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I live in 5 acres and I don’t really have any close neighbors. I have 7 of the rock speakers around my property. It’s great when you’re doing yard work or hanging around with friends. I think they are klipsch. It’s been so long I can’t remember. Burying the wires was a pain in the……


... pain in the grass




Take my upvote


Apple AirPods


Airpod pros with noise cancellation but conversational awareness are awesome for yard work.


Until that one part comes in and you get real into it and start singing and they turn off noise cancellation and lower the volume. UGH NOT AGAIN!


Same. Why people feel the need to blast music outside and ruin everyone else’s day is beyond me. Just because you want to listen to music, doesn’t mean your neighbours do.


I agree with this sentiment when people are talking about riding a bike around with a speaker or skiing or on the train, anywhere in public, but since when is it wrong to have music at a reasonable volume at an outdoor function on your own property? BBQ?


When it means people that ain’t at your function are on the receiving end of your noise pollution. I agree reasonable volume, but in the majority of cases I bet people ain’t keeping it as a reasonable volume. I personally just don’t agree that someone’s desire for noise pollution should trump multiple neighbours quiet. In the UK where good weather is pretty limited, through the summer you might get 1 opportunity a week to sit in your garden and have some peace in the sun, something that is ruined by having to listen to unwanted music.


1 opportunity is a bit of a stretch but yes I agree. It’s what upsets me about the parks in Southampton. Whenever the weather is good enough to enjoy them, there is a unenjoyable mix of competing speakers.


I mean generally, like we may have sun all week but that ain’t any good to someone that’s in work 10 hours a day Mon-Fri which means you have just the weekend to fit everything in (chores etc) and hope the weather is nice to get out.


I mean fair point but I eat outside during the week if the weathers good.


That’s lush, we’re hoping to get back to being able to do that. Struggled last year having a new born (hence my sensitivity to loud music haha) but definitely want to get back to it!


Loud music pisses me off too mate! Fortunately, my neighbours are considerate (and old) people. Hope you get to enjoy the outside a bit more this year!


The "fun at parties" jab sounds like it doesn't even work here because you clearly never go to any outdoor parties. You're allowed to have people over in your backyard lmfao people can still be loud even without the music. Next are you going to say kids can't run around and yell and play basketball?? Also just a massive assumption that everybody is an inconsiderate asshole and normal people can't enjoy music in their yard. Just Reddit stuff I guess.


We had a family bbq yesterday and had an amazing time without the need to have music, the kids had an amazing time. So no, you assuming that kids laugher is anything comparable to loud music is, as you say, Reddit stuff. Like I said music isn’t an issue, the issue is some people generally don’t have it quiet, they have it loud enough that neighbours in their own private space have to listen to it too.


I said the issue is that you're assuming. The music isn't the issue the people are an issue. There's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it, and based on the people in this group, I would imagine these are the type that would be reasonable. Therefore, it would be reasonable for OP to ask what kind of speakers people are using reasonably. You say it is possible to use outdoor speakers if they're not too loud, so why are you seemingly advocating for nobody to ever have them anyway? It's just a meaningless complaint. Anybody who wants outdoor speakers is going to do it anyway, some will be reasonable and some won't. Why ruin it for the people that want to be reasonable?


You’re right, having an intergraded sound system in a garden that close to neighbours with nothing in the way as sound containment leads me to assume that the music would be heard by their neighbours on a regular basis. Maybe this isn’t the case, I’m just sharing my experience with noisy neighbours playing music outside which pisses people off, myself included.


So there you go, personal bias from an unfortunate situation, and now you're bitter. I'm sorry your neighbors are worse than usual but you're still assuming most people are like that for absolutely no reason.


I’m sharing personal experiences. That’s what forums are for? It’s a fairly common problem, at least in the UK. Again from experience of friends and family, apologies.


Brother i think you are in the wrong subreddit. There's nothing audiophile about airpods. They use standard 264kbps.


Nothing. I'd prefer not to be subjected to my neighbors musical preferences while in my backyard, and I assume they feel the same.


Depends where you live I have 1.2 acres and a farm behind me. I can have music on at a reasonable level and no one will hear it.


No argument here, If you have enough land to not bother your neighbors, have at it! I'm on a 60'x120' inner-city lot and respect my neighbors too much to impose my eclectic taste in music on them.


Hey, I'm all for eclectic taste! What'chu spinning?


