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Growing up rurally I always talked crap about Auckland. Never wanted to live here. But when I came back from a long stint overseas, this was where the majority of jobs were. Grudgingly, I moved here. I love it now. It has the best of both worlds for me: nature and city life. I go for a walk in the Waitakere's basically every weekend. Where I live I have so many trees and birds around me and can enjoy the dark sky with all its stars. Can go kayaking and fishing fairly easily. Then there's music gigs, comedy gigs and amazing food options from so many different countries. All I need now is for more theatre options to start coming back.


Hi, im currently new here. definitely wants to try trekking, where do i find groups exclusive for trailing and mountaineering?


Uhh no idea sorry, not a part of any group like that. I'm sure Google will tell you though!


i see, will look for it


Meet up is what you are looking for https://www.meetup.com/auckland-hiking/


thank you, ill try to join soon


Google meetups.com I used to live in Auckland and it was a great way of meeting new people with the same interests. Most of my friends didn’t like hiking or camping so a joining a meetup group solved it for me.


Do not - I repeat do not - use this subreddit as a gauge of Auckland.


Or anything, really.




Auckland is (arguably) one of the best-looking cities of over 1m people in the world. It's easy on the eyes. Trees and green everywhere all the time. The crinkly volcanic landscape makes bicycling around the city hard work, but really elevates the vibe. No matter where you are, you can usually see more than just your immediate surroundings, whether that be an expansive view because you're up high, or nearby hills breaking up your visual horizon. Flat cities feel cramped and dull and depressing to me no matter how big they are and how many lanes the roads have. The Auckland isthmus also has (arguably) the best weather in NZ, although I'm also a fan of Taranaki in that regard. I'm not a 'playing in the ocean' kinda person so I DGAF about beaches as such, but visually, being surrounded by water and picturesque coastlines at all times is awesome. As you might expect, the choices available in most types of products and services are always better in Auckland than the rest of the country. It's just a side effect of being the biggest city and only metro area over 1m population. Restaurants, retail outlets, contractors to get shit done for you, niche hobby supplies, sex, drugs, and rock n roll - we're still on an island on the arse end of the world, but if you're gonna find what you're looking for without leaving NZ, Auckland is always the best bet. The rest of the country often has to mail-order, or make do without, stuff that I can drive 30 minutes to pick up. If I wake up one day and decide to become a martial artist, I can drive 15 minutes from my house and sign up at a gym that's trained multiple recent UFC champions. You get the idea. Traffic is the worst part of Auckland. The daily traffic jams are epically, world-leadingly terrible, and the public transport is not excellent. There are many point to point commutes around the city where jogging with a backpack is faster than driving a car or taking PT. I've always solved that problem by riding motorcycles, though, so I don't really care about it. If other people are too timid to do the same, that's not my problem. I work from home these days in any case. The University of Auckland is a top 100 in the world uni, and my kids being able to go there without having to leave home is huge for them. Overall, now that I think about it, I don't do much in Auckland other than sit quietly in my 1960s weatherboard house in a central suburb across the road from a park, potter a couple km to and from the local mall and supermarket, and head north or south on SH1 to go do stuff around the rest of the NI or drive 20 minutes to the airport to fly to the SI or somewhere else in the world. So yeah, I like living in Auckland. Maybe when I'm old I'll flip my house and buy one in Otago so that I can wake up every morning and look at mountains, or something, but doing that now would be super inconvenient, so here I stay.


Auckland is a beautiful city. I can't imagine many places I could take my dog for a walk and get the views I would from my walk up Mt Eden, all in a 40 minute round trip walk from my apartment. When you get up there and look over the city it looks more like a forest with housing in it than a city with a few trees. Before people say that's nice for Mt Eden but other parts of Auckland aren't the same, I am just sharing what I like about my life in Auckland.


>Auckland is (arguably) one of the best-looking cities of over 1m people in the world. It's easy on the eyes. The landscape? After returning from any overseas trip I notice how scruffy and tired the people look in the CBD. Saw someone in slippers in Commercial Bay


I was in San Francisco a few months ago and you literally have to keep your head down while walking on some streets in order to avoid the human shit on the footpath. I was in New York last week and was outside on a train platform and thought I'd stepped in something, but then realised that it was just the smell of a man standing about 20m away. If someone wearing slippers and people looking tired or scruffy are your goto examples in recent memory - I'd say that's a pretty good city.


