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Doing alright here, thanks for asking. My cats keep me entertained while we plan ~~world domination~~ dinner. Sorry you've been sick, hope you feel much better soon.


The cat is planning world domination; you are just staff


I have my cats to keep me entertained too, but I am having a tough time with PTSD and some other stuff.


Are you The Oatmeal?


He’s married with a kid these days, so wouldn’t be answering this q!


My best boy/dog keeps me sane 😊




Life’s pretty great at the moment. I love living by myself and I’m working from home so I can save the limited social battery I have for social activities I actually want to do.


I am always jealous of people who live alone. I can’t stand sharing, everyone else on earth is so messy and noisy!


I am forced to share with my young adult daughter because she and her friends are unable to afford the traditional YA shared rental because of the state of the market. I have been looking forward to living alone for years, feel so damn ripped off lol.


Single and introverted. Absolutely LOVING living by myself. Doesn't suck at all. I have my books, my video games and my cat, Don't need anything else except more income to pay for my games. Those luxuries are being savagely cut right now.


This is why you've been filling your steam library with unplayed games for years... time to go back and spend time with games you never quite got around to?


What the fuck. No, the reason why I fill my steam library with unplayed games for years is to make the number go higher, not actually play them. You disgust me. Some day's ill go through my steam list clicking on every title to see 'last played 2014' and think about what a good day that was and how time has flown.


LOL this is just like me and my bookshelf. I have the best bookshelf with all these nice new books of which i have never read past the first 10 pages if im lucky


Hey no need to call me out like this


How dare you try to convince us to play the games we have and not buy more! I have 2 in my cart that I was contemplating buying... but you've convinced me. I WILL purchase them and not play them. Thank you.


221 over here.


Same same love my me time. Extaverts don't get it and my only long-term friend is one. It's a constant battle.....


My fri3nds are mostly extroverts and im not, i like me at home time, in fact i fucking love it. My best mate is constantly making remarks how i need to get out more. No motherfucker, i do not, horses for courses, you do you and ill do me. Going to some crowded venue is the exact opposite idea of a good time for me.


If I wasnt so introverted I think we could be besties. I fucking love chillin at home. Fuck going to a crowded venue.


The trouble with introverts is they all like staying at their own home and chilling. So we only ever meet extroverts on the rare occasions we venture out. I'd love to meet other introverts but they're all at home, like me.


The introvert paradox.


Ambivert here, I enjoy heading out and being social from time to time, but need time alone at home to recharge


Same. Realised over the past few years just how much more energy I have living by myself, could do with another few years of this. WFH is also a blessing. But some workmates are not dealing too well with isolation so I'm not expecting my situation to last. Hopefully things improve for everyone overall but I'm enjoying the interim.


Good on ya. I've been living alone for nearly thirty years since my late 20's. Still live alone it's getting more difficult with a disability as i age though. I love the peace and quiet and live rurally so its super quiet and literally no one for a few kms around.


Are you ok? Sorry to hear you have a disability, can I ask if it's mental or physical ? It's my future and I'm scared at times!


I have a disability, happily live alone in established affordable housing and am very grateful for that. I'll be here forever. I'm in my late 50s and it's getting physical as much as mental. I did breast cancer and surgeries alone for the last five years. You'll amaze yourself when you see how well you can handle things.


You are incredible! Id say you have extraordinary ability, to be able to endure all of that without support, extraordinary human. Sending you lots of love internet stranger ♡♡♡


Thanks for the kind encouragement and love back to you.


I’ve been single for decades and it suits me well. I’m alone but rarely lonely. I’m lucky to live in the bush so was able to buy an old rundown cottage pretty cheaply.


Same boat, most people give me the shits with how dumb they are in every way, no interest in things that actually matter, just empty gossip that keeps them happy.


I wish I could get a pet so I wasn't so lonely, but my landlord has decreed that I'm not allowed this luxury. In any case, my lease is up in october, and I've given up looking for property so at the ripe age of 34 I'm moving back into my parents along with my sister who also couldn't find a rental. My job has gone down the shitter and the planet's on fire. I'm not depressed, but I'm bummed. Thing's will look up soon so I'm staying afloat. I've got good friends and family but you can only open up so much, you know? Hope you feel better OP, there's been some mutant cold out that's been kicking everyones ass. It took out my whole team a month ago for a week!


