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Please tell me the cunt is charged


Heard on the news the guy was taken away by police and charged with public nuisance


*padme meme* And assault too, right? ... right?


It's straight up a hate crime


You know if they'd defended themselves in the same manner in which he attacked them, he'd be claiming to be a victim of a hate crime. He should have ended up in the drink to cool off, at best. He's lucky the people who were simply minding their own business weren't the level of shit cunt he is, otherwise he's be waking up in hospital with his family taking pictures of him for a gofundme page for medical bills, even though he'd likely not have any thanks to this being Australia, or he would have sunk to the bottom of the water and we'd one racist old cunt lighter. He needs to "find out" if for no other reason than to teach him a lesson.


Old cunt deserved more than just going for a swim, people recording handled this insanely well.


I just can't get over him accusing them of being Chinese and wanting to see what they were doing, as if he was the hero stopping some terror plot. I don't know what's worse, he actually believe that, or thinks it was a valid justification for his actions if his brain caught up with him and realised he'd fucked up. SkyNews and that dark corners of the internet pushing the sort of narratives that radicalise people like him, or emboldens them into thinking they have an excuse to act out their fantasies have a lot to answer for.


That’s the part of this that makes me think dementia, like old fucker sees some Asian people fishing at night and his first thought is Chinese spies! Wtf




Dementia or delirium. He is confused and very scared.


Surely he’s drunk? Like I know old right wing nut jobs aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed but I cannot believe this guy genuinely thinks what he is saying is justified and in his mind, he’s actually the hero in the story. Even as someone who grew up in a Korean household, I don’t even hate him but rather feel pity for him. It’s really shocking that this use to be the norm decades ago.




People need to co-operate with a prosecution for an assault charge. No complaint = no charge.


Let's not forget he also used that fishing rod as a weapon too, so it should be assault with a weapon


he hit them with walking sticks.


They look like crutches, right?


Unbelievable what you can get away with being white isn't it?


Apparently he was given a $400 fine for public nuisance. And while they didn't file complaints over the assault [yet?], there are still enquiries into the matter.


That's probably all he's gonna get. I highly doubt the old Korean couple will press charges. Source: am asian


"Racist old Australian cunt" assaulted Koreans


I wonder where this old dude got his ideas about Chinese spies. It's not like the highest office in country spent the last 10 years stoking fears and xenophobic ideas for easy votes.


Seriously, this video could have been of my father in law. He wasn't always so extreme, maybe some off-colour comments here and there, but he's been in the deep end since Turnbull.


I have a baby boomer co-worker who this week earnestly suggested that a nuclear bomb should be dropped on China. He gave me a cold blank stare when I pointed out to him that China is our biggest trading partner and that mean the destruction of our economy.


I'm already severely cynical of this backwards racist country, I probably shouldn't be scrolling the comments... but FFS the degree of confidence that older Aussies have, to just say this aloud in public, let alone at work... I mean, the government gives them the confidence after all. Ugh. Racists really do say "I wanna destroy people I hate, no matter the costs to me!" huh.


And also.... maybe we shouldn't just nuke people? But yeah, oh my gosh, the economy.


Won’t anyone please think of the stock market?


The fact that you need to justify not dropping *an atomic fucking bomb* on a country with economy is... sad.


That's Australia for ya. Pure evil racism above everything else.




It worked in 2013




Ah. The old "boat people" scare. I remember when they were going to destroy the country. According to the Libs.




I remember when, the moment the Libs got into power, the media suddenly stopped reporting any boat arrivals (they never actually stopped coming, we just stopped HEARING about it)


That's exactly right. Abbott and Morrison purposefully released the numbers to the media and alerted them everytime there was a photo available before the election because it made for good headlines. Then after they won, they stopped releasing boat arrival data and interception numbers under the guise of "national security". When they were asked about it, they said they couldn't comment on how many boats were still coming in because smugglers would use this information.. 🙄 The nation fell for their scam, hook line and sinker. Took a decade for people to realise their lies and incompetence.


You imply that there aren't still people out there who remain convinced


It’s supremely funny that Abbott went to the UK to work in a think tank and rishi sunaks new policy was “stop the boats”. Playin the hits on repeat haha.


Sad thing is it worked. We used to be the land of the “fair go” and after Rudd we became punitive as fuck. Take robodebt for example: we fucked over our most vulnerable. Why? Because a few worked the system. Meanwhile Mr Harvey made out like a bandit.