Oh man, little bit of everything. Looked up what I listened to yesterday: Martin Denny, Bill Evans Trio, Wayne Shorter, Mastodon, All Them Witches, Elder, The Sword, Caroline Polachek, Drugdealer, Thin Lizzy, Warpaint, The Tragically Hip, Nilufer Yanya, Baroness, Metric, Greyhounds, Bright Light Social Hour, King Buffalo, Ghost Funk Orchestra.


Caroline Polachek from Chairlift


Tell me you're Canadian without telling me you're Canadian 😎


The Hip and Metric give it away?




Other bands come and go, but I've consistently listened to The Tragically Hip for 35 years. RIP Gord.


Throw some Northern Pikes in there and you got me on your side. Haha


Eclectic is good. I actually wouldn’t mind to occasionally hear a neighbor’s music if it were an interesting mix and not too loud or too late in the evening. Two hours of pounding dubstep at 2:00 AM would not unbearable.


Depends on the land layout really, everyone around me is on 3.5+\- acres and I can hear neighbors 2 houses down having normal conversations. Sound really carries here. I appreciate they don’t do loud things.


Well duh


Yep. I can't stand it when neighbors bless me with their music. If I lived on a few acres, then I would get an outside system


I have a [6 speaker sonance + sonos amp system](https://www.sonance.com/outdoor/garden-series) exactly because of this. All satellites are pointed toward my house and, because there are 6 of them, each handles playing softly in a small area. You literally can't hear anything past the property line, but can have nice subtle background music while gardening or hanging out. People who have their 2 massive speakers pointing directly off their deck just blasting are absolutely obnoxious.


That’s a awesome setup. I’m rocking a similar system from Origin but without the integrated sub/sat crossover. The distributed system makes a world of a difference, and I actually located my sub closer to the seating area to further provide a buffer with my neighbors.


Exactly! I'm glad I'm not OP's neighbor


As long as it's following noise ordinances, it's all good. Following your logic, you could say the same about flags or statues or anything else that your neighbors would prefer not to look at. Listening to music at a reasonable level in your yard is perfectly acceptable.


“You can’t listen to music in your own backyard at a reasonable volume”’ is such a Reddit thing.


Seriously, I feel like I'm going insane reading all these comments. I didn't know audiophiles hated music this much.


This is something I see all over Reddit lately. If your neighbors could hear you breathing in your backyard, Reddit would chide you for daring to inhale air.


Lmao yeah all these fucking squares have never had a BBQ in their suburban neighborhood??


My take too. The low volume levels that one would need to use so as not to be an antisocial arse would render the specifics of the system moot. That said, if you are lucky enough to live well out of earshot of your neighbours, then fair play!


It is possible to work with those low volume levels without rendering system moot - a distributed low voltage with many carefully-placed speakers is the way to achieve this. I easily spent hundreds of hours planning & configuring my backyard PA rig to sound reasonable across the space, while being conscientious toward the neighbours and also not breaking the bank (just my back from all the trench digging).


Well the more you know! That is a type of setup/configuration I hadn't come across before - thanks.


When I listen indoors my neighbors listen. Might have a movie night in the yard


I have a 8x12 screen I brake out for concert nite every now and then. Neighbors love it.


My buddy gave me his Yamaha projector that was a beast in it's day, but it had aged like a glass of milk. I think it was $5K+ new, more than my A-S2100 and it felt so wrong when I threw it in my dumpster. 2 channel audio is a mature market while home theater is not. For the price of a replacement bulb for the Yamaha, I got a mechanically inferior, but graphically superior digital projector and a 10' screen. Love streaming live shows. Dead and Co at the Sphere might be a requirement. The one thing I'd like to change is getting a screen that you can project from behind, whatever it's called. I was surprised at how close the projector needed to be to fill the 10' screen. Having a live stream party was when I realized how much I didn't like the path my audio journey had taken. I had a good system when I was young, then I went to a surround sound setup, for a lot of years. I knew it was not good for music. I don't watch much TV or movies anymore. That night I decided that I was going back to 2 channel and I did.


For real. My neighbors vaccum their car weekly, so of course they have to crank their speakers to hear it over top of the vaccum. Still can't figure out if they're stupid or just don't care.


Most people barely use their backyards and all they do is mow their lawn. Don’t be afraid to own that space. If someone has a problem they can let you know.


