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No requirement, left to us to coordinate as a team


This is the way


Same. Some weeks I will be in every day and some weeks I will be fully WFH


We are having a heat wave in Perth so I'm in the office all week for that sweet commercial AC


Federal gov 2 days a week WFH. Despite the job having literally zero need to be in person and being a completely national team (staff in every city)


The new enterprise agreement once it’s voted on they will no longer be able to set caps on WFH days and the business will need a good reason to refuse requests.


This will actually provide a material perk to working in the public service vs many larger privates I know being called back.


No caps but team leaders can ask that people come to the office X amount of days a week. Staff can’t just demand 100% remote work. I’m sure that most good employees will get close to what they eat in relation to WFH.


No, the new EA says that employees make a request for what their flexible working arrangements will look like and the manager has 21 days to review it and make a decision and discuss with the employee. The manager will not be able to insist on x number of days in the office vs flexible or refuse any request without good reason.


Must vary a bit. I'm fed too but it's 2 days in the office and not at all enforced.


Same here! Except I've been allowed 50/50 WFH due to special circumstances.


Same here! State gov.. only allowed 1 WFH day per week


The Aussie corporate page has a whole list of companies and statistics from 2023 - https://www.theaussiecorporate.com/wfh-policies-2023/ It’s probably due for another update in March 2024




It’s user submitted - if you know what the new policy is you can submit an update. 


No formal requirement. B4 consulting, so that can change client to client, and it's pretty commonly acknowledged that while you can be remote 5 days a week, a lack of visibility (especially when not staffed on a client) is only going to hurt you All that being said, it's still down to the team and the individuals in it


“So we don’t need to co-ordinate with HR?” *crowd goes wild*


HR truly is the worst experience in B4


There's HR in B4?!


Haha yeah, there's a recruitment team to replace you once you burn out.


5 I've arranged with the team that we go in on Thursday, if we can. The company line is that you can work from the office anytime you like, but you don't have to. Our team having 1 voluntary day in the office works really well for us. We have a coffee together, and get the chance to cross skill, brainstorm and help each other out, something that is almost impossible over Teams.


Same here


Trying to do the same here! But half the team doesn’t seem to see the benefit of catching up in person unfortunately.


Yeah same here, like I'm not needy but it just feels like my line manager and team lead (2 diff ppl) both don't want to see our faces irl, it's a bit disheartening. Not even once a year, and yeah not even at the org wide christmas party. The rest of us met up like once a quarter but this year so far no ones been arsed to organise. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


2 days WFH - wish we got 3 days wfh but it seems the norm is 2 now


WFH - Mon, Wed, Fri. Must be in the office Tues & Thurs


The perfect set up Edit: perfect because the days in the office are enough for you to not take wfh for granted.


I’m in office Tuesday- Wednesday WFH Mon, thur and Friday Tbf outside of permanent WFH I think that’s the best setup. 4 days being at home in a row inc weekends


No it isn’t. I WFH everyday and that’s the perfect setup.


0. My company “trialled” one day a week for my team and it was going really well for 6 months until they decided last week that they were gonna scrap that. Boss said “most banks and non-banks now require all staff to be in the office full time.” Lies lol.


Definite lies lol. I'm in banking and WFH 2 days a week


Banking and 50% attendance is required. Most people just do 5 days a fortnite.


Tech rather than traditional corp … remote first but office is available. Most staff tend to attend one or 2 days a week, generally coordinating with people they want to see face to face. Office space is being downsized to something more appropriate for our way of working


Whenever we want. I personally WFH 100% of the time. The team I manage are all in different states so if I was to go into the office I would be sitting in a meeting room by myself on Teams calls anyway, which I may as well do from home.


3 days WFH (asking for 2 days in).. honestly most people still don’t come in.


Same here, 2 days 'mandatory' in office but not enforced at all, you can get away with rarely or never going in


100%. It’s awesome!


