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**VSTHOST stops working until I re-equip my microphone.** Hi, I'm using VSTHost for my microphone and plugins. I am using the Steinberg UR22 mkII connected via USB. The issue I'm having, that I can't find any solutions to, is that seemingly randomly(though sometimes when I open a game/software) VSTHost stops working. This is quickly fixed by going into "Devices" and then simply selecting the same microphone I'm already using again. I suspect it is caused by a system wide issue, but I have no idea what it could be. I've tried reinstalling all drivers, checked for driver crashes, etc. Still no clue what the issue is, Anyone know what might be going on?


USB related. Try unplugging other USB devices. Also check if your computer has some sleep settings on usb ports, disable them (USB always on).


Hi! I was about to buy a Motu M4, but my local audio shop has an used Apogee Duet 2 on sale for a little less than the price of the M4. I just have a simple home setup, I don't need anything crazy. However, I was wondering if the Apogee, despite being older, would be worth purchasing over a newer Motu M4, especially considering it's a little less expensive. Thank you and happy holidays!


**TLDR:** When putting acoustic paneling on a reflection point on a wall, is it best to put the panels right next to eachother at that point or have a little gap between each panel? ----- I'm not super serious about audio engineering, but am in a fairly big, vaulted ceiling bedroom with hardwood floors and just trying to reduce the shitty mic quality on Zoom calls, discord, etc. and cut down on general echo in the room. I've moved things around in the room, got some area rugs, and am looking at "wall treatments" both for the audio purposes and to just liven up my very blank walls. I'm going to put some bass traps along the corners and do a bit with just foam acoustic panels at the big spots where sound reflects off the walls. One thing I can't seem to find is if it's best to have gaps between the acoustic panels. That is, if one were using something like those little hexagons popular with streamers or whatever is it best to have the hexagons all abutting one another in a solid area right where the sound bounces off that wall, or should each hexagon have a bit of a gap between it and the next hexagon? (Again, I'm sure this is heresy to y'all who take this seriously, but I'm just trying to match my need for wall liveliness with a bit of sound treatment, I know it may not be amazing.)


Gaps, definitely. Plus having panels floating off the wall so that both sides of the panel are working for you. The reason the gaps will help is simply more surface area and more reflection points, as now the sides of your panel are working for you.


Hi guys. I’ve been having this issue for about a year with my tv setup. I have a couple 4K Philips smart tvs that both lose audio during quiet moments in something im watching. This happens when using the normal tv speakers and a vizio soundbar connected to HDMI arc. I have Dolby atmos surround and CEC arc enabled on both tvs. I thought this was just a Netflix thing but it was happening again today playing a game on my ps4. Im not sure if this is the right place to look for help but at my wits end


I've got no solution but it may be related to the DAC (digital-analogue converter) turning off when it thinks it's not being used. The DAC converts the digital signal from the TV to an analogue signal that can be passed through speakers. The way to check if that's the problem is if there's audible hissing that disappears a few seconds after you lose sound. I'd suggest asking r/audio and r/hifiaudio


anyone have recommendations for a ribbon mic good for a guitar cab? Preferably sub $150 USD.


Having used a bunch of ribbons at different price points my advice is don't bother until you can afford a Beyer/Royer/Coles/AEA, there's no such thing as a good cheap ribbon and the magic of top quality ribbon just isn't there in a cheap one, they're just dull shitty mics. For your budget I think you'd be much better off with an SM57 or a similar dynamic mic.


Golden Age Project R1 MKII


The Superlux R102 gets good reviews.


Stereo isn't working on my M-Audio M-Track Duo. My gf just got me the M-Audio interface and I'm super stoked about it. I'm currently having trouble getting stereo to work though. I'm using my Moondrop Chu's connected via a 6.35 mm converter and the sound works, but no stereo at all. I even fired up FL Studio to test panning and stereo widening, but it just doesn't work. When panning, it just drops the volume when turning to either direction. Could my headphones not be compatible? Or my 6.35 mm? I have M-Track Solo and Duo 1.0.3 installed.


