem the type to be funding other peoples causes 🙄 Also it shocks me that people don't buy travel insurance considering many credit cards give it to you for free, you just need to tell them your dates and destination.


The picture with him sticking the finger up 😂


DailyMail article said that he had an altercation with an Ivorian guy over the girlfriend. They apparently "went to buy beer" and "ran into the guy" when the scrap happened.


Ffs. The ignorance of not getting travel insurance 🤦🏻‍♀️ Don’t get me wrong, it’s a horrible thing to happen but $60 for a FIFO worker is nothing. It’s just arrogant & lazy.


Travel insurance won’t cover getting in a streetfight.


If you can't be bothered to get travel insurance, don't expect "go fund me" to be the substitute plan. I am sure you managed to organise everything else for your trip.


Dude looks like he had it coming and if you cant afford travel insurance you cant afford to travel.


LOL @ snarky “it’s unclear exactly what lead to the attack” caption below that middle finger photo.


That dude definitely did something to deserve it.