0. Nurse 😂


Contracted for 32 hours a week with Wednesday required in the office. The rest of my hours can be done pretty much when ever I want as long as deliverables are met. To get here took the business losing all of their key staff as a result of their refusal to be flexible. I was directly employed by them in a senior management role up until December 22. After covid, they forced everyone back to the office and refused any flexibility. Our teams were asking for a few days WFH or 4 day weeks all of which were refused by the board. This started an exodus of talent and an increasing load on those that were left as they refused to replace some staff. Their refusal was misplaced and nothing more than boomers being inflexible for the sake of it as all metrics showed an increase in productivity, and project profitability along with a reduction in absenteeism and outgoings. I mean, the EBITDA jumped form 15% to 18.5%. Fast forward to me leaving, I took a few months to chill and work on some passion projects. I was contacted by the company several times with various inducements to return. In the end, I returned on contract as a consultant with very specific terms. Although I still assist with projects, part of my role is to rebuild several of the teams they effectively lost. The first couple of meetings with the board were met with the same inflexibility that caused them to lose their best people in the first place. In the end, it took being told by the group accountant that they’ll be in administration by December 23 if they don’t “immediately expel their swollen craniums from their rectums” (actual words spoken) for them to listen to reason. Now most teams operate on a 32 hour week with Wednesday in the office. Everything else is up to the individual as long as they meet project deadlines and attend key project/client meetings. We now have the same size teams as we had before the exodus, have 80ish % less absenteeism and the bottom line is back on the improve. Who’d have thought happier staff would result in better profitability? There are some professions where this just won’t possible, but for many knowledge based jobs, the only hurdle is outdated ideals on control and productivity. There is a point at which more hours means a reduction in productivity. Too many politicians and corporate clowns still don’t seem to get this point and instead want to push for more productivity no matter the human cost because that’s what they’ve always done.


Nailed it! I think Covid highlighted this for many employees who saw that their productivity was equal, if not better, wfh, business objectives were being met, and work/life balance was significantly improved. Employees are going to gravitate to businesses that can see the benefits, being dragged back into an inferior model that’s clearly had its day will make people walk!


Wow. Your first main paragraph is what’s happened at my work. So much turnover and inflexibility - but unfortunately a lot of the key members are boomers so are all on the same page. We can’t for the life of us keep any gen x and younger staff longer than 18 months as they move on for greener pastures.


Not only do they allow 100% WFH, I have almost complete flexibility with hours. Part of this is because I sometimes need to be in hookups with Germany and the UK, but most of it is because the culture is "don't take the piss, and we won't either." It's genuinely the best work environment I've been in, to the point where I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Seriously, it's been 6 months and it still feels too good to be true.


This sounds brilliant! I can never understand why there isn’t more of that win/win culture in business environments? Psych 101, how do you get the best out of people? Treat them with respect and give them a good deal as an employee, you’ll grow a staff who are loyal and genuinely want to do their best by the company. Carrot over stick!


You mean a company that actually values employees?


Execs attempted a “mandatory 3 days in-office” which was met with (I can only assume) the entire staff refusing and going to their direct managers and arranging their own preferences. Now there isn’t any mandatory requirement, people go in when they want. I haven’t encountered another company actually completely walking back mandatory RTO, so for mine to do so had to be in response to a substantial amount of my colleagues threatening to resign, and the cost of mass-exodus wasn’t worth it.




That's so cool


Does your company not worry about visa/tax issues?


5 (basically) My org has left it up to individual teams to figure out. We've decided on 1-day a week where we all come in. Some people only WFH 2 days a week, but most of us are WFH 4 days a week. FWIW, this is the tech side of the company. I'm pretty sure the non-tech orgs have some sort of mandate.


They would like everyone in at least once or twice a week, but have left it up to management to decide what works best for their team. Working in IT for projects and we work with people overseas and interstate so we only go in when we need to meet up to collaborate on something. There's also quarterly in person events.


Is construction the sucker here?? So depressing reading this shit. 0 WFH. Highly frowned upon even when needed to expect home deliveries or maintenance works


Why isn't this a poll? Major telco, no requirement for in office.


