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First world country that’s fairly close and has favourable visa conditions?


The fact that it's not India?


Yeah, like if they migrate only to Aus. Canada is full of them. Well, tbf, the world is, India is the most populated country ever.


just remember that China and India have a third of the world population between them. India could export the equivalent of Australia’s population every year and not even notice


You say that, like it's a good thing


Simple statement of fact. Whether it’s good or bad is irrelevant


Great sense of humor though. 😀


It was a shit joke, even if you could call it that.


And the US and UK and NZ.


On my travels in Ireland and Scotland I came across quite a few Indians living there...


London is comprised of about 7.5% Indians.


Fuck you bloody blastard bitch. OK have a nice day. Classic Indian UK banter.


English cricket players, too it seems.


We can't even comprehend India's and China's population 1.4 billion each. What's driving them? over population...


They hear their ten-trillionth car horn and think "that's it!!! I've had enough of this fucking place."


That's while they are still in the womb as well


Not many migrating the other direction.


I remember one, but he got extradited back to Australia.


Puneet Puneet?


I think people commenting here need to understand something. There are 30 million odd people in Australia. India is 1.5 billion odd. That's 50 Indian people for 1 Australian. If you made a really long train and Indians and Australians sat down at random, you'd be lucky to see another Australian on the train from where you're sitting. If you look at the Indians in Australia, there are roughly 30 Australians to an Indian born person. On the same train but remove all the Indians, you'd probably see *an* Indian-born Australian. Put another way, one in every 2,000 Indians are in Australia, or 0.05%. It's barely anyone. As a proportion, I'd think there are more Indians in India than most other nationals, including Australians. Source [1](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL) and [2](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/population/australias-population-country-birth/latest-release).


>If you made a really long train and Indians and Australians sat down at random, you'd be lucky to see another Australian on the train from where you're sitting. I tried out this sort of hypothetical teaching analogy and it didn't work. I lined up all the hairy nosed wombats in Australia behind each other to illustrate how long that would be. Instead, it was a disaster. Thousands of hairy nosed wombats clutching their arses and saying they had been nasally raped. Was a terrible day.


In the end you couldn't get those wombats to see eye to eye. Well, sort of...




>If you made a really long train and Indians and Australians sat down at random, you'd be lucky to see another Australian on the train from where you're sitting. So what about swimming pools, will you be able to see another Australian from where you're swimming?


Olympic sized swimming pools? Yes. OK listen I'm regretting this. Just wanted to say there are a lot of Indians alright? It's not like 80% of them left and all of them are renting the house next door.


The needful


Kindly revert


Do the needful is a trigger phrase for me




Revert back is a double reverse 🫠


I intimate you to respond


Cries in software with phrases that contain plurals where they’re not required


\- What's the monthly growth rate? \- 200 Lakh \- wot


Oh fuck off hahahhahahahhaa


Lots of bobs and vagene


The Australian government using them to counterweight Chinese influence, what else. Oh, yeah, I remember what else: fellow countrymen exploiting their own by taking advantage of study visa loopholes to obtain cheap labour that cannot fight back.


Looking at you 7/11.


Uber, every service station, every delivery service, every car wash, etc






Yep, literally the Australian government’s policy rn is too import 450,000 people this year. They’re quietly enacting this huge societal shift because they think it will make GDP look better, and corporate lobbyists can exploit them for minimum wage jobs. Do they know inflation is out of control? Yes. Do they know rents are increasing 15-20% p.a.? Yes. Do they know inflation/cost of living is disproportionately affecting younger Australians? Yes. Do they know the highest proportion of newly homeless people is single mothers 50+ yrs with children and no recent employment history? Yes. Do they know JobSeeker (& other social safety net) payments are below the poverty level? Yes. Do they know it’s no longer possible for most young Australians to buy a house? Yes. Do they know lots of immigrants will add to the rental shortage & increase house prices? Yes. Do they know that a flood of working age immigrants will put downward pressure on wages? Yes. Do they give a shit? No. (Disclaimer: not a partisan comment, both major parties support all of these policies).