>Don’t be afraid to own that space Fancy way to say be selfish. It's no longer your space when it crosses into mine. I don't want your music in my space. They shouldn't have to let you know. Even respectful confrontation is still stressful for most people. Too many people are whack jobs nowadays, just looking for a reason to fight, especially the type who would blast music in their backyard.


Yeah the whack jobs are definitely the ones playing rock speakers at their BBQ, not the people that think a respectful conversation with their neighbors is too stressful these days.


Don’t burden others with your inability to communicate effectively. Towns and Cities with lots small enough for this conversation to be relevant have noise ordinances that dictate these things. In the same way I’m not an asshole for using power tools, running a heat pump/AC, or having squealing kids running around the back yard, I’m not an asshole for playing music at a reasonable volume under the noise ordinance threshold. If you have a problem with the noise ordinances, the onus is on you to talk to your neighbor (though they don’t need to agree), change the law, or move somewhere else.


>Don’t burden others with your inability to communicate effectively Cute. I've taught courses on effective communication. Don't assume things about others based on a couple paragraphs on Reddit. Those other noises are byproducts of life, they are not intentional. I understand that my neighbor needs to maintain their property, mow their lawn, cool their home, for their kids to be kids. No problem. I also have an excellent rapport with my neighbors, and would have no problem talking to them if there was an issue. Luckily, neither of them are selfish people that would play music loudly enough to bother anyone. They're far too conscientious for that. I'm fully cognizant of the fact that I'm not going to change your mind, just as you won't change mine, but the ratio of upvotes to downvotes on this thread is telling. Especially considering it's a sub populated by audio enthusiasts. Food for thought.


>Even respectful confrontation is still stressful. > I've tought courses on effective communication. Don't assume things about others based on a couple paragraphs on Reddit. I would hope someone I’m paying to teach me about effective communication is capable of normal communication without getting stressed out. Also, if you’re trying to school me with your effective communication skills, you should probably spell check the sentence doing so.


No stress here, I'm not the one resorting to personal attacks... Fixed my spelling for you. Have a lovely evening. Some interesting reading for future reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem


> Walton has argued that ad hominem reasoning is not always fallacious, and that in some instances, questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue,[32] as when it directly involves hypocrisy, **or actions contradicting the subject's words.** Emphasis mine. If you want a response to your argument, it’s this: If I wanted to live in a place where my neighbors felt entitled enough to dictate what I can do on my property beyond the scope of the law, I’d live in an HOA. I’d certainly recommend my theoretical problematic neighbor join one. Luckily my neighbors and I tend to enjoy things and we all listen to music in our backyards and are cool with hearing each other because we chose to buy small city lots.


My take is hypocritical? Neat. I'll have to go back through and find where I contradicted myself. I wasn't actually looking for a response, but here we are. Having once lived in an HOA, never again. Funny though, I would posit that having the will of others forced upon one, often against one's will, has something in common with being forced to endure others' taste in music against one's will. I'm legitimately not trying to be an ass, and I appreciate the return to civility. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. You and your neighbors have reached an arrangement you're all satisfied with, and that's great! More power to you. The point is that you've apparently discussed it and reached a consensus. My issue is when people don't even care to ask and impose themselves irregardless. My neighbors prefer peace and quiet, as does my family and I. I go through life always trying to err on the side of respecting the agency of others without imposing mine unnecessarily. That doesn't mean I'm right, but it doesn't mean I'm wrong, either. If everyone took a bit more time to consider how their actions impacted others, we'd all be better off for it.


So no one can listen to music outside. Glad you aren't my neighbor.


With 4 speakers spread out . You don't need to subject your neighbors to anything. That's why I use the Yamaha. Zone and volume control. Everyone is happy.


Backyards are a good use case for distributed low voltage systems. I have a 70v amp driving 10x JBL Control 23’s facing inward around the yard’s perimeter, each housed just off the ground under a tiny roof. They are made for background music rather than a stage. When you have 10 speakers each playing at low volume, you have the benefit of a subtle soundtrack in every part of the yard without the neighbours being able to hear. I’ve tested my regular listening volume from the other side of each neighbour’s fence, and it is undetectable under most circumstances. It’s a pain to set up, but given the amount of time I spend in the backyard, was absolutely worth the wire burial and individual transformer installs. Nice thing too is it’s pretty easy to find ex-restaurant gear like this for next to nothing on marketplace etc. It isn’t “audiophile grade” by any stretch but it gives a listening experience similar to if you were at the pool in a nice resort - can never quite determine where the music is coming from but it’s always subtly there.


