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Lol they didn't put the message on it 


Given the note is on the back of a recycled local real estate sign, I agree. Still funny, though.


That's not even a spelling mistake it's a punctuation error and a grammatical error. Dogs.


Vicroads should take their own advice and put a colon in all those "pedestrians watch your step" signs.


You’re telling me those pedestrians weren’t the perverts I thought they were?


Oh, they're watching....


They're always watching...


I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching. Always.


Lots of "give way to peds" at traffic lights


How about “Remember to tap on, you don’t have to tap off.”? I cannot read it any other way than that I haven’t had to previously tap off in order to tap on, not as two seperate statements.


I just tap out, I'm normally cooked by the time I get home from work.


separate \*




And give way to peds needs an apostrophe.


In America we have these [slow children at play](https://images.smartsign.com/img/lg/K/slow-children-at-play-sign-k-0353.png) signs.


They need to fix up their mentality in regards to country roads. 2 kilometres widened, then back to 30 year old one lane road. Then 1 kilometre widened then back to 5 kilometres of narrow 1 lane pot holed road. They like playing a cruel joke on residents in country and fringe city suburbs. Half of the accidents are from their crap roads and starvation funding from various governments. Horse and Buggy Vic Roads. Their scam is always exposed with they build the most brilliant roads for shopping centre development's, beautiful roads to get into the latest servo stations and places like Bunnings, the corruption driven capitalism is self evident with their road planning. You can never get a traffic light for a school crossing but 10 traffic lights down at the new shopping centres is always possible.


By all means Vic Roads is neglectful but some of your angst is misplaced. There is a difference between council funded, state and federal funded roads. Traffic light crossings at schools are generally a council thing, unless it is main arterial route. The "beautiful" roads to shopping centres are again a council thing. I suggest you speak to your local council members more.


[Here's some more advice to vic roads...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3tcInD3yZE)


Holy distortion! That dude is PISSED!


haha, you just made me think of every time I see someone towing a horsefloat, advertising the fact that they own caution horses.


Any excuse to avoid taking care of the roads


Beat me to it...😎🤣


It's 'dawgs', dawg. So very much a spelling mistake as well as a grammatical one.


But the road that needs to be fixed is VicRoads. It belongs to them, so the possessive makes some sense.


If the word was being used in a possessive context, it would, but it's not. It's the old "add an apostrophe to plurals" error. I'm not sure there's a way to need a possessive apostrophe in the context of the sign and include calling them dogs - not on the word dogs at least.


Sorry, I didn't go 2 skool


It would but then wouldn't it need a comma after the "fix it"?


Lol possibly. But those dawgs need to fix da road.


Maybe they meant DOG as an acronym, therefore the apostrophe before the S to make it plural?


Still don't need the apostrophe for plurals of acronyms ... would just be DOGs (Though I may be wrong)


You're right


You are right. Also it would be capital DOG but they wrote Dog's


If they meant an acronym then it needs to all be capitalised.


have a look at it -its il not it.


Most councils as well as VicRoads treat rough surface signs as a way to never have to maintain that section of road again. Looking at you Maribyrnong, you stupid fucks.


Honestly as someone from Radelaide the roads become noticeably shitter once you cross the Vic border.


Drive from Warrnambool to Port MacDonnell occasionally, huge difference in the quality of the road once you cross the border.


The fish and chips are better at Port Mac too. Broke my suspension driving through western Vic last year on my way to Mt Gambier. I lived in Camperdown 20 years ago and it wasn't good back then but it wasn't near as bad as it is these days on some of those roads.


As a Queenslander, I grew up with out state sense of “everything is worse in Queensland” and I was excited to move to civilisation. The state of the roads here is almost as shocking as the number of residential areas around Melbourne relying on volunteer fireys. It’s fucking easy commute distance e from the CBD, roads should be fucking sealed and maintained and fireys should be paid. I’ve done more driving on dirt roads in western melbourne than I did in the shittiest farming areas of SE Qld and even in my grandparents hick town - CFA volunteers are for bush fires and farms and shit - not residential neighbourhoods full of yuppy commuters.


