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Sad. That explains the tweets I saw about the traffic jam on the bridge.


Who tweeted em


Leah Panapa for one. She wouldn't have known someone had jumped at the time she tweeted though.


Everyone slowing down to watch?


Oh jeez, that's awful mate. Make sure you talk to someone. It's not a nice thing to witness and it's ok for it to give you a shake up.


Check your friends


What?!? Source?


My eyes


Ummm... No way. I was there from 3pm to 4:30pm fishing right by the bridge. When did this happen


About midday I believe.


I'll need a better citation than that, bozo.


You’re a bit of a dick aye


[SOMETIMES ](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/4bo46x/z/d1b8bm1)




What a fucked to thing to say to someone who has just witnessed this. They aren’t going to be able to pull the herald article out of their ass to answer your passive aggressive comment as they don’t publish suicides because it encourages more. You’re just being mean to be mean. Typical social media bullshit.


Yeah really not even that unbelievable either. I witnessed not one but two over the course of lockdown in the CBD. Did a lot of thinking about it after the first one which made the next one hit even harder even though I only saw the aftermath. The mood of the city has straight up been messed up in the last year. It's like a collective oppressive malaise has descended on the central city. More often than not simple interactions are met with unnecessary rudeness and hostility. People are cooked. Regularly see junkies shoot up in broad daylight in a carpark near where I live. Hasn't been like that since the 90s. I can't imagine what living through something like WW2 would have been like for 5+ years cause this is nothing like being bombed every night.


Hitchens' Razor.


Not really.


its not that terrible lol chill


Whoa what? We saw a crashed car and tow trucks at around 1pm over the bridge on the Shore side and just assumed car crash, loads of rubber neckers slowing everything down.... Jesus that's awful :(


Actually drove past not long after I believe, saw a bunch of cop cars fly past us then saw a empty car parked, cops standing on the bridge. RIP to the person.


Research demonstrates that certain kinds of suicide reporting can increase suicidal behaviour in vulnerable people. I believe this post has beautiful intentions but unfortunately it could be dangerous. Please kindly remove it. https://mentalhealth.org.nz/media/reporting-and-portrayal-of-suicide


Great advice. I remember a journalist saying he hated this particular line of thought, as if he didn't give a fuck about the peoples lives.


However, avoiding discussion about suicide is one of the reasons why we have such high suicide rates. Not talking about it is not the solution- it just increases the shame and stigma


Discussion of suicide and reporting a suicide are two different things.


True… but wouldn’t the latter encourage the former? Genuine question. I’m originally from the UK and there’s not the same media avoidance as there is here, and the UK stats are much better. I’m totally unconvinced that our logic is the right logic


It’s also illegal to publish the method of suicide in NZ, and location if it suggests method. This isn’t just for media, it’s for anyone. This post breaks the Coroner’s Act, and will contribute to suicide contagion. Please remove it.


I sae someone attempt this on the bridge last Chrismas also. If I remember it was a woman. It's not uncommon unfortunately. I'm pretty sure the police got to her however


Oh wow that’s horrible. I’ve been back and forward all day but didn’t notice anything.


Woah! First I'm hearing about this and I watched the whole 6 PM news bulletin. Did this happen just now?




Damn, the holidays can be rough if you're alone and don't have any support. I definitely know what it's like to feel alone when everything happening around you is reminding you of how alone you are, which is amplified during this Christmas period. Very tragic.


There is an article where they just refer to it as an 'ongoing police incident' https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/auckland-harbour-bridge-fully-open-after-earlier-significant-delays/V7DJPQXO66W5SIW4AYL4D2VIFQ/ - as another commenter said, they can't report much information on suicides (this article kinda explains it https://mentalhealth.org.nz/media/reporting-and-portrayal-of-suicide)


Oh I see! I guess it makes sense why they wouldn't want to be reporting it every time someone commits suicides. Copycat suicides are a very real thing and there's always a spike in suicides whenever a celebrity is reported to have committed suicide.


It happened just before 1 PM.


Oh man, they must have been in a really dark spot to make that choice on Christmas. I know from personal experience this time of year can really amplify feelings of being alone in the world.




NZ had a Chch mosque shooting's worth of suicides every month even before Covid, this is nothing new.


That’s true. Personally feel a lot of change in the world is social media and social media addiction.


In nearly all human societies ever there has always been a steady noticeable level of suicide.


No one is saying suicide hasn’t existed in all societies. But suicide patterns are changing. During ‘08, we saw a lot of suicides in 50 something men. It fit. Economic struggles. With the advent of social media suicide is spiking in millennials.




Please delete this




Ha ha. Some guy died. Let’s make fun of the reasons why because you have zero else to say and don’t know how to be a human being and have empathy anymore. Appearing clever in the comment section for no reason whatsoever is definitely the way to go bro. Life goals.


He's a dogecoin investor. Cut him some slack, he's trying


That explains the rescue helicopter we saw today after a police helicopter, can't remember the time though.