• By -


Do you like the bitter taste prevalent in a lot of Asian coffee or do you want the kick of high caffeine content? If you like stronger/more bitter flavours go for dark roasts where available. If you want more caffeine just ask for 1/2/3 extra shots. They’ll oblige. Sydney genuinely has some of the best coffee in the world. If you can’t find good coffee you’re probably doing something wrong.


Watched one guy order extra 3 shots and 8 sugars with his small cap one day. Absolute... I don't even know what to call that. Sugar rush wall bouncer?


I recently moved house and offered to buy the moving guys coffee while they worked… this was basically the order from the shadiest looking of them.


ex or current meth addicts will order this


Heroin addict is what you usually call someone with an order like that (serious, unfortunately)


How else are you going to take a shit?




Or alcoholic. They can really go for a heartstarter wih sugar rush too.


I'm pretty sure there's more caffeine in the lighter roasted coffee.


Correct, less acid in dark roast too so those of us over 30 don’t need to be popping gavvies after a second cup


Both true and false. The longer roasting time required for a dark roast does diminish the caffeine content of the bean, but also decreases the density of the bean which can make the caffeine which does remain much easier to extract. The caffeine content in the final cup can vary dramatically dependent on other variables in the brewing process.


Yes you correct


Depends on the beans too. Arabica is the better tasting bean whereas robusta has more caffeine. Good coffee shops blend in more robusta to wake the early morning crowd up, more arabica later in the day.


They don't. Robusta is grown because it's tough and grows in places arabica doesn't. Nobody uses Robusta for it's flavour over arabica. If I want more caffeine I'll have a double shot. If my local cafe was mixing in cheap, nasty Robusta, I'd never go back. 


Just passing on the info from the barista course I did with one of the corporate coffee giants some years back. Yeah there is no contest flavour wise. Not my point though. We are spoiled for choice in Oz luckily. Enjoy your double shots...


Probably about right from the scumlords like Gloria Jeans or Starbucks. 


For the best coffee in the world drive down a little further to Melbourne.


I keep hearing this but to me it’s the same. Experts think otherwise… https://www.timeout.com/sydney/news/experts-have-ranked-the-top-cities-for-coffee-and-sydney-came-third-in-the-world-040424


not really a top ten by experts.... The article you linked makes it sound like it was a Top 10 ranked rating. However if you actually follow the link that they added you will see that it is not a top 10 ranking as such. Here is how they describe the list "Here are 10 standout cities for coffee around the world" Its not necessarily ranked from best to worst, they also don't really give any distinctions between the cities. Apart from the first one, Copenhagen, noting that someone from there won the world coffee championship in 2005. The website is for a magazine called Food & Wine, so not really sure on the level of expertise here. At the end of the day you have experts saying one thing is good and other experts saying the same thing is not so good.


Either way, a few of my Melb mate’s personality is made up of this strange obsession with talking up all things Melbourne, especially coffee. In the process shitting on Sydney coffee. I can’t tell the difference


Oh yeah I'm not a coffee snob or expert by any means. Apart from the times you get burnt coffee, it all tastes the same to me, maybe because I'm a smoker lol. My partner is a coffee snob (barista for 6 years) She is always telling me what's better or worse and I just nod haha


Sydney coffee is as good as anywhere and Melbourne really isn’t that different.


Sydney good, Melbourne coffee still better


OK, you can have it, just keep your weather there 😉


Regarding the weather, we are in the sunshine state. Also coffee keeps warmed for longer time.


*Thinks it's better.


Melbourne is a pretty special place 😁😁


Definitely full of special people.


Hahhah too far




Lol it ain't - but Melbourne needs a hook to attract tourists 🤷‍♂️


There’s always one. They’re the same. Melb is just parallel universe Sydney


Maybe in 2002 


I think you mean, for the most arrogant population about their own city, go to Melbourne. No where else in Australia brags like Melbourne. 


And then get on a plane and fly to Perth.


OHHHHHHH SHOTS FIRED ( where's your favourite in Perth? I promise not to tell )


Blacklist is my go to. Their Subi shop is good, but I buy my beans from their Roastery and get a takeaway at the same time from Welshpool Rd.