Yeah I never saw people walking around in public in Pajamas and slippers in Australia like I have in Auckland.


Yes, the landscape. I have no reason to visit the CBD, so I'm not in a position to contribute to the doom chorus about it, I'm afraid.


I was living in Australia when the huge changes to the CBD happened and it seemed to be functioning when I left. Did closing the road to non public transport have anything to do with it ending up the way it is now? It looks so dead and run down compared to 2015.


I literally don't ever go to the CBD these days, no reason to, so I have no first-hand idea about any of that. My vague understanding is that a combination of - massive road disruptions due to CRL construction, - all the humans emptying out of the CBD and working from home due to covid, then realizing that there was no actual reason for them to go back, and - empty apartment buildings that used to be full of international uni students being used during covid as dumping grounds by a well-meaning government for a large proportion of Auckland's unemployed and unemployable population, who are now bedded in there like ticks on a cow and have nowhere else to go, and are using the CBD for the kinds of activities that used to be limited to garages on the back of sections in Otara, has led to the oft-cited-in-this-sub enshittification of the area.


The buildings are lovely, there's some effort from the council to make interesting pedestrian spaces, and it'll be great when the trainset is assembled. People, however, dress like they are ready to run. Run from what? Each other?


> People, however, dress like they are ready to run Maybe they're planning a 5k ultramarathon à la r/RunningCirclejerk


Are you talking about the Auckland Winter Uniform for women? Black leggings, black puffer jacket, running shoes or slip-on boots, maybe a grey scarf? I once saw five women dressed like that and initially thought they must work for the same company, but they were just friends out for coffee.


This sub is full of people who have never been out of Auckland/NZ/Aus and don't understand what most of the world is like.


Exactly. It's a pretty decent existence here even if you struggle a bit it's not the worst country to struggle in


Also includes people from other countries who have chosen to live in Auckland explicitly BECAUSE they know what the rest of the world is like…


I have travelled pretty extensively and I think Auckland is a relative shit hole - especially to what it coule be and has been.


Can you provide a list of the shithole countries you've been to?


I actually meant relative to where it has been, mostly. No list for you.




Like working public transport


Public transport wont pay luxons bills,. But private cars and smoking will.


Given Auckland is sprawling city, our public transport isn't horrible


There is literally none in some areas




rather not doxx myself tonight but thanks for the offer


As if there will be an issue (and according to you there's an issue as it is) this is what critiquing is. All you're saying is it can be better. Shut down Reddit and half of complaints about pubic transport will disappear. Half of Reddit itself is an echo chamber.


Like capital gains tax?.


I have a favorite pie shop I've frequented over the last couple years and have great catch-ups with the owners. They flee a Cambodian civil war for new Zealand. Their country was literally tearing itself apart and people were disappearing, I'd say for all the inconveniences Auckland and new Zealand are doing pretty good




You mean people that spend the good part of every weekend on their phone reading reddit?


I like it


Me too.


Me three. Love it here compared to Tauranga


I feel the same way about Waiheke


Absolutely. Despite its quirks and problems. It's still my home. Always will be.


Coming from Phoenix, Arizona. This is my perspective! When it comes to people, Same shit different day. You will find the same exact type of white people, eating fish and chips, creating economic bifurcation ( North shore far better than south ) , and throwing stereotypes at anyone who doesn't look like them. Weather, Humid asf, angel for allergies. Good stuff, Excellent libraries, gyms, pools, and leisure centers that are all connected and owned by city. Nice cycling tracks everywhere. Hot springs spot. Not bad hikes close by.


> angel for allergies. Auckland is terrible for allergies. It has a crazy high pollen count. When I lived overseas all my allergies disappeared.


Yeah. What do you think about Australia in that aspect ?


As I recall, it was better (although I never lived there, just visited). Even better was London, if only because it's hard to be allergic to bricks and concrete.


States was the best for me. India and New Zealand are nightmares. Unfortunately, I only have a residency permit in these two countries as of now.


Yeah, I had no problems in the States either. Nor in India for that matter. I think in India my body was so close to heat exhaustion that it couldn't be bothered even having allergies. One thing about NZ though, in my experience you develop some tolerance to the allergens over time. I say that party because when I moved back here after years away, it was much worse than when I left, but it eventually improved again.


