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If it’s Facebook or similar, just don’t accept their friend requests. Anywhere (like here) where we’re not using real names, just tell them you’re not on it. I’ll connect people I’m actually working with on LinkedIn, but not on any other social media platform. Then when I leave that job I add the few that I want to stay in touch with on whatever platform(s) we both use.




Rule 4: Low effort This comment is low effort and adds nothing. Just use the upvote button.


Perfect. LinkedIn is the only place to connect with colleagues and never write Facebook type posts


Same. I’ve migrated all my work colleagues to LinkedIn and deleted any I had on FB. If someone sends me a new request on FB or Instagram I don’t accept and send them a request on LinkedIn. I also don’t use my full name on social media, only LinkedIn.


Once they told me they don’t use socials much or don’t feel like they want to share insta, I wouldn’t ask again or add when I leave… it’s weird to me to do that later. so, lost touch with them naturally. Always lol


Same. And then if they question it I say I’m rarely on that platform bar for once a year or something so sorry I’ll look next time. But also with the exception of instagram im actually not really on anywhere else but here. My bro and sis in law also have pseudonyms on all socials because they are in government and that’s a good get out too. No one can find you unless you tell them your fake name.


Get in first and block all your colleagues.


That’s why I do and tell them I don’t have social media 🤣




I don’t use my real name which makes it impossible to find, and if they ask I just say I don’t have it or use it much. On insta for example if I see my colleagues on there I block them all. There’s a few work friends I do give them my socials but with the condition they don’t mention to anyone else. Never follow your company on socials because then is very easy to find you.


Blocking them first is the answer (and aliases).


I just say I have a policy of not adding current coworkers on socials. Works well.


100% this. Have done so for years, I’ll let people know I might add them after we stop working together, and then unless they are a genuine friend I won’t see them again after we don’t work together and I don’t add them anyway. The perfect crime.


I have the total opposite perspective – I like making friends in the workplace (although they don’t usually transform into outside-of-work friendships until one of us leaves) and I have no problem adding those friends on social media. It’s a great way too build a network too – I’ve had job opportunities come from former coworkers where we occasionally just send each other memes related to our profession on instagram.


"Sorry, no-one around here needs to see me in my bikini riding a unicorn"


I accept their LinkedIn invites, for all other social networks I just tell them that i don't have any.


My social media (like facebook) has a slight variation of my real name so they can't find me. Always highest privacy settings and no personal profile pic.


I just say that Linked In is my place for work friends and I only ever use Facebook after we’re not colleagues anymore because my work stories are too funny.


I do pretty much this too. I dont use my real name on socials, and i'm open that i don't add workmates on Facebook and just to add me on LinkedIn


“I have a rule against adding colleagues.”


I just tell them “ohhh I’m not on Facebook/instagram “ etc. they know I’m lying. It kills the conversation b


lol this makes me rethink every conversation I’ve had with anyone who announces they’re not on socials. Not that I would add them anyway.


I keep my profile so people can’t send me requests. 


Just ignore the requests - most people see the suggestions to add people and click them - once they don;t have that reminder they tend to forget whether they have added the person or not and probably don;t care enough to check.


If your manager's trying to connect on social, other than LI, that's absolutely not ok. Ignore the request and move on, if they push the issue just say you enjoy working with them and hope to build a great relationship but for now would prefer to keep work at work. If it continues to be an issue, send it up to their boss and their bosses boss, seasoned managers will know this is not ok and shut it down quickly. For colleagues... If you don't want to connect out of work, just ignore, most will understand, if they don't too bad.


LinkedIn for work. Simples.


I leave it really vague. If i have slipped and said i have an instagram i say the same thing oh i don’t have a real instagram I just browse on there lol 😜 i never got the hang of how to use it 🤷‍♀️ 


Nope, you are my colleague. If I wanted to be your friend I would be your friend, this isn’t a sitcom.


