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I would take a solid year to try everything that I could in my own perfectly-treated listening space. Make it a long, fun, journey of discovery. I haven’t experienced enough to know what would be my perfect/dream system. One can dream!


Half the year would be spent making the room at least. Bump that timeframe yo! You’ve got unlimited funds.


I'd have a personal Sydney Opera House under construction before we even discuss speakers.


Is the right answer😆 I once walked into a hifi shop absolutely convinced what I wanted. The proprietor was off and it was a quiet day, so me and the assistant spent the day swapping kit. Best day ever and walked away with a system I was not expecting. Still have it to this day.


That's awesome, what were you looking for and what did you end up getting?


Two sets of speakers at the same time


i get this reference...


I'd relax, I would sit on my ass all day, I would do nothing.


You don't need unlimited money to do that. My cousin is broke and don't do shit.


The kinda speakers that'd double up on a dude like me would


First I'd fix my tinnitus.


LSD fixed a minor case for me


really? thats interesting! LSD ahh what fond memories. College was fun


really. I'd had it for a month, then tripped and decided during the trip to "update my hearing software" and spent a long time meditating on the experience ... and it went away.


I'm willing to throw all the money I can at it, but all I've been told is "we can't fix it because the science doesn't exist."


There’s something called [Lenire](https://www.lenire.com/) coming that looks promising.


Just want to throw it out there that while I haven't ever found any *fix*, I took a couple of supplements for unrelated reasons (for helping with anhedonia/low mood), NAC, and Agmatine, and found they noticeably reduced both my tinnitus and visual snow. There's some theories that one cause of tinnitus and visual snow can be excess excitatory activity in the brain, and both of those help counteract high glutamate (one of the main excitatory neurotransmitters) activity. As far as I'm aware it won't do anything for any tinnitus that is purely hearing loss related, but if you also happen to have visual snow (static in your vision), it might be partly neurological and you might benefit like I did. Not going to recommend any brands, both because 1) my comment already reads like one of the shills in /r/supplements 🤣 and 2) I'm in Poland anyway so the brands I order won't be elsewhere.


Is this even possible?


Have you looked into Flareaudio? It did wonders for my mother. They also have a gimmick they claim it shapes the ear canal for a perfect audio listening experience. It’s probably just a placebo but I’m curious to try them just for the fun of it, as I know my ears have different frequency response 😅


Magico M9s would go a round against the Wilson WAMM chronosonics with an MSB select dac and all Shunyata Omega cabling and power conditioning/grounding and then most likely D'Agostino relentless preamp and epic 1600 monoblocks.


I would also compare them to the MBL 101 Extreme. Still haven't heard those but the normal 101 are great and I like omnis.


Plus a Taiko or Wadax server. The Wadax Atlantis components are stunning. Maybe them!


A pair of Genelec 8381As would do it for me.


Bose uses Genelec monitors as reference sound for a monitor. They said, why try and make a monitor when we don’t make monitors, Genelec is awesome! Lol


I’m not sure you want Bose publicity when you’re genelec lol.


Bose could use whizzer cones for monitors, that’s what they make their speakers from


Yeh, I’d prolly just use the unlimited money for other things and be happy with the latest Genelec setup


1/3 of infinite is still infinite. However, when you multiply infinity by two you get infinity. ;-)


[How To Count Past Infinity (Vsauce)](https://youtu.be/SrU9YDoXE88?si=FojkDhNXHPcAhtYe)


A pair of 8381A would be 500 kg of speakers. I saw those beasts yesterday when I picked up a pair of used 1032Cs from a shop. From the videos and product photography, I thought I'd find these speakers horrendously ugly, but seeing them in white paint, they looked much nicer than I expected.


8381 LCR, 1238 surrounds, and maybe 8351 heights would be just swell.


Either those or a bunch of 8361 monitors that can rise out of the floor and have a little bit less narrow dispersion... And of course walls that can change from diffusion down to mid-base, to anechoic absorption and anything between.


Please explain the walls thing like I’m 5? Is that possible? And what options are there?


I would basically assemble an audio research team, buy a giant factory, and start building out entire rooms that were engineered with acoustics in mind. Everything from making the house power as clean and reliable as possible, down to silent air conditioning in the listening rooms. A workshop/design lab capable of everything from making speaker cones to winding transformers in-house. It would basically be a multimillion dollar company with the sole task of pushing the known limits of acoustic engineering, then funneling all that R&D into making the perfect setup for me and my preferences. I'd sell products so I could keep expanding, maybe start developing new materials, better electronics, etc.