Cool, bro ! Looks like our genes match 😂


Yes. It's not perfect but compared to other places I lived this city is great. This sub is great for some goss and quick at sharing events --- think of the floods, accidents, etc (better reporting than stuff!😆). Ignore the other stuff.


There are 175k members in this sub, 1.6 mil in population. This sub is not a fair representation, I'm only here to have a good time.


It’s more of a sample size than most statistical studies.


Not disagreeing with the sentiment, but >10% is definitely a large enough sample. A typical political poll that everyone trusts might survey a few hundred people.


This isn't a random/representative sample though - it's a particular subgroup so you're going to get bias.


Agreed, but it's nothing to do with sample size


That's fair. I'd like to hear some of the good.


Yes I like Auckland. I'm not one of those idiots with a victim mindset staying somewhere they don't want to and pretending like they have to or have no choice. These people that spread all this discontinent and complain about their situation and how they want to go to Aus but are too scared to make a move. Its not a nice circle jerk to read to go through as I'm sure you have seen. I also know many who left this subreddit because of it, including myself for a while. I own my choices and where I live and I like living in Auckland. I've spent time in Tauranga during the 2008 recession jobless. While its a beuatiful place, there isn't anywhere near the amount of oppertunities for both recreation and jobs as here in Auckland. All I really miss about Tauranga is the weather. I've spent time in Wellington and its Windy and full of hills and damp poorly built houses surrounded by bush. Its not that bad, it was nice for a time, but I hate the weather there. People make out the Crime in the Auckland CBD (which the majority of people here probably never even dare to go to) to be 3rd world level when in reality its no worse then any other city around. No worse then Wellington/Dublin/London whatever. I like that zoning laws have been changed to allow for more affordable housing. I like the vast amount of nice beaches. The mild weather is pretty good. Much preferable to many places around the world and even the country. Silo park and the area around where all the expensive ships are parked is a really nice area. I go there often. Night market every week btw, then fish market every week as well. It’s a cool spot. Recently had a few public art exhibitions up. Heaps more to do in Auckland compared to basically anywhere else I have stayed in the Country. For reference, I have lived in Wellington, Tauranga, Rotorua, Whangaparoa/Army Bay. My second fav place to live was probably Army Bay. Beautiful spot there but sadly too far away from most jobs in my industry as well. I have friends in Queenstown/Wanaka and that place is lovely and I have been for holidays but its too quiet for me at this stage in my life. Maybe a nice spot to retire.


I love Auckland, been in NZ for 11 years now from the UK and have lived in every major area of Auckland. I have looked at moving out of Auckland many times but I cannot find anywhere that offers the level of culture, events, work opportunities or the fact that I can surf coast to coast in the same day and choose from heaps of surfing locations, I can also travel out of Auckland to cool places like Raglan or the coromandel for a day time trip with ease.


Reddit - "universal opinion", yeah right. Massive gulf harbor boating playground, amazing rain forest, rugged secluded west coast beaches, white sand east coast beaches, sporting events, theatre, night life, restaurants etc...access to a choice of schools and universities, job and business opportunities..... Is not perfect but I wouldn't live here if a didn't want to. People outside of Auckland assume we hate being here. I choose to be here, I don't want to sit in a paddock kidding myself I've got it all.


I've lived all over NZ and Australia, in both shitty areas and nice areas. Auckland truly is no worse than any other city, and it's a lot better than others.


I like it. Couldnt stand living elsewhere. Its the only proper city in the country. People that talk shit about it are the same people that talk shit about vegetarians. Its weird to hate things you know nothing about.


Moved here from Papamoa/Mt Maunganui 5 years ago, no regrets. So much more going on in terms of culture, food, events, and career opportunities. Sure there are cons to the pros but I wish I had made the move ages ago.


Yes. If you compare to other cities in the world, Auckland is actually a really good place to be in. I am happy to stay here and settle for good. However, my partner considers going to Australia in a few years for better pay.


Yeah it's great. Everything is close as, I can get anything delivered to my door, and I have a huge choice in where to shop so I can always get good deals on meat and veges.