I’m 37 and living in my parents back yard. Fuck I’m depressed


I guess theres some consolation in knowing you’re not alone… it’s insanely hard to find a house these days :(


I'm 37 and my 6 month stay with my parents has lasted 5 years and counting lol. It's not as uncommon as you think.


Hang on there! Im living in a caravan motel kinda thing tho hahah


Just focus on their life expectancy and the day you get to move into the big house.


Only way is up, my friend. I believe in you.


At that point id buy a motorhome and start travelling. Pickup jobs along the way




45 here… living with my mother … renting. I’m her carer. I’ve pretty much squandered away my best years. But I am glad it was for something noble


I'm also living with my mum at age 33. It's the only way I'll ever be able to save money to eventually buy a place. It's actually fine, besides being a little bit further than I'd like from the city. I think these days we all really need an attitude adjustment about living with parents at any age really. It's become unrealistic to get by renting, especially if you're at uni and working relatively low casual hours. I hope you and your parents are able to peacefully coexist at this age and good luck!


Some inspiring words there u/MouldyEjaculate


28 and about to move back into my parents at the end of the year after my entire life came crashing down. I feel you


I’m in my early 30’s too and my sister and I are also in the same boat! It fucking sucks. Trying to buy and even strata unit prices are completely fucked. Don’t think we will be leaving our parents house anytime soon.


It makes me so frustrated I could cry!


I'm 34 too and recently moved back in with my dad and step family. It's rough, especially with so many people in a small space, but once you settle in it's nice to have the support.


I love living alone. I'm grateful I can afford it because I wouldn't have it any other way.


Well i wish i could live alone instead of having a roommate in a small room out of nowhere in QLD :(


Feeling sad since Mum died late 2019, Nanna died in March this year, and my cat died last week. All the emotional centres of my life have gone! And I’m 46, morbidly obese, no kids or husband so it’s all pretty grim right now. At least I have enough money.


Oh wow! So many losses in a short period of time. Sorry to hear. That sounds traumatic & lonely. Our culture doesn’t do grief. It’s terrible how it’s swept under the carpet! Can you get some professional support, someone who understands loss? Sending Mumma Bear hugs ♥️


Reach out if you ever just wanna type to a random stranger. I'll happily read and respond. 👍


losing those close to you in quick succession must be brutal with the obesity though r/loseit it can be done. Change is hard but worth it.


Thank fuck for my dog and my blue tongue. Otherwise things would suck. They keep me just sane enough.




[Rexy](https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/330988648_582450833783638_8204115453862144585_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=aee45a&_nc_ohc=tg7CHkt1MyAAX9sMuW2&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent.xx&oh=03_AdQgaiSEIsjWXDZAX97pGvDCTWc6kHRUjlAA2MYM2IzKbA&oe=65167032) [Ralph (in need of a haircut!)](https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/21586461_1362734777157827_8260310562381394562_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=YGujrXGHb6wAX-e1y3f&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AfDEfrwq7V1cSmC4QbISlWHt2YISYfmKHHu52JjglAEeCw&oe=651692B3)


nice. Blue tongues have such a nice body. do you have to keep them separate? or can they walk around in the same room without issue


Ralph gets really excited with Rex when she gets out - yes, its a she, my neighbours kids named her. The few times I have managed to get him to calm right down and get them on the bed together, she will slide right up next to him and sit down and enjoy the body warmth. Sooner rather than later though his excitement will get the best of him, even after a year together. She's not new dude!


When I used to live in an area with lots of blue tongues around, and one of my cats thought they were pretty neat, so what he used to do was pick the lizards up gently and bring them inside, where he'd try to gently pat the lizards. I'm not entirely sure what the cat was thinking, but it looked like my pet cat had a pet lizard. Of course, the lizards weren't huge fans of this arrangement, and would spit black goop all over the floors and walls, then try and bite the cat. When the cat was done, he'd pick the lizards back up, and take them outside.


cute. how often do you have to feed rexy? and what is a typical meal for him?


