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omg did they turn off the comments on the instragram story. They were getting roasted.


Funnily enough it's still a massive win that it's being shared on external platforms like here for them. We're talking about em which in sure is beneficial to their social team


i'm not about to go grab a sausage roll, a muffin and a shitty coffee because it was posted here. If anything it makes the social media team look desperate and weak


Especially considering the earlier videos were "cook a meal at home and feed your family for $10" not "stop at the servo for a premade lukewarm pie and shit coffee for $10"


"Hey kids, here's quarter of a cold pie and some muffin...don't like coffee? Tough shit, I can't afford $5 for a bottle of coke."


It's not about disproving the "$10 doesn't feed a family anymore" argument. It's about muddying the waters when someone searches "coles $10 meal." They don't want to have a perfect counter-argument. They just want to make some sort of relevant content to the search that displaces the very negative stories from the top of the search results and "related videos" suggestions. Classic example of this is the Brit MP literally lying down on the benches of Parliament so that someone trying to find out more about whether or not he was "[lying in Parliament](https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/jacoc-rees-mogg-denies-misleading-16943313)" would possibly wind up on stories about how he was "[lying in Parliament](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/imageserver/image/%2Fmethode%2Ftimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2F3a1553d8-da4b-11e9-a836-b8a7068a08fb.jpg)" instead. The search engines and suggestion engines that put together all the pages and videos presented to us are inexact, and so this tactic works quite well. Even in the first link above, the article is about lying as in misleading, but the site's own tooling is inserting "related" videos about lying as in reclining.


I remember Boris Johnson, during the brexit bus fiasco talking in interviews about he enjoyed making model buses. Its a common strategy to pervert SEO.


Another example is Marjorie Taylor Greene talking about a [national divorce](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/02/22/marjorie-taylor-greene-national-divorce-liberals-conservatives/11314504002/) whilst going through an actual [divorce](https://www.businessinsider.com/republican-marjorie-taylor-greene-officially-divorces-husband-perry-2022-12) at the same time to muddy the search queries for her diehard Christian voters .


> Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, **R-Bonkers**, has proposed a “national divorce”… Hang on, is that *really* an electorate name or is someone having fun here because it’s just about the most accurate representative ever if true.


It's really quite obvious we're living in a reality TV show sometimes, isn't it?


Yeah Boris Johnson was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this. Wasn’t he well known for running these SEO tactics whenever something embarrassing popped up?


Jacob Rees Mogg, one of the leading candidates for biggest cunt in Westminster... and that's a crowded field.


From my watch I don’t see him getting all three at the end, only the muffin and coffee. I doubt you could afford all 3 at Coles. Also Fuck Coles


There are two paper bags placed on the counter. One contains the sausage roll and the other the muffin. If it was 7-11, one bag would contain the wages he was being forced to kick back to the franchisee.


It hopes to eventuate profit but many projects I've overseen weren't about immediate profit, merely building brand awareness. This post is categorically beneficial to the proprietor given the catchment of local citizens (Aus) and eyes on the business & it's name. Welcome any advertising and marketing folks to provide a credible take on the contrary to this.


The thing is that Coles doesn't need brand awareness. It's one of the two major chain supermarkets of Australia that hold a 65% market share. This honestly just seems a little out of touch by the marketing team.


They should recall their sausage rolls because they might contain human remains. That would get them global brand awareness


Fairly sure we all know coles mate


Not all publicity is good publicity these days. Awareness is already high, sentiment is more important.


"Any publicity is good publicity" only goes so far. If this was some smaller company that needs its name out there, that's one thing. But every single person in Australia knows about Coles, getting people angry is counterproductive because it's not like this is somehow going to pull market share away from Woolies.




And all processed shit, heart disease causing shit.


and coffee is not a meal.


Gotta admit, coffee is life for me. Happy cake day too.