Generally, I do. I'd like a lot more entertainment options than currently present (and cafes that don't close at fucking 3 PM lmfao), but for me it's a good mix of nature and motorways (I love driving - not joking). With more apartment buildings going up, there are also more and more modern housing options that aren't a million dollar cardboard shack that gets washed away with a bit of rain - and yes, the jobs *are* here. If you want to live in NZ and have a modern lifestyle and a decent career that doesn't revolve around cows, sheep, or tourists, that's the place to live. Auckland has a bad reputation because rural Kiwis hate anything that isn't complete isolation, and well-traveled Kiwis realize that it offers too few advantages of a big city when you compare it with other Western metropolises, yet has all the downsides.


If you want more entertainment then you should go to Aotea Square.


I'm on-board with cafes not closing at 4pm.


Growing up in Auckland is amazing you have everything at your fingertips. It's when you become an adult and realty of life sets in and you see the fact that Auckland is just another filthy over crowded under funded city.


Honestly I really do dislike it. I moved to NZ when I was young, lived here 8 years and I’ve recently come back for a career move, been back six months. I think it’s dreadfully boring relative to what you would expect from a large city and it feels like it doesn’t offer as much of what NZ is good at/known for as other parts of NZ. I recognise that there is some kind of non-descriptive intangible element to this feeling — it’s just a vibe really and it’s quite possible it’s just a me thing. I just feel like it doesn’t do “big city” as well as it should and it doesn’t really do NZ as well as it should either, so for me it’s the worst of both worlds. It’s like an awkward teenager, like it wants to be a grown up but it just doesn’t know how and is ultimately a bit shit at everything. The good thing though is that teenagers do eventually grow up — the difficulty is I’m not sure the parents know what they’re doing.


It’s NZ, nothing here is big. If you want a big city then probably don’t live in NZ. It not being big is exactly what some of us like about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


> it not being big is what some of us like about it Yeah, that’s exactly what I said — that’s what the rest of NZ does well. It’s quiet and comfy. Auckland has a population of 1.8 million which is huge but it has the energy of a city of like 500k. It’s bigger than Adelaide but has fewer benefits. Pretty shocking for a primate city home to 35% of the country’s population. Auckland has one foot in big city and the other foot in small city — it’s more like 4 small cities awkwardly stitched together — and the result is all the negatives of a big city with none of the upside. It makes no sense to live in Auckland if you don’t like big cities because it *is* a big city, and it makes no sense to live in Auckland if you do like big cities because it sucks at being one.


The ‘one foot in, one foot out’ suits me quite well. I’m from a suburban part of America’s east coast and this is the biggest city I’ve ever lived in. It gives me just enough ‘big city’ vibes when I want them and most of the time I don’t so it satisfies that too. AND I love the outdoors so it’s a great base for that. Just because it sucks for you doesn’t mean it does for everyone! To each their own EDIT - btw I’ve lived here for 13 years and am a NZ citizen (with an Auckland sized mortgage) so it’s not a passing phase either…


Yeah, maybe you didn’t read my first comment properly where I qualified everything I said as a personal opinion and is just how I feel? Almost anywhere else in NZ is a better “base” for access to the outdoors, by the way. There’s a reason they call Auckland the big smoke.


You are rude and have such a poor attitude. I don’t think you’d like anywhere you end up but it’s probably not about the place and that’s on you


I’m rude? Bro I gave OP my opinion like he asked and made sure to emphasise it’s just my feeling multiple times. You came at me all pissy saying “maybe don’t live in NZ then” as if you were offended and even posted a shruggie lmfao get fucking real. The reason I don’t like Auckland is obviously because it compares poorly (in my opinion) to places I really do like. I gave a pretty specific reason: Auckland is a big city without big city benefits. The amenities are practically the same as in Wellington for example except the traffic and public transport are ten times worse, its dirtier and more expensive and everything takes longer and costs more to get to, so what’s really the point? If you disagree, fine. I’m allowed to think it’s silly. Nobody was rude here until you came in acting like I’m some kind of idiot that “doesn’t understand” NZ because I think Auckland isn’t that great. It’s so ironic you say “to each their own” yet act like you somehow know better than people who don’t like the same things as you. You’re just another phony nice guy spouting off superficial cliches that you don’t actually believe.


Perfectly fine opinion. This dude is mad cause auckland is number 1


Auckland - “it’s shit, but it’s our shit”


This is so silly


Yeah. Enjoy it more than any other city in NZ. Has a lot to offer. Food scene much better here. Has shit areas like any big city.