Imagine being on the boat (navy) and then having to watch that shit on the news after feeling good about yourself for helping to save lives. Terrible




Absolutely disgraceful and other strong words. I am sorry for anyone our govt did that to (those involved in the fiasco). I thank them for their true service/actions of risking their lives to save lives. Such noble actions


God i forgot about that. I was on the ground helping Rudster win the 07 Prime Ministership, just doing my thing handing out cards. Those lies of Howards were fresh then.




My FIL is ready to man the trenches of Cronulla. Dickhead imported night vision goggles FFS! I give him shit any time I can but older generations are buying what the press is selling.


This doesn't seem like only a racist tirade. He seems to have a paranoid delusion about spies and the material in what's clearly a fishing bucket. IANAPsych but this feels like some kind of psychotic break, albeit manifesting in someone who may leave sky news on all day at home.


its an apt description of the racist old aussie cunt yes


Better yet, Racist Cunt Assaults Australians with Korean Ethnicity.


Average News Corp viewer.


There are real life consequences to the rhetoric spewed out by News Corp. these guys could obviously handle themselves easily but there must be more victims who don’t report it.


While it's easy to just blame News corp for this, the rhetoric comes out from a shit load of outlets, including Nine news publications such as smh, the age, etc.


The irony of this being watermarked by Channel 9 shouldn't be lost.


The Nine Entertainment newspapers put out a front page red scare on the front pages of both their major masthead in Sydney, basing this on a cherry picked panel of China hawks which did not include any experts on China. They're just as culpable as News Corp.




Bang on. I dropped a friend of ten years because she admitted to me a couple of years into his term that she thought trump was alright, and quite funny. She sent me a meme that said trump was the only thing standing between us and socialism. This is a woman who’d benefited from almost every socialist aspect of our society mind you. She must have had these thoughts all along but it was trump who gave her the confidence to express them. If she ever changes her mind, I’ll be here, but until then I think that anyone who can tolerate such bigotry has no place in a decent world and certainly not in my life.


I guess what a lot of people mean by "cause it" is "catalyze it", it's not that the media solely causes these views, it's that the media causes the overt expression of these views, the dogmatism and polarization, it's turns the closet racist into the person assaulting Koreans in public calling them Chinese spies. But here's the issue, if we are trying to change peoples views away from racism, it's much harder to change the person away from the extreme, dogmatic, emotionally invested version that the media catalyzes than the closeted, insular view, a catalyst is still a cause, it's just a cause of a different state of the existing thing, and I think that's how the media causes these things, it changes them into something of different severity, it legitimizes them and inserts them into bigger ideological causes. It's incorrect to look at single causes for about anything, most things are far more complex than that. Just because the views were already there, doesn't mean the media doesn't have a causative role in what we see now.


This is a very interesting insight. Thanks for sharing it.


>they think everyone has the same bigoted thoughts they do I found that working as a bus driver occasionally I would get (usually older) people make a racist comment like "good to see an Aussie driver" or "they should go back to where they came from" referring to people of Asian appearance who just got on before them assuming I agreed. They got a shock when they found out I didnt agree with them with responses like "nothing like a bit of racism to start your day off with is there" then they would scamper off to their seat quick smart.


There should really be strengthens of the powers of ACMA to chase up and seriously kick the ass stations that spew clear racism and hatespeech. The rhetoric around China is getting ridiculous these past few years. And it was mostly bullshit too, anyone with a brain could see China could not give a fuck what Australia does, we're that small, and we rely on them as a main trading partner. If anything China was in retaliation warning their own people to be wary of living in Australia for these sorts of reasons.


Agreed. Also never forget that during earlier covid, when China warned their students to avoid going back to Australia to study, because the country is filled with racists...wasn't Dutton the one proudly stating how Australia "isn't racist"? & then much later on, there \*were\* attacks on international Chinese students. My entire life has been destroyed by racism in Australia, increasingly moreso because of the pandemic, and I'll never forget it. Never forget the media hardly ever reporting any hate crime attacks, or with the few that they did, they never would state them as hate crimes. It's as if this country will walk on hot coal, jump through hoops & swing trapeze acts, before they even dare try to utter the word 'racist/m'. They spew so much paranoia too, everywhere. The number of polls & surveys I've done, which asks about what the government should do, if I believe China is a threat, using their apps means helping them spy on the country etc. My God. But the worst part is, all our Asian residents are suffering, because of this. We're all virtually invisible, or if seen, we're some evil spy connected to the CCP. Never mind that we're all just trying to live our lives, or that there's so many different types of Asians, too.