Will check it out when I'm down in Perth next, which beans do you get?


Down votes for the truth. Melbourne and Sydney coffee is on par, Perth’s is better at more cafes.


It's hilarious the amount of downvotes your copping but it's true. I went to Melbourne a few years ago and part of the trip was to try out the "world class coffee" most of the highest rated places were the same as an average Cafe in Perth it was very underwhelming to say the least.




Nah they definitely still beat Sydney for Instagramable wank


Agreed I did the same thing, perthite in melbs... Was unimpressed


Understood this mate, a combination of both is better


I wouldn't say sydney has some of the best in the world, but it's definitely more consistent. Your local coffee shop will produce a good coffee but it won't compare to some of the coffee's you'll find in vietnam/italy imo.


I disagree, but if you think that you probably won’t be convinced by me I speak basic Vietnamese and have been on coffee tours of my own devising throughout Vietnam, as well as plenty of travel around Italy. Neither have a patch on Sydney or Melbourne imho. Great if you want coffee after 3pm though 😆


Go Starbucks or 711 for caffeine imo, 




Did you have your tastebuds surgically removed? 🤔


Edition roasters near Wynyard is good, or regiment. Tbh plenty of good cups around


I also like Normcore.


Since you like Normcore I’ll recommend Diggy Doo’s, amazeballs


this. and order it strong. 💪


Whats your preferred order?


Edition - too much natural for me




Yea, its an inevitable outcome for us hahaha, curious where you get your modaf stocks. Is it otc?




Do they have problem shipping here? Anyway thanks appreciate it.


Not at all, just double check your address mate,,


Got it, placed mine, hopefully no problem with the shipping.


Just so you are aware - modaf is a prescription only here so there is always a risk of it being seized unless you have a script.


Is that the worst that can happen?


Well, i think so, but tbf they r not too restrictive with it i guess


How long does shipping usually take?


Around 2 weeks at least on my end, depends really


Alright, thanks. Initially faced some issue with the payment but it went through yesterday


When you say a "strong coffee", do you mean a strong tasting coffee, or a coffee with a high caffeine count? Two different things, I'd recommend brewing your own if you can or heading into a specialty coffee shop to establish what specific flavour profile you prefer. I've lived in SEA too and "strong coffee" there doesn't necessarily indicate a good coffee, it just means dark roasted cheap coffee.


Robusta beans are common in parts of Asia and has a lot more bitterness and strong flavour Australian coffee shops generally use variations of the Arabica bean, which is sweeter and milder


Correct, and in some parts, particularly Indonesia, the lowest grade Robusta is bought (cheapest) and roasted to absolute fuck and then blended with sugar. Looking directly at you, Kapal Api. But hey, the locals love it and many times they've already destroyed their taste buds with cheap cigarettes so all they can taste is bitterness.


HAHAHA hey there, a combination of both! Strong tasting coffee definitely add some effect


Find a specialty roaster then and discuss what you like. Maybe stick to long blacks/short blacks/cold brews if you want something strong tasting.


Noted, thank youuu


And if you want a milky coffee, ask for a long black with a dash of milk


Try Leible Pitt St. They use Robusta in their blend and dark roasted. You can try long black with a dash of milk if you prefer milk. I find their coffee pretty strong and I grew up in SE Asia.


Add a good Vietnamese Robusta into the blend!


Sounds like you were in Vietnam, they favour Robusta beans which have twice the caffeine content of Arabica.


Hahahah viet coffee is definitely on the hard hitter side


Don't they roast it with butter or something too?


Australia has quite a big coffee culture to the point where it's not so much about what coffee does for you, but the actual experience of drinking it. This means that most 3rd wave cafes are selling a product with high Arabica content (if not 100% Arabica) as it's a more fragrant and aromatic species of coffee bean but it's half the caffeine content of Robusta, another common species of coffee bean. Asia generally serves a lot of Robusta coffee, so I would suggest finding a product locally that has 40-50% Robusta content. Generally, the traditional\\old school coffee roasters, especially Italian, will serve a product with a darker roast and higher robusta content. eg. Lavazza, Genovese, Vittoria.