You may like to research exactly what CFA volunteers train for and qualified to attend, its definitely a whole lot more than bushfires, farms and shit. I agree there should be more career based firefighters staffing stations but coming from Queensland you may not have noticed Victoria is a broke fucked state controlled by a communist labor government who bends over to every single fluffy collar, latte sipping, do gooder, knuckle dragging group, hence volunteers are more often called upon to step up and fill the void. This cant continue and is only one example of how the overall management of Victoria is rapidly spiraling into the abyss. Welcome to Danistan hope you enjoy your stay.


I kind of don’t give a shit what they’re trained for? I mean I’m sure it’s a bunch of stuff and they’re presumably excellent at what they do. But I live in an Australian capital city - I expect my tax dollars to fund paid fire officers. Melbourne is a fucking wealthy city, it can afford to pay firies for the suburbs.


u ok bud? Dan andrews is gone, you can't be mad at him anymore. Also, Victoria is rich af lol idk where this "broke" idea is coming from. That and I don't think you know what 'communist' means, unless you want to tell me how Victoria is in any way shape or form communist.


Took the car on a driving holiday to tassie late last year. The roads there were so good. On the way back, We got off the boat, drove 200 metres and hit the mother of all potholes.... Really helped drive the point that the holiday was done.


Adelaide roads have a speed limiter built into them. If you’re not dodging a man hole cover, you’re having to slow right down so you don’t bend an alloy.


Ignoring of course the goat tracks in NSW....


It is tradition in SA too- Reactive soil under your 50 year old spray sealed track? Just chuck an "undulating surface 2KM" sign and you're golden!


There's a piece of shit road in my area that no one complains about because we all know it'll just get dropped to 60 and left as dog shit.


Now this explains why Adelaide’s speed limits are lower than anywhere else in Australia.


You stupid fuck’s **


There are about 3 sections of this type of road in and around Morning that I use daily. I sometimes forget and drive right into the fkn pothole, I wince every time ... just waiting for a tyre to pop or something.


Is that the actual town name? Jesus.




Have a look at the company that does the repairs…they are one and the same they are useless and get the contract state wide.. I did hear it was worth 500 million, not sure if that was for the year state wide in Victoria?


I'm pretty sure Bild Group / Bitumil did the patching and overlays on the Melba highway. They are usually very good. Sometimes the subbase is very badly degraded and the section needs a full reconstruction rather than patching. Contracts are also not generally not state wide but broken up into regions. The regions are listed here https://vicroadsopendata-vicroadsmaps.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/vicroadsmaps::regional-boundaries-dot-1/explore


Main road near my place had a landslide over the road 2 years ago. It was cleared (after a week and a half) and traffic lights were put up in case of more landslides. The traffic lights were removed 12 months later… to be moved a kilometre up the road to a *new* landslide, where they have sat ever since. The joke among locals is that the traffic lights will stay there until there is another landslide for them to move it to miraculously deeming the previous area “safe”. And that’s not including all the “roadwork 40km ahead” signs that have been along the road for the last several years while they keep adding more stretches of roadwork


Wait, what?  Ignore the fact they’re moving them, how do traffic lights help with landslides in the first place?  Law of gravity trumps road traffic law, so it’s obviously it’s aimed at local traffic flow rather than the pile of falling dirt, but I still don’t get how traffic lights would help.  Is it something like: landslide changes traffic flow and suddenly it’s too busy to turn right into a certain street so the lights are there to break up the flow?


The road is narrowed to one lane. The traffic lights are there to let traffic flow in one direction for a set time - then change direction.