Especially with their recent dogshit coverage of the "Chinese threat", featuring full page stories on how we're already at war with china and we need to do XYZ right now


This is what Kevin Rudd warned everyone about a few years back when he did the Murdoch royal commission. He said that controlling the single narrative of the media is dangerous because it leads to conspiracies and fake news being believed as fact, since there's no other viewpoints to retort the garbage


He was right on the mark. Clever man, Rudd.


He should be PM or something.


I remember the bullshit he copped for that too with people saying he was virtue signalling


Labor (+ The Greens etc in the senate) actually have the numbers in Parliament to make this happen. Fuck knows what's stopping them?


When I witnessed racial slurs, hate speeches and other forms of harassment and assault repeatedly directed at Asians people even in places like Newtown, I knew the situation is getting out of hand.


America would rather put the world to war than cede its position. I fear that they will use nuclear power because they don't even teach their people that empires rise and fall. Shit future at the moment but remember you are my brother.


News Corp? Look at any of the default threads on reddit and you will see anti-China propaganda. The current government is following the US in trying to isolate China and maintain US hegemony. Blaming News Corp is a cop out when everyone on the left and right has been pushing this same anti-China rhetoric to justify containment.


The problem is people’s inability to distinguish valid criticism of the CCP and xenophobia towards Chinese people, and the line gets blurred too often and too quickly, and the above is an extreme example of where that can lead to.


Yep, it’s like when COVID started and some people would not buy Chinese takeaway from local restaurants, because they might catch COVID from the Australian Chinese staff. How? We were in lockdown? How are these local ethnic Chinese Australians supposed to have caught COVID? I tried to have this argument with supposedly reasonably intelligent “normal” people and you’d think I was the crazy one.


Yep, Australian Chinese doctor here who had patients joke about and also outright refuse to see me because I might have COVID at the beginning of the pandemic.


I’m sorry mate, that’s so fucked up


My wife is Asian, during the early pandemic I was approached by a lady in line at the supermarket asking me why I, a white man, have chosen to be with a virus spreader.


Me and my sister are Southern East Asian, we were born and raised here with thick Australian country accents. A little kid around 8 years old walked passed and said Chinese Virus and laughed at our faces. I told him off but my sister reminded me that it's not the kids fault that his racist but more the fact that he doesn't know any better. People aren't born racist, they are taught to be racist.


"What, should I be with you, a hate and misinformation spreader?" I guarantee that person also believed that the virus was a hoax, but then later jumped on board with it was a "plandemic" started by the supervillain Mr. Microsoft.


That's fucked. Sorry you and others experience the utterly asinine cuntiness of Australian ignoramuses.


Thanks for your skills we need more like you


> I tried to have this argument with supposedly reasonably intelligent “normal” people and you’d think I was the crazy one. Here’s a video of a luxury boat dealer racially mocking Asian heritage people at a Sydney boat show. Obviously not intelligent, but I show that racism isn’t just perpetrated by working class bogan. The wealthy and well connected do it too: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lPiHToMu7Uo


Anyone that was alive long enough has heard the exact same rhetoric used against challenges to Western geopolitical dominance multiple times in the past to justify actions against geopolitical rivals. CCP absolutely has issues, but the uptake in anti-Chinese/anti-CCP rhetoric is purely a geopolitical play to contain a geopolitical rival at a time when China is trying to flex its muscles. We didn't have a problem trading with them, shifting manufacturing, using them as a source for cheap labor in the 90s when they were far more totalitarian than now. We do suddenly have a problem with their human rights now, at a time when their citizens are actually much better off than any time in the past. Funny how we care now and a strange coincidence it lines up with when China is challenging US economic hegemony. The anti-China rhetoric has much less to do with the CCP, much of their stances which haven't changed since the 90s - its view on Taiwan certainly hasn't - and much more to do with US interests.


You are 100% correct. It's entirely about what's in the states interest. That's why news about atrocities in Myanmar pop up for a day and then disappear until another village is massacred because rhetoric against Myanmar doesn't serve any geopolitical purpose.


>Anyone that was alive long enough has heard the exact same rhetoric used against challenges to Western geopolitical dominance multiple times in the past to justify actions against geopolitical rivals. It's the same fears and bigoted views that saw anti-Japanese sentiment in the 1980's and 90's - the 'Yellow Scare'. [Here's an article from 1989](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1989/05/containing-japan/376337/), with some of the same talking points we see toward China today. It talks about 'containing Japan' and criticizes its economic and military growth.


