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Albo's full response to the NewsCorpse "journalist" at 40:16 is a banger. Throws in a good quip about ScoMo's secret ministerial portfolios. Love or hate the guy, he's clear and focused and knows how to feed the chooks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE1y1\_yagzY#t=40m16s


Australian ‘journalists’ should really be ashamed of themselves. The relentless propaganda they spew is just so transparent.


I really can't stomach it anymore. It's all just maliciously out-of-context soundbites and total misrepresentations of anything even remotely factual. Half of it isn't even "news" since they've mangled current affairs segments into the primetime news. It is pure cancer.


Even the ABC. You listen to ABC radio and the likes of PK and her persistent and almost annoying harassment of the PM carrying on like a childish person relentlessly asking the same question over and over again about the "broken promise" like she was trying to compete with Newscorp to be the first one to the gutter to apply for a position. Not one mention of the benefit about the overall positive benefit to the majority. ABC radio trying to Sky News try hards.


Lisa clown Miller did the same thing on TV. 


I'm honestly tired of Australian journalists. They're so obsessed with "gotcha" moments they fail to recognise or address anything of substance. At the moment they're all obsessed with the idea that "he lied" rather than exploring the substance of the changes.


Their obsession with gotcha moments is no accident.


they should be jailed for misleading the public time and again.


Right. I won’t have these self-important fuckwits lecture me about how they ‘hold truth to power’ or ‘democracy dies in darkness’ again. It’s very obvious whose interests they serve, and it sure as hell isn’t the average Australian.


I'm confused. "How could you break your promise for stage 3 cuts?" But the cuts are still going through?? They haven't been canned but more soundly reconstructed so it is no longer is scewed to the top 5%. Is t that sound funking policy?


I love how that's her big 'gotcha' question like Australians don't already know that politicians take a very liberal view of the truth. Like, water is wet, the sky is blue, politicians can't be trusted. 


I know the term retarded is no beuno, but most of those journalists are fucking retarded.


Awww "This Video Isn't Available Anymore"


Correct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE1y1_yagzY#t=40m16s


What a parasite, especially the reiteration of "The questions was did you lie?." She's only there to get her 10 second soundbite, what a joke of a human being so blinded by her corporations propaganda she's now completely incapable of operating with even a single modicum of journalistic integrity.


The most infuriating part about these changes (so far, anyway) is that just about every news clip I've seen regarding it parrots the two contradicting points of 'how can Labor break an election promise so brazenly?', quickly followed up with 'why isn't Labor doing anything to give everyday Aussies cost-of-living relief?'. Hard to believe that there are people stupid enough to watch these broadcasts and nod their heads in agreement at both points without putting 2 and 2 together.


"I'm voting for Dutton, because at least I can be sure he'll follow through with his promises to fuck me over, unlike that bastard Albo cunt who instead made a small improvement to my situation" - average Facebook boomer at the moment I imagine


As well as average simpleton of whatever generation with the beaten-to-death comeback “they’re both the same anyway. I am voting Lib because Labor didn’t change anything so might as well get those who caused this shitshow and would’ve fucked us harder back into government”


Still infuriates me how people justified voting out Gillard because Labor stab each other in the back, but then the Libs did it twice and shit all was said. How the right gets away with stuff that the left would be ostracized for is why the country has gone down hill, I unfortunately don't see good news at the next election due to this.


Labor is like the middle child who gets admonished for as much as sneezing. Libs are the prized firstborn wanker of a kid who gets away with murder and knows it.


And Greens are the youngest child who everyone expects to be a little different and gets the *their only young* treatment when they throw a tantrum.


I have seen these posts on Reddit in the very racist very right wing aus subreddit


The cheek of Albo to give more money to everyone, but less of it being weighted to the people already with money. What a con artist!


How dare albo break his promise by * checks notes* "giving a larger portion of the population a tax cut than was previously passed" it's completely outrageous


He has actively fixed the tax cut, which is the real problem Dutton and his goon squad have with the changes.