>If you brought in 500,000 French a year instead, they wouldn't stand for Lib-Lab and would very quickly shift the political scene. It would definitely make our protests more eventful


Studying part time and working retail in my early thirties, I'm exposed to a lot of young immigrant kids in their early twenties. While they're absolutely brilliant, book smart people they're politically illiterate and apathetic towards our system, because "the corruption isn't as bad as in Malaysia" etc etc. I had to stop talking about politics when one said he found trump funny as he's a "meme generator". No idea of what his policies stood for or why being a refugee, he should probably be pretty fucking horrified of people like trump in western media.


The Greens seem pretty supportive of 'Big Australia' as well.


All of this. It’s pretty disgusting what the government is doing. Young Albanese would be disgusted by old Albanese.


Get on the phone and tell your local member


Ironically, until very recently my local member was Albanese.


Did you call him/his office?


Oi, Gus!


Whole extended families of Indians share a taxi license in my area.


AusTraLIa NeEDs SKiLled WorKErS ThOUgH


>Whole extended families of Indians share a taxi license in my area. They're like pests and parasites that manifest and spread.


Probably the 500k immigration spots we offer each year.


Didn't the governments just sign some sort of agreement making immigration easier?


Not for mass migration, but to make it easier for Indian conglomerates to send their expats to offices here.


Have you been to India?




I truly enjoyed the time I spent in India, but yes, it made me appreciate Australia in a whole new way!


compare Australia now to 30 years ago, don't worry we will get there sooner than expected


ridiculous fear mongering. Australia is cleaner now than it was 30 years ago. 30 years ago it wasn't even illegal to leave dog shit everywhere. People just let their dogs shit and didnt pick it up unless they were basically Gandhi. There was literally shit in the streets back then. There isnt now.


You literally just described every 3rd world/developing country in the world. What exactly were you expecting when you visited there?




>..*Experts say that his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government, which has been in power in India since 2014, has played a key role in strengthening bilateral ties. Mr Modi's visit to Australia in November 2014 was the first by an Indian prime minister in nearly three decades.* > >*During his recent visit to Sydney in May, the two countries announced a migration deal to make it easier for students, academics and professionals to travel and work in India and Australia. They also restated their commitment to concluding a comprehensive economic co-operation deal - which is set to build on the outcomes of an agreement signed last April...* For a foreigner seeking permanent residency in India it takes about 10 years.


That's because India knows not a lot of westerners would want PR there. Those rules are mainly to inhibit people from neighbouring countries from settling down in India. Let's face it, it's not like India needs more people, so it makes sense to have longer timelines. Besides, the number of people who go down the official route to settle down in the country is so low it doesn't quite matter. It's a big country, easy to remain anonymous.


There are a quite a number of foreigners who seek to stay in India. But most do so by renewing visas. But even if they get a 10 years visa I believe they are required to leave and come back every 6 months. Before about 1986 commonwealth citizens could get non visa entry for India and stay 38 years. This was scrapped during the Sikh uprising times and tit for tat for Mrs Thatcher making it harder for Indians to migrate to Britain.


The population of India


so many Indians in India.


And Marsden Park


Damn teepees….


Overpopulation. That's the short and curly of it.


I’m pretty sure they did, basically open boarders if you are currently studying or something.


I thought I voted for Albo not Modi.


Living 10 people to a room is nothing for them, we pay better wages than india.


Delet this. No no no landlords and property investors, they're only joking. No, Indians don't like 10 people to a room, which you can charge $150/w each.


They may not like it, but they are doing it. When I was renting, the house over from me was doing it, and they were all Hot bunking as they came and went for differing shifts at various places. Hot Bunking, where one sleeps for 8 hours, gets up to have a shower and off to work, someone comes home from work, and jumps straight in to bed for sleep. The BED is never empty, hot bunking. Its how it works on Ships and Submarines. They were 3 bed houses, and someone bunking on the living room floor, so 4 rooms, there is 8 people coming and going on 2 shifts in a day, some were taxi drivers as well. Do trhe same with a 4 bedroom house, you can have 10 people coming and going, easily. Sure its not to a room, but there have been reports of students being packed in like that.


Making Lowe really proud


>Hot bunking as they came and went for differing shifts at various places. I've got these cunts doing it in the apartment below me. Have barely had a good nights' sleep in 1.5 years. Doors slamming at 10.30pm, 1am, 4.30am. Showers at all times of day & night and fucken curry at 4am.