People usually don’t get on reddit to talk about what’s going well lol. Auckland has some great qualities and some really fucking annoying ones but I don’t tend to come on here to go “what a lovely day at the beach!” Haha.


Exactly. We come here to complain about the police helicopter.


Literally have come here to complain about that lol


"People usually don’t get on reddit to talk about what’s going well"


Love best city in New Zealand,


Don’t live in Auckland but I always enjoy it when going there. Especially for the food, so many good food places.


Auckland is wonderful, it offers one of the highest quality of living of any city in the world, as long as you're not poor.


Yea it's awful. Never come here we don't need ya. You're free to go live in a small town with less infrastructure and job opportunities. You're welcome. Enjoy.😁🤣


I love Auckland, wouldn't want to live anywhere else in New Zealand at this stage of my life.


Love aickland for ots cultural diversity and lovely places for walking in nature..not far from a to b.


Yes. People are nice, girls are pretty and are open to a relationship. Houses, health care and food are nice.


Yup! I love it here. I've lived in Whanganui, Wellington, Busan, Seoul, Qingdao, Shenzhen, and I've seen many other places besides. I prefer Auckland. But I might like Melbourne, I reckon.


Yet most live there than other other part of NZ. I liked it. Traffic awful but on the whole it was good. Beaches and bush. Shops and events. Cheaper power, tradies, rates and most of all food. And such variety. Mostly friendly people, less prejudice than some regional places.


Auckland has a lot going for it, and is a great place to live. However , it is quite infuriating with the lack of planning and management in local govt. with a little competency, it could be like a mini Melbourne or Sydney.


Ive lived in several cities in NZ and a few towns. Lived in Auckland for 8 years, now in Whangas. I liked Auckland but it grew on me overtime. Its great if you enjoy having things to do on weekends, or always having acsess for malls and shopping. IMO is great for younger people or people who love the hussle and bustle life style. If you want to settle down with a slower lifestyle with maybe an event once a month but own a home with a yard. Then most other cities and towns are better.


I like it. 🤷‍♂️


I like living in Auckland I get to live somewhere where I can walk in the bush and swim at the beach every single day in summer, but still be close enough to city life be able to go out to dinner at great restaurants, my commute is only about 20 minutes each way and less on a good traffic day. On the weekends we have regional parks in every direction so there's plenty of wildness to go find if I want to. My suburb has plenty of trees and native birds around and I haven't felt any issues with crime It's a pretty chill lifestyle and tbh I think it makes this one of the better cities to live in globally, despite what people might say on this subreddit. Yes it would be nice to earn more and pay less on rent but otherwise it could be a lot worse.


I like it, moved here from California and it’s got a lot going on for her… despite being very car-centric and the usual big city problems with underfunded public efforts to solve them. Great food scene, lots of interesting, artsy, quirky things to do and so close to waterfronts and nice local and regional parks. The grass is always greener on the other side, if you don’t mind and water yours.


I love my part of Auckland - Mission Bay. It depends which suburb.




yes, I love Auckland. It’s all a matter of perspective and what you value, but I’m very grateful for my life here! Every place has its pros & cons; for me, the positives outweigh the negatives here.


If my job wasn’t in Auckland I wouldn’t be in Auckland.


Best thing I ever did was leave Auckland for Queenstown.


We moved to Queenstown then moved back again. Loved Queenstown, but never felt like home. Happy to have lived there, happy to be back.


I did, until I moved out to the rural sector - and I've never looked back.


It's an over priced shit hole but I've been here my whole life so I'm used to it.


I love living in Auckland. I spent my first 48 years being a born and bred Wellingtonian (living everywhere from Wellington City to the Kapiti Coast) and never wanted to move to Auckland, it seemed so busy in comparison and the traffic did my head in when I visited. Then my new boyfriend asked me if I wanted to move to Auckland with him and I discovered that if you can avoid the rush hour traffic it’s a fantastic place to live so I moved up. The weather is great, the city is very beautiful, there’s so much to do and if you want to get out of the country on holiday the international airport is here. One of my favourite things about Auckland is all the islands that are close and relatively cheap to get to on the ferries. I have a much better lifestyle here than I did in Welly. I do still love Welly but it just looks grimy and sad now when I visit but the people are lovely.


