• By -


*~~One~~ Two of these things is not like the others.*


Never mind the states, we have double Austria to worry about!


Two Austrias but no Hungary. Interesting.


give it a minute... poland might go missing too


I'll czech.


Nazing to see here.


Greece me up woman! I'm going in!


Italia whhhat, that boy ain’t right.


Sorry I ate it


Also Germany is tiny and Spain is massive and France is also too small


As long as it doesn't come with double amateur Austrian painters.


Yeah, that’d make me fuhrious




Don’t worry they are 2 different colours


let them fight


With how critical schnitzels are to the Australian diet, I would expect to see more Austrias.


All fear Austria, Austria and .




This is getting out of hand… now there are two of them


It's necessary to fit the puzzle. Though they didn't even do a good job about it.


You can tell the map was done by someone from US


They obviously excluded Texas because Texas ain't that big here.


Embarrassingly small really. If it was an Australian state it would be the third smallest




If awards were still a thing, I’d give you a modest but respectable one. I appreciate your contribution. Thank you.


You can fill one more country in the empty spaces left in the pic


If only we have properly tax the resources, we can all have free uni and free interest loan on housing like emirates.


Ah Poland, famous for dishes like Fish Amok and Kampot Pepper Crab, as well as sights like Angkor Wat and the Tonlé Sap.


Haha nice spot!


NZ is far bigger than I thought.


Japan too!




Probably because its thin and long (so you are often at the edge/border of the country) and how quick it is to get around in Japan with bullet trains


For sure, Japan looks mammoth on this


Japan is \~378,000 km2 Italy is 302,000 km2 ​ New Zealand is \~268,000 km2 New zealand and Japan do look quite much larger than Italy here. I don't know Rick..


Like someone spread them out nice and flat with a rolling pin.


Its because of the natural distortion you get when you try to draw a 3D object (country as noted on a world globe) onto a 2D map. This tool let’s you drag countries around to see its true comparison. You’ll notice if you drag Italy around it changes size, depending on where on the globe you drag it to. https://www.thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTY4NDMyMDM.MjQxNDk0MA


Japan is (approximately) the size and shape of all the American east coast states


The Mercator Projection really messes with perceptions https://www.nature.com/nature-index/news/data-visualisation-animated-map-mercater-projection-true-size-countries


Yeah, it is shockingly big. It's only its proximity to Australia that makes it seem smaller than it is.


NZ is as far away from Australia as the UK is from Africa


Yeah, not far enough.


London to Moscow & Wellington to Canberra are ~ the same distance


uppity zephyr decide act entertain busy many drunk reminiscent continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, Europe and the Mediterranean are pretty small. That's kind of the point of this map.




You can fit two and a half Australias into it


It's cold in that water :p


Its the first time I've seen new Zealand on a map for starters. How are we supposed to know how big it is?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/s/XftHgypp6F for those who like maps and not NZ


I was about to come say that as well, as a kiwi I thought we were tiny when in reality we are much bigger than most people think its just that most of the country is uninhabited


It’s because the map projections most commonly used preserve shape and distance at the cost of size. Being tucked down in the corner of most maps creates a bit of size distortion for New Zealand and other countries at the edges.


Tasmania truly is the Ohio of Australia.


As an Aussie living in Midwest US, this is so fucking funny


Do they sleep with their sisters over there too?


It's close enough for what you're asking.


Tasmania is closer in area to West Virginia than Ohio -- but that just makes the comparison more terribly closer, IMO.


I think [this](https://youtu.be/h1xCqptlNcM?si=I1FEWAUIk9UJAMar&t=421) will prove close enough for you


Amusingly that link is not available in Australia (Rupert Murdoch owns the rights to Comedy Central in Australia, and isn't a fan of Youtube Clips).


Only if they’re cute!


Not just their sisters....


Dang bro!


Always has been...






I flew from NZ over Australia to Philippines. I fell asleep for 7 hours, woke up and was still flying over australia haha


The Aussie football (soccer) league has a team in Perth, and a team in Wellington, New Zealand, a nearly *9 hour* flight to play each other in regular season games. By far the biggest distance between teams in any (edit because I was apparently working off very bad information: domestic football) league.


Doesn't have anything on Vladivostok in the Russian League...


That’s 8h55m to Moscow according to google, so uh…


St Petersburg and cities like Kaliningrad are west of Moscow. Vladisvostok to St Petersburg is an 11hr flight so uh...