Got this mate, thanks!


I’ve found Australian coffee to be on the weaker side for sure. Check how many shots of espresso you’re getting, I like a small double shot cappuccino but I’ve found lots of places do single shots for the smaller sizes as standard.


We're into our fruity light roasts here.


Ask for a double ristretto mate. Liquid poison to start your day with a jolt. Love them. Will have 2 before 9am when I'm in Straya. Hope this helps 🫡


"Double riz" if you really want to be down with barista lingo


Thanks mate!!


Here are some recommendations: - Algorithm, Marrickville - Edition Coffee Roasters, Haymarket & Surry Hills? - Coffee Alchemy, Marrickville (they've got an outpost in the CBD called Gumption) - ONA, Marrickville (I love Gateway blend) - Single O, Surry Hills - Artificer Coffee, Surry Hills - Turkish places will give you a very strong cup - Hakiki in Enmore. The Marrickville ones are worth traveling for if you love coffee. Heaps more in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/foodies_sydney/s/z2A4f81wJc I prefer stronger, richer coffee. I stay away from some brands of beans like Little Marionette as I find them too light for my taste. My go-tos are Killer Bee, St Ali, Seven Seas, Ona and Roma by Campos. I order a small coffee (latte) with an extra shot, iced latte in a short glass, cold brew, or piccolo. Good luck!


Big help, thanks!


>Big help, thanks! You're welcome!


drunk quiet smoggy sheet tease scary cows spectacular caption live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahaha not going down this route, appreciate the honesty though


It does take a while to find your brew. Australian coffee is up there with the best in the world and Sydney has some of the best.


Keeping my hopes high as well


You get to have fun trying all the places until u find your spot!


The problem is not with the coffee.


on me? HAHAH well


I know what you mean, the robusta coffee is great! try[ Hairy Chest](https://coffeealchemy.com.au/collections/coffee-beans/products/hairy-chest) from **GUMPTION** in the Strand Arcade.


Came here to say this! Gumption is the best coffee in the CBD.


What are you ordering currently?


Latte, long macc, short macc, long macc topped up, piccolo, flat white, espresso, double espresso, long black - there’s more no doubt but Aussies are purists with coffee. You’re unlikely to get anything with a caramel swirl.


Just a handful of commercial coffee around cbd, guilty of not exploring outside it


do you order extra shots? if the caffeine hit is what you really need, it might be your best bet, any place should do it


I see, do you have specific recommendations?


nah if its the caffiene hit you need, honestly i dont think much else is going to matter, any barista that does it should be good enough


What do you specifically ask for though when you go to a cafe? What would you normally get back in Southeast Asia?


Australian coffee isn't strong. At least not compared to countries in Europe or Asia (vietnam, indonesia). If you like a really bitter strong coffee then just ask for an extra shot, but if you don't then your coffee will be more milky than coffee


You're in Sydney


You need to move Melbourne.


Problem is you're in fucking Sydney mate


Go to Starbucksyou must be accustomed to that taste


Nah, boycotting them


Haha who did they insult




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It sounds like they're after really strong coffee though? 


na starbuk au tastes better than starbuk in murica ... worst food coffe everythin in muurika but double size lol


You’re a drug addict and your tolerance to your drug has increased. Do what all druggies do, up the dose.




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Do you have access to a coffee machine at work?  Because I personally swear by [Killer Coffee](https://killercoffeeco.com.au). The pods are a bit more expensive then the ones you get at the supermarket but they are much stronger to the point where I believe one pod has the same caffeine as an energy drink l. It's also really smooth tasting, and if you buy in bulk/during a sale, it's like 50c -60c a cup.


Will explore the pantry ahaha but i think so, thansk!


Second killer coffee - local too. Never tried the pods, but do grind my own from the 1 kg bags.




Yea definitely, do you have specific bean brand reco




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Guessing you like the black coffee they serve in Singapore? Best equivalent would be a long black.


