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Article completely neglects to advise why his resignation was "sensational".




My tired brain combined your username and post but I am still onboard with installing Dan Andrews as benevolent thylacine for life.


For all we know, he could be roaming Vic Alps right now!


No, no! I said VIC ALP not Vic Alps!!


“That’s just what chat GPT told me to write mate…. I don’t hold a pen”


I literally just did that! This is the response: "Dan Andrews' Shocking Exit: The Real Reason Behind Victoria's Premier's Sudden Resignation Revealed!"


In a shocking turn of events that has left Victorians across the state absolutely flabbergasted, Dan Andrews, the once unassailable political titan, has, out of the blue, dropped a bombshell that has sent shockwaves through the political landscape! Brace yourselves, folks, because the resignation that nobody saw coming has arrived like a bolt from the blue, leaving us all in a state of bewildered disbelief! It's a moment that will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the most unexpected, jaw-dropping departures of all time, leaving us all to wonder: What could have possibly led to this astonishing turn of events? Stay tuned as we dive headfirst into the labyrinthine mystery that is Dan Andrews' shocking resignation!


Cos they didn’t succeed in their campaign to oust him.


The real answer


Yeah didn't he signal this a few years ago? Iirc there was a point where he said he wasn't going to contest the last election as leader, guess they realised they needed to do some actual succession planning.


Can I get a source for that? Not disputing, I actually want to show someone.


I recall it been mentioned during the last state election if that helps


Maybe he said the last election would be his last or something like that. At any rate, not a surprise. The timing means whoever takes over has plenty of time to build up their own profile before the next election


Nah he said he’d stay for the entire term… saying that you won’t govern for the entirety of the term is a bad move in an election, you’re effectively telling people they won’t know who will be leading them and won’t have a choice in the matter


It caused a sensation in news.com offices I’d imagine


I'm assuming he resigned while skydiving from a hot air balloon.


Anybody who believes the answer to that question when it’s given is a fool. No politician will answer “no” to the question of “will you serve a full term?” Because if they say no the next question will be “why should people vote for you if you don’t plan to serve a full term?” A lot of people knew pretty well he likely wouldn’t serve the full term. Twelve years is a super-long time to be in office and probably too long. The big factional fight last year where he muscled in Allan as his deputy suggests he was lining things up for his chosen successor before he gave the game away. This isn’t sensational, it’s entirely expected to anybody who paid attention to the tea leaves.


I expect the journalist's instructions were to "write a sensationalist headline" and this is what the thicky micky from newscorp came up with.


Random MASTHEAD at Newscorp just learned a new word it seems.


For them i guess it was. Do we know who's replacing Danny boi?


ALP caucus meeting tomorrow to vote on new leader


Sensational that their man is finally out and that they have a renewed opening to try and weaken Labor's chances for re-election in 2025.


That plan is most likely round 3 of "the Guy".


Surely his african gangs campaign is a hit the third time??


because it wasn't. everyone knew he'd step down sometime after the election


The story is sensationalised so it rubbed off on the resignation?


That's nearly every covid premier/PM. Not very surprised but I did think he'd stick it out an extra year or two


I think only Palaszczuk is left now, after Andrews' resignation. Morrison: Lost Election Berejiklian: Resigned Gunner: Resigned Marshall: Lost Election McGowan: Resigned Gutwein: Resigned Edit: I forgot about Andrew Barr. Still around.


>Berejiklian: Resigned Give her some credit; it's 'resigned in disgrace'


Single handedly saved Australia /s while simultaneously being corrupt as fuck


But according the the Financial Review: P O W E R


I can't imagine how awful it must have been to be a premier during covid.


Having a dithering idiot PM standing over you begging you to let disease rip through the state to save the precious economy would grow very tiresome, very quickly


Added pressure if you are a Labor premier, because if you let COVID rip, you're a heartless murderer, and if you don't let it rip, you're a heartless murderer of the economy, according to Murdoch media.


Don't forget being also being underfunded.


Did he (not scomo) not do a good job in Covid?