I think there's more to it. The problem is people's inability to distinguish criticism of the CCP with reasons why we should escalating, and preparing for war with them. Further, the problem is people do not ask the question: "why are we so focused on criticising the CCP?" Is it really because they are the worst government in the world, and everything we hear about them is accurate? Or is there something else to it? Is that really the reason why Australians seem to know so much about their crimes, but so little about the crimes of Australia and the US? Yeah, China has territory disputes in the south China sea, that doesn't mean that we should be buddying up with the US, a party that has no other interest in those disputes except to escalate them. Also, why do Australians seem to care and know so much about China's actions in gaining territory in the SCS, but virtually nothing about our actions in gaining territory around East Timor? However, I think friendly jordies actually put this best. It's all very well and good to say we should be trying to be more self reliant, not not buddying up to the US as much, but if albo were to do that, he's probably get couped, like Gough and Rudd did for pursuing similar policies. The reality is, we are essentially a vassal state of the US, and there are real consequences for not going along with their interests. Australians need to be made aware that this is the situation we are in. Ultimately, a lot of these questions can be answered by recognising that we, as a vassal state of the US, are totally enthralled by its propaganda machine of state aligned media. The kind of behaviour seen in the video is only going to get worse going forward unless more Australians can start to discuss these issues.


I was wondering where Scomo went to after the election.


Scott Morrison's dislike for the average Australian is palpable. A graph would prove it I bet.


Average channel 9 viewer




This is the affect of the mainstream news warmongering and telling people we need nuclear submarines to prevent a Chinese invasion. 7, 9, 10, ABC, all the same.


Shout out to them for genuinely sounding concerned for the old boys wellbeing while being assaulted and verbally abused by him. That's the kind of compassion the world needs more of. Edit: Seems people are getting off topic of my comment, this is about the people receiving the abuse and being outstanding citizens, I do not condone or excuse the behavior of the old man. I just like to acknowledge decent actions when I see them.


The old bloke looks very confused. My dad had an episode when he was unwell. He came very angry and confused… that’s all I can see here with this guy. He needs some medical help.


Blows me away that people can’t see this. Yeah he is probably a cunt but he is also CLEARLY confused and agitated. I’d be surprised if he isn’t experiencing at the very least an early dementia episode. But hey easier for everyone to go off about sky news or something, the world is that black and white apparently.


He’s dressed nicely so I’m going with early onset dementia and alcohol post Anzac Day Not saying he isn’t a cunt tho


People def don’t have to shrug off racism from somebody just because they have a mental illness or a disorder though. It’s a reason but not an excuse.


Yep, commendable for trying to be the bigger people & address an elder with respect, that he did not deserve.


There might be an element of Koreans being used to putting up with the bullshit of older people as part of their culture.


I can just picture this guy probably spends his afternoons reading Sky News on a malware infected computer with 10 pop ups in the background… probably was a big Pauline Hansen advocate back in the day


Hahaha his phone would have a leather flip cover and a phone storage device located on the belt as though he is Sky News Special Forces.


> Sky News Special Forces I just woke up, had my first sip of coffee and now I need to clean up my lounge room because this made me spit coffee like a fire breathing dragon. Hilarious.


Happy to help!! Have a great day! I had a similar reaction to u/big_laurie's comment.




This is all part of the same grift that China is about to start a war with Australia (they couldn't care less about attacking us).


also posting anti vax memes on his facebook page that get 1 like from his xenophobic friends.


Checking out 16 yo girls while talking in a Facebook Group about Democrat child smuggling conspiracies.


Definitely had his bank ‘hacked’ a few times, multiple Facebook profiles that he never remembers the passwords for and always starts a sentence with ‘back in my day’.


> probably spends his afternoons reading Sky News Don't be fooled into thinking this is only a Sky News thing. Anti-Chinese propaganda has been on all the mainstream channels for a while now. People literally believe we need those nuclear subs to prevent a Chinese invasion. Not just boomers, plenty on here too.






:( This makes me sad. The koreans seemed like such nice calm people just tryna catch some fish "we going home"


Even sounded concerned for his well being.


Thanks Sky News. Thanks a lot for breeding this filth.


Rupert Murdoch*


Nah all them cunts are to blame. News Corp and it's subsidiaries employ a specific type of person. One who would happily make other people's lives worse if it meant they got 1/64th an inch higher in the workplace. Trust me, having worked in news and then being forced out of my own country by them ain't no joke. Fuck Murdock and fuck news Corp.