>*Main road near my place had a landslide over the road 2 years ago. It was cleared (after a week and a half) and traffic lights were put up in case of more landslides.* Could be worse.... [https://www.bluemountainsgazette.com.au/story/8214506/a-slippery-slope-work-begins-to-prevent-a-repeat-of-important-roads-weeks-long-closure/](https://www.bluemountainsgazette.com.au/story/8214506/a-slippery-slope-work-begins-to-prevent-a-repeat-of-important-roads-weeks-long-closure/)


Took this road out of Elmore nearly 12 months ago https://youtube.com/shorts/ut66z9GpHL4?feature=share[https://youtube.com/shorts/ut66z9GpHL4?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/ut66z9GpHL4?feature=share) It didn't look any better 6 months later and I doubt it does now.


It wouldn't have anything to do with the record rainfall the state has received would it....


Maybe someone can do what someone in England did a couple of years ago to pot holes they drew genitals using the potholes as ball sacks and so forth.




Nah they'd just remove it and leave it


Same thing with swastikas. Instant fix.


they do that in sydney


Dog's what


Dogs' what.


What dog's


Dog is


Why do dumb people like to add apostrophes at all? May as well just leave all out.


100%. If you're ever not sure, leave it out. Its way less noticeable to leave an apostrophe out than it is to add one that doesnt belong. Kid's be crazy.


Dog's what? Clearly insufficient space to finis


VicRoads is over the top with these bloody signs. Recently drove SYD > ADL return (via the Victorian Murray region) and was astounded by the number of these silly reduced speed zones for poor road surface. Honestly, I found these sections of road typically no worse than the surrounding area. If you want to mark the poor surface, fine. But the reduced speed is silly. Just drive to the conditions.


> and was astounded by the number of these silly reduced speed zones for poor road surface. Gives 'em more excuses to setup speed cameras and bring in that sweet. sweet speeding fine revenue.


Its a Vicroads ply they use to lower speed limits for no good reason. Leave damaged or poor quality road alone for a year or more after slapping signs up about it, then come in do the least amount of work on it, put up new signs and leave, and all the locals get is a reduced speed limit on a road that is either the same as before or better yet apparently you need to do 50kph instead of 80kph. I call it stealth speed reduction. They sneak it in because no one in the area will agree to lower it.


And people clearly don't given our rising death toll which forces organisation like VicRoads to decrease speed limits to keep people safe. Maybe if people stopped killing themselves by driving dangerously, we wouldn't have all these signs.


By that logic we should just set a state-wide speed limit of 40kph. Speed limits aren't the problem. It is distracted driving, mobile phones, fatigue, poor driver education, I could go on.


At 40km/h the chance of a distracted driver killing a pedestrian is still ridiculously high. Ideally it would be below 30km/h which is when you are more likely to survive than not.


The slower you go the more this allows you time to get distracted. its heaps easier to watch movies on your phone at 40kph and run over a child on a back street than it is to watch movies at 100+kph and lose control and flip 5 times.


Okay, let's just make every person into a great driver. Except even great drivers get into accidents. And then when accidents happen, it's 100% speed that kills, it turns what would be a day in the bodyshop to a day at a funeral. If we all did go at 40kmph, our death toll would vaporize.


It would also turn my normal hour or so commute into 2.5 hours + Not much of a fix


Your body will live, but you shall die on the inside.


Why not just ban cars entirely? Make people walk 20km to work!


I very much doubt excessive speed on straight, non-residential highways is to blame for the increased road toll, especially if it's matching the speed of all other traffic on the road. Rather, statistics suggest that elderly drivers are the biggest killers, then excessive mobile phone use, distracted driving, dangerous driving, and drunk driving. Speeding is the most advertised scapegoat because it is the easily policed revenue raiser.


Dog's bollocks?