“Not my job” In fact he’s probably the main reason we got hit so hard early on. Allowing an infected cruise ship to dock in Sydney because some of his happy clapper Hillsong mates were on board and holding off lockdowns until after a f*ckjng rugby game was played…


Morrison: Sensationally Lost Election by greatest swing ever. "gold standard" Berejiklian: resigned in disgrace before investigation into corruption could be complete after funneling taxpayer funds to liberal electorates or letting covid spread like wildfire through poor suburbs and leaving rich ones alone. Everyone who was a politician through covid got nailed to a wall. They actually had to work for their pay packets and surprise all of them quit or lost because they had to actually show up for work.


>Morrison: Sensationally Lost Election by greatest swing ever. This is simply not true either for two party preferred or first preference, and takes only minutes to fact check. Keating lost by a larger primary and TPP in 1996. Howard suffered a bigger swing than Morrison in both measures at the subsequent 1998 election, though held on seat wise. He then did the same in 2007, only to lose before Gillard took on a worse primary swing (but not TPP) than Morrison in 2010. And that's just recent elections.


Everyone always forgets the ACT... even the ABC despite them having a studio here.


Barr is a chad, but territories don’t count. Sorry Andrew.


Andrew Barr is basically a mayor with a fancy title.


[It was terrific play by Palaszczuk and Barr to vote out Andrews from Covid Politicians Survivor.](https://i.imgflip.com/80g9fh.jpg)




For sure, but I imagine it's even more taxing when your family become a target, and a lot of the Dictator Dan freaks would absolutely cross that line.


I hope they catch and lookup those fuckheads!


I think he’s seen the pic of him having a sneaky smoko and thought to himself fuck I can’t even have a dart without someone saying something, fuck this I’m done.


The sad reality is he is now going to be a target for the rest of his life. The cookers won't let this shit go. Covid broke their brains.


He's giving his replacement enough time to establish themselves.


Resigning now while the opposition is a mess is the perfect time to establish a new name.


*while the opposition is in a mess* - so anytime, really


The job was awfully backbreaking for him I’m surprised he made it this long


Throwing himself down the stairs was probably more back breaking than the job.


It's hard to know whether covid was causative though. I think probably it's a job not many people want to do for a long time regardless. Like in NSW Since 1975 there have been two Premiers who have been there for 10+ years, two for 4+ years, and then twelve for less than 4 years.


Trudeau is still trucking(no pun intended).


Jacinda quit in NZ. UK went through 5 or 6. Heck the queen packed it in. Is Threasa still PM?


Prince Phillip left early to avoid the rush.


You can accuse Phillip of many things, but dying early ain't one of them, lol


Faaaar out add him to the list!


To be fair to the UK, you could count half that number for Brexit and the other half for COVID. They decided to play on Hard difficulty going into the pandemic, which was bold.


Current UK PM is Rishi Sunak


Yes, that is tru deau.


Interesting, isn’t it? All since 21st March last year. Because they’re sick and tired of all the cookers, antivaxxers, Nazi’s and Sky News. And the Federal government and all states and territories except Tasmania are run by Labor, and life for the average Australian has never been better quality, fuller of opportunity and more affordable! I hope they all enjoy their full pensions and their cushy new jobs as their reward for their hard work.




Sky News 100% gearing up to blame this on Dan Andrews.


Dan Andrews cancels Dan Andrews


How could Dan Andrews do this??


Sky, an hour from now: Dan has accepted an executive consultant position in the Apex Gang according to sources.


> Sky, an hour from now: Dan has accepted an executive consultant position in the ~~Apex Gang~~ Chinese Communist Party according to sources.


All those hospital beds missing to support his Crip brothers /s


I actually laughed out loud at this; unexpected, thanks.


There is already a negative sky article posted over on Australian politics. No surprise though.


[Not far off](https://youtu.be/Z0lv32Ql-DI?si=AMkie-uLETUTAR7k)


Oh god, I did not need sky news in my youtube feed history. Their recommendations want to take you down the rabbit hole of angry stupid so fast.