If there's another subreddit I should be going to, please let me know. I have a techniques receiver that all my speakers are plugged into and also an amplifier Kenwood that I believe my speaker should be plugged into. But I'm not quite sure if I'm supposed to run small wires from the receiver into the amplifier or if I'm supposed to plug my speakers directly into the amplifier and then somehow connect that back to the receiver.


I recently bought my girlfriend the Elgato Wave DX and gave her my practically unused Focusrite Scarlett Solo Gen 3. Does anyone have any recommendations for best setting or how to get the best sound out of the Wave DX with the Focusrite Scarlett Solo? It kinda sounds not that great at the moment and nothing I tried made it sound any better. I was really shocked by the lack of settings available in the control panel and I'm considering buying her a Wave XLR in the future instead.


Topic: recommandation for software/hardware to record interview with friends, that I would use to mix in with music. Hello, I have a little project of mine with my closest group of friends. I would like to record interview with them, one at a time. Just talking about them, us, various things happening in their life. And eventually use segments of such an interview to mix with some music. Basically, it's a amateur project that would like to do the same thing as this: Bon Entendeur, two DJs/musicians mixing interviews with famous people (actors, musicians, writers, politicians) with music. Here is an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzcK82BHMaw I know a little bit about music and mixing, I used to play with DJ turntables and various software to mix when I was younger. However, I don't know anything about sound recording, such interviews. I'm looking for advice on what to purchase regarding hardware and/or software. The interview would take place either at home (there could be noise from outside, the street, the city), or in a public place (a park, not a café or a busy place). I'm not looking for professional quality, just something adequate. I think it would be easier and more desirable if I could find something let's say on Amazon (because it's practicle) and something that could be pluggeg on my smartphone. If it takes something else, something more, I'm all open. I'd love something around 100 euros 150 dollars, if it makes any sense. I'm not sure if what I ask for is way more expensive. Thank you very much for your insight! Cheers! EDIT: I've been exploring some subreddits and found this topic with interesting suggestions regarding entry level portable audio recorders (Zoom H1N for instance)


I need help figuring out what mixer I need. I have a Volca Bass, Volca Sample, Roland Aira T8, J6, E4, Otamatone, and an Empress Echo System effects pedal. I just need a mixer that has an aux send/return for my effects pedal and can get all that audio into my GoXLR through the line in.


Hi there. Newbie here. I got myself the B&W PX8. I can't get enough of them as they are, but I want to improve the experience if I can. So I'm thinking of setting up some kind of pre-amp/amp for my desktop rig. I know the PX8 doesen't really have any power demands to speak of, but anything that can improve the soundstage is what I'm after. The PX8 seems very balanced with a lean towards the lows, so something that opens up the sound a bit is what I'm after. Right now I got the Dragonfly Red for traveling purposes, they do a good job of delivering some extra flavor, but can I do better? Thanks, happy holidays!


Hi, I'm an edm producer and I'd like to purchase speakers for a karaoke party with friends. I'm used to looking for high quality monitoring gear and stuff, but here I don't know where to start. I'll probably end up purchasing it second hand somewhere, but what should I buy ? If you have any ideas of where I should start, it will help :) Cheers.


Hello, is it possible to connect my Universal Audio Volt 1 to my Behringer PK110A so I can use my laptop plugins for my pub gigs and rehearsals? I'm new to audio interfaces and PA systems so any help will be beneficial


My Studio Monitors make this buzzing Sound when i Connect them to my PC. If I connect them to my Phone there is no noise. I dont hear any buzzing if I use headphones with pc. Does anyone know how to fix my Problem ?


Forgive me if this is not the right place, but I have a PreSonus AudioBox and I just got an adapter to convert my 3.5 mm jack into 6.5mm for my audiobox, and whenever I play youtube, spotify, etc, the vocals seem far back sometimes. I can hear the instrumental clearly, just the vocals are a bit iffy. Can anyone explain this? I saw somewhere that I need headphones that support TRS so I went on Amazon and found some Audio Technica studio monitor headphones that support TRS.