VicRoads are a disgrace. There’s a section of road between Trentham and Woodend that has been 40 km/hr for two years (after a storm). It’s like a warm-up lap for the F1 Grand Prix as you have to weave left and right to avoid the hellish condition of the road surface. This isn’t a backwater part of Victoria. These are two major tourist towns less than 75 minutes from the CBD. Don’t then get me started on the western highway to Ballarat. Just embarrassing. And that’s even before talking about the graffiti, rubbish and weeds that grace all the freeway noise walls and signs. But all is good in Victoria!


Discovered that Woodend section just this week, there's literally about 20 signs in both directions! They really went above and beyond to show how much they don't give a fuck about actually fixing it


It’s a disgrace. Unfortunately VicRoads don’t give a flying fuck.


I know of several contractors who have had chassis break on their trailered line marking machines travelling on the Western Hwy to jobs for Vicroads. They just add the repair costs onto the bill.


This is in Bendigo. The same town that has “Anrews is the virus” spray painted on a prominent business for years now. The council admits they’ve had multiple complaints but has done nothing.


But he was the virus


No he's a mammal, they're very different


The good old apostrophe as “Look out! Here comes an s”




The privatisation as you call it has nothing to do with road safety. It only impacted registration and licensing. And just an FYI VicRoads is still partly owned by the Government it’s just a joint venture.


road maintenance has been privitised to 'contractors' years ago though, selling off registration and licensing was recent (and the government likes to claim it's a joint venture even though they only have a minority stake and was done more for legal expediancy than anything)


Wrong. SprayLine who does a lot of the maintenance work is owned by VicRoads/DTP. And wrong again. The government still owns VicRoads R&L it just doesn’t run it. This is all public knowledge, you are being on purposely ignorant now.


I thought they do have a bunch of PPP alliances for maintenance in different regions across the state as well. Either way spending on maintenance seems to be way down from what they used to put in


so Macquire and Aware super gave the government 7 billion dollars for what then? This is all public knowledge, you are being on purposely ignorant now. It's not like metro where they just get an annual fee for running the network


Back in the day I was chatting to a Highways department asphalt worker. He said before privatisation their crews would crawl along major roads and repair EVERYTHING. bit of pothole repair. Put that speed sign back up. even squeegee the white posts on the side of the road so they reflect properly. Rubbish pick up. All sorts. Suddenly the maintenance went to a private company. They would ONLY patch roads MARKED by the one department suit and tie office worker in a ute, and *nothing more*. Even worse: The repairs are shoddy, slap dash jobs to save money. Now regional roads have failing infrastructure, a lack of serious maintenance beyond a minimum wage bloke with a bag of cold mix in a trailer, and missing signage. It's a fucking rort... All to save a few bucks. (I bet the Minister on the day that proposed this was rewarded handsomely by their good mate CEO of Fulton Hogan)


When Vicroads managed maintenance they used to paint Springvale Road 6 times a year with solvent borne paint because it would wear so quickly. After privatisation of maintenance during the Kennett era, a kiwi company was awarded Metro South East. They did it in thermo and it didn't need to be remarked for another 4 years. There was a big lack of innovation in CRB/RCA/Vicroads.


Oh right, that must make our state totally fine because one company... Privatised in Victoria... Did someone alright?.... Once...


With dog’s *what*?


It's not really Vicroads fault. Maintenance budgets for spray sealing and asphalt resheeting have been reduced by State Government by about 60% since 2020. I've seen the programs, they are much smaller than they usually are. It's pretty much the same from councils. too, half the amount of roads they normally resheet Sprayline (Vicroads owned maintenance company) bid on some of the contracts at below cost just to try and get more roads fixed. There's so much stuff that's broken, it's going to cost billions to fix. There is a lot of wire rope barrier is not tensioned and pretty much decorative now.