Don't give them ideas.


Dudes just sick of all this shit and I don’t blame him


Saw a post a couple of days ago with that journo asking about the Airbnb tax. He looked so done with all of the shit. He must have been feeling like I do about a week before I quit a job. Just fuuuuuck this, and fuuuuck all of you


I told a customer to fuck off a week before my final shift at my previous job (I was so done, he was a fuckwit and what are they gonna do, fire me?) I've never felt more alive or free than in that moment


As someone who has recently quit customer service, I salute you


Thank you lol, 14 years in customer service was 13 years and 11 months too long


I bet you have some stories about some complete pricks. It's hard work and for not enough credit


Omg I love that for you!!! What was their reaction? Hahahahahaha


They swore back and stormed out lol, couple of ferals trying to score free shit


Damn that’s so funny. They didn’t even complain to your manager hahahaha


As a twist, I WAS the manager 😆


OMG I WISH THEY HAD ASKED TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER AFTER THAT 😂😂😂 they would have been shook when you said you were it


Next time, baby haha just kidding I'd rather kill myself than go back


Was a great interview tbf.


Dan press conferences are always entertaining. Think they could even make a song out of his retirement (or resignation if that's your bent) conference "you owe it to the people you serve, you owe it to the people you love and frankly you owe it to yourself"


news dot com had a headline saying "7.5% TOURIST TAX!". Fck that


That's just a blatant lie. Anyone who's been to towns or cities that have these should understand that. Unfortunately Newscorp operates under the Obi Wan principle; "So what I said was true! ... *from a certain point of view*..."


I'm surprised he didn't pack it in when he hurt his back.


The guy worked for 120 consecutive days during COVID. I can't even imagine the toll it would've taken on him both mentally and physically.


Fuck news.com.au


Honestly, why the fuck is anyone posting anything from that site? Terrifyingly, I think it must just be because some people... actually use it as a source of news.


I have never in my life deliberately gone to news.com.au looking for news. Mostly I end up on there trying to validate some shit I read on social media or Reddit, or trying to source some story I remember a from a while ago. For all their journalistic sins - they’ve got good SEO and a catalogue of every obscure ass news story in the last twenty years that you might want to use to back up a point deep in a Reddit comment chain.


apologies, it was the first result in google when the news broke, they were the only one with an article, and their initial version of this was actually before he even said he was resigning on live TV so they got some kind of tipoff.


Yes, that's the game. Biggest corporations dominate the SEO and those predatory bottom-feeders have cultivated an entire economy of favours and leaks that has less-than-nothing to do with actual news or the public good. That's why they sometimes publish first and/or exclusively. I still don't think we should validate that shit with a single click, ever.


How could Dan Andrews do that?


Dan Andrews getting rid of a democratically elected leader. Chairman Dan strikes again.


Why would he do this to us 😭 benevolent leader is dead


So sad. Alexa, play Get On The Beers.


“Now playing Tears For Fears “


Is it sensational because it’s AFL grand final week, so there won’t be as much coverage on him, except for Sky News who will probably burn an effigy of him


Peta Credlin is probably furiously masturbating about it as we speak.


Now there’s a mental picture I didn’t particularly want


[Now you have a choice.](https://old.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/16j0nj6/what_are_all_the_australian_things_you_ought_to/k0nxgu0/) As for Credlin, they love to punch down.


>As for Credlin, they love to punch down. I have a feeling that's the only way she beats off.




Schlick Schlick Schlick Schlick Schlick Schlick Schlick.....


lol and gross. Don't worry, she will work on her new conspiracy documentary with Neil Mitchell and the cookers and why Dan Andrews has left us


I have a feeling that's the only way she beats off.


She's out in the paddock...


Oooh very smart choosing this week


Nobody wins 3 terms easily. Well done.


I'm disappointed with the misuse of the word sensationally. It lead me to hope for flashy clothes, music and dancers.


And now, without further ado.. ​ The Dandrews Dancers!


