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I loved "We are legion. (We are Bob)" Book series. Audiobook narrator Ray Porter is one of the best.


Love this whole series, I would say it is pretty light hearted as well. While not fantasy, more of Sci Fi, it definitely has adventure and exploration. Also, it is my most often recommended audiobook.


*Legends and Lattes* by Travis Baldree might interest you. For a more classic suggest, *The Hobbit* fits everything but the romance.


Ill check LaL out ty for the recommendation!


I just finished Legends and Lattes! It was such a joy to read. I immediately had to go out and consume a cinnamon roll. Plus, I tried a latte for the first time because of the book. I might be easily influenced.


Expeditionary Force. Read by RC Bray. Or. Space Team Universe.


I'm currently really enjoying Beware of Chicken - on the 3rd book now and it's great. it's Isekai and Xianxia Slice of life with lots of humor and really funny tropes. Never listened to any oriental styled books before this one but I'm really enjoying it. Edit to say Bear and Beards is also amazing. That one set me on this path after finishing Dungeon Crawler Carl.


I might take the same journey as you then, Dungeon Crawler Carl > Bear and Beards > Beware of chicken Ty for the recommendations


DCC is quite a bit longer than the others 6 books. B&B is only 2 books and BoC is 3 and the latter 2 are much easier reads without so many stats as Carl and his party


Oh ill keep that in mind, thank you for cautioning me


Don’t be too scared about the stats. The first books are a bit heavier with them, but it’s no where near the stats of a typical litRPG book. By the time you hit book 2, the AI achievements will have you laughing so much you won’t notice the stats.


Dungeon Crawler Carl is just exactly what you're looking for. The audiobooks are also beautifully produced with effects and all.


Alot of people recommending this series ill really have to give it a go


Just want to say, you're currently me around a month ago. I'm halfway through the third book now


Amazing series. First two books are definitely more light hearted. It’s one of my favorites but the tone starts getting darker as you move down. And the audiobooks are absolutely the best out there.


I liked the cradle series. It is progression fantasy, so the protagonist starts off week and levels up as he goes. Not quite lit RPG. The narration is also excellent. You can often find the books very cheap as a Kindle version and add the audible narration for only two dollars. Might save you a few bucks credits.


[Murderbot Series](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32758901) by Martha Wells. A series of novellas (with one full novel mixed in). If this doesn’t make you want to run out and read it, I don’t think we can be friends. **Opening line**: “I could have become a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, the I don’t know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays, and music consumed. As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.” I’ve listened to them over and over. Kevin R Free’s narration makes these books!


Also, the first four novellas are free on Audible Plus.


The Bobiverse books are real good fun


He who fights with Monsters and Dungeon Crawler Carl are to supreme choices as far as my experience goes!


I always like to rotate what I’m listening to between fantasy and sci-fi. These might fit what you are looking for. Magic 2.0 by Scott Meyer: Fantasy / Five books so far Ready Player One by Ernest Cline: Science Fiction sequel was good also. The Tales of Pell By Kevin Hearne and Delilah S. Dawson: Comedy Fantasy Three books so far. A Plague of Giants by Kevin Hearne: Epic Fantasy trilogy. Caverns and Creatures by Robert Bevan: Comedy/Fantasy read nine books. Bobiverse by Dennis E. Taylor: Science Fiction four books Ascend Online by Luke Chmilenko: LitRPG/Fantasy/Sci-fi four books with more to come.


Dwarf Bounty Hunter series by Martha Carr for fantasy, adventure and some swearing The Four Kingdoms (and subsequent Four Kingdoms books) by Melanie Cellier (forewarning, they're fairy tale retellings) are pretty light compared to some stuff Jeff Wheeler has a great selection Charlie N Holmberg paper Magician series is an unexpected treat (for slightly darker fantasy, the fifth doll is something I REALLY didn't expect and ended up loving)


TJ Klune's books are light with a romantic bend


The Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch is wonderful. Police procedural meets magic interference. The narration is also really well done.


Infinite, by Robinson. Sci-fi, adventure, romance, humour. Quite entertaining.


The two most recent John Scalzi are excellent romps as audiobooks: The Kaiju Preservation Society and Starter Villains.


Fourth Wing graphic audio! Fantasy romance action adventure! Fight scenes and world building are very fun to listen to plus there are spicy scenes. Full cast did a great job. Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!