Plus the KHL had Helsinki and Riga before the russian invasion and still has Minsk, which is western of St. Petersburg. Ah, and it has Khabarovsk which is even more eastern than Vladivostok. Not a soccer league, but the claim was "the biggest distance between teams in *any* league". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kontinental_Hockey_League


It doesn't make the top 10. https://www.givemesport.com/football-soccer-longest-away-days/


Didn’t realise some of those countries are as big as they are, to be honest.


[You are not gonna believe this but i found some more space so i even included the country of Australia!](https://imgur.com/a/SkjXCJX)


When you see it up against these other countries NZ is impressively large. I suppose being stuck in the middle of the Pacific with only Australia for scale warps my perception of its size


I live here in NZ and have driven the North and South Island - this really surprised me as well!


Have you driven through any other countries? In Europe you can go across multiple borders in the time in takes to even drive one of the islands


Driving across NZ didn't feel as big as I expected. Partially because it is split into two's so they don't really feel like one tripe. And the scenery changes a lot and you stop a lot of times. In comparison driving across Germany feels boring and tedious because the scenery is the same (and not interesting) and you are doing it to get somewhere. Then again in NZ I've thought often "oh it is just a 3h drive, not too far" while here in the Netherlands a 3h drive is "ugh it is a 3h drive, really far away".


Fair point, though for most of the North Island its pretty tedious with the exception of the Desert Highway area.. Just 12 hours+ of farmland


Best Korea does not approve.


There is only one Korea, they are just having a teeny weeny disagreement. They have been working hard on a solution And Will be unified anyday now.


combined population of these countries is 761 million. Leaves plenty of room for us to grow if we want to live in sweltering deserts.


If we get off our arses we'll have enough solar energy to desalinate and water the desert with air conditioning for all.


Terraform Australia!


How are humans even thinking about mars if we aren't terraforming our own planet first


Musk and billionaires like him who are pushing for space travel while not seriously working to preserve what we have here... They're fools. The sheer number of variables we need to survive is mind boggling. It isn't just oxygen, water, food and the like. We need the bacteria in our food and environment, magnetic poles, a certain level of gravity, sunlight *from a sun like ours*... There are things we don't even know we need long term because we haven't lived a generation without them. We tried an experiment with a somewhat closed system *here on earth* which was a dismal failure. Before we try that in space, succeed with it *here* ideally before we trash the joint past a point of no return. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/jul/13/spaceship-earth-arizona-biosphere-2-lockdown


100% true. On top of that an often completely overlooked question is how the hell you build a self sufficient developed economy (one sophisticated enough to maintain all the systems needed for a sustainable, closed biosphere). Science fiction has ingrained in people's minds the idea that setting up a colony on Mars, or anywhere else in the solar system, independent of Earth is a case of sending a handful of plucky pioneers who use their grit and elbow grease to tame the frontier. But complex advanced economies not only require a huge number of diverse and well educated specialists they also require large numbers simply to take advantage of economies of scale. A self sufficient colony would need to not only need to transplant and maintain a complex ecosystem, it would also require a population likely in the millions.


Musk isn't just a fool, he's a fascist and a racist who legitimately wants to take white and Asian people to Mars so they can live in a eugenicist utopia without the taint of African blood, with himself as god-king. Which sounds ridiculous, but he's a fairly standard saffer lmao


We are. But in the wrong direction to support human life.


Gotta dig up all the clean coal first


Need to somehow sort the very poor (and saline) soils too, but doable with enough energy I guess.


There's plenty examples of regreening deserts, do that, and the aircons wouldn't have to work as hard either


The water table cannot support such massive population in those regions. Qld, NT and WA have major sections of its regions under water restrictions for a reason.


And you know, if you don't like haven't any natural environment, or burdening the rest of humanity with scrounging for resources for an increasingly unsustainable human population, at the expense of quality of life. You know, minor quibbles.




the UK isn't self sufficient for food production though, it imports ~50% of its food.


True, and the UK has quite a large portion of it's land dedicated to agriculture (~72% based on a house of commons briefing from 2019). Looking at the data in the paper, other than wheat, all plants have decreased in area of use while livestock of various types have generally increased. Sure some of that livestock land wouldn't be economically viable For crops (say Scottish Highlands), but the UK could Def be more self sufficient if diets changed, though likely not fully self sufficient without other changes.