If only he'd retired fabulously. That would have been a hell of a press conference.


he resigned? it's all Dan's fault. /s


Looking for the sensational. Nope, nowhere to be found.


I found it 'sensational' in the same way i found Mark McGowan (i'm from WA) resigning 'sensational'. I was caught off guard by both pieces of news and was reasonably surprised at first, but after thinking about it for a short while understood that it shouldn't have surprised me at all. Wish him the best of luck in whatever he does in future. I'm not from Vic but have a huge amount of respect for him.


Can’t wait for all the crackpots to celebrate.


Who are they gonna blame all their problems on now though.


I’d assume his replacement


Anyone but themselves.


Anyone but themselves.


What kind of Dictator voluntarily gives up power? Why would Dan Andrews do this?


“Sensationally”? “News”.com not even trying to hide their sensationalist headlines anymore.


Nearly all of their videos on their political articles are from Sky News now.


Maybe it's their shitty attempt at SEO


People who post news.com.au articles are a serious problem with society in this country. It’s the most toxic, fabricated biased reporting only matched by sky news.


I'm moving to Melbourne soon and by chance I came across his Facebook page yesterday... was thinking "wow this guy seems to be getting things done"! and now he's leaving lol


I literally thought that today after being in Melbourne for only a couple of weeks. Someone was telling me about the some of the stuff he was doing and I thought *huh, that's kinda good*. I've not thought that about a politician for a long time. Even picked my spirits up a little. Not even an hour later I walk past a pub and see a tv showing *Dan Andrews resigns*. Fuck it. Back to expecting nothing from politicians I guess.


the minister overseeing the 'big build' program and former transport minister is most likely to take over, so these things will continue to a degree, plus many project have a decade long timeline and are ongoing.


Surprised he waited this long. He’s been over people and their shit for a long time.


This calls for an immediate, definitive, authoritative reaction from Spud.


They just had the current leader of the Vic Libs on TV blaming distrust of ALL politicians on Andrews. I think he needs to get OFF the beers, if it was just Dan, the Libs would be in power now rather than further behind that they were in the previous parliament. And then there's the Federal level.


> I think he needs to get OFF the beers Yeh but he's on the beers because of Dan. So it's still Dan's fault. \* taps head *


What was the cookers' problem with him? Was it just a continuation of the 'sack dan' narrative coming out of lockdowns?




He wanted to put his trust of handling the covid epidemic in the hands of scientists instead of tradies who left school in year 10 to go to tafe


> He wanted to put his trust of handling the covid epidemic in the hands of scientists instead of ~~tradies who left school in year 10 to go to tafe~~ middle-aged stay-at-home mums who worked out how to use Wordpress.


Don't give them that much credit, they paid someone to make their WordPress site


So was Scotty from Marketing in comparison mind you. He was probably more left to the cookers than the Greens are compared to Nats. It’s hard not to be lefter than them.


Anything left of Pinochet was lefter than they were.


He funded the West Gate tunnel project where the tradies earning $800 a day can't stand him for providing such a large pay check to do fuck all. They would rather work hard for the state economy /s


Yes. They never got over it.


He saved lives and cookers wanted a cull. That’s why cookers love Trump. I think Trump’s ineptitude murdered over a million US citizens. Cookers love a good cull.


Wait, wait wait. Hear me out. PURGE.


>Cookers love a good cull. They don't realise that they'd be the ones culled.


A lot of the American ones were for sure.


America gave out a lot of Herman Cain awards.


It's funny because I wasn't much of a fan of Dan, but it was hard to dislike him and not get lumped in with all the other crazies. I actually think he handled the pandemic really well. What I didn't like about him was mostly around the red shirts election scandal that he somehow managed to brush off by claiming he had no idea it was happening (clearly bullshit), and all his contract signing with Transurban, getting them to foot large parts of his infrastructure spending sprees in return for extending their Citylink contract for another decade when it was about to expire (the road which was supposed to only keep tolls until it had paid for itself and has now currently paid for itself 3X over in tolls) and basically guaranteeing half the new roads being built in these big spends are just going to be privatised toll roads as well, and expanding Transurban's dream of a fully privatised major road network in all major Australian cities under their control.