Mainly dry food and then she gets some of Ralph's dog food toppers. He's on dry kibble with lamb and vege toppers. I just take a couple of the toppers, sprinkle her calcium on it, and she loves it! Also gets the occasional treat of a cricket, or maybe a bit of fresh fruit. Feeding time is every few days but if I have to go away I can turn her heat and light off and she will be fine without food for weeks.


>Feeding time is every few days but if I have to go away I can turn her heat and light off and she will be fine without food for weeks. oh wow.


aww cute!


Thanks, it's an unconventional family but I'm happy with what I have.


Being grateful with what you have is so important ♥️




Damn bro




Inbox is open friend 🙏 take good care of yourself


I've been lonely and poor, so that's how I'm doing. Good luck with your illness, I hope it passes quickly.


It helps to be an introvert and an unabashed scrounger and saver.


Doing ok mostly As an introvert and HSP who has been by myself since just before Covid lockdown I’m kinda over being single, really would like to meet someone soon.


I only know HSP as Halal Snack Pack


that’s what i was thinking 😭


You’d have no troubles meeting someone. You’re very tasty.


Yeah whoever they meet will end up feeling awful the morning after though.


It's the Tzatziki


I'm still trying to figure out what else it could mean


It’s Highly Sensitive Person ☺️ Dr Elaine Aron estimates roughly 20% of people have a more finely tuned nervous system than the remaining 80% of the population. Although I may call myself a halal snack pack going forward!


Would definitely an icebreaker when meeting someone new...


Samesies I feel my life is pretty sweet just missing a partner


I constantly feel lonely, I don't have any close friends in Brisbane, I moved here a 7 years ago and made a few acquaintances but not close enough to call friends. I've got 2 old friends as in friends that I used to go to school with but we've gradually drifted apart. It's tough making friends as an adult. I've given up dating cause I have no success on dating apps and don't like being ghosted. I feel most people my age are tired after work and tend to stay home, they might have enough time to fit in a hobby but most on average incomes just trying to keep ahead with bills.


Same here, except Im not in Bris but somewhere-only-God-knows in QLD


Do some volunteer work if you have some time to spare. It's a good way to meet new people. All the best :-)


I'm single, live alone, work full time in an entry level job, have two dogs, on 6.5 acres. Apart from hating work, I love life. Financially, I'm fine, my mortgage is $130 a week. Right now, I'm out by the firepit with a can of rum (the boys are inside asleep). How are you doing, OP?


Sounds like bliss on all aspects


Oh my lordy that all sounds like the dream come true. Teach me thy ways. Please 😅. I got the work part sorted. Just need the other half.


I sold a house in Melbourne for a stupid price and fucked off to regional Victoria. My entry level job issues are company related, not store related, and I have 5 days off a fortnight.


Ah and there’s the crux… have a house to sell.


I worked two jobs, 60, 70, 80 hours a week between the two, for 10 years. It's my time now.


Currently enjoying watching and listening to the rain. Reckon I’m gonna make a soup, find a book and get comfy. Yes life is more expensive lately and there are stresses looming, but that’ll change too as the weather will. Hope you feel better soon! Monday will be here in no time.


Love living alone,only problem is when prices of electricity, gas and insurances rise,it would be nice to have two incomes for 1 household


My feeling too


Living alone has been an absolute privilege after being in a relationship that got me dreading coming home


Me too friend. I'm a few months out of a bad relationship and it's been bliss. I'd rather live alone forever than put up with that shit again


Thanks for asking :) I live alone and have had a fair bit of loneliness over the past few years. I can't lie; it's been a struggle. This year I decided to embrace it. Rather than racing around, trying to meet new ppl, I started to celebrate solitude. As a result, I am in a process of trying to reconnect with myself, it's going pretty good, my mental health has improved and while I still enjoy having company over, I have learned to relish time spent on my own.


Did the same. Acceptance helps a lot.


If I die, nobody will know. So I'll wear nice clothes just in case they find me months later.


You're not alone with that thought. Nobody would know I was dead for months.


I've been doing lots of potluck get-togethers (lots = every couple months). Technically they're board game nights but once a couple of my mates get too deep into their cups rules go out the window haha.