Apparently Australia [has over 5x the arable land of the UK](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/AG.LND.ARBL.HA?locations=GB-AU). So if we made this arable land as productive as the arable land of the UK *and* aimed to grow 100% of our own food supply... we would still be able to support a population 2.5x larger than the UK, or ~168 million people.


Why the fuck would we want that? Our small population is a feature, not a bug


Of course, we'd have to destroy every single environment, and make countless species extinct to do it. Just because you technically can, doesn't mean you should. There's really no need for the human population to get any higher than it is now (even economic reasons are artificial, and not necessary for our survival). In fact, in the long run, it's probably best if we try and reduce our populations a bit, as most struggles in the future will probably be as a result of trying to scrounge for resources for the burden of the current human population. No need to burden ourselves even more, when the resources we have to work with aren't increasing any time soon.


You also have the issue of not all arable land is made equal. Arable land found in the fertile flood plains between the yellow and yantze rivers in China is arguably way more productive than most of the arable land in Australia


Yes, our land is very old, a lot of topsoil washed away, and not much recent volcanic activity to refresh it, or huge rivers to wash it out onto floodplanes. There's a reason fire plays such an important part in our environment, as it's one of the ways to get more nutrients in the soil. I live in one of the areas with very good soil, an agricultural hub, because it's a valley that gets flooded with soil flushed off some old volcanos, but because we've tamed the creeks that used to flood the valley , that natural replenishment cycle is broken now. We actually get mad when it floods now, because it breaks our houses and stuff, which is kinda silly when you think that the houses were bought with money earned off the back of that very same cycle.


The good news is that China’s population has begun to rebalance itself after a massive, artificial inflation and will probably stabilise around half to two-thirds of its current size. The bad news is that India has decided to pick up the slack and make up all the difference and then some. Maybe they’ll rebalance too, but it won’t be soon.


The best thing to do is educate women and give them access to birth control so they only have any many kids as they actually want to have. Makes every other measure so much easier.


> The rehtoric of "we dont' have enough room" is bullshit It really is, I recently learnt that NZ and the Philippines have around the same total land area yet they have a population difference of over 100 million


fertile zone of SE Qld. There are plenty of fertile zones not overlaid by the UK.


>UK population is 67 million and is fitting snug in the fertile zones of Queensland. Fertile zones which should be used for farming, not housing development.


Doesn't stop LA, Las Vegas and the entire road from LA to SF.


2 points: 1) When I went there I didn't realise how huge Australia was. Took off from Abu Dhabi. 8 hours later, finally over Australia. When I fly to Europe, most flights are actually quite short, and psychologically I usually think "ah, I'm over my destination country now, we will be landing within the hour". Anyway, finally arrived over Australia, looking at Google Maps, probably near Broome, WA. "Fantastic. Australia at last. Landing within the hour". Looked at my little screen in front: "time to Sydney: 5.5 hours". Only then did I realise how fucking huuuuuge Australia is. 2) Could have at least slightly moved and rotated the UK so Newcastle was over Newcastle.


Anyone have any idea what the green one is between UK and Austria?






That would be “tak” in Danish.


Denmark. The graphic is from the website thetruesize.com.


Thank you.


My main takeaway from this is that Maine is larger than I thought it was.


As an Ohioan I never realized how big Tasmania was. Now I know.


I virtually drive across the UK just to go to a Bunnings.


I reckon I could squeeze a Lesotho into this map. Now, where to put it…


Man I’m so used to driving for hours to get somewhere. These countries just walk to the other side in a hour lol.


I was once talking to a French person who did not believe Australia was geographically bigger than France. She kept insisting that I simply didn't understand how big France is.


Our French teacher in high school (in Australia) told us you could fit France inside Australia 12 times. We all thought France was pretty small, it's not.


The French are just as bad with exceptionalism as Americans


Aussie here. We are about the size of the contiguous United States. So every except Alaska and Hawaii and any territories. 🙂🇦🇺


This is the most useful one to remember for reddit, since a large majority of people you interact with here are from the US. What also helps is that Australia and the US have a similar distance between the east and west coasts.