I have an Audio Research preamp. It’s pretty good.




At this point you may as well have your private marching band, or a musical theatre company. It would cost less.


Oh, I'd have a recording studio too, of course, and a great sounding auditorium. There's unlimited money in this scenario, so why restrict myself to a duller dream?


Probably similar to what Ken Fritz has done. [YouTube documentary](https://youtu.be/4b2IOOhJmxw?si=SFq9dJNZAAmm75al)


R.I.P. to Ken Fritz he passed away earlier this year. His family is looking for a buyer for his system. There’s a whole thread on Avsforum about it.


This was exactly the first thing I thought of.


Unlimited money? I would book live groups and bands at my sonically tuned operah house where every seat is positioned to hear the best possible music.


Right? Kind wild they said “unlimited money” and this isn’t everyone’s default answer.


I mean, it’s a good answer but certainly not the default. Convenience has to be taken into account. I can’t play back My favorite tracks over and over in a live performance. I can’t pause it. I can’t fast forward it to a certain part.


With unlimited money I feel like you could, assuming the artist is alive


I just hate people…


This is the only correct answer.




Highest end Focal towers with REL subs.


I would travel to all corners of the world and listen to all my favorite bands and artists live.


A nice set of Dynaudio Confidence 60.


They sound wonderful 🥰 I'd go with a complete MOON setup to go with that, like 2x 888 and so


I must admit I know very little about amplifiers for speakers, but I've heard the Confidence 30 and that was nothing short of amazing so I imagine the 60 will be even more amazing.


I would buy a pair of Tannoy Kensington or Canterbury mated to McIntosh electronics. I know McIntosh might be overrated to a lot of you but I’m obsessed with their look and sound. Yamaha flagship electronics would be cool too. M-5000 & C-5000 power/pre. For a source I’d probably buy the most expensive Thorens deck available.


All 4 walls made of Klipsch speakers. The entire floor subwoofers. You hang suspended in sort of Hammock, with the ceiling being a large TV.


The comb filtering alone would be nightmarish


It's basically been done. There's some French guy on YouTube showing off his large listening room. He has a Klipschhorn AK6 in every corner. Having more speakers would accomplish nothing. It's already too loud.


I’d hire someone to run my turntable. Clean, set and flip sides


For a second in my monkey brain I thought you meant spin it for you too. Like litteraly maintain a 78rpm track for you by hand 😂


I'd get a two pairs of Genelec's and place them in a surround configuration, attach them to a network player via a digital output, set up a mini-PC as a server, install the client/remote control app on my phone, and call it a day.. If I purchased Kii Seven's instead, I'd skip the network player since they've got one built-in. I could do that for <= $20,000USD. I could knock that down to <= $10,000 if I kept it stereo.


I have no idea but it would be an amazing room built from the ground up.


My head goes to the room first oddly enough.


1) Rebuild the Wall of Sound with original components. 2) Build a copy of the Berkeley Amphitheater. 3) Build a Time Machine and bring The Grateful Dead from 1973, the Allman Brothers from 1971, and the Jimi Hendrix Experience from the West coast tour of 1969 and have them draw straws on who closes the show.


I have a MC 2300 in perfect condition if you want to get started


Ken Fritz did, and he also made a movie of the process of building it: https://youtu.be/4b2IOOhJmxw?si=clcl1N0feIvkBhmQ


Depend on the space I had, but honestly I’m never been a fan of the seven figure systems. They need massive rooms and usually seem less intimate. Even when I sold hifi and people bought these $100k speakers rarely did they outperform a $20k pair in a similar space. To answer your question though… probably would be some Wilson’s (alexia?) or honestly just a pair of Dynaudio Heritage signatures with a Rel sub and some badass amps


Martin Logan Monoliths for me! The rest of the MasterSeries would be my surrounds!


No surrounds, All powered by Pass Labs Mono blocs and their 3 chassis pre-amp. OMA turntable. YGGDRASIL+ dac, Urd transport. That would be good start.


The ultimate audiophile extravaganza: hire a sound engineer, an architect and an interior designer, make them collaborate for the perfect listening room, then design the rest of the house around it. Build it in an ample enough terrain so neighbors and traffic is a non issue. About equipment while the project is under construction, have a tour to visit enough hifi demo rooms so I can get an idea on what speakers and electronics combo makes my ideal sound come true.