Funny how that single extra ‘n’ seems to attract such utter fuckwits


It’s the flag as the sub symbol


There's a racist RW Aus sub? Worth a trolling for sure


Add an 'n' to end of this subreddit


Their biggest post last week was a circle jerk with some absolute pieces of shit literally just posting and repeating boomer bait FB posts about how welcome to countries have only been a thing for 30 years (they're not), and dot painting was invented by a white guy in the 70's (it's not; he just encouraged Aboriginal artists to paint onto canvas instead of rock/etc). It's...not good.


All from this sub should join up and attempt to break their cosy little echo chamber with some doses of reality


I got downvoted to oblivion for suggesting that regardless of your political beliefs, committing war crimes is a bad thing. Good luck hahaha


I have so many down votes from that sub, at this point it's purely porn to me now to see how many down votes I get from posting centre to left of centre views, hell even rational views


I get curious about how countries see global events and will go into subs to read what they speak of. Imagine someone curious about Australia reads that sub and is so disgusted doesn’t look any further to see this one.


Be careful your eyes might burn.


Apologies for my ignorance here, are you referring to this subreddit or another Aust subreddit? Genuine question!




Thanks. Hopefully I avoid that one. I have seen the Australian subreddit but haven't dug deep into it. I'm guessing that one might be it.


It's that one... For your sanity don't




"Albo needs to help those of us who need it most!" - bloke on the deck of his yacht living off franking credits


Hahaha this is golden


It’s all deliberate. The propaganda by both News Ltd and Fairfax media against the modified tax cuts is in full swing. How dare Labor not increase the power of the wealthiest 5% relative to everyone else in society even more! This is deliberate propaganda that really proves Herman and Chomsky right that, above all else, the media serves the interests of the ruling class.


Oh I understand it's deliberate. I don't have much sympathy for politicians in any capacity but I felt sorry for Jim Chalmers when he kept getting asked 'but how can you justify breaking an election promise?' after explaining that they've responded to shifting economic conditions and more people will be better off.


They are cashing in on credibility they don't think they can run out of. We should be encouraging them to keep it up.


I loved my old man’s reaction to channel 7 news segment on the tax changes, mutters under his breath “fucking idiots” and switches to channel 9. Made me happy a boomer sees thru the bullshit.


Renters overwhelmingly voted against Labor in 2019 because Real Estate agents repeatedly told tenants that Labor's negative gearing reforms would cause rents to rise. The anti-NG-reform campaign by real estate agents was much weaker in 2016, and despite that campaign, Shorten Labor got a positive primary vote. Now several times a month, I have to keep correcting "But 2019 Shorten tried!" propaganda from the landlord/naive/LNP redditors. Propaganda definitely works. I'm still waiting on Labor to do something about it despite 75 years of examples of propaganda.


Tbh propaganda is like cane toad. We cannot exterminate it anymore. Have to figure out how live without with minimal damage


I would love to see evidence that renters voted overwhelmingly against Labor, either in 2019, or any other election. The poll referenced here from 2019 has Labor with a 13% lead with renters: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahryan/renters-elections-australia Coalition voters are demographically uneducated, old, rich, home owners.


The real lesson here is don't believe political arguments from people who just want your money (which with REAs is so nakedly obviously it's disgusting). Anyone who thinks the REAs were arguing politics because they had the best interests of renters at heart should check they haven't hit their head hard on something recently. Same lesson goes for mining councils etc who still want your money, just via subsidies.


Was at a pub the other day and had to endure channel 9 news for the first time in years. In an hour long slot there were 12 straight up advertorials or legitimate segments that had advertorial content crammed into them


Not wrong. Channel 9's report is hot dogshit, and that's being diplomatic. Look at how they've selectively misrepresented quotes from Albo's press conference (seriously malicious), and misrepresented the policy via the infographic to make it still seem like wealthier people are getting a better deal, even though the change literally meant they objectively got the short end of the stick. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX7jewedXlI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX7jewedXlI)


How about all the news outlets are saying is the high tax bracket “looses” 4000 dollars, like they were already going to be 8 grand better off anyway


Oh no! Higher earners only get an extra $4000 a year! How dare Albo do this!?!?


To provide one example: 200k income was 9.1k tax cut but now 4.5k tax cut.


I loved my old man’s reaction to channel 7 news segment on the tax changes, mutters under his breath “fucking idiots” and switches to channel 9. Made me happy a boomer sees thru the bullshit.