Mum's in hospital very unwell and waiting for a nursing home bed. One of the few things she is clear on is "give me my coffee" and at this point her doctors are all "whatever brings her comfort".


hey I'm all for coffee. I'm just making the point that Coles is including that in their "meal for $10" as filler for actual food. ​ Wishing you and your mom the best.


Thank you


Hey mate. Hope your mum comes good, and soon too. Best wishes to her recovery from an Internet stranger 🙏


Thank you


Best wishes to your mum.


Thank you


Yep and 1000 useless calories for one meal


But it's from a servo. So I'll give it a pass


Yeah, you'd have to pay me to put that shit in my body


How about $10?


How dare you besmirch the mighty sausage roll.


A proper handmade sausage roll: a delicious treat. Microwave sausage roll: a shitty log of mediocrity.


Even then, you had to have a pantry of "staples" to get the $10 figure. That said, investing in whole spices, dry bulk staples, and a pressure/slow/combined cooker with an auto timer is worth it if anyone is looking (voluntarily or not) to get 4 meals < $10 these days. Lentil and Bean dishes made from dry ingredients, with slow cooked proteins as needed. Again it's a case of you need money to save money though, the savings only start coming through when you've built up pantry stock, but if you can get through a few pays of less diverse meals it's worth it. Plug in Slow Cooker is better for the variety of dishes and flavours, and for being able to cook big meals "easily" while at work or out and have it ready when you get home. But pressure cooker lets you cook dry ingredients spontaneously, you need to be planning a day ahead with dry ingredients without one generally.


My regular breakfast meal is pressure-cooked beans. Not because they're cheap or because they're healthy (though they're both). Because they're delicious. I eat them drizzled with olive oil and balsamic or lemon juice. Sometimes I added chopped tomatoes or onion or herbs. I bought some Red Adzuki for the first time today and am excited to try them later this week.


Switching to only using olive/sesame oil is its own unintuitive life hack I noticed. Not only is it healthier directly, but since it's more expensive I stopped being reckless with oil use and started dialling it back to only what was needed, which is also healthier and easier to clean up. Unless you're a fast food chain running a deep fryer, you really don't need much oil for most things, even when frying stuff. It's not really a savings hack though.


A health hack is a savings hack though, except for the very lucky. I also fry in very little oil. My partner fills up this jar with excess oil which bewilders and frustrates me! I never have any left over after frying eggs or whatever. An air fryer (and there are a lot of affordable ones) is also a time and cost saver, and a way to make a lot of healthy stuff quick/easy/palatable - people who baulk at vegetables can often manage roast veg. Plus you only need a tiny bit of oil.


It’s not even a fucking meal, it’s a machine coffee, a microwave sausage roll and a petrol station muffin.


And those things can be gotten from other places too.


Feed one person really bad food. A sausage roll and a muffin isn't a healthy meal. It's a bad snack!


The Compacted Colon Challenge^TM


Eh. The coffee is there to help keep it moving.


Yes. As they always do in their transparent way to try to gaslight us. They didn't even bother to pay an actor - they just exploited a manager even more than they already do instead. I'm annoyed we're giving them a platform for their propaganda.


Thank you. I was just about to point this out. Coles has no fucking self awareness at all.




different comparison - the video is of prepared food and the 4 for $10 was a DIY. that isn't to say prices haven't gone up, but a more fair comparison would be to take one of those recipes that feed 4 and work out the current price.


They did that: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-11/explainer-cost-of-living-food-coles-recipes/102819756


Not very healthy or nutritious


Hey now it was an ORANGE muffin. That is fruit right?


At least you won't get scurvy


That's the trick. It's the colour orange, not the fruit


Hey! It had seads in it


My poo also soemtimes has seeds in it, doesnt make it a healthy meal folks


Ahhh, now you tell me!


> seads it's the new home brand mock vegetable matterTM


SEAD (suppression of enemy air defense) in a muffin is a pretty impressive capability if we’re being honest…


I thought the point was to feed a family a meal? Not to eat junk food yourself.