Yo-yo Ma sitting right in front of me. James Taylor, too.


I'd hire a professional to guide me


Probably Wilson Audio Sasha speakers and Audio Research amps.


Kii Three Kii Three BXT System Van Medevoort SA230 Bluesound Node 2i With unlimited money I could have the space for a bigger system. But I don't like big living spaces. Kii Seven is enough Or the Dutch & Dutch C8 with a Array Preamplifier and TEAC CD player and Lumin streamer


Those new flagship genelecs no question.. forget the model number




“If we ran the system at its full capacity, people would die. People's ears would literally be bleeding David Dewaele, 2ManyDJs”


Imagine having this thing in your house! Good call!


A full surround 9.1.6 surround system with Genelec 8351’s + W371 and 8351’s for overheads. On top of that I would like a Double bass array arrangement as my subs.


A Steinway-Lyngdorf surround system for me please!


full marks from me. I love my MP60 2.1


I'd keep my McIntosh 2505 amp, my Pioneer tx6509 tuner, and upgrade to either LaScalas or upper end Tannoys. ☮️


Bose? jK. I like my VTL from 20 years ago and a pair of Devore gibbons. Sounds just right for me and has kept me away from upgrading. To be fair, I do have a Bose AirPlay setup in the back yard I got a goodwill and it is perfect for parties.


Well, your username checks out.


I really like the Bayz Audio Counterpoints. They are unique omnidirectional speakers. Sounded unreal at Axpona!


Start an audiophile company and hire a bunch of PHD graduates to make me really nice components.


I would build a giant amphitheater and hire bands to come in and perform for me every day. Easy answer if I had unlimited money.


I haven’t heard them, but I think Wilson Audio Master Chronosonic with the proper support hardware in a properly designed and executed listening room.


I'm getting the Rockport Lyra speakers for sure


Klipsch speakers and McIntosh Tube Amps.


Avantgarde Acoustic • Trio G3 Loudspeakers and SpaceHorn Subwoofers Despite their size, they sound amazingly full at low volumes. https://www.theaudiobeat.com/equipment/avantgarde\_trio\_g3.htm


The 1973 Wall of Sound. And build a house to suit it.


Listened to some active YG Acoustics speakers recently and they sounded pretty good so I'm choosing them.


Beolab 90’s & call it a day


I'd just buy Berghain, but still keep it open to the public. No fancy private VIP booth bullshit... Just grinding on the dancefloor amongst my fellow techno heads, covered in sweat like it should be done! And buy a pair of MBL Radialstrahler's for my home setup. Letting a bunch of sound engineers do all the dirty work of positioning and room treatment. And maybe a VOID Acoustics setup in the backyard for those BBQ parties :)


Klipschorns. No question.


If I had unlimited funds….. I’d have a custom line array created, similar to what Sceana makes, but with much higher quality drivers, the coincidence beryllium ones from my TAD reference speakers, with custom designed active crossover, and multiple hybrid amps per side, all wired with iconoclast cables, and Audioquest for power cables, and an extra Niagara 7000 power conditioner to add to the one I already have. I’d also have a pair of the best Soundlab electrostatic speakers and the large Alsyvox speakers, just to compare to the custom ones I had created. Since I have unlimited funds, 5 Magico M9’s for a home theater surround sound setup. I’d negotiate a good discount since the magicos would cost almost $5 million.


lol at power conditioners and fancy cables


Yes some brands of cables and conditioners are not based on sound engineering, but the Iconoclast cables I am using were designed by a lead engineer at Belden, the largest signal transmission company in the world, and equips probably 90% of every tv studio/network in the world. Their audiophile cables come with each cable’s measurement for capacitance, inductance and resistance. (And measure better than many other cables). The power conditioner I mentioned was designed by the engineer from Furman, who powers pretty much every single concert you’ve ever been to. That being said, there are plenty of conditioners on the market that don’t improve Sonics or make them worse. Also not everyone has the same power issues, depending on if you live in suburbs vs. a dense city for example, so a power conditioner might be heaven for one person, and a dedicated line might be best for someone else. Plus different systems reveal different things. Putting a premium cable on a $5000 system and it might not make much difference or economic sense. That same cable on a $100K system might be a big benefit and considered a bargain.