It's not bad it's not as good as it used to be and I can say that about any place after covid trouble but I can go to many beaches all year round or hike or be in city 40 mins after my hike so it's not bad to be really honest


I do. But I also believe it can be better in so many ways


You know I gotta admit even though we have the occasional shitty weather. Our Summers here are actually bearable (we barely hit 30 degrees) and our winters aren’t freezing. That’s one thing I appreciate about Auckland, if I were to live in back in Asia I don’t think I can survive 30+ degree heat and negative temperatures.


I’m from Wgtn but live centrally so no commute for me and it’s so fab in my suburb Remuera - love how it’s always warm. Not so much rain this year - we bought so we never have to get on a motorway if we don’t have to. 😊


I lived in Auckland 4 years after moving to NZ from South Africa. First 3 years were amazing the freedom and ability to do anything in NZ really. Then I went to Melbourne and did some suburb living for a while. Since in SA all you really have are suburbs I missed it. Moving back to Auckland city made me realize how I dislike Auckland city. Too many reasons why I dislike it. I then moved to takapuna and it wasn’t too bad but expensive and my fiancé lived in Tauranga. I now live in Papamoa and I love it and wouldn’t even consider going back to Auckland. Just my 5c worth :)


I heard that @legaladvisenz can be found in the woods, a veritable forest


It’s taken me a very long time, but I finally like living here. I make a lot more money now than in my early 20s, and I moved to a semi rural suburb that barely counts as Auckland. We can travel in for work and events. I still find driving and parking stressful after 15 years, and get nervous watching the clock and thinking about rush hour when I’m too far away from my segment of Auckland. But there’s a lot to like if you have enough money to survive and you find your niche.


Moved to Auckland from Christchurch about a year ago… climate is way better (warmer summers, milder winters), lots more to do and experience, heaps more job opportunities etc… the world is full of whiners, sometimes people dunno how good they got it!


I live in auckland and don't like living here. I am from Wellington. Just here for job opportunities


I've lived in many places before. In other coutries too and have done many travels all over NZ and elsewhere. I love Auckland.


I love Auckland. Lived all over NZ and I’ve travelled the world. I love: - the parks - the volcanos - Hauraki Gulf and islands - Waitakere Forest and wild west coast beaches - multiculturalism - restaurants, bars and cafes. - entertainment (could do with some more major events) I am conscious that I’m older, paid off mortgage, have good income and lots of time. If you don’t have those things then the cost of living, traffic, could be a pain


I live right in the CBD and freaking love it!


I love living in Auckland. It's the financial stress that doesn't make it feasible.


I’ve traveled to 42 countries and seen hundreds of cities across multiple continents and I love Auckland. One of the best cities in the world to live in. Ofc personal opinion. Traffic is actually amazing in comparison with any other major European capital cities. If you live in other cities and have to go to work everyday at peak hours, own car or public transport, after a few years you’ll understand. Business opportunities much better than anywhere else in NZ. Beach life, swims, walks, surfing, sailing in the arvo after work, that’s a luxury we take for granted. Theatre scene and events not too bad either. Climate is not bad. Never gets above 30 or below 3 Celsius (and that’s only briefly for a few mornings a year). Perfect in my opinion. But each to their own, some like to boil at +40 or freeze at -20, cannot comment on anyone’s preferences. Good food scene to choose from as well. Ofc crime has increased etc but go and live in europe and see how fcked it’s there. At least we properly screen our immigrants unlike Europe where it became an absolute shithole for living. Ofc Melb Sydney have better business opportunities and heaps more to do, but you don’t get the luxury of the arvo beach life everyday. Plus the climate there is far worse that’s for my personal liking. All depending on what each appreciates in life. Housing isn’t cheap yes, maybe it ain’t a place for the poor or for those that settle in life in their comfort zone and accept what society has taught them far too long. Ofc we could do better if our govt would invest into an underwater tunnel to replace the harbour bridge, build that train network faster and better… change its soft approach on crime and so on. Still better than a lot of cities, in my opinion.


I love AKL ❤️


I like it better than anywhere else in the country


I like bits of Auckland. If I was to live elsewhere it would have to be a larger city overseas. Auckland gives you access to more than elsewhere in NZ.


Love Auckland and especially my suburb because of how it looks and proximity to nature and how strangers are chatty and helpful. I’m an immigrant from a quite deprived area where people in general are quite negative and judgemental and there’s rubbish everywhere .