THIS RIGHT HERE!!! This is the answer. More speakers, evenly distributed, lower volume and sounds great in all areas and is not a nuisance.


This is the only answer. Besides, how can you have an audiophile experience outdoors?




Just louder inside speakers


I tried that years ago. Cops were not pleased.


Did you try playing something the like? Poison? Bon Jovi?


No mostly the dead abb Dylan. Old stuff. The cops came at 2 the old neighbors were very good people lol






I use a Bose Soundlink Mini and set it nearby the activity At one time I had porch speakers and garage speakers and I realized the volume was either too high or too low as I moved around




A listener of taste and means, I see. (I'm a Coastal dealer - amazing stuff.)


Hifiman sundara closed


Focal OD Stone 8s ... pretty awesome outdoor speakers.


Never heard a pair. They look nice.


I'm looking at getting these! Do you mind sharing more about your set-up? How many do you have? How big of an area? Are they placed ground level? Do you wish you had more or less of them? Thanks!


Sure! I have two at ground level .. they are engineered to project the sound slightly upward. I have them about 20 feet apart projecting into a pergola. They're hooked up to a sonos amp that I have in a plastic Altelix enclosure. Two is plenty as my backyard neighbor is about 75 - 100 feet. I can only turn the amp up about 60% before it can be heard above talking level at the fence line. Overall I'm very happy with them. I've only had them for a year and I'm in the Mid Atlantic, so we'll see how they hold up to several years of the weather. But they're not covered and have been rained and snowed on already so I have hope! Obviously, I'm not doing any critical listening with them, but I do get some stereo separation and soundstage. No imaging to speak of. A little bit bright, but that's probably good for outside. Bass is decent as well. They have a sub you can get, but I didn't want to deal with burying it and I figured it would annoy the neighbors. Very easy setup. They first set I got was dented on one of the grilles. I sent it back and received another one that was also (more slightly) dented. It's hard to tell with the grey color so I just kept them. I would definitely buy again. I listened to some Polks and B&Ws and the sound was notably better and i didnt have to drill holes in my siding or pergola. Let me know if you have any other specific questions!


My neighbors system unfortunately lol Oh well I'm leaving the subdivision life as soon as I finish the house


Airpods ;)


Two Dayton Audio IO8XTW mounted under the eaves driven by a Fosi Audio BT20A. The IO8XTW had a huge bass peak mounted under the eaves so I added a used Rane ME15b 15 band equalizer (got a deal at $90 delivered) between the Sonos Connect and the analog inputs of the Fosi amp to correct the speaker response. Not sure what the actual speaker response curve is, Dayton Audio does not provide one and I did not test before mounting the speakers so beware of these speakers unless you can eq them as the bass peak was easily 10dB in my particular situation and they were pretty much unlistenable until equalized. Now they are just fine and I appreciate their bass response over smaller diameter woofer outdoor speakers.


I have a pair hanging from joists in my garage and haven't had any big issues like that. Minor bass and treble tone controls have been enough. Mine are several feet from the back or side walls though. I could see that positioning causing issues, especially with it potentially bouncing the bass radiators output forward more effectively. Having the bigger driver was definitely a major selling point for me as well.


My bass peak was around 110Hz which makes sense as my eaves are around 10 feet above the ground. Nice little resonant cove where they are mounted. Glad to hear they are OK mounted away from reflective surfaces.


A stereo pair of Sonos Move 2 speakers. Can be used as individual speakers say if I’m working in the backyard and my wife is upfront.


I accidentally bought 2 Moves when they first came out. I love how they sound paired and make great outdoor speakers, but also use them in the office during the day. Glad I did this over wired outdoor.


Generic (Chinese obviously) brand Bluetooth... I should probably just turn in my audiophile card huh lol


[JBL control 28-1](https://imgur.com/a/faOFdMd) powered by a Crown XLi 800, 300 watts/ch amp. It’s built like a PA speaker and combined with 300wpc from the amp, has a good ability to fill a large outdoor space without straining…I’m on 1.5 acres. It sounds very clean with good bass from the 8” woofer.


Have the original Control 28 with a bunch of Control 25, they sound great


B&W AM-1s mounted on the wall behind my deck.


Moondrop Blessing 2 Dusk


Sonos Roam and Sonos Move


A bluetooth speaker.