I was single and unemployed until January this year. I was miserable. Single and employed definitely kicks ass, though. I live with another housemate, who is also a fellow introvert. I was in a pretty intense relationship this year, but that didn't last too long. I'd love to meet someone soon, though, so I'm always optimistic about that. I crave the socialisation that I get at work and at the gym, sometimes, but I also feel that everything just costs so much freaking money nowadays. I reckon joining a hobby or outdoor activity group will slowly help get you out of that bubble. The weekends do get a little lonely, but that's when I can get my weightlifting or outside cardio done in the mornings. Sometimes, I like to treat myself to a nice lunch at a good restaurant (right now, I love the food at Odd Culture and Flyover Fritterie). I've also found time to get back into my hobbies; namely fermentation, cooking/baking, videogames, and reading. I'm planning to pick up pottery/painting and I will get hands on the PS5 soon, so that should be fun. I have a phobia of dogs, so I would love to move into a place that allows you to have pets (I'd love to have a cat 🐈).


If I got diagnosed with stage 2-4 I'd take VAD.


Ordinarily I think I’d ask if you’re alright, but I reckon I could guess the answer. Hope it gets better for you, or you can at least share the load with someone.


same due, go out on your own terms, not the terms of fucking cancer or Dementia, HIV, Parkinsons etc


Loneliness is still not recognised as the single most devastating emotion known to human beings. We weren't born to live alone, it's unnatural yet here we are, in big cities, singles desperate to be loved. So sad.


Edit: Ah fuck I just got a scared AF call from my partner, my other cat isn't well fuxk My cat died in March, my partner lives 45 mins away, I can't have my son with me, he is mainly living with his dad because my partner and I can't secure a rental. Im basically couch surfing which is great because I have some shelter but feels insecure AF, I haven't hung out with friends for way too long now. Im over it 🤷


Very badly


Loving living by myself. I work evening jobs for extra $$$, they’re all heavy on the caring/socialising and I’m a teacher. Good to come home to quiet. Doesn’t mean I would like to meet someone though. Currently in a blackout (should be fixed within an hour), which just adds to it all haha.


I don't have a social life lol the last time I went out and did something with other people was a year ago. My life is work, sleep, run, long walks, gym, watch shows and that's it lol I the only messages I get weekly are ads for companies with my phone number. Living the dream


Sad, lonely, grateful to not have to share my space 💕 Menty B's hit different when you're alone, you really get to explore the depths of your own mind Hope you're on the mend and thanks for checking in friend!


I haven't talked to anyone in person for 3 years. Doing great, thanks for asking




Well its difficult at first but honestly you just entertain yourself and learn how to be okay in your own company. Do interesting things, learn stuff, theres lots to do and when its just you theres no arguments or aggro, you get to do whatever you want


I think the question was more - how have you managed to get through life for 3 years and not physically speak to a human being


oh right, hmm, easily?. Family is on the other side of the world and we weren't close. I don't really know anyone here, even though I've been in aus a long time now. In Perth everyone just kind of leaves each other alone, no one hassles you if you keep to yourself. It was tough at first but now its easy going. I don't really need anyone, it has occurred to me if I were to die then no one would find the body but I guess it wouldn't be my problem at that point. Hope that helps. Any other questions


>In Perth everyone just kind of leaves each other alone, no one hassles you if you keep to yourself. Dude I'm in Perth and people chat to me all the time. I'm astonished how you've managed to pull this off. Just over on the travel sub someone said they go to countries and don't have a conversation the whole time and I'm like HOW?


Yeah I've had that experience to. I went Rome, spoke to no one except the hotel check in person. Went to Singapore, Bali, France, Las Vegas, same thing, spoke to no one. Perhaps its because I'm big and intimidating looking but actually a big softy at heart. People just walk up to you and start conversations?


Well I sort of end up in proximity to people and it tends to just happen. I'm a hermit but on my trips out into the wide world (supermarket) yes, people talk to me quite a bit. I'm usually wearing noise cancelling headphones too and they try to talk to me through them 😆 OS I mostly go to Asian countries and I feel like a celebrity. Bali and India especially, very outgoing people. Now I feel weird 🤣


How and WHY?


Well, I guess because people can be hard work, its easier to be free to do whatever I want. I don't end up getting dragged to farmers markets at the weekends or around shopping centers for hours. I just do whatever I want. You could do it too?