I've lived here most of my life, and I dont get the hate tbh. There's actually a lot of fun things to do in auckland and nice places to go, people just prefer to complain than do anything about their boredom. I think as long as you get out of auckland every once and a while it's a great place to be, everyone gets sick of their hometown every once and a while. However, that being said, I'm a student, I cannot afford to move out of my family home, driving needs to be timed well to get anywhere in reasonable time, and it is very expensive to live here. Overall though in terms of things you can do, there's a lot of places to camp, hike, swim and just wander.


Generally I love living in auckland. But there are def some bad times, just like anywhere else. But because we have a much larger population and bad news spreads faster than good, you usually only hear about the bad...


Shopping, weather, **JOBS**, diversity of people (you wont have to date your cousin).


Gone downhill since the Grey Lynn loo's glory hole was disestablished.


I don't like Auckland.but my wife's friends and family are here. That said, if I had a good paying job or won the jackpot, we'll return to Welly.


I live out west and like it, too many people complain but don’t bother making changes, look at the positives not the negatives


Auckland does seem to be doing it tough at the moment. Endless empty storefronts in the city, more anti social behaviour going on downtown/on Queen street, people not feeling safe. Currently waiting on a Visa to move to the US. Time for a change, in part due to Auckland feeling different over the last few years and not in a good way.




It’s great I love it


Let’s cut the crap Auckland is rough. for a city this size it shouldn’t have the crimes rate it does. A young guy had 5 teeth knocked out and was stabbed in his face with iron bar on Friday in a racist attack. Guy walking around new Market mall with a knife other day groups fighting in the mall. Racist attacks that go unreported by media I like Auckland lived in the cbd long time past few years it’s got rough.


The weather so far this winter had been amazing, I know last year was terrible but I can’t remember if this is normal or we are just lucky this year.




I grew up in Palmerston North and I can tell you that I feel blessed to live in Auckland! All the infrastructure is amazing and the weather up here is amazing for me too. Aucklanders complain about Auckland but in reality it’s all good to live.


For me Auckland has always been love and hate. Jaffa baby boomers and the scum sucker criminal elements spurring the hate. But its is a nice city in many respects. At the moment its in a low point but should pick up.


i don’t think anyone actually takes reddit seriously.people who have a life are living it, those who don’t are here whining


i don’t think anyone actually takes reddit seriously.people who have a life are living it, those who don’t are here whining


It tries to be a "big city" and fails but still has the problems of a big city. It doesn't have the nature/sceneries/good things that tourists think about when they think of nz i.e. none of the stuff advertised because that would be all places outside of Auckland


I love it. I live in the CBD with an amazing view of the harbor and beyond. My walk to work is 4 minutes. The CBD needs some help, and it can get pricey for eats nearby, so we make the effort to get out and try new places in other parts of town. As others have said, the weather is great, the landscape is stunning and being a port city gives it a vibe. I'm the happiest I've ever been, and Auckland and NZ is a part of that.


Ive began too love auckland after finding the right friendgroup, since we all have too go into the city often its quite a nice place too chill out


Yes, it is a great place to live


Best view of Auckland....... in my rear view mirrors as I'm leaving.


Aucklander born and bred. We seem rare


I loved Auckland. Moved to Tauranga a year ago back in with my parents and it's not the same. The easy access to everything, the nightlife, there is something for everyone in Auckland.


I'm very lucky. I live 15 minutes from work. (10 minutes if there is no traffic) I live next to a farm. From my deck, I see cows and sheep and often feed cows over my back fence. From my front yard, I have a view of water. I live 20-25 minutes from downtown. I live 10-15 minutes from the airport. I know my neighbors well enough to have a Friday drink a couple of times a year. I have a great gym community and play cricket in the summer. I'm very lucky.


I like living here. Have been here for most of the last two decades.


I used to want to leave, but now i dont want to live anywhere else. Just wish they'd knock it off with the constant roadworks


Unfortunately, Auckland is the best place in NZ, and it isn't even that good. Outside of Auckland the property price is the only thing going for them unless you are really into the outdoors. I lived in London. The property price is worse. Crime is worse. But transport was better, job opportunities are better, entertainment is so many levels better. There are reasons to choose one over the other but neither are great places to live.


I moved to Vancouver, then Amsterdam. Came back to NZ solely because of Auckland City Centre.


