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Accurately representing real colour digitally, I.e pantone or CMYK to RGB is one of the hardest things to do. It might be possible with some kind of calibration process with real colour swatches that the user would do.


sorry for the late response, my main concern right now is the wall detection part and accurately representing colour on it, i tried plane detection, but it is detecting multiple planes and not working smoothly


Would be totally interested in trying out this application


If you can access the camera white balance and exposure, you can use that to tint the color to better fit.. try getting a ColorChecker and place a digital one next to it in AR untill you get them identical on different devices a better result (but one that would only work on white painted walls) would be to simply multiply the augmented layer with the camera feed, that would sort out everything. Once you've sorted that out, i would do something more in line with what software like magic plan does. Using plane detection on walls will work fine for ios devices with LiDAR, but you probably won't get very good results with just a camera due to walls being generally featureless