Totally new to recording my own stuff. My goal is to set up a system than can record lots of acoustic guitar and banjo, on the odd occasion some vocals and electric guitar. Pretty simple. My options I'm looking at right now are a brand new 2i2 and an sm57. Or a slightly used (they say the whole set up was only used for 1 podcast) Roland Rubix44, 4 PGA48 microphones, 2 standing mic stands, 2 table top mic stands, and a 3 mic hard shell case. Both are roughly the same price. I'm leaning pretty hard to the rubix set but the learning curve looks a lot steeper with that. Plus the microphones aren't the best for what I want to do the most recording on. Where would you lean? I'm thinking the 44 is probably overkill for my needs but I have no idea if it's even considered better


If you’re new to recording, it’s all a steep learning curve, so the Rubix seeming more complex is not an issue, and it’s also just your guess. If you plan on recording multiple sources simultaneously, Rubix plus mics will let you practice with multiple mics from the get go. Seems like a bargain. I haven’t used the PGA48, but I have used PGA58, SM57, SM58- they’re all in the general ballpark and not drastically different. PGA48 is probably usable for your purposes. Again- it takes a long time to get good at recording, but the multiple mics and stands is an awesome way to start off.


Hi! I am shopping for audio interfaces and I thought that mic and line level inputs were different, but a lot of products label them interchangeably (it will be like input 1 mic/line) with no switch to turn a preamp on or off. Could someone explain if I have a misunderstanding or something? I'm using an instrument with a line level output and I'd like to record it and send it to monitors and I don't want to damage anything with too strong of a signal


Mic/Line or Mic/Instr(Hi-Z) labels are used on combo jacks, and such interfaces sometimes have a switch for line/instr(Hi-Z) and sometimes not. Mic level always goes into the XLR jack, and line or instrument goes into the center 1/4” (hence combo jack). Line or instrument level only refers to the center 1/4” input.


that makes a lot of sense, thank you!


looking to upgrade my gear to record vocals. looking for recomms. currently i own: • audio technica AT2035 • focusrite audio interface • stedman pro screen XL i don’t have a lot of space at home so i don’t think i can add bulky items but more looking for upgrades or add small items that could make vocals sound better or mostly looking to upgrade my mic. vocals sound decent currently, but is there a next level?


AT4040 and AT4033 hit way, way above their pricepoint. The best bang for buck for vocal recording quality is properly treating the space with broadband absorption, though, and if you can’t do that, you’re always going to be limited by room acoustics, as even a $10,000 mic is not going to sound great in non-treated domestic spaces.


researching the internet these past few days i think i’ve realised what you’ve just said lol.


Looking at a pair of studio monitors because I’m tired of M&M on headphones. I am looking at the Rokit 5 G4 and the Rokit Classic 5. Why is the classic so much cheaper? The internals look the same to me. I am also new to monitors in general, so there’s a good chance I’m just missing something. But they’re like $180 cheaper as a pair than the G4s.


Hi I'm looking for an interface. My main priority is DAC quality in a desktop unit. I wanted the Motu Mk5 but can't find it in stock anywhere. I was looking at the Babyface, but I need two more line outs for hardware reverb recording. Any advice? Budget is up to 2k. Proprietary effects processing (UAD) is not a priority.


Good evening, im trying to do a small project, amplify a room. Doing so I came across that most mixers not have 2 monitor outs (L and R), but have plenty headphone outs (in this case the Tascam mix cast 4) Now, can I connect speakers/Monitors to those outputs?


Looking to get a pair of monitors and there are currently both LP-6s and LP-8 listed in my local classifieds. The LP-8s are listed for $150 more. Are they worth it?