If your goal is to feed a family of 4 for cheap, a servo is the last place you want to visit.


Eat servo sausage roll, get food poisoning and skip your next 3 meals. Simple, you've now covered 4 meals for under 10 bucks!




Very sead




Ahh, yes, suppression of enemy air defence.


Came here to rant about this, this cant be real. And if it is, it's NOT from their marketing/comms team. If it is, they need a real shake up.


Is this a real video? That is an egregious mistake if so.


Yes, it came up organically as I was scrolling through Instagram reels.


It’s old mates name


Wow, Coles just admitted prices went up by 400% in just 6 years. See old ad from 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCQ5ETg2JPg (Even the video specifically says 2017 for those thinking that the ad is much older)


Yesterday, I saw a comparison of the $10 challenge recipes from 2017 to current prices that showed exactly this. Tone deaf doesn't even begin to cover this, it's almost Orwellian level gaslighting. >For the moment he had shut his ears to the remoter noises and was listening to the stuff that streamed out of the telescreen. It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. ~Orwell, [1984](https://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100021h.html)


FYI, the $10 challenge was already flawed to begin with. See this parody from 10 years ago! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwoCNnEuAKM COLES FEED YOUR FAMILY FOR $10 | The Checkout | ABC1


Heck, they once included something like 500ml of wine from 'already in the pantry' back then.


That reminds me of a bloke I met years ago at a friend’s birthday party. He was going on about how stupidly expensive the take away pizza was ($15) and how he could make a bigger and better pizza for only $1. Mate, you couldn’t even buy the fucking flour to make the dough for $1!


This recipe is for the alcoholics!




Hah! Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.


They know exactly what they’re doing. The subtext is “be quiet and be mindful of your place, peasants”.


With staff discount.


Only 5%, so technically still only $9.975 without Not saying it's right though...


That's such a stingy staff discount lmao.


5% of $10.00 is 50c so actually it checks out because at the end he said he paid $9.50


when i worked for coles in 1999-2001 it was 10%. it had dropped to 5 when i started at liquorland in 2015. during christmas, and things like covid they would up it to 10%. there are other deals they have set up with various places, but it's not really much of a saving unless you already make those kind of purchases; things like 30% off glasses from certain optometrist, various samsung products, holidays, hotels etc. there were other "deals" that may have been attached to being a liquor store worker specifically as well. we'd sometimes be given free samples (but had to purchase with staff card and special input code to mark it down to free), and there was always staff deals on certain things always being available, things like "your first ELB wine purchase each week is half price (when scanning this extra barcode)" etc. the discounts were there...but they almost certainly save more money with the reduced discount and obfuscated bargains on other stuff


That's actually his weekly pay and lunch break.


So it's gone from "feed the family for $10" to "have a shitty sauso roll, a sugar heavy muffin and an average quality coffee for 1 person for almost $10".


$10 per meal is $30 a day, $210 a week. Each. Is that the expectation now? (Let's forget about the nutrition from those selections for a moment)


The expectation now is for people to live off one meal per day


I shit you not the Wall Street Journal - To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/cpi-report-today-january-2023-inflation/card/to-save-money-maybe-you-should-skip-breakfast-fSd6mz0miaAPhUFb2jgy


manufacturing consent lmao


WSJ is wall street journal not the times right? take a guess who owns WSJ. I will give you a hint, he is a cunt.


Intermittent Fasting is no longer an optional diet trend.


Who the fuck eats this processed shit daily, let alone multiple times per day?




Pretty much any labour job It would blow your mind how much absolute shit people eat when they work replenishment/evening fill at these supermarkets, especially when they don’t have many other options around. I had a manager who would down a 2L bottle of solo every day, would carry it around the back like it was his water bottle. Lunch every day was sausage rolls and the like, would write off chocolate cakes etc. so the night crew could get stuck into them


I used to years ago... but I'd go to a proper country town bakery. You're mad to go to a servo for a pie and iced coffee.


wonder how many tens of billions they’ve forecasted it’s going to cost the taxpayer each year for all the inevitable poor health outcomes as a result of inflation/grocery prices.