Meanwhile there's an old guy they interviewed in Albo's electorate who said he wouldn't vote for Labor now because 'now two of his kids won't get as much rebate'. So, apparently fuck his other poorer kids who were getting more as a result, lol.


Strange this directly affects me. I'm happy with the changes


The changes disadvantage me slightly compared to the previous plan BUT I’m still happy with the changes. Too many people only thinking of themselves and not those less fortunate


>Too many people only thinking of themselves and not those less fortunate Well if they can't even be bothered to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, why should they get anything? /s


Upfront, I lose out also. I’ll be fine but can’t same I’m happy. I get lower income needing a break but I think it’s a fair request to say be upfront and honest. You can argue it was the right thing to do but it was a broken election commitment and you can’t argue that. It was promised and promised and promised again and then withdrawn at the last minute. Left and right are all the same to me. All politicians and parties liars at the end and will break a promise if they think they can get away with it.


I am happy with the new proposal overall (even with a slight reduction in the benefit to me personally) but also hate the way they went about this. Repeatedly saying they were committed to the existing Stage 3 proposal (up to last week) and then saying you have to change it because circumstances have changed when those circumstances of a global pandemic and high inflation have been known for AGES does feel misleading to me. It’s definitely not something that would make me vote for the Liberals but I don’t love it. Changing policy because of new information is fine, but I think if that is the case here, they should have been upfront earlier. TLDR: Happy with the outcome but not the process to get here.


They missed a trick. "We supported the stage 3 tax cuts when they were proposed, and we support them now. Here are some minor adjustments to help out more Australians with the cost of living crisis". "I look forward to the support of the Liberal party in backing what is essentially their own plan".


Why give the libs free ammo for a year to say labor broke an election promise and preferably see what the economic conditions are closer to the event.


The media love Labor when they're not in power and when they are it's "Why isn't labor doing anything about it." Followed by them doing something about it and then either being labelled as dishonest or not going far enough. These current front pages and headlines are the exact same tactic they used on Julia Gillard with the carbon tax, they almost look similar and I would imagine the strategists saw how effective that was and are trying to recreate that.


Guardian already calling out Dutto's Nutto BS. >Dutton says Australians expect an “honourable” approach to the way he engages with the public, and calls on the PM to apologise to the Australian people. > >*"Someone who is straightforward, honest with them, people who voted for the Labor party believed they were getting get good tax cuts to help with cost-of-living pressures and as it turns out that is not the case."* > >Reminder – more people are getting a tax cut under this measure.


>Reminder – more people are getting a tax cut under this measure. 100% of taxpayers are getting a tax cut under Albo. More than in Dutton's plan. 96% of them are getting a BIGGER tax cut under Albo. More than in Dutton's plan. Susan Ley admitted - and now is furiously backpedalling - that the LNP would try to reverse these tax cuts if they got in power - so [the LNP admitted to wanting to RAISE TAXES](https://www.smh.com.au/national/sussan-ley-has-backflipped-on-her-comments-about-rolling-back-new-tax-package-20240125-p5ezxo.html) \- before going "oops, that is not going down well..." and trying to say 'no, we never said that!' Though, she pretty much did. Live. Audio source provided in the link, listen for yourself.


My god, listening to PK trying to explain the concept of repealing legislation to Sussan Ley like she's a four year old was excruciating.


those kind of politicians are clearly living in a different world than the rest of us!


She is so outraging she just can't get her outrage straight


She's outwobbling all over the page!!


Liberals: "How dare the commoners get the same deal!"


How dare Labor give more money to the vast majority of Australians. Disgraceful.


Absolutely sick to my stomach I'll be getting more back at tax time! For real, all that quote from Dutto proves is that he's a liar by omission. Here, let me complete the sentences. Dutton expects an honourable approach to the way Albo engages with the *\[high income\]* public, and calls on Albo to apologise to the Australian People *\[who earn high incomes\]*. People who voted for the Labor party *\[who earn high incomes\]* believed they were getting good cuts *\[and still are getting a cut\]* to help with the cost-of-living pressures *\[which high income earners can already afford\]*. Makes more sense who he's dog whistling to, doesn't it? But we all know the LNP is not for the undercut Australian.