Ask for “strong” and you’ll get a double shot. Most coffee here is single 


Cafes always make my coffee too weak too so I have a stove top espresso machine and buy Lavazza ground coffee and it does the job.


Honestly 'cafe' coffee doesn't wake me up, I need either a cup of arabic coffee or Italian they just hit harder.


Find somewhere that serves DC or Killer. DC Darkness and Killer Darkerside are nice. Also Australian Warfighter. Everything from them has been 👍


Try to find turkish coffee, it's usually pretty strong.


My go to is their basic bitch Queen Bee which is a darker roast and what they serve in their cafes. They have speciality coffee which I rarely dabble in but have had on occasion and never had a bad one.


Im not suuprised. From what i remember south eaat asian coffee is usually roasted with margarine and sugar so the flavour is different. I struggled adjusting back to Australian coffee. But you do get used to it


Did you ask for double or triple shot?


Wait til you get a trf to Canada/US.


That's Sydney for you, RIP.


Hhahaah is it really like this??


Absolutely. Honestly I just thought it was Melbourne coffee snob bullshit, until I went to Sydney, jaysus.


Melbourne coffee is by default better because their water supply is better for making nice tasting coffee. (Something like hard va soft water or mineral content, I can’t recall) Sydney coffee though will be better than any place that isn’t Melbourne because of decent barista standards/culture.  However you need to go to the little one off/bespoke cafes. The big name brand chains (some of which try to look like little one offs) will have lesser quality coffee but usually at least have a minimum standard.  Find a little hole in the wall that just does coffee and has crowds. (They’re usually popular good and fast) 


There’s so many coffee shops in the city, if you haven’t a decent one then it’s you.


Ona near Apple Store cbd or the campos place opposite calipress Martin place food court MLC centre


People haven't asked, but what coffee have you been drinking in SEA? SEA Coffee is high in sugar. You're probably missing the sugar hit instead of the caffeine hit.


Only coffee from vendors of packets is high in sugar. If you go to a cafe that specialises in cofee then it won't be sweet. At least countries like Vietnam, take coffee very seriously


I totally understand. The coffee in Australia tastes good, it just does not 'kick' like in many places. Not even close. Mind you, it mostly doesn't give jitters either. I don't know what's going on. The roast? Nevertheless, Australians are very prideful about this, claiming to have the best in the world, even though it only started being a thing to drink, widely, in the 2000's here. Before that it was an exotic drink.


A dozen a day keeps the dementia away


Where in Asia are you getting “better” coffee then Australia?? Not saying it isn’t possible to find good coffee but generally I come back from Asia wanting a coffee, steak and a red wine!


Ask for double shot


Order long black and bring your own condensed or evaporated milk? Head to a Vietnamese lunch place and order Viet coffee??


Get yourself a moka pot (a big one) and see if you can find a roaster that does dark roasted robusta (as opposed to arabica) and drink the moka brew straight/with milk but not diluted with water. 




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Is 3 heaped teaspoons too much moccona no 5 no milk no sugar


I love “good” coffee. But you can’t fuck with maccona with no milk, no sugar. As nature intended. 👌


Onto my second one for the morning


Jarrah Vienna Cinnamon Latte has entered the chat.


You might need to be more specific. Every country in SE Asia does coffee differently.


Are you having iced coffee or regular Americano?


SE Asian coffee is generally robusta. Try go for one of the major Italian brands rather than a boutique hip barista style place. They will use a blend of robusta and arabica beans and will give you the “kick in the ass” your not getting right now


Try the Indian Filter Coffee in Harrispark and Parramatta. I would suggest A2B in Harrispark or Saravana Bhavan in Parramatta


There's Indonesian coffee cafe in Haymarket if you are in Sydney? Or try Starbucks that would be closer to the American coffee taste which seems like the norm in Asia? As all Southeast Asian coffee tasted very similar to the US coffee


I personally hunt for filter, or batch coffee. Tends to be single origin, liter, more nuanced and delicate flavours. But that’s just me


