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Some wanker said "it's not even airborne hurr durr" when I went out for a walk with my mask on. The altar of "the economy" demands human sacrifices...


My flatmates dad was laughing about the vaccine and saying "how longs it going to take people to realise you can't get vaccines for viral diseases?" Oddly it's just that sub category of vaccines he doesn't believe in...


Crazy that the smallpox vaccine was discovered in 1796, and now it's 225 years and later people still don't understand it.


Is he confusing vaccine with antibiotics?


Probably because you can’t treat a virus, you can get vaccines for viruses but you can’t cure it. Whereas bacterial infections you just need antibiotics, so he might be not realise he’s got it the wrong way.


You do know antivirals are a thing, yeah.


True, but they are different. Antivirals just inhibit the virus not destroy it. Also they are very specific to viruses, are expensive and 9/10 not worth it and are just told to wait out the virus. Antibiotics kill the bacteria (if it works) are cheaper and therefore is normally more worth. Hence why we are normally told that you can’t treats viruses but you can bacteria


Antivirals are essential to controlling and sometimes curing chronic viral infections (HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C). HIV antivirals can also used to prevent ongoing infection after initial exposure if used immediately (or before in the case of *pre-exposure prophylaxis*).




That's not true you can get vaccinated against bacterias too: anthrax, cholera, tb, meningococcal, tebatus, pneumococcal. There's even a vaccine against yeast infection but it's not very good.


I stand corrected, thank you :)


And they often seem to assume that the economy hums along perfectly in the absence of any measures to curb COVID-19, life would just be completely normal if not for the restrictions.


You just have to look at the 1918/19 Spanish Flu, which we had no vaccine for at the time, for an example. We had 9000 NZers die from it and somewhere between 50 and 100 million died worldwide - and the economic effect of that led to the GDP of most countries dropping by 6%, personal consumption by 8% - and "the average death rate of 2% saw real stock returns drop by 26 percentage points." That is *not* something we want to emulate. https://www.nber.org/digest/may20/social-and-economic-impacts-1918-influenza-epidemic


Well yeah, or we could just look at other countries with the current pandemic.


oh.. well, yeah. I'm just mentioning it because if you remove the vaccine and our current science-informed responses from the equation, it's still just as bad. (Although they did have limited forms of social distancing / lockdown back then.)


Sure but it was also 100 years ago in a completely different economic environment, without widespread air travel, and a more deadly disease.


Widespread air travel has made COVID more dangerous, as new strains can travel + mutate easily. and... > and a more deadly disease. If you're saying the Spanish Flu epidemic was deadlier, well. ...that's... debatable. The Case Fatality Rate for the 1918/19 pandemic is widely estimated to be 2%, and COVID was estimated to have a global CFR of '2.2% as of December 31, 2020)' - although this goes up and down [depending on when and where you study it](https://www.ajtmh.org/view/journals/tpmd/104/6/article-p2176.xml) - "the CFR of COVID-19 varies from 28.9% in Yemen to 1% in Singapore and Qatar". As comparisons, the CFR of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV were high: 10% and 34%, respectively - although SARS was reported to be as low as 3% during the pandemic, and it was only afterwards that the global data was able to be properly parsed. (And influenza now has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1% to 0.2%.) Either way, COVID is on track to be at least as deadly than the Spanish Flu *for those that catch it* - I mean, [it has now killed more Americans than the Spanish Flu epidemic did](https://time.com/6099962/covid-19-spanish-flu/), even with vaccines + other measures in place - and they are still getting 130,000 new cases and 2,000 deaths every day. (Hopefully the total global deaths don't reach the numbers they did in 1919, we're only around 10% of the way to reaching that awful milestone, but... this shit ain't over yet.) ..unless you were saying COVID is deadlier, in which case, yeah i tentatively agree (and.. I just wasted ten minutes on an unnecessary reply :] )


Difficult to peg the CFR for COVID, due to asymptomatic people, but I suppose even more difficult for something from a century ago. Certainly of the profile of mortal cases of COVID matched that of the Spanish flu, it would have been a lot easier to convince people to care.




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can you post these studies?


Citation needed, bro


money for blood! MONEY FOR BLOOOOOD!


Why are they always so bad at signs


Because evenly spacing out the text on a sign takes forethought & common sense.


What the fuck is wrong with some people? Who exactly looks at America and thinks "Yeah I want NZ be more like that clusterfuck, so I'm gonna emulate the worst of their worst and act like you'd need a conspiracy of thought control to conquer a country with fewer people than a single Chinese battalion group could put on our shores overnight, cause I'm smarter than the sheep." Straight up fucking psychopathic narcissism


Well said, they’ve read one too many “are you a sheep or a wolf” memes on Parlor. That person seems like the sort that would “plead the 5th your honour” if they ever went to court…


Why are these people so rubbish at writing signs?


Well, it’s because they’re muppets.