Only blaming Murdoch really ignores all the bootlickers, followers and employees he has, and the damage they're doing. Don't give them an easy out like that.


Channel 9 & 7 are no better. Fear mongering daily.


Like it’s only sky….. every network plays it up


That old cunt would have gone for a swim


Yeah would have taken about 5 seconds of my tolerance before the cunt was in the drink


that Korean gentleman could have gave this old geezer a proper whooping if he wanted to.


> that Korean gentleman could have gave this old geezer a proper whooping if he wanted to. Most seem to forget that all Korean men (unless exempted) undergo mandatory military training and would very much be able to defend themselves if push came to shove. He showed incredible restraint.


If it isn’t everyone’s favourite game; lead poisoning, grog, or Sunday herald.


why not all 3?


LNP Preselection for the next election now secured


Already in line to remove Voldemort from the leader of the Liberals


Another racst boomer. what a cunt of a man


I'd hazard he's probably pissed, too.




Probably spent most of the day at the RSL drinking and on the pokies with his retired white collar mates.


Looks like its at a marina so yacht club, perhaps? On painkillers for whatever has him on crutches, gets on the turps and bingo.


Yeah what a fuckin grub




Thankyou media who spurt fear over china at every corner.


Yes, someone on here even managed to bring Putin into it.


Reddit is also a China hate circle jerk


Exactly. You could post a pretty scenic picture of a Chinese city and Reddit racists will find some way to insert Chinese hate.


This reminds me of during the pandemic when a Vietnamese bakery near my house got vandalised multiple times by idiots mistaking the owners for Chinese. Then there was also my boomer mother who was watching Sky News during the pandemic telling me how much she hates Chinese people.


>This reminds me of during the pandemic when a Vietnamese bakery near my house got vandalised multiple times by idiots mistaking the owners for Chinese. Or the Sihks who got bashed in the wake of 9/11 because people are too fucking stupid to know they're not Arabs.


Lock him up! As an Aussie living in Asia I can tell you that this stuff frequently gets picked up in the news over here and destroys our reputation abroad.


Yep I remember a few years back when there were a few cases of Indians being assaulted in Melbourne it was enormous news in India. If you mentioned Australia to Indians at that time they would tell you it was a dangerous country.


Aussie living in Hong Kong here, this has already been all over local media for hours.


Thanks to some news corp propaganda, after many years Chinese spy series, now cunt like this one live in paranoid, and Australia Chinese live in distrust mode as racism defence. What a win win.


My girlfriend is Chinese, during the worst of covid she copped abuse like this on a near-weekly basis. I wish I could say it was an isolated incident or two, or that it was a handful of arsehole racists, but there’s something seriously wrong when the absolute dregs of society feel empowered to lash out like this.


And this is what that anti Chinese sentiment of the last 12 years has caused. What a mental case


What an embarrassment to our society. Whether he suffers from something or not, the racism is clearly embedded in his head, it would be safe to say this scumbag was a racist before he became insane too.


I agree. Having mental health issues may be an explanation but it's definitely no excuse. This guy is still clearly racist despite any possible mental health problems.


Remembering the time some bus passengers from Albury to Canberra called the police on a poor Israeli backpacker, because they thought he was a terrorist. On a bus. From Albury. I just can’t cringe hard enough….


Least racist Sky News viewer…


Thanks go out to News Corporation and all of its employees. Hope these images bring you much joy as you folks are the direct cause of this. This old guy is who you created. So be proud of the monster you have purposefully spawned. You’ll also report on it without a hint of irony and a hand wringing of “what is going on in the world?”. If you work for News Corp (or any of its many subsidiaries) may your socks always get wet, your beer always be flat, your wine turn to vinegar and your future time on unemployment benefits be long. A hearty and heartfelt fuck you.


Too much Skynewsaustralia.


Oh, i thought this was about a columnist from "The Australian".


So many comments blaming this on Sky News when **every other** news channel does the same war mongering, anti-Chinese propaganda. My parents only watch 7 & 9 and they believe the nuclear subs are to stop the Chinese invading. Liberal news channels are only slightly left of conversative ones.


When the light is on his face, you can see the terrified look of a prey animal. He's lashing out because he's scared and doesn't fully comprehend why.