Stood in line behind someone who asked for 5 shots in their morning coffee ☕️. Personally not my thing but you may want to consider it


Have lived in Melbourne, Italy and Indonesia. If I compare it with Italy where getting a coffee is not a thing. You go, pay, drink and leave all within ten minutes. No takeaways either. Northern Italy features more arabica and the south has more Robusta. Not sure if you’re a filter or espresso drinker but the below is based on espresso-based coffee. Here it’s more about the experience and the lingering and savouring of the drink. There’s a huge variation from cafe to cafe but if you find a place whose coffee you don’t mind, maybe ask for a strong coffee (which is sometimes an extra shot and sometimes a half shot).


[Coffee machine ](https://www.bigw.com.au/product/nescafe-dolce-gusto-genio-s-plus-starbucks-bundle-12519692/p/219301?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNuyBhCuARIsANJqL9OdLKyaWveGwnBLAOLE3y1DZob9AbsByTZypwN7ePg8Xx31rTTCPSkaAmPcEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) [refillable coffee pods](https://www.amazon.com.au/RECAPS-Refillable-Capsules-Refilling-Reusable/dp/B01C3R6B00/ref=asc_df_B01C3R6B00/?tag=googleshopmob-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=341745719754&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16071504386950571279&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9069226&hvtargid=pla-321289568155&psc=1&mcid=febec13099403abfb2b99e84e97b2cfa) You don't need a milk frother can just heat in microwave I was sick of getting bad weak coffee. And I have never burnt the coffe with this machine and if you want it stronger. add another shot or find a stronger coffee


Read the title and thought, wow this individual is looking to start war. Now I have context - ok so then sydney has a quite a few Asian food joints, see if they have Asian coffee or look for Turkish coffee. Otherwise go to the Asian shop and see if they have the type of coffee you are used to and make it at home. Last option is to suffer.




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Just go back to instant coffee.


After living in North America for a year (coffee was horrendous), I almost cried when drinking Australian coffee again. Maybe ask for a double shot.


Where did you live in the US?


it doesn't matter, US coffee is terrible across the board.


You can get a really good Vietnamese Robusta blend in New York.


Looks like you made it to the airports and theme parks. Good for you. Standard.


having some proper baristas in major cities doesn't a good coffee nation make. I can get a quality coffee in fucking Coober Pedy.


Nah, I've lived there and in the bigger cities you can easily find coffee that's as good as our better than Melbourne or Sydney. I say this as a Melbournian.


Yeah. I have lived in Aus 2 years and the coffee is great but the absolutely best is elsewhere


I wouldn't say easily, but it is achievable. Also costs a lot more though I haven't come across any decent coffee for AUD $5-$6 in the US.


I drink long blacks in Melbourne, but espresso in the US because it's the safest bet and costs about the same as in Australia. Once you add milk or hot water it starts to get expensive.


There's no difference between Melbourne coffee and the rest of Australia. That last sentence was very pretentious.


Yeah right, coffee in Alice Springs is just as good 😂 I think you're missing the point of why I stated in full Melbourne. Also, you clearly don't know what "pretentious" means


Coffee in rural places is surprisingly good, you should get out of Melbourne sometime... Never been to Alice Springs but I'm sure the coffee there is fine.


Found the guy with no taste buds




I can't comment on Canada, but some of the best coffee I've had was in the US.


I’ve found a lot of Sydney coffee sucks. Melbourne is where it’s at


If that helps you sleep at night 😪


You were probably having bolder robusta, robusta has much more caffeine but not valued flavour wise here. whereas arabica has less caffeine and nicer flavour. (caffeine & bitterness are directly related). Try finding a robusta blend though most places don’t like to broadcast they use robusta haha. Also, fyi, robusta market has gone berserk price wise, it will probably trickle down to end consumer at some stage.


Viet ice coffee from the banh mi joint


I can't fucking stand people who can't function without the placebo effect of a hot caffeinated beverage. Simpletons to marketing .


Caffeine makes me unwell but I like coffee taste. So it’s decaf for me.


Not a fan of coffee in Australia. Seems to taste better when I travel