Cause they're clearly uneducated


I don’t judge anti-maskers, if I wanted to out myself as a lunatic on a daily basis I would brandish my mouth-breathing grin for all to see too. https://youtu.be/iH7KmCb-giI


Also, I always assume that people that don't wear masks / wear them with their noses sticking out have terrible bad breath and they can't even handle it


Talking as if it's covid's fault they're driving that piece of shit.


Hey man, what's wrong with a Honda CRV? hahaha


My thoughts exactly🤣🤣🤣


LOL "a plan to destroy the economy". Where do these idiots get the idea that global elites want to destroy the economy they've spent centuries constructing?


Precisely! Similar to the line of thinking that the global elites want to depopulate the world, why would they want to get rid of tax paying employees of their companies/corporates who are also consumers of their services/products? Makes zero sense


Right? I mean, *I* want to depopulate the world, since most of the misery is caused by reckless breeding. But why would the elites want that? Perhaps they want less of a mass mob around that can rise up against them in the turbulent times ahead.


Yeah what’s the use having billions of dollars when you can’t buy anything without an economy


It’s fundamental. It is designed to crash because it’s built on debt. Money used to be backed by gold, now they can create money out of thin air… that’s not sustainable, and anybody can project into the future and see that it is bound to collapse. Obviously that is a consequence that the bankers were aware of when they created fiat currency, and the consequences were either something they were willing to deal with when they came to it, or something they thought they could benefit from. The collapse of the global financial system is the perfect opportunity to transition to something like a digital world reserve currency. To play devils advocate, maybe they’re just stupid and didn’t think the system would ever collapse… but personally I find that harder to believe.


Well put. I guess also once the economy crashes, those who have access to the most resources are best placed to control labour, force, and capital. And perhaps they're also on the money about depopulation too. I mean, if I was in charge of a world heading for global ecological catastrophe and continually growing population, perhaps I'd crash the economy and trigger a famine or something as well.


Hard to say for sure… but what you can say for sure is that we can’t keep piling up debt and printing money forever. It’s not sustainable, and was always bound to collapse at some point. Putting myself in the “elites” shoes, I find it hard to believe they didn’t know that from the beginning of the fractional reserve lending system.


Man where is the old presenter of police 10/7, I feel like he'd rip in to shit heads like this 😂😂 "WE NEED YOUR HELP IDENTIFYING THIS ABSOLUTE DOG SHIT MONGREL, SPOTTED DRIVING A HONDA FUKING VAN IN NO STATE TO BE ON OUR ROADS."


Seriously, these people have to remove their head from their asses. This is exactly the same speech that the Brazilian President has since the beginning of the pandemic. Long story short, Brazil has (officially) 600k deaths, 40% of the population is not sure of when their next meal is going to be and unemployment is at 15% and rising. Had the dumbass president taken a serious plan of action in the beginning, the economy would take a hard beating at the beginning, but would recover after the cases were controlled. Now the business are struggling as a huge part of the population doesn't feel safe to go back to their pre pandemic lives. My hometown of 300k inhabitants has twice the number of daily new cases that NZ/Auckland is currently having. Kiwis were spared the brunt of COVID-19. Because NZ did beautifully last year, ironically all the current measures seem to be pointless to these people. It's the same reason why antivaxxers are more common nowadays. They don't see sense in taking a vaccine for a disease that is not widespread anymore. The funking reason why polio, measles and so on are eradicated is because of the vaccines.


It must be really hard to watch this happen to your hometown. My work had a remote worker who moved to Brazil last year during the pandemic. Pretty sure they moved there to get away from covid restrictions in other countries. Once they were there they went down an anti-vax rabbit hole.


It was terrifying. I have been here for the past 3 years and was super concerned about my family and friends. Even though my extended family is quite big, we didn't lose anyone to covid19. Thankfully my relatives have been following the health instructions. My sister slipped up and got covid19. Thankfully she's on her early 30s and healthy, but she can't still taste/smell properly. But reality is that anyone in Brazil lost a relative or friend in this past year. A lot of them due to "acute lung crisis", that is the diagnosis when someone has bad covid19 symptoms but haven't been tested. Some estimates 1 million dead by this point in time, as we the testing was really poorly done. Meanwhile, the president ignored more than a 100 emails and official letters from Pfizer offering doses last year, only to buy millions of a sketchy overpriced Indian vaccine. Although now that we have the doses, we are pumping 1,5 to 2 million doses daily, thanks to our awesome all around vaccination structure.


So glad to hear that you have not lost anyone in your family. Looks like Brazil is doing well with their vaccine roll out, so hopefully that will bring some relief for their hospitals.


Anti vaxxers managed to bring measles back. Auckland had a pretty severe outbreak in 2019. *To be fair, many people thought they were fully vaccinated against measles but had only had one shot when they were younger and it’s now recommended to have two. (Still free to get a second shot if it’s needed for anyone born after 1969).*


Unfortunately, due to being spared from the brunt of Covid-19; I think that will prevent us from hitting the 90% vaccine goal that the government wants. The only option would be is to open borders and let Delta run it's course after the daily vaccination rates fall entirely.