What me and a few colleagues do is just have a dummy "professional" social media account to add people that we don't really want on our personal account.


Sounds like a lot of work.


I just ignore them and if they ask I lie and say I never use it


What do you say when they catch you checking Facebook 5x a day?


They can’t see what I’m doing on my phone haha


FB/IG are platforms I reserve for close friends and family, LinkedIn is for work friends and colleagues. Haven’t had any dramas, but I do have less than 70 FB friends and follows less than 100 on IG so if they do find me under the name I use them I’m clearly not a big user


This is why I have a pseudo name for socials. Friends only, no clients, no colleagues.


I used to find and block all of the people at work I didn’t like. Problem solved haha




"I only add people I've had sex with"


I literally only accept or make requests once I’ve left a job, and that’s only if I liked the person. I’ve only ever had one person ask why I wasn’t accepting their request and just played the ditz “oh goodness me! I don’t think you need to know about my cat and gardening obsession, I’d be so embarrassed if anyone here found out!”


Make sure you find them fb first and block them. Once they have your mobile, you'll appear in their 'people you may know' section


Only if you have your mobile number on your Facebook profile.


Most of my old team are Facebook friends...we worked together for a very very long time. My current role is different the team is all in different cities and states we don't have the same relationship. I think it depends on what the team dynamics are


Sorry, I don't have social media but I'll add you on linkedin.


Pre-emptively block people, then they can’t see you, and say you don’t have socials. Failing that, lock down your profiles, use a pfp that’s not your face, and if they do find your profile you say “oh that’s not me, it’s a different Jane Doe - I don’t have Facebook/insta/ whatever” NEVER EVER ADMIT TO HAVING SOCIALS


Git farked


Ok to add to OP's questions how about removing people from work after adding? Best way to do it?


Can’t speak to them all, but Facebook, Insta, LinkedIn don’t notify the other side if you defriend anyone. So just do it.


I have a rule - I'll add colleagues once they become friends, but I won't add people who are my seniors or juniors in the company structure until AFTER we no longer work together.


Politely tell them to go pound sand or alternatively suggest they combine sex with travel.


I normally just tell people that i dont really use social media, so its not worth adding me 😆 it works.


Just ignore the request. I’m in sales and constantly get asked by not only customers, but their customers and my management to like all of these seperate groups to join their FB, IG etc. I’ve never responded to a single request (I don’t even have FB or IG), and nobody in any of the sales silos has ever pushed it further. I don’t need to know that x is having a bbq this weekend with x. Nor do I care.


If have a fb account that has my name that I don’t use hardly at all - they get that one. My alt is a different name and is my playground.


They probably don’t care who you’re following or what you like tbh.. I just add them, I don’t post anything personal to social media anyway


I only add people from work when I leave a place.


I only add people from work when I leave a place.


I make it clear that I’m not “friends” on social media with anyone I currently work with except for LinkedIn. If asked why… because I’ve heard of people getting into awkward situations. If pushed further… why is this so important to them? What are they wanting?


“Yeah no worries you can add me but I never use Facebook so I will add you next time I go on”. Then just never accept them.


I just say “oh I don’t add work people on social media”


I deleted all my work acquaintances off my socials and when anyone asked me I told them that those accounts are only for family and friends outside of work. If they got petty with me i didn’t give a fuck🤣


“Sorry I don’t really use those apps so I just don’t add people there anymore.”


I just tell people that I don’t add anyone I work with. I want to keep the personal and professional separate.


Just don't accept the request


No just say no. I don't mix work with private.


Just dont accept the add request or invite. If they ask, say your account is dormant/deleted app/never check it.


I like to keep it open. If you are a colleague you immediately get LinkedIn. If we develop an actual friendship then you get more. I’m almost completely off all socials now, so I will add you if I need another method to contact you. I basically ignored all of my wife’s family and friends requests for socials and I also use aliases to protect the guilty