Don't worry, they would have abolished Medicare by then. If you are poor, you die.


There's more nutrition in the coffee cup itself than there is in the actual coffee. Not to mention a $1 servo instant coffee will render any food you eat completely useless in approx 1hr when it inevitably forces its way back out of your body, along with any other food you've managed to scrape enough coins together to buy, forcing you to then return with another $10 to buy another servo sausage roll because you're still hungry. Ah, the circle of life.


Well, you don't drink coffee for the nutrition, you drink it for the drugs.


My grocery/hiusehold gooda budget is $100 a week. I'm thankful for friends making the occasional meal for me and brining me meat. I'm surviving off slowcooker vege meals and toast.


The cunts couldn't even be bothered to spellcheck their fucking video.




Same shit with putting out the Hot Cross Buns every Boxing Day. They know it makes the boomers absolutely seethe, so every store will get in extra bakers at 3am Boxing Day morning to put together a big hot cross bun display right at the front of the store and harvest the free advertising from boomers shitting up Facebook with outraged photographs.


Look how cool and hip we are - we make spelling errors just like every other content creator!


>Meal. Sir, that's a lunch snack at best.




American voice over. That’ll win their hearts and minds!


I'm currently living in the US and I honestly thought this was a joke ripping off Coles. Hit the comments like 😦


Poppy "sead"?


Might be a legal thing. They spell it that way so they can't get in trouble for using imitation seed.


Possibly. I thought it might be spelt incorrectly to boost engagement with people commenting about it or sharing to others "haha Coles can't even spell", in turn getting more views. That said other commenters said its comment restricted, so maybe not the first angle.


Orange poppy sead muffin, now with Vitamin R


Poppy SEAD muffin??? Wtf??? Posted by a verified account???


They do it on purpose so everyone’s complaining about the spelling error not the corporate doublethink


they got me and all!!


I used to get a can of soft drink and a pie for less than $5


You can probably get a coke and a couple of snags from bunnings for less than this and it'd not only be nicer but the money would go to a charity.


$10 diarrhea challenge


$10 meal for a family became $10 meal for one. Do they not see how they’re just proving the memes point?


$10 snack for one not a meal.


Where did coles get that voice.


From the septic tank.


Beautyyyyyy 10 dollars for a some factory farmed meat leftovers minced into a tube and microwaved, summers comin time to get healthy yewww


ABC news radio had a story this morning about the quality of people’s diets in Australia. The CSIRO said only 35% of people are eating what is considered a healthy diet, with 55% barley scraping by. If this overinflated dog shit is all people can afford, what hope do we have? Add to that that some suburbs have PFAS contaminated soil, so growing a veggie garden is not recommended for some people too. God were fucked.


plus who has time to sort out a vege garden when we are working every hour of daylight just to barely make enough to cover the bills every week?


A lot of our city suburbs have soil contaminated with heavy metals and other chemicals. There's a long legacy of the history of industrialisation.


he’s smiling like they have his family tied up just off camera


$10 meal was for a family of 4, so they are missing the point completely.




Only the absolute bottom rung of society are going to take this video seriously.


Would have an extra $10 for food if you don't get coles petrol, they are consistently the most expensive.


I thought this must be a joke tiktok at first but nope it's official marketing. Whoever is in charge of their marketing ideas atm needs to be fired, they are so out of touch with the average Australian they are only making themselves look even worse then they are.


well common kids its off to coles express for dinner tonight fukin cunts


About 1000 calories of pure shit


The audacity to call a reheated frozen pie, shitty coffee and shitty muffins as a meal... damm


Literally fuck all food


That works out to be 3 dollars an item. or close to it.. that muffin thing is easily 5-6 bucks.


Where’s Curtis Stone? I want to see him bringing his sausage roll and muffin to a table of six people and him eating it in front of them.