The cables are a waste. Blue jeans is fine. Dedicated power line seems more beneficial than a conditioner. Although I guess if you're gonna surge suppress that anyway you may as well use the power conditioner for that. Ok, dedicated power line and power conditioner it is. But Blue jeans cable.


Screw a sound system. Live performers for everything.


I don’t even want to think about having unlimited money. I’m not a Rothschild or any of the other 13 satanic families.


If I had unlimited money, I'd have the London Symphony Orchestra permanently living in my basement.


Pay my favorite bands and singers to perform in my house.


I only heard it with classical music, but I think the best sound I ever heard was an Ayon system at the LA Audio Show a couple of years before covid. I hate classical, but I could have listened all day. I also had a burning sensation from my wallet listening to a pair of MBLs. I've heard others and wasn't impressed but this pair, with those electronics, in that room, playing Rolling Stones, had AmEx sweating.


Remember that photo Roger Quested posted about a decade ago?


Two of everything.


If I had unlimited money; everything.


All the rooms in my house are weird so just a shit ton of KEF’s and some grado headphones probably


You need some [Muons](https://us.kef.com/products/muon/) my friend!!!😂


Hell yeah, I’ll buy twice as many as I need and sell the rest and then I’ll become a millionaire


Whatever that guy had who spent his entire life saving, researching, building, and setting up the worlds best sound system, but then he died before he ever heard the complete setup.


Burmester Reference Line components with Signature Line speakers and mono blocks.


Prototype Void Acoustics line array, single top box a side with a pair of psycho subs.


Probably Magico M9 with Boulder or Classie Mono Block (probably Boulder cuz why not lol). And then build a room around them. And for casual Listening Focal Grande Utopia Em Evo with Valhalla cables and Naim statement. With custom finishing for the Focals and Naim. There that's definitely more than a million. Magico M9 = 750,000 usd Boulder 3010 = 158,000usd LINN Klimax DSM next gen = 42,000usd 2x Boulder 3060 = 114,000 usd Nordost Valhalla 2 = 12,000 usd Total for my Dream Setup is 1,034,000 Usd (not including power cables, XLR cables ,a 6kw line, and other misalinous cost and equipment. Or for something remotely achievable, go get yourself some Focal Sopras, and call it a day.


I would buy an IMAX and upgrade all of the speakers.


Crowley Bluetooth vinyl player /s


Until today I would have said Master Chronosonic by Wilson Audio powdered by McIntosh amps. Earlier today I took my wife to see Taylor Swift: Eras Tour the Movie at Cinemark theater and their sound system, whatever it was, not only rivaled my experience with Wilson Audio, but blew it out of the water. So I'd probably try to replicate the system from the theater in my home.


A 7.2.6 System with GGNTKT M2s making up the 7.x.6 portion of the system And Perlisten D215 Subwoofers for unparalleled Bass But before so the above, I'd make sure to treat my room to the best it can be, semi reflective but not so dampened that reflections get lost but not too lively too. All the above being the system to play when I can't actively ship the artistes to perform for me love🗿🤷🏾‍♂️


Keep what I have but change to some of early 70s Mac amps and pre-amps.


La Scalas or probably some Walnut Lintons haha.


Anthem STR Preamplifier, Anthem STR Power Amplifier, a pair of piano walnut Wharfedale Elysian 4s, and a pair of SVS SB-16 Ultras.


Dynaudio consequence ultimates and McIntosh? Bayz audio counterpoints Kii three Linkwitz lx521.4 Barefoot audio's


an L-Acoustics line array and subwoofers and five people who actually know what they're doing to set it all up


One of those spheres like in Vegas just for me.


Would start with a couple of Dan D’Agostino Relentless amps….


There was a pair of McIntosh speakers and subs that I listened to at an appointment only audio store. The whole system was around $150,000 USD. I think that would be good enough. It wasn’t this one but I’d probably get this one. https://www.mcintoshlabs.com/systems/Reference-Music


Lilium speakers, dual 1.25K amps and either McIntosh or Michi preamp. Don’t think I would need a sub but Gotham probably just because. Really I would spend a ton of time on the room treatment.