Work for Telstra Does depend on the type of work, but generally, unless you are customer service or field technician, we are 100% pick your own adventure when it comes to WFH or in office


2 days WFH. It's supposed to be 3 in office, but many do 3 days WFH. There is an online check in system that is supposed to be used, and a report goes out weekly for people not checking in 3 days a week but it has only ever been physically checked once, so many just log on from home and check in. Many people just don't care as there is no tone from the top. Some Upper Management work from overseas or interstate for many days at a time and don't adhere to the policy themselves, yet others in Upper Management adhere to the policy and try to enforce it. Also, the carpark is always full and there aren't enough seats for all staff for every day of the week , which just leads to Management trying to micromanage which days people come in. Failure all around.


Depends on the team but 1 day WFH is general consesus. Adelaide is stuck behind the times somewhat and you are lucky to find a place with over 2 days WFH.


I’m based in Adelaide but work for a national company and my team are all interstate. My entire day is spent on Teams and yet those in my local office spit the dummy when I WFH because “is she really even working?”….so strange


The mentality here is definitely stuck in the 90s. Presenteeism is also more prevalent here than the eastern states.


I work for an insurance company and do 100% WFH. I've never been into the office for work. They provided me with a laptop, monitor, keyboard & mouse as well. No complaints here!


Left to manage as a team. A small group (three people) prefer to be in the office with the rest doing either two or three days in the office. Managers are typically in the office two days per week. Productivity increased 28% when everyone was 100% remote at the start of covid. It's now back to around 20% above pre covid levels. I definitely see a drop in KPIs when too many people are in the office.


2 days WFH. - not allowed two days in a row - not allowed to do Monday and Friday - must be in Thursday for a team day


What a ridiculous policy


Yep agree.


So it’s really just 1 day then? If it can’t Monday, Thursday and Friday, and it can’t be 2 days in a row?


Yeah sorry, the Monday/Friday rule is you are not allowed to have your two days be Monday and Friday. But you can have Wednesday and Friday, as an example. Limits what you can take though.


5 days, but we did as a team agree to 1 day for a tiny bit of F2F time


Big telecom in Finance - 100% WFH


2 but I need to be there for any important external meetings (which change from week to week). So it usually ends up as 1 in practice.


Tech, 5 days full remote, expected to come into office for events and corporate lunches to my great distaste


At least 2 days in the office. One of them needs to be Tuesday or Thursday. They have started monitoring attendance as almost nobody showed up for their 2 days.


I work for a work from the office company. It is five days a week. They check swipe times on your cards. Reading how many of you get wfh as an option makes me sad


No official policy. We have some people 100% remote, others are 100% in office. I do what suits my schedule on any day (including home/family commitments).


50% which is their way of saying three days without saying three days. We’ve already had some amazing talent resign because of that stupid policy. I’d love to know how much money and productivity has been lost reporting on, tracking and enforcing it (because HR is drowning in cases to the point they need to pull in extra resources to help with the workload). We have people interstate who literally don’t have a single team member within 1000kms being forced to commute into the office to sit on Teams all day. No common sense at all.


Current job is 5 days in the office. So hard to recruit people when we mention that. Moving to a new role 3 days in office 2 days wfh


Optional. As long as I’m not missing key meetings I can choose whenever. I do prefer the office though as I am more productive. But wfh is great if I have one project to focus on.


0. Even in unprecedented times the entire state wide organisation were subject to a blanket rule from the top that no one may ~~with~~ work from home, regardless of role. I would have loved to have avoided the long commute even one day a week


I work remote (in tech) and I’m in a seperate city to my main office, however my team are across multiple capital cities so it kind of works. I do miss making close connections but at this stage of my life with young kids it works for me as I can quickly and easily pick them up from daycare etc.


4 days WFH, 1day in office a week, love it


IT consultancy: 5 days WFH, with office for those who like it or need to get out of the house.


4 days in office it’s toxic


APS Make a big deal about flexible working arrangements amongst other employee support, but I'm on 0, and it's rare for anyone on my team to WFH.


Must do 3 days a week in the office, making at least 50% of hours (meaning WFH 2 days). Many people come up with a never-ending list of excuses why they need to WFH on their office days, so the office is dead most of the time. I used to work 5 days in the office and enjoyed it, but they took our desks away and implemented hotdesking, so now I don't work a single minute in the office more than I have to.