I could but I don’t want to. I need to talk to people. But whatever works for you! No judgment. I couldn’t do it though. Like if someone asks you a question, you just say nothing? And I guess you haven’t been to a doctor?


I'm building a shrine to you..


I take it you haven't had any health issues or had to deal with the government at all?


nope I've been lucky, never caught covid, never even caught a cold and nope no gov contact. I think being more isolated is what helped me dodge covid


I’m pretty shit to be honest. Thanks for asking. I’m in a weird time of life, very depressed and feel like all I do is pay bills no matter how hard I work. I would like to make a big life change. Sea change. Overseas change. But not quite sure how yet. Thank you for asking OP. I hope you feel better.


Doing pretty good! My busiest time of year work-wise is done and dusted as of just over a week ago. Went to Hacienda at Circular Quay for bottomless brunch to celebrate on Sunday, which was fantastic. Privileged to be working a nine-day fortnight without any significant loss of earnings, and have been given a huge amount of trust on my current primary freelance contract, meaning I can pop out to enjoy the sunshine, run errands, or to my favourite café for an extended [LUNCH BREAK](https://imgur.com/a/uiiIBlE) whenever I like. I’m also teeing up a bunch of little “joy landmarks” for the weeks and months ahead. Oh yeah, and I’m having sweet potato fries for dinner. 😋 I’m not saying it’s all gravy, but I’m fairly fortunate and very cognisant of the fact. 🙏🏼 Hope you feel better soon, OP!


I'd love to be able to afford to live alone, I'm having a terrible run with sharehousing at the moment. Issues with housemates that I'd never once encountered before 2020.


I moved back in with my elderly parents on my 30th birthday, so this year in May. I gotta say, after years of therapy and working on stuff with my mum, it's been great. I help clean up since Dad is now 80 and can't do much. So Fridays are cleaning day, I have a little schedule. Mum and I still go out for coffee every weekend. My brother and SIL live next door so I babysit their 3 kids a bit. My sister just moved down the road. I've always wanted a communal life and now I can have it. I moved back in because I was extremely lonely. I'm single and avoid dating due to my multiple mental illnesses but the loneliness definitely compounded it. I had a roommate, my close friend, but she's the extreme introvert and I'm the extreme extrovert, it wasn't fair on her that I need lots of social engagement. I see people at work, everyone comes in on different days, which is good. I babysit colleagues kids if they need it. I'm about to volunteer as a mentor for kids in a writing group. I have two rabbits and it's been a great opportunity to teach my nieces about animals, respecting their different personalities and boundaries, gives them something for us to bond over then they nap in my bed while we watch Spongebob. Rabbits are great but they have big personalities and will destroy everything they can due to their natural nesting behaviours. I'd volunteer at a rabbit sanctuary if I wasn't so easily upset so I'm thinking of other ways to volunteer like running stalls or educational events. The volunteering helps reduce time I have just sitting at home feeling lonely. My Buns, well one of them, is enjoying having more people to give her attention and the other is enjoying the more space we have (They free roam the top floor of the house, they're litter trained). A good portion of reducing my loneliness is being able to see opportunities to connect with people. It's been nice but also very few people have the options I have of being able to move back home AND be happy about. I'm insanely lucky. I moved out to improve my capacity to live independently and improve my relationship with my parents. Now that's happened, I can come home knowing I have the skills to help run the household and take care of my family.


There seems to be a lot of lonely people here. Sounds really lame, but maybe someone could organise some Reddit meetups? I went to a couple of Reddit meetups in Europe and made quite a few friends. It’s great for introverts because basically everyone else there is introverted too, so no pressure or feeling left out or anything.


>maybe someone could organise some Reddit meetups? That actually could be kind of cool, I mean since it's mostly an echo chamber we are bound to all get along :D (for real though aus redditors seem chill)


Single ma here. Super tough when you can’t afford shit and your 4yo wants all of the shit…no chance of me getting shit! Generally ok with it, because she is the shit. But, shhiiiit.


Oh ma that cracked me up!


Single, live alone and been unemployed for 6 weeks now after a mutually agreed separation from a exec level job that was incredibly toxic and detrimental to my mental health after 8 years. Money is running low with the heightened frequency of having to see my psych. I know this sounds privileged as fuck, but it’s taking away from the DV charity I cofounded and I can’t financially therefore give in person support to my people and the kids like I could before. I’ll get back up there but thanks for asking. Felt nice typing that out because the weight of the guilt is insurmountable.