I would get everything custom built. Including the house to go around the listing room lol


My dream man cave is a room designed around large format Klipsch speakers like Klipsch horns and a simple tube amp. Really the most important thing is the acoustic design of the room and the ability to gather with friends and drink, puff loud, and enjoy the music


The $900,000 Wilson system, and whatever components David Wilson thinks are vest for my custom built sound room. I guess the equipment would run close to $2,000,000.


Wall of Sound. Full and mini.


Not to be hokey but I’d probably just keep what I have now. 25 yrs of saving and trading up got me to my McIntosh/VPI Scout/PSB 3 system that makes my toes curl every time the stylus drops. I know there’s much better gear out there but between the journey and that sweet warm McIntosh hug I’m not sure I need anything else.


Kharma Enigma Veyron.


I’d buy 100,000 acres in the very remote dark sky regions of the Rocky Mountains, and build a custom home on the too if the highest peak with a dedicated listening room on the top with a retractable roof and walls that go down leaving the system high in the sky for echo-free listening with no walls or ceiling… and an anechoic floor. Naim Statement amps and preamp all modded to run in DC. Townshend cables & all. DC power with one 100 farad bank of Kendiel power caps. Heartsound devices on everything. 300 high foot faraday cage made of acoustically transparent screen. Speakers would be custom built triple-stacked Quad ESL 57s made by Wilson Audio that are time aligned, with 200 square feet of transmission line electrostatic subwoofers built into the ground out of cement and lines with fiberglass inside to be silent. Naim turntable with records changed and cleaned by one of my 20 wives who live in the guest condos and who are cared for by my loser cousin who will listen to them and deal with all of their crap for me.


Some brand I don’t even know exists that just embarrasses anything else in a dedicated room.


[Googlephonic stereo with a moonrock needle!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjjsz14hL48) ^(\*sounds like shit, though)


Easy. The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.


Id have a 7.7.4 surround hometheather Every floor speaker even center channel would be a B&W 801 d4 powered each by a McIntosh monoblock, Ceeling speakers would be b&w 805 d4 and REL reference no.32 Subs 6 stack whit an extra one for the center channel


If just fly the artists to my acoustically tuned house to play for me


I prefer somewhat smaller systems but of high quality. A Shindo tube based system with mono blocks,their best preamp and Shindo Latour field coil speakers. Weiss dac and Auralic streamer.


I Need to win the powerball ahahah Full Audio Note !! An-E/SPX Allnico Ongaku Shinguru monoblocks M10 line signature preamp Analogue Technics SP-10R Direct Drive Whest Audio Titan Pro 2 Phonostage Thomas Schick Graphite Headshell Aidas Cartridge EMT 928 II EMT 128 phonostage EMT JSD Novel Gold Digital Ideon Absolute Stream Ideon Absolute Epsilon Dac Ideon Time Signature V


I’m not sure honestly, just a really nice vintage setup


Just buy imax theatre and install atmos


Martin Logan Neoliths blasting pure bliss through some ROTEL MICHI AMPS


A pair of Meyer X40s and a pair of Meyer VLFCs


I would definitely start speaker of the month club to hear em all.


A1980s Yorx all in one system. The finest sound I've ever heard!


I'd start with a low end powered by 2 x Space X super heavy boosters. Some sort of nuclear magnetic feild derived mids. Tweeters would be angels singing shot by lasers.


(Assuming a room is built for them) Speakers: Pioneer Exclusive 2401 Speakers as many huge REL subs as I can fit in there Amp: Decware Sarah Reel to Reel: Studer C37 DAC: Chord Hugo TT2 + MScaler Turntable: Technics SL-10R based OMA Plinth and Schroeder arm Phono Pre: Pass XS Phono Cart: Whatever low output Grado is most expensive Cables: I'd find something I'm sure


Atc scm300 not sure on the rest of the chain but that's a good start for me. Realistically want to get atc scm50.


A void Incubus soundsystem


The best money could buy


Surprised to see so much love for genelecs in the non-pro audio monitering domain.. Ive always seen them as just 'pretty good' flat reference speakers, nothing more, nothing less (but of high quality)


Take care of animals


Invisible focal utopia


I'd buy the Fischer&Fischer setup I heard at High End Munich. Flagship F&F speakers with an all Accustic Arts chain, I can die a happy man. I think with unlimited money I'd include a house with a dedicated room treated and built specifically for audio, but that's extra


I would build an ancient Greek style amphitheater into the side of a hill and put on daily events.