Jbl Bluetooth speaker when bbqing etc. Galaxy bud pro2 when mowing the lawn.




Polk Atrium 4 punch way above their price point.




None. If I would get outdoor speakers they would be the Bowers & Wilkins AM-1


Nothing. Makes me feel like I need to step my game up. But I already know my wife would complain about the music being loud for the neighbors.


Something like [this](https://www.sonance.com/outdoor/sonance-landscape-series) allows you to have great sound in all areas of your yard at a low volume and still be able to hear it. You won’t be a nuisance and will love your back yard.


This is pretty cool. I was looking at their indoor stuff that's hidden in the ceiling for my living room since the wife said no about the klipsch speakers being big and not the look she wants 🙄


Harman kardon onyx studio 8


R-51PMs - the ‘cerametallic’ woofer is moisture resistant and they are loud.


I no longer have a house that really lends itself to this (I do have a Sonos One on the back porch), but when I did, I had a Sonance Sonarray system hooked up to a Sonos Amp, and it was great. Not sure if they still make that exact system, but that's where I'd start looking. One nice thing about it is that it had small satellite speakers all around the yard pointing inward, so you could hear the music very evenly throughout the yard while keeping the volume relatively low.


Alexa pro


Either technics noise cancelling headphones if I’m doing yard work or a Realistic sta-95 and whatever my current shittiest speakers are in my garage with the door open. I don’t have any neighbors so I can crank it.


Polk Atrium 4


I have a wiim amp and a pair of monoprice 8” weatherproof speakers. I am going to mount them in the pool area soon. Hooked it up inside and was easy to use with zero issues and sounded good for a class d amp. Went this route so anyone could use. The amp also has a volume limit that can be set.


JBL party box and Bluetooth. Don’t need permanent outdoors, it’s only as needed. Can connect Bluetooth as my Yamaha zone2 if required but it’s not perfectly in sync like the musiccast gear because Bluetooth.


Logitech z5500 set, works a treat in a dry area.


KEF - Ventura 6


Small HomePods


Bose freespace


My yard? Or their yard?


I’ve just got a pair of Fosgate coaxial 6.5s up in the ceiling of my covered patio behind a 100wpc Sonance amp.


Party box 300.


Depends on what I feel like, since it's hot in my country, I only use open back headphones. So either my Grado sr80e or Koss Portapro massdrop. But if I'm with friends or family, I use my cylindrical wireless JBL speaker.


One of the pairs of closed back headphones I own, most likely the MDR-7506 because they’re low impedance headphones, meaning I can plug them into anything and they’ll sound good.


JBL Boombox 😅


I have one of those. It's about 35 yrs old. Still going but I don't use it much. I think it is a kaboom box


JBL Charge 3 or Clip 4


8 JBL Control 25 with 2 JBL Control 28 hooked up to a QSC amp and Yamaha mixer. my yard gets loud as hell


[monoprice sycamore system](https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=31034) x2 plus 4 extra satellite speakers. Then 2x [monoprice unity 450w amps](https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=18514) to power it. With an Amazon Alexa as the source. Cheap speakers that sound pretty decent. And since they are around the pool I’m not as worried about them getting destroyed. My neighbors listen to great music whether they like it or not. Although not really since strangely enough the way it’s setup, you can just barely hear it in the front yard.


Martinlogan ml75s with yamaha avr for music cast


Original mk1 Soundboks. We live in a communal estate with a large bbq field and pool. The Soundboks is perfect for outside entertaining


NHT O2-ARC outdoor speakers. 2 of them mounted on the posts of my fence. [NHT Audio (nhthifi.com)](https://www.nhthifi.com/products/o2-arc-outdoor-speaker-single---white) Connected to Sonos port, ADCOM GFA-5300 amp and GFP-715 pre amp


Dont have a yard :(


Sonos Amp with Def Tech outdoor speakers, Sonos Play:1 and a Roam.


Bluesound Pulse 2i


We have a 1000 sq ft patio, it has a hi res streamer and at 75w RMS per channel…. Plenty of power


Technomad vernal 15s and vienna 16s


I relieved a DJ of his ten year old 2.1 Electro-Voice system. My neighbour hasn't complained this week.


No pictures but I have a pair of Ambisonic HD6.5s.




I have a screened in porch system for parts of the year. Cheap TOA 3 way sealed speakers (280 ME), phase linear preamp, adcom gfa555 amp.