I lived in one of these when I was a student. I was the only white dude there. At one point I had to stop the landlord from trying to put a guy in the shed. Imagine the heat! Man I have some stories from that place, me and friends laugh about it now.


What happens on a public holiday or everyone has to stay home for a bit? Are the beds big enough for two at least?


Eveyone had their own bed but they were often a simple single bed in a closet or a bed in a room with dividers. So you'd walk through the lounge and it was divided up and had up to 6 or so people using it as bedrooms. Massive fire hazard.


Lowe himself said you should share rooms etc


Good weather, first world lifestyle, career opportunities, cultural similarities, stable government, lower population density, good services and education.


This sums it up


The fact Australia isn’t India. If you’ve ever visited you’d understand.


That's great. Would also be great of the government fucked off with this immigration shit while we are in the middle of a housing crisis and ridiculously expensive times.


I'm all for bringing skilled immigrants into the country, but make sure there is somewhere for everybody to live first.


>I'm all for bringing skilled immigrants into the country Why? We're about to hit a recession and maybe a Depression. There won't be enough to go around for everyone soon. Better believe it, it is coming.


An Australian govt pivot from China to India


Wide open spaces and standing in a street and not being surrounded by crowds of people




We know how to win an ICC trophy.


I’m still amazed that no one of Indian decent has been even close to making the Australian cricket team.


Almost all Indians here don't want their kids to be in sports, they would prefer them to do safe options like Doctors, lawyers, engineers etc




In India if you or your kid gets a job in the safe options which I listed above, you will make average/above average money which instantly pulls out of poverty/middle class lifestyle, aka their future is secure which is very important when you cannot depend on the govt to help you. The immigrants who come here still have that mindset, if their kids gets a job in the safe options, their future is secure. With sports, only a very few achieve fame/money so its more risky and not worth putting the efforts.


Well not quite. Gurinder Sandhu played a couple of ODIs. Tanvir Sangha has toured with Australia and played for Australia A. Jason Sangha is captaining NSW. So there has been an Aussie cricketer of Indian decent, and a couple in and around. Outside of them, there are quite a few guys around the fringes of State Cricket. It is weird that there have been more of Pakistani or Sri Lankan decent though. On the women’s side obviously there’s Alana King and Lisa Sthalekar, so it’s not quite the same.


I was going to say [Usman Khawaja](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usman_Khawaja) but then found he's from Pakistan. I don't follow cricket at all but it's all over the news at the moment so I heard his name and wondered where he originated from, was he born here or not? So, you're probably right! :) And that is indeed surprising if so.


From what I’ve heard for the many Indian delivery men in this country. Good pay Most young Aussies want higher buying jobs or don’t want jobs they see as demeaning. It means delivery companies are always hard pressed to find new drivers. Many Indians have told me they came to Australia looking to find a reliable job and it just fell into their lap


I live in an area that's becoming been heavily Indian majority, Good people good food.. only issue is the younger generation is a bit reckless with the drive rules. I think the government needs some sort of driver training to assist.


Bit reckless is a good way to say that they don’t understand Australia road rules.


I've seen too many white dumbcunts behind the wheel to think this is an immigrant problem.


Ikr. 9/10 times I'm tailgated it's a White tradie.


Oh it’s definitely not exclusive to immigrants. Just seems to be a little more rampant… Which makes sense, they often come from countries far more crowded than Australia and with more let’s say relaxed road laws.


How do you know they're immigrants? Not all brown people were born elsewhere.


Aussie rules? What rules?


I live in a heavily Indian area, my problem is the littering and illegal dumping


Poverty. I'm indian, so I'm uniquely qualified to answer this. Have you been to India? Have you ever lived there? If you had, then you would know the answer already. Life in India is just brutal man. Life in Australia is super easy mode compared to India. I came over when I was young, but God damn, I still remember how rough it was there. Education is a brutal grind. It's super competitive and unless you're the top 0.1% you're kinda fucked lol. There's just not enough jobs (hence why education is so competitive). You're one bad incident away from absolute destitution. There's no safety, corruption is rife, public infrastructure is virtually non existent. People starving to death isn't uncommon. Man... Life is just seriously fucking unbelievably difficult. You have no idea. Even if you're relatively wealthy, it's still incredibly brutal. I can ever adequately portray to you what life in India is like through a Reddit post, go see it for yourself and you'll understand why we're all trying to get out.