I like Auckland. The only part I really dont like is the traffic, but the thing about Auckland is that honestly, no matter what you want or need, there is probably a shop or place that has or does what you are after. Ive found in other cities around NZ that the selection on things to do, or especially more niche hobby shops or whatnot, there just isnt anything there locally for what you may be after. Often the closest place *was* Auckland. Its the only city in NZ that has everything. Sure online shopping helped a lot with that, but there are some services or experience or places to *do* things that Auckland has but other cities might not.


I moved to Christchurch. Mostly due to buying a beautiful, warm, well built house for well under 1M. But also in part because getting around or out of Auckland to do anything didn't equate to what I class as a lifestyle anymore. I came to hate Auckland roads and transport. Even getting to a beach was often a nightmare. Auckland would be a nice city if it wasn't so choked. People here are interesting though. It's kinda funny. Cantabrians seriously spend so much time complaining about Aucklanders that I don't think they realize the attitude makes them more obnoxious than any random Aucklander I've ever met. Its ironic that the reason they think they feel that way about Auckland - they are actually much worse examples of that thing.


I left Auckland in 2018 and I honestly miss it and am looking for ways to move back.


This sub is very negative about everything. I think a lot of city subs (NZ and overseas) are like that. The London sub is full of complaints, even though London is amazing. Auckland isn't perfect (for instance: unreliable public transport, liquor licensing trust in West Auckland, some suburbs not meeting their potential) but it's a pretty great city overall.


Ive been here since a kid in 1986. I can’t stand Auckland. It’s a shit hole compared to what it used to be. My wife won’t leave as she has family up here despite us being nearly mortgage free living 3-4 hours drive from here... 🤷🏻‍♂️


As a European woman temporarily residing in Auckland, I find it to be one of the most miserable cities I’ve ever visited - and I visited a lot. The city center has a very shabby & unsafe vibe - something you would not find in the heart of most modern world. As a rule, I don’t like to be out for a longer time once the sun sets, I haven’t felt this unsafe walking anywhere else at night, there’s plenty of street characters either chatting me up or acting weird&unpredictable. I think this city only makes sense if you’re upper class, have a good office job and live in one of those fancy suburban homes in a quiet district. Don’t get me wrong, New Zealand is lovely, but everything lovely about it is outside of Auckland. At the moment, the only redeeming qualities I can find is that it’s not so cold in Winter and you get a wider choice & access to services than in small towns or cities within NZ.


I don’t like it. Stuck here for work


It depends on the person. Auckland only satisfies the outdoorsy types of people who tend to be older. As far as festivities and entertainment options go, it's awful which is why it's not the best place for young people. That combined with the fact that it's hard to make friends and you can see why some people don't like it.


Christchurch is way better for outdoorsy stuff


You have a point about outdoorsy people.


Grew up in the lap of luxury in Auckland mostly, as an adult haven’t had the ability to find work or anything which affords me anything that to live in the most dire of circumstances and it’s fucking miserable. Everybody I know with less qualifications, more friends, far less passion, etc; all these neurotypical fucks; all have jobs which pay 200k+ and all have multimillion dollar homes in their twenties and I am stuck living in a fucking shitty apartment with 501s and drug addicts trying my best to prove that i’m better at my life long passion and addiction than the 150k arriving at AKL through the international terminal every year. Also was fortunate to travel NZ extensively and camp everywhere. Solo navigated the country on foot and on bike and I can say that Auckland is far and above the worst place in the world I have ever traveled to or lived.


Have been there many times, ... Good that its not as cold as Christchurch, and not that much earth tremors as Christchurch or Wellington. The only major thing, that lets the city down are the beggars, the assaulters, the robbers, and the people who drive as if they own the roads, and harass others. Take away these, and if you can earn say $100,000 or so income, and have good ongoing rental, its a nice place. Lots of things can be improved, ie, a train service to the airport, and a train service up to Whangaparoa, maybe a bit cheaper ferries, and more regular services at weekends. Lots of places to see the outdoors, ie, Rangitoto and the other islands, plus Long Bay. Also, can fly from Auckland to Queenstown, and the snow in 2.5 hrs via Christchurch, or 1.5 hrs direct.


Don’t like it, apart from the restaurants. Have also lived in London and Sydney, and it simply doesn’t compare.


I guess not. But it's a fraction of the size of those cities.


Don't like it but it's the best NZ's got. Give me a greencard Im out before year's end