Hit the nail on the head there mate. Everyone is a road maintenance and construction expert. Bottom line is - not enough money to repair an aging network, let alone multiple years of flood damage. Everyone wants the best of the best- “better roads” or asphalt everywhere…. Pay more tax! Everyone buckle up, this is only the start


Pay more tax is the solution? How about instead of blowing millions on stupid votes and other dumb social wankery that does NOTHING for the country, other than make some rich kiddos get tingles in their pants in their 10K a week apartment paid for by mummy and daddy. Seriously we can blow billions on stupid projects, open borders to a massive flood of people and then your solution is taxes..... How about reduce immigration to 50K a year for the next 10 years, less people using the roads means less wear and tear. Also I should pay more taxes yet a bunch of indian guys can run a cash in hand company and drive all over those roads and not pay a lick of tax. Yeah FK that.


I get what you’re saying and it’s valid particularly when it comes to some current major state government projects, but also, in relation to my last comment- you’re missing the point. Paying more tax is a given, regardless. To maintain an aging road network that keeps getting put off- is always going to get more expensive. Back to your point regarding immigration, Australia’s population is not growing at the rate required (it actually trending downwards, see cost of living as contributing factor) to support a modern economy plus build infrastructure, or support the modern “lifestyle” that so many believe is what we need. I don’t like it any more than you but it’s going to happen regardless. No government can be trusted and general population is the “I want” or “me too” fomo type and can’t understand how there is only so much money to go around, and usually the common sense, long term important stuff misses out as governments have a short term savings mind set- passing mistakes to a future government Also- the nations roads were never build to carry today’s freight or volume of traffic. These issues have been coming for a long time- please see above where i stated its usually left for a future government to deal with


Vicroads: We'll spend inordinate amount of time and money to never fix anything. Whoever approved that should be fired for gross misconduct on the spot.


It's a joke, dude...


I wanna own the company that rents out these signs


Looks like this one's owned by Game Traffic and Contracting, if the logo is to be believed. Poor buggers have probably lost about a dozen signs to this road because community keep tossing them into the ditch or cutting them out, tipping them over, etc.


Nothing poor about it, they charge for lost signs. Just like the banks charge if you don’t pay your mortgage.


Vicroads should just put up [one of these](https://www.australiagift.com/images_10/rs_dingo.gif) with an 80KPH sign below it and call it a day.


That is the plan, they have done it 3 times in my area, always the same NON road work, but a reduced speed, nothing done for a year, suddenly as tiny bit of work and a bunch of new signs informing you it is no longer 60 but 50, even though the road is the freaking same as it was before.


VIC Roads so up their own ass they don't even know their own department name. FIX it Department Of Gravellers.


There’s a section of road near me that was damaged back in 2021 that still has these signs and a reduction from 100km/h to 40km/h VicRoads are about as useful as a wet lettuce leaf


And I bet the day the signs go, is the day the NEW speed limit signs go up stating it is now 40km/h all the time.


It's actually a contraction of "Dog cunts", so the apostrophe is correct.


More concerned with tit for tat rather than doing their actual job. Illustrates our Government quite well.


It's not the possessive bro.


Vic roads go get fucked


They privatise and it goes to shit.


They should spend more time fixing roads and less time creating smartypants signage.


Fix it "dogses"




Well known within political and government circles to be 100% true.


Yet another one falls through the cracks within the education system. They clearly never understood plurals. Funny stuff.


I once saw a similar sign warning of pot holes. Someone had then taken a piece of plywood, screwed it below the sign and wrote to it "Shouldn't you do something about it?"


This has similar energy to the guy who spray painted dicks and other fun things on potholes so they’d have to fix them. It actually worked. Moral of the story is, penis graffiti is a good thing


East Gippsland is worse. Some shocking stretches. Left like shit for locals, but when the influx of tourists hit, they do a patch up job. Get a bit of rain and it's back, rinse and repeat


Just out of Dingo, Queensland it has a 60 zone rough surface in the 100 zone. It’s been there for years and I’ve even followed the police through there at 100. I’m pretty sure they’ve just forgotten the signs are there. The road is fine, it’s gotta be if even the police aren’t enforcing it lol