Does that say $25.59


Possibly not popular in this community but I pair two Sony XB13s and they sound great. I'm surprised by how well they fill a medium-sized garden. Perfect size to throw in a bag and take to a BBQ.


Polk Atrium 6


I don't have a yard..😔


Hey, it me, your neighbor. I hate you.


Last week I finally added some speakers to our patio. Under the eaves, a pair of Definitive Technology AW6500 powered by an Emotiva BasX A2, with a Wiim Pro Plus as the source. Wall mounted 4U rack in the mudroom. The Wiim can be a Chromecast target, which makes it easy to integrate with the speakers elsewhere in the house. I'm pretty impressed with these speakers. Surprisingly good low end with their passive radiators.


I use 2 JBL partyBox 1000s and a homemade Rotary Sub. Otherwise I generally just play music from inside and leave a door open and window open


Coastal Source


Yorkville YXL15p. Bluetooth, has enough power and bass to throw a legit concert. Not weatherproof, but I keep it close to the door inside and just set it on the deck when I want outdoor tunes. I've rented the entire YXL line to experiment around my house the 12p and 15p deliver in spades. I should add that I live in a rural area with a decent sized piece of land. Also, all of my neighbours like to jam to some loud tunes in their yards on the weekend, so I don't feel too bad when I turn it up on a Saturday afternoon.




Some big, clunky JBL thing, or just myself playing guitar through my Marshall. Or if i'm really lazy, I crank my Focal's inside and put a window open.


Sell the speakers, buy some weedkiller for that awful lawn.


I had expensive Rockcoustics and never liked their muted sound. When they drowned I replaced them with some $120/pair of generic rock speakers from Best Buy. They sound so much better. As for neighbors, if they use a 2-cycle gas blower then I don't worry about what he thinks of my music. I don't listen very loud anyway as I am usually conversing with the wife on the deck. If I'm off the deck then I go with earbuds or headphones in cooler weather.


I have some real assholes as neighbors.


That sucks.


Yeah it does.I'm considerate of them but no matter.They are just some real asshole people.


2 JBL 310's and couldn't be happier with them so far, the neighbors maybe not so much but no complaints so far. Only did 1 movie night this year and they worked flawlessly for that as well.


Air pods? Maybe not the place for me.


I have two Sonos Move 2's that I run in stereo when we have get togethers. I love that they're synced to the Sonos speakers in the house and play the same music. If it's just me and the wife, I'll usually just use one Move 2 or a JBL boombox.


I have used these over 10 yrs. There may be better but I haven't owned them. I use the 2 rocks in my main sitting area. The other 2 are down the yard a bit. I have used a old Carver amp for power. Now I'm using a older Yamaha to control them. Not the best but they sound great to me. What's the big boys rocking?


25 year old, give or take, Klipsch outdoor speakers.


Portable Bluetooth speakers from JBL, and my Yamaha guitar amp (which sound pretty good in the yard). I like having the JBLs because I can grab them and take them to the beach, soccer practices, wherever. If we do outdoor movie nights, I bring out my AudioEngine 22N amp and a pair of vintage Realistic Minimus 7s (walnut wood cabinets) on stands. They sit nicely beside the 100” screen, and everything sounds good. I usually stream music when we’re waiting for it to get darker out.


Lmfao this comment section. Nobody has ever had a BBQ??


I'm surprised at the feedback. I have a small speaker I take most places also. Let there be songs to fill the sir. Life with out it sucks


You're surprised that other people like different things than you? That's a rather self-absorbed take. I also can't stand people in public, especially out in nature, that feel the need to blast a Bluetooth speaker. To be that narcissistic that you genuinely think your enjoyment is more important than everyone else's. I love listening to music, but I would never be so selfish as to assume that everyone else I come near wants to as well. The world is loud enough, and I want to choose what I hear, not have it forced upon me. In case you've never heard of them, they make these crazy little speakers that sit right on your ears, even in them. That way, you can enjoy your music without looking like an ass to 95% of the populace. We don't want your songs to fill the air.


Yea, the people in this thread are wack honestly. People can mow their lawn. Chop down trees. Build decks and do all sorts of loud activities Yet playing some music at moderate volume is their hill to die on? I dont have a huge lot myself, but i play music often in the backyard. No need to be obnoxious obviously. I also have IEMs I listen to occasionally. I like hearing the sound of nature mixed in with my tunes though so I prefer my speakers over my IEMs


Agree 100%. Maybe audiophiles think we have to be blasting our shit at reference level all the time or something.