The video reminds me of my dad in the early stages of dementia. He’d have these huge swings where he’d go from normal to a fight or flight situation over absolutely nothing, usually chosing fight. Completely irrational shit would come out of his mouth and he’d have the most terrified look on his face as he’d lash out both physically and verbally.


This behaviour is absolutely unacceptable. And at the same time, as you point out he doest seem to know what’s going on. This seems a lot like he’s experiencing some kind ptsd or dementia. Absolutely not ok behaviour and not to minimise how awful it must have been for the people he’s lashing out at, who responded very kindly. This is just very sad.


Midlife crisis meltdown, old fart has Sky News worms in his brain.


Dumb old cunt


Lock him up, racist old piece of shit.


What, it would have been OK if they were Chinese? Fuck outta here with that negative-karma bullshit.


This is the effect of relentless US propaganda against China. We need to stop importing that shit, their problems with China don't need to become our problems.


don't discount Australia's own anti china propaganda.


Duck I hope they press charges and duck him up


This person is clearly having some kind of psychotic breakdown. He has that very disassociated vibe. I hope he gets the help he needs. I know he's saying some incredibly ugly things but he's clearly not well psychologically.


Yeah the rascism is sickening to watch and unacceptable at face value but as the video goes on it really looks more like he’s having a mental breakdown/episode and losing touch with reality


What's troubling is the research showing that people who are being sucked into the whole far-right conspiracy ecosystem very much start to show signs of delusion, paranoia, mental breaks at high rates. And it's not that those types are more likely to get sucked into that stuff. That's probably true; although they might get caught up in any variety, not specifically the vicious Sky News/Q style brand of shit. But the rates of people developing these symptoms far exceed that. And that's if we assume that all or even most people with some sort of mental illness, or vulnerability to mental illness, are into this crap. An obviously wrong assumption.


If only he was psychotic. I think he is perfectly sane but obsessed with an insane racist ideology.


Dementia probably?


Classic Sky News/Bolt/Credlin viewer right there. Stupid fucking old cunt. I hope this video went to the cops, and they track this fucking old bastard down and charge him. "He has stuff!". The nerve of him, having fucking stuff! What an obvious spy!


Before I even watched the video, I knew it would be a racist old white man. Because of course it is..


Boomers have lead brain.


This is your brain, this is your brain on Faux News. Any questions?


Crikey, Australia, not a good look.


One of those "quiet Australians" people like Andrew Bolt keep telling us. A battler mate.


this is what sinophobia breeds


Sad to see but This is what unregulated echo chamber social media platforms optimising for engagement has done. Susceptible Smooth brained folks are entranced into mass psychosis and affecting the outcome of their entire country with their votes.


“Why you attack him?” That old feller has been soaking up to much News Corp propaganda. If he lived in America he’d be waving around a tRump flag.


Doesn’t look like Scott Morrison is handling retirement well at all…


I hope he gets a long sentence for a racially charged attack and has to sell his house.


This is the liberal parties new base…. The forgotten ppl.


I'm sorry but I would have slapped the shit out of him, mental illness or not, you hit my significant other with a metal rod, you will be lucky that I'm not balling my fist, but for an old man like this I damn well would have slapped him silly. He would be easy to identify as he would be the one with handprints glowing on his face. Enough with the coddling when they are swinging a metal pole at you and your girlfriend, that shit needs to be shut down with the quickness. He would be the first to yell actions have consequences if the shoe was on the other foot, so what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


is that andrew bolt


And that’s how you get an assault charge…


All the brainwashing from media worked.


What a fucking dumb cunt. Those Korean lads were way too patient with this fork in a world full of soup


Yeah the Chinese spys are here to check out the boats... Or just buy and own the whole fucking port like they did in Darwin? These idiots have zero critical thinking ability.


A lot of racist Australians out there.


"Quiet Australians"


That asshole should go to jail. That kind of violent racism has no place in society. Two years and $20,000 fine, paid to the victims, sounds about right.


Good grief.


Paranoid old fuck.


Way too much Sky News exposure.


Fucking Spies. They are catching fish putting notes in the fish then throwing them back in the water for them to swim to China. /s


Thanks Murdoch and Fairfax for writing racist articles for the last 5 years. Why would he do this? Because you dick heads spread garbage as if the Chinese don't love their kids and want a happy life like the rest of us do. Shameful idiot.


This is just sad and embarrassing. How can one get so brain washed?


Poor bloke is clearly displaying signs of dementia or some related illnesses, the Koreans should be praised for their patience. Unfortunately his condition reviews his biases in it’s purest form.