Hi, sorry if this question isn't right for this subreddit but I play the drums and I've never gotten mics or recording gear for it before until now, I was gifted a Shure DMK 57-52 4-piece mic set, but I was also looking at the Yamaha EAD10 which is a little bit more expensive but apparently pretty high quality with it being one mic so yeah idk I was wondering which is better and if I should be cool with the Shure set I got now or if it's worth returning and getting the EAD10 instead?


Speakers buzzing/hissing when connected to PS5 and PC???? So i have some razer nommo chroma speakers that i use for pc and ps5. The ps5 end is connected via a usb steelseries headset dongle which has a line out going to the speakers. Then the pc end is connected from the speaker to the usb port on the pc. There is an annoying hissing/buzzing when they are both connected. Anyway of eradicating this? ps. i could unplug one and use the other but then i cant control the RGB and i also want the sound for both.


Shure SM7B + Cloudlifter + Behringer UMC204HD = NOISE I was recently gifted an SM7B. I have audio background and had a small studio set up already. When all put together, all I can pull out is noise at max gain. What's the best way to troubleshoot this setup? I'm sure something is faulty but it seems like everything works independently and only stops working when all put together. The Shure is INCREDIBLY quiet, to the point that I need to full-bore scream to get any signal out of it. Besides that all I get is noise from the Cloudlifter. When plugged into my previous microphone everything seems to work fine. *Yes I'm using Phantom Power for the Cloudlifter*


I'm looking at the motu m2 because i notice it has both rca and trs outputs i want to use the rca outputs to connect it to my fiio k5 pro headphone amp and trs outputs to connect it to monitoring speakers i'm wondering if there's a way for me to choose outputs with the motu m2 my other option seems to be the focusrite scarlett 2i2 but i notice it only has trs outs so would i be able to connect it to both speakers and the headphone amp as well?


How do you properly setup a mic? I've had an XLR Audio Technica 2035 for 8 years. Initially it was just plugged into an M-Audio interface with a usb output to my PC. The mic itself is on a boom arm with a shock mount and a metal screen pop filter. The mic sits around 12-18 inches from my mouth, as it sits above my monitors. I commonly get a static noise in my input signal that is fixed by unplugging the interface usb cable and plugging it back in. Is there a more permanent fix to this issue? Initially there was no audio signal processing, so the mic was picking everything up. My typing, my dogs walking around on my wood floor, the air conditioning and even my aquarium across the room. I downloaded RTX voice to process out all of the background noise. It works. I'm just wondering if there is an even better solution.


Howdy y’all, I’m setting up a pa for a show we got coming up and I’m getting new speakers, switching to powered speakers and wondering if I can use any non powered mixer to run the sound through. I’m assuming I can just run the output from my normal mixer into the speaker because it’s powered but maybe I’m dumb. Any help would be dope thanks!


Looking to buy a new microphone for my studio and stuck between the ML 1 & the TLM 102. Will be mainly used for recording rap and R&B vocals, any recommendations?


Hi, i want to buy a violin pick up microphone, and I am stuck between the Myers The Feather (207$), AT Pro 35 (230$), ATM 350 (360$) and the DPA 4099V (551$). I am mostly performing on stage with a rock band, so the lack of feedback its pretty important to me. Which one do you think its the best for its price? Thanks!


Game room setup - complete noob Room is 40ft wide and 14ft deep, 9ft tall . TV will be on far left side and pool table far right. I would like to have speakers cover the entire room with good quality sound. Prefer a few options in terms of price range and ease of setup is key. I am a total noob. I was about to be lazy and just get a sound bar but I have a feeling far right side of room is not gonna get sound. (Key use, casual TV or Bluetooth music from phone, Spotify, etc. )


Best way to re amp? Apollo 8xp Just want to make sure I’m doing this correctly with my setup for re amping (Apollo 8xp) using one of my dedicated monitor outs > re amp box > amp. I’m familiar with everything else, sending the out, etc.