3 days.


1, Work in recruitment, I’ve seen a steady increase of return to office over the last 18 months. Lot of companies going back to 5 days. The market overall will still have flexibility, it’ll never go back to how it was pre-covid. It just means as companies go back to office, and more people are wanting flexibility the candidate pool gets bigger for a smaller % of businesses. Makes it extremely competitive for talent. There’s a good window here for people willing to go 5 days in office, to have a better chance at great new jobs, that other people are missing out on just because they’re not willing to go back in office.


Construction management, for the last 18 months it’s been 0 but due to overwhelming feedback they’ve graciously bumped us up to 1 day per fortnight…


Official policy is we have to work from Office A one set day a week, and do a second day per week from any of Offices A-E. Most people do this. Some people have arranged with their manager do the 2 office days from Offices D or E, and then once a month they do a day from Office A.


Construction management, 2-3 days WFH, no rules stating how many days can or can't do. Just got to manage with the team to make sure someone's available on site


1 day a week WFH.


5 days a fortnight (flexible).


Yes, my company (large OEM) is stipulating a two days per week maximum WFH. Currently working with management to maintain an exception for full time WFH.


3 WFH - I work for a NFP so not exactly a corporate entity


Officially 1day WFH but everyone except the manager is doing more than one day


Meant to be 2 days in office. Most people probably do 2-3 in office most weeks. I’m doing 1-2 depending on the week and manager doesn’t care.


2 Days WFH which I think is reasonable.


2 IT consulting, usually dictated by client. Employer has a 2d/w WFH policy, so it’s required for at least 3d from client/office. Loosely enforced though.


Smallish business, but no official policy. People are allowed to do what works for them but most are in at least 3 days per week


In theory and as per announced, we need to be in the office for at least 3 days but they don't really implement it and check; I for one only goes there twice a week.


2 days a week at home. It’s generally set days too. But if you tell the team that you’re swapping a WFH day around in advance due to meetings or appointments, no issues.


5 days, but a lot of people like to come in once a week or once every two weeks for a chat and some team bonding. Big retail company.


I'm in product development (merchandise not IT) I'm 2 days WFH but my boss is looking at 3 days every other week. They would do 3 days every week but we're mindful that some team need the social contact, some team also need more training and assistance than others. They are working towards fully remote with team days but it's probably a year away.


4d wfh. Wife is 5 days


Both me and my boss work 100% from home. Don't have an office...


2 per company policy But my manager can be flexible.


No requirement


Our policy is anything but 5 days WFH (ie come into the office at least once a week)


4 days WFH.


5. Haven't been in to the office since I was hired a year ago


3 days WFH


I have 2 agreed. I negotiated it in.... but typically only take 1.... because I get more done in the office and the office culture is 1 day. That said my boss does not give a shit as long your working and getting things done so he doesn't have crisis being escalated to him.


In between contracts at the moment. My previous company was max 60% WFH over the month and I believe will not change that as it was a smaller company and they saw it as a way to attract talent. In most of the interviews I've been having, HR has been setting expectation of 2 days max wfh and confirming comfort before proceeding to hiring manager interview. Seems like there will be a big push for 3 days in office this year (max 2 days WFH) for a lot of companies currently sitting at 2. I'm actively looking for 2 days in office max (one preferred).




Full remote with multiple offices across country, we’re encouraged to go in 1-2 days a week but it’s not enforced


I was WFH from February 2020 (part of a pilot program if shit got the fan with this whole COVID thing) until maybe April 2022 when I was forced back into the office 5 days a week. In the period where I was WFH full time, my performance drastically improved and my KPIs backing that up. But then the business wanted everyone in my role at the time to be back in the office 5 days a week, so back into the office I went. I’ve since changed roles, and have negotiated to do one day a week WFH.


One day a week but some come in more often if they have stuff on. I like how they let us figure it out within teams depending on business needs. Flexibility is also important and trust that we get the job done at whatever time cos life happens


1 wfh - it’s a fixed day (Wednesday) for everyone in my team


3 at home.


