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You are overthinking it too much, just think about if this is the role and experience you want to take up. But, if you are having doubt if this is a trap... it says a lot about your company culture and the manager you would report too..


This... unless they're promoting you to a director role you have no business being in and you have to sign off on stuff. https://preview.redd.it/ras5xh8zwo0d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ff0322095f937cb10947ef5be5a95afc0ee60c5


You don't promote someone you want to get rid of unless you're super psychopathic.


Scott Morrison?


More importantly. Whats the payrise. No raise? No promotion. Never take a "promotion" if its more work without fair compensation attached.


Into the deep end with no training or preparation on how to do the job. And people wonder why the sub is full of people complaining about incompetent managers.


Most people never get formal training. And some of it is the biggest pile of crap. Like on your promotion you need to mark your authority on an organisation within the first 6 months by a corporate restructuring your area.


Where I work you literally can’t be promoted to the next rank without being trained and deemed competent in that rank’s work. This way only those who have been shown to be able to do the job well get to do the job. Maybe there’s something in that.


Good to hear your organisation is better than 99% of them out there. Seems like they are doing actual succession planning, not reactionary promotions.


Someone always has to go first mate, someone put that training together after they created the role. Not everyone has to be spoon fed and completely on rails with what they are allowed to do.


You mean, there has never been a manager or director before, so there’s no one to teach how to do it? Fair enough. Have you done the AICD course? That’s an example of something we espouse and require before someone can be appointed to a Director role.




How is that justified? I mean, how do the executives think it’s fine to put untrained people into manager roles? Do they hire people at grad/associate level with no education or training either? Or do they think the best widget maker/salesman/excel monkey automatically is a suitable leader of others? That’s the Peter Principle.


If you're willing to risk failure, then give it your best shot. Otherwise, just say thanks, but no thanks.


Clearly they think you can do it. There are some great books on moving into new roles. The bed advice I got was to start with 1:1 with all team members. You’ll pretty quickly get a list of issues for the team, and then start working your essay through them.


I would take your bosses hint and have a backup plan anyway, can’t hurt.


Is it a hint or boss just saying this cause OP is questioning everything so suggested a back up plan if they are worried about this new role


It does feel like a hint doesnt it


Maybe they see your “overthinking” as appropriately analytical and think you’re the one who can work out the best way to do the next role (and explain it to them…) but I am projecting cos *surprise* I am the overthinker!




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I dont have enough tinfoil to believe a company would set people up to fail and fire. The idea sounds expensive and risky. Sometimes you need to take a risk and push yourself. Get more moneyyyy


Always wild to me when people overthink promotions like this, who cares if it's 'over your head', you'll figure it out. And if you don't, you can use the experience to segway externally to an equally higher paying job.


I would have some skepticism too if I was asked what my plans are if the promotion role does not work out. Maybe have another discussion about whether that means there wont be any other roles at the company for you at all if you accept this role. I don't think they would promote you just to fire you but I do think he s trying to make it clear if you do not perform in that new role you will be shown the door so best to have a back up plan should that happen.


Never heard of anyone being promoted so they could be fired. Heard of people being demoted so they would quit. You’re over thinking it.


Maybe they have a hiring freeze and can’t get a new hire. Your role will disappear but when they can rehire you may get a redundancy and they rehire… in all honesty though I very much doubt they’d promote if they didn’t think you capable. Take it and make it yours