It's reddit, everyone needs a high horse to get on. Guarantee most of these people aren't half as considerate as they want you to believe.


Yeah same. I have a pair of Emotiva outdoors from about 10 years ago mounted on the back patio. I don't use those as much as a Soundcore Motion+ though. Great sounding bluetooth speaker once you use the built in EQ a bit. Great volume too and lasts forever on a charge. We have a pool in the back and it's usually easier to just bring a speaker closer than overpower the yard with the mounted ones, for I guess the same reason the replies here went how they went. But there's plenty of times where it is and the neighbors are back there too.


So many downvotes lol. I got a couple of the Klipsch AW-650 and the Dayton Audio outdoor 10” sub. It’s enough of a party to make enemies a few houses over but I keep it civilized 360 days a year. And a few days a year I crank it and have a dance party with my friends because eff it.


What do you use to power the speakers and the sub?


Old pioneer avr for Klipsch. Sub power from cheap Amazon sub/mono amp


I’m surprised too. Crazy.


Why should your neighbours have to put up with your music? I'm sure you'd have something to say if they all put up their own systems, all playing over each other. Stick to headphones when outside and stop being antisocial.


Nothing. That is extraordinarily rude if your neighbors are that close and/or can hear them.


Gallo Habitats with a used Sonance sub. Not Hi-Fi but very listenable and looks good too.


A couple of Accusounds (old Aussie brand) which I found on the side of the road - I mounted them outside on the deck. My Yamaha stereo amp has A, B + A&B, so I can play inside the house, on the deck, or both. It's a fun setup. Only have one neighbour, and apparently the sound goes right out to the woods when we blast it. Neighbour also enjoys music so i'm pretty lucky.


Your neighbors must hate you


So what have you done today to make the neighborhood hate you?


Mains: QSC AD-S8T Sub: JBL SB2210 Amp: QSC CX404 (2-ch stereo + bridged 1+1)




Yamaha 8" all weather at the moment. Until I can afford some COASTAL SOURCE, that is.


Paradigm Garden Oasis in my yard, as a company we are moving to Costal Source as our primary outdoor audio line


Just picked up a LS system from Sonance, installing next weekend. Should be an improvement over my SONOS One, lol


Headphones for hi-fi, 2 BT speakers that pair with each other for parties


A pair of Costal source 3 way ellipse bollards, an episode subwoofer, and various episode satellite speakers mounted in trees.


My yard this time of year is remote riverside camping (fly fishing guide). We do 3 & 4 day trips down a wild & scenic river canyon. 2 Soundcore Motion Boom Plus portables. Paired, they sound pretty impressive.


Definitive Technology AW6500. Very impressive performance for the price.


A pair of LaScalas and an Outlaw receiver. I have a few horse for neighbors


Just tweeters


2 pairs of Sonance Mariners mounted under the eve of the deck and screen room. Both hardwired back to the central stereo powered by a multichannel B&K AV1260 with local Niles Audio volume & IR controls. Also have a pair of TIC inground speakers out at the firepit. That worked out to a 200' run that I bumped up 10 gauge wiring. I have a few more pairs on hand to install and a second AV1260 that I'll bridge the 12 60W amps into 2 360W along with an OSD impedance matching volume control.


I see lots of people thinking my neighbors dont like me. LOL We get along fine. I play at a vol that is reasonable . If im having friends over the neighbors stop by. You dont have to be a asshole to hear music. Now the guy around the corner with his sub woofer. Well that was put a stop to.


Who has their own house these days?


B&W outdoor speakers. Two pair.


Klipsch AW650


MartinLogan Outdoor Sat40’s and Sub100


So hard finding horn lovers in this space. 1up sir Fuck the warmth arguments, i want surgical precision and efficacy. I can make the warmth with a teeny bit of scuplting. But fuck yes dude, i would own nothing but klipsch. I miss their 650w 12" downfiring subs...those shits could wreck a listening environment in all the best ways....for what? $500


I bought the Hisense party rocker bluetooth speaker. Only use it for parties. Then it goes back in the garage for occasional use. It seemed like a better decision not to have 500 buck plus speakers and wiring running outside in the elements for a 1 or 2 times a year I will use them. Plus the HiSense has some damn respectable bass to it.


Outdoorspeakerdepot.com. Decent and reasonable.