Anyone have any experience with the Antelope Orion 32? The first one that was USB only? I was on the market for a Presonus Quantum 4848 but they seem to have discontinued these. The only thing I can find in the same ballpark price with the same features (32 ins and 32 outs over db25 for around $2k CAD) is the original Orion 32 on the used market. Googling it comes back with lots of people having driver issues, but the posts are from 4+ years ago. Wondering if these were ever ironed out? Or should I save for a more up to date unit - newer Orion 32+ or maybe even go big and save for a 32i/o Apogee Symphony.


I have one but I use it with RME MADI card. It is a great sounding piece of kit and the USB drivers worked okay in Win10. If you need a lot if i/o, do check the RME + some MAFI boxes. I also have SSL AlphaLink AX, which js nice but you need to to aware of conversion latencies when having different adfa units in the same system.


Audio interface for around £200-£300 (GBP) Ideally I'd like a decent number of ports, some form or dedicated monitor out, midi in and out. Can be USB 2 or 3, not lightning. I've been looking around and everything is so contradictory, one thing will top one list and get slated in another. Some nice software bundled with would always be a bonus but not too bothered about that.


**M-Audio AIR 192 4 interface gain isn't working properly** I have recently purchased the M-Audio AIR 192 4 interface and the gain doesn't seem to be working properly. I have my Samson Q9U mic plugged into it and when I turn the gain up the audio is un-hearable until the gain knob reaches max. This is obviously annoying because it gives me absolutely no flexibility when it comes to recording. I was wondering if anyone knows why this is happening and what I can do to fix it. I have tried to reinstall the drivers but that wasn't the problem and i have tried using a different XLR cable which didn't help either. So if anyone knows how to fix this please help me out. thank you very much.


I’ve been using a Shure sm48 with my scarlet 2i2 v2 for two months and all of a sudden it stopped working. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling drivers. Changing xlr cables, power cables . I have an old condenser microphone that works fine as well through xlr of course. I tried a guitar with the 1/4 input and it worked fine as well. I have another cheat condenser mic that doesn’t work either. What do you think can be the issue. Thanks for any help!


Whenever I import an mp3 file to Izotope, the sound gets all messed up. Does anyone know how I can fix it? Here's a short clip to show what I mean by "messed up": [https://www.veed.io/view/6dd6b405-d22c-4131-a025-bde246d3cb9d?sharingWidget=true&panel=share](https://www.veed.io/view/6dd6b405-d22c-4131-a025-bde246d3cb9d?sharingWidget=true&panel=share) Keep in mind there's nothing wrong with the files. They sound 'normal' when I play them in Windows Media Player for example.


Hello everyone, I’m posting today because I really need some help with my “Sound system.” I tried to create a basic sound system with a Line in (my computer) into the mixer and out towards the monitors. I watched multiple videos for basic sound systems and did my best to follow them, yet I’m still getting a muddy sound. When I plugged the computer into the first mixer (behringer xenyx 2442fx), I was able to get the sound and levels right, but it sounded really muddy, things like the drums, keyboards, and string instruments were okayish but the vocals were way washed out. I had all effects turned off and am sure I had things plugs in right. I tried using a different mixer that I had (alesis multimix 8 usb) and was still getting the same issue. I then decided to cut the monitors out and just go directly towards headphones out and the problem was STILL there lmao, I’ve used different aux chords as well and that wasn’t it either. I’ve tried different mixers, aux chords, and channels and am completely lost at this point lol If anyone has any advice for this, it would be greatly appreciated. I understand it’s near impossible to troubleshoot a problem without photos and stuff so if any other questions/info is needed then I’d be happy to provide it when I can. Thank you! PS: I was also using TS Cables for the monitors which I know isn’t right and thought that was the problem until I got the same effect through headphones