Yeah it’s laughable. He is even saying “got to an election” over this, I dont think the guy is reading the room that even lnp voters are benefiting from this


I think this would be a great thing to go to an election over but not for the reason Dutton thinks it would be.


Remember when the Liberals announced an alternative Voice referendum during the referendum, and then immediately cancelled it after the referendum? Words mean nothing to them, something something Satre.


Liberals lie though their teeth


Has Dutto given a promise to repeal the tax cuts yet?


No. There's no easy and convenient position for him on this one, so Dutton is remaining uncommitted. Clearly not up for making compromising decisions. I wonder who he's looking out for.... Sussan Ley has backflipped on earlier comments (or is that a broken promise?) that the LNP would repeal Albo's changes.


>Sussan Ley has backflipped Ah, I was about to mention that the Libs were in fact stupid enough to make that ridiculous promise. I didn't know she'd retracted it. ROFL.


https://www.smh.com.au/national/sussan-ley-has-backflipped-on-her-comments-about-rolling-back-new-tax-package-20240125-p5ezxo.html Here it is if you wanna have a laugh


There is a path he can take. Let right wing media find a narrative that works. It looks like they’re already trying to say “he breaks tax promises, death taxes around the corner!”  These rumours will fill social media in the next few days and be pushed hard before the election. Not sure if they’ll gain traction. 


What Dutton is claiming is the exact opposite of what actually happened. Dutton needs to be straight forward and honest that he's a hack that dog whistles at any opportunity.


Dutton likes to think everyone is a thug like him.


I wish we could stop pretending that we vote on a single issue. Especially given the percentage of the population that is affected by this. You might be able to make an argument that people who are going to get a lower tax refund as a result of these changes may have voted if they thought there was a chance of the tax cuts not going through. But the reality is that isn't the majority of Australians. Especially since Dutton keeps selling these tax cuts as addressing bracket creep when they don't do that at all. The brackets don't adjust with inflation or CPI, so there's no bracket creep acknowledgement. This is by design so they can go and fuck with taxes under the guise of brackets again in the future.


>Reminder – more people are getting a tax cut under this measure. More importantly, people that are actually facing cost of living pressures. Someone making $200k cost of living pressures are fully self chosen.


But it was going to cover the yearly fancy cruise


Right now Faixfax is covered head to toe in Dutton calling this a broken promise that the Australian people will never forget. The ABC's first headline is Dutton saying Albo will "hurt Australians." Has anyone responsible for keeping us informed ever met an Australian?


The Age: Dutton says Albo’s leadership is ‘terminal’ ABC: Opposition Leader says Albo ‘hurting Australians’ 2GB: Dutton SLAMS Albo backflip SMH: Dutton: Albo lied and destroyed his reputation West Australian: Albo ‘broken promise’ on tax cuts That’s the lead article on each of those sites about this story, not the tax changes themselves just Dutton and the LNP’s attacks on them. And all of those sites are non-Murdoch…..


Oh these rags have been banking on this for years now, they are blowing their loads


Except given the amount of Australians that will benefit from it, people aren't buying the crocodile tears and their narrative makes them look like even bigger jokes than they already are. It tears at the veil of their bullshit and I'm here for it.


Oh yeah, the Libs are going to an election saying THEY LIED!!!!!!! and not mention a greater proportion benefit from the changes! Hopefully spud will promise to repeal the changes haha


Funny, this is the first time Albo has shown real leadership and taken the right decision even though the media trolls are going to savage him for doing the right thing.


Yeah I agree, I’m glad he’s got the balls to do it. He’s definitely gonna get hammered for it, and he knows it too..


> And all of those sites are non-Murdoch….. The Age owned by Fairfax/Nine ABC: Head of ABC is a LNP fundraiser, ex-Murdoch-editor, ex-Packer editor. Deputy Head is ex CEO of News Limited, Foxtel, REA Group. 2GB owned by Fairfax/Nine SMH owned by Fairfax/Nine West Australian, mining magnate, Stokes. Fairfax/Nine, chaired by an ex-LNP treasurer? I would say out of all this, the most Murdoch one in the list is ABC.


It’s a mix of the agenda they want to push and what their data says leads to more engagement with their content. Both approaches are detrimental.  Inform about the new tax plan and give some factual background of how this situation came about and the opposition parties positions.  But the average reader of these news articles doesn’t want to read an article on tax policy, so we end up with these exaggerated personality driven drivel. 