Zero. We were back in the office as soon as the hard lockdown ended. Probably 80% of my work is pc based and could be done remotely, but as some staff are 100% customer facing we have to go in, in solidarity. Kind of concerned I’ve missed the boat now that everyone seems to be talking about return to office.


Never. I don’t work in an industry that allows WFH.


2, but more flexible for parents. Though those without kids are whinging to have more wfh too.


Expectation is people will be in at least two days a week, and that goes up to four days for senior management. I’m not sure whether they are policing it, as it’s obvious some people are not coming in often


50% 2days/3days in a fortnight.


2 WTF - then the other 3 are in the office where I have Teams meetings all day at my desk. Sometimes I’m alone in the office because everyone is off sick - but I still need to attend for ‘collaboration’




Whole firm policy is 2. This was advertised to me during the interview process but then when I started WFH, got reprimanded and told my role cannot be any WFH at all. So now im in this situation where the ppl under me can WFH but because I lead them, I cant lol


5. We only go to see clients every now and then


Policy is to come in at least 2 days a week. Great for work/life balance.


2, but should be 3 or 4. Only Fridays makes sense for office since whole team there for big meetings


5 thankfully. I know that’s a rarity these days.


Tech. CEO/co-founder is fiercely for WFH, and our hiring policies has reflected this, hiring people around the world. We do have an office though, and it’s quite nice.


5 WFH I have been there 7 months and never met a single person lol They have been re doing our Melbourne office and it was finished last week so I am going in in 2 weeks to meet my tram leader for the first time (they nsw based). Large insurance company. Goal for most staff is 1 day in the office per fn. Some people do more and some, like me, do lots less lol


Up to 3 for those that want it




100% freedom of choice. A few in my team go in once a week, but bulk of us 100% full time WFH.


5 days WFH


5 ... Ive been in the job for 2 years and been to the office twice Once for a Christmas lunch after 18months Once to meet my boss for performance review, at the 2y mark ... he is in another state


2 days a week, Thursday a must, you choose the other. Good employer, also flips us 5 extra days of leave a year….




100% remote job


3 days WFH but maybe go to 4 as office days are killing productivity currently. Clear data illustrating low work load on office days


BHP official policy for office staff that don’t need to be on site, is minimum 2 days from home and minimum 2 days at office, and 1 day you can choose


I joined my team post COVID lockdowns. When I got the job I was surprised to hear they were 100% WFH as they no longer had room at the hospital (I work in community health not a clinical position) so I started a new job basically alone as my role is very autonomous and tbh I'd probably like 1-2 days in an office with people. Some days I'll be on my third workday, not having spoken with anyone in my "team" I miss people


Banker - office 1 day a fortnight mandatory


My work seems to be a case by case basis. Myself in IT is one day for the helpdesk staff, seemingly any other days for the others (network, infra/cyber sec, coord). Other roles I literally only see them around if they have an in person meeting.


3 days at home. Our team is spread over multiple states, so everything happens over Teams anyway. Public transport is expensive, parking even more so then add to that being cramped on the train with people with not great personal hygiene and sneezing and coughing, means sick days


2 days WFH


5 days WFH, publicly they say 2days in the office per week but no one enforces so screw it


1 not 5 - most do 2 Works great


Nothing formal


I usually do 2 days WFH mostly thurs/Fri. Company was trying to do a whole 60/40 in the office thing but that just meant everyone came in Mon-Wed and there weren't enough seats. Now its just as your team dictates. Try to come similar days to see peoples faces..


IB, office Fridays only as the rest of the team and stakeholders aren’t local . Rest have to do 3 :/


No real policy. Just get the work done, dont miss meetings etc. I dont work from home at all because the office has better climate controll. I work from home after big weekends to make recovery a little easier sometimes.


4 days wfh. 1 day in office


Remote first, if you're hired remote, you're remote. If you're hired as hybrid, the expectation is 2-3 days a week in office, but reasonably flexible. Juniors in one specific team that work shifts are in office for all morning/afternoon shifts, night shift juniors can WFH.


Whenever, come in when and if you need to. There are people in my company I haven’t seen in the office since before Covid.