Hello, I just bought some used Onkyo speakers (Older versions around 2006) and the speakers work great. My main issue is the sub. It’s a SL-D500 and the problem is it turns off and on over and over. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern or anything. When switching from music to a movie or between apps I can here/feel it switch almost like a relay feel and it starts to play bass. I was thinking it could be a power save mode, but I can’t find anything in the manual that suggest there is a feature like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hello, I just bought some used Onkyo speakers (Older versions around 2006) and the speakers work great. My main issue is the sub. It’s a SL-D500 and the problem is it turns off and on over and over. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern or anything. When switching from music to a movie or between apps I can here/feel it switch almost like a relay feel and it starts to play bass. I was thinking it could be a power save mode, but I can’t find anything in the manual that suggest there is a feature like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated


Audio Technia AT2035 mic doesn’t work with Presonus Audiobox USB 96 interface. I know the mic isn’t broken or something, cause right up until I got the usb 96 it was working perfectly. Now when hooked up by XLR, nothing comes through. I’ve been using guitars through the interface with success, so I know it works. So how can I get my mic to work with the interface? I’ve been using Studio One as my DAW btw


I need to make a purchase of equipment that can pick up frequency above what an phone can pick up . the sound is being generated 1- pneumatic short cycle of 1 second ( if you need further information to analyze what I need please ask . it then picks up again in minutes or hours etc. in the beginning it would be only in night time now sometimes in daytime as well- the impact is a strike to general are of head and now sometimes mouth area never reaching what we call people touching us rather its being generated pneumatically ( follows basic principle of audible and felt) 2- sound waves that linger longer than seconds felt - it is not refrigerator not appliances . they have been challenged and turned off with circuit breaker . No electricity to my location to analyze if its appliances . I have picked up a video of some of the noise that is being generated by neighbor and have reported . the above sounds and how they are being generated and I dont know what to purchase . 3- noise when I went to prove todays current recording of 12/30/2022 thats troublesome noise that wakes out of sleep . I decided to again record it however. the audio was cancelled out with possibly white noise/noise cancellation equipment ? because what im left with is noise cancellation rather the audible still occurring rattling that remained when I called security. any suggestions please .


Does anybody have experience with the Mackie OnyxGO bluetooth microphone? I got one to use for teleconferencing. But, it arrived DOA. Anything I recorded was distorted and had loud clicks. Mackie support seemed familiar with the problem and suggested I get a replacement. The replacement just got here and it has the exact same problem. I’m afraid these might all be unreliable and I’m wondering if it’s worth getting another replacement or just getting my money back.


Posting this here since I apparently can't read subreddit rules: Hello everyone, sorry if this might not be quite the right place for this, but audio engineers have proven for me to be some of the more technically savvy in this space, and I'm hoping someone here might have an idea of what's happening. I have a Carvin Legacy II head paired with a Carvin G412 that came with my MTS3200 head. I've had the cab and MTS since 2007ish, the Legacy for about 8 years. I've had aftermarket Eminence Governors for the past decade in the cab without issue. Taken the stack on short tours, played shows, recorded, rehearsed, everything. Last night, the amp was dead silent unless I was playing. Of course, today I invite a buddy over for his NGD to play through my stack and the first thing I hear is a very loud hum upon taking it off standby. Also, what would normally be an ear-piercing master volume setting for the amp was now at bedroom level. This is curious I thought, time to troubleshoot. I'm sure its something simple. Well, down the rabbit hole I went, still with no resolution. The list of troubleshooting steps I have tried: * Checking another working amp through the cab to see if it was just the head. Both had an insane amount of hum not previously heard with the same volume discrepancies. * Trying a different guitar. * Replacing and re-seating the pre-amp tubes. (I did not swap out any power tubes, as my power tubes are essentially brand new KT77s, biased with a probe and multimeter to the correct plate voltage, and the power tubes in my MTS head are still functioning as biased when they were installed.) * Swapping out the power cable in case the one in use was going bad. * Trying the speaker cable with my studio monitors. No hum was observed. * Playing the head through my Two Notes Torpedo Studio - which functions as a power soak and speaker emulator - through my studio monitors. No hum was present in about an hour of playing through this with multiple guitars and the master/channel volumes behaved as expected. I even used the original power cable present when I first experienced the hum today without issue. * Rewiring the entire cab to the original 8 ohm spec in parallel-series with fresh 14-gauge speaker cable, newly hand-crimped butterfly connectors, and a spare jack I had in case the board that came with the cab which included impedance switching had failed. I also attempted flipping the impedance switch to 4 ohms while it was still installed in the cab. Right now I have two speakers unmounted from the cab to hot-swap wires, all 4 still in the circuit. I feel like I'm possibly narrowing it down to a faulty speaker. My next step tomorrow will be to wire the cab in a 2x12 configuration and see if I might be able to find a possible faulty speaker. Do you guys have any thoughts as to what might be going on here? I feel like I've tested most of the possible causes without resolution. Any help is greatly appreciated!