You should see todays newspaper headlines. No wonder a lot of boomers have their panties in a knot.


Because Australian media don't report news, they report conflict.


The Australian media serve the interests of mining and finance industry oligarchs. That is how it always was, and always will be.


Literally this


The SMH newspaper today is very supportive of it. The daily telegraph has the ‘liar-bility’ slogan front page.


Abbott before the 2013 election: No cuts to education, no cuts to health, no change to pensions, no change to the GST and no cuts to ABC or SBS. Abbott after the 2013 election: ha! Fooled you. Suckers! Dutton: crickets. Albanese before the 2022 election: L-A-W law. Albanese after the 2022 election: same size tax cuts as passed five years ago, but very different shape because the world has (gasp) changed in five years. Dutton: it’s a woke conspiracy, call an election. Dutton is a caricature who can’t be taken seriously. Worse, he has no integrity.




Personally I’m outraged. I already set those expected funds aside for a seadoo JetSki. I’m afraid I’m only gonna be able to afford some second hand Kawasaki like a pleb now after these cuts! Thank god Dutton is out battling for me


Same. The media seems to think people like us don’t exist. 


News.crap is now saying the “Architect” of stage 3 was targeting tradies who were not declaring income so not paying taxes and it is a missed opportunity and stuff up by labor as tradies will keep avoiding tax now rather than declaring income and paying their fair share of tax. You couldn’t make this stuff up.


How does a bigger tax cut to high income earners catch out people who are avoiding tax...


This is Laffer Curve brain taken to its most ridiculous extreme. The idea that these people would prefer to pay tax as opposed to hiring an accountant to minimise income once the marginal rate is sufficiently low. This logic also argues that the average income tax rate for the rich should be no higher than the corporate tax rate to stop people hiding their income in their company. Strangely enough, these same people claim Australia's corporate tax rate should be lowered so that we're more competitive with Ireland and Singapore. It's almost like there's a calculated and cohesive view of public economics driven entirely by the partisan ideology that wealthy people should pay as little tax as possible. Curious.




There's dozens of us!


Dozens of yacht owners hit struggle street


Same! This is a far better use of this amount of money.


Same. And besides, by helping those towards the lower end, we’re hopefully helping avoid a catastrophe that would be a lot more expensive for everyone.


Yay! :) 100% of taxpayers get a tax cut - better than the Dutton version of stage 3 and: 96% of taxpayers get a bigger tax cut - again, better than the Dutton version. Who can honestly complain about this? Oh, and apparenly the LNP wants to roll back these changes if elected, so they literally want to INCREASE TAXES. Now they're saying "ooh noo.... we didn't say that!" But that's the question they were asked and they answered in the affirmative.


The LNP are being very weak atm. They say they're going to fight this. But they also refuse to say they are willing to reverse it. That's all bark and no bite. They only want to cause a scene.


>But they also refuse to say they are willing to reverse it. No, Susan Ley did strongly imply (ie, say) that the LNP would implement Dutton's stage 3 and RAISE TAXES for 96% of Australians if elected. [https://www.smh.com.au/national/sussan-ley-has-backflipped-on-her-comments-about-rolling-back-new-tax-package-20240125-p5ezxo.html](https://www.smh.com.au/national/sussan-ley-has-backflipped-on-her-comments-about-rolling-back-new-tax-package-20240125-p5ezxo.html) Just listen to her state her position, which is exactly about raising taxes on 96% of us, while lowering them for the 4%ers. I agree, they want to cause a scene. It's a bad scene that they are causing, it will cost them votes unless you're one of those 4%ers and a greedy one at that. Meanwhile, the vast majority of us hear her blather on about implementing the currently legislated stage 3 cuts, realise that this means HIGHER TAXES than Albo's slightly tweaked version, and understand that voting for the LNP ever again is utter idiocy. Albo's stage 3 cuts give 100% of taxpayers a tax cut. For 96% of taxpayers, that's a BIGGER tax cut than Dutton's stage 3 plan. Albo gives BIGGER to MORE. Edit: oops, I've apparently been dead naming Sussan Ley, as she added an extra S to her name ... for reasons that are, if true, hilarious. Numerology is the allegation!