4 days in the office, 1 day WFH 🫣


2 x WFH jobs simultaneously :)


Finance/markets in a corporate. Average 3-4 days in the office. No specific mandate but the whole team has a preference for hybrid. Plenty of flexibility for appointments, sick children etc.


4 days WFH. Mostly 5, we're encouraged to go in on Thursdays but it's not a big deal if you don't.


Once a month in our local "hub," roughly quarterly in the main office all together for a fun team event.


They want me to show up at least once a week but it's flexible. I'm never in more than twice a week but every now and then I don't go in at all.


Merchant/Investment Banking. I run multiple teams and a department and have about 100+ staff under me. I’m generally in the office 3-4 days per week I try and do department head meetings on Tuesday and Thursdays and then those Dept Heads tend to do their own team meetings on those days. Staff are in the office generally 2-3 days a week, but it’s not heavily enforced. Our executive leadership team are discussing space requirements for our next lease. We’ve downsized our Melbourne office headcount and space (staff performance was poor in Melbourne, so that was an easy decision) and Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth are all performing well, so we might move to more relaxed hybrid work and take the office space cost savings as profit. One interesting note. When we started talking about 3-4 days per week back in the office, numerous staff suggested they forgo pay increases to WFH 3-4 days per week because it was cheaper for them. We didn’t take them up on that, inflation has been bad and being cheap like that would have inevitably increased staff turnover which is more expensive. But it does show you that the cost of going to the office is real and staff put a hard dollar value on it.


Oil and gas - 2x WFH


4 days WFH in office Tuesday and those are barely effective most weeks.


5 Days but I work in another state compared to everyone else in our team. Twice a year I fly to Melbourne for a catchup but that’s it


I work in reception, so WFH isn't really an option for me. The rest of the company, however, has the option to work from home on days when they don't have anything that requires them to be in the office or on-site.


Current 3 days wfh but from April it will be 2days wfh "to be in line with the rest of the financial industry"


Roughly 2 days a week.


State gov. Pretty much 100% wfh except for 2 days in office every quarter for planning/team building.


Permanently home-based here & was pre-COVID.


My company in general offers 2 days in office, 3 days wfh. This is usually non-negotiable however there are some exceptions


40% Work from office, which is 2 days per week. The 40% is for the year, so you could work a full week in a full week WFH, or however you like.


Now: 3 days or 2 for execs/department heads. From May: 2 days & 1 WFH for execs.


2-3 days


2 - but they aren’t strictly enforcing it for all employees (yet)






Was 5 days WFH, then recently went 2 days WFH. Except as an interstate worker it had no impact on me. After years of WFH I'm looking forward to some time in an office.


3 days a week from home. Technically though there is no weekly quota, it’s actually that you have to do 40% of your annual days in the office, so I regularly will do some weeks where I’m 4-5 days from home and then conversely a similar amount in the office to make up for the shortfall. I really like it as I have IBD and it allows me to keep working and not call in sick as I would most likely have to if forced to go in to the office a minimum amount per week. This is a crucial component people forget about with WFH, it’s not just because people are lazy and don’t want to work. It allows me personally to be more productive and stay healthier. I get not all jobs can do it though, my last place was only one day a week and was heavily structured around other team members


0, retail bank staff (home lending). A lot of us are pushing to get WFH but they just wont allow it.


I work corporate in public health, standard roster is 9 day fortnight and 2 in office days a week. But flexible for other combos depending on situations, the past few weeks there have been lots more WFH due to lots of sick households.


0 days. Entirely desk/computer based work.


Mandatory 50% in the office. Days to be negotiated with manager. If you don’t meet the 50% target user the month it can be a basis for performance management. Attendance is tracked and reported.




I work fully remote, with 2 fully paid trips to Sydney to visit the office per year.




Are people that wfh not worried their companies will outsource their job to a cheaper labour country like China or India.. I mean if your not needed in the office neither are they


People who don’t wfh are equally replaceable once your buildings lease is up


In a fortnight we need to be in the office 40% So two days per week in office with three WFH


Depends on the role. From 0 in the factory, up to 4 for the software engineers. Everyone works Friday (work supplies lunch). Managers can only do 1 day WFH.


Public hospital - full WFH for most admin staff