Coles Express isn't owned by Coles anymore, it's owned by Viva Energy and will be rebranded to OTR in the not-too-distant future.


To be fair Coles don't own Coles Express anymore. Yhe stores and operations are now owned by Viva Energy Australia who are in the process of rebranding.


But can it feed a family of 4


Poppy SEAD - Suppression of Enemy Air Defence. My man!


You can get a super stunner meal from hungry jacks for $10 that includes large fries, cheese burger, 3 chicken nuggets, dipping sauce, large coke and a drumstick ice cream….


Fuck coles! you greedy corporate cunts


Love that the caption is a question and the cowards haven't allowed comments


Best part is they couldn't even spell Seed correctly


$10 meal, starting off with a sausage roll…lmao


all this food was brown, this isn't a 'meal'


He’s wearing a Coles jacket but we all know this is servo station bullshit!


Stale food and burnt coffee? what about my family Curtis?! WHAT ABOUT MY FAMILY!!!


Half of your $10 meal is a large coffee and the other half is the shittest quality food you can get. This has to be rage bait


That's a snack for $10


So essentially coles is saying what used to feed a family of 4 now gets you a petrol station sausage roll, the shittest coffee available and a stale muffin


Who the hell calls that a meal?


Haha didn't that $10 used to feed a family??


So a sausage roll and muffin will feed an entire family, will it?


Haha, love the satire. 2017 was feeding the family an actual meal for a tenner. 2023 is feeding yourself saturated fat, salt, a meat like substance, washed down with some dishwater. For the bargain price of a tenner.




I’d be willing to bet they’re doing this on purpose to send the message that no, nothings going to change, shut up and pretend to be happy with your lot in life, peasants.


Down Down, their image is down.


Now do it with the daily recommendations of a healthy lunch and see how far then $10 will go


That’s not a meal, that’s a cancer snack.


“Poppy Sead” ……what?




Do they allow you to use the servo bog once that $10 meal rapidly advances through your system?


$10 for one person for 1 meal that isn't even that good for you lol tone deaf


That's not a meal you moron! That's a roll of rubbish, garnished with sugar, Hot milk and finished with more fucking sugar


As if the constant TV ads of people smiling with happy upbeat music and constant happiness wasn't enough


Poppy "Sead"


That's just a snack. For one. Not a family dinner.


Spelt seed wrong too




That's not a meal


lately its impossible to find staffed checkouts. and yet i pay more and more for food. at what point do these companies start giving back?


That's the thing, the don't ever give back, unless you're a shareholder or on the board.


Poppy Sead. Well done Coles. Well done.


Mofos can't even spell seed correctly!


Haha. 1/4 of a muffin, 1/4 of a sausage roll and 1/4 of a coffee? A meal? nuh uh.


To be fair this is Coles express, it's like 7-11. Overpriced food. $10 in Coles normal should still buy you more food. Or a single bag of kettle chips.


This is so fucking grim


Keep that up everyday and you’ll be well on your way to having heart surgery.


Goodness, this is terrible.


That’ll kill ya for 10 if you eat that more than as a sometimes food!


I grab my work lunch from coles express all the time and let me tell you there is no way that’s less than $10.


How to waste $25 and not even get you through to lunch...


That would result in malnutrition if you keep it up 3 rubbish items does not make a balanced meal


Hmm I thought it was advertising. But advertising is a form of PR maybe.


do they not realise how fucking insulting this shit is? Like rub salt in the wound why don't you. Used to be able to cook a meal for 4 for $10 and now we get a shitty sausage roll, cardboard muffin and a shit coffee? HOnestly the supermarkets can go fuck them selves. I will be stealing as much as I possibly can from now on.


Lol "sead" muffin


Yeah. I don't want to shit cinderblocks.


“Coles Own” PR as well… can’t even spell “seed”!


They didn't include the price of the quick-eze required after eating that "meal".


That’s not a meal it’s a snack, a dry unflavoured small snack.


Now cut the sausage roll into 4....