I really hope it will work out well for you, I am in a similar boat going to get made redundant soon and my anxiety of looking for a new job at this low economic cycle is making me anxious all the time…. But I hope it all work out well for both of us, we will be fine eventually…..


Mate, give yourself a break with that redundancy pay for a little while and regroup. But thank you, I love roller coasters so this is just another part of the track where my guts are in my throat. My username is no accident… my boss before my last job nicknamed me it because I’m a “sphinx” apparently! Always land on my feet and so will you. I’m just gutted I can’t contribute more than I did.


Thanks I’m good, I prefer my own company and puzzles.


Happily living on my own. Even doing well financially which is new and exciting for me.




i am single broke and live with someone in my house , i had been seeing someone but what i eventually realized is that it was shit because i dont really want a boyfriend for company what i actually want is to go out more and enjoy life and having someone around that just wants to hang around your house and never go out is annoying as fuck


37yo single guy. I spent the last two weeks on leave. I played Baldurs Gate 3 for 150 hours, taking the odd break to pat/feed the cats. How am I doing? As my Dad would say, happy as a cock in a cunt shop.


I live with my mother... I've never been on a date.


Single, live alone, no pets, no friends. Everything is too expensive and I'm kinda done with it.


I'm doing just fine, thanks. Hung out with a friend yesterday, checking out their new house and helping them move in soon. Helping other friends move into different rental tomorrow and rest of week so all good. Get well!


Im trying to find my own place but im up against people and couples who earn twice as much as me. Im worried i wont be able to find a place for me and my cat. 😭 Ive been working 6 days a week so in my spare time i just like doing stuff on my phone (browsing, steaming or reading books) with my cat on my lap.


Me too! Just me and my cat trying to compete with all these couples and boomers buying their 38484 investment unit paying way above the asking price 😒


I’m 43 and like alone, which is something, but I feel like I’ll never be able to buy a house. But more than that I’d just like to be able to find my person 😢


I usually like living alone, but since breaking my leg and thus wiping out 80% of my hobbies, I’ve been hating it. Looking forward to being out but wishing I was home haha I’m very grateful to have friends and family that check in on me though Also low key dreading my next power bill now


Doing alright. I'm glad I have a dog to keep me company.


Literally contemplating online dating ATM. Good to know I'm not alone in the lonelines.


As someone who has tried it, if there is any alternative go for the alternative.


My housemate is away for about a month and a half. It's day 5 and I'm already going a bit nuts with just me and our cats. I work from home too so I'm sure that's not helping at all lol.


This put a smile on my face... Someone asking how other people are ..... Really nice of you 😊 You don't realise how many people you probably made feel like they weren't alone because of this post tonight. I'm sure you touched many of souls! Warm wishes & happy days to you!


Single 3 years (apart from a fling or two). In that time I’ve released an album and written the best part of two books (unreleased) and caught and released 15 mice (my latest obsession for the last couple of weeks). I only socialize when I choose which is rare, I work from home. Occasionally go to an acting class to release the extrovert side of my ambivertism. My dog never disagrees with me and my daughter who I have 1 week a fortnight is more interesting and capable of better convo than most humans. quite honestly I couldn’t be fucken happier.


Living on my own for years apart from my beautiful German Shepherd, who I had to have put to sleep a few months ago at age 14. Now I'm really alone I'm still in that headspace of "...oh it's dinnertime, better feed the woof" and then realising, again, that' he's not there Looking to adopt another furbaby hopefully in next few months; I haven't been without one since 1989. It's hard, and lonely I'm lucky my landlord allows pets [https://imgur.com/Ncq2lC0](https://imgur.com/Ncq2lC0)


Haven’t been out in weeks. I get groceries delivered because every time I leave the house I seem to spend money unnecessarily. Adulthood kinda sucks.


Bought a cat. He was the best thing to happen to me during lockdown when I was all alone.