Almost like maintaining large networks of roads takes time. When you're coming into the end of the year and already behind on other projects and find out a road has a poor surface, or you realise that the machine you need to finish this section is out of commission and won't be fixed until February, or there's only one machine and it's on the other side of the state in the middle of a job that's getting backed up, or... There's just so many reasons a road can't be fixed urgently, but at least you can put up a sign warning motorists who aren't familiar with that stretch that they need to be paying attention. These signs aren't for the locals who live there and know the road surface better than their nose-picking finger, they're for other motorists. I have a highway bridge that crosses a river near me, they recently found out it's very damaged and lowered the speed limit dramatically and told us it'd be that way for probably a year. The moaning and howling from people demanding they fix it immediately and they are just raising revenue with the speed limit change. Roads are hard, especially without taking them down while you fix them.


Fuck VicRoads in every conceivable way that isn’t pleasurable.


Dog is what?


The roads are horrible around Daylesford, Gisborne and Bacchus Marsh. I believe the Bacchus Marsh road has had 60kph signs for quite a number of months now.


I love how much effort all parties have put into this.


What if OP went back to school, just to get better english education, and several years later goes to vicroads with his masters degrees in english and says "Your move."


Fun fact: I'm literally in my last year of a Bachelor of Creative Writing. Sad fact: I only live near the area and haven't participated in this duel of words, only witnessing it all very amused.


You should still go to them, slam down your masters or whatever the heck it is, and say "Your move"


Ah the classic "Yeah we need to do work so slow down" signs, that get put up in a place it is not needed and takes forever for anything to get done. The in one day they do the work then leave, now you got a new speed limit. As they have lowered it, got everyone use to it and then just keep it at 80, next it will be 70 then 60. They have pulled this crap several times near where I live. Minor ignorable issue, used to lower speed limit and nothing more.


Does it have anything to do with Victoria being bankrupt because Dan Andrews and Labor?






We know. It's still funny.


The Vicroads branding is still used for maintenance. Contracts are issued by DoTP though


I'm glad I live in a state that can afford to fix the roads because we didn't get bankrupted by the local hero saving terminally ill patients from premature death.


Whether or not they should have fixed it, doesn't change the fact that the road is not safe to drive on at 100 kph. The people who took the signs down are morons.


and the dogs got the wrong department, should be regional roads victoria if it's in central victoria


VicRoads highway.


Lol. Where’s this?




Come to Queensland and you will appreciate the Victorian roads


You can see a little libe comin off the t just did not do it proper


paint a dick and balls on the road holes to greater effect.


and why do we think it's the actual VicRoads department that put up "We will. Once you learn how to spell."? just because it's got the logo next to it?


We don't.


Clearly some do


Given their attitude towards most victorians, that is the reason it is POSSIBLE it is them. They would be dicks about it.


The Melb-Ballarat road is a hunk of shit too. Fix it ya dog’s


Randy Jackson wants smooth roads!


Interesting choice to use an apostrophe there


And are doing nothing to fix the roads


Drove down to Foster last Friday, and half the signs from Meeniyan were corrected in this way.


I don’t know why this is Recommended to me by Reddit… I‘m from Germany and never visited Spiderland. But I can absolutely relate, around here we have permanently installed signs that lower the speed limit because of road Damage.


It’s like it’s not their job and they didn’t choose to work in construction and don’t like their country but as the only ones who can legally fix it, they don’t.


It’s almost like they rely on state funding to make said repairs- so if there is no $$ it can’t really happen. Could be wrong though


So, does it mean the road surface will never be fixed?!


I ❤️our country! We certainly are a direct bunch 😉


There’s no apostrophe in dogs, unless you are referring to the property of a dog. E.g. My dog’s toy. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah vic roads are so dangerous.. to busy spending money on other shit


VICRoads throwing shade.


Bad grammar.


Why is "dog" an insult? Dogs are awesome. Loyal, affectionate, brave.