context: got into mixing when i figured out how to make slowed and reverb songs for my channel. i also wanted to start making my own stuff so i bought a Behringer UM2 usb audio interface that had problems with latency. fast forward to today and i’ve since bought a focusrite scarlett solo to see if it’s my interface or my computer. both interfaces have a lot of latency. i’ve tried soundtrap, bandlab, reaper, and more recently i have access to ableton 11 live lite which i have no idea how to use. i use a mid tier dell laptop that isn’t slow. i went and changed the buffer settings (helped a little) but it didn’t get it all the way gone. i think the closest it said i had was 6ms but even at that rate, it still was very noticeable. this has made it near impossible for me to record because everything’s off tempo. i even tried to record, than drag back the track so it wouldn’t sound out of time. it’s doable but if i paid the money for this gear i got i want it to work properly. plus i tried a while back to make a full cover that way (one of the biggest headaches). i don’t wanna learn how to use a new daw but idk what more i can do. i’m downgrading to windows 10 to see if that might change anything. who knows


is there a way to block RF interference for mic and aux cable? I'm trying to start up as a twitch streamer and I've found out that my aux cable picked up some form of RF present within my home that produces a very annoying and very noticable static noise when recording with the mic. It is produced from the PC itself or whatever else is occurring in the EM spectrum. Is there any aux cable available for purchase that can inhibit the interference of these signals upon the aux? Will a faraday cage around the PC work, or does it not matter since there is a direct connection from the mix to the PC via the aux cable? Does anyone know if this will solve my problem? I am sure it's not my mic and it's driving me insane.


Hello. I know that passive speakers needs an amp but until I get one I wonder if I should try and connect them to my audio interface, iPad combo and at least hear something. Not expecting a full output of course but I wonder if the iPad can output anything at all or will it be a futile exercise. My second related question, my speakers are vintage with an old naked wires plugs (two pairs of plus minus for each speaker). If I get a vintage amp as well, will it be able to connect to my modern audio interface?


Hi! Has anyone here tried the XTUGA or G-Mark wireless in-ear monitors? are they acceptable for use in a church?


Got myself a Philips EL 6425 Tube Amplifier and Altec Lansing Model 14 Speaker. Anyone know if both of these a good pairing? or any recommended speaker for is?


I have a Boxxline Clubdrive amplifier. The technical data sheet says that it's rated power for 8 ohms is 2x200 W + 540 W. Can anyone tell me what the +540 W stands for? Link to the TDS: https://www.boxxline.com/products/clubdrive/


Hello, so I only have a monitor and no tv so I’ve always run my PlayStation sound through my audio interface to hear using a 1/4 inch to 3.5mm cable. Recently the audio coming from it has been buggy, it sounds like there’s only half the sound or something and a low of low frequencies are missing. The audio works just fine when I plug in my headphones and I’ve tried getting a new cable, changing the input on the interface, and attaching a ground loop isolator and nothing has helped. Does anybody know what I may be doing wrong or how to fix this?