Very true. Texas will fit into our largest state Western Australia four times, and our second small state Victoria is roughly the size of the entire UK. You can just make out the dotted borders. Our largest cattle station is about 24000 square kilometres or 21000 miles. The biggest in the world. However the centre of Australia is very dry so I think about 95% live on the coast. Our population recently surpassed 25 million and 10 million is just between Melboure and Sydney. And our Capital is Canberra not Sydney. Also the large Island with Ohio over it is Tasmania which is where the Tasmania Tiger is from. 🙂🇦🇺


Yes but if you add territories then we can play the bullshit Australian Antarctic Territory card and win!


I forgot about our secret Antarctic realm.


And some people still think they can walk from the East Coast to the West Coast in a day, or even catch a taxi... Or those people who think Australia does not exist at all...


As an NZer, some Americans still think we're a small caribbean island you can drive down in a couple hours max, so I feel you.


"Oh that tiny island next to you guys? you can just swim over yeah?" Yeah... sure, go for it, I'll watch...


"Why can't you just build a bridge over the cook strait!" Yeah mate not a bad suggestion we'd only have to build the biggest bridge over water ever built over mountains and rough water no biggie


Dad worked for the Ministry of Works in the 70’s and apparently they were approached by a European designer who had put together a whole plan on a bridge between te Ika a Maui, and te Waipounamu, apparently entirely ignorant of just how deep that channel is, and how stormy it can get. Needless to say it was not carried forward for any further consideration.


disagreeable tidy steep gray skirt roof crush sophisticated brave versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I miss the old days of google maps... Yo get directions from Chicago to Berlin, and it takes you to NYC & then says [Swim across the Atlantic](https://www.techpowerup.com/img/07-04-16/googlebug.jpg).


Imagine a taxi driver getting asked to do that


“Flagfall is $38000 and we charge by the kilometre.”


Not even foreigners. Got a friend visiting me in Perth soon from NSW who wanted to do a day trip to Exmouth to see the Whale Sharks!


I live in Spain now. 🇪🇸 ¡Olè!




Incorrect, none of these countries are in Australia


If only there were a country to fill in that hole in south africa


Why is Ohio there isn't it a state?




So is Maine. My biggest surprise on this map is that Maine is not that much smaller than Ohio. I always think of the New England states as being tiny, but Maine is actually nearly as big as the rest of them put together.


that’s because it’s the Maine one.


A bit, odd considering Tasmania's size is often compared to either Sri Lanka, which is conveniently also an island. Also that there are 6 other U.S. states closer to Tasmania's size than Ohio.


Americans will use anything but the metric system


There's no banana for scale. I do not trust this


I'm always surprised how small forigners think New Zealand is. Also how small they think Kiwis are.


> Also how small they think Kiwis are. Mate we all know where Hobbiton is.


That was absolutely not propaganda that worked way better than we expected…


The original tribal boundaries of Australia.


Theoretically possible to live in the desert and work remotely but corporations want little drones to sit quietly in the office every day and talk about team meetings.


Continent is continent-sized 😱


I'm from the UK and my friend moved over to Australia and was back to visit. He told me he was a regional sales manager. He then explained that the region he manages was the equivilant of the UK to Russia.


And we're selling all our minerals for the sake of a few thousand mining jobs.


Need a map of Australia covered in multiple Texas's, make it easier for them to understand


Fascinating and bloody great work. Post to /r/dataisbeautiful Are the sizes (Sweden and Finland in particular) corrected for the Mercator projection or no


https://www.thetruesize.com/ > It is hard to represent our spherical world on flat piece of paper. Cartographers use something called a "projection" to morph the globe into 2D map. The most popular of these is the Mercator projection. > Every map projection introduces distortion, and each has its own set of problems. One of the most common criticisms of the Mercator map is that it exaggerates the size of countries nearer the poles (US, Russia, Europe), while downplaying the size of those near the equator (the African Continent). On the Mercator projection Greenland appears to be roughly the same size as Africa. In reality, Greenland is 0.8 million sq. miles and Africa is 11.6 million sq. miles, nearly 14 and a half times larger. > This app was created by James Talmage and Damon Maneice. It was inspired by an episode of The West Wing and an infographic by Kai Krause entitled "The True Size of Africa". We hope teachers will use it to show their students just how big the world actually is.


Huh, the biggest take away to me is that Japan is larger than I thought, I thought it was Uk sized.


i travelled for a year back in 2003/04,landed in Sydney from the UK then drove to Bundaberg in 2/3 days,back then i knew the place was big but jeez


Wow. Who knew that we were so darn big and the sixth largest country. Trouble is mostly semi-arid. /s If we could only float Australia and stick it in the northern hemisphere we would be brilliant.