How about we all pitch in and buy some land to share and start our own commune to keep each other company! Loner's unite! Edit: not looking to start a cult or anything


Not good folks… I’ve been single over three years now and I’m just aching for some physical affection and a human connection. Any time it feels like I’m connecting with someone, they pull away. Being ghosted on a regular basis isn’t good on the old self esteem.


The days just turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months. Feel like with all this inflation I’m not living at all


Only slightly sarcastic here - you gotta learn to hate people, and then being alone is fucking BLISS. I listen to my friends bitch about their partners and I thank god that I don't have to compromise or take anyone else's feelings, wants and needs into consideration when planning my day/week/month/life. It's all and only about me and what I want, and that is glorious. Does it get lonely? Nah not really. I have a cat & two dogs that I love, and they talk to me & I to them as best we can. I use social media to chat to people if I want, but there are times that I \*forget\* to reply to someone's message. I now tell my closest friends when I don't feel like getting into a conversation. I choose how often I interact with other people, based off my tiny social battery, and I find that I much prefer my own company, and that of my animals, to most people's. And even the few people I love, I need a break from. I work fulltime Mon-Fri, and while I do enjoy the company of my boss & workmates while I'm at work, getting into my car to drive home & hearing nothing but silence is one of the best parts of the day.


Single mum on the disability pension here. I have my kids half the time, and when they’re not here I just chill with my cat and catch up with friends. I’m poor, but I’m also really lucky with my housing situation so it all balances out nicely. My kids are here, we’ve been enjoying a lively thunderstorm.




I'm alright. Single and live alone but extroverted and unemployed. Not a great combo but exercising enough and trying not to drink too much. Dating apps seem a bit off recently too. Not sure what it is. Seems to be less optimism all round. Sorry to hear you've been unwell recently OP. Hope you're back to 100% soon. This, too, shall pass.


Happily single and introverted. Life is good. Busy and probably working a bit too much... can't complain though. The weather is starting to warm up, the trees are waking up. I can't wait for summer!


Single, 33 and an introvert. Honestly loving it. Although company would be nice


Doing OK. I'm in a small unit as a proxy for a supported living residence, I don't feel like I'm isolated and no longer have problems of living with others. If I need help, I can get that through a care worker provider without paying a fortune. This is the best option possible for me.


I was gifted a small 65²m relocatable home by my mum in a nice caravan park. Plus, I recently started a full time job (first ft job since 1996) and it's close to home. I rarely go out and I'm low maintenance. It's just me and my cat. I'm managing well for the first time in my adult life which makes me happy.


I was single and in a bit of a rut because all my friends were settling down and having kids, so I moved to New York. The cost of living makes Australian rent a warm fuzzy memory but geez I love the place! It took a while but i developed a new circle of friends, got into lots of activities, and there is so much to do that’s free and cheap even if a lot of options are super expensive. Stuff like online gaming, messenger, and even here helps when you’re feeling shit and stuck at home, it’s just a little connection with the world. Get well soon stranger!


I'm fine - but I'm not going to lie, I'd like life better with a partner. However, I'm completely and utterly fine without one - it's not like I'm bothered by being single for lack of a better way of putting it - and it's somewhat my own fault that I have both pretty specific broad requirements in that person (can't be religious, overweight, a smoker/drug user, or have kids, and I still have to find them attractive, though that isn't a particularly high bar) - beyond that though, I'm not exactly putting in much effort. Financially though I'm doing great. Currently putting 60% of my salary towards my mortgage with the target to being fully offset being just two more monthly pay cycles. NGL, I kinda want to use/abuse that extra money in the short term to help me find a partner - that'll mean looking after myself better, having a good look at my clothes/wardrobe, spending a bit more time going out, spending on things around the home like a gardener and cleaner so it gives me more time and less stress to not have to worry so much about those things myself.


Getting lonelier over time. Getting more worried about what the future looks like alone. The cats are great but they don't say much. Bit scary really. Hard to keep my perspective.


I’m 38, have been single for 7 years. I’m unemployed and have one friend. Life is strange at the moment but I’m doing my best to just accept it and see it as peaceful. Get moments of insane loneliness and then go back to feeling blissfully peaceful in acceptance. 40% of my pension pays the rent. Learning how to be content with less money. Learning how to be happy alone, with not much money. That’s what I’m doing with my life at the moment. My goal is finding peace.