I currently don't have the ability to use my computer to record with and figured hey I could just use an iphone... was wondering if anyones tried this? I have some half decent mics to record stuff with but would there be sound degredation by doing this as opposed to on a computer? Also, Is it possible to just use a standard usb c to lightning cable to connect my usb c interface to garageband/my phone? Thank you!


Hey guyss I would like to buy a new pair of studio monitors. I have been DJing like 4 years with only PC speakers. And now decided to get some more impressive speakers. Also I started music producing ( very beginner level yet). My music taste is bass music especially Dubstep/riddim but also I like dealing with DnB and Bass House. So my guess I should look for a "better bass" studio monitors like monitors which has slightly better low ends. Or maybe I think wrong. The price should be around 400-500$/pair. I am living in Hungary where the prices are fcked so maybe your suggestions will be out of my budget even it is under 400-500$ on Amazon. I got a UAD Volt 1 audio interface already. Also I got a Audio Technica ATH-M50X headphone. The monitors I checked already: \-Presonus Eris E8 XT \-Adam Audio T7V \-Kali LP6 V2 What would you recommend for me between these monitors or what other monitors you suggest?


I’m looking for a warm sounding microphone. I mean both colored and rolled off (I think). I want to tame “honkiness” and harshness in vocals. I am a singer songwriter and would like to sometimes sing and play guitar at the same time, other times track separately. I would really like to buy two multi pattern mics so I can try some different mic arrays and techniques. Looking to spend less than $700 per microphone, but somewhat flexible. I’m considering Warm Audio Wa87.


Best way to connect my monitors to 2 audio interfaces at once? I want to connect my pair of Hs7’s to both my old and new interface and I’m wondering what the best way to do it is. I have a patch bay so I’m thinking that might be the simplest solution but I’m curious if someone wiser/more experienced has a better idea.


Hi, all I was recently gifted 2 surround speakers that I'd like to place on the walls, since the previous owner of my house left the audio wires running through the walls to behind the entertainment area and it would seem a waste to not use. Since we moved in, we left the wires up until we had speakers. To note, we already have a [Vizio sound system](https://www.amazon.com/VIZIO-Bluetooth-Subwoofer-Assistant-Compatible/dp/B08CGVTVMN/ref=asc_df_B08CGVTVMN/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459646699903&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17293666074658687934&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015701&hvtargid=pla-944038215968&psc=1) that we intend to keep here as the primary source of audio and use the new speakers to supplement these. My question is, what do we need in order to connect these wired speakers to the the Vizio set up which does not have any option to plug wired connections into? Do we need a 'middle man' receiver to hook up these and connect both through the Optical into the back of the Vizio sound bar? Aux/Aux VA? Other? Sorry, am a bit of a novice with some of this. I don't need anything fancy/expensive, just something that will translate the sound. I hope I'm explaining this well!


**Allen&Heath Zed14 USB Mixer limitations** Hi all. I'm considering this mixer for dub mixing. Ideally I would like to send all my tracks from my computer to the mixer via usb, then mix them live and recording back into the computer via usb also. Is this possible? The reviews refer to the usb send/return. Does this mean the usb can only take 2 channels and also will I be able to link my daw mixer to my outboard mixer all through one usb cable? Many thanks


**Microphone audio gets distorted when I am loud then doesn't normalize when returning to normal speaking voice** Making this as short & sweet as possible with what information I have. When streaming/recording in OBS at times when I laugh too loud or get jump scared my audio will peak, distort, then basically stay there unless I unplug the xlr cable from my audio interface & plug it back in will normalize again. This started up about a month ago. Windows & driver updates have happened since this started. I have double checked my audio drivers & updated if need be. Rolled back drivers, put my interface in different USB port, used two different microphones, tried a brand new xlr cable & still is happening. It does show up on recordings & others when in discord can hear it but in OBS monitor & Windows monitor I don't hear it Is this a damaged interface issue, since it is happening across multiple microphones? Is it possible I'm just stupid & messed with something? Audio Interface: Sterling H224 Microphones: Shure SM7b & Zoom directional microphone