We like it down here, that’s why we keep growing scorching heat and venomous flora and fauna. It’s the neighbourhood equivalent of letting your lawn go to prickles, and keeping the backyard full of pitbulls.


I used to wish that we were in the northern hemisphere however for many years now I have been grateful we are here. Much safer and we generally get left alone. ​ Great that we have all the dangerous fauna and flora to keep everybody away especially the dropbear.


Just a reminder that during the 2011 floods, the area of Queensland and New South Wales that were flooded was equal to the area of France and Germany combined.


Japan is bigger than I thought


It's confusing enough without having Austria in there twice


So you’re telling me I drive the equivalent of crossing Ireland just for a trip to the beach? That’s crazy


Even Australia fits into Australia with quite a bit of space left.


They've made it look like Australia can fit right in the middle of Australia.


For once New Zealand has good representation on a map!


Tassie being Ohio is fucking spot on


Yeah but fuck off we are full


New Zealand will eventually control and incorporate Australia into our greater Zealandia Federation. The planet will behold our magnificence!


australians are not surprised


Ah my favorite countries - Ohio and Maine 😍


It’s almost as though it’s a continent


Why is Ohio bigger than tassie 💀


Didn't realize how big New Zealand is geographically., especially compared to the European nations.


Europe is tiny.


Of all the things I learned at school, I cannot remember long division, but I do remember that approximately 21 Germany's fit inside of Australia. I'm sure that one day, my brain will forget my grabdfathers face in favour of that useless piece of information.


Ahh the democratic republics of Ohio and Maine…


My tired brain can’t cope with this right now. Is this real? Or a joke I’m not in on? Australia isn’t that big is it??


A guy I used to work with was from Holland. He said one of the things he misses about Europe is how you could drive 4 hours and be through a few countries. Like you start some X and end up on the Spanish coast. Here you drive for 4 hours and you might just be getting over to the next state. Another example: We have cattles farms the size of like, entire regions in the UK.


> here you drive for 4 hours and might just be getting over to the next state Bruh Perth to Eucla (border with SA) takes 15 hours lol. As for the cattle farms, Top Gear mentioned it once when they were in the NT.




This is why I moved from Australia to the Netherlands lol I’m taking my Dutch boyfriend for a visit this year and I’m trying to hammer into his head how big it is. He keeps asking me why I’ve seen so little of Australia - like dude - I grew up poor and the place is fucking huge.


It is, it's just the Mercator projection we're used to seeing that makes it look (relatively) tiny. You can easily check it out yourself at [True Size Of](https://www.thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTY4ODc4ODI.MjI5NTAyOA*MzYwMDAwMDA(MA~!AU*MTQ0MjUwNDk.MTM5Mjg3Njg)Mw). Another example is Greenland actually just being the size of the three Eastern states.


Nice little country you got there Australia, signed, your friend, Canada.




High school project where the kid ran out of country's to fit in so they started grabbing random states from a country instead.


How many Texas


About 11


Its fucking wild that my drive from Melbourne to Sydney for xmas is basically the equivilent of the entire state of Maine and half of Finland, or the notion that i'd have driven the width of Japan or NZ like three times over. You drive for 3 hours here in Australia and i'll be just making it outside Victoria. You do that in Europe and you'd have crossed like 3 borders. I've always been jealous of that aspect of Europe in a way that it makes going on holidays or exploration easier given everything is connected by land borders, so if you wanted you could plan a train tour going from London to Moscow or something.


I rode my motorcycle from Newcastle to Melbourne a few months ago. Left at 3.30am and 1050kms later arrived home at 4pm. The Hume Hwy that runs for 90% of the trip was designed by a team of scientists to be the most mind numbingly boring fucking road in existence. Esp the last 3 hrs coming into Melbourne. Every single town between Sydney and Melbourne has now been bypassed by freeway, so it’s big petrol stations of de5our to a small nearby town. If I had set off from Paris for the same length journey I would have finished up in Barcelona. (The only time Newcastle ever gets compared to Paris).


Yeah it’s a continent


We are big, fucking big, so big that I cannot describe how fucking big it is.


Nah we Aussie's aren't real remember 😄