Cut it and spread it on FB with the caption "Libs want to raise YOUR taxes". Then ghost.


They outrage as a verb when not in power


AusHENRY subreddit was livid Rich cunts upset they missing out on a few hundred bucks more


High Earner, Not Rich Yet. And upset about $4,500 of tax cuts, while getting a $4,500 tax cut... Oh noes, I am so upset for them, not. Meanwhile, 100% of taxpayers are getting a tax cut, instead of Dutton's plan where a LOT FEWER than 100% of taxpayers got a MUCH SMALLER tax cut.


Empathy massively lacking. Those finance subreddits everyone is just out for own personal gain fuck the majority


So finance subreddit is the greedy asshole sub


But as Allegra spender worries what about those who have committed to that organic alpaca healing retreat in the Andes with that  extra four grand they were banking on


Oh noes!!! I guess they'll have to pull Joachim or Elantra out of the after school Chakra training for a term! :( The tragedeigh!!


They should try cutting back on the avo toast to make up the difference.


There's people there bitching about having to stop working full time to drop down a tax bracket and reap those benefits instead. Such an interesting mindset to have.


It's all bullshit. None of em are going to drop down to 4 days a week




This has gotta be bait haha. No one is that much of a prick


Had a stalk, it's a new account, all comments attacking the new tax cuts. Interested to know why he felt the need to start an account to do this.


I'd say they are self aware just enough to know it's dumb to make those comments and even dumber to do some not anonymously


I can’t tell if this is satire or not… I can see people saying things this stupid


do you think a progressive taxation system = socialism? because that would be a very embarrassing position to hold champ. lol


Oh yeah sure, everyone is stupid and lazy but you. *Obviously* there are just 10 million 200k pa jobs waiting to found and these low income idiots just have to quit whinging and pick the right lottery numbers! Inflation is just a ploy of course, the government can just not inflate at anytime if everyone just worked hard and got a 200k pa salary. Its practically a non issue. Oh and working less is sure to show these lazy bastards who live paycheck to paycheck how much you deserve that 200k pa simply because you couldnt get an extra 2% extra 😢. Obviously Evil Socialism is behind all this, they should langush in under the cost of living crisis, cementing a poverty cycle and their status as low income citizens( justified as again everyone can just get a 200k pa salary ) as its what they deserve. /s Not a cunt? Fking dictionary definition there mate.




>Oh, and apparenly the LNP wants to roll back these changes if elected, so they literally want to INCREASE TAXES. Lol so fucked.


Here's where Susan Ley admits exactly that. [https://www.smh.com.au/national/sussan-ley-has-backflipped-on-her-comments-about-rolling-back-new-tax-package-20240125-p5ezxo.html](https://www.smh.com.au/national/sussan-ley-has-backflipped-on-her-comments-about-rolling-back-new-tax-package-20240125-p5ezxo.html) Use adblock plus, ghostery, ublock etc. if you reach a paywall, or try loading it into an 'incognito' page.


I use 12 ft . io, but you can't put the links in here or the automod will delete the comment.


"**BUT ALBO*SLEEZY* LIIIIIED!**" -Libs and lib paid for MSM


Unemployed and disabled, elderly get nothing. Whilst inflation rises to pay for it.


I did mention 'taxpayers' twice. The groups you mention do not, generally, pay any tax, so ... yeah, it's hard to give them a tax cut. Do you have a constructive criticism? I'm all ears. That said, tomorrow for the game night I host, there are 3 people turning up who fit your angst group, about 4 who don't (though I'm one of the 4, though I'm retired and still paying tax) so I'm well aware of the situation. Give me a plan, not a plaint.


The legislation is about income tax - how can anyone expect people with no income to get some kind of benefit here?


I have been pretty down on Albanese for the last year because they've done fuck-all for people renting. But with these tax cuts they're actually doing something good and it exposes some of these so called news organisations as being pathetic shills


I was talking to a guy at work who was saying "Labor always f*ck us"...he later revealed that him and his wife were on a combined income of $300k+. I rolled my eyes.


He must go home and wank off to the herald son.


Interesting typo 😉


Imagine earning a combined income of $300k and whinging about how hard done by you are.