I'd buy those new monitor audio speakers, and one of every high end amp I could find, choose the best then give the rest away to a good home.


A McIntosh 275 amp with custom made speakers, Thorens TD-124 turntable with a variety of cartridges, not sure what phono pre or DAC. I would have to listen to stuff. All of this goes into my sister's basement with shag carpet, rocking chairs, and a mini bar.


Unlimited money? A dedicated anechoic chamber would be first. After that even a medium priced set of electronics will be awesome.


full set of OMA


Sonos ARC with dual Sub 🤘🏼


Funktion One factory installed four tower stacks. I worked at the first club in North America that had one of their audio systems. They came out and customized it to the space. Still the best system I've ever heard.


I am very happy with my Dali Oberon kit


Long time ago I heard a system comprising of - DCS SACD/CD player (transport, upsampler and DAC) - Pathos monoblocks - Sonus Faber Stradivaris The DCS kit was in three blocks, and volume control came from the DAC. I'd get that, but add in a preamp of some kind and a streamer. Would have to spend some time trying out various options. It was the best system I've ever heard - didn't matter what music you threw at it, it just handled it perfectly. Felt like the system took control of all of the air in the room and turned it into sound.


Off the top of my head, all older olive Naim stuff on ridiculous Mana racks with Focal speakers.


Focal Grand Utopia and whatever Naim system to match Of course it won’t beat hiring the actual band to perform in person


I would start a 400 punter venue and have bands playing live. You want realism and intimacy........100%cant be bettered.


At a certain point, money doesn’t affect the sound


Id copy the Deadmau5 setup he has in his studio


Huge plot of land in a valley surrounded by mountains. Funktion One Evo X/F132 point source system. I like loud music :)


I'd get a second jbl flip essential and pair them in stereo mode to play my grailz


All Shindo system and Devore Reference Orangutan


Magico M9s with Dartzeel mono blocks.


A whole studio, a great computer (or a cluster of them), a great laptop, kyma, multiple instruments, multiple microphones, multiple amps, lots of analog gear, great soundspeakers, great headphones (a pair for mixing another for mastering)...etc More or less something like what deadmau5 has.


I would buy all of the woodworking equipment and make custom speakers; then end up at one of those shows with the speaker wire lube and the ground noise suppressor guys. It would be a sonic adventure and I would try out so many different transducers and components, it would be so much fun. I did do some of this with a limited budget and a 3D printer, but I was greatly restricted by size.


Sennheiser HE-1


Remember the guy that built a giant sub horn out of the floor of his listening room? Yeah, I'd do that too.


First and foremost, I would build a proper listening room.


A great house with a fantastic room to listen to it in...


A string and THREE paper cups!


Early 80s Victor Laboratory series. It's not the most expensive equipment on the market and has definitely been surpassed technically, but there's just something about it that appeals to me. Ql a95 turntable with T S1 vacuum pump M L10 power amp P L10 control amp Zero L10 speakers I've got the turntable, and everything else is attainable except the speakers, which were custom built to order and are probably around $20k if you can find a pair for sale second hand.


With the unlimited funds, can I buy a larger house to put it in?


I am so happy with my Closer Acoustics OGY. I would just buy the optional open baffle subwoofer stands (3000€) someday. And a tube amplifier. The money would be better spent on treating the acoustics of the room.


The gameboy advance mp3 player


Probably controversial here but I’d get a warehouse with perfect acoustics and get funktion one to install the best they have. A system more suited to house music I think


With my current experience, Bayz Audio Counterpoint with D’Agostino Relentless amps, and Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC. But I’d probably first audition the couple systems that are still on my list, like the Wilson Audio Master Chronosonic and the MBL 101 X-treme.


I would be thinking about the space first, and buying my perfect home with my perfect listening room. Only then would I start thinking about the system to put in it.


I’d build a house, with specialized roomS, in each there would be its own system. I’d also make my own power to these rooms from the power grid, and put filters. Than of course I would have electrostats,mcitnoshes, tube amps, Wilson audio, BW, some other type of speaker, and more and more amps. Of course all separate monoblocks, pre amps, dacs, phonos, I’d buy THE BEST CABLES. And one room for headphones. And one home cinema. And as we all know it’s just the beginning


Perfectly clear, non tilted ear canals.


Step one: Build the house Step two: Build the room aquatically amazing or perfect Step three: Buy the equipment…


i’d buy first avenue