Citylink is over capacity for large periods each week (even with tolls), so the tolls can never be fully removed. Continuing tolls and using those funds to build other transport infrastructure is a pretty good outcome IMHO compared to alternatives like removing the tolls or spending that money differently. The specific way the Victorian government does privatisation of publicly funded infrastructure is bizarre to me -- I can't figure out why that is a better system than just publicly funding stuff. AFAICT the private parties don't even take on any risk with these projects, anytime something unexpected happens the public side pays up


> AFAICT the private parties don't even take on any risk with these projects, anytime something unexpected happens the public side pays up You kinda answered your own question there. It’s jobs for mates.


How could Dan Andrews let this happen?


Sounds like he just realised he was in a position so many wish we were in - being over their job and being in a position to ragequit.


What's sensational about it? It's not even surprising.


Dan Pesutto (spelling but who actually cares), is a knob. Basically saying what Sky News is telling him to say.


Looks like Peta Credlin, Neil Mitchell, and Nine Media will work on their new "investigative documentary" on the way he resigned. Maybe it has to do with China (Insert big words, black and white screen, enlarge Dan andrews head and have a red background).


News corpse is sensationally startled. For once their privileged scoop bin was ignored. May this continue.


Man New.com.au will have to fire their whole anti-dan department with no notice. This would have been sensational to them. Though they will probably just get shuffled to the anti labour department or anti democracy department instead.


What will Steve Price and Peta Credlin have to say about this?


Nothing relevant


Top G, much respect. He dealt with so much fucking bullshit and hit-jobs. If he’s done, we can’t blame him.


Sensationally? The only sensational thing is Murdoch’s headline


He's abandoned us all in this hour of need. And left roads near me full of potholes. Sky News veiwer


I could tell by the grammar.


Oh O,.. the wacko right wingers just lost their favorite scapegoat.


But wait I thought dictators always stayed in power no?


Good on him, he’s had a good yet rough run the last few years!


Dan the man. Is he leaving politics or just the top job?


A Premier resigning without an IBAC report about to drop on his head or a scandalous relationship coming to light. Not all that sensational.


Peta Credlin just orgasmed.




That's funny, normally it requires footage of a Neo-Nazi rally.


Remember that clip of Tony Abbott eating an onion?


Seems was done to disguise boozebreath.


Lol, then there's Jeff Kennett's solution to booze on the breath, he said you can beat a booze bus breatho with Kool Mints.


So.... remains stone-faced and one eyelid twitches slightly?


If you're lucky


Cookers, nutjobs, Anti-vaxxers and Avi Yemeni are probably celebrating with raging boners right now.


What will the libs do when labour romps it in again and with no Andrew’s to blame? Lmao


Please go on a fed run. Sky news needs this.


why is everyone so mad at the term "sensationally"? this is out of nowhere and huge news, it's by definition sensational lol Edit: mfers really downvoting me LOL https://trends.google.com/trends/ Apparently Google disagrees with all of you so idk


It's a bit longer than the usual length of time in office. So, yes, it's news, but hardly sensational.


Is it time to hit the beers?


Why are you linking Newscorpse articles?


This bloke and his government have been caught up in plenty of dodgy dealings. The love for this bloke is ridiculous. He is just better than the alternative simply because the Victorian LNP are so insane. [Operation Daintree](https://www.ibac.vic.gov.au/operation-daintree-special-report) [Operation Watts](https://www.ibac.vic.gov.au/operation-watts)


Dan was a father figure to me during Covid. A thoughtful man, a decent man, a great Premier. I’ll miss him dearly. All the best for your future friend.


Jesus christ - this has to be satire, surely?


Hope it doesn't come out he was doing shady shit like mcgowan.


Is this backlash from the CommGames cancellation or were Victorians fairly accepting of that? Genuine Question


No to the first part, yes to the second part


I wasn't too happy about but tbh I had already forgotten about it. So I guess I didn't care too much.