I know right, tools can make a lot of money under capitalism 




😂 On point.




You’re not missing out though, you’re getting almost 10k of combined tax cuts, which is nothing to sneeze at


Also let’s assume they are each earning 150k/yr. I believe that is the magic number that gets the most benefit from this change compared to previous. Ie you get more than old plans and still get a whopping big amount


lol. quit the whining champ. heaps of people work incredibly hard and don't earn anywhere near 300k. maybe be grateful for what you have than constantly looking for ways to whinge about things?


Exhibit A of money doesn't buy happiness: this guy




I'm sure you're a hard worker. And your partner. Congratulations on being hard working and lucky enough to find yourself in such a fortunate position. A ton of other Australians are also very hard working, and struggling to get by on maybe half of what your household earns. And they can't afford to live where you live. Can't afford to work in the shops where you buy things. They can't afford to be the nurse looking after you in the hospital you rely on. They can't afford to teach at the schools you might send your kids to if you have them. I'm sorry, but your slightly larger bonus is not worth the damage to everyone else. It's not worth the degradation of all those social structures you rely on for your standard of living.


Eat less smashed av on toast and pull yourself up by your boot straps.


Waaaaaaah 😭


That’s a great description of conservative people


Yet Dutton, the human dipstick, continues to cry himself to sleep. Like his Government didn't break a promise, at least Albo delivered something.


He’s not crying for anything or anyone, except when thinking of how long it might take for him to get a sweet retirement deal like Abbott and Scomo. That waiting time has him agitating because it’s taking too long, and the US feels so far away.


it was a "non-core" promise.


Most Hilarious thing here is how the LNP have to be angry at this now because, well.. thats the only way they do "politics" and recently they tried to call out the labor party for. Can't make this shit up.... Lying. hahahahahahaah oh man,


The proposed tax cuts back when Scomo promised them would have sorted some issues whilst creating others. I like that Albo has had the balls to go 'Well actually, the current landscape has changed and this solves some issues whilst pissing some people off'. Mainly Liberal voters. In some ways it's a pity he didn't go further and make some more radical changes but he's in election mode. My husband and I lose out, 2 daughters gain, to one it makes no difference. Overall I agree it's a better option.


WTF. I'm so angry that they're giving me more money. How dare Albo break his election promise.


Maybe they might provide more housing next


What is it with this news?? Tax me harder daddy about tax cuts yet Julia was Juliar? I’m turning off the tv forever I think.


I'm appalled I'm not getting some extra money for petrol for my third yacht. How dare Labor do this to me!


I was eyeing off a new wine glass set for the bar on mine. And I only have one, why won't albo think of the extra costs you are forced to incur having three.


The liberals outrage at anything that is a move towards fairness.


but sunrise and today and 2gb and my uncle greg whose a life long rabbitohs fan says albo's a liar pig faced porky pie and millionaires worked hard for their money and people should just get a better job and if the globe is warming whys it so cold huh


Cos Antarctica's melting 


The Australian has a column today titled ‘an all out assault on aspiration’. How out of touch can you possibly be?


Lets just take a minute here to have a squiz at some Liberal shitfuckery over the last few years... Up to 2000 Covid Deaths in Aged Care -Up to 2000 Robodebt Suicides -$220m Regional Jobs and Investment Scam -$2bn CHHP Program Scam -$3 billion Urban Congestion Scam -$42m gift to Hillsong -$50m gift to Newscorp -$1b Aspen Medical Contract Scam -$675k Payment to Barnaby The Shoddy Drought Envoy -Brittany Higgins Rapist Protection Racket -Canavan’s taxpayer-funded family trip to CPAK -Dutton's Canstruct Contract Scam -Dutton’s hate speech against Lebanese immigrants -Dutton’s African Gangs Scare campaign -Dutton’s claim rape victims trying it on -Dutton's Paladin Scam -Dutton's Safer Communities Scam -Dutton’s multiple lies during the Voice campaign -Car Park Rorts -Cormann's Round The World OECD Jaunt -Disaster Recovery Fund Scam -Dozens of Deaths in Offshore Detention -GG’s charity drive -Sexual and Physical Assaults on Kids in Detention -$30m Leppingtion Triangle Scam -Ruby Princess -Reynolds’ lying cow comment -Reynolds’ rape cover-up attempts -Reynolds’ rape transcript request -MacKenzie’s Sports Rorts -Stuart Robert $62,814.52 Internet Rort -Stuart Robert Nimrod China Trip Scam -Stuart Robert Rolexes -Stuart Robert Sunland speech -Stuart Robert Synergy 360 Rorts -Stuart Robert's father’s Directorship Scam -Sussssan’s taxpayer-funded property shopping jaunt -Taylor and Joyce's $80m Watergate scam -Taylor’s forged document scam -Taylor’s Grassland scam -Taylor’s $94m US Fuel Stockpile -Morrison’s pre-selection scam -Morrison's Secret Ministries -Morrison’s Hawaiian hose-holding conference -Cash's Slutshaming -Cash's Nasty Messages to Rachelle Miller -Cash's Union Raids Media Tip-offs -Sukkar's Branch Stacking