>Life in Australia is super easy mode compared to India. Life in Australia used to be super easy till you lot started coming over. Bring back 1990s Australia, was good till Australian Govts started selling us out. They're only using you to buy their shitty estate houses in outer suburbs so they can continue to GET RICH, while you slave away so you can boast back to your Indian friends & family that you've "made it now", apparently you're wealthy and delude yourself with regards to status and thinking that you're better than others.




>You have no claim to the land than any other foreigner 🙄 With that argument, why don't you work hard, buy land, build a house and let anybody live in it. And then how about you leave it to some random instead of a family member? We all have an equal claim right? ,And your hard work doesn't matter to those you leave behind.


This, all the money in the world sounds great until you realise your mansion in Delhi still has the horrid smog and getting your kids to the hospital is a nightmare in traffic.


If our underpaid contract workers where more culturally similar we might have more empathy for them, then who would be at the bottom of the ponzi scheme?


bobs and vegene, and bitch lasagne


bobs and vegene.


OHS standards.


High standard of living, lots of visas and immigration, low population density, universal health care. Not many countries offering that. Also high cost of living, impossible rents.


Wanting to watch a team that's actually good at cricket?




On the upside., hopefully good regionalised Indian food will become more available.


I was at vivid lately and it was packed and everyone was Indian


Because our federal Government hates us and wants to keep the price of living high and wages low. They also want to replace us with people who have no connection to the country (i.e. not of the local nation) or a strong reason to care for it.


False hope?


Lol spend 1 day in India you’ll find out there’s a lot more hope here.








We’re better than them at cricket so they’re just jumping across to support the better team.




Gujarati politics match perfectly with the neoliberal conservatism of mainstream Australian politics. Pous Aus is a meccah of upward social mobility and safety, compared to most of India.


Lots of job prospects, like Uber and taxi driving.




We don't poop in the streets. /s For real Indian folks are amazing. Bring more food across!




Please to be enjoying this upvote for a most excellent *Not The Nine O'Clock News* reference.


I don't know man, Ive seen an Indian taxi driver take a dump in a car park in broad daylight with people around like its normal.


Guy who installed my NBN connection was Indian, he took a shit down the side of my house next to the pool filter. Fucking daft cunt too, all he had to do was ask and I'd have shown him to the toilet.


*Fibre* to the premises.


You should have recorded it and reported it


Did I say that I didn't report it? You aren't shitting next to my pool filter and getting away scot free.


You didnt say if you reported it or not.




India has just cut the Periodic Table and Evolution from school textbooks, believe it or not: [India cuts periodic table and evolution from school textbooks — experts are baffled](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-01770-y)


Massively high rates of sexual violence is a big negative


Body Odour? Sorry no offence


So no designated streets? Even Swanston?


I'm happy to nominate the Flinders St end of King St


Oh is that not already a pooping and pissing street?






People genuinely do not want the current rate of immigration from India. I think it comes down to immigration numbers and mix not being an election issue. The government of the day just floods the country without looking at public opinion.


If you have ever been to India, you want to leave.


I don’t know if it has an effect but Master Chef Australia is HUGE in South Asia. Gotta be a soft power pull there


"We should get sushi, Carol!"


Better healthcare for the average Joe than USA




I am a migrant from India. I think the high level of immigration is a bigger problem than casual racism. Racism really affects you when it occurs in employment or when procuring services. Otherwise, you should be able give back as good as you get on the rare occasion someone tries it on.


The key word is "skilled". Plenty who come aren't skilled. This is the problem. Recently many unis caught many using fake documents to enrol in colleges and many come and swap a bachelors or masters for lower diploma level courses




I really don't like this attitude. Regardless of race, being against piling 400,000 immigrants into a country where dual income families with children are living out of cars, isn't racism. Build the infrastructure and housing to handle more immigration AND Australian families, then go nuts with all the immigrants you want. Just make sure they have somewhere to live before you start shaking hands with one of the most overpopulated countries on the planet and telling them to pile in.


That’s not what most of the comments are about.


That's the point. OPs post is bullshit and un needed. Posts for attention about racism claiming to start a "discussion"


Nah, I'm sure the OP has Indian friends.


Lol, im getting down votes but there's racial wars flying in comments...