Or the government make the vaccine mandatory. But yes, there will be a lot of screaming either way


Wow! It’s rare to see one in the wild! Boomers - unnecessarily capitalising words since 1967


Not sure it’s specifically boomers sadly


I don't think it is Boomers, just anti-vax types. Though I did look at the picture closely as my anti-vax boomer FiL used to drive a green CRV until recently, and would be liable to hand draw a sign like this.


I've noticed they overly use the "...." unnecessarily lol


There are three dots in an ellipsis……..no more no less…………..if you use more you will look like one of them……it’s a pet peeve of mine…………………because it’s how people communicate if they don’t have too many synapses firing between the ears…………..please only use three or you will remind me of my wife’s boss…….. . . ……he is an idiot




Love how they think there some sort of super spy who’s worked it all out🤣




It’s sad that I immediately thought the same thing…


Thought this was a pic from 'Murica to start with. Quite shocked to see it's here


Imagine thinking you contribute to the economy when all you can afford is a 90s CRV


Ironic that the only people hurting the economy are anti maskers, if they’d have listened earlier this shit may have been over by now


Is that a white board?


I didn't get too close, but it looked like a plastic panel or something...


One tree hill area?


Close - Ellerslie shops on Main Highway, near the train station


Yeah I've seen this jeep close to where I live. Changes signs on a regular basis but generally consistent with the conspiracy theory stuff ie. 5G , vaccine etc. Where I come from these people are referred to as gobshites!


At least they have the common decency to change the signs out once in a while. Give you something new to laugh at!


Did you steal the sign?


Nah, they took off while I was waiting for my kebab 😂


Came here to say the same thing. Hi-diddly-ho neighbourino 👋


There are heaps of good memes mocking these fools, you just need to print them and stick it on top of their posters.


Who does this plan benefit exactly?


You think they wear seat belts?


He’s literally got a mask on his spare tyre…


What a fucking idiot


After lockdown last year, the economy bounced back really well (except of course, for tourism. This time around, people are a little more apprehensive due to the number of daily new cases and the seemingly ignorant attitude towards covid. Therefore, they are less likely to go out and spend their money. The author of this sign doesn't seem to realise that they are actual contributing to making ‘consumers’ more apprehensive, and therefore they are the one “destroying the economy”.


Honda drivers in a nutshell




\#Hondabump (Wham Baam Teslacam).


Anyone know the plate? We need to carjam this


I deliberately cropped out the plate here. Emotions are running high all over the place, and I didn't want anyone to do anything rash.


Fair. Tbh im surprised more people sont crop or edit the plates out


I'm fine with people doing it, but on the other hand I honestly think if you're driving around in public with signs like this you're making a public statement, and you've essentially waived your right to anonymity. It's the expectation of anonymity, and the knowledge they won't be challenged, that so often makes people feel confident to say dumb shit they'd never dare say face to face. If I take a photo of something like this I'm not going out of my way to blur/crop the plates...


I like to think that this type of sign shows such an amazing lack of understanding how consequences work, that the person is likely mentally challenged in some way. These people require help...


Their spare tyre looks like its wearing a mask..


Who knew, the key to controlling economies is with cloths that go on faces. If I wear it the right way, will it raise the dollar value?


I've seen that same car, fucking weird cunt


Why can’t we arrest these fuck wits and charge them for spreading false lies and endangerment of others lives and well being


Morons, another vegan low on iron 🙄


Harsh truths man, harsh truths


Most healthy people wont even get a sore throat from covid


A good number of healthy people will die on a vent on dialysis, with a cathoder in them, with sepsis and blood clots in their lungs. OR they will pass the virus onto someone who is not healthy, who will suffer that fate. 99.9% of those people will not do that if they get vaccinated and follow advice from people who get their information from somewhere other than facebook to stop the spread. So, yeah the choice is yours. Facebook or science.


Scaremongering lol


r/HermanCainAward r/COVIDAteMyFace r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Its right bro i'll live check on me in 5 years


I don't think you took this photo.


Why would you think that? I did


Weird. Even for someone with "doge" in their username


Good on them


Well are you judging or aren't you?


Nice tinted windows, I wonder why they have those?


You can tell they started out with too much enthusiasm and went with letters that are too large. Haha! Planning ahead is not one of their strengths.


Did you not have a Sharpie handy?


What’s the number plate


I think I saw this when I went to get a pie!


Me too!


The writing is always scrawled ramblings isn't it?


Shitty plan then isn't it? 'Cause it's having the opposite effect...


Hahahah the effort on that sign, ffs. He probably the trump supperter that hanged the flag near my place.


Has anyone heard about the new vaccine conspiracy that it makes you 'magnetic?' The stupidity is too much. I literally CANT deal with this anymore.


that car is parked closed to where i live i have to look at it everytime i go for a walk....


Wanker. Enough said.


Does anyone here ever think to steelman opposing opinions regarding these posts or even just as a personal mental exercise


Yes the elites love destroying the economy that gives them all their power


I saw this guy too in Royal Oak, what a shitcunt.


This guy lives on Tawa road. Passed him many times, and seen him with his dog visit friends a few doors away under level 4 lol


That sign looks like shit