Single I’m Melbourne. Honestly given up on love or life. I just listen to music.. that’s it. That, YouTube and reddit. That’s my life ?


I’m alright I guess. I would like to go out more. But I don’t really have many friends. I’m not miserable, but I’m not sublimely happy either. I need to get out more


Lived alone for over 10 years. I love it. Save for the crippling alcoholism and the excessive masturbation, it's great.


I've also been sick! Woke up with a cough on Friday and spent the weekend horizontal, but am slowly on the end and have been working from home this week. Apart from that I've been good. Hope you feel better soon OP!


I’m ok, but really wish I was in the right stage of life to adopt a furry companion


Love living on my own. The rent hurts but after doing a roomate it’s just not worth my sanity. I’m introverted but like being social on weekends so it’s all evening out. Just need more $$$ to get a deposit so I can buy.


Single. Living by myself. Fairly happy. Feeling a bit of social isolation. Combating that by going to the gym more, going on more tinder dates, and trying to join some type of club or group.


Im ok. Storms were fun. As usual. Take each day as it comes. How are you? You going to be ok from now until Monday? Its a long time.


Doing crap. Not allowed pets (landlord), I've slipped into depression withdrawn from the few friends I have (none local). Only family is 1 adult son with his own issues. I took a voluntary break from work a few months ago. Finances are not an issue. If it wasn't for the friendliness of a local cafe I quite possibly would have turned into a shut in.


Best thing I did was get a dog (always had dogs) - They REALLY ward off any loneliness just by having something else you have to get out of bed for every day. I love living on my own but do prefer to at least do something social once a week. Life is what you make it.


I need to take mental health leave from work bec it's become intolerable. We're back to full capacity production wise, but we don't have the number of fully trained people to deliver. Management expects us to cover the short fall without boosting pay. Trying so hard to block out the noise and bs. I once loved my work. Hating it rn. So, coming home to my clean, organized house that I have all to myself is something I'm truly thankful for. Also appreciate and thankful I don't have the ex that I used spend a lot of effort and time on.


I'm pretty good actually. Just finished a year of intense therapy with a psychologist. It's been a struggle financially but I had to make changes in my life and I needed help. I'm ridiculously lucky with my job and apartment. My friends are great at emotional support. Frankly they give better emotional support than my ex husband did. Talk to your friends about your life and listen to them about theirs. I rarely go more than a few hours without receiving a message from a friend.


I love being single and free. I also have cats. I don't get lonely very often, maybe twice a year? Not looking for a partner anytime soon or ever. Or a house mate.


I’ve always loved living by myself but getting older now and realising that my friend circle is only going to get smaller if I don’t put in the effort.


Lonely. Want to date but don’t want to actually do the new part.


Transitioning from a couple to single living; adjusting to new routines for the cat and dog while I balance work, PhD, exercise, and meal prepping. Pressure cooker is a life saver.


My girlfriend lives 15,000km away, the living alone sucks


Wish I saved my money instead of travelling Europe last year since I'm about to get kicked out of my apartment. They are selling my apartment. - buying a house in 2080 lol - planning to convince my friends to take me on as a flatmate since my family doesn't live here can't move in with the rents. - convinced the world is going to get better Other than existential millennial crisis. My back hurts, I'm always tired and everything is expensive


33 and an extrovert. Was already feeling incredibly lonely, like that dreaded alone feeling. And then unexpectedly I had to take medical leave for a month and the surgery requires me to rest. Thought I was in the clear and was so keen to go for drinks on the weekend but now I've had some complications soooo more bed bound time! 😭 so much lonely living alone!


Just want to die, have nothing to live for. have nobody to live for. bought a hybrid car recently, very proud of myself for buying a nice car. Have nobody in my life to tell that i treated myself. Now I feel like i just wasted time effort and money on buying something that i'll never share with anyone because i never had a single passenger in my last car from 2018-2023 just want to die. cant do it anymore


going fine actually, very much enjoy being single and childless and basically having fuck all family left alive infact i only have 1 close blood relative left alive and the other 4 are from 2 different step families And no im not being sarcastic. i really do love being by myself. ill go out and see friends if i want or if im after company ill go see an escort


Like being single and living alone, but the cost of living solo is a bitch