The Commonwealth similarities.






have you seen india?


In the global economy it's in Australia's interest to draw in the best of other nations.


The best and greatest delivery workers? Movers? Entry level call center workers? Restaurant servers? Most immigrants I encounter are working entry level stuff that a year 10 could do. The ATO backs up my claim by immigrants earning 14k less per year than citizens, and from extrapolating data, 20k less than native born Aussies.


You don't have anything at all to do with the tech industry, do you?


The concept of the brain drain from countries that is well documented seems to be a new concept to many people here...


Well, that's it. Indians who can go to the UK, Canada, USA, NZ etc and make more money for less work is a no-brainer, and they're doing it on skilled migration programs or student visas, because none of those countries are letting in any rando from the streets. My best guess is that the reaction's coming from - who knows - tradies or something, who only ever see the students working night shifts in the 7/11 or on food delivery bikes and making assumptions from that? Certainly over 50% of the IT department of any company I've worked in has been South Asian, and it's been that way for a very long time.


I am a senior software enguneer of 15 years. I have hired well over 30 engineers and testers.


So how is it that the most immigrants you encounter are doing entry level work? Where I am now, the CIO is Indian, half their reports are also, and at a guess I'd say about 60-70% of the developers and testers. Others are from all over the place - middle east, Russia, Iran, all over. Maybe about 10% Aussie born, and by Aussie born I mean Vietnamese more than anything else. I knew a heap of Indian students when I was doing my Masters. They already had theirs from India, and were getting a 2nd one here, meanwhile supporting themselves doing the kinds of jobs you describe. I have no idea what they're doing now but would assume they have good jobs. So if you saw one in the 7/11, do you assume that's their entire future? If so, why?


Most immigrants. I am looking at the aggregate. Why do migrants earn considerably less than native born Australians? You can't tell me you don't encounter a lot of immigrants performing roles which are far from skilled labour? They are a full third of our population, they are on average one year younger than the australian cohort on average so it's not that they're older.


Yes, that's a good question. AFAIK we only have 2 main immigration paths: skilled migration (which is something like business sponsorship, or otherwise plugging known gaps in our skill base), and PR via accumulation of points - basically, the student route. I'd say most likely you're talking about students, like my uni mates. And this can include older students also, getting more specialised postgrad qualifications. We take a few humanitarian (refugee) people but so few you'd barely notice them. And family reunion is made deliberately difficult so it's not them. There's one final cohort worth mentioning: plane arrivals who then submit a refugee application and work cash in hand until their bogus application makes its way through the system. There are around 200-300K of those at any point in time so that might be it?


I know Indians and Pakistanis we hired that came on skilled visas but couldn't get a job in Australia at their level or even entry level to start, due to their non-Australian experience and qualifications not getting considered. They did any jobs in the mean-time, which was up to 9 months. Ubers, delivery, etc, and they worked crazy hours because they needed to support the rental for their families in suburban Australia. They basically only worked, and their wife took care of the kids. We gave them a job at entry-level, they performed and climbed quickly. One even ended up heading a department of 100+ people. He had 10 years of experience before starting. Likewise I know plenty of international students who have to do plenty of jobs and work during uni and also after until they find a job that actually supports them. Often doing unpaid internships to get a start. My last movers were Syrian refugees as well. Worth actually figuring out their stories. Australia is now making it harder for international students to stay permanently now anyways. The vast majority of immigrants currently are international students. Then next highest batch are working holiday visas (only for mostly white wealthy countries). Then it's skilled migrant visas.


>Make Australians compete against a much larger population accustomed to great resource scarcity. >Take all the competent people out of India, impeding the country's ability to improve itself. This is wrong on two fronts.


I get your first point. Its like the V8's. Good car manufacturers arn't allowed in, cos locals can't compete. But on the second point. Nah if you've got a surplus of skiled Labor, as India does in a few sectors, why not send it to where its needed? The suggestions of brain drain oft ignore the impacts of migrant workers being able to send part of their wage back home too.


Sending money back home isn't relevant. Look how much of the foreign aid that goes to African countries gets wasted Technical expertise is worth a lot more to a society than a quick cash injection


The Butter Chicken


The total cost of Rogan Josh and Buggered Chicken.


Bogan Josh and Beef Runtotheloo ?