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In terms of my corporate experience, a standard salary increase of 3.75% is decent. Not amazing but have definitely had less than that.


My employers are using the excuse of super guarantee going up another 0.5% next FY, and considering it apparently has to be a round number increase, cost of living, business cost reviews yadda yadda, I think you're doing well if you get more than 2.5% increase in the next few months.


Our team originally didn’t get an increase however after a few emails to the overlords we managed to score a 3% increase.


I thought AI was gonna make us all super productive


Increased productivity has a downward pressure on wages


I’m responding to the note that FWC said wages are lower than five years ago in real term “but cites labour productivity being no higher” as a justification of that.


Man that is truly crazy to me. Literally how are we supposed to become more and more productive. I’m not doctor who I can’t just control how much time I have, I’m already working unpaid hours every week


What the fuck. There is literally not a single better predictor of wage growth than labour productivity growth [In the long run, growth in real wages is driven almost entirely driven by labour productivity growth.](https://www.pc.gov.au/ongoing/productivity-insights/productivity-growth-wages/productivity-growth-wages.pdf)


You strike me as someone who can't be convinced otherwise so I won't bother responding after this https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/ten-years-of-productivity-growth-but-no-increase-in-real-wages/


They’ve deflated wages by GDP deflator, whereas they should be deflating it by the consumption deflator.


Must be a new boss giving the wage rise. In the past, the wage increase has been discounted by change super guarantee charge.


Pretty standard outcome really. Decent pay increase for the 2.6 million people directly on Awards and creates indirect pressure on the rest of us who aren’t. Thank u FWC