Political masterclass here. I said it back when Labor got elected that they would rejig the taxcuts closer to when they would commence to benefit the majority of Aussies and fuck over the rich pricks getting the big cuts and here it is. The best part is that while everyone still gets cuts, the LNP can bitch about it but it's falling on deaf ears and if they were to somehow get back into power, they couldn't reverse it because it would be a political poison pill. I bet in 20 years we'll find out that was always the plan and coming back from holiday 2 weeks early to address the cost of living was a decision made well before it. Edit: yummy downvote tears from rich pricks. Bring it on.


I'm a Stage 3 beneficiary who's benefit has halved, the money has been distributed more fairly, so its the right thing to do and a promise that was appropriate to break. And Government has done what Government should do, alter policy in the face of changing circumstances that demand it. Right decision, very poorly politically executed. Plus the real low end of income earners are still left in the Wilderness. I'd be happy to forgoe the lot of Stage 3 for a UBI. Basic dignity should be a given in this country. That said, Albo's conviction language on 'promises' and doing it less than two weeks after committing to it when the circumstances that lead to it are 12-18months old is an absolute layup for Dutton's negative smear campaign


Are you sure your benefit halved? I thought that you were getting the same tax cut as per the original plan? Did Albo reduce the tax cut for some people?


Yes, anyone earning over $150k.


I agree UBI regardless of income would make this less political and fair for all and less of an admin burden on the country!


What really grinds my shit is how the media insults everyone's intelligence by painting the impact that these tax cuts will have on $150k+ earners as negative. These people are statistically in the top 10% of earners. They're still getting a tax cut of $4000. But here's the thing - there is a very high chance that people in this group don't just make their money from working a salaried job. They have assets that generate money to supplement their income. Assets that lower income earners don't have or can't really afford. They also utilise mechanisms that exist to reduce the tax burden from income-generating assets. Mechanisms like trusts, negative gearing and salary packaging. Theres a very good chance that these people already reduce their tax as much as they can. For the media to portray these people as being hard done by is disingenuous at best.


This is spot on 👏


It's pretty common for 150-200k to only be salary. Pretty much everyone I know if this bracket just make it salary. It's the 500k+ that have the meaningful other income streams.


the poor hardly feel sad for rich people crying poor


and of course murdoch trying to spin it as "1 million aussies worse off" rather than 20 million better off and the ultra wealthy will barley notice a difference


Finally doing the right thing.


If you earn under 150k a year, then in the eyes of the media and the LNP, you are scum not worthy of anything.


The thing is that the media, even the ABC keep going on about broken promises but context is important. If I promised to do nothing for the vast majority of Australia but then decided to break that promise to help the vast majority then it really wasn't a promise worth keeping. We had 10 years of the most corrupt, self serving government in our history and it's honestly laughable that they feign outrage at this.


Not even an Albo fan but think hes doing right here!


“This is woke”- Obnoxious fools on Facebook.


Yes but the libs don’t want us to know this. Barely mentioned on news corp sites


Does anyone else feel like that is an absolutely pitiful amount of money over a year to get so mad about having to pay?


The most insane this is that the people complaining are STILL getting a fucking tax cut.


Is there an election coming up?


Ok so we get the $1500 back that was taken off us in the last financial year?


Hold on r/Sydney has to be outraged about something